The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, May 11, 1912, Image 3

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    mmmmmt frwwfcJMMMjawww -
r i
UlU't IVV MY ll. J.
jr. I
e Local News.
Pulcanizinj: nt GemborlinK's.
Crowley was up from his
ko liomo yesterday.
leaning and Pressing neatly
io by Sciiknk & Wii.uams
John .Monday, May (, to M
Mrs. Karl Elliott, a daughter,
See Archie McGowan the IjuuI
about it.
A large stock of wall paper at
smalnlrg, Dalton & Co a.
Read on this page wliat I.una-
arjr, Dalton & Co. believe.
.Dr. Gr' 111 th has returned from
le soutnern part ot llio county
Micro he was calledto see Hobt.
a in iirfrintn oniiPrTt ir I
ii $u ll ill ir. on n iit iun-
Mrs. Geo. Sizcmore, agent, for
Mctor Ladies' Tailoring Co., in-
ntos the ladies of Burns to call
End see new sprint; samples.
Norman Luckcy had his arm
Injured the first of the week
irhile playing with his school
mates. It is not a serious hurt.
The long delayed beautiful
Bpnng weather has ai last come
mil the trees, shrubs, (lowers
and gardens are responding rapid
ly to the warm sunshine.
Dave Miller was in from his
larm in warm springs vniiey
during the week Mr. Miller
states his crops are doing fine
and he has quite a large acreage
e seeded.
Supt. Gilcrest has gone over to
pMalheur county to visit the P'. L.
IS. Co. Handles. Mrs. I. H. Hol-
f land accompanied him as far as
Uhe Agency where she will visit
KMrs. Geo. Love for a few days.
Mesdames lone Whiting II. M.
: Horton and Clarence Luckey left
early this week for Ontario to
.attend a Haptist convention.
Mrs. Luckey took sick at the
H Agency and later returned home.
J5Lc3Lc3Litiox3Li 1
Was Added By The Directors of The
Ati their regular meeting mi April L7Ui, 1!)JU,
at. which lime the Surplus Fund of (.lie Mimic wan
miMVjiHwl from $(5,000.00 to $70,000.00
tst t a t- ,h'H HitukiHtiow
DULLAK Reinforced Hy
Of lOarnod HurpliiH, tliun uffortlingnur DepoHitors
an 1'uusual Degree of Alnolute Sufely.
CAPITAL $25,000 SURPLUS $70,000
United States Dcpositarp
Orepoit State Depositary
Accounts Invited
Vulcanizing at Gemberling's. ' C. R
ivim .,m,i,i'i i... .. r......w... visitor
these big bright days. week.
Klorsheim Shoos urn the best I Si(1 Comegys
Ausmus was among our
from Laweu during the
L getic young land owners of the
Princeton neighborhood, was in
the city yesterday after some
cement with which to do some
permanent improving on his
John A Fuhuman and Narcis.sie
Fulton were married at the Pres
byterian manse last Saturday
evening, May (, by Dr. C. C.
Rabbidge. Hoth are residents
of this city where they will make
their home. The Times-Herald
extends congratulations.
John Balholm died at one of I'. '
C Petersen's sheep camps on
we carry them.
Scar.NK & Williams.
Mrs. I. S. Geer has been quite
ill during the past week but is
Mrs. 'J. 11. Jokisch. wife of
the principal of the high school
is in from the ranch on a visit.
' See The Inland Umpire Realty
Co. in regard to yoirv Real Kstate
or Government Lmd Business.
You should inspect the fine as
sortment of Wall Paper at Lun.i
luirg'. Dalton & LVs.
P. A. Newton, father of W. L.
Newton candidate for school .sup
erintendent, is here from Ai
In mentioning the death of
Fred Peters, one of .the ener-VMa,'cus A- Hilrco laatweek
The Times-Herald stated it was
Van Embree.
Clay Cleme'ns mill is the near
est one to Hums where all kinds
of lumber both rough and dress
ed can be had. Near Canyon
road. Call him by 'phone.
Phone us nt our expense any
business you may have, Fire In
surance, Listings, Homestead
Matters, Ktr. Phone 211.
Inland Kmwiu: Rbai.ty Co.
Hums. Oregon.
