The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, July 27, 1912, Image 2

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l'iB'1 I '- ----'"" -
That Is What You Want
And That
We have nil kinds of plain nnd
fancy, in the Intest correct styles. You
will find they never rip or tear with any
thing like careful laundering. Seeing is
believing. Come in and have a look at
our complete stock just unpacked.
Come to us for your new hat and
we guarantee to suit both your taste and
pocket-book. We have all of the new
stylish shapes and shades on the market.
Our hats not only look well but wear
well, and for the price, can't be excelled
Some of the Finest Fruit Erer Seen la
Harney County kt The Crow Camp
Farm of W. II. Robin Trees Leaded
And Fruit Coing To Waste.
Call and See Us, Whether You Buy op Not
k kvt Merchant Tailors & Leading Clothiers j
Main Street
O. F. Building, Burns, Oregon
She Siraca-ltoCd.
On Yr
SU Month.
TfctM Month
The next event on the program
for importance will be the county
fair. No pains or efforts should
be spared to make this the big
gest and best fair ever pulled o(T
in Harney county, and if all pull
together there is no reason why
this connot be accomplished. We
should also try to make it espe
cially attractive to every rancher
and stockman in the country,
and for this reason we suggest
that special programs of a varie
ty to suit all be prepared that
will interest the old time ranch
er, cow boy, new farmer and the
school children. Such are under
consideration by the board. It
is intended to have "wild west
stunts" in which the horse men
may take part, a special school
day and Supt Breithaupt's com
munity farm league will also
have a special program arranged
'almost completely" paralyzed be-
' ing able to move but ono arm.
! Later the paralysis has become
1 complete and he is unable to
move his arms or limbs. They
are bringing him in for medical
treatment and the Doctor fears
he has a broken back and may
never recover, although it is
stated he has a bad bruise on the
head which may have caused
temporary paralysis. Mr. Sibley
is a new comer to this section,
having recently settled on land
in Catlow Valley and is a man
about 50 years old.
Fish Eggs Received.
The several thousand fish eggs
promised by State Game Warden
Finley were received yesterday
and today were taken up' near
the R. J. McKinnon place where
they will be placed for hatching.
Allen Forward, an experienced
man, accompanied the shipment
of eggs and will remain here in
charge of the hatchery until such
time as they arc ready to turn
out or local people interested
have been shown how to care for
the young fish.
I Mr. Finley will a little later
send in several dozen pair of
I China pheasants to the Rod and
that will
nrove heneticial to tne I
QiifforodHnna nro in or- : anU
Wouldn't it be beastly for La
Follette or some other fellow to
step in and take the nomination
of that third party away from
the Colonel. In such a case there
would be more theives and
another party necessary.
You have our sincere sympathy
if you are one of those unfortu
nate beings who believe that
every man is wrong who does
not agree with you.
Choice Farm Lands
Are Restored To Entry
The local land office has re
ceived notice that a large body of
good agricultural land formerly
withdrawn under the second form
of entry under the act of Juno
17th. 1906. to settlement. The
land is situated on Silver Creek
and will be subject to entry after
October 4th, 1912. The descrip
tion of the lands affected follew:
Tp. 22 S., Range 25, E all
sections 2 to 36, inclusive.
Tp. 23 S., Range 25, E., all
Tp. 22 S Range 26 E., sec
tions 1 to 3 and 7 to 36 inclusive.
Tp. 23 S Range 20 E., all
Tp. 23 S., Range 27 E., all of
This land is under the Silver
Creek irrigation project and will
be a part of the system when in
stalled, therefore very desirable.
Gun Club which will be cared for
liberated at an opportune
time. Some of these birds will
be liberated at once but about
half will be kept in captivity by
members of the Club until a
more favorable time, perhaps un
til next spring. Several have
stated they would care for a few
pair at their home until it was
thought best to liberate them.
There will also be a shipment
of Bas3 to the Club which will
be turned into the streams of this
county. It is stated these fish
are not hard to ship and as they
are particularly adapted to the
streams of this section it will
take but a short time to Btock
them well.
