The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, April 20, 1912, Image 3

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tho city.
n was over
cssititr neatly
iwnn the Innd
wall paper at
F& Co's.
reports eor-
at the mill?.
aro the best,
inn Mercantile
A tlKll 1 .1 il
f, ainil -n, u
nrles Neouluun,
5 A. Htfli are in
! m . i.i. .is
rp nun. i'-jK" win
d wife are over
Creek homo on
niter's parents,
rron Terrill.
lore, agent, for
PailoriiiK Co., in-
rof (iurns to call
ring samples.
'"has established a
Harney and is
I .!.... 11....... ....
uiuuia uii-ii; f.1-
jh lumber.
chaper came over
fiat Diamond this
roof on her home-
lained a few days
has the place
Our Capital of
Our BurphiH of
Togothor with nloek
holdor's liability for
iiiinLliur : : $25,000.00
Total : : $115,000.00
InsurcH absolute SECURITY io our
SERVICE Wo offer uiioxuoIIimI facilitioH for
Hcrvico, Mio roHlill. of .ycaiH of ntud,y
and oxporionro in l,ho baitlcing biiHi
United SlatcH Depositary
Oreyon State Depositary
Accounts Invited
new harness and
i)the 1 1 issuer bulld-
lersland a part of
en loaded at Hend.
Thompson spent
in the city this
IP to ollicial and
bs. lie reports the
on on in his sheep
irried home as soon
fouki permit.
: arrived home Wcd-
iir from a short
Ko Portland, Salem
tints. He reports a
p and miring his
up some new f ea
se will put in effect
Hilton and son,
were over from
e d n e s d a y. They
friends of Harris
ounjj man who died
came over to assist
r way possible in
ody home.
ling, n farmer rcsi-
Ipendcnce but now a
of this county, was
Wednesday. Mr.
great confidence in
f the Harney coun-
s that old time resi-
section little realize
ful development in
te future.
of the Hod & Gun
Id in the Times-Her-
uesday evening. It
und that disease was
long the Bob White
was decided not to
this year. Five new
ere added to tho rost-
g definite was re
mind the liHii to bo
ur streams.
Vulcanizing at Gomberling's.
Clean seed oats for sale- ap
ply at this office.
T. C. Albritton is up from his
home near Saddle Hutie.
A. S. Swain has been wrestling
with an attack of neuralgia.
Florsheim Shoes are the best
we carry them.
Sciiknk & Williams. ,
The little daughter of Mr and
Mrs Joe Thompson is piite sick
this morning.
James Brandon was in from
Pine Creek during tho week re
newing accpiintnnces.
See The Inland Empire Realty
Co. in regard to your Peal Estate
or Government Land Business,
You should inspect the fine as
sortment of Wall Paper at Luna-
burg, Dalton & Co's.
Potatoes both for table use and
seed Graut Sturtevant, at the
Hour mill.
Ed Latighlin is over from Crook
County under the care of physi
cians, suffering from a bad eye.
J. W. Buchanan was in tho city
during the week, having brought
his son Roe and family in from a
visit with home folks.
Byron Terrill, deputy sheriff,
is ill at his home in this city suf
fering from pneumonia. He is
reported by his physicians as do
ing (JtlltO well.
E. L. Munsen arrived hero last
Tuesday from Pendleton to look
over the country with a view of
investing later should conditions
come up to his expectations.
Clay Clemens mill is tho nenr
est ono to Burns where all kinds
of lumber both rough and dress
ed can be had. Near Canyon
road. Call him by 'phone.
A. 0. Faulkner desires to ex
press his sincere thanks to tho
many friends and neighbors for
their acts of loving kindness and
sympathy during the trying days
just passed.
Phone uh at our expense any
business you may have, Fire In
surance, Listings, Homestead
Matters, Etc. Phono 2M.
Inland Emi'iuk Rkalty Co.
Burns, Oregon.
Mrs. Joe Clark was down from
Harney Thursday.
Arthur White is reported suf
fering from an attach of appen
dicitis. The baseball boys gave another
of their popular Club dances at
Tonawama last night-
Foil Salk-Two Poland China
boars, six months old, and a few
barred rock cockerels.
