iminiTiwTtii-nwTi in n """' INDUSTRIAL NOTGS. ( Children ntuto bo interested in forest protection. Forestry offi cials of tho Government hnve taken steps to secure tho assis tance of boys nnd Kirls of the state in hclpitiR to protect forests from fire. The importance of tho trees to tho people of tho state and how to safc-Kiinrd this great resource is taught in nn attractive story to be issued and distributed through tho schools. What is declared to bo the mist valuable tract of farm hind in the state, probably in tho Whole country, lies near Heaver ton, in Washington. This fifteen acre farm is beaver-dam land and has grown onions, valued at $9,000 a year, for forty years. Tho tract has produced a total of approximately $2G0,000. Onions yield 400 sacks per acre on this land and its richness seems inex haustible, It is thought there is no other piece of laud in the United States that can show a similar record. One representative of Manila lodge of Elks has reached Port land for the annual reunion, com ing 8,000 for the national conven tion to be held here m July. This is believed to be tho record for long distances covered to reach this year's reunion. In all, it is expected that G0.000 Elks will flock into Portland during the second week in July. Lebanon Commercial Club has issued invitations to other organ izations to help celebrate its an nual strawberry fair, June 6, 7, and 8. This fete is getting bet ter every year" and now attracts a great deal of attention from Willamette Valley people. The Country Life movement throughout the state is making good. The idea is growing and it is expected to interest 75,000 childrdh in the work. C. H. Lane, representing the Depart ment of Agriculture, has been in the state during the past week giving practical talks on the sub jects. It looks like the plan to make Oregon soil produce every thing needed to feed Oregon peo ple will succeed. ttrtHMJIMMMMMMM i n big lot of freight ovef there consigned to local peoplo who want it in and they are getting tired of waiting on fnlso promises. Someone must get busy. WOOL BUYERS ARE AROUND. A number of wool buyers were in Ontario this week just looking around and getting samples of tho wool clip. Mr. Johnson stated that there vns hardly a price established VJt. that tho wool men are ask ing more than tho houses lmvi authorized the buyers to give and it vill require a few sales to establish tho price, and after that tho sales will be made. The M. M. company's ware house hero has recoived some thing over two hundred thousand pounds up to date, but there aro many who have not sheared and ihey aro not in a hurry while the cool weather continues. Argus. There never was a time when people appreciated tho real merits of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy more than now. This is shown by tho incrcaso in sales and vol untary testimonials from persons who have been cured by it. If you or your children are troubled wjth a cough or cold give it a trial and become acquainted with its good qualities. For salo by all dealers. We aro nftor the Flro Insur ance business and want your bus iness. Insure with tho Reliable ETNA and HARTFORD CO'S. INLAND EMPIRE REALTY COMPANY, Agent. CONTEST NOTICK. tlSlTMlNTATka t.tHuOmm I llnrna, Ori'smi, April W, Wi I To Frank II. Arc) nfMaltle, ntilniitiiii, fun Irati'iii on art) lir-rdiy iintlrtml II" t.iii MnMiillfii wliiiittvlrvMi"y, Dream hri iinrail ttioia, iliil m A ) . r 1 1 Sit, In. , llio III llilmilflri) licriluly (HirtolnirittrO ai,llrailiii In I'nnlral mill MMtrp tli i mih nil aIIimi it )iiir liintit'.uait, Untrr Hi-rlnl No 1)1 h J uiaito nl) i l"lu, lot M,l', NW, mill 'Kh'4 "rtiloii iT, liinu Mili!N i, liaugi' M K SWlialu.llo Mrrlillau, nn. I aa itiuiimU Icir Iwr riinli-t iIibkIH'iu'h Mint Krans II Arvy liaa imtotahllalii'il liliri'uMoiHO llmrcuii, and lint mil In my MiowlnlKO If"'" nrnr mill lain) sliteoitalo n( oiitrjr ami liiu mild laaliauilunnl. Von