BonN-Yesterday. July 26, to
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Egli, a daughter.
Henry Jennings is bringing in
some of the finest strawberries
ever raised in this section.
Picture show at Tonawatna
tonight and tomorrow night.
Admission 25 and 15 cents.
Bokn This morning, at the
home of W. T. Lester in this
city, a daughter to Mr, and Mrs.
Mrs. Grover Jameson and Mrs.
Chester Dalton are out at the
home of their parents, Judge and
Mrs. Thompson, on a visit.
Mesdames Fish and Tofanelli,
formerly Bonnie and Grace How
ard, are in the city visiting old
time friends. They both reside
in the vicinity of San Francisco,
Mr. Fish being employed with
the railroads and Mr. Tofanelli.iH
in the wholesale grocery business.
The girls came to Ontario somo
two weeks ago and visited their
father, Lyte Howard and then
came to Calamity to Bee their
half-brothers and sister, the
children of the late John McKin
non, who are at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Thos. Cleveland. The
children John, Eva
horses ran away dragging hlm'an( Max are over with them to
some distance and when howas'Bee Burns after an absence of
picked up it was found ho was many years.
Man Dangerously Hurt.
This morning Dr. Griffith was
called up on the phono and told
that a man named Sibley had
been dangerously hurt yesterday
evening at the Diamond ranch of
the Wm. Hanlev Co. He was
driving a team to a buck and the j McKinnon
(Continued from page 1.)
given proper encouragement,
and these arc given a chance.
Governor West says also there
are men . in prison who should
never be allowed out as they are
degenerates and confirmed crimi
nals. There should be n law, he
thinks, to keep such men locked
They have started many ways
of employing convict labor since
he has been in the executive
chair that arc proving a great
saving to the state besides giving
the men employment where they
sharo to a certain extent in the
profits, and this is not placed on
the market in competition with
free labor, but confined entirely
to furnishing state institutions.
They now have tin shops, black
smith shops, a furnituro factory,
make mattresses, etc., which arc
used in the state institutions thus
saving a large amount of money.
In concluding his talk Gover
nor West insisted thnt there was
no politics In the matter; he is
sincere in doing the very best he
can for the people of this state
and is not a candidate for re
election, therefore is not playing
politics. He wants to see the
vast territory in the interior de
velop and will do all in his power
toward it He left Thursday
morning on his horse to resume
his journey, which he is making
at easy stages, and expects to
reach Boise about next Monday.
He will not return on horseback
but as he puts it "both he and
his little mare will ride back home
on cushions."
Governor West was the same
fellow among his friends in
Burns as before hs was elected
and he mingled freely with tho
"boys" on the street nnd at his
hotel while in Burns, showing
his strong hold on their friend
ship and respect by his manner
of greeting and conduct. Ho is
tremendously popular with the
people who admire his straight
forwardness and sincere purpose
of doing right regardless of cri
ticism or what the people think.
The Times-Herald had some
pictures of tho Governor taken
out on the road before ho reach
ed Burns and after his arrival.
When ho called at this office and
saw tho pictures that Mr. Heck
had taken and was told they
were not just what we wanted
he had his saddle animal brought
out nnd posed again nt tho curb
by The Times-Herald building
and we have u fine picture that
will later appear in the papers.
Jim Mahon was also photograph
ed with tho Governor on the
mule which he rode out to meet
him, The Governor also had a
picture of himself and saddle an
imal taken in front of the French
hotel with a thick bank of hop
vines as a background.
,Frmik M. Johnson, local repre
sentative of tho Oregon & West
ern Colonization Co., lias just re
turned from n trip to tho eastern
part of tho Valley nnd says ho
saw tho greatest fruit prospocts
nt the homo of W. H. Robbina at
Crow Camp ho has over witness
cd in thnt section. Mr. Johnson
states that tho trees nro Bimply
loaded with fruit and nro taking
all tho time of ono man proping
them up and thinning tho fruit
Mr. Robins also has a big crop of
liny nnd grain which is demand
ing his nttcntion and as n conse
quence liia fruit crop is suffering.
