JiilVJ UWiUJI WWIW TPfl la1 ium in x If t a M It d d: tu Ji of as 3 l.v at de; cht abc the 'I crej on i of j amc fat cow be ( Thir per on t rule buttt whea forty the c at toe churn soone tompc Vl tillOUid washe evenly OS" VAW t w Wl m Hi? I 1 .A '. SCHENK& WILLIAMS Merchant Tailors"Leading. Clothiers I, O- O F. Burns She Simw-iUrpftl JULIAN UYItD Manager sTUKOVY. HWh, 1I2. cHUTlON RATKb Out tHf Six Montbt rhte Mouth liOO 100 76 HIGH iCIIOOL COMIHICDIENT. The graduating exercises of the 1912 high school class were held at Tonawama last night and The Times-Herald regrets a lack of space prevents detailed account. It was a hanDV and nrofitable evening and the house was filled every detail had been carefully tv , .. it- ,' planned before their erection for with relatives and admirers of ,(h(J bcnefitof the occupants. The the participants in the program., interior arrangement of the The members of the class were house, distance from the wood generously applauded and a 11 shed, the barns, sheds, etc., have npniiiMH thomcnlvo wit h rmrliK In addition to the class Mrs. J r Ciult and Miss Myrtle Irving rendered vocal numbers with fine effect. Hon. Frank Davey gave an excellent address to the class and Prof. Jokisch presented the diplomas with appropriate re marks. Following is the pregram: Invocation, Rev. Dr. Babbidge, Salutatory, Percy Davis. Piano solo "Second Mazurka' Nettie Stirling. Essay "Call of the Twentieth Ppntnrv " TW? Thrill Oration "The New Movement in Humanity," (Tucker) Cyrus -A. Sweek. Vocal solo-(a) "Morning,"(b) "My Lover He Comes on The Skee," Mrs. J. L. Gault. Essay "The Destiny of the Anglo Saxon," Lilian Hendricks. Recitation "Knee Deep in June," Juliet King. Piano solo "Air de Ballet," Helen Purington. Valedictory "Personal Influ ence," Beatrice Hotchkiss. Address, Hon. Frank Davey. Vocal solo-(a) "I Think of You." (b) "Looks and Eyes," Myrtle Irving. Presentation of Diplomas, Prof H. J. Jokisch. ROY VAN WINKLE, Abstracter. Harney County Abstract Company BURNS (iNCOuTOKATKD) A riodern and Complete Set of Indexes and an Abitract Copy of 12 very Instrument on Record In Hartley County. THE COMPANY THAT WILL EVLNMALLY DO YOUR WORK ifiO Acres Qf J Jr I Fine j eveI Grasg BHBHBMMaMMMI Located near Mundur line of Mnjheur Lake -all level and tillable -small house, close; to poHt ollice and railroad line. Price $ 12150. Terms, $750 ciihIi, and balance on time at 7 percent. No better bargain offered anywhere. t II I ' ' ' i MAm - -"""-"- nil HWWaWBH.IallMllr1IHIr.llllllllTrBnllTff JUST UiRIVED im A FINE LINE of Men and Hoys ready-made suits. These are very Snappy Clothes, the Latest in Make- Up and in Color Combination for both Spring and Summer Style and Service. Also some NcwSpring Hats and Caps, in all the Latest Shapes and Shades in Vogue. Call and Inspect Our Nifty and Nobby Line Suildin t - Oregon J THE EXPERIMENT FARM. A large number of peonlo from Hums took advantage of the line weather last Sunday and visited the Dry Farm Experiment Sta tion. It had been advertised that Prof. Scudder would give a talk on that afternoon and several automobiles were out from this city loaded with both ladies and gentlemen. Those coming early were personally conducted over the buddings by Professor Scud der and Supt JJreithauptand the modern conveniences explained The two residence buildings are models of convenience and every housewife present showed her delight (and incidentally nudged her husband) when some of the particular features were explained It was shown that 'an ocen prearrangec. I 1 LUL. UtUUUtl IUVH U JlllI L Ul r)..rr CitmMnw trn n ... .. C i nis time in the trcnera aiidnss (to explain about the buildings and their purposes. He stated these modern conveniences weic not particularly for the people iwno occupied tnem, out were planned as models to show the farmer what he could do and what a farm house should be. i One of these buildings is more elaborate than the other, but