ate, UiP-i'tnro, lurllu'r iiiillltvil llial llio alii lli nullum wIIIIhi taken al tills nlllec aa liaMuit l.rn (uiifvunril by itiii.aiul )tnir ealil entry will In in ot.l tlivri utider wltltout ) ttur further rlalil to lis litaril therein, either lieluro llilmiitlroorini m-I,II m lull loitl In llila ufllrr within twenty il) atnr llinKOUIllll mililteallon of llila notice, aa atmuii tieloiv. your urn wo r, utulrr nalti, atierllltaliy iiieellna nn rreiHinuiiia iiiineae aiirKaiiuiia n eui NOTIOlC KOll .'UllMOATION UiltniHtim t.Aritiprrits liurni, urrann May v, mil, NiitltK Ulli'fcliy ulvrli Hot Hannah it I ii b. Oteann, wlui. nn ay vii iikiT. mails limm loml entry Nn rilirj. Hertsl Nit, twiitt, (or Hume, Orritnii limn, eicnii umrj nn nn,.. nrnni niii it;m, lur h,Nll, tWIlou laamlWtj NW) Hrcllnii II, 1 initialling H., liana ill. r, Ulllaintllu Mtrl- liaa Weil nntlni nl liilitnllo'i In tusks ha latnl sbuvs ilpaerlheil, lielore llrilittr tn lei Ituriia. Ilrraon, tin llm II .larnl jnno mw, f alma imamee as Miinrseeei Nea llmliter, neurits W HihIiIst, Kilwanl Nea llmliter. tlfiitKH W llmlilor, K.lwnNl Kmilmlnli, lliniiiaa H, HifRln, all ol lliinii, I1 Ori'Kiill Wm l'Ana, lli'idilcr rdttonuliiff In tho allfuHllohi orir yon full wUhtnUmt Umv in llUlntlili (Minlt'it, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. IInitkd STiTcIaxD Orrica, I liurni, Oraxun, May IT, 1915 I Nuttrti hereby given that Alfr OH VVhltlifl ot lain,Otffon, IVIO.inailv hnuirttraU vnlrr .So.lvW.-.1, tor .NK4 'tcilmi 1.1, Tounblp'J4H. Kaui!r.l)f K.,Wlllamclt Uril illau, haaAleil nolle ol In nlion tomk Coni mutation I'rool, tOHiabllth claim to the laud kImyc lrrlbl. U'lorc the Krilitcr and Kcrlvcr, at Ilium, Oreitoo, on tb 23rd day ol Juu I9W. rialmant natnci aa nltDHiet I'lyda Miavcr, Charlca Itayerail both nl Moen, Orcon Charlri D. Howard, Chirk K. Ilonard both o( Lawrn, Ortfon Wm Kiiii, Kftutcr, "NEW CROP FOR DRV LAND Following up his bank's lead as a developer, in importing hogs and cattle for local farmers, C. S. Hudson of the First National has brought in a small amount of Spanish peanuts with which ex periments will be made on dry lands. The "peas" come from Holly, Colo. In that vicinity they are grown on dry land with great profit, and with benefit tb the soil as well. In appearance they are about the same as ordinary peanuts, though smaller. As food for cattle and hogs they are said to be unexcelled, a 40 bushel to the acre yield being about the average, on ordinary dry land. The tops or vines, will yield from two to six tons of fodder and are also fine as stock food. The new product will grow on land fit for nothing else and is highly recommended by Prof. Cottrell of the Colorado Agricul tural College at Collins, Colo. Farmers in the vicinity of Bend will be provided with small quan tities of the seed for experimen tal purposes, by applying to Mr. Hudson.-iBend Bulletin. TflE BUHNS-BEND KOAD. IETITI0.N FOR LIQUOR LICENSE. Wo llio underilgneil legal otrr of I.nku precinct, Harney county, Orcgou, rvfpoctlully petition tho Hoanrublu County Court ol Harney Comity, Statu of Oregon, to grunt a licence to Sam MiiUltitor to it'll Sptrltuour, Malt and 'Vinous Liiiuora !ii ten quantities that) ono gallon In Lake Prtolnct, Ilarnoy County, State of Oregon, for tlio poriod of Six months, as in duty hound wo nil) over pray office diiKiriMittlialyull haarrr, a roiyol jouriiuwrr on tho aald ("iiti'ium ulllmr In iHtr.on or by rralitrrt'd mall It Ihlt ctlc l mailo by thitellMry of a copy ol ymiraiiiwnr tothocniitcMaiit In inrnon, jiniotnl inch wi vice hi nut tin vlthrr tho tald cuntvalanl a writ trn a klittwIrdKoiucut nt hla rcrrlit ot I ho I'opj, ahowlim tho dati ol Ha roieliit, or Hit' affidavit nt I)i0icranu by whom lhiilollvry waiuad Ma tin a when and whrmllip roiiy waa drlltcrpd, It tnado by irnllti'li'd mall, prnot nl am h acrylco muitcuiialat nl lli attlda lt of Ih reran i by n hum lhtimiy waa mallixl