'wwTn'lliii"i' e Timcs-Jieraldi Ax T1IK I.AllOKBT CIUl'UI.ATION Or NMTfirAPKH IN T1II8 COUNTY nriTKnw m vv is v Local News. s I A Vulcanizing at Combci-ling's. dailoy Hayes was in tlio city yesterday. See Archie McGowan the Land man about it. A largo stock of wail paper at Lunaburg, Dalton & Co's. Cleaning and Pressing neatly done by Schknk & Williams. Karl Horstman was among our visitors the early part of this week. ,1 $70 WHITE SEWING MA CHINE TO HE GIVEN A WA Y A T Si 11 )) . t RTZ'S. RE A I) READ THE AD. j Workman on the new $35,000, public school building are making rapid headway during the pre-' sent fine weather. u Hon. J. L. Rand of Baker has been here this week looking after some legal matters in the courts for the P. L. S. Co. Mrs. Geo. Sizemore, agent, for Victor Ladies Tailoring Co., in vites the ladiea of Burns to call and see new spring samples. Thos. Sprague and Dan Jordan are building a large addition on the sicond story of A. 0. Faulk ner's residence in this city. ClilTord Reed left the first of the week for Corvallis where he will join the cadet band for a tour of the northwest. He will be absent until after the com mencement exercises at the Agri cultural College. Members are requested to re member the regu'ar meeting of the Women's Civic Improvement Club at the city hall next Tues day evening. It is regular meet ing nighc and matters of particu lar importance will be brought before the club. The Times-Herald family had a fine feast on new potatoes one day this week, furnished by Chas. Wilson. This is quite a luxury at this season of the year. Chas. wouldn't answer any ques tions so we are unable to give his fellow farmers the secret of how lie raised them so early. Sheriff Richardson returned Tuesday from Winnemucca, Nev ada, with Ernest Kidd, a boy of 17 who is accused of stealing a horse and saddle from the P. L. S. Co. White horse ranch. He will likely be tried at the ad journed term of court in July. Mr. Richardson made the trip to Winnemucca in his auto without mishap until he reached 10 miles of Burns on his way homo when he broke an axle. J. A. McCune and wife arrived here yesterday from their home in San Diego, California. They ROOSEVELT & TAFT WILSON & CLARK All Striving For Presidential Honors The FIRST NATIONAL BANK BURNS, OREGON Ih .striving to build up ii strong- fimiucinl iiiHliln tion, which will bo nob only a monument of strength, but mi instrument of usofulliusss in the development and upbuilding of our great section of Central Oregon. Our Capital of Our Surplus of - - Our Stockholders Liability of $25,000.00 $70,000.00 $25,000.00 Total $120,000.00 Are back of every depositors dollar as an absolute (luarantee of its Safety. Iteuieiuber this! United States Depositary Oregon State Depositary Accounts Invited Vulcanizing at Gembei ling's. J. J. lteinr. and wife were in the city this week from their home near Harriman. Florsheim Shoes are the best we carrv them. - SCIIHNK & Wll.UAMS. I. M. Davis was among those to come from a distance to attend the high school commencement exercises. S 1 Remember we are closing out liquors, so hurry for the stock is .going rapidly Luu.tberg, Dalton, & C.n. or, i r Mrs. W. Y. King and daughter ,,..,, , . . mco m,. ,w,.,i !. mm-n.i Morris Schwartz has been ha ing for Portland where they will '" a "evere siege of spotted attend the Rebekah grand lodge. f6. J ' reported m.provmg by his physicians. Dr. Hand was up from Lawen , .,....: i. i, hi, u. I,n' $70 WHITE SEWING MA- Hilling i"- ... ....- ..