The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, April 20, 1912, Image 1

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(Hie crJrrnt 3Hnritn Country
Cm cr an nrcn ol 0,428,800 ne ol
Intnl. 4,ll.'ll,(trl litre yet vacant ult(Ct
loonlry miller Hid public land lawn of
till) Ullltlll HlllleM.
Tim Olllrlal I'lipur uf Huriioj Uouiil)
linn tliu l.iroit vlii'iilntUm runl Is omt ol
ho boat ndvortlalnjt muritmnR In Knstorn
NO "
(WilvJy C4JiJv'
tentative of the Indian Service
Finding the Lawful Heirs
f Deceased Indians and Allottees May Dispose
Land by Petitioning the Department Lands are
praised and Sold Under Sealed Hid Methods.
SGarbcr, of Koseburjt, n
Hive of the Indian Ser
in tment of the Interior,
nil tins city uie nrst oi
for the purpose of tak-
Ithe matter of the lands
ce been allotted to the
Filly there were 12T allot-
ade and there have been
ns out ot the numnor
Ir. Garber is at present
H hearinua to ascertain
Dirahips of the deceased
And Kathcrinir such in-
i as M)ssible respecting
what portion, if any,
put to use by them and
eir desires are respecting
re of the allotments.
Garber is finding able
ce in the person ot ur.
Marsden who has Ioiik
friend to the Indians and
nore about them than any
trhite man in the west.
Brings conducted by the
ttntiveof the Interior De
nt are to determine who
iheits of the deceased In-
fsf wnon inese are esiao-
iie heirs may determine
Bposition is to be made of
Should they desire the
ld they must petition tho
lent and the land is then
Bd and sold, the proceeds
placed on interest for the
rof the Indian claimants.
Bthod may also be follow-
2e original allottees should
sire to dispose of their
it this consent must be
before any disposition
rof the land. The Indian
up it if he desires and the
nent cannot force him to
fiethodof disposing of this
Jifferentfrom the impres-
ie have of it. After the
f heirs are adjudicated,
y signify a desire to dis-
it. or the original allottee
r?jill o tlmincn tninf lia
. lAt Dtll iio l-1 Iv. .aow tut,; av
an is sent the Department
iforth such fact. If acted
ivorably by tho Depart-
the land is appraised by
jal subdivision and adver-
i days for bids. Each bid
accompanied by a certi-
ck on a solvent bank for
10 per cent of the pur-
nce. rneso puis are open-
,'certain day as designated
notice of Bale,
Marsden took the matter up with
the land and Indian Departments
at Washington to sou if somo
equitable way might bo devised
to put the magnificent body of
land to "work." Dr. Marsden
explained in communications to
the officials at Washington that
with but one or two exceptions
the Indians had done nothing
with the land allotted them, many
had died and others were incom
petent, being old, in some instan
ces blind, and in fact not capable
in any way to do anything with
the land. It was suggested that
ways and means be provided
whereby the Indian would not
lose by the transaction and tho
lands be either sold or placed in
some shape that they might be
developed. Flans were formu
lated and the matter Was arrang
ed some time ago, but it was a
long time before definite steps
were actually made toward the
desired end. In the meantime
the granges of this valley took
the matter up with our state re
presentatives in Congress.
Mr. Garber will remain here
until ho has secured all necessary
evidence and established the heir
ships of the deceased Indians and
also ascertained the desire of the
original allottees, then his report
will be sent to the Department
to be acted upon. It will then
bo necessary to have the lands
appraised, advertised for fiO days
and sealed bids asked for each
subdivision as formerly stated.
This will require at least six
months in the estimation of Mr.
Garber, therefore the final dis
posal of such lands ns the Indians
desire to sell will not be before
next fall.
Ainu ami Wife May Secure MoMlajri
Without Cost, Say Agent
In recent advertising literature
the Great Northern Railway calls
attention to the fact that a man
and his wife may obtain aggre
gate of 800 acres of homestead
lands in Oregon without cost.
This can bo done in tho follow
ing manner:
A man is entitled to !520 acres
under the homestead act and 100
acres under the desert land act
or the timber and stone act, a
total of -180 acres. His wife can
ding to Mr. Garber there M0 "P '120 acr(-'s of dowrt land
it upon the amount of or iuu acres oi desert iciici aim
Inrlividnnl mv imrclinHO. I 'W a oi limner arm mono
ii subdivision must be bid I"ntI. K'vimc the couple a total of
19,000 acres of the best
tural lands in Harney Val-
re allotted to Piute Indians
i years ngo at a time when
considered grazing land.