His cherries nro going to waste
for lack of timo to take caro of
them, oven tho ns many as six
or moro fnmilics have been com
ing each day to pick them nnd
take them nway.
This is ono of tho oldest or
chards in the Vnlloy and thcro la
a great variety of f ruit Apples,
pears, peaches, chceries, plums,
prunes, apricots, mulberries, etc
All tho trees arc loaded with
fruit and Mr. Johnson considers
it tho greatest prospect ho lias
seen. He is very anxious for
the committee togottogother for
the purposo of securing exhibits
for tho fair as now is the time
to begin such work. lie says
the fellows who stay in town
don't know what they havo right
nt their very door and advises
them to get out in tho country
and see what their neighbors ore
Drewsey To Hold
Fair And Race Meet
posed to amend the chatter to ,
make such provision Bhould tho '
voters decide to Inter. I
Every other' town of riny size
has water Works and vb should
not only linve a good Byatent for
city water but also sewerage.
These aro necessary to tho health
nnd growth of tho city and wo
must proparo for growth. From
present reports tho entire lower
part of this vnlloy is one vnst oil
field whoro it will bo impossiblo
to establish a town that white
men inhabit for thoy can hnyo
no wntor fit for domestic pur
poses and since oil will bo bo
cheap overy bond holder in tho
oil fioldfl will have an auto and
that means Burns will bo their
place of residence, therefore it 1b
up to Burns to tako advantage
of tho opportunity presented.
Bend recently voted bonds for
n sower system nnu uikovicw
has tho matter up for n voto
with overy indication for its be
ing put in. Burns is going to
tako tho matter up at onco nnd
tho election to bo held nextTucs-
day is for tho purposo of amend
ing the charter to make such
possible. With ovcrything fav
orable to tho installation of wat
er and sower Bystem, tho per
manency of tho town, its fnvora
ble location and reasonable cost of
instillation wo should get ready
for the future that is in store for
this city as one of tho lnrgcst
and best in the entire Eastern
Oregon country.
The Times-Herald was called
by phono from Drewsey this week
nnd informed thnt the people of
Drewsey were going to hold a
rnco meet, political rally and ng
ricultural fair at that place the
week proceeding tho county fair
nt Burns. C. W. Dnnkwatcr
asked for information respecting
tho dates here, outlined what his
little city wanted to do. It is
the purpose to hold this fair just
ahead of tho county fair in order
that the products gathered may
be kept in tact and moyed over.
About $000 will be given in
purses lor races una Jfibo in
premiums for agricultural exhib
its, the latter to bo brought here
and entered under tho usual rules
and taken out with other Harney
county products to tho land shows
and for the exhibition cars of
the railroad. A big political rnly
is also scheduled lor Drewsey
during this week.
The Times-Herald hopes that
all will take an interest in the
coming fairs as we are going to
have competition when our pro
ducts nro sent out Both Crook
nnd Malheur counties nro gath
ering exhibits for this purpose
and we should not be outclassed
when we havo tho products to
show. The fair Association will
assist in gathering these exhibits
as will also tho Commercial Club
and tho Colonization Co. All
that the farmer is asked to do is
to Havo his best products for this
purpose and let those who are in
the field know of them and as
sist in getting them to the fair
grounds in proper shape. Tho
expense of getting these exhib
its to the railroad and transported
to the land shows has been ar
ranged for and we Bhould do our
part in order to show Harney
county as ono of the best agri
cultural sections of the vast in
Small Blaze Wednesday -
Chuuncy Cummins loft tho first
part of this week for Westfall in
company with his son Frank.
II. G. Wilson, in charge of In
dian affairs in this state, left
Thursday for his headquarters at
Roseburg after looking over tho
Indian lands here.
Tho Harney country certainly
is fortunate. Exceptional crop
prospects, grain, fruit vegetables,
new oil discoveries, tho railroad
building in nnd everyono prosperous.
