h I b b S y re ui O oi E- Iai' wi W m bu Cr trs lat 1 Vi( lire Coi is t con Cm 1 reci to pan abo T asu Nev join in a A Grai Seer men Nc final will I trick ber 5 Tei thee the e Th (a) Geogi Govei (2) ing, t Cou Chil to cor eases Whoor scarlet are di,- tractec That h ties sa3 quick nothing Iain's C ways b pleasan sale by Aiwa; Three for rent SCHENK & WILLIAMS Merchant Tailors-Leading Clothiers J I. O- O- F. Building & Burns - Ihe frtmcs-licraCd. JULIAN BYIIU Manager l,. TUItDAY. AI'KIL W. 1912. H ORI1TION RATES- One Year liOO Biz Months .1.00 Three Months.,.. .73 THE SITUATION IN REALITY "Among the thousands who seek homes in Oregon, it is inevitable :i .ui...ii..:.ii...i:..j jan, eiuici iiuuuKiiUiiu JuuKiiiuii' , in choosing a location, neglect of ,m , s, , u..: ?..:- . i :i..,j 'if he had uusmea cuuuuu in uuyuiK luiiu ui unwillingness to work when they have bought it. The last cause is the most frequent, for such . men on reading of large crops, quently imagine that such land can be bought for a song and can be made to yield with little or no work. When these men do awaken to the truth that in Ore gon as elsewhere, money cannot be made without work, they be " come knockers and write to the "folks back home" warning nrmint nrn:n r., M tCT u : i. The above paragraph is taken Jnn .vl;i T- - . .v A1UUI Ull bUIIUIICli 111 ti ictciu ia - sue of the Oregonian and is ap plicable to all portions of the couniyand all along the lino from whatever direction intend - ing homeseekers may come to the big Harney Country. We have a class of men right in our midst who make it a business to "knock" and another class who) "knock" and don't know it. I Ihe man who is always caution ing the newcomer to look out for certain drawbacks in land loca tion and climatic conditions is conscientious but he doesn't al ways go far enough in explain ing . these conditions and fre quently leaves a wrong impres sion. We don't claim to grow oranges in this country and the man looking for such a location will never come to the Northwest to find such a location. He ROY VAN WINKLE, Abstracter. Harney County Abstract Company BURNS (INCOHPORATED) OREGON A Hodern and Complete Set of Indexes and an Abstract Copy of Every Instrument on Record In Harney County. THE COMPANY THAT WILL EVENTUALLY DO YOUK WOBK 160 Located near Mandcr line of Malheur Lake-all level and tillablesmall house, close to post office and railroad line. Price $1250. Terms, $750 cash, and balance on time nt 7 percent No better bargain offered anywhere. JUST ARRIVED IHHWHMMMI A FINE LINE ot Mens I "I Tl ' and Boys ready-made units. These are very Snappy Clothes, the Latest in Make- Up and in Color Combination for both Spring and Summer Style and Service. Also some New Spring Flats and Caps, in all the Latest Shapes and Shades in Vogue. Call and Inspect Our Nifty and Nobby Line Oregon J doesn't expect to find southern California climate at an altitude of -1000 feet We should encourage every concern and enterprise working for the development of this country and assist all legitimate efforts in that direction. The business men of Burns and ' pub lie spirited citizens in every part of the big Harney Country do this, yet it is not always appre ciated or heeded by those whom it is desired to benefit The "knocker" is given credit by J some timid seeker after invest ments that wouldmake a success more