"WWWWBJfT "' ""IJ" " Ji'Dlimni mill jiuuirj Mtfulk The hnca-3;iciBl5 ThttOllU'lnl l'rtporut llnrnny County Iur tlio liUKost circulation ami laouwol liu li(t rtdviirtlnliiK mediums In Kaitorn Oregon, TElif (Orcnt Hnrticu (Co tin I ry Couth nil nrcn ol 0,428,BOO miot ol Innil, 4,(131,001 iutcn jut vacant nulijcct to entry miller tint public IhiiiI lawi ol tl.u United BtateM. a VOL. XXV BURNS, HARNEY COUNTY, OKEGON, .JUNE 15, 1012 NO 31. Children 's Industrial Contest BOSTON WOOL BUYER VISITS THIS COUNTY ( I -l She Wvxtt v Burns to Celebrate July 4th Patriotic Addresees, Band Concerts, Ball Game and Athletic Sports, Fire Works and a Big Dance Burns will make the EiirIo scream for ono day at least this year and committees are now busy working out tho details of the program. There will bo a ball game in tho afternoon fol lowed by sports for the boys and girls on the street, a grand dis play of lire works, band concert and a big dance. This was de cided at a meeting of tho Busi ness Men's Club held Wednesday evening. The local ball team has been trying lo get a series of games with some outside team for that date and this has caused the de lay in ' tarting definite steps to ward a celebration. It seems that all our neighboring towns, Drewsey, Prairie, Bend, Prine ville, in fact all the places where there are ball teams, have en gagements for -that date and no outside team was available, there fore we are going to have a bat tle between local teams in the afternoon. Burns has always celebrated on the fourth for many years and the people of this section are not to be disap pointed this year in that respect. In fact it is going to be just a little better this year than ever and all the events crowded into one day and one night Present plans are to have a short literary and musical pro gram in the forenoon at Tonawa ma Theatrcconsistingof patriot ic addrescs and music by the Tonawama Band. A band con cert on the street to follow the lunch hour and then go to the base ball grounds for a game be tween two well matched teams; after the ball game there will be foot races, jumping, tug of war and other athletic sports on the j The HOTEL BURNS N. A. DIBBLE, Proot. CENTRALLY LOCATED, GOOD, CLEAN MEALS, C OMFORTABLE ROOMS Courteous treatment, rates reason ableGive me a caM A First Class Bar in Connection gSJJSSSSS-'A.SA- J FRnwnT IIKTTKK If You Want loWfcii' n X p R E S S VU The fl .crttral B 1 rcgnn Bend to Arrives Kvery Sunday And Wednesday a Beautiful : ALL II. ROHU, Agent, "JftftSi Burns, Oregon HINDS HONEY ALMOND CREAH Rkmkmiikh 2000 Hxtru Votes with every 00c bottlo Tln'-f Tnir Wry or .Stale Confectionery at iUH t JDllj Any Price, when yon can got Fresh, Choice Varieties nt tlio wmio price- at otirHtoro Every Day in the week. New Supply Just Arrived. T,3T"V" ur kTnv I-1'"0 f 'Jai'-o-nita Perfumes, Host For Tho Money. Kverybody Uses It. All tho go. In Fuct, We Are HEADQUARTERS For The Best Lino of Drugs, Toilet Artieles, Confectionory, Sheet Mimic, Musienl InHlruinent, Cigars and Tobucco, Itubhor (ioodHimd Stationery. C4t.t Wft - wiiy i wg tvv REED BROS. street for tho younger generation. From 7:30 until dark a band con cert on the street and then tho fire works. All this is to bo frco to tho general public. Tickets for the ball at Tonawama in the evening will be the usual price. Another entertaining featuro is booked for tho night of July 3 at Tonawama when tho local Woodman "Circle lodgo will put on "Btirley's Ranch," ono of the best Western comedy dramas ever produced in Burns. It will be under tho direction of Carl Welker and with some of the best local talent in the cast the public may feel assured of a good evening of entertainment. Our neighbors are invited to come to Burns and participate with us in the celebration. We welcome the entire country and assure all a good lively time with plenty of entertainment for tho entire time. Those who have been accustomed to being with us on the National holiday are going to find the same hearty welcome from the people of our city with a program better than usual. Each age of our lives has its joys. Old people should be hap py, and they will be if Chamber lain's Tablets arc taken to strcn ghtcn the digestion and keep (he bowels regular. These tablets arc mild and gentle in their ac tion .and especially suitable for people of middle age and older. For sale by all dealers. 