the smaller one has the same conven ient features, thus any farmer may see the possibilities. the water system, root cellar, 'scpt'c tank, barn, lots, pigpens, ,seecl house, all are models for the farmer to follow on whatever scale his finances may cover. There were a number of farm ers from the immediate commu nity in attendance at this meet ing all showing a lively interest in the talk, bven the town peo ple showed their interest and the ladies were very attentive. Wtn. Miller gave a short talk and in troduced Prof. Scudder who di vided his attention between the farmers and the ladies during his remarks. FIRE! FIRE! FIRE! Your home or barn may burn before tomorrow. You can not afford to take your own risk for what ljttle it costs $75.0 per $1,000 one year; $15.00 for three years. Write us what you have to insure. INLAND EMPIRE REALTY COMPANY ARCHIE M'GOWAN, "The Land Man." OREGON TONAWAMA BAND NOW A REALITY The New Organization Is Perfected On An Independent llasl, Willi Cap able Officers And Will He Permanent Last Monday evening at the TimoH-lIerald building the band held Uioir second meet' gin the Tonawama hall, and i' was a de cided success in (very detail. The band wan organized per manently, with well (pi ilifletl of liccrs and capable members, and will be known as the Tonawama Hand. The organization consists of about twenty members of the most proficient musicians in town and will be conducted along the Hues of ml up-to-date organi zations of this kind, and main tained on an independent basis, and self supporting. Following are the olllcers elected for the first six menths: President, C. A. Harland; Vice-President, Homer Reed; Sec. and Treas., L. M. Johnson; Manager, Julian Hyrd; Director, P. A. Paulsen. It is the purpose of this organ ization to be of mutual beneltt to all concerned and a source of pleasure and profit to those tli icctly connected with it. The band will not ask tor any finan cial assistance from the citizens of the town without giving ser vice in return, ami, when the oc casion demands it, donate their services to any worthy or charit able cause turn whenever men of distinguished note or prominence visits our city, where each and every other citizens will also join, in doing homage to our honored guests, volunteer their service -gratis. Outside of such occa sions the band will expect just compensation for its services ac cording to their ability, and are, we believe, entitled to it. The band will give weekly con certs in the public squares as soon as they have rehearsed sufli cient music, which will be about the middle of next month or sooner, and, its it is customary in small towns, a subscription list will be passed among the citizens and business men, who may con tribute a weekly donation to wards defraying the incidential expenses of running the band, which like nil other organizations must derive t,ome revenue for their maintenance. The amount asked for will bo small, say 25 or 50 cents ner week and will be collected only after each concert has been rendered, therefore the people will only be asked to pay for the benefit they actually do receive and the band will on the other hand, receive remuneration for its elforts, thus making it of mutual benefit to citizens, and band alike. We doubt, if any of the business men will refrain from assisting the band on these plans, and are quite posi tive the amusement, pleasure ami profit they derive from these concerts will be of equal, if not more, direct uenciil to tnem in a business way, than any similar amount they could donate else where, and at the same time will be promoting the best interests of everyone concerned. If the band receives liberal support along these lines, the open air concerts will bo continued thru out tli' summer as long as the weather permits, but, should the citizens fail to respond or sanc tion this plan, the band will give their weekly concerts in the hall and be compelled to charge a