Len Nichols of the Baldwin
Land &. Sheep Co. is making a
tour of this section interviewing
wool growers respecting the pur
candidate for
sheriff was looking after his poli
tical interests in Burns this
Jonathan Barllett, one of the
farmers near Harrimau who is
staying with the soil, was in the
city Friday.
Archie McGowan the Land
Man wants a little confidential
chat with you about anything
you have to sell.
The warm weather of this week
has brought out the fruit tree
blossoms and soon the orchards
will be very pretty indeed.
Bough and dressed lumber of
all kinds now on hand at the
Williams Bros. Saw Mill. Bough
lumber Slfi ner tliniiK.-md.
, , ,..., ., N
in. ii. Lcivia iurivuii nuie iniiu
California the first of this week.
His family are enjoying good
health there. Mr. Lewis will re
main here for an indefinite time.
Watch Burns Grow.
The grading of Main street is
being pushed very rapidly and it
is a line improvement, making
one of the best streets to be
found in any town.
Lame back is usually caused by
rheumatism of the muscles of the
back, for which you will find no
thing better than Chamberlain's
Liniment. For sale by all deal
ers. The graduating exercises of
ed reside. Mr. Balholm and a 'at their home in Callow Valley and, "urney bounty nigh school win
,... lirnllmr onino lwn tlirnr.' l.muclil In this CltV for l)Ur- "-' held tit TontlWlllim TllCatrU
JWUMV. ..r.vsv... ...... .,. ....w. ,( .,.u.n.. -- --
Vulcanizing at Gombcrliug's.
Ted and Bailey Hayes were up
from La wen thin week.
Best canned corn $11.25 n case
Hnrriman Mercantile Co.
If you want sago brush grub
bed writo K. E. Larson, Burns,
Fou Saws Rlack Pereheron
Stallion, fi yearn old in sprint;,
Good pa pent. Claude McGee.
Mrs. Haltio I las tie and her
daughter Mario were up from
Waverly during tho week.
Foil IIknt C. Rcary's ranch
near the Narrows. For particu
lars, intiuiro of Scott Haley, Narrows.
Rqirionibor - wo nro closing out
liquors, so hurry for the stock is
going rapidly Luiuthcrg, Dalton,
& Co. 2fitf
Chtis. F. Kutnewsky and L. W.
Thrailkill, representing the Equi
table Life Assurance Society,
have been in the city for a few
Robl. Davey arrived here this
week after an absence of some
two years and expects to again
take up his permanent residence
in this city.
H. 1). Donnelly of Joseph, Ore
gon, is in the city. Mr. Donnel
ly is an old time friend of Hon.
A. W. Gowan and is here looking
at the country with a view of
We are after the Fire Insur
ance business and want your bus
iness. Insure with the Reliable
Wo do job printing light Mncl'AdviPllSG UUP KcTWlf
Winona wagons tiro tho best. I
For Halo by Hnrriman Mercantile Bums has prided herself on
Co. I lior boom Bpirit and in using
2 nnct f Ain4n!n nrx Tliiirolnif i
night of last week from heart c,ase of s0,n01 fine bucks which
failure. The body was brought ."? company hopes to market in
to this city and prepared forth,a territory.
shipment to Roll, Washington, . The little son of Mr. and Mrs.
where the parents of the deceas- Walter Anderson died on May G
j ears ago.
, Presbyterian Church tomorrow
nt 11 a. m., "Mothers Day."
Th' Mothers Club, W. O. W.'s
j. -d Tule Circle will attend in a
body The official mothers' flow
r (white carnation) will he
presented to every adult. At
7:45 p. in. the annual baccalaur
ette sermon will be preached to
the graduating class of the
Harney County High School.
Special music suitable for the oc
casion at each servi e.
ial. Dr. Babbulge conducted the
j service Wednesday m o r n i n g .
'The little one was only about a
I month old.
next Friday evening. A very
pleasing program has been arranged.
Miss Agnes Miller and Roberta
The Margaret lies Co. left last Hibbard gave a delightful party
Monday for Iike county. They to the nineth and tenth grades of
are a fine company of players, the high school at the home of
and gave excellent satisfaction the former last evening, It was
throughout the entire engage- a most enjoyable all'air the guests
ment at Tonawama. The com- being entertained with games
pany has asked for an engage- followed by refreshments. The
ment here during fair week but high school closes next week and
l'onawama management has not social allairs among the students
yet contracted with theln.
