-J "" nr mi lam. ""WJUJIIr-l "- '-'fW' H.llllllll gftnw, mSHSe? CUT OF BURNS COUNTY QF HARNEY The Biggest County In The Stnte Of Oregon, Beit In The West The Biggest City In The Biggest County In The Stnte Of Orcgc ?FiT!:f'-j4-ri-a? VOL. XXV BURNS, IIAHNEY COUNTY, OREGON, JUIY G, 1912 NO 34. bt -lltfrfr1irY I r r w w "Ww&fr I x. H i i'MTh iJt ' SwrlSfiiimMfn-iiT :-. h THE CELEBRATION A COMPLETE SUCCESS Ideal Day Enjoyed by a Large Number From Various Parts of Country Fine Oration by Hon. N. J. Sin nott Baseball, Fireworks The weather seemed to be made to order for the Fourth and there was a largo number of vis itors in Burns to participate. A "number" of people were in from other towns and this was hardly expected as there were a number of celebrations, one at Harney, Drewscy, Narrows and Lawcn. The first few innings were a lit tle slow, but the boys finally got down to good work and it proved very interesting and close, and was won by the Regulars by a score of 4 to 5. ' The band again gaye a very ' fine concert in the evening and ! many complimentary remarks PROPER FEEDING TO MAKE "MARBLE" BEEF C L. Smith, Agriculturalist of The 0. W. R. & N. Co., Writes an Interesting Paper on Subject of Beef The program was carried out were heard as to the excellence as advertised with the exception J of their playing and Tonowama of the sports for the boys and management was congratulated, girls on the street. The ball i However, the management of game lasted until almost (5 o'clock Tonawanm doesn't take any and it was impossible to get any credit for the excellence of the other events in between that band as yet, owing to the short time and the band concert. time it has been organized and Earlv in the dav biff delecra- the limited snaco of time it has tions in autos and with teams had to prepare for concert work, began to arrive in town and by as most of the practices were de the time the band got out the I voted in preparing for the celo streets were lined with people. I bration. However, since this is After an hour of music by the I over the boys will gradually be band the people went to the I instructed to handle a higher court house square where Hon. j grade of music and their weekly N. J. Sinnott gave one of the open air concerts will be inter best orations ever listened to by , mingled with standard overtures the people of this section. Hon. and popular selections. Frank Davoy acted as president! The fireworks were set of! on and introduced the speaker with the hill top at the north end of a few appropriate remarks. Air. I town, may people from the neat A. B. Whitney offered a prayer! by country staying in to see them and this was in turn followed by; while those living near could see all sintrinc- Aniorimi. whilo tho! them from their homes. This Hon. Mr. Sinnot concluded with his address. Early in the afternoon the crowd went to the fair grounds where the band gave more music and there were two good saddle horse races run after which the ball game was pulled off at the base ball grounds. The game proved to be a very good one. was a pleasant diversion lor me children particularly and they were all delighted. The big dance at Tonawama was attend ed by a record breaking crowd who stayed until late. The Ton awama orchestra gave good music for the occasion. The Ladies Civic Improvement Club served (Continued on page !.) THE BUENS HOTEL DELL DIBBLE, Prop. Centrally Located, Good Clean Meals, Comfortable Rooms, Clean and Sanitary Beds First Class Bar In Connection. Give Me A Call rs ? TRUCKS BEND i BURNS (OPKRATINB Ffltm I'ACHAIID T1IUCHH I BEST SERVICE LOWEST RATES 4 Round Trips Each Week 4 Central Oregon Trucking Co. W. S. LOCKWOOU Mur, II. ItOIIU, Ait. Ilurna Oh! You SPORTS Get Your Fishing Tackle, Hooks, Lines, Prices That Are Right Here. Gloves, Mites and Masks Rods and Reels At Base Ball Bats, at Right Prices. Ice Cream, Soda Water, and Refreshing Drinks, Fresh EnglishjWalnuts Tiyv7- Our New Au of .f.U'-o-MTA IVrfuincH. Best ForTlio .loiic,. Ihcobody I'hchH. All Iho go. In Fact, We Are HEADQUARTERS For The Best Lino of Drugn, Toilet ArticIcH, ('nnfeetionory, Shoot MiiHic, Mimical IriHlnnnont, Cigai-H and Tobacco, Rubber (JooiIhwhI Stationery. City Drug; Store REED BROS. Proprietors (llfC 1- Kmltti.) Tho Scotch and English far mers of Canada have alway main tained a reputation for produc ing heef of excellent quality, and at the minimum feed cost. It is gratifying to us, therefore, to find such a hearty endorsement of the methods we have ndvocnt ing for the past few years as thnt given by an old and success ful cattle grower at n recent con vention. Ho said: "While proper feeding is im portant, yet it will accomplish nothing without being supple mented by a judicious and gen erous system of feeding, such as will furnish the animal with such full and appropriate rations as to insure a steady and continuous growth from tho timn the animal is dropped until it is ready for market at as early an ago as pos sible. Early maturity offers tho only safe system of profitable beef production; when thd animal is young and immature its diges tive and assimilative functions are most active, and when wo know that tho waste in tho ani mal's system is much less during tho young and active stage of growth than when tho animal comes nearer maturity, it be comes evident that the earlier wo can get ournninials ready for tho shambles tho greater will our profits be. Every practical feed er knows that there is no mys tery in tho growth and rearing of animals; every pound of addi tional weight placed upon the carcass represents so much food and it is certain cost to the owner. In fact, whether the animal is kept stationary, increasing or decreasing in weight, it is cost ing the owner so much every day, so that the only way in which we can be paid for the food consumed is through the in crease obtained; hence the great folly of allowing our young nni mals scant nourishment and in- sufficient shelter during the win ter and keeping them on the pasture during the summer. Such a system will not only re tard their present growth, but it will also contract their diges tive system as to render them unable to make the same good use of their food while they are being fattened for tho market. If we would follow the proper system of growing our beefing animals this business of stall feeding of cramming our beef ing animals with very heavy ra tions of meal during tho fatten ing period is a mistake. All through my talk I havo used the term neeigrowcrs, anu it wo would handle our business as we should, wo must grow our beef animals rather than fatten them; this is the only wny in which wo shall everbeablo to furnish high class beef, and tho young grow ing nnimal should be in condition almost ready for tho butcher at any time. Wo hear much nowa days about prime quality of meat, or what is called marbled beef that is, beef with tho fat deposit ed in tho lean tissues of tho meat. bear in mind that wo cannot get that kind of meat by feeding tho animals one day and starv ing them the next. That is not the way in which this desirable condition of carcass is brought about; neither is it obtained by keeping our young animals in a half starved condition for tho first two and a half years of their lives and forcing them for all they are worth for the next four or five months, Tho only way wo obtain this fino quality of meat is to nourish tho calf well and never allow it to loso its calf flesh, but keep it growing and thriving in such a way as to on- ablo it to begin to doposit fat in the lean tissuo from tho start, and thus grow tho fat as the ani mal Is developing. Tito finishing process will then bo comparative ly short and easy, and you will havo what is called "marbled beef." This is in lino with a Farmers' Instituto address wo havo given many limes throughout tho In land Empire under tho title of JIM MAHON BOOSTS FOR HOME COUNTY In Portland to Attend Elks' Convention And Tells Journal Reporter That Railroad Development is What This Country Needs Most J. F. Mnhon, n prominent land and sheep owner of Harney county, arrived this morning to remain for tho Elks' Grand re better you fnrm the better crop you get. I think the crop this year will average easily 40 bush els to tho acre. Uarloy nnd oats union. Mr. Mnhon is a-momber , f rom GO to 80 bushels. of Portland lodge of tho order, I "Some big irrigation projects as his home town, Mule, has not 'arc under way in Harney county, yet reached the point of develop-'and there is water enough to ir ment warranting tho maintain-Irigato every foot of tho soil a ancoof a lodge of its own, says foot deep. What young orchards the Journal. ' we have there have proven to be Asido from being a prominent wonderfully fine in quantity and and popular Elk, Mr. Million is also the Democratic nominee for joint senator, with a great many leading Republicans to boost him for election in November. He bus lived in Harney county .'