jiHtitJlja&mietiaHammAmm I t Sod returns RAISING HOGS Best Methods And Plans For Getting The Most Profitable Results (BT Prol L. 0. Smith, Arlcultiirll For Tnc OMion.Wnhltipton Hj. aftil tfavir lo) A very careful InveatiRntion of methods practiced and results se cured by a large number of far mere, who are producing pork at a profit, indicate that there is a wide variation in the measure of profit, and that many farmers might very materially increase their measure of profit by some Blight changes in their methods The following conclusions based upon tho methods and results of the most successful arc worthy the thoughtful consideration of the feeder and breeder. The largest measure of profit is secured by feeding grain to young pigs while on pasture, With pasture alone the growth is too Blow to obtain the best re suits. A ton of grain fed to pigs on pasture will produce more than double the amount of meat that it will fed to shoats in fall and winter. Crossbred or grade sows as a rule are better breeders than pure breds. A good breeder and mother should be kept as long as she will breed. Care should al ways be exercised to avoid too much fat Breeding stock should always be kept separate from that being fed for market The sire should always be pure bred Never keep a scrub or cross bred boar on the farm. The faster the pigs are crowd ed until they go to market the larger the measure of profit provided always that they are never fed more than they can di gest and assimilate over feed ing and irregular feeding cause indigestion. As the pig increns es in weight the feed should bo increased. Pigs fed for profit must never stop growing for a single day, and they ought to be marketed when they reach 200 pound weight On good pasture the daily grain ration should be one-half pound for each 25 pounds live weight. Feed all grain dry in shallow and flat bottomed troughs, slated so the pigs must eat from the sides, and cat slowly. Bran and shorts, rolled wheat and rolled barley are the feeds that secure the best resultt One of the men who secures the larg est of gain at the least ccst per pound feeds the pigs weighing 25 to 50 pounds one-half pound of bran and shorts daily when on gooa pasture, rniy to o pounds of live weight, one pound of bran and shorts per day and one half pound of rolled wheat, increasing the wheat as the pig grows, is excellent; when 100 pounds of live weight is reached add rolled barley, continue the increase of one-half pound of grain daily for each 25 pounds of live weight Plenty of cool water should be at all times supplied the pigs. Shade of some kind is also a re quisite. A mixed pasture, including al falfa, red clover and brome grass is better than straight alfalfa. When permanent pasture is avail able, rye and vetch, or winter wheat and vetch seeded in the fall, is good. For sprung seeding use a mixture of oats, spring wheat and barley, seeding 100 pounds to the acre. If the hog pasture is divided into four sections, and the hogs changed each week, it will pro vide more and better feed than If they run all over the field. However good the pasture, supplement it with peas, oats and corn plant one-half acre of the peas and oats for each 10 spring pigs, and one acre of early corn, and one acre of medium dent variety. Provide enough portable fence to surround as large an area as the hogs would clean up in four or five days. When there is per manent pasture, the peas and oats can be mowed and fed in the pasture. To grow the peas and oats to best advantage, manure the ground in the fall and disc, mix ing the manure well into tho sur face soil. The ground may bo fall plowed, or plowed as early in the spring as it is dry enough to crumble from the mouldboard. Disc or pack with a Campbell subsurface packer, and drill