; the laws governing such
fcnts at that time it seems
Sians were entitled to 80
achof agricultural land or
res ot grazing land, u
ftot look to the farmer
lays that it was altogether
re deal to allow the Indians
Ires of Harney Valley land
fsuch conditions but there
ono hero at that time who
Bred it worth making nn
Ion about.
' years ago Register Farre
local land office and Dr.
800 acres.
. Fred W. Graham, Western In
dustrial and Immigration agent
for the Great Northern, who wis
in Portland last week, said that
many colonists now coming into
the slate are preparing to take
advantage of this liberal feature
of tho Government's regulations.
Dry slab and pine wood $G.fi0
and $7.00 per cord, cash only at
Lumber yard.
Tho extension division of tho
Oregon Agricultural1 College has
just published two new leaflet,
ono by Prof. B. L. Potter of the
animal husbandry department on
uj? "-,- "::,.,."S'J
Central Oregon Trucking Co
aw Rates, Prompt Service
II. ROIIU, Agent, (turns.
"Prizo Winning Pigs for Oregon
Hoys" nnd tho other by Prof.
Jnmcs Dryden of tho poultry de
partment, on "Oregon Roys nnd
Girls and tho Egg Problem."
Tho extension division is mak
ing an effort to interest tho boys
of the stale in raising "mortgage
lifters," to increnso tho meat
supply and reduco tho amount
which must now bo imported
from other states. Tho assist
anco of a Portland stock yards
company was given in the issu
ance of TO.OOO copies of tho bul
letin, to be distributed among
tho school boys. It describes
methods of breeding, fattening,
caring for and marketing swine.
The second bulletin is issued
also in 50,000 copies with tho as
sistance of tho Portland Com
mercial Club. Since, in the past
year, 2,203,200 dozen eggs have
been imported from slates east
of the Rocky Mountains, the col
lego feels it necessary to increase
local production of this commod
ity as well as of dressed poultry
of which twenty carloads were
shipped in Inst year. It was de
cided to interest tho boys and
girls in the egg problem and en
courage them toit'ld tothestato'fl
wealth in this manner.
These leaflets are a part of the
enmpnign of industrial contests
for Oregon boys includes for the
best pig in class A, a Poland
China boar given by Thomas
Carmichael, Gaston, breeder of
Polland China pigs, Ilolslein cat
tle, and Shropshire sheep; and in
Class R, for the best pig, a Hamp
shire pig given by J. Fruitts,
Joseph. A grand special for a
sow and litter, has as first prize
a Shetland pony from the Union
Meat Co., Portland, and as second
prizo a Poland China boar from
P. E. Thomas, of Maple Luwn
Stock Farm. At tho county
fairs other prizes will bo offered
for the boys for pigs.
Poultry prizes are numerous.
Secretary of Slate Olcott will
give a Shetland pony for the best
trio of chickens, and Eugene
Prescott, Salem, will oll'er a
special prize in the same class
of 100 Faverollo eggs from his
prizo Salmon Faverolles. For
the best trio in the American
class, including Plymouth Rocks,
Dominiqucs, W yon dot Is and
Rhode Island Reds, tho first
prize is a trio of bufr Plymouth
Rocks from R. F. Williams, Nil
ton; second, a trio of Rhode Is
land Reds from L. R. Frye, On
tario; third, .'!0 eggs from Mr.
Williams "Huff Rock's." In class
R, first prize will be a trio of
silver laced Wyandotls fiom Mrs.
Frank Lines. Albany; second, a
trio of Rhode Island Reds from
R. I. Ferguson, Salem; and third
!I0 eggs from Mr Williams.
In tho Mediterranean class, in
cluding Leghorns, Rlack Spanish,
Minorcas, Anconas, and Andalu-
sinus, mo inrce uass a prizes
are: first, n 120-egg incubator
from E. J. McClanahan, Eugene;
second, n trio of brown Leghorns,
a. u. rroDst, Albany; third, a
Blue Andalusian cockeral from
D. M. Calhreath, Monmouth. In
class R. a Tireless brooder from
Mr. McClanahan is first prize, a
trio of single-comb white Leg
horns from C. O. Windlo. Lents,
second; and an Ancona cockeral
from Mr. Propst, the third.
