The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, July 27, 1912, Image 1

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    " iMUjJU ,U.lU'li-UJ MUl'IH'llULHim. i,iinnij ihiiiihihw
'" Z2XxrtZirtUtA:
II cr
The Biggest County In The Stato
Of Oregon, Best In The West
The Biggest City In The Biggest
County In The State Of Oregon
NO 37.
$-$$ WitiX
What good roads
mean to farmers
Highway Expert of Agricultural College
Explains Economical Repair Work
Not Necessary for Big Expense,
But Use Intelligently What is Put
Into the Investment Each Season
''To the farmer bettor roads
frequently mean the diileroncc
between affluence and bank
ruptcy," said Prof. Ernest Ay res,
highway engineer of the Oregon
Agricultural College in a lecture
this week to the summer stu
dents. "A Wisconsin farmer held
1000 bushels of potatoes in his
cellar, waiting for a good price.
He was offered 92 cents in Marc h.
but they must be delivered in
town, and the roads were so bad
he could not haul over them.
When he finally got them to mar
ket his potatoes brought him 30
cents a bushel. The bad roads
cost him $680, and now he is an
ardent booster for anv move
ment promising relief.
"While the farmer receives as
great financial gain from good
roads as anyone, he has the add
ed social benefits. Under pre
sent conditions it is often impos
sible for his children to go to
school regularly, his family to go
to church except when the roads
are dried out, his doctor to reach
him in time to be of most, help,
or his mail to be delivered regu
larly. With better roads this
can all be changed, and graded
schools and larger churches al
ways follow these improvements.
"It is not necessary that a
great deal of money be spent on
our highways, but what is invest
ed should be used carefully and
intelligently. A few dollars
Centrally Located, Good Clean
Meals, Comfortable Rooms,
Clean and Sanitary Beds
First Class Bar In Connection. Oive Me A Call
4 Round Trips Each Week 4
Central Oregon Trucking Co.
W. S. LOCKWOOO Mr. - - H. HOnU, Act. Burn.
Oh! You
Fishing Tackle, Hooks, Lines, Rods and Reels At
Prices That Are Right Here. Base Ball Bats,
Gloves, Mites and Masks at RightJPrices.
j s- Soda Water, and Refreshing
ICC Cream, Drinks, Fresh EngUsh,Walnuts
XH2r"V" On'" $nw IilU0 r '()-NT,A IrfunioH.
Ih'Ht For Tho Mouoy. Everybody Pwn It. All tho go.
In Fact, We Arc HEADQUARTERS For The Best
Lino of DrugH, Toilot Articles, Confectionery,
Sheet .Music, Mimical IiiHtnijuont, Uigum and
Tobacco, Rubber (JoodHiind Stationery.
City Drug" Store
REED BROS. Proprietors
spent at the right time will save
repairs costing hundreds, and
most of the roads where there is
no heavy through travel may be
improved in this way."
Mr. Ayres then described the
process of building sand-clay
reads: the initial grading with a
proper crown and drainage
ditches, the distribution and
packing of the clay, spreading
of the sand, and ploughing and
harrowing it in lightly on top.
This type of road has given ex
cellent satisfaction in the south
ern and middle-western states,
but little work of the sort has
been done as yet in the Pacific
northwest. It has proved suc
cessful in soils and climatic con
ditions similar to those found in
Oregon, and there is no question
as to its value for our rural high
ways. "The saving in exoense over
other forms of road is no mein
item," continued Prof. Ayres.
"Tlie average cost for sand
cay roads is but $723 a mile for
the 21,001 miles in the United
States, compared with a cost of
?l,i)S9 a mile for macadam. In
other words, about seven miles
of sand-clay road can be built for
the same money as one mile of
plain or water-bound macadam.
The cost of maintenance is less
than for any other form of im
provement except the earth road,
and horses and automobiles alike
(Continued on page 4.)
