Jferald DlltOULATION I Til! B COUNTY or (nil 87 u. News. Gcmbcrllnff'Bi wns up from t Kin the city the spent several i week. SPrcssiiiB nently ; & Williams. jownn the Land lises should be Pridny. Ipf wall paper nt ?n & uo'8. I'paRo what Luna- fCo. believe. was among oun Silver crock this find wifo and S. rifo are over from visit. if TE SEWING MA- GIVEN AWAY RTZ'S. READ STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION OF THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK BURNS, OREGON At The Close of Iiusincna April 18th, 1912 RESOURCES Loans and Discounts $271,701.85 U.S.Bonds (50,000.00 Ronds-and Securities 41,002.78 Premium on U. S. Bonds j 2,000.00 Real Estato, Furniture niid. Fixtures 7, 182. 15 Five per cent Redemption Fund 1,250.00 CASH 1.10,185.03 LIABILITIES Capital Surplus and Undivided Profits ... Circulation DEPOSITS $50U0l.il $ 25.000.00 . (!i),!U.l.(!7 25,000.00 .181,791.71 Capital and Surplus $601,106.41 $90,000 Untied States Depositary Orepon State Depositary Accounts Invited emore, agent, for .Tailoring Co., in- of Burns to call ring samplcs.- has established a in llnrncy nnu is orders there es- tigh lumber. ly expects to leave Drtland to person- io machinery and new harness ana vhich he will open Hissner building. BdnvAnril26.1912 Irs. Alex Ilnnley, ighingGi and 7 lbs. rid babes arc report- and the happy par ing showered with 3 by their numer- Id A. T. Raycraft Valley View Mon- iny with their mother jute to Seattle for n remained in town settle up his con dings erected at the Station. seting tor the nur- ibrmulnting uehnate in-Un-Day, (Friday) "at the court house i: evening May 1, at . Everyone who is the development of lected to be there. ahead for nil who Ix Hon and his bride who lmediately after the it week for the par- i of the Dillons near had a rather strenu- thc auto getting stuck oles twice and they I. to stop for the night ead while a feast was them at the home of ive that the worst evil ce today is the Credit Fit has caused more bore headaches, inoro are worry, more gray harsh words, more kgs, more unhappincss, ily troubles, more din- are homes to be sacrific- busincss lost, more more bankruptcy and les than nil other evils buna, Dalton & Co. Vulcanizing nt Gcmborling'H. Harry Carey came up from Lowcn yesterday. Frank GroiT and family have moved to their homestead near Voltage. Florsheim Shoes are the best we carry them. Sciignk & Williams. Otto Nystrom wns up from his ranch near Princeton the fore part of the week. See The Inlnnd Empire Realty Co. in regard to your Real Estate or Government Land Business. Herbert Albright will take a position with Mr. Burton in the Home Bakery next week. You should inspect the fine as sortment of Wall Paper nt Luna burg. Dalton & Go's. Potatoes both for table use and seed-Grant Sturlevant, at the flour mill. Drs. Marsden & GrilHth operat ed on Arthur White last week for appendicitis and he is recover ing rapidly. Clay Clemens mill is the near est one to Burns where nil kinds of lumber both rough and dress ed can be had. Near Canyon road. Call him by 'phone. Architect Elliott came- oyer from his home nt Ontario last Sunday to inspect the work on the public school building. He will remain hero for a time look ing after the work. Phone us nt our expense any , hutinrH3 vou mnv hnvo. Fire In surance. Listings, Homestead official count of election Matters, Etc. Phone 214. Inland Empiiie Realty Co. Burns, Oregon. C. A. Schaper and wife, ac companied by their daughter, Miss Minnie, came over from their