JulU'JJiUltJ' mmim The Times-Gerald U The Largtit ClrcuUllon Of Any Newapaptr In Iturnry County. SATURDAY, AUGUST 3. 1912 Local News. Every thine for linying Shelley's. Florahcim Shoes arc thoboat we carry them. Schenk & Williams. A. M. Lara of Bend was reffis- tered at the French hotel Wed nesday. Winona wagons nro the best. For sale by Ilarriman Mercantile Co. Cleaning and Pressing neatly done by Schenk & Williams. Second hand saddles of all kinds at S helley's Shop, $12 and up. v Miss Drusa Dodson is enjoying a visit from her cousin, Miss Marie Beach of Portland. For Sale Black Percheron Stallion, 5 years old in spring. Good papers. Claude McGee. Miss Helen Purington is down from the mill where she has been spending a part of her vncntion with her parents. Ask my customers whether I do satisfactory repair work or not the price too. W. B. Shel ley, the harness and saddle man, Mrs. A. Venter was in the city for a few days this week consult ing her physician. She is im proved and has returned home. The regular monthly meeting of the Commercial Club will be held next Tuesday evening. Im portant matters will come up for consideration. 29HHMHMNNHMMMMHHHHHHMHMHHBMMNiMNawfNMMMMMMi Banking Business J Thru The i iMi llll rv r.rt i ii i i KAK JL A JLJL 1 JSLJk. Ur Burns Pavs In Many Ways from C. J. R. Stinson of the Oregon & Western Colonization Co., left yesterday morning for Prineville. He was accompanied home by Mrs. Frank Johnson and daughter. ., . ., : X 111. V. LUUKU Ul IUU UHIUUUl- ing firm of Cooper & Dodge left this morning for the Agency and Harper ranches of the P. L. S. Co. to do some work. Frank Go wan vacation trip to the Blue Moun tains. He did some work while absent but most of the time was taken up in the huckleberry patch. We do job printing right kind W. H. Morrison was in the city yesterday. Best canned corn $3.25 a case Ilarriman Mercantile Co. Water bags 90 cents each at J. C. Welcome & Son's. A large stock of wall paper at Lunaburg, Dalton & Co's. Booms to let. furnished or un furnished. See Mrs. E. F. Ro berts at the White Restaurant. Satisfied customers and an in creasing business speak for them- is home from ;. ' selves W. B. Shelley, the har- M The rain storms of this week have done considerable more damage than good. They have delayed haying and spoiled hay that was down and the hard rains and wind have knocked down considerable grain. Mrs. Alex Hanley and babies are home from a visit with her parents in the Willamette Valley. Her sister, Mrs. Marvin McGee was also with her but is coming in from Bend with Marvin who met her with a team. Henry Hamilton has been over from Diamond since the first of this week to consult his physician for a troublesome wound on his hand. He is improving and able to be out on the street and quar rel with "Daddy" Byrd and other old cronies. ness and saddle man. Mr. E. N. Strong, will sing at the morning service of the Pres byterian church tomorrow. He is reported to bo a fine singer, so don't miss the service. Those defiant moth proof chests at Clevcnger's are just what you are looking for. They are the best piece of furniture you could invest in. Foil Sale Wood or posts in the timber, or here in town. Leave orders at Lunaburg. Dal ton Co. or Schwartz's. Satisfac tion guaranteed. Frank Jackson. A match race has been arrang ed fnr tomorrow at the fair grounds between Chas. Bedell's "Seventy" and Joe Cavenuer'a colt. It will be a quarter mile dash for a side bet There will also be a saddle horse race. A small admission will bo charged at the gate. BKHHnHanHBHBnHHHHH- Things Needed Right now For Hot Weather Wear Why not bo comfort nblo during tho suinmor when it costs no