To You
A $70.00 SEWING
July, the '4th, 1912
If You Hold The Lucky Ticket
'Yoiu May 1 hL until July Hrd, 101 'J, u nuiii
beret! ticket will ijo given with each enmi pur
chaw! uiiwlo in in.v at ore. Oa.lulydtli, a tlraw
iiitf will he ninth) under I lie HUperviHion of a com
niitlee, coiiHiNting of well known citizens. .Who
ever holda the ticket corresponding with the
number drawn, will receive free' of chare
I 'our DruwirH
I. Schwartz
''Vibrator rlliutllu
All AMiu'limonlH
Masonic - liuildiiiK
- J
are quite frequent.
.1. R. Stinson, Prineville repre
sentative of tho Oregon it West
ern Colonization Co,, arrived here
Thursday evening with several
who desired to purchaso land.
Among them were A. J. Arm
strong. Ed Faulslrich, Frank
Renden, A. R. Champlin, II. A.
, Wieman. Fred A. Walker, F. I).
Kaufman and F. M. Ogle. All
were well pleased with this sec
tion and some of them mtide pur
chases. Mr. Stinson l"ft this
morning with some of the party
others remaining to look over
the country further.
J. O. Robinson, tho Madras
, atito dealer came in Thursday
evening to deliver two new Ap
person fift-horso power cars that
lie had sold to Fred Haines and
Mrs. A. A Cowing. Miss Ethel
Raines drove her father's car in
j from The Dalles and Mr. Robin
sou stales sho is already quite
proficient. Mr. Robinson ex
I pected to bo back last mouth hut
Upon his return homo from hero
ho took to his bed with pneumo
nia. Ho is going to bo in this
section for a week or more dis-
line Reo and talk
to the prospective
J playing his
jff uulobobilo I
The Times-Herald would urge
the town people to gel out in the
country as often as possible. It
will do them good. Attend the
farm lecture at the experiment
station tomorrow afternoon.
Frank Bunyard and family nro
visiting relatives and friends in
this county. They have dispos
ed ot tneir property interests
over in Malheur county and may
go to California to make their
Mrs. II. B. Maco and Mrs.
Tom Allen left Monday in com
pany with Sheriff Richardson for
California points. Mr. Richard
son went to Winnemuccn to bring
back a prisoner. The ladies will
visit relatives in California for an
indefinite time.
.1. II. Kichner was in tho fore
part of the week being accom
panied in from the ranch by
Chas. Kaiser who has been re
couperating at tho farm after a
long siege of illness. Mr. Eich
ner states his crops arc fine, the
prospects being the best he has
seen during tho last six vears.
Dennis Moylan died at St.
Mary's hospital in San Francisco
on April 17th. Ho will bo re
membered by many old limo resi
dents of this section. He was a
brother of the late Michael Moy
lan who was a pioneer stock man
of this county. Tho hitter dis
posed of his interests here sev
eral years ago and went to Cali
fornia whero he died. Dennis
made his homo here with his
brother for several years.
T h e Uikeview Commercial
Club has asked co-operation for
a mail route between Burns and
that place by way of Wagontire,
Butte and Abort Lake. Another
route is suggested by way of
Plush. The latter might be
connected in some manner with
the line out to Catlow. A post
olllco has recently been establish
ed in Catlow Valley and the pat
rons contemplate mail aervico
from the Narrows for the present.
It is impossible a better service
for all concerned may bo secured
in this wny.
The Times-Herald hud only
been mailed a few minutes last
Saturday before a young lady
was found to respond to tho call
to go on the Eastern tour nr
ranged by Phil Rates of the
Pacific Northwest. Ho is taking
one young lady from ench county
in Oregon on n tour of tho East
leaving Portland early in June.
This is purely an advertising
lour and each young lady boasts
for her respective county. Miss
Agnes Miller will represent
Harney county and she isl now
hustling for subscriptions to Mr.
Bates' paper, tho Pacific North
west. Sho is required to Bocuro
IJOO subscriptions and all our peo
ple should assist as tho paper is
a good one for tho farmer parti
cularly. Harney county should
not miss this opportunity to ad-
vertiso her resources effective
ly. Send in your subscriptions,
the paper Is but $1 for three
Dry slab and pine wood $0,50
and $7.00 per cord, cash only at
Lumber yard.