On and after May 1st I home at Diamond Sunday. They run n strictly Cash Business, ' Mrs. J. T. Barnes has been quito ill at her home in this city. A young, gentle, fresh milch cow for sale first class Ray Smith. Margaret lies Comedy and Drn mntic Co. at Tonawnma all next week. Ed Springer and family are up from Nnrrows visitng at the home of Mrs. Thos. Sagers. Barred Plymouth Rock and Minorca eggs $1 per setting of 15-Mrs. W. E. Huston. A $70 WHITE SEWING MA CHINE TO HE GIVEN A WA Y AT SCHWARTZ'S. READ THE AD. Harold Johansen was in from his home near Buchanan Wed nesday evening to ride the Wood man "goat". Archie McGowan the Land Man wants a little confidential chat with you about anything you have to sell. Postmaster I)ggan was stick en with his old complaint, kidney trouble, last night and is confined to his home. Rough nnd dressed lumber of nil kinds now on hand at the Williams Bros. Saw Mill. Rough lumber $15 per thousand. Mrs. Fred Clingan and her sis ter, Miss link1, came in from the homestead yesterday to attend the Odd Fellow colobration. Jnspor Davis nnd wifo came down from Harney Wednesday. Mr. Davis assisted in malting the returns, Homer Reed was confined to his room n few days this week but is again able to be at his place of business a portion of the time. will All not were over on land uusmess aim to attend the Stoner-Schaper marriage. We believe that THE CREDIT SYSTEM was the cause of Mont gomery Ward & Co. success. Did thoy credit7 No, they Baw your( jy nn(j j. y. Buchanan and fam money before thoy wrapped up jy came in yesterday to attend the goods. This drove the cash the Odd Follows nnniversnry trade to them and tho credit uusi- celebration. ness to tne iocai mureiimu. . k , no bundles will be returned if paid for. Buuns Steam Laundiiy. Watch Burns Grow. School Supt. Hamilton are fain- Lunaiiuuo, Dalton & Co. REE 'o You " 55v rA A $70.00 SEWING MACHINE BBaHIMHBM1HHMiMMMHHiMwn July, the 4th, 1912 If You Hold The Lucky Ticket M From May 1st until .Inly Urd, 1012, u mini bored tickot. will bo given with acli ciihIi iir- thtim miido in my ntoro. On July 4th, a draw ing will ho nindu imdor tho HUpervimon of a coni initU'o, conHiHting of woll known uitizoiiH. Who- vor lioldH tho tieKoi rorroHponumg wiwi wiu hunibor drawn, will rocoivo Iivo of charo A $7.000 HIGH GRADE'SEWING MACHINE Vlbrntor Hhuttle All Attachment Masonic - Building BURNS, OREGON J Droplicnd Hlylo Four Drawer I. Schwartz "j piny makes Jack a dull boy." There is to be plenty of fun on clean up day. Como to the muss meeting Wed nesday evening and help plan for it. Fred Gohrung enme up from his Sunset home Tuesday on busi ness. He says the giiphadthe best of him for a few weeks but ho has recovered and is rendy for tho spring work. Mrs. J. W. Beery nnd two children arrived from Missouri lust Sunday and nro gnosis at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Beery. Mr. Beery and brother Ralph nro on their wny in from Bend. f Friends in this city havo re ceived tho news of the marriage of Roswell Hamilton nnd Miss Lorena Wirt which toolc placo in Portland Wednesday. Mr. Ham ilton met his brido wliilo both were attending the Agricultural Collego at Corvallis. Wo havo decided lo discontinue our lino of nlcoholB nnd liquors and havo somo sweeping re ductions in price. Now is tho time to Iny in n supply boforotho stock is exhausted. It will not last long nt tho price wo nro mak ing. Wo will sell you n good articlo at $3.50 por gallon. -BuitNs Department Store. Vulcanizing at