A fire alarm was turned in
Wednesday morning nbout 10:30
and tho fire boys responded
promptly but whon It was dis
covered where it was they found
their equipment of no avail. A
small woodshed at tho McGce re
sidence in Morrison's addition
where Mr. Chezem lives caught
fire and burned down. It caught
from a fire in somo trash that
Mr. Chezem was burning. This
is a reminder that wo need better
fire protection. Tho apparatus
is of littlo avail at any distance
from tho cisterns on main street
and should some of tho hand-
Bomo and expensive residences
catch on firo out any distance it
is almost suro they would bo de
stroyed under present conditions.
This is another evidence of tho
need of provision being made for
us to install a water eystom that
Is adequate. Water works would
not bo a burden to any property
owner, but rather ennanco tno
value of his property. This
should be remembered at tho
coming election whon It is pro-
If you want sago brush grub
bed write E. E. Larscn, Burns,
Farm For Sale
160 acres, all fenced; 50 acres
in cultivation; new 7 room house,
small barn and other out build
ings. Running stream thru it
greater part of tho year. Good
grain or hay land and well situ
ated; excellent bottom lnnd for
farming. Can givo in connec
tion a relinquishment to home
stead of ICO; a desert claim of
80 acres, all joining. Price
$3500, Including desert relin
quishment For particulars in
quire at this office.
Notice is hereby given that
there are sufficient funds in tho
county treasury to redeem all
Harney county warrants up to
Nov. 6, 1911. Interest censes
on nil such warrants July 10,
Simon Lewis,
Treasurer of Harney County.
Tho sworn BtntcmentB of Life
Insurance Companies on file at
tho State Insurance Department,
Salem, show that In 1909, 1910,
1911, Oregon Life tho Only Life
Insurance Company Exclusively
Oregon, sold moro policies in
Oregon than any other company.
In 1912 Oregon Life is surpass
ing all its previous records
E. C. Egglkston,
35 Agent
Fou Sale -Black Percheron
Stallion, 5 years old in spring.
Good papers. Claudo McGeo.
Vulcanizing at Gemberling's.
We Claim to have one of the Greatest Dress
Stocks of Ginghams in this part ol the state-it's
a hobby with us this season. We have a wond
erful assortment and the very best makes- we
I Want You To See Them
iiiiiiwi MiimiiMW " """ iMMHimii ii ii m 1 1 mi n i mil whmhi
Lnrgo Assortment Of
Liulk'H King Tailored
Waists, Mil? Bull or Kind
And Prices llnngo r-Yom
.75 ctH to S'J.HO
Tub Dresses
OurTiib Dresses Arc
Kspeeinlly Suited For
Hummer Wenr nl very
Modem! e I'rieoN
Our Displny of Klaxons
For Summer Dresses in
ICxelushennd thin in the
Dross thai (iionYoii the
rlenniuMTOol appearance.
Til X3CO-O.SJO Off &jL&Llty
Wntor hags IX) cents each nt .1.
C. Welcome & Son's.
Dry sluh and pine wood $0.50
nnd $7.00 per cord, cash only nt!
Lumber ynrd.
Clay Clemens mill i'm the near-
est one to Burns where all kinds
of lumber both rough nnd dress- j
cd can be had. Near Canyon !
road. Call him by 'phone.
Lost- In the vicinity of Nnr-,
rows, one buy horse, weight
1GO0. one black mare weight
1500. Finder please notify H. L.
Hnss, Narrows, Oregon.
1 section, G10 acres, level un
improved sage brush land in
Harney Valley. canboHiibirrignt
ed. 1G0 acre tract, fenced, good
house deep well nnd otherwise
improved. Prices made to Biiit in
tending Bottlers. No speculators
neednpply. Inquire nt this oflicc.
1 TH E
Welcome Pharmacy
Ice Cream, Candy, Confectionery,
Soda Water, Cigars, Tobacco, . ,
Toilet Articles, Rubber
Goods And Drugs
Prescriptions Carefully Compounded. Try Us Out.