Attention is called to the new
ad of A. K. Richardson's store
this week.
D, A. Eckermau has been ap
pointed postmaster at Alberson
vice W. E. AlborlHon.
Supt. Hamilton spent a few
days in our city this week. While
here he visited the public schools.
Roy Bunyard has established a
lumber yard in Harney and is
prepared to fill orders there es
pecially for rough lumber.
Silvies River reached the high
est stage of the Hood water last
night for this season. It was
still raising.
Reatos for sale, all sizes and
engths, price 20 cents per foot.
Any one desiring Reatos address
W. A. Ford of J. O. Alberson,
Mberson, Oregon.
Fou Sam --Wood or posts in
the timber, or hero in town.
Leave orders at Lunaburg, Dal
ton Co. or Schwartz's. Satisfac
tion guaranteed.
Fuank Jackson.
Now is the time to get rid of
your rheumatism. You can do
it by applying Chambarlain's
Liniment and massaging the
parts freely tit each application.
For sale by all dealers.
The Portland papers state that
Carl Cray, president of the Hill
railroad lines in this state, is to
'every possible means of adver
Using and attracting attention to
the rofourecs of Harney counly
and in other ways letting the
world know we are on the map.
But I am informed I hat very
little interest has been shown in
the matter of raising a fund to
send a young lady on the tour
given by "Tho Pacific North
west" to one young lady from
each county as a means of ad
vertising the county. It seems
io me mat local pride would
prompt every one not to let Har
ney county, which we all feel is
on the eve of great development
be the only county in Oregon
...:n i i...:...
xaviuiwiii, a iuiii;ni'iiuiiivu.
i am tout mat neither the Com
mercial Club or the Business
Men's Association have contribut
ed anything v. h n it would seem
that they would be moie benefit
ted than any one hy tho addition
of more people to our community
and tho dissemination of know
ledge in regard to our opportuni
ties. If each would do just the
little that they could without in
conveniencing themselves the
amount would soon be raised and
each one would have a splendid
paper for their own reading and
send one or more to friends in
other states and in that way let
the people know what Harney
county litis to offer.
A Boosti:ii.
" - - ! Hill I I III I JWlll,.. IJ. ,
"Vour IIiiiiic Inntltullon"
C. I1'. McK,inmi:v, Prcs. Fitun Hainks, Vick Pkes.
W.ONJW. imowN. Uasluer hijniiy IMI.ton AsstCash'r.
The members of the Junior'
Class of the Harney County Higl
be promoted to president of theSchool entertained the Seniors
Is the bank that invites the accounts of out of
town depositors, handles their business with the
nlinosl care and dispatch; .in a manner to pro
mote pleasant relations with its patrons, and rend
ers as nearly perfect service as possible.
This is the bank that invites and encourages
the bunking business of women.
Resources Over $100,000.00
Unithii Stati.k Dm-onirAiit
Dxi'oMTAHV Foa Tim
Statu op Ohprok
(ireat Northern in the near
Homer Davenport, the world
famous cartoonist, died in New
York last week from pneumonia.
He was an Oregon boy who had
made good. Mr. Davenport was
a cousin of Hon. I. S. Geer of
this city.
R. S. Duggard, of Butler,
Tennessee.arrived hero this week,
after an absence of five years.
Mr. Duggard is more favorably
impressed with Burns and Har
ney county than ever and ex
pects to remain here permanently.
Wednesday night nt 8 o'clock,
all those who are beginners and
desirous of joining the band, will
meet at the Tonawama hall, get
their,, respective parts assigned
to them and make their selection
of instruments. The young boys
are particularly urged to become
active members ns soon as pos
sible. The change in the schedule of
the Sumpter Valley Railroad puts
the mail in Burns earlier in the
day but it is 2-1 hours later than
a mail route by the way of Bend
would bring it. This should be
arranged as soon as Kssibe, as
most of our mail comes from the
west and it would be a great
convenience and saving of time.
Several band boyB met at Ton
awama last Manday evening to
discuss the organization of n
baud. All were favorable and
the prospects are good for the
best band B n r n s ever had.