itatlua when and the jt nfllcolo which II waa mailed, and Ihla affidavit mint I accnm laulcd by tlii xitmaaiir'ari'celtt lor tin) 'filer ou ahould atal In your anawvr thr iiamrnl thoH)itnmctiiwhlih )oiidcalratiituriiotlrft toboacut toyoil Kahbi, Id'iilalor. Mat ul flrat I'libllcallnn May I, Utl. Halo ol .I'i'otid iMibllcallnn May II. 1911 Hatnot third I'lihllcatliin May In, mil tialpnltoiirlh ni.bllcatlou May DA, mi. NOTICK KOll I'IMtUCATlON. I NIIKIlNlAthHliANIlllirMLK. I llnrna, (lii'Kun, May a, IvIJ.t NulUe la brrt'hy ulvrll that Krad A !lirmi,ol SUMMONS. lliirua.OrrKnii.whui'li Kriiliuiibtirirj. lvtm, malo lllillliaioail Mliry cu ifw, ni'riai cio, u.-vaki, tor NI(N4 Hue. 4,7HK'SK' and KH HR'i Hmtloii r, Tiiwuihlp ' H Italian 91 Paal Wlllauii'lln Meridian liaa tlleil nullioul lutnii Unit In nialin Klnal Flvejear imair, In calab Hah I'lalm tolhn laud al-oiu iteacrllwil, before Ilia Itt'Hlatnr and lletelver, at llutui. Orinon, mi HioTjiIi daynt June. Itu, rlalmaiil nainea aa wlliiraaeal Hay liarruu, Kdward Knalealou, A. natron, Hull I'orlar, alluf llnrna (iirxuti Wm. Kihnb, Itriililar NOTKIC VOW I'UIILIOATION. I'MTali StAtaa I.aniiOkh a, llimip. llregou, May l, (U Nollro la herebviitveulhat Krrd A Cllnian ol llnrna, DreKDii.whoou Hcremlirr l.lwm.made llome'lead Knlry Nn JMI Hnllal Nn, Wj. lor NttU Hrrllnnl, Townahlii SftH, llaiiae -JH K W llfauii'lle Matldlaii, liaa tlleil nolle of InUn Hon In make Final Klvrar I'roof, in ra tab lah claim In Ihn land alv deaerlbed. b fnprt tha Heaiate and llerallar. at lllirua. tlrn koii. on tlinsohdav of June. Ivli i laiinani nainea aa niuiea"va Charlit W. I ewla, lliiah M. Tl'ti,n, II, lliii'hele, MlaiilunTylr, allot liurni Oreaou M. I'taag, llrflitrr - NOTICK KOIt I'UIIUCATION. UNIIKII HTATKH LAND OKr-IIlK, 11111118- Oteiun, May II. IU-? I Notirolahe i by alien thai Miner II Ta)tur, TSX2 SEiMU. !ft'l liUI I H I 1 MIMU "" ' POU SALE BY OWNER. 1 Boction, 640 ncres, level un improved sago brush laud in Harney ValIoy ctmbomibirrigut ed. 1C0 aero tract, fenced, good Iioubo deep well and otherwise improved. Prices tnado to suit in tending uottlerB. NoBpceulalora need apply. Inquiro at this ollko. HIM'IK'llkh. Third liearea. lll)llNril,OI)UK NO, (7, A. K. A M., Meela every flrat and third Haliirday In each moiilh. . Win. Miller, M Hani Muther'htai:, Hecrelarv M IIIKIlN WOOllMKNOI'AUKIlKA Metla averr aeenud and fmifiii tr,i,iM .,. Ina at l.ll.o. r.llallialliielilitaira Invited New applicants will receive toiuteutia treat st. a lilaita, V C uieiil W T Ual.r, Clatk IIUIINH OIlAlTKH M) 40, U. K H. Meela every aecoud aud, fmirlh Moudaya.lii UmiiuJii Hall. Krankle Well nine, t KllaHwcek, Hecretary, IVI.VIA IlKIIKKAII lll'.dllKK No,. Meelatvery 1st and lid Wedneaday, .... . llrrdlelialioti.N O Mad( Leonard, Heo Neo'f, TUI.K No. l, W. ol W. Meets every fourth Tueaday. Maud Million, It M Heater llooduau, Clerk, Names J 11. Ivy C S. Dutu S. t omenta Aha Springer Geo. W. Cawl field Chester Koottn Tom Mortell A. Farnsworth 0. W. Gleo K. J. Allman 1. Durnslde J. 11. Wltzell II. il. Hlliott A. McKonzle C. Fitzgerald A. K, Lynch J II. Henderson G M Wntson J M. Ilutiyard V J. Dunn Prink Smith K K. Haley Chas. Cleliud O II Spuugler Alfrinl Tlergeron A L. Jones A. Oahorn Wm Names C. A Ha!ns Tho. II. Itoselitts Judd Wito O. Wald Wm. Dunn John Ituiuk Kraocls Anderson Geo. Hall C. F. Klluger Harry Spaugler Thomas Van Zandt II. H, Culver A. O. Halm Geo. W. Blnitnous A. F. Graves K. L. Springer Chas lUckhounl) It ay Dnvall Walt Wald W. It. Jones Tom Dunn Had Ion Kllloti Itom Itinger Cliflbrd Grouabeck M. K. Owen Dick Wadu W. S. Haley F. Harris Notice is hereby given that the raid Sam Midrtinter will apply to tho nlnne entitled court (or such liceneo on Wed nesday the 3rd day of July, 1912, Sam MinwiNTKH Date of first publication May '.'