The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, April 27, 1912, Image 1

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fTljc &lmc-Hrrnld
Tli Olllclnl liiHrof llnrmi) CunMj
linn lint lnrm'St clli'iilutiun nml In oni i(
lio ln't ndurtlalnK uiotliuina In ICnslot n
1fl (fivtnt Unrtiru. Cauiilrjj
Couth nit urea of 6,428,800 acre of
lam), l.Crj 1,961 itcren yet vacant (object
In entry mulct Hie public land lawi.of
tliu Uiiitcil Htiiltn.
NO 24.
Jllll'JvtvJv WliiA
Women Suffrage Takes Back to Soil,
Turn Down In The Hoosier State
Irge Acreage of Oregon & Western
Colonization Co. Lands Sold
fsident Davidson Brings St. Pnnl People Who Are
Pleased With Harney Valley and Biff Sales Result
Party Goes on West Davidson to Return Soon.
W. V. Davidson, president of
Oregon & Western Coloniza-
ti Co., arrived hero Monday
am bi. raul ly way oi vale.
was accompanied by a dele
tion of capitalists, and the par-
was met here by four other
jltu loads brought by way of
rinevillo by Mr. Stinson, the
ipany rejiresentative there.
ere were 27 in the party and
iferal days were spent looking
sr the lands of this section with
result that contracts will be
pied for n large acreage in
irney Valley approximating a
il of at least a township.
IjThe gentlemen brought in are
ipitnlists who represent uig
ims and who were looking for
Md to be cut up in smaller tracts.
iititn n nlnoo rtf sitlfi ltMw niii
fWtUi aut.iaui ri;uii; tiiiu ii4u
means lo uoveiop me minis
id their interests and energy
pill be felt in that direction.
Kin the face of discouraging
Bather conditions, bad roads
ml the advice of the man who
r.d made a failure of farming
ltd everything else these men
kw the great possibilities of this
wintry and will invest their
I'Several of the party visited
he Times-Herald building and
pressed their surprise at find-
ch a substantially built little
with several such buildings.
r. Davidson congratulated The
imes Herald on its new home
and would like to have the com
pany hendijuarlers in the build
ing but all the space suitable for
officers is occupied.
Mr. Davidson is greatly en
courage with the success of this
trip and this is shared by the
people of this territory who are
anxious to have capital invested
and the country developed.
He was non-commital as to the
extension of Hill railroad lines
into this territory but the activity
of his company, in which W. L.
Hill is interested, would indicate
the interest of the Hill lines in
the territory.
Some of the party left Tues
day in company with Mr. Stinson
and Mr. Morrison, the latter the
general salesman of the company,
to see portions of the land grant
in Crook county. Mr. Davidson
with two cars went out Thurs
day toward Prineville with others
after looking over this territory.
The investors will take the train,
on leaching the Deschutes, for
the east. Mr. Davidson going
to Portland and after a short
visit there he will return to Cen
tral Oregon and will be in Hums
again about the fust of May.
With such activity in real estate
Harney county will see much ac
hieved during thisscason towards
its development.
Rest canned corn $l.2f a case
Harriman Mercantile Co.
Wives Of Indiana Farmers Start Movement Which May Result In Influx
Of Settlers To Montana and Oregon. Great Northern Exhibit Car
Carries Message of Greater Land Possibilities To Landlord
Ridden Renters of The Middle Western States
Oregon & Eastern Building Toward
Harney Country From East
Swnzce, Ind.-Tho hand thnt
rocks the rural cradle in this sec
tion is going to bo a big factor in
packing "immigrant moveables"
for Montana and Oregon points
ero long, if the usual attendance
of women visitors to the Great
Northern Railway's Oregon ex
hibit car is any criterion.
The wivesof fifty farmersdrove
from a radius of M miles to visit
the "exposition on wheels" in
Swnzce yesterday. The interest
of this feminine delagalion was
productive of promising result p,
for today their husbands came in
from the countryside lo make
further inquiries towards land
and view the products of those
states which made such a favor
able impression upon the women
folk. No fewer than twenty
five families went to Montana
and Oregon from round about last year and their letters
written to the farmers "back
home" roused so much interest i
that the organized pilgrimage to
the exhibit car resulted. The men
folk were skeptical about thol
car of products, it transpired, so1
the women "hitched up" and
drove to town anyway, giving
curiosity as an excuse- The
glowing accounts they carried
home with them did tlje rest and
today, after these farmers had
spent two hours in the exhibit
car they frankly confessed that
they never could raise such a
variety of banner products on
land that does not cost one-fifth
of what Indiana land is held at.