J C. WELCOME, Jr. Prop.
n'TTi -rfirn"iriTTrrn"rTTfl'irrr n !! mi
PROGRESS .11159 (Rule I)
Foaled May 18, 1801), one of the
greatest bred horses in tho West
today -if not tho greatest- trac
ing three times to Ilnmblctoninni
10 on his sire's side, nlso onco to'
Pilot Jr. 12; onco to Mnmbrino
Chief 11 j onco to Mnmbrino
I'ntchin R8; Albion; N in gar a
through Strntmore, Electioneer,
George Wilkes, Unyard 5!l.
On his dam's side, twice to
Hnmbletonian 10; onco to Pilot
Jr.; onco to Cassius M. Clay,.
John Nelson, Copporbottom, Ver
mont Blnckhawk (5) through
Director, Electioneer, Tho Moor,
Mnmbrine, Messenger. Ho hn.i
tho greatest brood mares in the
trotting blood today, such ns
Bertha, tho grentest of nil brood '
mares; Beautiful Dells, Clara,
twice to Green Mountain Maid;
Alma Mater, Knty G. His blood ,
Is tho greatest you can find in
the fast raco horses today. I
Progress is making tho season
nt tho fair grounds. Terms $15. 1
Clatsop Beach, Pacific Ocean
Low round trip fares aro in effect all summer. This beautiful
beach Htrelche twenty-five miles south of the mouth of the Colum
bia River. Sensido and Gearlieart have first class hotels, cottages
and camping places, surf bathing, fishing, mountain water, etc
Low Hound Trips East
Throughout the Hiunnur, on the dates given below, round trip
tickets will b sold to tho points in the east shown below, and many
others at tho reduced rates.
SV OtnErftffiiifinf iiiur ill f I
Great Northern & Northern Pacific Railways
Atlantic t ity
Colorado Springs
Omaha $G0.00
Philadelphia 108.50
St. Louis
St. Paul
$110.00 In I roil $S2.50
107.50 Dtiluth GO.OO
110.00 Kansas City GO.OO
91.50 Milwaukee 7250
72.50 Minneapolis GO.OO
55.00 Montreal 105.00
55.00 New York 108.50
Dates of Snlc
July, 23, 20. 2!), IV), ill. 1912.
August. 1, 2. It. G. 7. 12. 1(5, 2,'J, 29, HI. 1912
September, 4, 5, G, 7, 8. 11, 12, 150, 1912
Stopovers nnd choice of routes in each direction.
Final return limit October 31, 1912.
Train leaving Bend G:30 a. m. Redmond 7:15 n. m.
rectly nt Fnllbride with
Fnst Thru Trains East
Details of schedules, faros, etc., will bo furnished on request.
W. R. COAIAN, General I'relght and Passenger Agt.
II. I) UKOL, Agent. Redmond, Oregon.
.1. II. CORBETT, Agent, Bend, Oregon.
connects di-
We are receiving new and up-to-date
Dress Goods every week; we
now have the neatest and latest
assortment ever shown "in Burns
in all the latest styles and fabrics
for summer; also an elegant line of
Ladies Elkhead Shirts and
Waists New! Nobby! Nifty!
njaiwfa"jriiii"" " iihiiimiIii
Ladies Fancy Ginghams, Hose, Shoos, Side nnd
Back CoiubH, Ilonnotts, Dolts, Gloves and ItilihmiH
bayles & Mcdonald
General Contractors and Builders
Burns, Ore, - Vale, Ore
'J "v w w.nw9
Located at tho Burns Hotel
Spring And Summer Tan
Our Spring and Summer Shoos, Slippers and
Oxfords aro on display nndgiviugsntisfuotion
To Old and Young. Como and got yours now
We carry GOTZAIN'S famous shoes
Best On The Market For The Price
Gold Medal and Defiance Hats,
Hardman Summer and Fall
Caps, Gents Furnishings
General Merchandise
We arc going to bring in 600
From the Famous Baldwin
Sheep To., Hay Creek. Will
Be Located at Alvard Ranch
After August 1st. Wool grow
ers desiring information by
mail may address the under--signed
at Albcrson Postoffice.
T Tvn"T'aT"T'r'""F J
All the news in The Times-Herald for $2,00
. A