29-33 PAfeTUUK 8 miles east of Burns Horses and cattlo $2 a head cr month Ms. E. E. Owsley, Burns. SKKVICK ItATl's" Sh,p our ,,re'Knt B A (1 ( A (J B rucking i . ompany Bxzrns leaven Every Monday And Thursday Ladies USE fv Q-fV3k Propriety, THE POTATO FLEA BEETLE PEST IN OREGON Agricultural College Warns Against Epitrii Subscrlnlla on Spuds and Oilier Hants, Tho Spray A warning against tho ravnjrcs of EpitrixSubscrinita, tho West ern Potato Flea Beetle, is bointf issued by A. L. Lovott, assistant cntonoliuist at the Oregon Agri cultural College. "Ono of tho serious posts of tho potato and tomato plants at this time is tho western potato fleo beetle," says Mr. Lovott. "This inBect, properly known as Epitrix Subscrinitn, occurs at this timo as a small, dark brown beetle feeding on tho foliage of its host. "It eats characteristic, small, irregular holes in tho leaves and has tho ability to jump quickly like a Ilea when disturbed. "The puncture which the beetle makes in the leaf, whilo serious in itself, becomes even more detrimental, duo to tho fact that a fungus diseaso gains ready en trance through these injured cells and causes a decaying of the tisstiu for a greater or leas distance. "Tho female will commenco depositing eggs later, about .the base of their host. In tho case of tho potato, the larvae hatching from theso eggs feed on tho de veloping tubers. They mine into tho potato usually tunneling only n short distance beneath tho sur face and turning again to tho ex terior. The effect of their work is to give the potato a pimply ap pearance which sometimes ser iously affects the selling qualities. "Tho spray to be used for this flea beetle is a combination Bordeaux-lead arsenate spray. It is prepared by suspending -1 lbs. of copper sulfate in a gunny sack at tho top of a barrel in 25 gals, of water. Then G lbs. of Iimo iB slaked in a small quantity of wa ter and mado up into n 25 gal. solution. Then the two solu tions, 50 gals, in all, are poured simultaneously into a spray tank, and stirred vigorously mean while. Good fresh lime must be used, and should always be in excess. Only wooden vessels should bo used in handling Bor deaux mixture. The pump should have braBS parts or be brass linep throughout. To this solution should be added 2 lbs of arsenate of lead and mix it thoroughly. It may be used at normal strength for potatoes, but 10 more gallons of water should be added for tomatoes. Either of the solu tions used alone is fairly sufll dicnt. If only lead arsenate is used, appiy ut tho rate of 2 lbs. to 50 gals- of wator." ESTABLISH PONY EHDUBANCE. On a wager of $5000 that a western cow pony can make a trip of 20,000 miles in threo years a party of four men arrived Mon day. Tho men making tho trip are Geo. W. Beck, C. C. Beck, J. B. Ransou and R. G. Rnyn. On May 1 thoy left tho capital of Washington, being given a send off by Governor Hay, Thoy are to visit every capital in tho Union and mako tho trip by the opening of the fair at San Francisco in 1915. The men arc to uso tho samo horses. Thoy are under tho terms of tho wager given ono pack horso and during tho entire trip aro not supposed to sleep in a house. To mako tho trip it will bo necessary to make a distance of 20 miles every day for tho three years. In recounting their experience they said that in crossing tho Cascade mountains they had to break nine feet of snow for a dis tance of ten miles. From this placo they aro to mako Boiso tho capital city of Idaho. Canyon Eagle. When your child has whooping cough bo careful to keep tho cough loose and expectoration ensy by giving Chamberlain's Cough Remedy as may bo requir ed. This remedy will also liquify tho tough mucus and mako it easier to expectorate. It Ikib been used successfully in many epidemics and is safe and euro, For salo by all dealers. 