The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, April 20, 1912, Image 2

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    LmMotWMP Mi - y p-pw
i: VT- .. B
rfa JlaW V fr
1 FINE LINE of Mens
and Hoys ready-made
an Us.
These are very Snappy
Clothes, the Latest in
Make- Up and in Color
Combination for both
Spring and Summer
Style and Service.
Also some New Spriny
Hats and Caps, in all
the Latest Shapes and
Shades in Vogue.
Call and Inspect Our
Nifty and Nobby Line
Merchant Tailors-Leading Clothiers
Building ts
- Oregon
1T I. O- O F.
rumu iwniiumlJiJjumJ imgswm
coming to Hnrnoy county nnd
Burns, is evidenced from tho at
titude of n lnrge number of peo
ple In Idaho, Washington nnd
even Northern Oregon, who will
fully misrepresent our town nnd
county to the Irnvoling public.
Whether this is due to ignorance
or jealousy on the part of cer
tain land speculators, wo do not
know, but we are of the firm
opinion, that it is working a de
triment to our county, and should
be remedied if possible, at once.
She Stittcs-ctaCd.
Saturday .v. 1312
One Year ...
Six Montbi ...
Three Montht
If you can't boost don't knock.
No one loves a knocker, and as
misery loves companyyou are
apt to be rather lonely.
A great deal has been said,
and much has been written con
cerning Burn's future. The
building operations that were
completed last fall, those under
construction, and the remainder
under contemplation, will demon
strate to the outside world, to
the numerous travelers and home
seekers, who pass our way. and
to our citizens themselves, that
Burns citizens are men who do
, things and build and plan for
I the future, all day long. Indus-
This world is what
it so is Burns. Lets
bigger and better. Boost
you make try! entcririse amJ concentrated
iitiwu, mu uiu uuiwiwttH ui any
Mnl I
...arti; it ., .
Iliri'-P Tfnnlmtf n-al na a .... ....
I J i iUUJJ ItJ' .Mill aUL'JL5M
build. That's the key to the sit-1 "'"" wu,. ..urinuny unci
s IHUKruaaivu spini. me uurns
At the homo of tho bride's
mother in this city, on Wednes
day, April 17, ocoured the mar
riage of Mr. James Dilhou and
Miss. Grace Carey, Rev. C. C.
Babbidge of the Presbyterian
church ofllciuting. Mr. Dillion
is one of our promising young
men who has mado many friends
since moving to Harney county.
He is at present employed with
tho Down Mercantile Co. on the
other side of Stecns mountain.
His bride is a nntivo of this
country, the youngest daughter
of Mrs. David Carey, blio is a
very estimable young lady much
admired by her numerous ac
quaintance. The young people
will make their home at the
place where Mr. Dillion is now
employed. The Times-Herald
wishes them a happy and pros
porous life.
Senior Boys IHntertain
The boys of the senior class of
the Harney County High School
entertained the young ladies of
the class at the hospitable home
of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Swcek
last Saturday evening. The
house was appropriately a n d
tastefully decorated with class
colors, lanterns, etc., a
monogram II. C. II. S. occupy
ing a conspicuous place.
Avery pleasant evening was
spent in games and other amuse
ments and followed by a nice
luncheon in which the bovs
showed their ability as liosLs in
serving. Tho teachers were
honor guests of the occasion and
all report a most enjoyable time.
Collidcs With Anlccburg at Midnight
And Sinks With 1390 Souls Aboard
Whllo Only 700 1'coplo Out of
2200 Arc Saved, Mostly All
Women and Children
spirit. That is the spirit of vie-
When seven states realize an lor'' an(1 Iai(J uPn the foundn
increase of $2,812,450,182 in the tion of energy, pluck, perserver
value of their farms in ten ance and progress, it marches
years, some idea of the worth of nanJ in hand upon one road
success. Just so long as Burns
exemplifies these characteristics,
it will forge persistently to the
vanguard of the wide cities of
this state. Nothing typifies the
true spirit better than the
'amouut of substantial buildings
Some interesting figures nro'Undor construction and contem-
heimr r.imniUI hv Mi NnrtW,-) Jiaieu anu every uouar invested
new settlers can be obtained.
The'seven states of Minnesota,
North Dakota and South Dakota,
Montana, Idaho, Washington and
Oregon realized this increase-
almost three billion dollars.
