if" U iJ i i I? i1" ' t :-! il l HOW TO PREVENT DEIIORNINO. Evorvbodv dislikes the opera - tion of dchornintr cattle, and yet no one likes to have cattle about the place with horns that make bad tempers dangerous. The best plan is not to let the hrrna grow. A good plan that 1 have used for a good many years will' effectually stop the growth ol the horns, but it must be u od while the calves are very small. Before the calves begin to ar rive it will be well to ,u m your self with the remedy, which is both simple and cheap. It can be bought at any drug store, for it is nothing more than caustic potash in stick form. The cry stals will do the work just as well, but I have found the sticks easier to handle. This must be applied when the calf is but a few days old. The first two weeks of his life are the ' ., .,, . , -, best, as it will not work after the little horns have begun to break through the skin. When that happens you might as well ,nir n vonr or tnnro nnil hiko nIr the horns with the regular de horner. This bloody instrument is all that is left after they once come through the skin. In case they are to be removed with the knife or the saw, wait until the calf is old enough and strong enough to stand the shock. When you apply the potash, first make an examination to see whether or not the horns have started through the skin. If not, find the little "buttons" that will some days be horns, and moisten the skin over them before apply the caustic. Rub lightly over this spot with the potash stick, being careful to not burn the skin to deeply with a long application. Be care ful that you do not burn a larger area than is necessary, as the space directly over the little but ton is all that needs to be treat ed. Also be careful not to get any of the potash upon the hands while applying it. It is a good plan to wear a pair of old leath er gloves in order to protect the hands from possible injury from the caustic. It is not necessary to blister the tender skin of the calf very severly in order to kill all horn growth. If there is any doubt about its effect, a second treat ment may be given. When the application is successful there will be no more trouble or worry ing about the horns. It is less expensive than the patented de homer, and far less cruel than the knife or the old-fashioned holding chute and saw. Farm Progress. Children are much more likely to contract the contagious dis eases when they have colds. Whooping cough, diphtheria, scarlet fever and consumption are diseases that are often con tracted when the child has a cold. That is why all medical authori ties say beware of colds. For the quick cure of colds you will find nothing better than Chamber lain's Cough Remedy. It can al ways be depended upon and is pleasant and safe to take. For sale by all dealers Always ready for job printing. PETITION TOR LIQUOR LICEfiSn. We, the undersigned legal ottrH and actual residents of Alberson 1'rtcii.tl, Harney County, Male of Oregon, to grant a licence to II I- Hart to hell Epirltoua Malt and Vinous Liquors in less quantities llinu one gallon in Alber ton Precinct Harney County, Stale of Oregon, for the period of six mouths, a in duty bound uo will ever praj, and e further say that wo liavo actually re sided in raid precinct at leaBt 30 days immediately preceding tho date of sign ing and filing this petition. Names Nam km &. 