small admittance for those at tending. The first plan will be given it trial for a month or so, and concerts given on Thursday evenings at 8:15 until UMfi. If the weather proves stromv, the concerts will bo held in the Ton awama hall, free of charge. We have no fear as to the out come of the support that will bo1 given a good baud along the lines laid down, but we felt in duty bound to give the details of the plans on which this new organi zation expects to run and be maintained, thus showing the people that we are liberal and bioad minded as to the duty and service expected of us, and at the same time.oxpect, and should have the sanction nnd support of every progressive c i t i z o n in Hums, each having the welfare of the other at heart, thus main taining the harmonious spirit which has heretofore been so manifest and promoted tho gen eral welfare of all. We have material for one of the best bands for its size in tho state, and thcio is no reason why we should not take advantage of the opportunity before us; make The .Sawhill Transportation Co. Will Haul Heavy and Light Freight Express and Baggage At Tho LOWEST Ami With GREATEST CARE SPECIAL ATTENTION OIVENTORUSIIORDERS Sec Us Tor Pnrtic.ili.rs ns it, as everything else that Ib pro moted in our wldc-nwnko city tho "UeBt for Hums." We want to see this organization perfected to the point of prollcicncy, nnd with thla end in view wo are la boring, feeling that in so doing, we will develope what Is now lacking most, n baud in which everyone will take an intorest and feel proud of, because it will rank with tho best and also be a "Hoost for Hums." KIIST AND KliAPIIMi KOOM An excellent move on tho part of the Woman's Civic Improve ment Club has been inaugurated that will prove very popular in the future. A committee ap pointed to secure suitable quar ters for a reading and rest room prevailed upon tho Husiness Men's Club and were given per mission to use tho club rooms in The Times-Herald building ex cept on Wednesdays and Sun days, which are retained for tho husiness men. The ladies are preparing to have tho rooms open each after noon and evening nnd tho latest literature will bo at the disposal of all those who desiro to utko advantage of it. The rooms will be under the supervision of the ladies who will see that all visi tors are received properly and the place kept in a neat and com fortable manner. It will be an excellent place for those coming in from the country and strang ers who come to our city from time to time and have no other place to spend a quiet and orofl table Jiotir. With the ladles in charge it will be a pleasant place for the boys, men or ladies, where all will be welcome so long as they conduct themselves as guests should. The move should and will have the active moral support of all our citizens and all should coutiihtitestich magazines and other leading matter as they have, besides giving (ho ladies such other encouragement as they can. The Times-Herald can help in this way very materially with ex changes that mav be taken al most as soon as they come to tho ollice. lhe ladies are invited to call at the ollkeeach day and get such supply as can be spared. No doubt others will be equally ns liberal and by thus co-operating we can make the rending and rest loom a source of pleasure and ptolit to all. Hill I ox WOOD. Sealed bidti will be considered by the Hums School Ihmid on Satin da, June 1, l'Hii. at 2 o'clock p. m. for Ml coids of wK)d delivered at .school hous grounds on or before first Mon day in September. Hidson pine, juniper and mahogany. Address bids to W. K. HiurroN. Clerk. DESKItT CLAIMS. One or two choice ICO's 24 miles from new It. It. north of Malheur Iike. Two year's im provements fenced & 20 acres each plowed- If as good as best, What will you give? E. (5. Adams, 1012 Chamber of Commerce. Portland, Oregon Warrant Cill Notice is heieby given dial there are sufficient funds in lhe county treasury to