Get Your
Steers Sell in Chicago Market for Close to
Ten Dollar Mark and Every Indication
Points to Scarcity of Products During
Balance of This Year if not Longer.
If statistics compiled by men
in n position to know the situa
tion means anything tho consum
er may as well prepare for high
priced beef, for thero is every
reason for tho belief that this
stnnle meat next fall and wintor
will sell at higher figures than in
1911. In Chicago this montl
steers sold at close to tho $10
mark, three large droves there
going at $9.60, tho highest
open market price paid since
1870, while large numbers sold
at $9 to $9.50. The Chicago
market is, of course, taken as a
fair general index to livestock
values for the country.
The National Provisioner, offi
cial organ of the American Meat
Packers' Association, says:
"Receipts of cattle at Chicago,
Kansas City, St. Louis, Omaha,
St Joseph and Sioux City during
the first half of 1912 where
about 3,200, 000 head, which com
pares with more than 3,000,000
head for the like time in 1911.
Fiuures for smaller centers
throughout the country would
show even more proportionate
loss than at the big points.
"During the spring buyers at
tho smaller points, particularly
in tho east, had to go to the big
centers for their supplies. A
further indication of the beef
sho tage is in average weights.
Take Chicago for instance. Re
ports show that for June the
average weight of cattle market
ed there was 37 pounds less than
a year ago. As there were 1,
250,000 head of cattle marketed
at Chicago during the six
months, the shortage in pounds
of beef may be estimated as well
as the shortage in numbers.
"At Chicago, in June, the
average steer prices was $8 per
hundred, compared with $7.95 in
May, $G.05 in June, 1911, $7.50
in 1910, and $G.-15 in June,
Some Real Estate Transfers
Some of our people are much
concerned over oil prospects in
tho territory south and east of
Wright's point where some pros
pects have been discovered and
as a result some lands have
changed hands. Two places in
the Sunset district have been
sold this week to Burns men, one
being tho C. V. Reed homestead
of 160 acres which was bought
by R. T. Hughet, C. A. Bedell,
J. R. Walkup, J. J. Donegan,
John Gemberling and C. W. Ellis.
The price paid was $2100. R. T.
Hughet, J. E. Loggan, C. W.
Loggan and Will Gould also pur
chased 1C0 acres from Frank
R. Brown paying $1700 for it.
Both these places are good ones
and well worth the money paid
without any oil prospects.
Tho Times-Herald finds noth
ing to get excited about in the
oil situation. There have been
discoveries mado but nothing
more than has been found before.
It is quite evident there is oil in
that territory, but to what ex
tent is not known. Tho Times
Herald knows that tho reports
circulated are greatly exagger
ated, being very wild as to facts.
However, we must not under es
timate the possibilities of oil in
this territory and when men can
secure" land that section at
such prices it is certainly a safe
Nearer Kingdom of Heayen
Tho farmer, if e only know
it, is a little nearer tho kingdom
of heaven than nnyono on earth.
Ho is certain of three squaro
meals a day and is tho only man
who can fence himself in and live
in spito of the rest of mankind.
A few cattle and sheop and
fowl provide him with food and
clothing, while his fields yield!
him flour and a sourco of rove-1
nue. So generous aro theso pro-1
visions and so common, that liar-1
diy one farmer in ten makes any
account of them, although the j
ordinary business man thinks ho '
has done well when ho reaches
tho end of tho year and finds that
Making Trip Across
En Route to Boise Met by Delega
tion on Horses
Where He Received a Hearty Wel
come by Citizenship and the Band
Governor Oswald West nrrlved thus 'gotting Bomo of them flnan
n Rums about threo o'clock on-ced where they had been turned
Wednesday afternoon on his
journey from Salem to Hoise on
horseback. He was mot by a
largo delegation of citizens on
horseback out several miles and
tho entire party had luncheon at
tho Bert Simmons place and were
met at the lower part of town by
the Tonawama band which es
courted them to tho hotel, play
ing a ew lively pieces.