- ..." connection at direct telephone CHINE TO HE GIVEN A WA Y her home for the convenience of yl ouiittAictA v her patients. Til HAD. HEAD Archie McGowan the Land Man wants a little confidential chat with you about anything Clay Clemens mill is the near est one to Burns where all kinds of lumber both rough and dress ed can be had. Near Canyon load. Call him by 'phone. Win. McKee one of the Sunset homesteaders who' has been ab- I. Foster and son Frank, and sent for some time, has returned R. J. Williams are over fiom Sil and says he has come back to ver creek, having come in to ilt- you have to sell. Watch Burns Grow. stay in Harney, county. Phone us at our expense any business you may have, Fire In surance, Listings, Homestead Matters, Etc. Phone 2M. Inland Emimki: Ri:ai.ty Co. Burns. Oregon Allen Biggs has returned fromVrs tend the high school graduating exercises. Inline back is usually caused by rheumatism of the muscles of the back, for which you will find no thing belter than Chamberlain's Liniment. For sale by all deal- Pendleton, where he had gone toj rrcd Racine and family arrived take the necessary examination , here this week from the east and before the Supreme Court to bo ( will remain here permanently, admitted to practice law. He Fred is through looking for a bet ter place than Harney county S was successful and will be asso ciated with his bi other John in and comes fully satisfied to stay, this city. J. w. Buchanan and wife ro- I Mr. and Mrs. A. Ilembree, for turned last Monday from a visit ll .. . i" .t-!.- 1- IT. . 1 . I many years rcsiucnis oi uhh w union county wnere nir. nmmtv liuinir fit Narrows, are Buchanan's mother is livinir. made the trip in their Tourist Jn m this soclj0n visiting re- The respected old lady has been latives. Mrs. Hembroc hasoeen quite ill nut wnen they leltslie i living with her sister at Prine- had entirely recovered, ville for several years and her ( StbaykI) .Prom Iny )hlC0 nortl, many friends in this section are of iJarnuy ala( InilL fa brown pleased to see her enjoying good po)y wL 1000 )H ,)ram, p G m , health. They will remain here , ffc tm , . , , I an indefinite time Will nav for information loadinir Jack Lewis, the 10 year old son to his recovery. - Peter Grcmand, f r t ...:,. inr r m 11 in i wnxitu iii ;wvi .- -K-r - -i i ,. ., n vi. ij. IjUW n. nvn. ! . on, w i , -w--. resident of the Lawen section ! ltl meet at Ins home in Lain or- fccrvjCCH nt the Presbyterian H ll ,1 l iriLi it'Otl- k . . and has many friends in this niauie uuiui imjru,.u .... .... cureh tomorrow. At 11 a in, car and Mr. McCune finds the trip a very economical one which was made without mishap in any way. The actual running time was 90 hours; the number of miles covered, 12G0, gasoline con sumed 80 gallons which cost an average price of 27 cents, mak- the actual cost per mile l'i cents. county. They will visit here a few days and will then go to Weiser, later returning to this city and then proceed to Wash ington where they will spend some time going home from Port land in the fall by steamer. ed second place in tneiunnmg UcVt H w Hurhans of San An high jump for midgets in which 8em0( Ca wm (i(,jye. tj1L, (js. there were u cum pu mum. courae At7:'ir) pm the pastor FREE To You ::5Jx wil k am JC 11 Bey MACHINE July, the 4th, 1912 If You Hold The Lucky Ticket r Drophi-uiI'Ktyli-I'our l)ruwr( boy who got first place is the win prca(.1( HUbjuct "The Last world's champion, so Jack really invitation." Go and hear Mr. has the distinction of being sec- nurnan8 wll0 ha8 como to lako ond to the best. t)p the field work in this county. Many friends in this vicinity 11 be grieved to learn that Mr. and Mrs W. II. Howard of Drew- A $70.00 SEWING iSir,"r,,! been diphtherirt. Little Helen was a bright, lovable child, who was a general favorite among heracquaintances. Mr. and Mrs. Howard have the sympathy of their many friends nil over Har ney county. They wish The Times-Herald to express their thanks to those who wc le m kii d during their trying