29-33 Agricultural College Extension Man Talks School Fair and Back to The Soil in Harney County N. C. Maria of tho Exlonsion department of tho Oregon Agri cultural Collego has been doing good work throughout tho county during tho past week toward educating tho younger genera tion in agriculture. Mr. Maris nun uwvii luittuiuiK vn tuu niutu wide movemont having for its object a greater interest in farm ing. Wo is talking tho school childrcns industrial contest which State Supt. Alderman and others ltna lntit IstW iivi r i Uit ntntn' havo inaugurated. Ho has been telling tho children and their parents the importance of this move and what will bo the final result. As tho children are tho hopo of the nation and agriculture is tho cornerstone of our stability and prosperity, so must tho children ho tho key to the situation in dignifying and popularizing agri - culture. It is the early lesson that makes the deep and lasting impression. Upon this principle we must work to make farmers of our children not by driving them to it, but by interesting them and teaching them the sci ence and benutica of agriculture; by teaching them how to grow things by their own elforls. And to stimulate this effort school fairs are to bo held in each coun ty in tho stato and prizes given to the children who do the best in raising and making things. Through this method of stimu lating interest it is hoped that many of tho children will learn to love tlio soilnnd its products and will continue in this work for the joy of achievement and that they will thus bo influenced to decide for tho farm as theirs future home instead of the city. Personal ownership for the child and more pleasant, attractive surroundings and moro amuse-! ments were some of tho essential elements necessary to keep the children on tho farm, emphasized by Mr. Maris. Ho said tho policy of "the boy's pig and the father's hog" was too generally followed. The lack of pcrsonnl ownership, he said, has blasted tho hopes and ambitions of many a boy und driven him from the homo and tho farm in disgust and discour agement. If you give a boy a pig, a calf or a colt, let him sell it when ready for market and allow him to buy more stock with Ponies For Oregon Two Shotlan ponies aro among at tho state fair this fall in tho Childrcns Industrial Contest. Ono by tho Portland Union Stock Yards for tho best bow and pigs, tho other by Secretary of State Ben Olcott for tho best trio of chickens of any breed. HRFMtKNCliS: IMlablv Ctlhin ol lUtuuy Countu Tlio Inland Wo rrprnitint Unit wliluh In routed ami rollr.lilo. Wo Immllo all kind a of Ileal ICkIuIu muttum Willo your limil flllliK pupurn or otlior Iik1 Imi'l paptra correctly am! ipilckly., WIS WANT YOUH VllK tK8UI)AN(!U 11UH1NKH8! wo lepronunt two of tlio itroiiet companies hi Amurlcn-TIIK AKTNA A IIAHTKOUI) CO'B. I.lttyour property with ue, for aulo or tnulo. IN VK8T1CMTU OUIt llUHINKBUMKTIIODHANPl'ASTBUOOUSH You triut tia, wo tniityoii, Aek our Clients. Call anJ boo u, it or place the money in tho bank to his own credit It will teach him business, give him self re spect and tench him to love and respect tho farm and his fnthor. The lecturo nt tho Orpheum Thursday evening was well at- toHdcd and those present showed much interest. Two moving pic ture films Hint of the stock show at tho last stato fair and one of the Portland stock ynrdB, were thrown on the serene at the close of tho lecture. Mr. Maria ex plained tho different views as they passed. Ho loft yesterday morning for Grant county. This is the first timo Mr. Maris has ever visited Harney county and ho was most favorably im pressed with its magnitude. The largo amount of agricultural land was hia greatest surprise and the , magnificent growth of crops was a source of much comment from him. He said that if wo confin ued to havo rains as we had dur- ing his stay here the term dry farming would bo a mis-nomer. Tho Silvies irrigation project was one of the thing he took most interest in as he could see the vast area that can bo covered by the water now going to waste. "It is really a stigma on the fair name of this county that you aro shipping in here annually $25,000 worth of pork when con ditions are so good for its pro duction. It is very much to the credit of tho Harney County Na tional Bank that it is undertak ing to remedy