.' years, longer by a few months than his congenial friend, Hill Hartley of Burns, and two years ago wns mentioned for the sena torial toga but declined the honor at the time. This year he was persuaded to make the run and many of the old Republicans are joining the Democrats in his support. wiiiio my town, mule, or Harney county as a whole for that matter, does not have an Elks lodge, the prospects arc that before long wo will have several lodges in that part of the state," said Mr. Ma lion this morning. "The railroads arc coming our way, and that means develop ment of the land and the natural resources now lying dormant. "Tl'eO. W. It. &N. Co. will build from Vale to Dog Mountnin quality. I have about 1000 acres of grain myself, and it is looking fine. "I havo been In Harney county 'M years and always know that Harney county would come to the front when wo got transpor tation. "On tho way out to Vale I mot a whole lot of settlers going in with their families. Some brou ght machinery, ready to begin work, thinking they could pur chase land cheaper than they could locate, which is true. Whilo there is a great deal of govern ment land yet open and some of it very good, taking up tho land requires considerable time and red tnpe. "The alfalfa crop is certainly fine this year, growing from 8 to 0 tons per acre. "Tho old stockmen have de cided to cut down their herds and improve their ranches, as it is found thnt the land will pay better for farming than for stock raising. But this new method HOW TO RIPEN YOUR TOMATO CROP Way lo Gel Big Crop of Fine Fruil Told By Prof. Bouquet of The Oregon Agricultural College Faculty "Considerable trouble has been experienced in tho past in the ripening of tho tomato crop," said Prof. A. G. H. Bounuot. vegetable garden expert of llie O. A. C recently. "One of the greatest drawbacks has been in tho dropping of blossoms in the early summer, with a resultant meagre setting of fruit. Instead therefore, of having ripe toma toes the Inst of July and middle of August, many vines do not hegin to sot fruit early enough to permit ripening before the fall. As a result there is much loss either by the cracking of the fruit by rains, or frosted vines. "Tho mnkc-up of tho tomato flower is such as to make it nec essary often to pollcnnte tho blossoms nrteficially. The trou ble of poor setting of fruits is nothing more or less than non fertilization of the female organs of tho flower. If this organ is not properly pollcnatcd, the flower will fall, breaking off at tho first joint below. DEMOCRATS NAME WILSON AND MARSHALL Took 46 Ballots Before a Choice Was Made and Convention Ends Most Harmoniously Compared to its Strenuous Sessions at First Iho democrats came out, of loting for Vice-President began their mixup at Baltimore with it seemed that the Bryan-Wilson flying colors-thnt is the ending contigentin tho convention had j was happier than it was predict- definitely settled upon Governor ed from the long drawn out fight. Burke, of North Dakota. I Gov Wilson received 990 votes There was not much of a fight, on the 46th ballott and it was however, and when two ballots ,' In o n made unanimous. Mr. I disclosed Marshall steadily in the Bryan Bhowcd himself to be ca(j( Governor Burk's name was the biggest man in the coun-j withdrawn and Marshall was I try by tho way he manipulated nraclnimml fhnnnmJnno w nnnln. this summer, a distance of 171 farming will mean that even miles. About 500 men are at tually tho stockraising industry work now and the contractors' will again flourish, for where ono to hire all the men are trying they can get. The only thing holding back progress is tho large tunnel in Malheur canyon where only a certain number of men can work at the time. They work three shifts from both ends. Tho tunnel I think will bo some- head is now being raised there will be 10. "Wo understand down our way that the O.