oideal. Dr. P. A. Simmons, tho Eye Specialist of Boise, who has been making regular trips to Burns for tho past several years will be at tho Burns hotel for the first four days of next week, May 20lh to the 23rd. Dr. Simmons will bo remembered as the Repre sentative of tho (Jlobe Optical Co. Ho gives a year's contract with each fitting and guarantees satis faction in every case. Any ono in need of glasses would do well to call on tho Doctor this trip as it will bo several months before he returns again. All old pat ients are requested to call at this timo for re-examination. Consultation and examination is BBv5-cas!' " Kroni Ahiv si until .1 illy aril, 1 0 1 -', n num bered tirket, will ho given with each ;uhIi pur cIiiihu made in m.v ntcm. On .July -Mi, h draw ing will lie iniKle miller t ho HiiperviHioii or u com mittee, coiiHiHtiiiK of well known citizoiiH, Who ever lioldH the tickul roiTi'Hponding with the number drawn, will receive freeofclmre A $70.0(1 'WHITE" SHW1NG MACHINE Vllirutor Kliuttlo All AMuclinicntH . ochwartz bubns,lokegon .- tj'j' ' Best canned corn $3.25 n case Harriman Morcantllo Co. Best Hour (gunr.intee) $8.50 ubl. Harriman Mercantile Co. ' R. U. Sitz was among our visi tors f ran) Lawen during tho week. Alfalfa and other grass seeds at tho Burns Department Store. Al Colo waH in from his homo near Warm Springs during tho week. If you want sago brush grub bed writo E. E. Larson, Burns, Oregon. Supc Gilcrest of tho P. L. S. Co. came in from Malheur county Monday. Potatoes both for table uso and seed Grant Sturtovnnt, at the flour mill. ' I liii'jtitiwi Vntim Itfiti At ntiww 1 from California where ho spent the winter. Koit Sai.i: -Black Percheron Stallion, 5 years old in spring. Good papers. -Claude McGee. Sam Mickel, tho old pioneer, has been quite ill this week but is reported on the mend at pre sent. Foil RkntC. Beary's ranch near the Narrows. For particu lars, inquire of Scott Haley, Narrows. Mr. and Mrs. G.0. Ilendricks were in from Lawen yesterday to attend the high school graduating exercises. Ladies of Burns are invited to can ai ine uoinc or mrs. n. iu. Morton and see samples of the Spirella Corsets. Piatt T. Randall has returned from Portland Thursday. He is going to representsovcrnl whole sale houses in this territory. A $70 WHITE SEWING MA CHINE TO HE GIVEN A WA Y j i onwinii). iwiis THE AD. Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Cheney have located at Lodi. California, where they have purchased a small place. They like it fine. Dr. P. A. Simmons, the Eye Specialist of Boise, will bo at the Burns Hotel, Monday, Tues day, Wednesday and Thursday of next week. P. E. Faulkner, father of A. O. and C. M. Faulkner, arrived from Indiana this week. He ex pects to remain here and make his home with the boys. Mrs. Miller is at the I. Schwartz Busy Comer with a full line of spring milHucrynnd is constantly adding to the stock which will be kept up all during the season. Commissioner Geo. Smyth and ffitiilir liift tliiu tfinf iwr ffr flm i tttllit J IV v bint iiiui iims w vm. ranch at Diamond to spend the vacation period, high school hav ing closed. They went over in their new car. The Burns ball team defeated a picked-up nine from the crew at work on the new school house by a score of 19 to 3 at the ball park last Sunday in a practice game. The team showed up in splendid form. Mrs. Martha Sageru and family departed for tho P u r i n g t o u sawmill last Monday where she has accepted a position as chef for the crew. Before leav ing Mrs. Sagera tendered all her old lime boarders a farewell b!x o'clock dinner on Saturday even ing last, which was much appre ciated by all who attended. It would surpriso you to know of the great good that is being done by Chamberlain's Tablets. Darius Downey, of