Fourteen other prizes will bo
awarded at tho State Fair for
chickens and ducks in dill'erent
classes. For tho best trio of
ducks in class A, J. II. Engoman,
Silverton, will give three Indian
Runner ducks, nnd for the best
in Class R, Chas. A, Muths, Sa
lem, will iivo a like trio. For
tho best exhibit in the miscell
anous section, including games,
bantams, Polish, and other fowl,
tho Northwest Poultry Journal,
Salem, will give a library of five
poultry books; for second prize,
R. M. Smith, Aurora, a trio of
games; and lor third, Dr. M. E.
DeGuirc, Silverton, .'JO fine eggs.
In class R, tho first prizo will bo
a trio of white faced black
Spanish from E. II. Huirord, St.
JoIiiib; third, !50 eggs from fine
Plymoth Rocks, given by Dr.
M. E. DeGuirc, Silverton.
Six prizes offered in tho Eng
lish class, nnd for Asiatics and
Hnmburgs are as follows; Class
A, first, threo buff Orpingtons,
from W. I. Coin, Scappoose, se
cond, threo purebred selected
fowls from R. M. Smith, Cham
poeg; third, book on soils, Pacific
IfomoHlfVifl mwl llii'mi nmni In
(Class R.
H. K, Donnley Here to Observe Over
flow Waters of the Silvies
North Dakota Flour Mill Man Purchases Large Farm
Adjoining This City and Will Move his Machinery
Here The Deal Signifies Much to This Vicinity.
II. K. Donnley arrived here
Tuesday to spend tho entire time
of tho Hood season gathering
data nnd observing the area
which tho surplus water covers.
Mr. Donnley comes as a repre
sentative of the State Engineer
at the request of tho Wator
Users Association of this Valley
who have requested the State
Water Roard to adjudicate the
water of Silves River.
Mr. Donnley has maps made of
the flooded area of last year and
also some data covering the area
of previous years and he will
carefully check up these maps
by comparing them with this
season and make such additional
maps as may be found necessary
as well as gather other informa
tion for the benefit of the Stale
Roard in the final adjudication
that is to follow.
In discussing the work of the
Roard Mr. Donnley said he had
been asked if the adjudication
could not be completed in lime
to be of benefit during the irri
gation period of this season, but
he says this would be impossible.
is preparing to move to Rums
shortly where ho will also ship
his mill machinery.
The gentleman's two sons spent
some time in this section during
Water I. mid nnd 1'iirnlsli Power fur
I'linipliiK Haul of Stccns Atnuiitnlii.
The Ruena Vista Power &. Irri
gation Co., is working on a very
promising and feasible project on
the east slope of Stecns Mountain
where sufficient water may be
impounded at a very reasonable
expense to cover an area of ex
cellent fnrm laud.
Mr. J. R. Riilcomb, the engi
neer in charge of this work, was
in the city a few days this week
'securing some data at tho land
office and attending to other bus
iness connected with the enter
prise. Mr. Ralcomb informs the
Times-Herald that work has pro
gressed quite satisfactorily on
the project and that the reser
voir will be in readiness for use
the latter part of the season.
The main ditch, about three
miles in length, has been practi-
Gct a safety Incubator of W.
T. Smith ho simply guarantees
them and is here on tho ground
to make them good. No oil, no
explosion, and hatch as many of
the eggs as any machine on
McIIoso will clean your car-
Chambcrlain's Cough Remedy
has won its great reputation and
extensive sale by its remarkable
cure of coughs, colds and croup.
It can be depended upon. Try it
Sold by all Dealers.
Reatos for sale, all sizes and
engtns, price 20 centa per toot
pets and rugs, pneumatic cleaner; Any one desiring Reatos address
no dust; without removing them J W. A. Ford of J. O. Albereon,
from the lloor. j Alberson. Oregon.
the past few months and Thei completed
The gentleman did not state
the capacity of the system or
what ntriount of land it would
coyer. He stated that all the
land that could be served by the
present system had been filed
upon, but there is considerable
good land in the vicinity yet sub
ject to entry and might be irri
gated from a pumping system
opportunity of purchasing I cofncm)''.,tt;(l- ,, ,
in any portion of the Central1, Iho f'es-Herald does not
kiiuw woo is iinancing uie enier-
Times-Hernld understands there
will be a large colony of Germans
come with Mr. Seethoof and his
sons or follow soon after.