Development League to show the
value of a colonist and his family
in Burns enhances the value of
all real estate in the city, and as
ntcnmMnmunrr,, 11 soars on ine rise, mo larm
which looks reasonable. If thelIand1.ris1es '" vLalUe POr acre aC
incroacp in Twinnintinn in fhp'cordinjjly. The present condi-
American Northwest during the
last ten years of 2,000,000 people,
caused our mnu to increase in
tions are most encouraging for a
bountiful year, and as the farmer
and rancher joyfully enlarges
- 1 , .. .
value $ 2 , 8 1 2 , 5 5 0 , 1 8 2 , ho w ' n a aceraKe anu DU,,as on a larer
much is a colonist worth who)PIan' our citizens are doing like
wise, anu witn loyalty to each
other, they have made Burns
works the land? These figures
thus show that for every per
son added to the population the
value of our land was increased
$1,405. If a family consists of
two and a half people on the
average, each family increases
land values $3,515. On the
other hand and added to this, it
is conceded that every family
spends locally from $000 to $1,
200 per annum. On this basis
a family which works the land is
worth about $5,000 to the Ameri
can Northwest.
what it is today a city of wond
erful growth and enterprise.
Nevertheless, in point of pro
gress and prosperity we com
pare favorably with many towns
treble our size, and with the
spirit of loyalityand progressivc
ness, we say, let the watchword
be "Borjt for Burns, and Watch
It Win."
Following is tho program to bo
rendered -by the literary society
of tho high school on Friday April
Song by School,
"In The Gloaming"
Essay, - - G rover Hudspeth
Recitation, - Owen Cawlfield
Prophecy of Freshman Class,
.lames Walkup
Instrumental Solo,
Roberta II ibhard
High School paper, George Baker
Biogiaphy, - Lillian Hendricks
Debate: Resolved, That further
increase in U. S. Navy is De
sirable. Affirmative Negative
Henry Geer Ella Johnson
Lee Williams Holene Dalton
Bee Gage Ina Tcrrill
Song by school, "The Bull Dog."
Comical Reading, - Burt Oliver
Instrumental Solo, Agnes Miller
Essay, - - - - Cyrus Sweek
Solo, .... Eulalia Smith
Reading, - - - Darius Smyth
Song by School,
"Farewell Forever"
Tho Titanic, tho greatest pas
Kcjigcr Hleumer alloat, hit an im
mense iceburg last. Monday on
her maiden voyage off tho Now
Foundlnnd const, and of tho pas
sengers and crow numbering
about 2200 souls, it is reported
that only nbout 700 people were
saved. Among tho passengers
were somo of tho wealthiest nnd
most prominent men of the
world. Among thoso missing
from tho list of saved aro John
Jacob Astor, Isador Strauss. Geo,
Widner, Mayor Butt, military aid
to PresldentTnft, Benjamin Gug
genheim, Col. Washington, W.
T. Stead, a Iiondon journalist
and Francis I). Millet, the artist.
Nothing in the parallel of his
lory ever showed more plainly
the heroism of tho crew and men
passengors who calmly stood by
the doomed ship facing inevitable
death, whereby the women and
children were safely landed in
the life boats. That the entire
crew of passengers could not be
saved was evidenced from tho
moment of the collision nnd the
gallant manner in which th-y
deliberately faced their doom in
their limited lenso of life and as
sisted the weaker ones to evade
a watery grave, will be the only
consolation remaining in the
homes of those wives and child
ren whose protector set the noble
example of valor and self sacrifice
so characteristic in the brave,
that when death is tho only al
ternative, then in the end, both
mother and child should not per
ish, even tho it demanded ones
life. Such deeds live forever.
The Titanic was considered the
greatest modern steamer alloat,
this being her maiden trip out,
and considered uusinkable. It
is a sea tragedy or unpnralled
proportions and its horror has
east a gloom over tho world. At
this time no survivors have
reached shore where personal
experiences could be related.
All tho news from the wreck so
far are from wireless messages.
LmdieH-of' Burns nro invited to
cnll nt tho homo of Mrs. II. M.
Horton and sec samples of the
Spirella Corsets.
Your homo or barn may burn ;
before tomorrow. You can not
nfford to take your own risk for,
what little it costs $75.0 per,
$1,000 ono year; $15.00 for three .
years, wrno uh wnni you navo
to insure. INLAND EMPIRE
Eggs from leading varieties
standard bred poultry, express
prepaid, $2.00. Write for circu
lar. Simpson's Pheasant Farm,
Corvallis, Oregon.
I wonder, oh, 1 wonder, where
our little darlings go
That come and smile, and slay
awile, and pass like Hakes of
The dear, wee baby faces that
the world has never known,
But mothers hide so tender eyed
deep in their hearts alone.
I love to think that somewhere in
the country wo call heaven,
The land most fair of everywhere
will unto them be given,
A lnndof little faces -very little.
very fair
And every one shall know her
own, nnd clove unto it there.
Oh, grant it, loving Father to the
broken liearts that plead;
Thy way is best- yet oh, to rest
in perfect faith indeed;
To know that we shall find them,
even them, the wee white
At Thy right hand in Thy bright
land, by the living waters led.
M. L.
- "-- ' " 1. 1. 1 1
New at Browns!