.I, 1UI.' The Bend Bulletin has some correspondence in recent issues respecting a proposed change in the Burns-Bend road in which it seems there is difference of opinion, borne want it changad so as to cutout that portion lying in Lake county where it seems the bad part is, but this would make such change as to effect many settlers now on the road. Auto men want tho road worked for their interest while the gen eral settlement the method of clearing out the brush to a width of 30 feet is better than throw ing out the rocks, filling chuck holes and cutting down high centers. The Times-Herald understands Harney county's portion of this road is in fine condition, there fore it is none of our fight. The road is an important highway to this section as most of the freight is being hauled in from that point, while the passenger traffic toward the west practically all comes by way of Bend. It would Beem that if that territory wants to keep this trade it is necessary to make tho road the best. Tho auto trucks are beginning to make very good time and at regular in tervals except when the trucks go wrong. This seems to hap pen a littlo too frequently, how ever, and the wagon freighters are securing much freight. There ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. In tho F.etate o( Daniel W. Yoder do c. need. Notieo is hereby given that tho under signed having been appointed adminis trator of the estate of Daniel W. Yoditr, deceased, all persons having claims against said estate must present the aanio properly verified to me at tho Fust National Hank, of Hums, Oregon, ithin ix months from tho dale hereof. J. L. Gault, Administrator Dated April 27, 1912. ADMINISTRATqif'S NOTICR. Notice is hereby given that tho under, sign ed hntbeen duly appointed admin istrator of the estateof James L. Varied, deceased. All pvrions having clalmi against said estate are hereby required to presont the same tome, proporly veri fied, at Uurns, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. Dated thin 10th day of March, 1012. D. N. VAKIKN. Administrator. In the Circuit Court,! f thu Statu ol One gon for lUrnny County. Charles Altschiil, plaintiff vs M. Ii, Lewi, ilefoudnnt. To M U Lewi, llm iiIhiwi iiiiiiieil ilefeiidnnt. In thn name of theSlnloof Oregon, ymi nto h rnliy rriiulred to appear and Altxuer tho complaint fllid tignlnst jon Ml llm uliino I'lititl.'il suit on or lirluro the luMdiiy nf tho time piecillicil in Ihn itder of publication nf lliln summons, to ull' on or Ixf ro tho ICth diiy ul Juno 1012, snld ilaln boliik' the nxplratlnu of dx ueokH from tho Unit publication nf this mi hi itum, and If jon full to soup pour and answer, for vumt thereof, plaintltrwlll apply to thn nntrt for tho relief deimtuilt-il In tho iiiiipt.iiiit, to wit' a ilu. ri'o protldlng thai unlesn tliu defendant pur to tho ilvrk of ihu ahoo court, withlpiU) tin) (nun tho entry of the ilinif, thn eitine ol money duo under a u rl tin contrite (or tho ptirohnao and sale of section 1 1 In township .l South of lUiit 30 liaa' , Will. Mor. In lliirnej Cottntv, Oregon, allot ulilcli fully appears In said coin. plaint, and ulikli said control t was in ml 6 Ixitneon plaintiff and defendant, and amounting as follows (37 23, interest on first insMtlliiit-nt , 'WW.OO, with Interest at 10 wr cent. Hiriinn from May 2, 1007; I0M.0O with interest at 10 per cent, per sun, frtim May 2, 111)8; fUO.00, with liilurcst ut 10 per cent, poratin front May 2, 11KK; (510.00, with Interest at 10 H-riciit. per aim. from May 'J, 1010, (101 US, taxes, uith interest at 10 l-r cent, per nnn. from March 15, 10la; together with Interest thrroou from tl o dato of aald decree at tho rato of 10 per cent, pur uun., together with costs and disbursements, that tliaruupon sold con- tract shall bo foruvor null and Mild and any mid all etiltablo or other right, Utli) or Interest lilcli tho defend Hit hut hti'l or may Imvo had In and to the j iilil -cintrnct or I ho said land or preiuN J s. hull hecomo utterly extinct utid lor , ewir lurrrd, and llio said land togethor allhull lluprotemeii'N thureon shall bo the absolute protwrly of tho plalntllT freofrom any trustor obligation wlilrli might have been In oxlstnnco by tirtue I said contract, itud that any pijiiunts , mmlu n tiller the i "til mil prior to the do eree heruln shall Ihi forfelteil and Iki thn jbsoluto prnperty ol llio plaintiff, nnd (or inch oilier or further relief as toiqttlly may seem proper, and for plaintiff' C'lets nnd iliMiurfttuienU. 