Archie McGowan the Land
Man wants a little confidential
chat with you about anything
you have to sell.
Rough and dressed lumber of
all kinds now on hand at the
Williams Bros. Saw Mill. Rough
lumber $15 per thousand.
Miss Laura Snelling and Mich
ael Barry were married in Inter
view on April t'th. The bride is
a sister of Mrs. C. M. Faulkner
of this city. N
McKinley Thompson, youngest
son of Judge and Mrs. Grant
Thompson, arrived homo Sunday
from Portland where he had been
attending school.
The Times-Herald is informed
that Mrs. Hankins, ono of the
pioneer women of Silvies Valley,
died the fore part of the week
and was buried near her home.
Ed Goodman will start taking
the town cows to pasture April
20th. Two cows or more from
one corral $2..ri() per head; single
cow ii.m. Horses $&". per
head per month.
Mrs. Charlotte Beadles and her
son Albert, mother and brother
of Mrs. II. W McIIose, will ar
rive hero this evening from De
catur, III. Two cousins, Forest
and Herbert Albright are also of
the party.
The widow and sons of the
late S. F. Hutton and Mr. and
Mrs. Isaac Foster desire to ex
press their thanks (o the many
old time friends for their kind
ness and sympathy in the sad
ordeal just passed.
Watch Burns Grow.
: S
r T
i y
chwartz masonic building
We have decided to discontinue
our lino of alcohols and liquors
and have some sweeping re
ductions in price. Now is tho
time to lay in nsupnly before the
stock is exhausted. It will not
last long at the price we aro mak
ing. Wo will sell you a good
article at .$tf.GO per gallon.
Dr. II. Denman came up from
Harriman Wednesday bringing
his famous standard bred stallion,
Twelfth Night. Tho horso will
mnko tho season hero in charge
of James Smith. Twelfth Night
is ono of the greatest Hires of
this age and ninny of his colts
aro making very fast time on the
grand circuit. Horso men of
Hnrney County aro foilunaloin
having such a grand sire in this
section and many aro taking ad
vantage of tho opportunity to
mate with mm.
P. A. Paulsen, an experienced
newspaper man and practical
printer, nrrived hero from North
Dakota Monday evening to tnko
a position on Tho Times-Herald.
Ho has gone to work and tho boss
of this shop Ib Jikely to take a
back seat in tho management of
tho mechanical department of
this great religious weekly from
tho way ho takes hold of things.
Mr. Pnulscn is a band and orches
tra mnn and tho Tonawama Then
tro management hopes to have u
good live band in tho near futuro
mndo up of tho boys of Burns
who like ouch work.
W. L. Best spent several dayB
in our city this week.
Alfalfa apd other grass seedB
at tho Burns Department Store.
E. II. Post of Chicago wnB here
this week on n visit to his brother
R. B. Post.
Foil Sam:-Black Percheron
Stallion, 15 years old in upring.
Good papers. Claude McGec.
Foil Rent-C. Bcary's ranch
nenr tho Narrows. For'particu
lars, inquiro of Scott Haley, Nar
A now lino of Bpring goods in
cluding hats, ties, shirts, belts,
dress goods etc., on hand at A.
IC, Richardson's.
, Mrs. Fred Oakerman, who has
been ill nt tho homo of Mrs.
Couch in this city for Bomo two
weeks, is reported improving.
J. G. Nicholson arrived hero
the first of this week from Omaha
and hns gone to Harriman to
take up his homestead which he
filed on Into last fall.
Fred Wyatt will call upon the
people of this county beginning
in April soliciting orders for
groceries delivered at the near
est railroad point.
Mrs. Miller is nt tho I. Schwartz
Busy Comer with a full lino of
spring millinery and is constantly
adding to the stock which will be
kept up all during the season
'Mrs. Cal Clemens expects to
leave in a few days for a visit
with her parents at Pendleton
with the intention of bringing
her baby home with her on her
R. J. McKinnon Sr. nrrived
home Inst Tuesday evening after
spending the winter in Cali
fornia. He is in fine health and
glad to be back on his old stamp
ing grounds.