redeem all Harney County warrants regist ered up to and including Sent. 1-1, 1911. Interest ceases on all such warrants Mav 11, 1012. Simon Lkwi.h, Treasurer of Harney County Socialist Must AleetliiK There will be a mass meeting of the Socialist I 'arty of Hnmey comity at the couit house in Hums on the 2t)lh of May at 10 a. in. for I ho purpose of nominat ing the candidates for officers to be filled at the next November election on the Socialist Parly ticket. All Socialists of Harney county are invited (o attend. W. II. Hullins Van H. Embree County Committeemen. Fine Jerseys For Sale We have a choice lot of Jersey Cows and Heifers, coming fresh this spring and summer, at rea; soiinble prices, at the Hacklemnn Rnnch, Iii(tiire of Hackleman & Engstrom, Crook Co., Harnes, Crook Co. Oregon. 23-29c. , Your RATES Ihu to Rntcs ami Service. Buy And Build. Hums is building a now Public School building coating $35,000.00 u now Presbylorian church to cost $12,000.00 at least and grading her streots. Harney county is going to build n new court house to cost $50,000.00 or moio. A water worka and now or system is being tnlked and a county high school is so badly needed that all favor immediate construction and, after a long, tedious wait, the railraid is building, looks' good. Those who have stood in tho way of tho wheels of progress, have been hit and hit hard, as they always have been every where. Tho effective knockers seem to have had something happen to them. They are not standing in tho way of things leading up to belter conditions. Hums Is and always will be tho best town in Eastern Oregon's interior. Now this is intended as an advertisement and must bo paid for, and one must admit the above to be facts. I have a , beautiful tract of land that llnan-' cinl reverses compel me to put oik the market at prices that must move it and in n very short time. The morning sun will cast the shadow of tho new school build ing across tho tract, only a few minutes walk. For homes there is no better or sightlier location. ! Until further notice these lota are going to be sold at the ridiculous ly low prico of from $25.00 10, $50.00 nnd on payments, if de sired, bo easy that any school boy or girl can buy one. I f not need ed now for a home it is an invest ment that is good for nil time. I must sell nnd If you desire a lar- ger tract will cut up to suit or iiifilfn ti utiliarnnt tnl ritliinttnn mil a number of lots taken together. xmw.'Z I Maps may be seen and all other ' Miiimiiieinitii tiii i.imrr it Tiur. information may be had by see.'1!!:r.rr.v.VJ1rj1,;:i,,w;';;,K.Hi,,.,:;7,:':r;L" ing the undersigned on the ,il 'k'. rv'ftVuri'rfi .',,;:7.,::loV;.,l9,.,: streets or at tho law ollice of .1. . iffci.r inin.iii.ii .. m. h yc fr.t. t.. Kiggs in liurns or any agent. !!... : i ncr.u. u h i.,nui..i.H..T. t i.i i) per agents, cent commission I) to nil -ilZWIS. M. L. 1 The Difference. Tho live man of today can take Life Insurance but will not. He thinks he does not need it until tomorrow. The dead man of yesterday would take Life Insurance today but can not He knows now that he needed it yesterday. Today is, tomorrow may never be. Do it now, insure with E. C. EfiOLHSToN, in tho Oregon Life. H. N. McCOMB General Repair Shop Hear W. 0. White's Shop, S. Main Street Plumbing, Pump and Wind Mill Work a Specially. Spring Has Come! And In Anticipation of the expected Rush Of Business this Season, Please bear in mind A. K. RICHARDSON'S Genenal Merchandise Store Has uiado flic Hoods and Latent Kiiiosl Designs Open For fU UoiiHintiiur of n Kull Lino of Shoes, lints, Caps, of the Latest 1'iif terns and Shapes Ladies Especially Invited To Call and Inspect our Splendid Line of .'ancy Dress (ioods, Silks, Laces and Linens. See Our Elegant Line of Minxes and Ladies Fancy Shoes A. K. RICHARDSON 33ui.3rxa.iS, Oregon PORTLAND lilds You To lier ROSE FESTIVAL JUNF Tick, is will bl. on sale from nil Stations on O. W. R. & N. JUNK 9, Hi, 11, 12, 13, M.