courage and a keener observation. Practically every acre of Har ney Valley will be cultivated within a few years and practi cally every acre of the Valley I ti ill nn n ilnii V. r . naastrl l,, . i viii uiiu uu,y uiz tuvviiiu uy ti system of irrigation. This is in evitable. Why, then, should 'the neonle hesitate to invest in , moderately priced land when the conditions are an assurance in the immediate future? Dry farming methods should , also be studied as this country has a great future in this respect .The bench lands are adapted to ' . - . , , dry farming and will. produce i , i , i , viiuer wneai equal io uny K'Owh Dry farm methods will also be used in assisting to conserve the I jnolsturo on the valley lands un- ' U'?"L" u,,w , , ' , ""'"" win ue covereu uy an uuetiuuio system of irrigation. New people should give heed ! to the advice and experiences of the successful man who has tried honestly to farm in the Harney Country and whose practical ex perience has demonstrated what can be accomplised. WATER AND SEWER. The Times-Herald understands the mayor of our city contem plates submitting the proposition of water works and a sewer sys tem to tho voters in the near fu ture and wo would urge serious consideration by tho property owners. Conservative estimates ARCHIE M'GOWAN, "The Land Man." cresof Fine Level Grass TLaJkJSTJD of tho cost hnvo boon mtido nnd published, therefore voters nro advised ns to this. Tho expense is rather lnrgo to contemplate but considering the need for llro pro tection and necessity for tho health of our people it is worth while. Those who hnvo studied tho matter feel that thoro will bo practically no advancement in tnxes as tho amount now spent by individuals on priwito water systems would pay tho interest on the bonds nnd riinuiiiK ex penses of tho two systems. Tho Times-Herald asks free discussion of this matter among our people as with n thorough knowledge of tho situation there is no doubt but it will be favored. ncDons-nnsT. At tho home of the brldo on Silver Creek on Wednesday, April 21, Miss Ethel Host became the bride of II. O. Hedges, Kov. Dr. Bnbbidgo performing tho ceremony in tho presenco of tho relatives and a few intimate friends. Miss Mamie Winters was bridesmaid and Frank Foster acted as best man. A sumptuous wedding dinner followed the cer emony nnd congratulations. Tho bride is a daughter of W. L. Best, -one of the substantial pio neer stockmen of this county. Mr. Hedges is in tho automobile business and hns mnde many friends in this section since com ing here. The young couple will make their home in this city where they are heartily welcom ed by n large circle of friends. STONCR-SCIIAI'LR. Robt. S. Stoner nnd Miss Anna Schaper were married at the home of Mr. and ' Mrs. Frank Harrison on Inst Wednesday morning, April 21, Kov. Dr. Bnb bidgo of the Presbyterian church officiating. Only the immediate relatives were present. Mr. Stoner has been associated with Frank Harrison in the barber business in this city for several years His bride is tho eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Schaper of tho Diamond section where she has been making her home for some time. They left immediately after the ceremony by way of Bend for outside points going first to Portland where they will remain for an indefinite time, later going to Linn county where Mr. Stoner's mother