We are after the Fire Insur
ance business and want your bus
iness. Insure with the Reliable
'The Margaret lies Dramatic
and Comedy Co., will be at Tona
wama fora week beginning Mon
day, April 129 and continuing for
a week. This date is just a week
earlier than formerly announced.
' Cieo, Sizemnre, James Craw
ford arrived home Wednesday
evening from Salem where they
had taken the prisoners con
victed during the term of circuit
court which closed last week.
They had no trouble with the
Frank C. Riggs agent for the
Packard Motor Car Co. Mr. Ed
wards of the Dwight Edwards
Co, of Portland, were in Burns
Saturday. Mr. Riggs camo to
Burns to close n deal with the
Central Oregon Trucking Co. for
moro machines mid look over the
Attorney G. A. Rcmbold, Com
missioner Smith, Judge Webster
and Harvey Wilson were passen
gers out to Bend Tuesday on the
Collins auto. Mr. Rcmbold hnd
intended going sooner on a busi
ness trip to outside points but
was delayed. Mr. Smyth goes to
Portland to buy a new car he
having disposed of the Cadillac
he purchased last year. Judge
Webster was en route home after
attending to somo legal business
here and Mr. Wilson was going
to Prinevilie.
DlKl-At tho homo of W. T.
Lester in this city, Monday,
April 15, Harris Saegar, aged 22
years. Tho young man recently
came hero from Shclton, Wash,
and took up lnnd near Silver
Creek. Ho waB sick but a short
time suffering from typhoid fever
The remains were prepared for
shipment to the home and rela
tives and wore taken out on the
auto trucks by way on Bend on
Wednesday, Rev. C. W. Holloman
accompanying tho body. Tho
young mnn is survived by his
father and mother and two
brothers all residing at Shclton,
Washington. It was n sad death
away from relatives, the only old
time friends in this section being
Mrs. Maggie Hilton and her two
Roosevelt Carries State and
Selling, the Senatorship
Tho Into Mrs. A. 0. Faulkner's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles
A. McConahy, of Van Wert. Ohio,
their son Coulson McConahy of
Portland and Mrs. P. E. Faulk
ner, of Indiana, mother of A. 0,
and C. M. Faulkner, nrrived here
Wednesday afternoon in an nuto
by way of Bend. Tho funeral
services were held at tho family
homo Thursday forenoon, con
ducted by Rov. Pr. Bnbbidgo of
tho Presbyterian Church and in
tcrmont followed in tho Masonic
cemotery, Many cut flowers cov
ered tho casket and tho largo
number who attended tho services
ut tho homo showed tho esteem
in which tho lady waH held by
her f riond8 in this city. Tho par
ents and brothqr started on tlioir
return to thoir homes yesterday
morning. Mrs. Faulkner remain
ed with her sons and will bo join
ed in a short timo by their father,
Up until 1:30 o'clock this after
noon no newH of the primary
election over tho slate and dis
trict had been received. Repre
sentatives of the local telephone
company went out among the
public spirited citizens yesterday
ovening and took up a liberal col
lection for tho purpose of getting
such news from over tho Btatc,
but so far as tho Tfmcs-Herald
can find there has been no suc
cess, even tho tho initiative se
cured the desired compensation.
Positively nothing authentic
had been received at that hour,
of anything outside of a fow lo
cal precincts in this vicinity.
It is reported that Brooke foi
district attorney had carried On
tario solid. The others in the
race on tho republican ticket un
reported as follews: Duncan ub
carrying Vale solid and Marks of
Grant County as receiving n ma
jority at Wcstfall in Malheur
county. The same report says
that Aker, democrat, was but 25
ahead of Vic Cozad in Malheur
Another report states that
Stewart of Grant has a big lead
in that county over Miller for the
office of joint-senator."
The returns in this county are
coming in very slow, some pre
cincts reporting only the vote on
some particular contestants. For
instance we have only the vote
of Comegys and Richardson can
didates for sheriff on tho demo
cratic ticket from Harney, Hap
py Valley and Cntlow. The
vote on other offices were omitted
As it looks now for county of
ficers the following will be the
neminees: County Clerk, E. B.
Waters, republican, E. C. Eggle-
ston, democratic.