'I his siimuionn Is puhli ln-.l hv order of the Hun (iriint Thomp'on, county Judge of llurney County, On gnu, tuinle and entered on Ihn 2nd, dav of May 11112, itud the ilstoof thn flisl pMhlir.ttlon Is thn -ith day oi .May 1012 (J. A. KHMIIOUr. Atloruey for I'lnmlllT NOTICE VOn PUBLICATION. I'KITIII HTTM I INIillmcr, I lliirns iinituii, iay I lull I Nollr la heriliy kUhii thai Am I ,na I Lynrlj of Narrowa u trim aim .m i,. u.t MWtf.mailo llo i u.tcu.l Kntry Nn jkhi arrlal i unn nir i ma i, i anil , hc n IaA I. N'4 HAM, S.Mlon II. luwiiahlp J7H, ilanile to K , lllaniHH UOtld tan, lias fllnl Iimirs nf Inlen ilini lo make Inal nyv yuar I'r nl in lalahllah claim In llio land aUnu ilea, flbcil, l.tlnrollie t Klater and Itemlyer at llurua, ona-nii on lie loth day of Juris uj rUlmaiil nainiaaa wllnfi-a Ueo W Hlmmuns W I llniili, Hldnsy I oiuo ya, A (1 KUtlet all n Nurroas, UrrKon Wu fasMa, Itrrilmsr. nl lireuary, llirxnn, nlin.on Ma) II. Hurt niaili al lliiini'aii'ad Knlry Nn 3IUI iwmi Addlllona Nn o.7 for I yMi Hn linn a. Townalilp IS M limine o K . Ulaiiictlu Ml rldaii. liaa nlrd no llrenl liilenlloii In mk 'Us ear I'naif, to iaial'1 aliilalm In lliv lind Ihivo ilfaai rltu'd. Ihifore K I rede, I' H t'iiiiinilitl.'nir, at Ida unlit at liteuaev (ni'KOii, on llm sill day ol jnU, lam I laiinani nainaa aa Willi' Mr, William k lli.l-Hi'li, Allwll Allnniv, Willis II Niillil luirelllley,a lot l'i tirea.iu Wu 14 she. Itcni'ier nutii i:i'oiM'iJiu.i(..ri()N t'KiTKH s-m KA UXU (il lit I . I llilina, (Iii.,iiii. irll Ji, hlf I Nnllivla li'iutiVKltvii lliat ('l)ili' Unit. nc, l llnitia, iiriNOin, nlm. nu Sum tar 7. loriiia lo Miiinrli'i.l rli i) Nn, jTa4., rial Nn OIJll Mr "'l'l4 and .Saftj fpitl.m I, r.iwnahlp ., IIi.d al (-, Wlilainilli. ..!!. tl.ii liaa rill .t Intlltrnl llillllllull Inlnakii Inal II H! Vrar I'rixif, In ratalilldii laliu In tlie land iU" iIciIhmI, Irtnreilte lta atlatrr and IttHvtvvr al linii.a.iiirnn,niitlimtlidy ol ilu. Kit. i lalmanl iianna aa ultmaara Van II. hmtitie, Julili II. Iluuld. Jiwili Hill, jnl.u iMiriAtr, an or nnroa, tirrtnn. WM Mane, ItooliliT OFKIUIAI. ItlllKlTllHV arits ohhiiih' Il N.Msuatura 'oii(tcaaniu AltoMity (Isiittal lotamnr rilalary ul Malo liraaurar , . vi,t. Co hi lo lilalrmiiou 4lalv I'rliilar lnfilii Judgaa IJnllalliali llnllrnn Ir iilro Y t liaiiil rlalil -iW It Kllia I W Handy A l I laulmil 11 w nltl Hi al s lv anil I It Ka) I. it ldurlilali iin ii) IMIOKKHHIONAI. VAUim PORTLAND BUI You To Her ROSE FESTIVAL BaHHsMaaMMMaMs'imK JUNE I0l5 Tickets will be on sale from all Stations on O. W. R. & N. JUNI3 i), 10, ll, J2, Ul, 14..-1912 IONE and ONE-THIRD FARE for the Round Trlpl A Projrroin has boon prepared which will mirpiiRs nny former. ArrniiRO to hjioik! ii week in Portland, and a week nt NOUTII III5ACII on tho 1'nclik. KKDUCKD VAWSS will bo in effect from I'orllund and tho (). W. K. Hi N'h Kxcuralon SloamorH will bo ninkiiu; tlaily rutiH. I'tlr further liifoiiiintlon Addict.