lives. They will be absent nil summer. We join mnny friends in extend ing congratulations and best wishes. SKEINS-KIDWEU.. ' Rev. Dr. Babbidge performed the ceremony Monday at tho Presbyterian manse that joined Walter F. Skiens and Miss Pearl Kidwell in wedlock. Both are popular young people of this county, Mr. Skeins being a resi dent of tho Silver creek section. The Times-Herald joins friends in wishing them a happy wedded life. ElflllT GRADE EXAMINATION. Notice is hereby given that the final eight grade examination will be held in the different dis tricts on May 9-10, and Septem ber 5-G, 1912. Teachers must send names of the children that have completed the eight grade work. The program is as follews: (a) Thursdays Physiology, Geography, History and Civil Government. (2) Fridays Grammar. Spell ing, Arithmetic and Writing. L. M. Hamilton, County School Superintendent. Fine Jerseys For Sale We have a choice lot of Jersey Cows nnd Heifers, coming fresh this spring nnd summer, at rea sonable prices, at the Hackleman Ranch, Inquire of Hackleman & Engstrom, Crook Co., Barnes, Crook Co. Oregon. 23-29c. The Saw hill Transportation Co. Will Haul Heavy and Light Freight Express and Baggage At LOWEST And Willi GREATEST CARE - SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVENTO RUSH ORDERS See Us For Particulars us to Rates nnd Service. LAMB LOSS NOT SO GREAT. Mr. Jenkins Telephones In That Week's Report was (Ireatly Exonerated. Tho Times-Hornld hastens to correct an error published in last issue respecting tho honvy loss of lambs in the Steens Mountain section, It was reported that .1. H. Jenkins had 'phoned his brother Tom on Wednesday of last week that ho hnd lost 1200 lambs but Mr. Jenkins called Tho Tinics-IIorald Tuosdny nfternoon over the 'phono from his Happy Valley homo and said it was a mistake. Tho fact is Mr. Jenkins was not far enough along in tho lambing period to hnvo that num ber of lambs. He snys tho loss hns been quito heavy compared to former yenrs, yet it hns not been to nny such extent a3 re ported. Mr. Jenkins states it hns been the worst lambing season ho has experienced in twenty years on tho ranges of Harney County but the weather hnd changed now for hotter nnd the season had not ad vanced sufficient to make tho loss so honvy, as with good weather from now on a good per centage of the lambs can be saved. Many will be pleased to find the former report exaggerated and Tho Times-Herald certainly does not wnnt the nrticlo of Inst week to mislead in respect to the severity of tho storms on the sheepmen. Indies of Burns are invited to call at the home of Mrs. H. M. Horton nnd see samples of the Spirelln Corsets. Fggs from leading varieties standnrd bred poultry, express prepaid, $2.00. Write for circu lar. Simpson's Pheasant Farm, Corvallis, Oregon. FIRE! FIRE! FIREI Your homo or barn may burn before tomorrow. You can not afford to take your own risk for whnt little it costs $75.0 per $1,000 one year; ?lfi.00 for three years. Wrile us what you have to insure. INLAND EMPIRE REALTY COMPANY. CU'AN.IJI DAY. MAV 3. In accordance with the usual custom 1 hereby proclaim Friday, May !!, as a clean up day in the city of Burns. All accumulations on private premises, alleys and adjoining streets shall be gather ed up, burned or hauled outside the city limits. G. W. Clkvkngkr. Mayor, netici: rou m os kok