8. 1. Schenk, M D. (Joo M. Watson 'I Sam Midwinter Dan'elJ Ityan Sam Elliott John Helilen B. Alberson Emtry Hill I'red Clark H. A. faiuith E. K Lewis M. Iicrnard James Havdei M. It. Albcrann Waller Brookshiro O W. Wood Mike Fuller J. O. Alberson A. Gifford Titos. Hcewy And notice is hereby given that the taid II. L. Hart will apply to the abovo entitled court Inr tuch license on tho first day of May 1912 Dated this 15th day ol March, 1912. Date of first publication, March 2.1, 1913. II. I.. HAKT. In the County Court of tho Stato of Ore gon for Harney County. In the matter of tho estate of Frank D.ikenson, deccastd. N0TICU OP IIEARINQ 0P TINAL ACCOUNT Notltc is hereby given to all to whom it may concern that the undersigned having filed his dual account in the above entitled estate us admluiatrutor thereof pr.iylng for un order settling tho tame and distributing the same. The Court has appointed Monday tho lfilh day ol April 1912 at tun lAlock a, m. lor tho hearing of objections to such final at count and at tho Court llouso In Ilurnt, Oregon, as tho place for such bearing and settlement. Dated at Hums, Oregon on tho 12 day of March, 1912. J M DAI TON Administrator.' You judge a man not by what lio promises to do, but by what ! ho lias done. This is tho only l test Chamberlain's Cough ' Remedy judged by this standard " superior. People every whoio speak of it in tho highest "rnw ot praise, ror sa.o ny an dealer. Three room cottage and barn for 1 out. Inquire at this office, - -- ... . j . AHMiNisrumm'HNoncu. Nnilivi lioivliy (jlu'ii llmt (In mult r n )!inil li h Iweii duly npiiuliiloO. mlmlu l.itnitcrof tlio unUluuf Jhuu'h 1.. Varlt-n, tloci'nsoil. All pcrtnus lia Iiik rliilum u(iilnt paid oaUto are lioroliy rtMiulroi) to prudent tho br mo to mo, properly vorl lied, iv t Hiirna, Oregon, within nix months (mm tho lUtn hereof. Dated this lCth day o( March, 1013. I). N. VAU1KN, Administrator. ICTITION TOR LIQUOR LICENSU. Wu tho legal otura u( I.nwon precinct I1100"?,' BM't? ""jr fully nk tho Honorable County Court nilirm.y Cotlnly 0reg0 t0 Rr.ut R 10. mion to iorj:o Atwell to mil HplrltotiH , Malt and Vinous liquor In leas iiuiitill' , li 'h" 0I,U K'"0I in tho abovo pro- ,-! County and Stato for n period of tix months from May 8, 1913 Wo jour perltiouerti will ever pray NAMl.il I. II ll.ijefl Kd .Inrilun l V lloini Adad Cobj (J W Clark I 11 Clark II. 1". GoorKO IVter Ohriatenson .lumen Cary C K AiiBiuus I'muk Now man II OTawart It W Joidjii Qtiy K Dickenson CT Miller I'red Ilaag It H (ilonn Namki OS (iriues II nOoodlow I. II Tudor lieu rorman A F B (leorgK l.lo)d Johnson II. II KVwli Chariot Holmes ChasSOard J I, KuIIokk W It C5r) 11m Ciovvlo) H C llelnr S It Juilury, Jr. George Dean K 11 Totter rCTImm 0 MFolty Notice Is hereby given that tho said Ocorgo Atnell will apply to tho above entitled court (or such license on Satur day the -Ith day of May, 1911'. GtORIIK ATVVkl.L. I) ito of Urst publication April C, 1912 Cxccutor'a Notice ol Silt ol Real Property. NOTICE IS HKHKI1Y GIVEN, that pursuant to an order of tho Count) Court of the Slate of Oregon, for Mal heur County, duly made and entered on the 2Ut