-W. It. & N. company will not only extend its enst and west lino from Dog Mountain to the Deschutes river lino, but that it will also be built on to San thing like a mile in is about 35 miles Bight of way men are now in Burns buying right of way clear to Dog Mountain. I understand that tho people of Harney and Mnlheur counties are very liberal with their right of ways, as they understand that all Harney coun ty needs is transportation facili ties. The railroads havo just realized that Harney county is one of the best grain countries in tho west. It has always been knocked for the reason that peo ple thought wo could not grow length. It ' Francisco by wny of Alturas and from Vale. ,Chieo, through a natural pass. The distance from Dog Mountain to San Francisco will be COO miles or about the samensto Portland. This California extension will pass through an area immensely rich in sugar pino nnd cedar tim ber and in spots will develop agri culturally. "The two roads will give to Harney valley, and it is a big stretch of land -15 miles wide nnd GO miles long, two big markets, Portland to the northwest nnd San Francisco to the southwest "Tomato blossoms remain open several dnys, and pollenation can be aided greatly by the garden er. On the briuht. sunnv davs the pollen in the flower will scatter readily if the vino is shaken or tapped with a stick or lead pencil. A high temperature, such as that between ten and two o'clock, will cause the pollen to scatter much more freely nnd be caught by tho pistil, the femnle organ. I would suggest that somo plants bo kept as checks and not shnken, to compare ic sults. "If pruning or staking of the vines is desired tho plants should bo put closer together in the row, 2i or 3 feet, They should be pruned to n single stem by re moving all tho laterals at the bxiIb of the leaves. They should be supported with a stake and cutoff when six feet high. Other wise they should be planted four feet apart in the garden or field." affairs and his self sacrifice to tho principles he advocates. He compelled the lines to be dis tinctly drawn between progrcs- sivencss and reactionaries, there fore there is no "straddle of the fence" proposition for the voters. It is now straight up to the voter. Senator Chamberlain of this state had strong endorsement of many for second place but it was decided by the political work ers that lie was needed in the senate this seems to have been the only reason his name was not presented to the convention. The Associated press briefly gives the story of the final result of tho convention as follews: For President Governor Wood row Wilson, of New Jer sey. For Vice President Governor Thomas R. Marshall, of Indiana. This was tho ticket completed by the Democratic National con vention. The nomination of Governor Marshall for Vice-President by acclamation after the second bal lot came as something of a sur p ise, for when the night's bal- mation A minute later the convention ' had adjourned sine die. ( Governor Wilson was nominat ed on the 46th ballot and his nom-' ination, like that of Governor' Marshall, quickly was madeun- animous. The best of feeling' pervaded both sessions and the delegates seemed to be in a happy frame of mind. Mr. Bryan had announced his intention of introducing a resolu tion in effect discharging the! National committee from con- ducting the coming campaign and ' allowing Governor Wilson to ap point his own campaign com mittee. He was dissuaded from this course and instead of making a strife, he made a late speech,! which he termed his "valedic tory" and in happy vein turned over the mantle of his former( leadership as a presidential can didate to Governor Wilson. He pledged his faithful support to the Presidential nominee and ended by urging that cither Gov ernor Burke or Senator George (Continued on page 4.) POLITICAL COMMUNICATION tho grain but regarded it as es- u w VtlV0 wjiat for tho past 30 sentinlly a Btock country. We yCara we have been waiting did not grow grain for tho simplo patiently. And then a great reason thnt wo had no market, .many rich valleys empty into "But now tho