-. (Jcu l'uts Ajl I'ortlniid Ore WHY NOT MAKE S200.00 A MONTH - - That's $60.00 a Week, almost StO.00 a Day a Hi-Minn Victor Halns and (Irr p (wif Nina to mnrolianla, dimtora, lawyi ra, ilnitl'U and well to do farmi'ra, all nl ttliniuri'nllri' llirm ill otasafp, Imt ilonnl know linwiaay UUIimimii una, Halsamrii tlcolara our irnH,ittlniiuiis t tha Ifit, elranoul mnncy mnkinit ii,,r'tiii tlfa ever roccli'il Wlllinm irrlnua l-rl flics YOU ran (lupllcala llm smvrsa ot oilier' Our liandaoinfly lllnatraliil ! poita ealaloK wilt finable you 10 ltrfaviu inn suioici lorna tuinsra In aa llitrmtliiK a maiinrraa tlinuali on were jillotlnir llisru tliroucli our factory Men aptmliitid as Salraiiirn rrcalvn advice and dun1 roiivlimliiir laUlnir toilnla wlilch It la luijioaalliln lor n proa pre 1 1 re rlialomar to deny I lull M9 mo lirat iu aninr imni ivur ni-tnur " v can faror only ono aaleauiao out ol each locality, W'liy rutrucllona for srlllnK aafra, Hlvllijt luforu oiutona rlai K'l" Hie tarrlloryr TlioWtliannlrcraaryofour rilnbi Kaklu IT A vi1; 11,1,1,. (Okiii iiiirimil I l K llean Ik a Hiiif NINTH JUUHllAt. lllMlltllT lil.lilcl Jnd lllatrlct Hrputy Ally llallotl gya J W MM I lit Ii .... D II i.nnai'l I limit Court uiceta His Drat Mimday In M'lll aud Drat Uouday In October lolul Heualor , . I"l ill lUprstaulatly O W I'arrlah IN II lliu'ikti 'LLLBBLBBBaVBBBBBBBBBBBBBBslBBBBa9iHrSBBBBH comt'aiiy waa iflabralcd lor , nrrcllntc His moat niralern aala I tacnry In the world Wli I await man who rrcflycd our alal arllluK InducrnK'nl, rrndcrr,! Ilnrccaaary tndoubla 'fiuroutiui us ara aiHnainaT ltiany tlmuaannsoliioilara rn laririni Wm. MILLAR, ATTOKNKV AT l,AV Uurns, Oickoii. Ilooms II mid 7 .Mrt'nulr lllilldln C. A. RSV.BOLD Attouioy-nl-Lttw, Duena, Oregon. i OliaH. 11. roonard. Attoiinkv-at-mw, , Ciiroful nttontlon given lo Collic- lloim nnd Itoul Kolnto nmllorM, l'irit Insuriiiiio, Notury I'ulilio llllllNH. OlIKOOIV, CflrlRuES W. ElililS LAVVYER Humfl, - - Oii'koii I'rili'fircs In tho rjliiln Courls nnd lie Iforuthii I.'.H. I.iind Olllin. A. W. GOWAN A'lTOUNKY-AT-LAVV State CourtH nntl United Slalf.s Ijind Oflico Practice Three doom South of tho Harney County Nutional Hank HuniH. OreKon. Dr Minnie iland Physician and Surgeon Direct Vclriilionc Connection La wen. Ore. Our Naw Hama. Capacity tO,000 Salsa Annually, rirlnaouraali'anraaniiallon. Mil to learn all particulars, ll will coat you only ilia irlc of a iwatal rani lik for dialogue IB T. THE VICTOR SAFE & LOCK GO. CIXCIanaTI, OHIO $1500 Reward! TtloOiriou, I al Ifottilaaii'l Nevada llncalurk I'rolrp tlnu Aa.mlatlouol wlilili I lie lili'lrr alsned la inrmUr, will aire i i0 lal lew. nl lor vl drtiir Ic.dliia In ,.'i,l afiT.i ami luu I) lli llm, nl anr par i) r pnilira airei luat Imrara. rattla i r inillet'loniln( many nl In inrm- bsra In a.Mllliin In llm al.iir. tlif ntiddalfiiMl iitlrla Ihcaaino ii.intltldii MO on for all liortra liraudcl hnttf alin-t oar on Uitli n rlllirr )a. Ilrand tr'ordi.l In rlalil rouiillia llaugs llarnry, lake an I t ruiiullra llorart yvtitrd when sold Nous hut atowii huiara aold and only lu arsa liiinvliea IIIIOUN. ritr, tlrraou ' ' ' 'af " oousry Hassan t uuuly Judss Ulsrk Irraaursr itirrstor rilicrld Aaaraanr Srhuol HuMHlnlndsiit Coruusr Stuck lurt'M'tor t'ouimlaslousrs (Irani 1 ham ,anu K. II. natvra HIiiiuii liwla Hank p. tluwaii A, Ki Ittriiatilann J, J. tKillraan 1.11 llamlliuii i ilar) .Jollll llutduauu IK, I', dyltralrr (ii a fulfill toiiuty (Jean u.tta Hi Brat Vtrduraday In January, ilaica, Way, July, bc,trnibr and NuiaaUr. massy u. s. unu orrics a.iiatsr acalftr cirr.-auasa' Win faire I rank Dairy Mayor. Kccordar, Trraaursr Marahtl, l. (.L'lruitr . A, l. Ilini J.C alcoinJr ..n. I., tialnra 11. J. Italia!, Oouucllmani A.U. Urlcoms ii lion Mtattuis ol lbs t'uuiiltl aiarr Haruiid and foililb Wadnaadar. ..It, I.. Ilali (U.l, llauaci A. II. ttrlco kiana Harry It.J.McKlni. w. w, Main St., DRINKWATER ; Illacksniiiiiing and i liorseshoiiig Wagon Work COOLEY AUTO MATIC BRAKES Burns. Oregon, SffifflJaStG? rfsisxwgmm m WWi WebsterS New International THE MERRIAM WEBSTER? Becama " ' NBW 0BA. .". aawai. vwifitua vivrf u.m or mo worm's inouant, action and oulturo. The only ntw unabrldgod dictionary lo many yoara. BeCItllO " dsflns over 400,00a Wordtt mora than .war before appeared batwesn two ooTsra. ayou l'tt. 6000 ll JuMtrutlou. Became " u thsonirdtotionarr with tho now divided pago. A "Utroko ot Osntua." Became " ' n enoyclopodla in 1 suiio