more? You know tho reputation of our Htorefor giving value. You know that for ovory dollar you leave with usyou got a dollars worth of service and Hiitisfnetion. That meaiiH something! Underwear and Hosiery All Styles all sizes all prices. Holoproof hosiery guaranteed six months. For men (J pairs for $l..r0 0 pairs for $2.00 For Women (I pairs $2.00. Six pairs for $.1.00 For The Children 0 pairs for $2.00 Poros Knit Underwear For Gentlemen Shirts and Nifty Neckwear .lust received a shipment of now, nobby shirts and ties which will please you. Our last shipment direct from tho factory has just been unpacked for your ap proval. Latest styles, shades mid patterns. Select Line of Shoes Any style, shape or size. If you nro going to got a pair, don't fail to see what WIO huvo to offer you. When in town, come around, and visit with us. I. SCHWARTZ riasonic Buildin Burns, Oregon Vulcanizing at Gcmberling's Dave Miller and E. P. Rey nolds are in tho city. Best (lour (guarantee) $8.60 bbl. Ilarriman Mercantile Co. Best in quality; lowest in price at Welcome & Son's Harness shop. Some choice bargains in second hand saddles at Shelley's. Burns Flour $1.75 sack. $7.00 bbl. Sold by Burns Merchants. Water bags 90 cents each at J. C. Welcome & Son's. We have everything carried m a first class up to date Harness shop. J. C. Welcome & Son. Any new harness bought from mo will be kept in repair for n year free of charge W. B. Shel ley. Puro bred Berkhiro pigs for feeding, seed rye for early sow ing, also some fine young bird dogs for sale. Dr. Hibbard. Hoy Bunynrd has established a lumber yard in Harney and is prepared to fill orders there es pecially for rough lumber. ' James Fellows went out to Portland on Thursday. He has disposed of his interests in this city and expects to locate at some other point and engage in business. Henry Goodlow and wife arc homo from an extended visited to Portland and other outside points. They had a very enjoy able vacation visit with relatives and friends. Buy a Farm and make it pay for itself. The choice farm ing lands of Harney County. For sale on small payment and ten years time at 4 per cent in terest. The lands of the Harney Valley Improvement Company are on tho market on these terms without reservation. First ap plicant gets his choice. 37 MOTIIEUSIIEAD & DONEGAN. E. N. Strong, agency manager of the Oregon Life Insurance Co., arrived hero accompanied by his wife from Lakovlew the first of this week, Mr. Strong's head quarters arc in Portland but ho spends more or less time in tho field with local agents. Ho will bo hero for a few days with E. C. Eggleston of this district. Dr. II. M. Horton and wife, M. Horton and family and Mrs. E. M. Horton mother of tho boys, arrived homo Thursday from Portland and other coast points. Both Marion and his wife have been in tho hospital at Portland and each return enjoying better health. Tho mother camo up from her homo in California and met her sons in Portland, coming on with them for a viBit Mrs. II. A. Hunt of St. Louis, Mo., and J. W. Garrett of Atch ison, Kan., sister and brothor of J. II. Garrett, tho old ploneor stock man of Emigrant Creek, are hero on u visit. Mr. Garrett has been seriously ill and tho vis it of his relatives, whom ho had not seen for years, was a most J agreeablo surprise to him. Thoy arc all at tho Cummins hospital I in this city where Mr. Garrott is I convalescing. E. J. Sizemoro- was over his farm honlo tljis w.cok. Good leather l'mrrieBS at !. Welcome & Soli's for $27.00 Water bngs 90 cents each at J. C. Wolcomo & Son's. You should inspect tho fino ns: fiortment of Vall Papor at Luna burg, Dalton & Co's. ' A. E. Murphy and family are registered