day of September, 1003, author izing, licensing and empowering mo so to do, I will on and alter tho 15th day ol April, 1912, duly sell at private sale to the lili;lieet bidder for cash in hand, all the right, titlo and interest of Katate ol Jeiiklti D. Jenkins, Deceased, in and to the following described real propert) h tuated and being Harney County .State of Oregon, to-wit: I,ots Four (I) and Five (6) of Hlock six (0) Drowns' Addition to the town of Burns, Oregon, according tn the oillclul maps and plats of said town of record in the otllco of tho County Clerk of said Hurney County, Oregon. All applications to purchase said above described real property shoulJ tie nddrcised to John Wood, Kxecutor, Ontario Oregon. Dated this the 10th day of March, 1913. List publication April, 13, 1912. JOHN WOOD, Kxecutornf tho Estate JcnkinD. Jenkins, Deceased. SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore- gon for Harney County. V. II. Leonard, I'lalntlll, 8. A I'. Young, Defendant To A. h. Young, Defendant In the name of the State of Oregon, jou are required to appear and answer the oinplulnt In tho above untllleil suit wilhiu six (0) weeks from tho datu ol first nubliiulion of this summons, and if on fail so to answer, for want thereof llm riaintltr will apply to the Court lor tlm relief prayed for in his complaint, to-wit For judgment against you for thu mini ol f J31. 10 a ith 8 per cent Interest there on from April 29, 1910, less the sum ol 75 00 imld July 10, 1910, and $J0 00 at torney a fee; For the further sum of (522 50 with 8 per cent interest thereon from May 22, 190'J, less the sum of $140 00 paid on May 30, 1910, and UH20 paid on Dcceraber24,1010landthesumor$50 00 attorney's fee thereon; For the further sum of $3000.00 with 10 jiercent interest theron from the 2fith dny of April, 1910, and $.'10 00 nttor ney's fee; For the further sum of 84000 00 and $100 00 attorney's fee thereon; And also for a decree foreclosing that certain mortgage made and executed by you to I'laintiffon April 29, 1010, upon the 12. 35 feet of the W. 05 feet of Lot in Illock 5, and the E. 35 feet of the W (10 feet of Lot 7 in Illock 5, in the City of Ilurnt, Harney, County, Oregon; Alio foreclosing that certain mortgage made and executed by you on the 22 day of May, 1909, to one Joseph Sturtevant, and assigned to Plaintiff on Lots 1, 2, 7 & 8 in Illock 14, in the City of Ilurua Harney County, uregon; Also foreclosing thateertnin mortgage made and executed by you on the 25th duy of April, 1010, to J, C. Ilyrd and F. A. Cole and assigned to I'lalntifl upon the Ul'M of Sec, 30, Twp. 23 S , itunge 31, U. W. M.; Lots 1, 2, 7 & H in Illock 1 1 in the City of Hums, Harney County, Oregon; and that certain band of horses belonging to you and consisting of about 00 head, conanting of mnres geldings, colts anu Horses, lirarul ed V on left hind leg; Alto foreclosing that certuin mortgage made mid executed by you to Mitchell Iwis Ac Staver Co, on the 0th day of bentemtxr 1010. and astik-ncd to I'laln tlll. unon the HV.H of 8cc. 30., Two. 2.'l S , Kane 31 li. W. M.j Lots J. S, 7 U H in Illock 14. the I!. 35 ft. of the W. (IS ft. in Lot 8 Illock C, and the 12 .IS ft. of the W. Ml It in l.ot 7 mock o, in me (Jity of Ilurnt, Harner County, OreKon, tvi