They all "allowed" there was
something in the argument their
discontented wives had been agi-
tatingas the result of those letters '
from the Northwest, written by '
the erstwhile Hoosiers telling of
vast improvement in their condi-,
lion since moving into the newer
country where the prices of ag -
cultural land is not prohibitory
as it is in the more densely set
tled middle west.
These people, who found their
awakening in the marvelous pro
ducts which Louis Hill, president
of the Great Northern Railway,
is exhibiting broadcast through
this part of the country, for the
most part really represents the
large population of land renters
who are paying as high as $9.00
per acre rental. They are tired
of the struggle for little more
than a living. Nearly all, by
(Continued on page 1 )
Work Not Heine: Pushed This Side of Tunnelw.
I Understood Construction Engineers OhHervint .
Effects of Flood Period Aleng: Malheur O.;yon.
The Times-Herald has it from ling with the Oregon & Western
N. A. DIBBLE, Proot.
Courteous treatment, rates reason
ableGive me a caM
A First Class Bar in Connection
llooKlcr funncr'n wlcs standlPK In front of the Oregon- ltl)-,A o (lie flying miundron of Indiana farmers wives
(Montunii exhibition car ublch brought a nicxnje of w lime pilgrimage to the Orcnt Northern Hxlilblt car
better llilnjii for mankind In the land where moved their huibands to Investigate Montana
home life cxIaIh In reality and Is not rented and Oregon Product the cry next day.
If You Wiiii t
mrriKu srcitviri:
VI llm
Ship Vnur IVi-IkM
(.cnlral IB r-rmi I rucking fiii
:a3en3L to Burns
Arrive Kvcry Sunday
Anil Wi'dncMlny
Lcnven Kvcry Monday
Anil Tliursilay
II. ROIIU, Affcnt,
Willi An hie
Burns, Oregon
T&4 -vvv
Anoiit for the
Announces that he will take down and completely
overhaul all Dorris Cars fold by him once each
year free of charge.
Mr. Dodson will be in funis about April I
fggKjgg:SEtB8fcVBrarrrer'Tfc5g5er (
Isn't It a Fact
That (i Concern, Progressive enoiiijli lo be willing to
ll Financially Slronu cnoiifjh f be able to adopt a system
that cnablvH YOU lo liny Cheaper, is a Mighty Good Ilonne
To Tie Up 7Yiass?r
By Doing limine Our Protect Yourself
Won You Financiallj ,-
glllcllon and Pure f4-T Tiwiifv Gfrv Your l'lroiui Vry
ftruii W (luaranlte Jl V V JL1 Uii JlVHJ Kopeclfully Solicited
ItKlvl) IlltOS. Proprietor, Huron
Teach Common I'ulk How lo Raise
Crops oa Dry Soil auil Lit ins
Problem Soiled, He Declares
William Mauley of Hums ar
rived in Portland this morning,
all primed for the Oregon and
Portland business men's excur
sion that is to leave here next
Thursday morning at8:10 o'clock
for the Oregon Agricultural Col
lege at Corvallis for the purpose
to engage in scientific farming,
commonly spoken of as dry farm
ing, for nature prevents irriga-
i lion of more than 10 per cent of
any area of agricultural land. In
WILL LEACH THE TEACHER .for he '?m,,aI lni,n,nB courses
in the schools; and all depart
INDUSTRIAL BRANCHES "icnts f agricultural study will
offer similar aid in planning the
work in agriculture for both
vacant lands upon which to gath
er the water, and if all the soil is
placed under cultivation reten
tion of moisture will have to he
done by scientific methods.
"Dry farming is simply the
adoption of methods whereby the
moisture is retained in the soil
for tho growing crops, and hence
is not a system whereby plant
life can be made to grow without
moisture. The secret is simply
of arousing interest in the move-j l"w to conserve tho moisture to
mentlfor land schools in tho state, nourish the growing crops
With Mr. Hanley came Gus Kern- through the season. And the
bold, an attorney and hanker of "oil is nature's true reservoir."
num.. fl..nnm Smviliof Mr- Hiuiley says that the Ore-
.-V.t' .w.0w ...,,
order to irrigate there must be j Special Instruction al 0. A. C. Summer rural and city schools.