at tho French hotel. If you want Bago brush grub bod writo E. E. Larson, Bums, Oregon. Remember W. A. Goodman (h prepared to roll your barley, halo hay and saw wood. 87 Rough and dressed lumbor of all kinds now on hand at tho Williams Bros. Saw Mill. Rough lumber $1G per thousand. Piano for snlo or trado for cat tle or good gentle work horses. Inquiro of W. W. Drinkwnter, of Burns. In order to meet the price of Flour hauled in from the It. R. the Burns Flour Milling Co have reduced (lour to $7.00 bbl. Stiuyed Light bay work1! mare branded iM connected on left stiile, weighs about I'M, Liberal roward. J. H. Buhyard, Burns, Oregon. Mrs. J. R. Gould and her nieces, (laughters of Ira Boyce, left Wednesday for John Day yhero Mrs. Gould will visit for a time. Any court would grant a di vorco to tho woman whose hus band refused to buy her ono of thoso fircle8s cookers at Clevcn ger's. Your wife should not bo com pelled to stand over a hot cook stove this kind of weather. Get her ono of thoso firelcss cookers at Clevcnger's. Go and see them. Farm For Salo 100 acres, all fenced; GO acres in cultivation; now 7 room house, small barn and other out build- .ings. Running strcnm thru it greater part of tho year. Good grain or hay land and well situ ated; excellent bottom land for fanning. Can givo In connec tion a relinquishment to home stead of 100; a desert claim of 80 ncrcs, all joining. Price $21500, including desert relin quishment. For particulars in quiro at this office. ADDITIONAL LOCALS. Vulcanizing nt Gcmberling's. Fresh homo made lard 17c. Hansen's Meal Market. at Crcmo and duccd. Sold chants. Graham Flour re by Burns Mer- Mrs. Miller is at tho I. Schwartz Busy Corner with a full lino of spring millinery and is constantly adding to the stock which will be kept up all during the season. Tho occasional showers during the week have been a benefit to grain but interfered with haying. They have also cooled olf tho air and made the weather more bearable for those who havo to stay at home and work. Mr. W. S. Gunsalus, a farmer living near Fleming, Pa., says he has used Chamberlain's Colic', Cholera and Diarrhoea Rcme.dj; in his family for fourteen year!, and that he has found it to be an excellent remedy, and takes pleasure in recommending it. For sale by all Dealers. 'A gasolino lamp exploded in the Young Meat Market Wed nesday that threatened a con flagration. Prompt action on the part of the people near Baved the situation. The fire depart ment was there in short order but tho engines were not need ed. It was another narrow escape from a disastrous fire. C. B. Smith, at present agont for tho Kellog State line at Vale, was here for a fow days this week, having como over to look after his interests nt Princeton and visit a short timo with friends. Mr. Smith is enjoying tho best health ho has had for years and his friends are plcasqd to see him looking so well. II. K. Donnelly, an attache of the State Engineer's oflico, who was here for soveral weeks dur ing the flood period taking mea surements and making maps for tho state preliminary to tho ad judication to bo held by the state board, arrived here' yesterday. Ho will remain until after tho hearing of tho water cases set for the latter part of this monjth, J. It. Wlicclcr went olit to tho farm of J. E. Sizemorp ifuesdny and finished up tho installation of his light and heating plnYt't. Mr. Sizemoro now has ono of tho most modern homes in tho state, a fino stono residonco with run ning water, an electric light plant to which is also attached other conveniences such as an iron, electric fan, cook stgve, and other labor saving devices, all run by a motor with water power. Mr. Wheeler