id and also unon nil ol ul trt property mortKUKed utl(l eicrihcil tliercin, And for hit coats und dithurseinellts in this suit, and for such 'other und lurther relief ns to equity may pertain. This summons is published in The Tinut Herald, a wceklr newspaper iiuh hshrd nnd of Kenernl circulation in liar ney Contr, Oregon, by an order of the Honorable Grant Thoinmon. County Judjje of Hnrney County, Oreifon. duly made and entered herein on the 0th day of March, 1013, which said order direct ed that this summons he puhlithed for a period ol six weeks; tne brat publication of this summons was made March 0, 1012. J W litem and 0, II. Leonard, Attorneys for I'lalntlfT FOR SALE BY OWNER. 1 section, G10 acres, level un improved sage brush land in Hnrney Valley, canbosubirrigat ed. 1(50 acre tract, fenced, good house deep well and otherwise improved. Prices made tosuit in tending settlers. No speculators need apply. Inquire at this ollke. NO riCli: KOU I'UM.ICATION. UNIIKIIHI'AII "I xMUIHH'IM mum, nrrirut vih tltiit, 11)11 I NiitlipMitriitiy kIvui lit lluiryli IllniV, ut Hum., OriK"". vvlm m IM u mlii'r Jl. Ii1 iiin.li-ll .in attmlHilr) N iiMNuliit, NiitU.i', for M.stt'i, Hie .'7 iiml S'.'-h't, Kiilluii., 1iimlili.iiH , lliiKii.il h. AllUinclle Mori ilUii.liaanliiliiollrtsof liilciitlniitotiiaku Final Mve.oar I'roiil, tiiaitatillali rlalm to ttie laml tiovi Oturllril taifiira Ilia Uigl.U'l ami Ito rrlvrr, at lliirna, llrrmui on tlm (illi ill ill Ma) mi t'lulniHiii natma aa vrlttuaata Nathaniel Hi inn y, lit n Hn.lpr, luiwam r KkkI KOU l.in, liiiiinaa li neck, all ui niirna, urn VV h. I" ah iik, IUkUUt NOTICE OF CONTEST. Unitkii UTtTKn 1. 1 mi Oriu a I lliirna, (iriKon, April 1, 1'JU I In VVIIlUin llonno), Iiml ntnl lila lirlra at lavr, ( outoitcaa mi are hereby tuittlUd that Nathaniel Hi n nov who alvii Itiirna, OrKon, na lila tKiatiilllco adtlriM. illil on Mxrili 1, lJI.', Hie In Itili olllce lila it illy eurriitiiirateit npi.tlt niton to conlrit ami SKiiro llin i mi(tfllatloii of jnnr lloiuo Hail, I-nlry No. :t-J H,tll No OJI.K inaile luo einlxrlllli, lam fort'tNl", NUSHW Hidlnn n, louiiitil J H, limine Jl K, VVIIUmetlii Marldlan, and ai irrimtula fur lila emit, at Up allci,ra that this ahl VMIIIam llemiuy ileiiitvil thli lift on about January l), I'.hvi. Iionou r hav lug tnatrliitauiltiicrcturutrarliiKiiotlilhlrtii, hl'ant lair or next til kin nlhur than Nath anlol lltniuy Naao tlrnney ami '1 hoinna lieu noy both ol Ittnrla, Coloraila, Manh illlta, of Ictnrla Noa Hiotla, ami Sarah J, U llrlan, ho tald louari. therefore, further untitled that the ald alleKattoua will lie takiu by Hilt itillee at liavuiK 1k( u rou fitied b) )Oii,aittl your entry wilt Imi eaneelid thereunder without vuur fur ther rUlit to be heard tin rein, illher belun thla ottlee or on apical, H you fall to tile In thli oflUe within twenty da) alter the roll It I'll piiblliallun of thli notke, at thowu ttelow jourantwer under oath, tiieeltleally meetliiii and reiHimlliif tu tlute alUaall int of lonteii, or If voil fall wlthlnthat lime lo Mu In thtt ufflee due proof that you have tirved a eupy of your auiwer on ine tain cuiiKaiaiu euuei in pirtouorb) riKlturtd malt. If thtt ai rvUo It made by the delivery of aeopyofyour auwir tollieioutittaiit