this condition by importing brood sows to be sup plied to tho farmers at actual cost." says Mr. Maris. "The high jirico of cattle during the past two years has depleted the cattle population of the county h,y about half, I understand, nnd this has given your range nnd ' pasture a chance to build up. It will come handy now. It would surprise you to know of tho great good that is being done by Chamberlain's Tablets. Darius Downey, of Ncwberg Junction, N. B., writes, "My wife has been using Chamber lain's Tablets and finds them vory effectual and doing her lots of goods." If you have any trou bio with your stomach or bowels give them n trial. For salo by all dealers. School Children. tho spccinl prizes to bo given Homestead Locations Empire Realty W. T. I.K8TKU, Miuiauur Finds Hie Clips Exceptionally flood and Purchases Bulk for His Clients- Connlry is Looking Great II. N. Ford, tho Ontario auto man. arrived in Vain Wednesday afternoon on his way homo after a G-days trip, during which ho touched nt Barren Valley, Alvord Ranch, tho Steins Mountain nnd surrounding country. Ho had with him tho biggest wool buyer that visits this section, namely Mr. J. M. Johnson of Boston, who is located nt Boise, nnd who represents some of the largest wool buyers in Now England. Mr. Johnson states that they found tho country looking great. There is plenty of feed and the stock nrc doing well. The wool clip has been excellent, nnd al though light in weight is superi or in quality to that of previous years. He inspected a large number of clips and reports hav ing bought the bulk of them on behalf of his clients. Enterprise. PORTLAND ENTERTAINS THOUSANDS. (Portlnnd Correspondent.) Portland is busy this week en tertaining its guests from outside points, both in Oregon and out side tho stato lines. Thousands of visitors aro thronging the city, enjoying the annual Rose Festi val, its varied entertainments, parades and show of prize roses. Never before has the annual event been on such a large scale, with such attractive features and the number of visitors is greater than at nny previous Festival. Each year this flower fete grows in importance nnd interest. Busi ness men arc keeping open house and entertaining their out-of-town customers, while practically every household in the city has guests from the outside who have come to see the festival. Seattle has sent a big delegation of boost ers and from far Pasadena comes a motor car to be entered in the decorated nuto parade. Central Oregon came in for considerable praise the past week from immigration officials of the Great Northern Railway who completed an extended tour through Harney, Lake and Crook counties. They spoke in the highest terms of the. country tra versed and predict it will produce immense wealth when properly settled. To bring more people to this idle land is their avowed intention. Oregon dogwood, the graceful tree that fills our woods with its beautiful star flowers in spring and Bummer, will be introduced at Teplitz, a watering place in Germany. Both seed and young trees have been sent abroad upon roqueBt as the management of this resort has heard of this at tractive tree and wants to plant it there. Tho biggest single shipment of packing house products for an Alnska customer ever mado left Portland recently by special train for Tacomn whore it will bo put aboard a refrigerator vessel and re-shipped north. The shipment amounted to 400,000 pounds of frozen meats, valued at over $50, 000. Tho meat will be kept frozen until used. Heretofore, such big shipments have been supplied by eastern packers but Oregon in now able lo fill these orders. Development of n big water power plant on tho Coquille river, south of Myrtlo Point, involving tho investment of $1,000,000 of Oregon capital, was announced during tho week. It is nronoscd to Bupply light and electricity to all tho cities in Coos County nnd it is said that work will go for ward on tho plant nt once. 320 ACKU HOMl'STUADS KULINQUISMMUNTS DUl'.OlH) LAND Company WATCH THIS SIACH roil TllADK-IOUkcruol floe lur anil tne timber overV,000,000(etcrek and good road Ihrouth land In Ilia treat Norlbarn Idaho tlmtxr tcl Will