New at Browns! I
They Are All NEW SPUING MODELS Just Received Iiy Us
New Line Plnxons
Serpen lino Crepes, and
Kimonas in all the Late
Double Tipped Silk Gloves
Kid and Suede Gloves
Beautiful Waists
In Messalino Silk Pongees
and Fancy Silks
A Nice Line of Lingerie,
Percale and Linon House
Dresses, New Slylinh and
Well Made.
New Line Veils
Fine New Chiffon Veils!
1 If .M. IT 1 t . I
anu veiling, nuwchioiii si
A Swell Line of the Vt r
Latest Laces, Fancy Ed;
ings and Embroideries.
Satisfactory Store
We do job printing right kind
The Diiicrence.
The live man of today can take
Life Insurance but will not.
He thinks ho does not need it
until tomorrow.
The dead man of yesterday
would take Life Insurance today
but can not.
He knows now that he needed
it yesterdny.
Today is, tomorrow may never
Do it now, insure with
in the Oregon Life.
That there is a concentrated
effort to head off many settlers,
"The Land Man."
Harney County Abstract Company
A riodern and Complete Set of Indexes and an Abstract Copy of
livery Instrument on Record In Harney County.
Look! Look! Look!
A Oliolro KoolJorico, corner lot, seven rooms,
Iiirnacu, (Ire place, and nil modern convenl
iiiicen, 0110 Mock from cur line In cholco real
duntlal miction of Portland,
Vilas f 0,600, rnortuatju of f.'.OOO.
Will exchange tor good value
in a Harney County Farm.
1 have a few orders of trees on
hand which I will have to sell, as
parties are unable to pay.
Will sell all kinds of fruit and
shade trees, and small fruits
bushes on these orders cheap.
Ask for II. H. Waldron at It. J.
McKinnon's livery stable. Must
sell quick, as I am going away
Wednesday of next week.
Dcnstedt school district No. 35
wants a two inch well sunk fiO ft
deep. Parties interested should
communitste with Ida Dcnstedt,
clerk Burns. '
Mrs. .leir Cawlfield and two
children accompanied by Miss
Maude Simmons, Hisler of Mrs.
Cnwfleld, arrived from Boise,
Monday evening, on their wny
home to the Riddle ranch in Har
ney county. Mrs. Cawlfield took
the children to Boise to attend
school last winter, but herself
and one of or more of the family
were sick during the entire
school season. Ontario Demo
crat. $00.00 round mil iaum;
To M. I'd 11 1 nnd .Minneapolis Via Tho
Oregon Iriink Railway
Hound trip tickets will be sold
as shown above on April 2.1. 20,
27, 1912, via the Oregon Trunk
Railway, the North Bank Road,
Great Northern or Northern Pa
cific Railways.
The Oregon Trunk morning
train makes direct connection at
Fallbridgo with train for St.
Paul and Minneapolis. Stops
aro allowed going and returning.
Returning limit October !il. De
tails will bo furnished on appli
cation -J. H. Corbett, Agent,
Bend, Oregon.
Work horses and mules for
sale. Suitable for ranch work or1
grading purposes. Are well
broke. Intending purchasers
would do well to come and look 4
this stock over before buying
elsewhere. Also have 150 head
of unbroke mareH and ho 1 General Repair Shop Rear W,
suitable for all purposes, and 100, 0. White's Shop, S. Main Street
head ol 2 and !! year old mules.
Stock can be seen at the Hanley
Ranch, three miles cast of Burns.
John G. South.
Plumbing, Pump and Wind
Mill Work a Specially.
Obtain Your Wants at
The Welcome Pharmacy
Satisfaction is Guaranteed. When you have your Pre
senption filled at our. store you can rest assured that
they are filled as they should be and resulus which the
doctor desires will be secured.
To counteract the effect ofjthese March Winds.
J. C, Welcome, Jr Prop.
lii Looking For
Central Oregon Lands
Do not fail to sec or communicate with
1 he undersigned agent for the
BurnH Oregon
Have Opened Offices in the New Masonic
Building in Hums, and are Prepared
Visitthe Old Home LOW FARES
"Via. 3E3oJL3Lx"
Round Trip tickets to principal
cities in Middle Western 1
and Eastern Suites.
(ioliiK limit nitron duyn; final irliirn '
limit (Violin- ill, 11UL'. l.lllltllAI,
STOI'OVIilt I'KIVII.Km:.-). Cl.oUo ol
roil ten. 1
Proportionately Reduced I'nres
to Mpny Other Points
0. S. L. and Union Pacific
Pine Jerseys For Sale
Wo hnve a choice lot of Jersey
Cows and Heifers, coming fresh
this spring and summer, nt rea
sonable prices, at the Hackleman
Ranch, Inquire of Hackleman
& Kngstrom, Crook Co., Barnes,
Crook Co. Oregon. 23-29c.