Session, June 18-Julv, 26, This Year
Incorporate Regular Course
Ten courses in elementary and
advanced agriculture are to be
given, four in domestic science.
three in domestic art, and three
The extraordinary interest in manual training. These are
shown by the bankers' associa-a1' in addition to the regular peda
tion, commercial clubs and other KK'C studies always included for
organizations throughout the tnoijc w' wish to increase their
state in the industrial contests 'equipment as teachers. The
for school children now in pro-1 method of teaching these indus
gress in all districts, means that itrial subjects in both town and
the schools must incorporate in j country schools.general problems
the regular course some system-,01 "l management, and tlie
Diamond, county commissioner
of Harney County, of which Mr.
Hanley is the big stockman, says
the Journal.
Mr. Hanley in intensely inter
ested in the excursion because
he considers tho movement a true
reform, declaring that tho time
hns como when tho people must
come down lo what they truly
are created for and what tho
country needs them for. ,
In his philosophical way, he
commented on tho movement,
this morning, nnd held it up as
one of tho most important started
in the history of the state.
"Get the people on tho soil
that's idle," ho explained, "and
gon Kastern is building through
the Malheurcanyoh, but explains
that it is generally understood
that work is not being rushed
with the enthusiasm it should be,
the chief reason for this, he be
lieves to be found in the fact
that tho interests in the agricul
tural development of the section
tapped by the new railroad is not
as enthusiastic as it should he.
Mr. Hanley says that whilo no
nlic instruction in industrial
branches. The work can not bo
confined to the high school or the
seventh and eighth grades, but is
bound to coyer the entire course
with the proper adaption to the
ages of the pupils in the differ
ent grades.
For'this reason school superin
tendents, principals and teachers
will need lo familiarize them
selves with the spirit and purpose
of this now educntion, and to se
cure material to present to the
pupils. To this end tho summer
session at tho Oregon Agricultu
(l!..!..l . I I.
U...CUU UMUU..!..t " I "--I -j,, CoIeBO th,H yenr whch
made, it is generally understood I IlIn ,,, lnql lltlMI .TV ,.
that the Hill system will build an . .,, H1 ., ,nal,nt,'
..... w..... .F,.,,.l Illtllllll.UWIIdt
, Nowhere could there be found a
leaves .,..,. ..... ,
, ,,,, . . ... i iimiy in i'aih'i in noun in etiiii ni
here Thursday morning will bo . ,. ., . ., ,., . . ,
n hii ii'- n tn n in iitin v.,j
assistance than in the faculty of
east and west line, too.
Tho excursion which
oii(i of the most important ever
let them produce their existence I", "',l'' "l"" '"''. m-i-""5,u , the agricultural college. Tho
for their right to Land,'" In 101) or more meinbers every dompflt,c Hciin(,c d rtment ,8
schools should be eHtaMihhlull.0,M,wllo with the intention of rett(y lo assist in tho eutlinlnj: of
over tho stale, that they may bo!' workup m tho interest of a . ills(niction for .,,
et it all in The Times-Herald For $2.00 )
Kget it
ItvV.uMe C.tlxrn
of lliuntu County
Tlie Inland
the closest tutors to give tho set-. roaue. movemoiu oi em. mm (mn w ,owest RnMlM
tier knowledgo to get results, and j "ml will lead ton more rapid ad- t.ollK, tho lliKh 8chool. tho en.
tho best scientific and expert. (Continued on pago 4.) gineeringcollngowilldothe samo
knowledgo should bo developed . . -
and understood in farming as
well as in any oilier scientific
"But tho pcoplo haven't de
manded scientific knowledgo in
farming, nnd so it is littlo under
stood among tho common people,
and I daro say oven among tho
best advanced thinkers.
"A great many settlers aro
coming to Oregon," Mr. Hanley
continued, "many of thorn going
into central Oregon and placing
now land under cultivation, Tho
largo mujority of them will hayo
special prouiem oi tne one room
school will be handled ably by
expert instructors.
Upon inquiry in the east as to
the best man for practical instruc
tion on the country school, Prof.
E. 1). Bossier, director of the
summer session, was informed
that tho national authority on
tho subject is II. 1). Showalter,
principal of the Washington State
Normal School at Cheney, Wash.,
and he has been secured for O.
A. C. for the summer, together
with several other able men and
women from other institutions.