states Mr. Sizemoro is well pleased with his plant. It may bo of interest to tho friends of C. E. Kcnyon and Dr. Prinzing to learn that thoy and their families aro gliding along smoothly in their nutos toward Logan Vnlloy, whoro thoy start ed a fow days ago for an outing, Lyto Howard says ho has just heard from them, and that tho Doctor was busily engaged in pulling Mr. Kenyon's nuto up tho mountain with a ropo, having mado tho climb with his machine and was trying to snako tho other car up, traction cngino stylo. Ontario Democrat. Try a !15c chicken dinner from G:U0 to 7:00 p. m. ovory Sunday. at the Cottage Inn. Recollections of tho quality of Welcome's" Harness nnd Saddles remain long after tho prlco iB forgotten. Tho Cottago Inn serves nn ex cellent chicken dinner for 35c every Sunday afternoon from 5:80 to 7:00. We are selling agents for the Hnrnoy Valley Improvement Company lands, the choice lands of a 200,000 ncro tract These lands aro on the market on n ten year payment plan. If you want a good iarm, investigate these lands and terms. 37 , MOTIIEUSIIEAD & DONEGAN. Heury Dalton nnd family have gone to the Purington mill to camp for a time, their little son Harold being affected with sum mer complaint Tho little man improved immedintey upon their arrival in the mountains. Later they were joined by Mr. and Mrs. Alma Davis who also have a sick child and nil aro reported im proving. Fred Williams and Miss Toiley Johnson wore married in Port land on July 22 and are expected homo tho first of next week. Both are well known hero where thoy had resided since childhood and aro very popular. Mr. Wil liams is one of our substantial liusiuess men and his bride the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. JohnBon. They went on a short trip to tho seaside after tho cere mony. They will reccivo a warm welcome on their arrival here where they will make their home. 'Frank S. Miller nnd wife, ac companied by tho lattcr's uncle nnd family. Mr. and Mrs. Dolph Carlton and Bon, arrived here last Tuesday and are at present nt tho Wilson homo in tho coun try. The party mado tho trip from Southern Oregon in their enrs, stopping enrouto to camp nnd have a good timo nt places. They spent a few days on tho Deschutes and the Times-Herald family was treated to a fine big trout as a result Mr. Carlton was in this country many years ago and sees quite a change. They will remain hero for nn in- definate time, Frank desiring to be here at the time of the SUito Water Board hearing of rights to water on Silvies River. They will spend tho interval visiting their many old time friends nnd relatives. Asks Transfer of Wafer Rights Hearing. The Pacific Live Stock Co. has asked tho hearing of water rights of Silvies River transferred from tho state board to tho federal court, according to a Salem dis patch published in the Journal. This tnovo will bo resisted by the smnllcr water users as it would cause much nddilional expense for them to defend their rights. Tho rights should first bo deter mined by the state hoard and if the litigants aro not satisfied ap peal man be taken. This is the equitable way and The Times Herald hopes such a course will he persucd in justice to tho small user. Tho dispatch says: Abolition from Edwin F. Troifilwoll, nttornoy for tho Paci fie Livestock Company of Cali fornia, was received today by tho state board of control, re questing removal of the adjudi cation of tho waters of tho Sil vies river in Hnrnoy County, from tho state board of control to tho federal court On the other hand a strong protest from tho water users association of that district has also been receiv ed by tho board of control. For tho