in the peas 31 to 4 inches deep. 100 pounds to the acre. Then seed 40 pounds of oats per aero half as deep as the peas. Dysentery is always serious and often a dangerous disease, but it can be cured. Chamber lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrho ea Remedy has cured it even when malignant and epidemic. For sale by all dealers. HARNEY COUNTY GIRL'S EASTERN TRIP. (Concluded from tngc 1 ) of the residences and business houses displnycd the American Hag which looked good to me. Washington is a very beautiful city and one which should inter est us all. In tho afternoon wo visited tho White Houso calling on President Taf t. Wo found him n very plea sant gentleman with none of tho dignity wo expected in the Prcsl dent of the United States. Ho received us very kindly and at the request of Mr. Bates willing ly consented to be photographed with us. A number of people waiting to sec Mr. Tnft, Senator Chamborlnin kindly showed us through tho White House. Tho next morning wo visited Mt. Vernon, the homo of Wash ington. Tho ride was very beau tiful and wo found Washington's homo as wo might have expected bespeaking simplicity and ele gance. Many articles of both his and his wifo's personal be longings still remain in the house including tho beds upon which they both died. On our return to the city, by in vitation of Senator Chamberlain wo went to luncheon in tho Sen ate restaurant, Mr. Chamberlain showed us many attentions and was very kind to us. After luncheon through tho kindness of Mr. Lafforty in giving us tickets we visited the Senate and the House of Representatives and had the privilige of find ing out a litto of the workings of both great houses. In tho evening we visited the public library one of tho greatest in stitutions of its kind in the world. Tho next day we spent several hours at the zoo in Cin innati This was veYy interesting to us and is considered the largest in tho world. We took a car there and crossed tho river into Ken tucky where we remained a short time, returning in time to catch the train for Indianapolis which we reached at 12 p. m. The next morning we called on the governor of Indiana. Later we took a ride about the city, visiting Van Camp's Pork and Beans Factory and saw the pro cess of preparing and canning the pork and beans. We were not particularly impressed with tho beauty of this city perhaps because it rained most of the time we were there. From here we went to Chicago where we spent the first day in seeing the "City by the Lake." We visited various parks and took a ride along tho lake shore which was very windy and cold. That evening we called upon Mr. Williams, our state Republican Committeeman and received tickets to visit the Republican Convention which was in session tnere. ine next morning was spent at the convention. I had expected this to be interesting and instructive but was surpris ed to see the disorder, confusion and apparent rudeness which prevailed there. I hope when the women get into politics they will teach the men better man ners than they displayed there. They threw papers and hats shook their fists in each others faces until the policemen had to quiet them. The afternoon was spent in shopping and looking about the stores. Here three of us got separated from the rest of the party and after looking for them in vain for a whilo went to our hotel which on entering we saw them coming in by another door. That evening we left for Madi son, Wisconsin where we went by invitation of Mr. B. B. Clark of the American Thrcshcrman's stafT. This proved to be one of the most enjoyable events of our trip. Arriving there at 10:30 p. m. we were met by Mr. Clark and escorted to our hotel. Next morning we were joined by the entire office stiff of the Ameri can Thresherman in nine