Gepiborllng'fl. Alfalfa nnd other grass seeds nt tho Burns Department Store. F. A, Ford, tho Ontario auto man, was In tho city for sovoral days during tho week. For Sale Blnck Ferchcron Stallion, 5 years old in spring. Good papers. Ciaudo McGce. For Rent-C Bcary'B ranch nenr tho NnrrowB. For particu lars, inquire of Scott Hnloy, Nnr rows. Link nnd Thos. Hutton wcro ovor from Wngontiro tho first of tho week accompanied by their mother. A $70 WHITE SEWING MA CHINE TO HE GIVEN A WA Y AT SCHWARTZ'S. READ THE AD. A now lino of spring goods in cluding lints, ties, shirts, belts, dress goods etc., on hand nt A. K. Richnrdson's. Mrs. Frank Johnson left today for Redmond to moot her Bister, Mrs. smitn irom Missouri, it is thirty years since they last met. -Prineville Journal. Mrs. Miller is nt tho I. Schwartz Busy Corner with n full lino of spring millinery and is constantly ndding to tho stock which will bo kept up nil during tho season. Wo nro after tho Firo Insur ance business and want your bus iness. Insuro with tho Reliable ;HTNA and HARTFORD CO'S. INLAND EMPIRE REALTY COMPANY, Agent. We wish to extend our heart felt thanks to our neighbors nnd friends for their kindness nnd assistance to us during the recent illness nnd death of our little son. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. M. Hoffeditz. Many sufTerers from rheuma tism have been surprised and de lighted with the prompt relief afforded by npplying Chnmber laih's Liniment. Not one case of rheumatism in ten requires any internal treatment whatever. This liniment is for sale by all dealers. The Woman's Civic Improve ment Club will meet next Tues day evening, April 30, nt eight o'clock, in Mr. McConnell's office. Dr. Geary will address tho Club, and plnns for tho "clean up" will bo discussed. Every lady, whether a member or not, is asked to come with nn idea to pass along. Tho statements of our two banks shown in this issue certain ly indicate the strength of our financial institutions. Tho total footings of tho two show $1,000, 003 in round numbers. The First National with a cash reserve of $130,000. and deposits $385,000, the Harney County National lias a cash reserve or $lou,lHXJ nnu deposits amounting to $375,000. We believe that tho credit busi ness is abused nnd indulged in beyond u necessity and that many H!op!o buy more than they need, more than they should, more than they arc able, becauso they can buy it on credit, that it can be eliminated ton very great extent, and that it would bo better for both customers and msrchnnt to do so. Lunaruro, Dalton & Co. J. II. Loggnn wns brought in last Saturday evening and is nt the home of his daughter, Mrs Bert Bower. Mr. Loggan start ed in from Bend Inst week und suffered n relapse, having felt much better upon leaving Port land. Tho rough roads made traveling in an uuto hard for him and ho was brought in from Brookings on a spring wagon by easy Btages. Presbyterian Church Sunday April 28 preaching at 11 u. m. nnd 7:45 p. in., telephone time. Morning theme: "Tho Door". Subject for evening: "The Wreck of tho Titnnic; Tho Cause; What it Means to tho World; Tho Cure for bucIi Disasters." Special music suitable for tho occasion will bo rendered by tho choir nnd Mr. Waldo Geer will rendor n baritone solo "Asleep in tho Deep." Tho pnBtor is a descen dant of seafaring peop'o for gen erations and is familiar with the conditions governing the move ment of ships upon the sea. V t, r -.,- XT. nn T n O. F. nnd Sylvia R. D. No. 43 joined in n celebration of the anniversary of tho