This sale is of particular inter
est to the people of this vicinity,
as it would indicate a rapid devel
opment of the territory with
greater assurance of immediate
transportation facilities. With
Oregon country and inducements
that are known to have been
olfered Mr. SeotholF to establish
his mill at other points, his selec
tion of Rurim ns the site is signi
ficant. The Times-Herald feels there
is lo be some rather unexpected
and encouraging disclosures in
tho way of development and ad
vancement of the Harney Country
in the near future. This sale is
but the forerunner of other large
and significant deals that are in
I fit linti Iwiiiii .irMliriiv t PauiI)
River in linker county and Uiat jt'gressof nirming.
stream is to have first considera- i
lion. There are seven hearings
in the course of adjudicating the
rights on that stream and the
first hearing is set for June 10th.
Mr. Donnley states that the Sil
vies River hearings will, follow
and feels sure it cannot bo reach
ed until the latter part of July.
The work will likely consume the
entire season, but no doubt was
expressed but it would be com
pleted before the flood or irriga
tion period of next senson.
Mr. Donnley snya he finds a
wide spread desire among the
people with whom he hns come
in contact for an early adjudica
tion of the water rights on Sil
vies River and anticipates re
ceiving tho henrty co-operation
of (he users in securing tho nec
essary information to place be
fore the Roard at the hearings.
It was suggested last year that
proper steps be taken toward
this end but people were not in
clined lo move. However, now
that such a step has been decid
ed upon they are very impatient
and want tho matter rushed.
It will tnke time, howevei, and
Mr. Donnley says this stream
will ho investigated ahead of
somo other requests since there
hns been such an urgent demand.
School l'u nil Apportlnnod
Supl. Hamilton has sent in the
following copy showing the ap
portionment of school funds to
tho seyeral districts:
District Clerk Amout of Order
1 W. E. Huston
2 J. E. IiOggan - -
.' Veva Reynvnan - -
fi August Muller - -
G L. N. Stallard - -
7 Cassie Smyth - -
8 Lillie Gates - - -
'.) Rose Kern - - -
1 10 D. R. Thorn - - -
11 James Pirie - - -
12 O. E. Thompson -
13 Jennie P. Brown -M
Frank Klitske - -15
Fred Otloy Jr. - -10
A. Venator - - -
18 Harry Gary - - -
10 Mm. E. C. Eggleston
20 Eliza Hamilton - -
21 J. II. Anderson - -21
Pearl Vulganiore - -2H
W. E. Gray - - -2(5
Hattie Hastie - -
27 C. II. Smyth - - -
28 C. L. Austin - - -20
Geo. A. Smyth Jr. -DO
James Pearson - -
31 Annie Cote - - -
32 EflioDunn - - -
33 Alice Adrian - - -
!31 Lyle Jones - - -
35 Ida Denstedt - - -
30 W. A. Cnpps - - -
37 J. O. Alberson - -
38 Frank Fister - - -3!)
Mrs. Fred Holloway
10 Chas. Mericlo - - -41
J. M. Holfeditz - -12
II. N. Foss - - -13
Edith Moon - - -.11
Mrs. I'M Howard -
To bo elected - - -
A letter from tho St. Paul
office of tho Oregon & Western
Colonization Co. to the local
agent, A. B. Gowin, announces
the sale of threo quarter sections
of land adjoining tho fairgrounds
south of Burns to Mr. John
SeethofT, of New Salem, N. D.
That gentleman has made two
or moro (rips to this section, first
ill company with representatives
of a larije German colony and his
last trip was not mnny weeks
ago in company with W. G. How
ell, the Portland capitalist and, r'Alml.r liMifii. ft. I
I...I4HJ VJUUIH.I UWK1U-I. till. I --.
SeethofV is a flour mill man nnd, ueBt t.,inne(1 corn $3,25 n enso
tho letter further states that ho Harrinuin Mercantile Co.
$1134 00
- 9G00
42 00
- GO 00
72 00
39 00
- 84 00
150 00
48 00
- 75 00
1G5 00
30 00
39 00
GO 00
30 00
18 00
27 00
57 00
48 00
GO 00
48 00
33 00
27 00
GO 00
87 00
42 00
48 00
45 00
27 00
72 00
45 00
GO 00
42 00
30 00
30 00
$3G33 00
prise but wns informed by Mr.