Sheriff, Sidney Comegys has a
lead of 17 over A. K. Richardson
on the democratic ticket with the
chances between them about
even, Austin Goodman, republi
can. Assessor, J. J. Donegan, re
publican: C. E. Briltingham and
E. J. Callow are closo for the
democratic nomination with
chances favoring Brittingliam.
Treasurer, Simon Iewis, demo
cratic; R. A. Miller, republican.
Surveyor, Frank Gowan. re-
punlican; C. E. Beery, democrat.
County Commissioner very
close on both tickets among the
contestants with chances favor
ing Fred Peters on the republican
ticket and J. E. Sizcmorc on the
Following shows the standing
of contestants in this county on
the principal offices where there
is competition for tho nomina nemina nomina
teon: HKI'UllLICAN.
President - La Fallette, -13;
Roosevelt (U; Taf t DC.
U. S. Senator - - Bourne, -19;
Iiowelt, 5G; Selling. 7l,
Congress Rusk, CJ; Sinnott,
18: Cochran, 30; Ellis, G9.
Secretary of State-Fields. 85,
Olcott, 71.
District Attorney Brooke G9;
Duncan, IH; Hayes, -JO; Marks,
Joint-Senator - Miller, 123;
Stewart, 07.
Joint Representative Hurley,
103; Kingman, 09.
Sheriff- Cole 81; Goodman. 153.
Assessor -Donegan 172; Grant
Commissioner Buin, 08; Hen-
drickB 70: Peters, 7G.
President Clnrk, 107; Harmon
5; Wilson, 83.
U. S. Senntor Coshow, 15;
Lane. 09; Pierce, 51.
Congress -Covey, 99, Graham,
District Attorney Aker, 98;
Cozad, 95.
Clerk-Dillman, 05; Eggleston,
Shoriir -Comegys, 180; Richar
son 103.
Assessor - Briltinghnm, 134;
Callow, 110.
Commissioner Davis, 43,
Otley, 58; Sizemore 154.
Latku- A report comes by tho
way of Vale at 3:00 o'clock that
Roosovelt has carried Oregon in
the primaries He has also car
ried NebraskiTihreotoone. Tho
same report states Ben Selling
has also won tho U. S. Senator
ship over Bourne. Tho lines are
down between Baker and Can
yon, also between here and Bend,
therefore it is not likoly we shall
have any moro news from tho
A young, gentle, fresh milch
cow for Bale first class Ray
G. L. Ilembree, the Rilev mer
chant, was among our visitors
R. I). Cooper, the civil engi
neer left for tho country thin
morning to do somo work.
Stkayki) -Durham cow, bar C
bar on left hip, knot on right
front knee, right hind foot has
been frozen, Leave word at this
office or McIIose.
Tho cold Btormy weather con
tinues and has caused a check in
the flood water, but this will
have a good effect by extending
tho high water over a longer
What shall we do with the old
men? Choloforrn or care for
them. Go Sunday ingnt at 7:45
P. M. to the Presbyterian Church
and hear the sermon by the pas
tor on this question. Subject:
"The Value of Old Men to Soci
ety." Mr. McDonald, in charge of the
contract work on the new public
school building, is rushing the
work very rapidly. The base
ment is practically completed
and he says with favorable wea
ther the walls of the structure
will be put up before the end of
this month.
Miss Ida May Smith, daughter
of the late W. T. Smith, arrived
here from Riverside, Col., on
Wednesday afternoon and the
funeral services were held Thurs
day afternoon, being conducted
by Dr. C. C. Babbidgo of the
Presbyterian church. The young
lady will return to Riverside as
soon as she has gotten the busi
ness afiairs of her late father
somewhat arranged.
M. V. Dodge was much con
cerned yesterday afternoon upon
reading in the papers of a wreck
on the Rock Island railroad, as'
his mother was en route from J
DesMoine Iowa, on what he sun-,
posed was that train. He was
much surprised and relieved last
night when his mother arrived'
here on the Vale stage. The.
train had run in two sections audi
she was fortunate in being on
the one not wrecked.