voiums. Became i ' "ooepted by ths aaaaa uuuria. nnnnnia aa w it Vrtm aa i Jjo vue nuprewo an. thorlly. Became ht who knows win - - nusoiai, i,.i us-teii yvu aooui mi new work. Sumpter Valley Railway Co. IIMK TAHI.K NO. I) IN J (INCH, I WW. KI Km BURNS MILLIiMC CO. HORTON & SAYER, Propts. Rough and Dressed Lumber, Rustic, Flooring, Moulding, Finishing Lumber. Won rest Sawmill to Burns. Oood Road. Lumber Yard in Eurns. j. 111. ci-ahv I'l' ami Siiri'im I'.nriis - - - flrsKim Ofliii'ln iidh IniililliiCMintlii.r W'.ilc.iii, liarm hk sliiip, Alnni 81, 'Hiiiiio ALiIiiKTi, DENfrlflfi & DENMflfi, Phy3.clans nnd Surgeon3 ('nils unaM-n-.l in.iiiilly niulit or ily Tliouu Iliirrlnian, ' Ilarrlman, Oregon MARSPEH & GRIFFITH rii)sltluiis mill rjiirKoontf. IlUltNH, UHK'ION. Wist Ii ,11ml, Nn 1 I'aas-a. 111. i.aet I Ion nil. Nu. 1! 1'ass p. in wall far aanlaiaa af era Uriati ut CICMUIU. CO. raUaaWa.tVla.fUi.eU.. I .aaiiiinra.twanraaaaaiwblairi U.O l.v Halter Oily Ar A 0 Uifi " South llalcr l.v 0 '.& 0 6H rtallsbur)t " B.00 10 01" uAhttrtf "4.M 10 07 " Thoinpsoii) " J,i I0'I7 " Slwlilaril Juncllonl " 1:15 10W " MVntorTaiilit "H.I0 10 :'.' " MHian's Htitiri " I: a 10 :U " MeKwrnt " 2ft 10:65 " JUNOTIONt " H 10 ll'.lO " Huuititur " I lk' 11 -10 " JUNCTION! " .W) 11)10 " yuuimltt . 0 NOON fj.OO " ( 1. Ctiii Oft I'. M. 13:05" Wlillnuyt " 00 llt'10 " TaTTONt " 'JilO ItlO Ar Austin 'l 'J:10 rJlop 011 tlynnli onl) (Nn Kint. Tlrkuti. IssuimI only for alalloiis wlurn trains are acliotliiltxl to iniiko ri'uular stops, i'asaunuurs must iiuroliiiic llik. nil wlii'rn uoiita oilat iHifam I'litorlug iriilns or 'J5 ronls In nilillllon lollioro Kiiliirfurn will bo clmrnixl, JO.SKl'll A. Wl:HT, 8ii.t ClltANT UKDDKH, As-t, Htitit. Go To The White Front Livery Stable NEW RIGS AND ' TEAMS 'Phone to Me for Your Doctor Calls. R. .1. McKINNON, Jr., Proprietor. It. E. KIDOHRD Olllco first iliior t'Urt plioli'i ,ilt.ty Iliims, Ort-Kon. W. C. BROWN, IDE IN" oris a:. UlIKNS, OhWUN. Ollltx' rotiins H ami t Masonic tliiililiiiK II 11. 1'iMiras iao. v iw. 'mm M. V. ItlMIK Aia. u ,a. H 1 COOPER & DODGE Civil and Hydraulic Engineers Irrigation, Water Supply Sow-crape, Water Power. Hurwija, Muj, Katini.itfs, HuN'rtltlon BURNS, OREGON NOTICE TO CRK(f) R8. Tl ounijerslgned liavliig been appoint ed executor of the Last Will anil Testa, moot of Sloplien Lampililro decoateil, Notlio Is lie ruby glvnn to all persons having claims against the esluto ol of Bteplieu l.ampililre, ileceaseil, to pro sent the same properly verlflmi within six months from dato hereof to tlm tin signed at his place of builuess ut Hums, Ort-noii. Dated this uleventli day of May 101'J. 20. 30 J, J, LaMPsuiRi. Kxecutor. Low Round Trips East Throughout the Klimmur HCllHOn. rill tlm llllloq rrivnn linlnu. round trip tickets will bo sold lo tho pointa in tho east shown lo- iow, anu many ouiers, at frreatlv rcdured faros quoted. regonTronkkv. rSTRi J CENTRAL OREGON LINE GREAT NORTHERN AND NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAYS NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. UmTtD 3titc Linii Orrita Uurns, Oregon, April St. IliU NotlceUncrabralreottiat Van ll.Kiobrssof f'Ufua. uirauu, wuu, on msj a, iw. mails Jlumealrail Knlrr No. VM. berlal No.uJiido, for BWiiHWifBec i, T, il H., ll 31 K., NW twu SKI; NWiJ, Btttlon 4.Tuwiiablp2AU, ilaiiifesl K.. ilaiaette Meridian, liaa filed notice ut Intention m make Dual Are-year I'rool tars tabllali claim to ttie laud abore dracrlbeil, be (ore the Ilts-later and Keco,r, at llnrna, Ore f 011, on the alia da el Mar, 1(17, laimant names aa wltiieaaes Clyde Kuibrea. John It. (Jould., mil andjohu Worluw, allot ilurni, Orcsou. Wm Cases, lteglattr I 1)0 00 I OH CO 01 60 70 00 fiOOO 1)1 to 107 M) Atlantic City, I1I 00 Detroit, fHi'WI Oiimhs, Jlaltlmori', 107 60 Diiluth, ,.00 00 riilladelphla, 'l'i 110 00 KiuiHits City, 00 00 rittshurg, '"""" wi ikj jiiiiwiuii.ri', ya 1,11 m i.nuls, Chlcuiio, 7a 60 Mlniii'ttpnllH, iUVUS HI, l'linl, (Joloroilo HprliiK"i WOO Moiilri'itl, 105 00 Torontii, "vcr, 65 00 Now York, KM 00 WusilnKlon, DATKH OF .SALE May a, 3, 1,11, 10,11, 17, IH, .1, an, I0IS Juno I, I), 7, H, 13, 1 1, 15, 17. IH, 10, 20, 111, 81, 25, i!7i -'H, I'll, lU. July 2, 3, (I, 7, 11. 