In perton, proof of tiirh aer vl(titntttteolthirthe taldeontettaiit a wrltn u ackuowliilKineiit of hla ruelptot the ropy, htiwhit, llin ilal. nf Km ri eelnt. nr the alTlitavll oflhe pe....il7) whom the ;.lellve.y wa. , n.de ttatlmrwhin and here theliop) waa deliver ed.u inaile 1) uaiaioreii man, pnmi oi tueit tervlie mutt eiititltl o( theallldavlt of ttie ptr foil by whom the eopy att mailed, ami thla altldavlt mutt be annul pan led by the Hitt maaier'a reeeldtfor the letter, ou thnutd ttale In vour anawtr tlieuatne of the putt nilKe In whlrli you dttlro In lire liollctltobeaiuttojiiu Wm KAKiir. IteKltUr Haleof lint imbllratluu Vntll 1 1. 1912 title nf ,,-,iii.l uubliiatloil Vnrll JO I mud publliatlun tprll JO 191 J Haleof tlilrdiublUallnu April 7. 1IJ title uf fourth publication Sin) I. Ull Notice of I Inal Sclllfnicnt In tho County Court uf thoSl.itouf Ore gon for Hurney (ninlv In tlio tnnttor uf .luson lltiiiiutl, Do et'iiaed. To all persona In ten Hied latu niiliiii that tho undersigned I'lxi tutor of the last Will ami lYstiiuiciil mid li-tatool Jason Ilennelt, diie.iaed, has Hied his final account, and that b order of tho Count) Court of mid Harney County, Oregon, duly made and intinil, Mon day the 8th day of April nt I u'dmk p. tu at the Court lloiieo In Hum, Ore gon, ll IH beoil appoiulcd iih tile- liliioaiul place for the luaringol objerlioiis lo said llnal nci'ouut and for tho settlement thereof, all (uranns iulcustod must till their objections, if an), on or before said apioiuled day. Datid March 1th, 1912 I. I. I'ouJAiir, Ilxecutor NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION UMTPIIBrATP) I.ANH Kit P, Ilurua, Uregon, March 0, bill Notice It hercbv ulvm that Morrlt J Niiih.nl Ilurnt, Orexon, who, on June !', IM inadu Ilometicad eniry No 2711, Serial Nu Ir.ir.t, for n M"i ami l"NW'. Hi , Hictlotl 31, Tuwllllilp Jft H, HaOKO 31 f . Willamette Meridian, hai atnl ttuiireuf Intention tu make final hive Year I'rnuf, loeatabllthf lalltl tu the landatxive I den ri'e 1, before ilu, Kiaiiter and IUelvt.r ' al Hutiit.OreKuu on the IMIulay ol A HI I'JIi tliiliuant tiaiutt at wlinrttea ' All.. rt 1'nrler, frank lllaramer fdwardl I faifhtlou ( barlt t Hied, alluf Ilurnt tin itou I Wm h'AKitr, IttKliler NOTICK KOU PUBLICATION tlviirn HTATra l.aNiidiriir I Ilurnt, Orison lUnh i., UU. Nmlie It In rtby Ktveu that f.enrc lirau, uf lawtu (lrti.uu, who on a) 10 il07, inmlL homealiudi ntr) No trj7(Ktrlal No U-.jt f, f HfJ.I-it V,, rp itH.llaliKeHV'j K V lllauitlle vturldlau hat tilt d milii c nf lult titluu tu maku llnal Five H ear I'inuf, luitlabllah ilalln In Hi" And aiM,e dtai rlUd, la-fure tho Hi ifltii r and title vtr at Ilurnt, (Irtifun, on the J9ih day uf Airll UIJ l lalmant liamea aa wltrnte I der II f. r, ( It utmiit, Harry Cary, ItuUrt llurkharill all uf I in, Orikoi Wm I'ahhs Ui uliler NO HOT. IO ULDIIOUS, Notiieis hert by glvtn that llm tin-( durilguud has In in duly iippninttd . adiu niatrillor ol Iho mtiilii of Ada 1. Milhir, den iteedf bj the (" nut) Court of tho btiiliiol tiregou,for Hiirnov f'oiin ty AllperHiiiH having iIiiIiiih against HAid est itunioheriihy untllleil to present tin in, duly vrrilii d im h) buv riipiind, lo ( li trie'!' Mllliir, :il mi nie t riu.,1 , . L I, h rti.idi ut lu 1 1 ii r ih. Ilitrnxy 1 uiiulv, Ore gun, or ui tint nlllm nf .1 S (', ok, Ida iiltorniiv, hi l.uriiH, Or, g ,ii, v. Illiln fix ( mniltlia fiom tho date of 1 1, In until e. ' n.