auto mobiles and taken around the lake shore, through beautiful drives and around tho city until noon. In the afternoon by invitation of tho governor we visited the new stato Capitol building in course of construction escorted by Mr. Clark Jr. When finished this building is expected to be the finest state Capitol building in the United Stites. In the evening the entire party, forty in all, boarded a launch and took a ride around lake Monona. We were accompanied by a fine orchestra and on land ing at Esther Beach were treat ed to a rustic banquet after which wo danced in tho pavilion until time to take the train. I believe all of us had the time of our Hvcb for which we have to thank Mr. Clark and Mr. Bates between whom a warm personal friendship exists. That evening wo left for St. Paul. The principal interest at tached to this place for us was tho fact that it was tho home of Mr. .1. .1. Hill to whom Oregon feels so deeply indebted for Her railroads. It appeared to us a typical Wcatern City and seemed more hko home. This was our last Btop until wo reached Port land on Monday, Juno 2 Ith On tho trip 1 formed friendships which I hopo will last my life time. I cannot speak too highly of tho kind, courteous and gen erous treatment of Mr. Bates on this trip. Ho did everything possible for our comfort and on joyment Tho railroad peoplo wore uniformly kind and consid erate. Wo found every body anxious to hear about Oregon wherever wo went and wo gave them all tho information wo could about tho country and did our best to make them feel our genuine enthusiasm in our native state. 1 want to express once more tho deep and sincere gratitude I feel to those who so kindly and generously mado it possible for mo to enjoy ono of the best times I over expect to have. Agnus Milluh. MAKING NATURAL FRUIT JAMS. That natural fruit jams are far superior to cooked jams is the opinion of Prof. C. I. Lewis of tho O. A. C. department of hor ticulture. Ho described his me thod of preparing them as fol lows. "Such fruits as red and black raspberries a n d strawberries make the most delicious uncook ed jam, and one can enjoy a very palatable short-enke in the middle of the winter at very small ex pense. To prepare this jam, bo sure first thai your berries are sound. Throw out all soft, mouldy or in any way decayed fruit llus is imperative, men mix equal amounts of sugar and fruit, and crush the whole mixture carefully. Be sure that no ber ries are loft whole. "Before putting into the jars, some peoplo stir the fruit occa sionally for several days to be sure that tho sugar and fruit be come thoroughly mixed. After the fruit and sugar are so mixed, put them into fruit jars but do not seal them. The only cover ing that should be given them is a little paper to keep out dust If the jars are scaled, the chances are that the fruit will spoil, but if left unsealed, it can be kept for some time. I have kept it for two years. "Red and white currants treat ed this way make a delicious jam. This is somewhat different from that known as sun-dried jam. The sun-dried jam is cooked somewhat- In the natural jam the flavor of tho fruit is preserv ed." We do job printing right kind During the summer months mothers of young children should watch for any. unnatural loose ness of the bowels. When given prompt attention at this time serious trouble may bo avoided. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy can always be depended upon. For snlo by all dealers. Vulcanizing nt Gcmberling's. NOTICK FOR HJBMCATION. UNITKIIhTATKHI.ANIItlr'FICK, I II ll rni,. Oiciiou, Julyil, II3.I S'ntlco l herebv ulvoii that Cutvln If Mc. riiectcra, of llurru. Orenon.whoon Jannary'Jt, IV07, ma lo lloincilt ad l.ulry No 1 4, Mortal No. Wl ll, for N , e( tlou . Tuwnahl imn H , Uatiiio 30 K, VMIIamctlo Meridian haa tiled nollco ol Inlcntlon lo innkii flve)ear proof, to rtlab Halt claim to tlm land above detrrllK-d, before the ItcKlitcr and Iticelvor at liurni, Orruon, on tho I Mh day of AUKiiit. mt Claltnant natim aa wllnitacai f.yruan Hinlth. Alexander McK'euile both of Karrowi Hllam1 l.eator ami I'ttcr Carmer bot rof llurna, iircKou Wm, Kiiihk, Itruliter Tills rifle is built settled districts. where good range nnd killing power ore desired, with safety to the neighborhood. The Morl .25-20 la a light, quick handling, finely-balanced repeater, with the lolld top, cloied-ln breech and aldo ejection featurea which make BlarflA guna aafe and ngreeoblo to ues and certain In action. II le made lo ui t powerful new high velocity emokaltM loada with latkaud bullite aa wall the w.ll-known black powder and low rrtaiura amoatleaa carl ii, and ta the Ideal rlfla tor tarctt work, or wvoacnueae, ctaae, hawk, foira, etc , up to 0 yard. ' Thla rifle and ammu olilon, and ell ollur dnarOM repaatera, are fully dtacrlbtd In our IM-paie cataloir. Pria for t alampe pottage. Willow tMtr"""irUW HAVEM, CONN. ifor m Three room cottngo and barn for rent. Inuulro at this office. CONTEST NOTICE. ItXITrilHTATO l.ixnomcn I luiriii, uri'Kou, JiHr 10, I'll To Funk It, AraydtHeatlle, Waililiijlon, Con ICilfl'l If CI n tc ln-trliy iiDlltlcl llmt I.itlaf), MpMul who itlti Di (-) , lltnir County mi. aa imr lotluinrn aitiln, '11,1 on Mm lull w I IfRIIIII . July 1(1, mi. fllo In Ihli tiifli-o liar ilnly nn rrnli n r a tail tmllrntliiti lo ciiutrit attu cento Dm camallatliiii ol jrutir lionnutaail, Knlrv Hcrlal No, 0 1 crj matin July 7, IUI0, (or KHmXVj, ami WW NKU Hrcllou v7, lwn lihiUOrt, ItaniteltA It Wlllaniatln Mt-rl.llan, Mi,l in aroilniU tor liar ri!iilcttinllfrllil I'rmik li. Arcr imnrnlalilUlHiit ti I rnlilam-t on alit Unit nil linn wholly al,aiulmi.. Hi nidi laml lor a iwrluit ol mora Hutu da, montln lure iltc tiroccnlluir Ihv filing u( tlin until' vil to wit loco Jaimarr T, lull Ymi mc, tlirrr'nrc, fuMlicr tiollflcd lint Ilia M alltxatltitia will to taktitiat ttilaoftlroM linvliiK Ituii roultMPil liy inn, in) miralil entry will iHTanivlinllliftcunilcrwlllioutyour further rliilit lo lm Itraril ttioicln, Miliar Iralora tlilionlfi'iiriui 'i"-l,lf yon fall lo fllo In tlil oltlf-o wlllilit twenty ilaia alter llicKOUUIII ynur nuawer, umlcr luth, im-lflcally mealing n,l rri"in,llin to thcn alio nation! ol contMt, or II you fall within llial tluio to Ilia lit tlila officii iluo proof that you hum inr,l a copy of yourauawar on the aalil tuiiliitiaut either In ioronor by rrnltlrrcil mall. If IIiImitvIco li mailo hy thoilellvrry ol a cony of your dinner tothuronleMnul III iwrtmi. )irnot uf mitir.ur vlcomuat hit either iiipmIiI (mitotan! writ, ten ' knowleilnenicut ol lili receipt of the ropy, howlnic the ilalo of jta receipt, or the aflulavltuf thepertnnhy whom theilnllvory waimaile lallnir when alnl where the ropy li m ilcllvrrvil. If inailo hy ieltlerei1 mull, proof of uch icrtlt o mint contll of lha aitlila Tit of lheperon by whom I he copy waa mMli-,1 lalliiK whim ami the POt olHcolo which It ii mallei, ami Ihla afflilarlt mint hn arcom paulcit hy the puntiuolerrccclpt for the letter You linulil Mate In jour antwer the nameof the olonii to wliloh you iletlre fiilura noilcci to ha cut to you Wx. Kabiik, ItetUter. Dale ol lint publication JulyvO, Ida. Hale ol wand publication July -7. MM. Iialeuf thlril publication Aiiauil J. tin. Halo ot fourth publication Auauit 10, Ivl I, imiiiicaiioii or inn noiii-c, mown ixiow, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. UxiTKiirrmuI.tNtiOrrica, I llurna, Otcnon, Juno lie, lU I Notice la harebyilveli that Alfml It. Whitney ol l.aweUiOrrion.who.ou Altitun no, MO, inaile 111 ..at. I'M. ....". "". ..I..".' " ,.,v, .n..v houieiteail entry No. UMftf, for NKtt,Hrclon la, lowiialiiii'JIH illall, haa Aleil nollco ., itanao't v .miiainciio w hotlrn of Intention tontako (! mutation I'roof. loralabllih claim lotholaU't above ileacrlbeil, before tho Iteiltler anil llrcelver. at niirai, lirriton, on too .mil oay of July lU. Otalmaut natnrl ai wllneei L'harlo Van 2au,lt. (;harlea Haycrafl. Clyila Hhaxer, ami ( ballet li, I low aril an oi i.awon iireiton H Kirrk, IteiUter, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. UxiTan httm l.imiOrrlca, I Iiuin. Orcaiiu, July , nil Notice la hereby tcn that Hoy Orrell.ol llunii, (lircon who on May It UxX Inaile llouiileu,l Kulry No ATI, Herlal No olw, for HK'iHK'i fC 31 T HIM.. II 91 I., Itil" I. I, aim Mt.UNMi Hep. a, TowiiMiip ai ".. name i, r. . ilT!iiTl Meridian, baa fllril liotkn of lutari tluo to make nye-year i'roof. In ralabllih clatm lo the lain! above ilricrlbed, beloie the Itea-liler and llecelrer, at llurui, Otecou, on the I nn nay of Auguai iu. I'laliiiKitl iiBinFtA wltntiAei (learns ilunxnore, h Huul' linker, John entwine and Carlltl h 1'alker, all ol llullia, urcfon Vn. t'J. Ileilater. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the nmttcr of ttic Untitle of Siiuiiicl I'. Mutton, dcccnaci! Notice la hereby Kicn to the ctcilitora uf nnil nil ticraima liming clnltiin ngnlnit the tatiite of the ilcccnaeil to piricnt ucli clnima with the proper oticher, duly critieil, within u iiiouthi nflcr the firtt plililiciltinu of thin notice to Thomna Iluttou, I3(jli, Oregon, one ol the executore ol the nld entitle or A. W. Rowan, the attorney (or the cicctltora, nt Itlaolhce, lluru, Oregon, TllOUAH HtTTON, One of the I'.iccutora. Pint publication Julftt. 101-'. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In tho mnttorol tho eatato of Davis H.(IrTOMlrcc.aM'l Nollco la horcliy (ilvon tli.it tlio tuulor- Ignril haa boi-u kIiiU'iI nilmlnUtra trlx of tho above mitltlol palate, and nit perron btivini; ilniln HKitlnil imhl Da ta tu am iiotlllvil to prcn'iit vault) duty vurllU'd bh by law riilrod, within alx montlm irom thin dale, to tho ttmlur- luia-d nt Iit ri-nldenro nrur Ijawen, Oregon, or to J. W. IIIkk. attorney for aid omnia nt till olllco In llurtm, Ore gon, Dated nt Ittirnn, Oregon, tliln Mill day of Juno, 101'.'. KrHtiMt. OiUVKH, Adliilnlalrntrlx of tbu oatuloof David fi. Ontvua, doccaaed. .SUMMONS In tlio Circuit Court of tlio rjtnlo of Oro- Kon, for llurnry County. JolinT. Clioate, plfiliitllr, miir, ) idant, J tin, Nclllo Clionlo, Dcfunt! To Nolllo Chottto, tlio nbovo nniiiiH' defondnnt. In the Nntnuol tlio Hlato ol Oregon, yon nrc lioroby rwpilrcd to npponr nnd unanurtlio complaint fllod nguln-t yon in tlio nlxivo t'lilltlnd court nnd eult on or before tlio but day ot the tlinu pro acribod In tlio ordur for iiubllcrttloii of till aiiirinoiiH ii on you, vthlcli period of iIiiki Id 1x vtcoke from tlio date, of tlio firat publication of thin aummona, to nit; within alx wok a from tlio Rtli day ol June, 1012, tluit bolnir tlio ditto of tlio llrat publication hereof, mid II )nu fail to no appear mill nnawnr mild complaint, tho plaintiff will apply to tlio court for tlio rcllof iluiiiAtidrd In Hnld loniplnlnt, to wit A ilrcrroof nuld court foruvnr dlvsolvinn tlio mnrrliiKu contract now oxlatiug liotwcon pbilntlfl mid defuu diint, and (or Ronurnl nil Inf. Your are furtluir nntlfled that tlilH aiiinnioiiH la rorved upon you by publi cation t.ioru ol In Tbu Tltnea-llurald. n wcokly nuwnpapiir itibllaltetl in Duma, llarnoy County, Ort'non, parmiuut to an ordorof Hon, (Irani TbompHon, County Judftn of llurnov ('ouuty, Oregon , made and dated t)ic 7th duy of Juno. lOl'J, tlio ditto ol flrnt publK-ittlon IiuIiik June Htb, Wi, and tlio hint publication thereof will boon July 801.1,1012. J. H. COOK, Attorney lor I'lulntlir, DO YEAnO' EXPnnlENOH TnADC Marks DlllQNS CopyntaHTi Ac. Anronoandlnn a Idi and drorlttlon mar qiiltnlr MMrtaln imr upiiihui Ino wliMhar au inr.ntlun ! imihaMr lialanlalila. toiuiiiunlr. iliitMtrln(lr.i.ndl.iraL llallldlMini OU CftUM! .. . all.la.f a.UAnm loa aiMillfrilltf It&tflliLal. !. IIMIUIMHII ' or fur Miuiiiur uifh Xuiut h i 9w:iz"zrz 'vrr 7r" .'