first timo this raises the question, whether the state hoard of control is a judicial body or only administrative. In tho past tho board has been working un der the iiBsumntion thnt it was only administrative, in which case a petition for the removal of tho case would be ignored, but if the body is judical then the act of filing the petition auto matically transfers the adjudica tion case to tho federal court for hearing. State engineer Lewis is looking up tho law. Tho livestock company con tends a federal question is in volved, as it is a foreign corporation. OUR SELF-IDENTIFYING Traveler's Checks Are Good The Wide World Over Before You Start on that vacation, call at this bank nnd let us fix you up with Self-Identifying Travlcr's Checks and Letters of Credit, You will find these the greatest of aid in your travels. This method of carrying funds is by far the safest way and are available anywhere. We also issue Foreign Drafts for the safe and prompt transmission of funds to foreign countries. Consult us before starting on your trip. HARNEY COUNTY MATTONAL BANK Two mowing machines, a Dain Buck and rako for sale. See Geo. Fiy. Hum, Oitton, l.l.l No OfltO. NOTICE KOU I'UHUOATION. UxiTicn Statm I.akii Drrli llurm, urrtnn, July . 1912 Notice li hcrotir Klron that lllrmn M. II k mil Ion, lir ('. K. Moulton, atturnrr In fart, whoie PniUiltlca mlilrrM la llui Wilcox HuIIiIImk, trtlan1.0rrtnii,lia. thu aMh dor nt Jnlr.1914, rti ma application hi ecirfttui niv1lnlh! )rcio offl KTSCi E. HUSTON- J General Groceries c Select Cun Goods, Fancy Groceries, Dried Fruits, Tobacco, Confectionary, Coal OH, Feed, Grain and Produce Special Inducements Given On Big Orders J iltr thiirolaloniol the act n( Coiiffreae, ai- prenyl Juno I, 1.37, tho HK'.Httt., HV HK'.. Bed 31. T '.lib.. II III K.. W. M.ftouthfll Mat haur !.ae, ami l.ot 3 anil HK'iNtt ' Kcc (!, T 1WH.. It 31 E, . M. Any ahil all iieraona clalmln. aiUinrr In lamli ijcactlbol, or Uralrlnit to oMi-ct tcaiie I (he minetat rhaiarler nf I ho land, nr fori an, other tvaann. to Iho illajtirtal to applicant, j aliouM flit their aftMali of . oirat In Ihli I oftlct. on or In-fur the 7lh uy l September, H1J. Wh, Kianr, lU'xUtcr 1 Mitt publication Aucuiti, 1113 l.att publication cteinbtr 7, 1'JIS. I YOU HAYMAKERS HISTORY REPEATS ITSELF The sworn statements of Life Insurance Companies on file at tho State Insurnnco Department, Salem, show that In 1901), 1010, 1911, Oregon Life tho Only Life Insurnnco Company Exclusively Oregon, sold more policies in Oregon than any other company. In 1912 Oregon Life is surpass ing nil its previous records. BEST FOR OREGONIANS E. C. EaaLESTON, !J5 Agent. NOTICH FOIt IUHMOATION. UNITKU HTATK8 LAND OrTUlK. Ilurna, Oreion, Juljr K, 1VI2.I Notldi f hereby given thai Marxartt A.Tapp, ol llurm, OrrKOn, who, on March "A, 1010, mails llMi-rt l.aml IJulrv. No W-Wl, for HUSK;;, Htc '!, HW'i ami HUHK'i, Biclton33, TuwnMittM 8., Itangu III K Willamette Merlillau, liaa Hloil iittllro of Intention to makn final proof to labllih claim to the lauil aliove Ucicrlhct, be fnrolho ItritUirr ami Itecclrcr, at Hurni, Ore ion, on llitiinih ilajrol Annul, ItW. t'laiutant namra at urltneiifi: Waller 0 lloililar. Walter II. IMder, F. Tomlln. Ira I. Moci.tr, all of llurnt, Oiriou WM.Faaai, llrgltttr. llurm, Oregon, I lit No OcViVj. NOTIOK KOlt IHJnhlCATION. Unitkh Htat Latin Orrli it Hum i, Droion, July 'l&, Notice, la h reliy nlvcu that llltam M iwi Ham ilton, hy I K Moiillon, attorney In fact, wlmtu l I no I mitiijilcv fddrtaa la llfri llullillni, ortlaml, Ori'Kon. haa tlill 2.MI1 day of July. I1M3 flit I In tliTaomcthla application to teleot iimlcr tho rrovlilunn of the Acini Conire, approteil