railroad sees thnt i this valley. we can raiso anything thnt can bo raised in tho west, that wo havo thousands of acres in crop this year and that there will bo no market for it unless tho rail road contractors buy the grain to feed this winter. "When tho railroad is onco es tablished there will bo an induce ment for tho farmers to farm. Harney, Mnlheur and Grant counties can compote with any grain country in tho 'United "Tho big land owners arc will ing to cut their holdings into small farms and as that is being dono tho production of tho soil Narrows, Oregon. July, 2, 1912 Editor Times-Herald: We, the members of Local Narrows, Socialist Party, wish space in your paper to correct the report that is being spread throughout tho county that tho putting of a Socinlist ticket in tho field was a move to help the "Burns King" (whatever that maybe.) The movement to put out a ticket was started by Local Narrows and was not dono to help or injuro any certain candi dates on tho other tickets, nor to favor nny certain locality. Let tho candidates on tho other tick ets fight their own battles. We havo no part in it. If there is such a thing as a "Burns Iting" it hns been elected when tho So cialists had no tickot in tho field, so wo can't mako it nny worse. THE FRENCH HOTEL JOHN R. WALKUP, Prop. Strictly First Class. Splendid Service, Fine Accomodations, Commercial Headquarters Sample Room In Connection, Reasonable Rates C. M. KELLOGG STAGE CO. will continue to Increse. I look Tho principles of Socialism are for tho t,imo when Harney countv far bigger than Harney County will bo ono of tho most produc-1 nnd the ticket wns put up for tivo sections in the entiro coun- tho principles for which wo have try." j stood "For lo, theso many years" . Beware comrades, you who are During tho summer months .being led astray by theso politi mothers of young children should clans tales of tho "Burns King," watch for any unnatural loose- it.is you who aro being "worked" btatcs. iho soil is excellently ' g of lll0 K)WCa When given nnd not tho ones who havo worked auapieu ior an kiiiuh ui curuniH. ,)rom,)t attention at this time to got a ticket in tho field. Ro "Dry farms aro nearly ns good aerious trouble mny be avoided, member that no man is better Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and than tho principles for which Diarrhoea Remedy can always stands. as those irrigated, when properly worked. Tho majority of old timers just scratch tho seed into tho ground, yet thoso rich places all dealers. produced a fair crop. But it has ' - now been demonstrated 'that the Vulcanizing at Gcmberling'e. ho bo dopended upon. For salo by Local Narrows, Van B. Embree, Secretnry Wo do job printing right kind rSHHJHHMMBMMMMH Ilvlltibte Cttlttnt ol Jlii nt uCountu Tlie Inland . Four Well Equipped Linos. Excellent Facilities For Transporation of Mail, Express or Passengers Prairie City to Hums. Burns to Diamond Vale to Burns Burns to Venator Howard Kellog, Agt, Burns. AUTO STAGE TO BEND BURNS-BEND CO SOLIDATED AUTO CO Superior Service - - Quickest Way SPECIAL ROUND TRIP FARE PLEASURE RIDE OF' EIGHT HOURS TO RAILROAD II. ROIIU, Agent, Burns Garage, Burns, Oregon Homestead Locations 320 ACUU HOMI-STUADS KULINUIIISIIMUNTS lU!Pi;i LAND Empire Realty Company V. T. J.KHTKH, MaiWRor Wo represent that which 1m runted and ntllulilu, Wo handle nil kind of Kfiil Kelnto mutters Wilto your hind filing puperu or otliur luvul liuul papers correctly ami ipilokly , WK WANT YOUlt FIKK INHlMtANOJJ ItUHINKBBs warupiummt two of tlio troiiot ronipanlun In Ainerlca-TH AKTNA .( UAMTOKD CO'H. Lint your proporty with tin, for b1u or tnulo. INyKSTJQATIC OUlt HUBlNKHsl MKTIIOD8 ANIU'AHTflUCOHBH. You trust ua, wo tnut you. Auk our Clients. Call uiul ecu un, WATCH THIS SPACI! ran THANK 100 ncres o flno lur mill -hn llntl.or over Sl,0oo,ooo (eotiortok mij nom) mml tliruuuli UuJ In llie mint Northern Malm llmlxjr hell Will tifiilo lot lCOncui ollovul llnriii) Valley lnml Hutu llil Hat Burns ftffleat IVIarket tl. J. HANSEN, Proprietor Beef, Pork, Veal, Mutton, Sasuage, Boloiiga, Headcheese and Weinerworst, Etc. Wholesale and Retail Prompt and Satisfactory Service Your Patronge Solicited and Orders Given Quick Attention lfJnnlintw1 nn mum A