."i.T' unzcvmtw tixtlal not let. wltttftul (iliitrit. III tb 'iniiia (.it an .iiinuitM 'ihhii vw Scientific JTntcricnn. A liandaoinalr liloalraliul waailr. handioinalr lilaiti ititlim uf an 7 oli irt four luun'ui.l fxraaat rlr. eutat "ar eulatlim or anr aoi.niiao liiunia . -j.rmft. a T mane in rour roon'ui.vi. pm ujaii .wui.r. I tttBroadwir, Vtlt.,WMiiliuiluu, m n fTriJLtJJl 5 m -y'll-irvIKi lOOIBTlRR, IIAtlNKY bdtHIK, NO. 77, I. O O J, Meeta erery SturJay lu (bid Fellow Hall ITituiun. IT, J deary, T. H. itpraue, PfcreHry. N, (I, at Ilata wnrk liillnwil r-lralHMurdayltil llatoryi leroud Haturdiy, rirtt lb tree, third re I i ay Ihtril lirtrce may, recunu ireirrei fouttlt Halurday, IIUltNBI.OIXIKNO, 7, A.P. A l Meeta every fltlt and third Halurday In each month, Win, Miller, W M Ham Motiicriucau,8trreirr, M 3IIKI1N WOOIlMKNOKAMKIUOA Meeta every aecoud and lotitlli Pmlayevrn lull at I. ().(). K. IUMi all iielhbiira Invited New appllrauta will receive lourleotia treat lnl, M. A llUm.V O V T Uter, Clerk, lltlltNH UIIA1TKK NO 40, O. K, H. Meela every lecond ami limrlli Moudaya, lu Maaotilnliall. Krankle Helcouir, , M KllaHweek.decretary, MYI.VIA 1IK1IKKAII DKUHKK Nn,4S. Meelaavery Utandld Wednesday. .. . . llynllo lialton, N (I. Madge Leonard, Rco Heo'y, TIII.K CIKUI.K No. IM, W, ol W. Meeta every ourtli Tuesday, ilaud Morion, 0, M. llMlerdoodtnan, Ulerk, orrioiAi. miiKcToiiY aTATi oaiuiim UH.Hcnalora .. , IJoiialhau Ilotirno Jr. Illeo. K. Chanibarlalti iW It Itllla UoiiireMmeii Attorney (leueral . ,., iloveruor , . Kecretary ot Htale, Treaauier Supi. I'uhllo lintmcllon Hlato Printer IJW Ilawley , A.M. Crawford Olwald nml r W llenion T. II Kay I., R, Alderman W UUunlway llobl Kakln T. A. Ilollilde (leolt llumetl it H. Ilean. K,A. Moure Hupreme Judiea NINTH JUDICIAL 1IIHTKICT, DUIilct Jinlio... Iilitilrt Alioruey... liepuly l)lt Ally.. Ilallon l(ii J V Mcutdloih .. UIIIonant Circuit Court meela the flnt Mondty In April and Brat Monday In Uctober, JolutHeuator. lolnt-ltepreientatlve U Vi I'arrlth w II lirooke OOBKTr HAKRITI CoutilyJudie . . llrant Ihotupion Clerk . .. K, II. Water treasurer , .. Hliuou lwl hurveyor. Krank I', Oowaii Hherlrl, A, K. Illcbardtou AaiCMor. ... , J. J, Doucctu XciioolHuperlnteiideut. IM llainllton Coroner J W Deary NloLk Itikiieclor .John ltobliiou Coniinlitfoneri K. I. Hylvriter Id A hitiylh County Court meeta the drat Ytrdncaday to January, March. May, July, Heplemher and Novemlivr. liAkxaY v. a. mkii orntiat .tealalcr itcelver Win frre I rank llatey (:lrv.-lltlan Mayor. Ilerurdar. Ireaaurvr MaralKl, . II. W.Clcvenircr . A. U. II, rO J.C tclrnrneJ ..K. I.. IUIih. II J. Ilantru I A. t. Weliome Council men t I-'IKIU I Mr I H. J ilcMi n it Uteliuia of Ihe I'oiiucll eiery hrruiulai fl ' rouilh Wolncadav. Sumpter Valley Railway Co. T1MB TAIU.E NO. 0 IN JUNK 14, 1WH. Kl FECI Wet tloand. Kaat ltouud. Nn. 1 I'a-a. in. No. 2 I'asa p. m. (T:0 I.v ilakerOity Ar 6: 0 0:5 " Bouth llaker l.v 0:20 0:68 ' 'Hallaburyt " 6:00 10:04 " Mxxkhartt " 4'-65 10:07 " Tbompaont " 4:63 10:17 " 'Stoddard Junction! " 4 :tS 10:22 " MVatorTankt " 4:10 10 :2 " 'DrtaD'aBourt "4-2 10:0 " McKwnnt " 4-86 10:65 " JUNCTION! " 4:10 11:10" Humptor " 4 :ft 11:16" MUNOTIONI " .60 11:40 " Hiimmltt " : 0 NOON 12:00 " 'O I. Citmpt ":0.1 I'. M. 12:05 " Wliltnoyf " 00 12:40" TI1TON1 "2:10 1:10 Ar Aoatlu "2.10 Btop on nlgnaln only. tNo acnt, Tickcta Imuod only for atationa wbero train a are acbedulod to uiako ri'Kttlar atopa. I'aaaviiKura mtiat purohaac tick tda whom agenta oxlt lioforo tuitcrliiK tralna or 25 conla In addition to tint iv gtiUr fare will bo charged. JOHKI'II A. WKST, Hupt. GltANTOKDDKS, Aait. 8opt. $1500 Reward! ThoOrrion.Cal IfornlaandNrtada l.ltotUock I'roloc lion Ailoclatlon ol which tho uii'ier laneu la lurnur, will aivo ll.noo ou rewam for evl g v ueuto IV.UIUK in I at, J the arreat and con .I?!!.!.,,.,, ..fHl.v ha.. ii;,ii'i u. i..i ".