Job printing Tho Times-Herald
llulllmoto II07.CO Kiuimh Cltv f fiO.00 Ht. Uuln . . f 70.00
llOHtiiii . . 110.00 .Miiiiiiiaiolia (.0 00 Ht. Paul 1X1.00
UliluiKo - 7'.MK) New York 103 SO Torontu . IMT.0
Diuivrr . . f,r,.00 Oimilin .... (10 00 WimliuiKlon . 107 0(1
TA rurnish Accurate, Reliable
" and Complete Abstracts of
Title to all Lands in Harney Co.
TA Buy and Sell Real Estate in
" Large and Small Tracts.
TA Write Fire Insurance in the
"strongest Old Line Comp'ies
8,000 acre tract irrigated land-"
best in Central Oregon First
class colonization project. Tl:
All RusincsH Intrusted To Us Will live
Prompt and Careful Attention.
Rooms 1 and 5 Masonic Huilding.
The Sawhill Transportation Co.
Will Haul Your
Heavy and Light Freight
Express and Baggage
Dates of Sale
Al'ltlljri. VII, 1!7 to Ht. 1'titil mid MIiiiiohHIn only.
.MAY 2, a, 4, 0,10, 11,17, 18, SI, an.
JUNK i, 11, 7,s, 1:1, 1 1. in, 17, is, in, so. ai, ui, ar, ''7, as, ati,
JULY a, a, 11, 7, 11, is, 15, in, so, as, as, an, so, ao, :u.
AUOUHT 1, a, 3, 11, 7, is, io, in, as, a.i, so, :io, :u.
HKITKMIIKIt -I, ft, II. 7, H, II. IB, 30.
Through Train Service to the East
Strictly High-Class
Call on or write nenrest O.-W. It. & N. Agent and let liinv assist
you in outlining A DELIGHTFUL SUMMER OUTING, or address
At llio
Ami With TI10
See Us For Particulars us to Rales and Service.
iluu't YOU I
Wo cnll
WHY NOT MAKE $200. A MONTH - That'!
SSO.00 a Woolc, almost SIO.00 a Day
Hi'llliiK Vletiir Hafi'a nml nro-iirnnt Unci
In 1111 rolmiiln. iIik'Him, luwyrra, ilnullaU unci
wrll Hi tlii furiiirrii,i.ll nt ttliuiniriiUiDlliu 111 id
of u 1(11. Imi l nut in ,w limvmayUUltitiwn
nut- llilt tiiii-iiilirUruiiiir irupiMiUliiiiiin u(
I in U'H, i-lriiii (ill iii.,n,y milking opiiorliiiil
tlM i'vit riHH'lii I Wiiiiiini iri'Vluui eiirl
j'lH'O YOU inn iliiilli'iilii lliu nuwc. uIiiUiit.
Our liHiiilimint'ly lllimliiili'il Did ik ralulou
will 1'imliln you to iri't'iil llm ulirrt loeu
.. ., ., " ' ' ,nht' "HUH lliaillllT UH IIIOUKII
yim wito iillollnu thfin tlirniiKli our Ini'iiiry Mill niiiHiliitnl u
nali'amiii rmlvuailvli'n unit liiatrui'llnn for nrllliiK iWt'a, ulvlliu
c.0,,T."IS.,.'i? m"i ".!"""!" """ '! '" li'iilliii lor lirotiwctlvo fiiitomtr to ricnr vh
?sv2s avisi Mim;? ,'rairon' tuiwoM - i"0 "
ji,,aj" hxtxmh -j lie antn aunlvomarr of our
rH!iiKi!ininaiiiiiHirn !
factory In l!i world. Wld.
awak man who nvKlrml our
pwlal mIIIiik liitlucfinriit,
reuilrri-tl Ituix'vaaary luiluuUa
ouroulpui, 'a aro aiwiiulug
many ttuiuaauila of iloflara mi-larulnirouraalraorKauUatloii,
mil 10 ivarn all particular). It 1
wl ruat you oulv tho urlca uf
a I'o.ul uanl,
Ask for Catalogue 1ST.
Burns Rfleat IVlar4cef
II. J. HANSEN, Proprietor
Beef, Pork, Veal, Mutton,
Sausage, Bologna, Liver,
Headcheese, Weinerwurst,
nnd everything in n ih-sl Huss .Meal .Mnrkiei
any iuan( it.v.
failWaW. '"
Wholesale and Retail
Prompt and Satisfactory Service
Any and all the time.
General. Contractors and Builders
Bums, Ore. - - Vale, Ore
Located at the Burns Hotel
Our Haw Mom. Capaolly 10,000 SaUa Annually.
fassammt y
inn hjlo STAR SALOO
(Id and ncui patrons will find best lyands
Wines, Liquors, aid Cigars
Good Service, Courteous Treatmont
DROP m Main Str Burns, Oregon