12, 15, 1(1. 20, 2S, 2.1. !!il. 20, 30, 31, 1012. Allictlat 1.2. 3. II. 7. 12. 15. III. UJ. 23. lid 30. 31. lfllli. Hoptemhcr I, 6,(1, 7iH, II, 12, 30 1012. ritnpovcr nil rhrilcn of r"iitu ullmvi il in iin h ilirucllou, I'Inul ritiirn llm t Oi tul or 31, 1012, Train leaving. Roud fl:.'() a in, Redmond, 7:21 n in, connectB directly at Pollbridgo with Details- of schedules, fares, etc., will bo furnlrihod fn rcfiucst. W. E. COMAN, acncrnl Prciffhl .inil Pas'ciij;er Aj;t. II. IJ -tllKOL, Agent, Redmond, Oregon. J. II COKIJETT, Agent, Bend, Oregon. wBifWfMtk t - mMLH9smsssm m ;n If slkaBBBBBBBBBBBKr. . Ala-i Fli IfV .- - I A I nluT?.jj" Fjjiiitjf.friif;t-t;j ' iJlfJJw tWaWCaaHaaak 9UKuBKSS&iimitV. laslrArlaalaaaaar LiW!a3P TT? FMtoBB W YX m aasaaai a laaaa ii n ma i an aa i wwtm gawasBBuyaasjaajattfsaajafasBS HAKNKY VALLIiY HkKWliK ''.Vii.OON IENK1NS & KAISER, Proprietors WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS Best and most popular brands LOCAL BEER ON TAP Courteous and obliging bar tenders Burns Oregon JOHN ROBINSON Slock Inspector, Harney Connty. Itiirns, Oiu I'". ('. UllXAIttl Kmmerlr Aaau KiiRlurrr In I'. M ItiTlaiuatlmi S,r Mxte, A. O. 1'UllKSHt Porliutl; I'lilrt . ttlllrrr ul llolau ,1 Mralflli lt 8XVE3MKOXiXti6?StJt ENGINESo BOILERS 'I1I3 riflo la hullt for settled dtnfrlpa where good range and Ulllnt' power are desired, with safety to the neighborhood. . nwJfaffa.aS.20li alight, quick, haniillnir, flnslyj)ajanced rtreatrr. vlth t he alI4 top, elossd.ln Lrcccll 2?jLd eI'c,lor 'tursi which make aWsnffl guna tar and ngreeabli to um and certain In action. v..,),'r..vr.v 'ftarriftj i$f& aSSffi. :urflL v. ! yMwbWi! ,.d,..v.0di.,;;r,,'rr.'i9rort;,.v.,wt,: lor vieodcliuclia, saaaa, This llfla and aninm. rjWsn, and all other asisfJai ratiaalaia, ars fully described In our IM-tius catalog, p,., M slanips poetaaa. 7a Mmfa firearms Ca. HtlfiMlHtcSllH. WW bstllfiHORADE MACHINERY WRITE FOR SPECIAL CATALOG ANO PRICES . THE A.H.AVERILL MACHINERY 'CO. SPOKANE, WASM.-PORTLAND.ORE. VMJOSE CAU MaaMaagaMasaaaaasaaUWirWtiiei MlltnnmrVMmKXiSUMMlSJaiSriiKSat E. A. SHAFEs? Civil liuj'jiaer Jim. Muni.lfcinil Sodclj of l!nilnccis U. S, Hiuernl Surveyor for ll'c District or Oregon Townsile Surveying a SPECIALTY Narrows, Oregon vWfcaaaaaaaUi 00 YEARS' MaaiaB,E X P g n I B N c e TriADC Maiihb DCOlONfl COPYniQHTB tlC. Anyone mmliiin Vi'trh nml tl irlMlon iuar qiiioklf tuwruiu our ttliiUii frd wfirlhar ti hintl.)n la irolint r v urnUtift i imnmtnlt n tlutt m riot If tHinrttUnf Ul 1 1 itiiatook im rttitti ttiit fren. ))itui fuenrx fur art url'iaT ia,lwii I'tilmilai laktm Mir a Munu A txh nHvlr Tfetvi'ii nurir! WKiuiut cimritia. lit inn liaslcrn Oregon Engineering Company CIVIL AND .KHIGATIUN LNOINLCKS Uurns, Urroti The Washington Res(anrani All TOY, Proprietor Fry brick building, I'nst Office Bluck The hill of faro includes every thing tho mnrkot niTonls. Short orders n specinlty. Ihoad for sale. Give him a call. Burns Sheet Metal Works Tin, Copper, Sheer Iron Work of nil Description. Camp Stoves, Taul, Jubbiiijf, numb ing to order. Give Ale a Trial. C. W. SCHUMANN Proprietor. VoeRtly's Old itund. JUIINUKSIIIKHIjIM,, ti.v rv-iA ' a. Scientific J3mcricnri. Ilallll1atnntilv llltlatPaVllMl taiuaLI Tjtrifaaalt rll luUlluii nt mr -liitit.o ItHiriisti. 'Iprtttsv, 14 t.rt fmr numliti HuiJtyHll titwnll.r i;0s.B,..d.,,,f(ewTOfK "tf. JlftWMI.W.i.l.n,, li.a All lira ii fl i jSaJVv I &br, .lowolor. Optiuluu l'Jnurtivoi'. Knit Wnlch Ui'imiriny A a'nUvi , - Mllll )C t Vv' ' . I' -x! E ,jfe ... iiiiilsiiliriaaniainaaaaaaaTiTmtMlTlsaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa !jyj'HaiaaaaaaaaiSSSlJiWlaaBHaWa