- ty or iartlca teal lux horac. catlla or inulea belondni; to any of In incut bcrt. In addition lolho above, the underlined orTora the lame condition l'0 to for all lionet branded bono hod bar on both or cither Jaw. Urand recorded In oliht rountlra llauge Harney, Lake and Crook eountlca. Home vented when told. None but grown bono told and only In arge btinchee, W W. IIHOWN. Kite. Oreaou ttttiimtiinmmti(tt:ttnituitnitti: Vour Patronage Respectfully Solicited JULIUS MAYER HOOT AND SII0H RCi'AIKINd I'oiirtecn, Yours Ilxperioncc In Tlio Iliiaincaa. HntlaCiictory Work nnd Prompt Service Guaranteed. Cull nnd SreMy Work. Pint Door Norlli of C, II. Leonard Law Olllce. Main Street Uurns, Ore. Hmtmmummmmmtmmmmimm:: Star Hotel S.J. AtlDWINTKK, Prop. NARROWS, - ORIKION 'llila will bo found n dclrnllo and hospitable utoppliiR place where comfort uiid court conn treatitient nro conatdered flrat Feed Barn Conducted In connection yv.umr ',w i -y y&l NORTH The Delightful Columbia River Route on the Steamers Steamer "T. J. POTTER" lenvca rorlbmd nt 10'lOp in. fdntly encipt Kunilny mid Motidnyi nrrlltiK nt Aalorla.fl.lK) u. in mid ,Mrlcr nt 7 !I0 ii in. KeliirnltiK leave Aalorin ilnlly i-xccpt Simtlny, Monthly mill Tneajny nl 7:00 n. in. Melcr l 0-!IO n, in. nrriviiiK Mt I'ort liintl l;:i(J. On Hiintliiy Ienrit Aatorin 7'(MI n in, Mcnh-r H.OtJ p in., nrrlvlnj; I'ortlnntl nt lit.'IO n. in Moiultiy Strainer "HamaIo" lenvc I'oitlnntl dnily (except Siittlrilny uudStiudny) nt Hit in , Sittiirilny nt 1 p in, nrilvlni; Anturlu I III) p. in , McKlcr !! Ifi ti. ill. On Siitiirdny nrrliK Mijjlcr 11:30 p in. Kclnriiliij; lnnvea MeKler dnily except Siitiirdny mid Sninlriy nt 'Jt: tli p. in. iirriin l'ort In nil 10.00 p. in. Stitlility Icnvea Metier 0.0O p. m., nrriviiiK I'ortlntnl r..:io n in Steamer "llnrvet Queen" Icnvea I'orllmid dnily (except .Snliirdnyl'mid Hiiudny) nt K:00,'p. in , Bnttinlny nt 10 p, in., for Aatorin uiid wny Inud Ink. 'ItetitrnliiK Icnvea Aatorin dnily except Httudri nt 7:00 n. in:, nr rivltiK I'ortlnntl (1,00 p. in. EXCELLENT RESTAURANT SERVICE (Mrala U Carle) Tralm meet nil bcat nt Mrglrr for Norlli Uracil I'nintt Aalorln $l.r.O rSutiinhiy to .Mondiiy licketa a.OO Nurtli llencli 1 Ua.l 'I li.!rlM i I Ilc Hide Hound One-Day HlvcrTrlp, I'orttmid to for Pnrtlier lilloiiiiiltinn Aildn WHY NOT MAKE S200. A MONTH - - That's 9 550.00 a Wook, almost SIP.00 a Day A Bclllnir Victor Bafo and flro moot boiea to lurrehanla, iloolon, lawjrm. ilrnllita anil veil tnlotarrnrra.allof whomrrallu-ihrnn-d of aMfe.but do not know liuwraey Itlatoown one, Haleanien ilrelare our propoallton one ot the twit, clean rut money niaklnx opporlunl ilea ever received. Wllbotil prevloua eiiierl MieVOll can tlupllrate Itin iiioeni ofolbera. Our bandaoniely llluilralnl SW pane raltlog will enable you to prraent the tuhject locua- lemera in aa iniereaiina- you were pllotlriK them hrougti our laelory. aleanien receive advice and Inatrucllnna tor convlnctnx talklne polnla which It U Inipouible (or a proicilve etittomer to deny rion'l YOU bo the urn :o apply rroru your virioiiy u v can favor only one aalman out ot each locality, don'l YOU bo the tint M apply from your i IB&BHiaSSaHRLflfoHaaaaHa' Our New Home. Capoelly 10,000 Salea Annually. W. W. DRINKWATER " Main St., BURNS MILLING CO. HORTON 6l SAYER, Propts. Rough and Dressed Lumber, Rustic, Flooring, SWouIding, Finishing Lumber Nearest Sawmill to Burns. Cood Road. Lumber Yard in Burns. Go To The White Front Livery Stable NEW RIGS AND TEAMS 'Phone to Me for Your Doctor Calls. R. .1. McKINNON, Jr., Proprietor. 