Newberg Junction, N. B., writes, "My wife has been using Chamber lain's Tablets and finds them very effectual and doing her lots of goods." If iou have any trou. bio with your stomach or bowels give then) a trial. For sale by all dealers. Supt. Hamilton was in the city yesterday to attend tho gradu ting exercises of tho high Bchool and to consult with tho secretary of the Fair Association respect ing tho school children exhibits at the fair this fall. Tho Asso ciation is going to give cash prizes for these exhibi Hand will include them in the regular premium list. Several of tho business houses of Burns will also givo special pre miums for this competition. K Tho Times-IIcrald has received a letter from Mr, and Mrs. Frank Miller, who spent tho winter nt Long Beach, saying thoy were again in Ashland. Both are en joying good health and wish to lio remembered to their many old tiiqo friends in Harney count) y. Long Beach 1b a fine placo for tho winter season, hut Frank writes ho would not like to remain thero all tho timo as there is too much summer to tho seasons. Ho would prefer Har ney county whoro ono can toll when spring comes, even if it is jjuaUwuju'limuj Wo do job printing-right kind Winona wagons aro tho best. For sale by Harriman Mercantile Co. Dry slab and pino wood .$0.50 and $7.00 per cord, cash only at Lumber yard. J. T. Barnes and wife left tho first of this week for a visit to their daughter,. Mrs. Stallard, near Drewsey. Roy Bunyard has established a lumber yard in Harney and is prepared to fill orders there es pecially for rough lumber. Reatos for sale, all sizes and engths, price 20 cents per foot. ' Any one desiring Reatos address W. A. Ford of J. O. Alberson, i Mberson, Oregon. ' Foil Sai.u Wood or posts in the timber, or hero in town. Leave eiders at Lunaburg, Dal-i ton Co. or Schwartz's. Saliafac-' (ion guaranteed. I FltANIC Jack.'Jon. , Wmilid Lady to do cooking and house work in family. Ono who can Ilvo at homo prefened. Inquire at this office. Now is the lime your rheumatism. to get rid of I You AUIOMOIIII.I; HKliS Allli CHI!AI'i:it. Do not he deceived by the ped dler. Standard manufacturers do not have to peddle their tires. Why do all experienced and educated automobile drivers buy standard tires? They know. EVERY TIRE PURCHASED AT THE BURNS GARAGE IS GUARANTEED BY US TO MAKE ITS MILEAGE. We will he right hero to take care of you. This is a business proposition, and you cannot afford (o he de ceived Hukn.h Gaiiaui:, Bums, Oregon. Wmr.uit Cull. Notice is hereby given that v.-ti. in f T 'T -an 'yi y$K tJ ' lft WM irSy-Jf zntflix fy 4 ziiLuMm .' 'fPMU'vJ K. '! ','d Open An Account Willi Us, And Know Why We Have So Many Satisfied Depositors. SERVICE COUNTS- This Bank Welcomes Checking Accounts With Business Men. A Small Beginning Will Do. i . Ilu.ro urn mill'ii'ionl fntwlu in Mwi can do ' ' "M,1 , ,, it by applying Chn.nbarlain'sl?)umy uoaH,,y l" ,emem !"' I.ininwml miri .,.,!,, ii. naniey county warranus regis- mnssaging the parts freely at each application. For sale by all dealeis. CIIAMII! WOULD NOT IMPP0VI!. A j tered up to and including Oct. 13, 191 1. Interest ceases on all war rants May 10, PJ12. Simon Luwis, Treasurer of Harney County. In conversation with Post master Loggan, Tho Times-Her ald finds Hint a change in rout ing our western mail by way of Bend as suggested in our last issue would he of no benefit un- ess it could be brought in by auto stage which is not practical except through the, summer sea son. Western mail reaches Bend sooner than it does Baker but from the former point to Burns the time would be lost as it would I be impossible to make a schedule of less than -10 hours for stages from that point. Under these circumstances it would not be advisable to ask for