In some states schools boards
offer teachers special induce
ments to prepare themselves more
thoroughly for their work-, either
hy paying a part of the expense
of tho summer course, or by
raising tho salaries of those who
aro willing to spend their vaca
tions in study. The cost at O.
A. C. is lemarkably low $10 cov
ering everything excepting the
railroad fare.
An enthusiastic teacher ()iiali
(Continuod on page !.)
Homestead Locations
Empire Realty
W. T. I.HBTKU, MuimKor
ll!l;I)l:l) LAND
Vn ri'l'ruHuiit Unit wlilvli In rotlnl mill rvlinMo. Wfl limnrto till
klmln of Hml Kaliitii iiinttura Willi' jour land IIIIhk pupem or
olliur IixaI liitnl puptriicorrortly mul ipilckly . VI! WANT YOUIt
I'llti: INHlMtANCIt 1IUHINKHH; wo nintMnt two of tho Btrongont
roniiiiilii In Amorlcn TIIK AETNA A HAH'ITOUI) CO'H,
t.Utyour property with tin, or Halo or triido. INVKHTKIATIC OUU
trimtyon, AU our Client. Cull mul kmi n
roll TIIAIiR -lMlprino II mi til r mul .iu llmU'i,
over 'J,iu0.MIpiiti neck mi J iiooil toml thruuiili Uml
In llin Kirat Noillnril liUlm IIuiWt lrlt NN III limit
luf ir.Unrii.1 of luvul IUtiiy Vnllt'jr Uml bu till,
authoritative source that at least
10 miles of the Oregon and East
ern railroad building West from
Vale to tho Harney country will
be completed this season. The
subjoining clipping from the
Enterprise shows that 1G miles of
the grade is completed and The
Times-Herald's informant states
with positiveness that rails will
be laid to the tunnel in the Mal
heur canyon before fall. As to
whether the lino will be completed
further during the season de
pends upon the progress made on
the two long tunnels beingdriven
in the canyon.
It is understood the construc
tion engineers are not pushing
the work west of the tunnels as
it is considered useless to do the
Colonization Co. for nj?M of way
through the canyon. P
Davidson, of that compa
was here several days th.
has practically arranged
ot way but we ii"- u
has been trying to get tne rail
road people to commit themselves
as to certain things first. Thn
Enterprise saye:
Grading work on tne 11.1.. -j
miles of the Oregon Eastern rail
road west of this city was com
pleted this week and orders sr.
being awaited for the Jarm
the steel.
Thos. O. Creer, of the V
Construction Company ,
from tho Malheur car,
Wednesday and stated tr
ations were proceedir
work too far in advance of the rapidly.
other work. As a matter of fact E. 0. Wattis, of the Ut&'u Con
it is the general impression that struction Co., in charge of all the
the construction department is ' work of the Oregon Eastern rail
watching the effect of the flood ' raad. was " Vale Tuesday and
waters the Malheur River left the following da; 'r the
in order to see where it is Malheur canyon when, h- in
advisable tobu.ld the road bed!sPect fthe tunnel work at Mile
ItlWI 111V V.IIIIJIIIII . nn .v,
given consideratioe before, no
doubt, but it U possible there is
some question on certain portions
of the route that a slight change
in the grade may be made per
haps to the advantage of the
It is known also that the Ore
gon & Easte;n are now negotiat-
T. F. employee of the
Wasatch Construction Co. arrived
in town Wednesday from the
canyofJ camp, in company with
Thos 0. Creer.
Dry slab and pine wood .U)
and $7.00 per cord, cash only at
Lumber yard.
tpwy m
under new management
John R. Walkup, Proprietor
First-Class Well Appointed Honse
Sample Rooms Commercial Travelers
S-V!",r3',5 -C
Four welj equipped lines. Excellent facilities
for transportation of mail, express, passengers
Prairie City to Burns. Vale to Burns
Hums to Diamond Burns to Venator
E. B. WATERS, Agent.
Aire iruVc you live for iou will be a long time dead. Tru I
our Hot CoTee and Lunches at the j
Burns Home Bakery I
Keep smiling as the Auto Truck people are doing all in 1
their power to bring our i
from the I.end. When the outfit arrives we will be in n pc
t ion to sere the public with everything, good to cat ir. ''iv.
Hakery Line.
Will be held in Burns beginning
on or about April 15 by