Thos. Howser, who accompan
ied some of the prisoners recent
ly convicted to the iwnitentiary,
started home from Portland the
first of the week in company
with J. S. Loggan who had been
in Portland for several weeks
under medical treatment, Mr.
Loggan had been recovering his
health rapidly, but tool; a relapse
while enroute from Bend. His
son, Postmaster Loggan, receiv
ed word yesterday afternoon that
his father was in a very critical
condition at Brookings and sev
eral members of the family
started in an auto for that place
at 0:00 o'clock last evening.
No Charge
Although (he service this bank
perforins for its checking deposi
tors is of great value to them, it
makes no charge whatever for this
A checking account here will pro
vide security for your fundrf, conserve
your income, systematize your bu-.l
ness, give a written record of your re
ceipts and expenditure! and acquaint
you with the officers of a strong bank,
who will be glad to serve you in mat
ters pertaining to your finances.
Harney County
National Bank
BAD on siii-ep men.
The severe storms of the past
few days have been severe on
lambs. It is just lambing time
with the sheep men and the loss
hns been very heavy.
The Times-Herald has been in
formed that J. R. Jenkins 'phoned
in tho other day he had lost 1200
lambs and his neighbors had
lost proportionately. This is a
serious set back to the wool in
dustry of the country and will be
felt by a largo number of people.
While the great amount of preci
pitation is very beneficial to the
farmers it is bad on the stock in
dustry. It is just learned that there is
a foot of snow at J. F. Mahon's
Anderson Valley ranch.
Ed Meade's bunch of players,
tho Margaret lies Co.. aro now
playing Prairio City. They will
be hero for tho week beginning
April 20th. Thoro aro nine peo
ple in tho company and you'll
see thorn at Tonawama.
On Thursday afternoon, April
11, 1912, occurred the sad death
of John Milton Hoffeditz, the be
loved son of Mr. and Mrs. J. M
HofTeditz of Valley View.
The funeral service was held in
the school house Friday afternoon
conducted by A. B. Whitney Jr.
The little fellow was taken
sick tho Sunday previous to his
death und nt tho time his illness
wna thought to bo of a very mild
form nnd not at all serious.
Shortly before he passed away
a complication of scarlet fever
and pneumonia set in and al
though everything possible was
done that human hands and pro
fessional skill could do it proved
of no avail.
If Johnny had lived until tho
25th of this month he would have
been seven years old.
Ho was very much in love with
his school studies and very
prompt in his attendance. At
the close of tho school session in
March his teacher presented him
with n prize, as he had not been
absent ono day or missed a lepson
during tho school year. Ho was
a member of tho Valley View
Sunday school and rarely missed
n Borvico.
Tho heart felt sympathy of the
whole community goes out to tho
father, mother and sister in this,
their hour of great trial and
Garden Seeds
Garden Hoes
Garden Rakes
Walking Plows
Sulky Plows
Gang Plows
Disc Plows
Engine Plows
Gasoline Engines
Gasoline Traction Engines
Hand and Wind Mill Pumps
Centrifugal Pumps
Irrigation Outfits a Special! :
All Kinds of Farm Machinery
Hardware, Tools,
Sporting- Goods
Tin and Plumbing Shop
.;ir-;;;::::. :
Superior Service - - Quicke&tWs
P PMiASl'ltl- UIIM: 0I: I-MIIT HOl'US TO i.W Pi
H II. KOHU, Agent, Burns Garage, Uurn. , O o
,i.:r::ii:::::',::;.:;..i::::i:::n:u:t:::::!!:j:.i::::t::::::::-.:. ::. . . : ;r.
2Mf W&il "t? '&'$&$&: Wi 'tm
Just Arrived Via Auto Trucks
5 Shoes for E Very bod
Hals For Men and Children
Summer Hats For the W
The Burns Dep'm't. Store e
tixUVS -VU' '.Vi.V
Imported German CoaCi
Will make llu Season of 1!)1:2 at my ranch
ii!es East of
ine mnes faast or urns
Uiulclisl is tho shv of tho highest prk'i 1 i'ilt in V-
oxt'opl standard bred specials and his not poa' .. lor h
l'aslure and care for mares on tin
as a sue.
0. L. SHINGLEDECKEE. hflms, Ore