order last night nt their hall. A large num ber of members nnd Invited guests assembled in tho lurgo lodgo room nnd enjoyed a very pleasant evening. No fixed pro gram Was followed but a genornl reunion and social timo wns had. All joined in singing America and this was followed by an im promptu nddrcssby A. B. Whit ney, Later the young peoplo en joyed dancing while those who did not caro to dance visited. A fino banquet was served in tho banquet room adjoining the hall, THE ELECTION RETURNS. iiurriu Official CoiiQf of Ike Primary CIcI!m Made and Results Now Kdowo. Tho primary election returns for this county nro in, and tho official count is completed. Tho weather conditions influenced tho vote, some precincts whero thoro are n largo number of sheepmen held no election and in others n light vote was polled. Tho nominees for county offi- cors nrc about as indicated in our Inst issuo and wo are ablo to state definitely tho district nom inees with tho exception of dis trict ntlorney on tho democratic ticket. Aker carried tills county by u small majority and also his Sinnolt home county, Malheur, but Co znd has carried Grant. Mr. Brooke is tho republican nominee for district attorney uy a small margin. He lost Mal heur by 14, made a stand-off in Grant against Duncan, his near est competitor, nnd carried this county by 40, thus getting it by 20. votes. ( Hurley for representative lost Malheur by 40, but carried this county by 40, getting tho nomi nation over Kingman by G votes. Following shows tho totals of each candidate from tho official count. Drmucrntic Ticket Delegates to Nat. Conventien: Bennett 52 Burk 15 Colo 10 Edmunson 4 Godfrey 7 Goss ., 1 Holmnn I Holmes '. .9 Jewell '. 1 Kndderly 4 King 172 Muloney .. 6 Moses 3 Sheahan 10 Shermam 5 Stevenson 5 Sweok 9 Wilhelm 3 Wise 8 president Clnrk ' 191 Harmon , 10 Wilson 140 ELECTORS Whitten 1G McLain 95 Peterson 108 senator congress ...27 . 40 .59 12-1 129 175 Wall .. Watson Coshow Lane Pierce . Covey Graham 137 SECRETARY STATE Ryan. 281 RAILROAD COMMISSIONER Anderson 251 DISTRICT AUTORNEY Aker 190 Cozad 146 SENATOR Million 31G REPESENATIVE Baker 18 SHERIFF Comegys 226 Richarcson 182 ASSESSOR Britlingham 177 Catlow 211 CLERK Dillman 115 Eggleston 252 TREASURER Lewis 341 SURVEYOR Beery '. 325 COMMISSIONER Davis G9 Ottley 124 Sizemoro 185 SCHOOL SUPT. Newton 310 Republican Ticket Huston Jones McCruskcr Mctschan Smith 'Swift PRESIDENT La Folletto G3 Roosevelt 141 Tnft 139 SENATOR Bourne 101 Lowell 81 Morton 14 Selling 132 CONORESS Ellis 85 Roosevelt 22 Rusk 78 ...... 75 Cochran G3 SECRETARY STATE Fields 1G6 Olcott .... 151 SUPREME JUDGE Eakin 23G roou couuiaiio.suK Cottell 1)8 Edward : CO Lea 10 Ulckle ol IUII.ROAII COUUiMIONKU Altclilnnoi , 107 Schulderuian CO Slnjrtoti 07 UIITRICT ATTOKNKY llrouke 1 1 fi Duncan 7c HajM., 8H Market CO IKNATOK Miller...- 1110 Stewart 103 KIII'KESKSATlVIt Hurley 1 07 Kingman 'J1 KiiKirr, Cole .'. no Goodman , 210 Ataisioit Donegaii 30s Grant 107 I'LKHK Water) 325 THKAtUKBK Miller 301 iUHVKYOH Gowan 280 COUMIStUUNKK llaln 123 Hcndricki 00 Peter 110 HCIIOOI. iUIT Hamilton UOft COUO.NKIt ClerenKcr 300 REPORT OP THE CONDITION OF THE HARNEY COUNTY NATIONAL BANK OrilURNS, Orctitm, Made to the Comptroller of Ctirrencu, April 18th, 1012. RESOURCES Loans $208,896.94 United Stales Bonds , 25,275.94 Municipal Bonds and County Warrants 58,563.18 Furniture and Fixtures 3,702.77 Redemption CASH Fund 975.00 149,592.35 '1 l.tlr..r.tnn fr. XT. - PAHimMftniti Ackcrson G6 Applcgnto 12 Boyd 23 Bynon 56 Carppbell 4 Caroy. 