htukijt I Ml HOVKMBNT. Ndllro In lii.Tiili) kUuii that ii'ulcil lUi Kill lin riTulvnl liy tltn Coinninn Ciiilucll of tint i'lly ul Ittirna, Ori'smi, u to 7:30 o'clock I. M on I he liliihy ul May, HH'.1. nt wlin Ii Hmu n rwi'lul mi ulintf ul sulil C'uiiiiikiii Oiiiincll linn tiewi rnllvil fur tli(M'niiiil(li'ra'liiiiiilrili'Uliiilt, f.ir tint luiiroiini('Mt ol tho lollciwliiit nlic.'l In tcreiTliotiH in fnl.l city, to wit; 8. mini ami A, Hrcoml ami Washington, Hivond anil Ailsnin, Ki'ionl ami Julfrraou, 8oc otnl iiml MhiIIkoii, HitoihI nml Munrou, ulil ntreut liilnrM'cllinia to bolmpruvcil In tliofellowIiiKinuMier: 1 nillrsf In tho rninii tn nml In aicorilnm-o trllli tlio ea-tnlilislii-il Krailc for n.ilil Interarotlona a vRlnhllhlinl by iirilliianru No. HOol ailil city, with n koiiI imlltyoI gravul,nhich ahall Ik- flllcil In nml r r nil upon aald InkThcftioriH In a ijoo.1 iftiil workman Ilka ninniior, ami liu cninilittril on or ho- foru tliu Ithilayof Juno. IIH'J, tlm aalJ Coiiiuioii Ciiiini'll liuri'hy rinorvlni' Iho rilit to rcjuct nny and all lililn. Ily onlor ol tlm Cuiiiiiioii Council, A. M, llvim, City Ilucordor. ADMINISTHATOK'S N0TICL'. In tho Kntuto of Punlul W. YoJer do- Ci'ilt"l. Nolii'o la Imrnhy kUcii that tho under hIkiici! hmlng Ihuii uppolntetl adinlnla trutor o( llni idliilii of Daniel W. Voder, doccimeil, ull iuronn hiivlni; rlalinl nunliiKt huIiI i-htulo iniml prosont the huiiio iriiifily vnrilloil to mc at llio Flirt Natloiuil Hunk, of lliirnu, Oregon, nllhiii als inonlliB from tho dato huroof. J. T.. Oaui.t, Admlolatrator. Oatod April J7, 1012. Vour The RATES The " cle"nrrBoed'"oat8 for saTe np- ply nt this office. No. 6295. Ileport u( the condition ul the RUST NATIONAL UANK OF I.URNS, In the Mate of Crtcoii, l Iks ilueo nfliusl usss. April loth. lVl'J. aisouiaai. (.nana ami Discounts,. Overdrafts, secured mil unsecured . U. H, llunfs to secure circulation It. . llouds to secure II H, lciills I'roiiituins on 11 M. Ilunds liunds, secuilllrs, eta Hanking liiiiiio.diriillurej unit llitiiii'e Oilier Ileal Ketato, owned lu from Netloiisl Hanks (nut re serve iinli) Duo from Bute ml I'llnto Hanks mil Hunker!, Truil Companies, ami Havluis llenka lnie Ironi approved reserve anenle . Checks ihI oilier rli Home Motes ul other Nellouel Hanks Fractional paper currency, nickels, and rent'. l.iWFll. MllNir ItKStHVK IN IIAHK Tl I Specie il.B07 80 lialTemler nutri IM Heileiunlliin (unit with U. tl, Tressnr- er( per cent of circulation ., Total Miniums. Capital slock palit In Hurplm Undivided prorlli, lfi eiwuses ami tales psld 4SI3C7 National Hank Note outstanding Vn.tulUI Individual depoells subject to check 1111,401 CO Demand certificates of deposit Time Certificate! ol deposit, Caibler'a check! ouuUuUlm Dulled States Deposits DepvsltiolU. H. disbursing omrers Total Ml.littll HTATEOFOItKOOK.I .. CoUHTTor lltXST, " I, J, U (lault, Cashier n( Hie sliiyo named hank, do solaiuuly swear that the elimo stall, inenllilrue to the best ol nijr knuwMita and bellel 1. 1 Usiilt, Cssliler. Correct-Attesti II. A. Bmvtii II. M. IIOSTUN O. A, IlilNss liltei'lnrs rlubscrlbed and sworn to Ixloia me lists) V.'lli day ul April, HI?. ('. M. 1. soman, Ideal) Nblary I'ubllc for Orexon. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Uhitiii htatis I.snii orrit'K Hums, Orrjmi. April 21, IvIV, Notice Is herebjr fltenthat Van II. Kuibreenl Hums, Ureeou, who, on Maf 3, ivoo, maile Ilomeslrail Kulrr No. Bend. herlsl Ko.uiikk). (or HW); UWff Hep. si, T. n f.. II 51 K., NU NHIt SKJtNWjJ, detllou 4. Township ..IK, luiigoM Y... Willamette Meridian, bus (IliM nolle, ul Inienllou In make final ne)rcar I'multure labllah claim to Ihe Uli'J above ilrscrlU'il, he lore Ike Itedslar ami Iteeeiver, at rnirhs, Ore ton, on tlie Haiti lar ol Majr, lw. I laimanl names as wlluenes tIHe Kinbree, John H. (loulJ, J".r.i lllll ana Jobu Worlnw, all ol Hums, omton. Wm. Ksmkic, lleitlsler NOTICE KOK PUHLICATION UNITED HTATIUI.ANllOr-KIIK, I Hums, Oregon, A.tll J!, 191.' Notice Is berebritlreu that I'ljril Kinbree, ol lliifiis. Orrun, wlio, on NoenberT, lttiulti UlUtfl' ..... C.'uul A .1 . . ' .. i . iiomesieaii enirr no. w2ua. Hrii n., uimi in. . twnii. n f nu UIMI.fur 7l"-,l HM l & .. Hama II I P... wtiiinietie Miri.ii.il. i..', I nieu noiire ui iniatuion iitinakn ritiai v vm Year I'ronr.ioratabllshrUliu tu the latui aixive iloicllwd, Uloretbe Itrxlsler ami IUmcIvct, al Hums, Oreiion, uu Ibn 7s Hi iter ol Mar, IVI'i Claimant names as witnesses Van II. Koibro. John It. (louhl. Jiaei.b lllll. 1 bn Worlow, all ol Hums, Orraou. u. Kiass, llexlstrr IrtUWIM Its 7.imr;o Mj IIA.UISXH) R .'.onuim En u .ma In U KM() Bi H.viutr jM !l,C8dlll i,i;o n.i i i.v.'f, n i HH m w H at w 9 ai.a.'joo B U.mho 9 .VII,1IVMI H u'.,ij() JKi I. WD ll I M in.vMri'j t,35H75 Hj Hl4l i H In UooklHK For Central Oregon Lands Do not fail to see or communicate with the undersigned agent for the OREGON WESTERN COLONIZATION CO. A. E. GOWAN Visitthe Old Home VIA 0. S. L. and Union Pacific LINES PROTECTED Y AUTOMATIC BLOCK SICINAI. llaltliuoro lloston Chicago Denvor 107.60 110.00 7B.C0 65.00 Kitnti.iH City Mfiuiunpulln New York Oinnlm Dates AI'KIL 26. SU, 27 toHt. l'nnl nml MlniionpullH only. ' TO ALLDKSTINATIONBi MAY 1'. 3, 4,0, 10, 11,17, 18,21, !!. JUNK 1, 0, 7,8. 13, U, IB, 17, 18, 111, SO, ill, '21, 95, 27, ! JULY a! 8. o, 7. li, l'J, in. in. no, v.".', aa. an, ai. ao, 31. AUOUHT 1, a, 3,11, I, 13, H, III. - s.1,.1', .IU.-.H. 8EITKMUKIH, 6, 0.7, 8, 11,13,30. Through Train Service to the East Strictly HiRh-CIass " 1 Cull on or write nearest O.-W. H. & N. AKont nnd lot him assist. you in outlining A DELIGHTFUL SUMMER OUTING, or address GENERAL PASSENGER AGENT, Portland, Oregon WHY NOT MAKE $200, A MONTH - - That's 50.00 a Vook, nlmost $10. a Day b HellliH! Victor Hafna ami rtro-iiront toira to ititm'liaiiU, iliiotiirs, luurers, ilriillsla ami well lu-Jiiliiriiidp'.ull nt wJiiiiii rrllau tlinlH'eil olftaafe, lull Uu lmt knuiv liuwinny Ulatoown oiju, Mlieii oi ularu nur iniasllun one ol till, lil, I'll-HII I'Ul llllll-)f lllllklllK llMrllll lies nvtr fm'clm.l iihoiit irutloua riin'rl rni'B VOIJ win iluillrnl Hi" aucvrsa of oilier. Our liuinlsiiiiirl; lllustrnli'il UvO-paue cataloK will rnal'l" yon to pri aunt tlio sulijret toi'us lu mo re In an liilereailnt: manner as though vou were iillotlng tliem llirouuli our ruuliiry iMuieiirecelyeadyloii ami liislruufloiia lor .niivli o HiTtalalii polnle wliloli It la uiaielMti fur Irosircllvo customer to deny. Why rtuVJl VOU ba the firsl to apply (rum your yliliilly Ulore boiiihoiib else nets the territory! w. ean raYor ouiy olio attlosmau om o( each locality. ""' Th.Mlll IIIHlll.M.HAll.1.. pur HW Hem. Oepaolly S0,000 Sties "wSmiEBKHKKH I New t Brownsf- DRESSES, KIMONAS, ra