Ralcomb that J. L. Van Graft
and Mrs. J. O, Alberson nre in
terested in the reservoir.
The company has filed power
rights higher up on the mountain
and expect to install electrical
power that may be transmitted
on to the south in the Andrews
country for pumping and other
purpose. According to Mr. Ral
comb a minimum 1000 horse-power
can be generated as they have
a 2000 foot head. It seems there
is a disposition upon the part of
farmers in that section t6 sign
contracts for power pumping
through the irrigation season
but as this lasts but four months
in each year the company does
not feel justified in putting in
all of the necessary mach
inery unless a market is created
for "juice" during the remain
ing period. Should this be sat
isfactorily arranged we under
stand it is the intention to install
mo mncmnery just as soon as
This project is near the famous
Alvord ranch of Frank Clerf and
one of the best agricultural dis
tricts in Harney county. With
the natural development and
settlement of that territory it is
certain that the Ruena Vista
Company will have n market for
its power perhaps as soon as it
can be installed. The country to
the Bouth of the project is very
productive and water in abun
dance may be reached at a rea
sonable depth - in fact a number
of artesian wells with good Hows
have been secured at a very shal
low depth.
This is but one of many such
1 projects as are possible in that
region. With the coming of the
railroad and more land hungry
people there will be other similar
enterprises started which will add
to the convenience nnd prosperity
of that partof Harney County.
Thos. Turnbiill, the prominent
sheep man and banker, was
here from the Owyhee several
days the past week attending a
meeting of tho directors of the
First National Rank. Ontario
Many sufferers from rheuma
tism have been surprised and de
lighted with the prompt relief
afforded by applying Chamber
lain's Liniment. Not one case of
rheumatism in ten requires any
internal treatment whatever.
This liniment is for hale by all
Vulcanizing at Geiuberling's.
Will be held in Burns beginni..g
on or about April 15 by
T '
under new management
oftn R. Walkup, Proprietor
Firs(Class Well Appointed House
Sample Rooms Commercial Tr?
Heflimiiiig March 7 and Ending April 7
Uo ru iiuluc lo RlTiiway Ire a
To Hie i'llj- ca.lliiK ho inoit I'Uno Votca
It don't make any difference whether you are n contest
ant for the PIANO you have a chance to win this set
Reed Bros., Proprietors
Live while you live for unit will be a long time dead. Try
our Hot Coffee anil Lunches at the
Bums Home Bakery
Keep smiling as the Auto Truck people are doing all in
tht ir power to bring our
fiotu the Rend. When the outfit arrives we will be in a posi
tion to Mre the public with everything good to cat in tb
RaUcry Line.
Four well equipped lines. Excellent facilities
for transportation of mail, express, passengers
I'rnlrie City to Burns. Vale to Burns
Bums to Diamond Burns to Venntoi
E. B. WATERS, Agci.i.
-. XaL.-N3 -t -t
V -.S,Tfc
Agont for tlie
Announces that ho will take down and completely
overhaul all Dotris Cars sold by him once vm'
year free of charge.
Mr. lloiison will be in Bums about April i
Homestead Locations
Empire Realty
Iteltabh CMxtn
ot llmnty Cotintu
The Inland
V. T. I.K8TKH. Mun.Kur
U'm ri'jiri'honl tlmt wlilcli In touted mid rollnlili), Wo limullo all
klmln ol Itcul Kalatn muttura Wiltn your Inml IIIIiik tqorn or
ollmr lonl Unit Hxrarorroclly uml nuirkly , WIJ WANT VOlIJt
riHK IMHUUANCH IIUHINKHH wo rr""""tt t ol tho trongoat
miiitii In Amurlcu TIIK AKTNA A IIAHTI'OHD CO'fl.
Mut your jiroporty with in, for oulo or trndo. IN VKHTKIATIC OUlt
trust yon, Auk our UlionU. Call timl no
KOH ritADK-IAOm-riMOt lino fur ml 1'luo llmU'i
over 11,000,1)00 (oetji-rtei J numl rum! llnoiigli Uml
In tlio rtl Northern liUho lliiilwr I'flt Will liml
for tO terra ol lvvl llariu Vallry laml Hi Oil
ft. A. D2B3LE, Propt.
Courteous treatment, rqtes reason
ableGive me a ca'l
A First Class Bar in Connection