Tho Governor has mado the
entire journey from Salem to this
city alone on his family mare and
both were feeling fine upon their
arrival and the Governor was
well pleased with tho country
through which ho had traveled
and feels that ho is better ac
nuainted with his state. He has
a desire to assist in the develop-1
ment of this vast section nnd
mado the journey on horseback
the better to observe conditions
and to got first handed informa
tion regarding tho needs of tho
country and how best to help.
Governor West met with an en
thusiastic reception from the,
people and his short stay of one.
"..: mn,l nu 1nncnnt na
uti-iiiiiK yo i.muu ,.....-
possible. The reception was not ,
in tho nature of a political evasion
but ho was met as the chief exe
cutive of our state and all parti
cipated. The open air band concert was
given at 8 o'clock in front of the
Times-Herald building in his
honor and after that a reception
was held in Tonawama Theatre.
Judge Win. Miller of the Com
mercial Club presided and the
welcome address was made byt
Hon. Frank Davey, who is ati
old time friend of the governor,
in wmen no torn me doujjiu m
. i!f nf nnfnr WPHt. of his
-i i .tii,nnn,inn!
official. Governor West spoke of , tnity to cancel this contract he
his work as governor outlining, did so and put the convicts at
;V .:.. ffi. .,Brf,i,nnr,i.workIn another channel whpro
of th'o Sti wtat 1 eynU-mlto
L .i ,.,.. ir ,i,u- r nmn
!, Ma'n..Imn Hpv nnil nut
IIIIIU UJI II1U l.U.i. J.W..W,, .... g.-.. t
up a
irn a1 nrrriimnnt. which
seemed to meet with tho hearty
approval of those "who heard him
Ho spoke of the trip of tho
Western governors to tho east
Inof iim,Wii nnl nf Mm wiiln Hnrnnri '
interest Bhown by tho peoplo of
that section in Oregon.. It was
on this trip that hq succeeded n
interesting capital in tho various
irrigation projects of tho eastern
part of tho stato and established
a confidenco in their feasibility,
Jlelluble Cilltcn
Tho Inland
V.i r..i.r.!Huiit that which In nwteil
klmlH oMll KHntu iiitl Wille your hind OUiik PrH or
othor Ic'iiul liunl pnptricorructly R"d jnlck1y.. VK WANT YOUH
f IK INHUItANOH HUBINKflfl j wo rrMont two of tho atronKoiit
I.lntyoiir proporty with uh, lor tmlo or trn.lo. IN VKHTIflATB OUU
WJBINKflaMimiODS ANDl'AHTSUCCI'.BH. You trust ut, wo
Irimtyou. Auk our CHonts. f!ll ud upo u.
State on Horseback
and Escorted tcCity
down because of lack of confi
dence nnd a misunderstanding as
to tho laws of tho stato and what
was expected of tho people who
financed tho projects. This is
one of tho very important and
far reaching undertakings of the
administration of Governor West,
as tho Carey act segregations
have been put upon a sound busi
ness basis with proper protection
to tho settler as well as tho men
who arc putting up tho capital.
It means more to Eastern Oregon
than any other move toward its
Tho Governor has a good idea
of tho territory and practical
ideas for its futuro dovelopcmcnt.
He realizes its magnitude, as he
compared this section to the
j8U1t0 of Delaware, where he said
the governors were taken to the
top of a tall building and viewed
the entiro state. He buuI there
' was n territory where they had
; two United States Sonntornand
"Harney county had none. Goy
' ernor West by way of compari
son stated that ho could take tho
barbed wire oflf Jim Mahon's
ranch and build a fence around
the entire state of Delaware.
He said that taxes had been
very high tho past year but
would not bo so next and said he
had something to do with it.