a route that way. but rather try and improve the present facilities to get mail in. Another suggestion along this line is to get better mail con-j I nections throughout the county. The present service is not satis factory as connections are not made as they should and the peo ple of the southern part of the county who have considerable business with Burns in land and county matters are very much inconvenienced by the present service. Smp I and Sale. Acting under the instructions I from Governor West, all the , swamp land belonging to the i State of Oregon will be selected j as soon as possible. Any one having information regarding the location or condi tion of such land will kindly con ! for with me. Such information I will be of much value to the land department. T. A. RlNKIIAUT, State Land Agent. j Star Hotel ; .S. J. MinWINTI.M, Prop. NAKKOWS. - OUIKION I m I Ills v ill lie fiitmil n Uc.tlrnlilc mid luiltntilc Mpl'K I'lncc where comfort mill courteous trcntmeiit re niniMcrcil flr.il Feed Barn t '....., .-.tv, 'V'-VVfe.t''V''f HARNEY COUNTY NATIONAL BANK "Your Home Institution" Resources Over $400,000.00 IIhitiiu Srmm Diti'oMmiY PosrAi, Sawni; I'cmih Dni'otiTAiir I'ou Tub Statu of Obkoon ACCOUNTS CORDIALLY INVITED ! u rf pm GET READY FOR SPRING 1 1 Conducted In connection I (j i 3 a ii 1 Announcement I I , HIWIIIII , ji,,,,,!,, m I I uinli to announce to the publir that I am ' I now located in the 1 1 issuer liliildiii"-. uet H H to SiilinbnryH jowelery Htoro on A street where 1 will have on display as line a line of new Wt II..... (1.1.11. . t I F I . . II. .!.. . II. .11 . B ' H nesses, DaiuiieS; ni)s, uriiiiuH, iijiihtm, jm H HoboH, etc., as will be found ia llurntn coiii)t, ra a and will be glad to show my -oodn to ail who HL jTwluiCO I call Tuul inspect this new eoiisigiiiuent nt my I'll JLvlCf I I NEW HARNESS SHOP 1: H wammammammmmmMmaBsmmnammmmmmBmaumms H I tiikllf liiki I1 tlll llii (l fllll littjk i f lliniiMLL..) nii V H I will inakeuspecialty of linntllinrlliefninous JR .Marilea Saddle the best on the innrKet. I These saddles aro in a elass by (heniholvcs ;if j ami have no comparison. I especially unite H stockmen, cowboys, ranchers and all other ID I io eau mm iiiMpecu i.iiih ceiciriiici Mioiiie. HI I lOaeh sadtile has a three ear jiiinrnnteo on it Q HI HiriiiiiMr, lil'Ollkilo'ii (ll1 I'll llhjimr ufii'imiwu 1 1 I Iiii HI W horse. Will par highest price for all old sad lillllimcl H dies in exchange for new ones. Boys come in. I r I . . I The B W K SHH L iY KiTkii v; TT X-. KJJL.M.JL4JLJJLjIA-J a 9 jl xvp. H HHBHBHHMIMHHHHaMHHHHHMHKHi HJ ' jb5TULX"30LS - uregon HhhhVMHBhhhhBhhhhhhhhhVm J ,l""1 7""1" "," "? REO the FIFTH z Garden Seeds Garden Hoes Garden Rakes Walking Plows Sulky Plows Gang Plows Disc Plows Engine Plows Gasoline Engines Gasoline Traction Engines Hand and Wind Mill Pumps Centrifugal Pumps Irrigation Outfits a Specialty All Kinds of Farm Machinery Hardware, Tools, Sporting' Goods Tin and Plumbing Shop FAMOUS APPERSON 'MACK-RABBIT CARS" Stearns Knight Motor O.A.3FLJS XC. Robinson, Agt. VT4cii"tjQ - - Oireg-oaa CUMINS j&iy:w?Tttwytt&mwyi& Jiibt Arrived Via Auto I rucks W Shoes for Everybody Hals For Men and Children j Hats For the Women lurns Dep'm't. Store 1 KWteWJVjlftiHga In Looking For Central Oregon Lands Do col fail to sec or communicate with Hie undersigned agent for the OREGON WESTERN COLONIZATION CO. A. K. GOWAN Burns Oregon IUDOIST, NO. 2853 Imported German Coach Will maKo tho Scdkou of 1D12 at my ranch ine Miles East of Burns Huililist is the -uiv of tho highest priced colts in Harney county except standard hied specials and his get spoaka for his qualities na u biro, l'nsturo and euro for mares on tho place. TERHS TO INSURE $15.00 0. L. SHIMGLEDECKEB, Burns. Ore. e l, ) t ' I