Another meeting will be held on
next Monday evening at which
time a permanent organization
will be perfected and officers
choosen. Active pmctieo will be
gin at once in order to bo in
readiness for the big celebration
planned for tho Hii of July
There might by way of courte
sy bo some excuse for the desci
pels of the led llag to riot In the
old country hut not in this land
whi ro the freeman is armed with
the ballot. These "Reds" that
want war ought to go back to the
land from which they came to
kldk it up, and when ever they
commence to make disturbance
like they did this week at Seattle
Uncle Sam ought to grab them
where holding is good and throw
them about half way across the
ocean. Blue Mt. Eagle.
Job printing -Tho Times-Herald
and teachers on Saturday even
ing, May the fourth at the home
of Miss Viola Richardson.
Upon arrival the guests were
greeted by the Junior girls.
dames and music furnished a'
most enjoyable pastime after,
which delicious refreshments
were served. '
The dining room decorations
were unique and artistic, a minia-J
ture log school house gracing the
center of the table.
The favors were pennants of
pink and green, the Senior class
colors. i
The pleasant occasion will hn-j
ger long in the memories of those1
who were present.
Alfalfa and other itrass seeds
at the Burns Department Store. I
Notice of Dissolution :
The co-partnership heretofore1
existing between Davis & IIoIiIm '
has been dissolved.
s G. E. Hoitns.
Simp I nd Sale.
Acting under the instructions
from Governor West, all the
swamp land belonging to the
State of Oregon will be selected
as soon as possible.
Any one having information
regarding the location or condi
tion of such land will kindly con
fer with me. Such information
will be of much value to the land
T. A. RiNiaiAHT,
State I-Hind Agent
Hum. OreKon. II .'1, l y I
NultruU tirti kIvi ii that ( lytic I'tuttm. t(
iHiriin.iirt'Ko't. Nlm, mi .Ntnu t ir I k m it
ttumrvhml wiunr Nu Xdi hvrUI V 01l"J, (..
HUNh4 ml SMK1, MiHllmi 4, 'lnwiikli)
V'H, IUiikh 81 r WilUim-Uo MrrMUn tim
nlml iiullmuf liilviitlun Io m nk t Html rlr
Yi'Hr l' rUMUhUliii to I tit Uml nM
tloet'niH'tl, bohm tint Ki'iclMrr Mia IU'mmvit
Hi Hiimu, OiriO'U, uii llui JMh -Itty tit Mm 1'Jl
( Ulmalil u miu h m wl1liri
Van II kmbntf, John It UimiM timu.i lllll
John ttorlmv, nil of llurut, OirK
Wm FAititK IUlttcr
Star Hotel
S. J. MlinVINTIJK, Prop.
'llili will lie (omul u iH-jIrnlilo
and hospitable Mopping place
uliero comfort nml courteous
treatment nro loiiMtlcrctl
Feed Barn
Conducted In connection
The Imported Dapple Gray
Weight, About 1900 Pounds
lie We Will Mtike The Season of ) At
Cal Clemens Ranch
AtcAU'iuiiny I'lucc, half mile from Horns
Reasonale Terms Call or Write
Garden Seeds
Garden Hoes
Garden Rakes
Walking Plows
Sulky Plows
Gang Plows
Disc Plows
Engine Plows
Gasoline Engines
Gasoline Traction Engines
Hand and Wind AMI Pumps
Centrifugal Pumps
Irrigation Outfits a Specialty
All Kinds of Farm Machinery
Hardware, Tools,
Sporting Goods
Tin and Plumbing Shop
, V. '-MrC y,,,-v5
-,ttr7 ,w-v- XhrkWC SKV.Vi ."-
a. t Kjr.jrpa 4.r-viP'iiO.St
Just Arrived Via Auto Trucks
Shoes for Everybody
Hats For Men and Children
Summer Hats For the Women
S The Burns Dep'm't. Store I
ti&wivx :vviy;B&3ia2!R
In Looking For
Central Oregon Lands
Do not fail to see or communicate with
the undersigned agent for the
A. 15. GOWAN
Burns Oregon
Imported Cerman Coach
Will 11..1K0 tin Reason of 1912 ttt my ranch
i?es East of Burns
IliKUlinl m tin- Mr- m" tli. highest priced colts in Harney county
except standard bred specials and his get speaks for his qualities
Pasture and care for mares on the place.
as a sire.