He was responsible to some ex
tent for tho high taxes, for he
said ho only vetoed $000,000 of
the appropriations of the last
legislature and the only reason
lie didn't veto more was for lack
of time. He showed how the
present administration was mak
ing a part of tho stato institu
tions at least partially self sup
porting nnd tho method to bo
pcrsued in the future whereby
the peoplo would know just what
would be required to run them
nnu "-' Hiniru inauuns mxwKiuiy
i.r . i:i
v' uu "uw" UU4UU l" """-
turo meets,
His defense of his prison poli
cy was logical and he convinced
all who heard him of his sinceri
ty of purposo nnd the possibili
ties of its success. Tho radical
change from former policies was
made by him at first through
purely business methods. Ho
found that the convicts had been
hired out to a private corporation
in tho past lor irom no to ao
cents a day and all the profit of
such labor went to a corporation
tho products going to tho open
mnrKct in competition wun oinur
labor. When ho saw an oppor
tho Profits would go to the state
' "sstst in keeping up tho state
, institutions.
He defends his pol
of placing tho convicts on
i llv
road work and says during tho
yearl'JU they lost but 12 men
out of 20Q who were thus cm'
ployed. After studying tho situa
tion ho found it hotter tp keep
thM0 who entjtlca 0 con8i(i J
oration nway from tho degener
ate and confirmed criminal and
believes tho policy is good. Thoro
aro many in prison who will
make good citizens when they
have Bcrved their timo and are
(Continued on pago 2.)
Homestead Locations
Empire Realty Company
W. TrI.KHTKIl, MiiBor
nnd rollublo.
Wo liundlu nil
Agriculture and Domestic Science are to
Be Made Part of Regular Course in
Future if Present Plans of High School
ooaro are tamea uui ace uicr.
. .
Jr A ninnt.imr of Mm lilirli Krlinnl
board was hold last Saturday in
this city to consider tho prouosi-
linn nf nuNihliulnlHr mrrir'llll tlt-n
and domestic science courses to
ornblo to this addition nnd took
stops toward this end, although
not definite. Tho secretary of
tho board was instructed to con
fer with tho state superintendent
nnd also with tho agricultural
college asking approval of the
former and finding if suitable in
structors could be secured from
the latter.
Tho petition presented to the
board asking for these additional
courses was signed by 11G. This
was not so many as The Times
Herald had been informed hnd
been secured but that doesn't sig
nify as practically the entire
county approves of this step. It
had been suggested that the same
plan bo taken up hero as in other
counties where provision has
been mado for the Bhort course
in ngriculturo be given this win
ter but it seems tho board has
decided if jwssiblo to put in re
gular courses in both branches
provided it meets with approval
of the state superintendent and
the matter can bo financed.
Tenchers Institute Will Be
Held Here Oct. 7, 8, 9.
School Supt. Hamilton has re
cently returned from a visit to
Salem where ho attended a con
vention of the school superinten
dents of the state in connection
with the grading of examination
papers for certificates to teach.
Mr. Hamilton states tho meet
ing was very profitable as there
were 29 superintendents of the
state present and they held a
meeting every evening- during
the time they were in Salem.
The annual institute for this
county will be held in this city
on Oct. 7, 8 nnd 9th. This was
tho only dnte that Supt. Hamil
ton could got the state superin
tendent with him and believed it
best to arrange dntes to suit Mr.
Alderman. This was important
as tho teachers like to have the
stato superintendent with them
on such occasions.
Mr. Hamilton states that with
his family they mndo over GOO
miles in his auto and hnd seen
considerable country. Ho found
crops looking well everywhere
but none more promising than in
Harney county.
Preliminary plans are going
forward for making tho Pacific
Northwest Land Products Show,
to be held in Portland November
18-25, tho biggest and most suc
cessful land show ever given
west of tho Rocky Mountains.
Tho management is getting in
touch with commercial bodies
and individual exhibitors of the
territory to be represented and
promises of liboral support aro
being received. Eveiy district
of tho Northwest Btates has an
opportunity in this "dirt show"
for vnlunblo exploitation,
During the summer months
mothers of young children should
watch for any unnatural loose
ness of tho howcla. When givon
prompt attention at this timo
serious trouble may be avoided.