tiada lor 160 ami of lovel llarnvy Valle land. Have Hilt IUI Gets Shipment of Brood Sows Mr. McKinney Secures Young Pure Bred Stock Which Will Arrive Here Soon for Distribution lprcsidcnt McKinney of the Harney County National Rank and further to say that there returned Tuesday evening from ishould be one or more citizens or a trip to tho Deschutes section in institutions planting fine livestock company with Ren Rrown. They for breeding purposes in every went over to fish and have a little, section of the state, outing but Mr. McKinney found ' As a matter of business a bank ho could secure somo brood sows could loan its money in no way over there of the kind he liked more safely than on livestock and coupled business with plea- security, coupled with such per sure by purchasing a shipment of sonal indorsement as will no Duroc Jersey sows which will ar- doubt bo required to cover pos rive herein about 10 days. They sible loss by death of the Btock. are all young stock, pure bred Of course sales would be made and fine animals. Mr. McKinney only to reputable and thrifty peo has arranged to get more as soon pie. It would be useless to expect as he needs them. many people who would apply While ho could have secured for stock to take the proper care older stock that would farrow of it af tei purchase. Good judg this fall the long haul and hot ment would be as necessary in weather would make such ship- the sale to proper individuals as ment more or less a risk, there- it should be in the original pur fore he considered it best to se- chaso of the stock by the distri cure the younger stock for ship- butors. ment and these will be ready for! There are hundreds, perhaps breeding purposes and bring pigs ' thousands, of worthy ranchers next spring. j in Oregon who need but a help- The Sunday Oregonian com- ing hand to embark in the rais ments editorially on this move of ing of hogs, cattle or sheep with the local bank and commends its profit to themselves and to the enterprise. It says more banks community. Many of these do should follow the example and, not need financinl assistance so thatis right The Portland banks much as they need to get their should lead the way in that res-'start at reasonable cost. For pect, but the Oregonian doesn't each individual to go out and at say so. There was a move start ' tempt to buy on his own account ed for this particular purpose by and then ship by express or at Mr. Livelv of the Union Stock 'such a ruinous rate as would be Yards there but we have not heard of the banks taking it up. How about it? Where is the most money for such develop ment held? Tho editorial says: We cite the instance of Mr. McKinney merely to call attention to the fact that tho course ho is pursu- ing will surely rebound to the credit of his bank and will I e of THE FEiESMCH HOTEL under new management John R. Walkup, Proprietor FirstCIass Well Appointed House Sample Rooms Commercial Travelers r C. M. KELLOQQ STAGE CO. Four Well Kquipped Linos. Excellent Facilities For Trnnsporntion of Mail, Express or Passengers Prairie City to Burns. Hums to Diamond E. B. WATERS, Agt. tntt:tti:m:::::u:: AUTO STAGE TO BURNS-BEND CON OLIDATEDAUTOCO Superior Service SPECIAL RfOUWDTRIP FARE pi.i-asuri: Rim: op maur hours to railroad II. ROHU, Ajrenl, Burns Garage, Burns, Oregon ntt:ni:m:i:::::i!: :u.: ,n? :ffrTCTwTHyy:,g?-r7j;'?iiiyTBr Burns Me-al II. J. fiANSKN, Proprietor Beef, Fork, Veal, M'atton, Saswage, Bolonga, Headcheese and Weinerworst? Etc. Wholesale Prompt and Satisfactory Service Your Pat rouge Solicited and Orders Given Quick Attention great benefit to Interior Oregon; exacted for less than carload lots would be impossible; but where, as in the case of Mr. McKinney, a carload is purchased at one time, and only the expense of one buyer is added, and car rates 'are obtained, and the purchase is ' made for cash, insuring a low Price, it can be seen that with a , very few dollars a rancher can I Can tinned on natre 2.) 1 Vnlo to Burns Hums to Venator t A -saaif iittmsn;:3ti;;uti;nt;:titittsttimiiiumj u BEND - - Quickest Way .mt.t::!t:s:H:::w:r:m::i!::ji naw Market and Retail J -Wndn Inb nrfnting-right kind lenanHB