--1912 IONH anil ONH-TIIIRI) FARI; for the Round Trlpl A l'rourom linn boon pwima'tl which will Biirimna any former. ArruiK l Hpuiid a wcok in Portland, and a wcuk nt NORTH IH.ACII on tho Pacific. HKUUCKD PAKI3.S will ho in ollVct from Portland and tho 0. W. It. & N'h Kxctirriion Stcami'ra will ho making daily ruiiH. l'ur further Iiiforimtlluu AiIiIk-hn (im I'lim, Agt, I'm tUmil Oif. New at Browns! DRESSES, KIMONAS, They Are All NEW SPUING MODELS Just Received liy Us New Line Plnxons Serpentine Crepes, and Kimonas in Materials. all the La to Double Tipped Silk Gloves Kid and Suede Cloves BROWNS Satisfactory Store Vulcanizing at Clemberling's. NOTK K KOIl J'UIILKJATION. '""( "' '""Ji Ormn II, m Mm Silt .lay ul , I I lall.lanl liamra a wlll.raapi v William t KiiImMmii. AlUll Allium. Wllllo ill ftmll. iruri.o Hilar, a'liil imwrv,OrrKii i ttw Kaaa, llcaliicr NOTIUK KOIl PUBLICATION. Unit if n St iiSi I.anii Ot tit . Hllfll, Off-KOtl, My IS, 1V1.' Nialh ! hfirl.v nlvntt Uml Krrtl A ('tlmEMii, i.fltil.l.. II.. j. .a. k. 1... .... Iui-ai..l..t I till a, a.,-, I.. " 1 l'llWII"IK'llll 111 Villi" I I ( I"-- lll"ll' ill, man, a. riury no jmn nriiai tin uiiw, nir S!i HmiIoiiHI. 1uwi.iI.Ii. H. Italian K , UHla.iHlle McMillan, Iim 1I.-.I nnllro m Illicit Hull In ii.akn Kill"! Mtv-Yrar I'riHif, t I lab lal, rlah.l to Ilia lal.it llmio llctIIM, t j Ian. I In. Ilir'a'n Bin) lliwehof, al It.irin Oik an. I, oil Him. 40l ilar ill Julia, il I Claimant l.amra at wltltra I l.allta H U., llllKll M Tl..m II, H.irl.ala, Mlmitun T)lf, all ul lllllna Oirn.. Ua Mhnr llrl.lrr AIIMIMSTRUOH'S NOTICI'. hi tint Crtntx of Dnnli'l V. YiIt ilw IVIIHI'I, N.itliMi la lii'irliy t;itcii ll.nt (In. initial r nlHtlitl IniWliJC hroil ..olnlrtl mlliilllla tmtnrol llitMntulo of Daniel V. Vixl.T, ili'M'aaml, all poninl.n ImvIiik .'IhIiiib Ht'niiiat aal.l I'atnlo moat pri'Xint llin 'Miinc ro.iily WTiflml to mr nl tin' 1 1 1 ft Nittiiiiinl llmik.of ItiiniN, (lrr)',on, I vtttliln al iiKintlm (rein tint iliilo hereof. j J I.. (Iaiii.t, , Ailuilnlntriitor. (l)Alfil April '.'7, llll'.'. Selection of SeaHonalilo on tho market, and tiro Inspection 10-15 Beautiful Waists in Messalino Silk Pongees and Fancy Silks A Nice Lino of Lingerie, Percale and Linen House I)i esses, New Stylish and Well Made S'JW55 l ;, s I I 5. ?. Obtain Your Wants at The Welcome Pharmacy WHERE Satisfaction is Guaranteed. When you have your Pre scription filled at our Btore you can rest assured that they are filled as they should be and resulus which the doctor desires will be secured. USE OUR KOSIi CREAM To couii.ersrt the effect of these March Winds. J. C Welcome, Jr Prop. t l ji ? J V w. 4 J i-4 - -- tunas We Have Opened Offices in the New Masonic Building in liurns, and are Prepared Tfl Furn's1 Accurate, Reliable and Complete Abstracts of Title to all Lands in Harney Co. 'TA Buy and Sell Real Estate In Lare and Small Tracts. TO Wr-te Fire Insurance in the Strongest Old Line Comp'ies 8,000 acre tract irrigated land best in Central Oregon -First-class colon ization projecf . TERMS All Husiness Intrusted To Us Will Prompt and Careful Attention. MOTHERSHEAD & DONEGAN Rooms l and 5 Masonic Huildintf. bayles & Mcdonald General Contractors and Builders Burns, Ore. - - Vale, Ore Located at the Burns Hotel THE OLD STAR SALOOIM BRIENTON 6l HECKS. Props. Old and nciu patrons will find beat brands Wines, Liquors, and Cigars Good' $crvico, Courteous Treatment DROP IMJ Wlo in Street Burns, Ore eon The Imported C PERCHEROSM tsaam Weight, About lie We Will Aluku The Season of 1912 At Cal Clemens Ranch McAU'immy Place, half mile from Itnrns Reasonale Terms New at Browns! WAISTS New Line Veils Fine Now Chiffon Veils and Veiling. Newest SilkH A Swell Lino of the Very Latest Laces, Fancy ICdg ings and Embroideries. AVJ 1 i! J5WC Receive rim Dapple Gray SL. STALLiORS 1900 Pounds Call or Wriie V t it .n t- ,a r V I 1? 5 V IHHHHHJIHHHHjHHHBHpiaSBaHiMaaalHr "3