11 Coo 18 Fry 2 NO. M9I. Knnt ol the roaitltlon of (be MAKNCY COUNTY NATIONAL BANK ol UUKNS l liurtu, in tti Htata ol Orrun. at Ids cloi of bu.lum, Arll III. Mi. kBHOOKlftl, lxnn,l HUruuiili 1.01.777 TO Omdotii, ioi'mt'1 nil utuwure.l Civ 21 U.H. Uoiiili to tocur circulation l,HDW U. H. lloudi to tecura U. S. Ir)uilti S.ouno rrtmluniaou U.S. lUuida 7itlH Hondi, ncuilllo.tte Ues 1 lltuklof tiooaa, furultura and Atlurf a 3 ir! 77 lua frum National Ilauka (not re aartra at aula) l.M,i; a Uua Iroiu approval raatrv ajeim ICicU.'If-O C'borVa and othucaih llama A.V17 Nolta ol otuar National llanta I.'Aj no Ktaclloual apr eurrancj, nlrkala and caula 131 II) l.iwn'L Momiy lUutn IN IU"K, VII Hcle m.UIIO UcalTandarNotaa MUD 54.a; 10 KaOamllon tuml wlthU.H.Traaaurcr, (1 r rant ot circulation) VTo Ul Total III7,U.I mmiTtta. Capital atock pot J In t tt.OOOOO Hutplua fund.. 3,.Va(io Ulitllflda.1 prnflta. laa eiHti'ra auu taarapaM 'tl Nattoual liana notaa uutalandlne 19.MUOO luilll1ualiWoalta aubject to check x,M7M Tlma cartlflcataa ol tlaiioalt TS.V9I f L'ciltlladCbacka .... MM Caihlar'a cbacta oulatamltue 7,Mo IV United 8talva DaoIU. Vt.l -.'1 Total l?,oil in BrATKOrOHKUON.I... Counljrot llarnef, i I, lon XI. llrowu, t'aablar ol Iba abnve uamatl bauk. do aolaiuuljr avruar tbat IbaaUni, atatamant lalrualolba bcalul my kUKWlvdiiv and b.lUI. l.auN M, HaowN, Caiblar Subactlbed and aworu lo balorv ma tbli S7lli day ot Aptll, 1111. A. W. (Iohan tUaal Notary l'nbllo t'oltacl- A Had: O.K. XllKlNNKY Kaili IIiin I, M. DilTON Dlrvcloia $447,006.18 LIABILITIES Capital Stock $ 26,000.00 Surplus and Profits 28,723.41 Circulation 19,600.00 DEPOSITS 372,782.77 $447,006.18 ACCOUNTS CORDIALLY INVITED. Untied Stall n Deponltury I'otlal Saving I'll n da Depoiltary For The Slat of Oregon (P GET READY FOR SPRING Best flour (guarantee) $8.50 bbl. Harriman Mercantile Co. a) : Star Hotel S. J. MIDWINTER, Prop. NARROWS, - OROOON I litis will bo found a doslrablo and hotpltablo stopping place where comfort and courteous treatment tiro coimldored first J Feed Barn I Conducted In connection 3 ZZZ FEBO The Imported Dapple Gray PERCHERON STALLION Weight, About 1900 Pounds lie We Will Make The Season of 1912 At Cal Clemens Ranch McMenamy Place, half mile from Hums Reasonale Terms Call or Write Garden Seeds Garden Hoes Garden Rakes Walking Plows Sulky Plows Gang Plows Disc Plows Engine Plows Gasoline Engines Gasoline Traction Engines Hand and Wind Mill Pumps Centrifugal Pumps Irrigation Outfits a Specialty All Kinds of Farm Machinery Hardware, Tools. Sporting" Goods Tin and Plumbing Shop HOEER & MtaaaaMHBaasnaaaaMiMaValaWaasaaaMai CUMMINS JJ t:t:r I !i ::.t::::ut::::::nt:u AUTO STAGE TO BEND S-BEND CO S Superior Service - - Quickest Way $ SPECIAL ROUND TRIP FARE PLEASURE RIDE OF EIQHT HOURS TO RAILROAD , H. ROIIU, Agent, Burns Garage, Burns, Oregon h u v :it!tt:::::::ti5:::::i!:j:i:m:::::u:::j::n::aunmtu:nj:atmn:tKmnJtinn2m; JBEBPSiO Just 1 c v --r s nAv vL--tf baL?r xr "HA mt "vf"qa'cVJP03O5 Arrived Via Auto Trucks n Shoqs for Everybody Hats For Men and Children Summer Hats For the Women $ The Burns Bep'm't. Store JSKfcM !V,? &W&te&&GW&&& BUDDIST, NO. 2853 Imported German Coach Will iiial.i' tho Season df 1912 at my ranch Nine IVliles East of Burns Hmldist i tho sliv of tho highost priced colta in Harney county o.xcept stnmlnrd hrod specials nnd his get speaks for his qualities as a sire, rasturo ami enro ior marea on the place. TERHS TO INSURE $15.00 0. L. SHINGLEDECKER, Burns, Ore -Htm Hkk uaasajasMv-tr