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Dinrrhoca Remedy can always
bo depended upon. For salo by
all dealers.
Vulcanizing at Gembcrling's.
II A1)S 1
Acres Irrigated much In Uolsi
to trade for a good ranch In
county, clear of Incunincrmict
government dltcn,
Us Hear From You What You
Have To Trade. We Trade Anything,
Anywhere. SEH US NOW
g0jse Dispatch to Oregonian Says 2000
-. i-cr i
Mfin at Work
r . 1 w
g Steel JT OllI" lVllieS Or me 1 raCK
l j j est Qf yae Balance to the
.. . j
CanVOn Completed DV August 15
Aspccial from Boise to the
Oregonian says:
Construction work on the Ore
gon & Eastern Railroad, which
is destined finally to lay a band
of steel east nnd Wist across tho
State of Oregon, is being rushed
by 2000 workmen grading and
laying steel. It was announced
hero today by officials of the
Harriman system that tho line
into the Malheur canyon will bo
completed by August 15. Tho
construction of this road is claim
ed by railroad men to be one of
the most important pieces of rail
road work under wny in the
The grading on the Oregon &
Eastern is completed to Harper
basin, 40 miles west of Ontario
and grading camps are scattered
along through the canyon to
Riverside, 8G miles west of On
tario, the eastern terminal of the
Oregon & Eastern, whero con-
! neetions will be mndo with the
main line of the Oregon Short
Line with the O.-W. R. & N.
Sixteen miles to the railroad have
been completed from Ontario
and Vale and there is daily train
service over it. Four miles of
the track has been laid out of
Vale. The balance of the dis
tance to tho Malheur Canyon will
be laid with steel by August 15.
The Hitrrinnn system lias se
cured an advantage over tho Hill
people in tho new and important
Strictly First
Service, Fine
Sample Room In Connection, Reasonable Rates
Four Well lCmiipped Lines. lCxcolknifc Facilities
i.-i in.......v..i i w... ..f At.
I'm i niiiHuiiiiiiwii ui miiii, ijaii w
Prairie City to Burns.
Burns to Diamond
Howard Kellog, Agt, Burns.
Superior Service - - Quickest Way
II, ROIIU, Agent, Burns Garage, Burns, Oregon
Burns Meat Market
H. J. HANSEN, Proprietor
Beef, Pork, Veal, Mutton,
Sasuage, Bolonga,
Headcheese and Weinerworst, Etc
Wholesale and Retail
Prompt and Satisfactory Service
Your Patronge
Orders Given
r i it
on Caradmcr and Lav-
nl r . 1 TV. 1 .
feeders into Eastern Oregon.
Tho Oregon & Eastern will se
cure actual entrance and have
possession of the Malheur Canyon
route before the Hill system
which for years has been planning
aline diagonally across Idaho en
tering Eastern Oregon over the
Pacific & Idaho Northern which
terminatesat Wciser.
Jenkins Gets Good Price.
That Vale holds the record for
1912 as the best wool market in
the Eastern Oregon country was
again demonstrated last week
when J. R. Jenkins, of Smith,
sold at the local warehouse M2
bags of wool at 17 cents per
For a number of years a num
ber of interior wool growers had
been hauling to Ontario and this
year Mr. Jenkins was induced to
bring his clip to Vale and as a re
sult he received from half a cent
to one cent more per pound for
his wool than his neighbors did
at Ontario sales. Enterprise.
For soreness of the muscles,
whether induced by violent ex
ercise or injury, there is nothing
better than Chamberlain's Lini
ment. This liniment also relieves
rheumatic pains. For sale by
all dealers.
Vulcanizing at Gembcrling's.
Class. Splendid
.11 1iV-ii.uu -.! Pi
Vale to Uurns
Burns to Venator
Solicited and
Quick Attention
) he has little more than mado ends (
M ,