They Are All NEW SPUING MODELS Just New Une Flnxoiis Serpentine Crepes, and Kimonas in Materials. the Lnto Double Tipped Silk Gloves Kid nnd Suedo Gloves BROWNS Satisfactory Sl Wo do job printing -right kind The Dillcrcncc. j The live man of today can tnko Life Insuranco but will not Ho thinks he does not need it until tomorrow. j Tho dead man of yesterday would take Life Insuranco todny , but can not. He knows now tlmt he needed it. yesterday. j Today is, tomorrow may never , be. Do it now, insure with E. C. Egoleston, in tho Oregon Life, i H. N. McCOMB General Repair Shop Rear W. ().wiiiteH Sliop, S. Main Street Plumbing, Pump and Wind .Mill Work a Specialty. Burns Oregon LOW FARES EAST Hound Trip tickets to principal cities in Middle Western and Eastern States. (lolni! limit lllli'un duyn; Miml ri'hirn limit (Vlolitr SI, IIU'J. I.IIIIUtAL HTOI'OVIilt IMtlVILKOKH. Choice of ronii'H. I'roporllonn telly Reduced I'nrcs to IHvny Other Points f (10.00 UlOO 108.M CO 00 Kt, Unile tU. l'nnl Toronto WttahlliKton $ 70.00 OO.(X) ot.r.o 107 CO of Sale !H, 811. Hen amiointeil as felling wrs, kIvIhk The Mill anniversary of our vreotlnn tlio most modern safe liany was celebrated liy laolory In the world. Wide wake men who received our spvolal aellliiK Inducement, rendered Ituewaaary todouble uuruuipui. wm are suenoinir larirllig our aalee orKaulsatloii luanT iiiuusaniia oi acinars en ilea orKaulsatloii, , ill Particulars, It ' only ihe price ol , will cost vou A oostel card hi for Cililogug 1BT. THE VICTOR SAFE & LOCK GO. C1KCINKATI, OHIO Annually. mmg Beautiful Waists In Mcssalino Silk Pongees nnd Fancy Silkn A Nico Lino of Lingerie, Percale and Linen Houso Dresses, New Stylish and Well Mnde. '.? .. r p Obtain Your Wants al The Welcome Pharmacy where Satisfaction is Guaranteed. When you have your Pre scription filled at our store you can rest assured that they aro filled as they should be and' resulus which the doctor desires will be secured. USE OUR ROSE CRIiAIH To counteract the effect of these March Winds. J. C. Welcome, Jr Prop. We Have Opened Offices Building in Burns, TO Title Furnish Accurate, Reliable and Complete Abstracts of Title to all Lands tobl; Buy and Sell ,arge and Tfl rite ,re Insurance in the "strongest Old Line Comp'ies 8,000 acre tract Jrrigated Iand- best in Central Oregon-First-class colonization project. TERMS All Business Intrusted To Us Will Prompt and Careful Attention. MOTHERSHEAM DONEGAN Rooms I and 5 Masonic Building. Burns IVIeat IVIarket II. J. HANSEN, Proprietor Beef, Pork, Veal, Mutton, Sausage, Bologna, Liver, Headcheese, Weinerwurst, and ovi'ryMiiu uny iiani,ii,tv. in u find, Wholesale Prompt and Satisfactory Service Any and all the time. . i''""a"''"""M " 1 1 . ii ii in i . i B.WLES cS: McDONALD General Contractors and Builders BurnsP Ore. - - Vale, Ore Located at tho Burns Hotel THE OLD STAR SALOON BRENTON & HICKS, Props. 4 0'd and neui patrons will find best brands JF Wines, Idquors, and Cigars Good Service, Courteous Treatment DROPIW Main Street B$n, Oregon New at Browns! WAISTS Received By Us New Line Veils Fine New Chiffon Veils and Veiling. Newest Silk i A Swell Lino of the Very Latest LnccB, Fancy Edg ings nnd Embroideries. u" V - esv " rvs'et'ee- VVV in the New Masonic and are Prepared in Harney Co. Real Estate in Small Tracts. Receive t-lnss Alnt iMnrklot in and Retail iAmw y?'