June , 1117, the loltl audi anil HUNK' J, Heo. (I, T 7 H It. SI K W. M. Any ami all pertoni rlaltnlux adversely the landtdeacilbed. or dtalrlnittn object became 01 the mineral 1 luractxrul tliulatid, liu laud, or for any other reaaou, to tlio dlipoial to applicant, houlil llli their aflUlatlUnf proteil luthti oillco. nn or before the 7lh day ol riepltmher, IUIJ, Wu Kauai, Itrjlitcr. Kltat publication AlljUit a 11)13 I nut publication Hepteu)lier7 191'i Ilurut OreKon, Mat No GA2.VI. NOTION KOH I'UHLIOATION UMTin TATte l.tripOrrici, ( Ilurna, Oreion, July S, 1913) Notice la hereby ltu that llltam M. Ham llton, byl K Moulton. attorney In lact, aliom poatoffito addrra la lltrj AIIhix IuiIIiIIdk, I'orlland, (Irrriiii, haa thin 2 th day of Jul), 1913, riled In tola nrncohli application t,o aetcct undorthr provtiiona of thr act ot i ougriaa, approved June i, 197, the NKJhcc. 7. T J7 . H..1K.. M. Any and all pcriom claiming ndrcirfly the landtrietcrlU-d. or drHrlui loohivcl N'cauio of Ike mlnoral character of the land, or Jor any otbtr rcaiou, to the illiioial to applicant, ibould file their nmdavlta of nroteat In this ofnce.ouor before lhi7lh dayofscptembcr,l9l2 Wu. Pahhk, Heritor Flrat publication Auguita, liiu, l-at publication Peptriniwr 7, 1912. lluri'i, Oregon, i.ut Nn M2M. NOTIOIC FOU I'UHLIOATION. UNtTKIISTATKS I.ANIIOFFK'K,) llurm, Urciiou, July 2 l"l:. Notice la heretiv cUeuthat Hiram if Main llton, bye K. Moulton, attorney In fart whom tioiiomct addreai Is 1103 Wilcox ItuUdinic, Portland. Oreion. haathla Willi day of July, 1912, filed In thlaotflco hit app Icatlon to fclivt under tho provlaiuna of the Attof rnngrcM, approved Juno 4, 1i7, the KUNWlj, NKi.ftt". NW t.SK'., tc 7, T J7 H . ranito 31 !.. W M Any and all peraotia claiming advcrat.y tliu launa near! 1111, or iieairing to onjoct wi auie of the mluernt character of the laud, or for any other rraton, to the dlaponal to applicant, ahoiild Ale their affidavits of proteit In thla otllce, on or Mfore tho 7th day ot cptew!r. 1913. Wm.Fakhk, Ktgliter, Flrat publication Alimi.t 3 loll. UttiiubllcatlouHepteinlwr7, 1912. Come FOR Mowers, Rakes, Bucks, Sickles, Ropes, Pulleys Hay Forks, Extras etc. FARMERS Orenco Fruit Trees ARE THE BEST TREES TO PLANT IN HARNEY COUNTY Orcnco's One-Yenr-Old Trees, with Three-Yenr-Old Roots, in Apple, Penrs, Peaches, Plums nnd Prunes, nre Four to Six Feet High, with Heavy Caliper, and Strong Roots. Orenco trees are grown under "Natural Condi tions;" they ARE NOT irrigated. If you intend plnnting any trees this Fall; drop us n line, giving a list of what you want, and we'll gladly quote prices. WE WANT a reliable, encr- jetic person to represent our trees in Harney County. A lib eral proposition will be made to the right man. Oregon Nursery Company Tho 1200 Acre Nurnory Orcncc, - . Oregon REMEMBER I Can and Will Satisfy Your Wants In The Harness and Saddle Line. My Motto is "Right Prices and Best Quality" and it will pay you to call and see me. Special attention given to repair work. W. B. SHELLEY Hlssner Building, Burns. Oregon Before Harvest Perhaps You Need New Binders, Threshers, Plows, Discs, Wagons, Gas or Oil Tractors, Belts, Oils Etc. WE SELL IT ALL ear Remember The Place -rat Geer & Cummins THE OLD STAR SALOON BRENTON & HICKS, Props. Old and neui patrons mill find best brands Wines, iLiqiiors, and Cip-ars Good JService, Cour'eous Treatment OROP 5M IVIain Street Burns, Oregon The Sawhill Transportation Go. Will Haul Your Heavy and Light Freight xpress and Baggage II At Tho LOWEST RATES And With lite GREATEST CARE SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO RUSHORDERS See Us For Particulars as to Rates and Service