1-1ARNKY VALLKY FENKINS & KAISE'R, Proprletcrs WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS Best and most popular brands LOCAL BEER OH TAP Courteous and obliging bar tenders Burns, Oregon jutr&tiMwj.rui,vmariM&y82&tLi. "tfiffjsxirtt, !rT-lfi--Cavift(fliiSsi aaaaaaaMaaaaaaaaagwiBBaaaMraaaaiaMwaaaJL n WRITE FOR SPECIAL THE A.H.AVERILLMACHINERYCO. 5 POKANE, WASH.-PORTLAND, ORE." ;5Ali JOSE CAL asasmtmsmwinmitmmkwmmm BEACH VIA T. J. POTTER HASSALO And HARVEST QUEEN FROM ASH STREET DOCK i nn Trip Tickcta. 1 -j.00 McKlcr and return 2 00 i (letl I'naa ,i I'or I litid. Ore. a, inanorraa ioouko Men appointed aa aelllnK aa(e, itlvlnn Whr vicinity before aonitouerlMRCta tho tarrltoryr Tho ath annlverarr ot oar ootsiiany waa eelabrated by eractlnK the moil inodarn aafa factory In the world. Wide awake mn who received our rlal aelllriK Inducement, rendered Itneeraaary todouble ourouipuu no ara apanamc many thouaanda ot do nr inouaanoa oi aouara co larrctncour i tlnirouraaleaoritanliatlon. but lo learn all particular!, tt i only Ihe price ot will roat YOU a poll I card. Itl for CllelOffia 16T. THE VICTOR SAFE & LOCK CO. CIKCItlNHI, OHIO lilacksmi.li.ag and florseshoing Wagon Work COOLEY AUTO MATIC BRAKES Burns, Oreeon, liKKWKk " SALOON u IA .afUfB D'V..a. IWSU cnumua BOILERS HfllOM GRADE MACHINERY CATALOG AND PRICES I'llOFKSSIONAL CARDS. ff1ARStEN & GRIFFITH I'liyfclUnnri ntul HntKWUh MJIINft, OltEOON. U. E, IIDBlIRD DEHTTISI1 Olllrn firnl door i-nnt photo allory Horn", Oregon. W, C. BROWN, DBITTIST. ItllnNK, OlIKOON, OfDro looma 8 nnd II Maronlc HulldlnK C. A. REMBOLD Altornoy-nl-Law, Burns, Oregon. MILLER & CIIEZEM ATTOItNKYS AT LAW Iltirim, Ori-on. HiKiiitfi (I nnd 7 M.ikmiIc linildlng CJinRLES W. ELLIS LAWYER Buoib, - - Oregon l'rnrtici'M In tbu Kliito Courts nnd foro tlio U.H IjiiiiI Ofllcu. ! OluiH. IJ. rconai-d, ATTOIINKY-AT-I.AW, (Jnr fill iitUMitioii given (o Collec- lioim and Real KBtnto innttorr?. l'lro Innuranco. Noliiry I'lililic, llUlt.SH, OllKdO.V. J. HI. CBfltY rbyalclnii and Kureon. Iltirnn, - - - Orogon. Olfieo In now building noutli o( Welcome barurea abop, Main St. 'I'bouoMaiiiH.'i. DEf.MAH & DENIHHff. Ptiysjcians and Surgeons ( alia nii'-Ai-rcd pnunplly night or day 'I'Iioiki llnrriniau. Harriman, Oregon JOK ROBINSON Stock Inspector, Hartley Connly. Home Addrcan Iliirns, Ore Dr- Minnie Hand Physician and Surgeon I IMrecl relcplionc Connection Lawen. Ore. A. W. GOWAN ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Stato CourLs and United States Land Office Practice Three doors South of the Harney County National Bank Hums. Oregon. It 11 t'lOfKR aaw u AM.aoc M. V. Domi nJ.n. AH. WCCI. COOPER & DODGE Civil and Hydraulic Engineers Irrigation, Water Supply Sewerage, Water Power. Snrvoya, Maim, Ketituaten, Bupervlalon BURNS, OREGON K.C. l)iti.Atit Knrmerlr Aaat. Knclurer In U. M. Iteelamailon Ser tfv. A. O. Kaulknik Formerly C'hlaf K. Clncer ol llolae A Wrtlern Itjr. Easfern Oregon Engineering Company CIVIL ANH IRRIGATION ENGINEERS Burns, Oregon H. N. McCOMB (icner.il Repair Shop Hear W. O. White's Shop, S. Main Street Plumbing, Pump and Wind Mill Work a Specialty. urns Sheet IVIetal Works Tin, Copper, Sheet Iron Work of all Description. CampSlous, Tanks, Jobbing, Plumb. ing to order. GheMea Trial. C. W. SCHUMANN Proprietor. Voejjtly's Old Stand. JOHN UK3IUEULING, 0 k-ssse .Towelor. Optician and JSnimivor. Fine Watch Repairing A Spe cinlty. Always ready for job printing1. Ji- &A iT '.'5 Nt cwiwi ;!