-Hid this (CI, da) of Miinh 1912 Chaiiiis'I, Mm ni, AdmiiliHratornf the H-titeof Ada I.. Milh r, dtr uhuI. J. H. Cook, Attorney. .,r lli,.r M 1,1.111, lr. Nnva hnuli. I in heir,, ' 'at Uot the-ald w'llll.m TlSumy V lu. d, "ml .u'y ol M. II IJl'l' "' ' """"'"" under the lana ol the Male of Orenoii. ami " "ilf ,1, i ,,.. wlimt.ei ffiV. "ll.'r 'ifhan' li ,ZXxl .? I NX" " l'""".'.'""........ ItnbeM f, iVrt?IrnVhwuVioW.,,,V..i oriultlvalolhotaldlaiid Jai kwiii.nl lliirna, tin an i Leave Central Oregon CYT.ltV MOKNINC Arrive Northwest Points SAMCDAY PORTLAND - - S:30 P. M. WALLA WALLA - 7:15 P.M. SALKM - - - - 8:35 P. M. ASTORIA - - - 10:20 P. M. SEATTLE - - Train leaves Bend, 6:30 a. m.; Redmond, 7:21 a. m Through Train To Portland Direct Connection at FallbrldK. with through train to Spokane, St. Paul and Chicago, Dotaila will bo furnished on request. W. E. COMAN, Oeneral Freight m d I utseiiKcr Agt. II. BAUKOL, Agent, Redmond, Oickuii. J. II. COHBE'rr, AkciiI, Rend, Oregon. Ik'St Hour (guarantee) $8.60 bbl. Ilnrrimnn Mcrcantilo Co. NOTICIC KOU 1'UI.MOATION. Unit.h HTATra I anu Omt a liuriir, oii'iioii, April MVii, Nntlrolaliorcli) ulvin lliat lllrainli Craig, ol Uavurlr. (lutiii. wlio. on Aiimut 1. lino. u( Unvi'My, tliuitoii, wlio, on Anaiiat 3, mailii lliiinraliKil rnlry No mma, lor HKJ fiilliuil. Inwnalilii .11 fniUlii ItaiiKO M Kail. .. wl U.mlli lla.i Wlllaini'lln Mitl'iiHii liaa rlli-il unllra ol Itiliiilliin toionVo Hiiall'iiiniiilllatlon I'rnol, In imtalillalidiilm to Dm laml alov ilotrrltHMl, tnlore Ilia ItnaUtor ami It.-iolvor, at Illlrni, (Irtiiin.oii llin Jinlilay nt May, 1VI2 ( laliiiaiil iiHinia ai wlliii . .. IviuiAril iililcnliilii, 1 11.11111,11 I, Van linrii,!', K. Killuj.nllnt Mavcrly, On koii W M Kaiiiii., llcKlator, NOTIGK KOlt I'UHLIOATION. I'mtru 8TATa I.anh Ornra liiinik, iltcKon, April ft, mu', Nntlre la herihy iilveu that Ira J Malum, of Muletmiu Valley, (Irrxun, who, on March la, I am, ninile Ilium utiail I ntry No. .iui. Herlal No Ultx !. for Mi Hiellou VI ami aililltloaal Hit. Kntri nf.Mardirt, lull, No nuu.tnrMMU, nt0. ,all1iilovualilill H, Kaiiitv.ia K Wlllain.Uo Mtrlillao, haa IIUil iioilruol Intiulloii to maVe Kliint Klve(r iruol, to idalilltli claim to lliu laml ahum itimrlloil, Iwforo ItcKtatir atnl Iterelvur, at lliirna, IHeKon, on ID .Mill day of mri.ivu ( lalmaut naiiiei Mlhuaicat N. K llnll.dro. Halt, lien. Cratlkllll and J It Jtuklua.alliif Audi rami Valley, Oreiiuu. MM Kanaa, Iteiilitar, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. I'NITtn HTATm UNliOmcie, I lliirna, Onguu, Marililv, lull I Notlro la hereby idieu Dial l!)reliii W K'fl InilK. of llarrlinun On Kim, wbii on Mareh M, Inr; uiado lluiueiteinl l-utry Nu tfKi, Serial No 01IV1 fur Htt'.HI ij HtjMWI, HiC 2, h)HK, Heitluii J, Tomiiiii ." H, naniio u r. , VV lllainetln Meridian, liaa Illi il iiutleo of InUn thin to make Mnul llm yinr t'nxil. In raiablian elalm to thutaml above diaerlbeil, bafuru Hit Wm Kahhk, ItiitUler NOTIGK FOIt PUBLICATION. tlMTCII HTATtl I.AMIiUrilia Huron, On lion, Mart h 'J, lW Kntleela heiel y hluu that Harry II ml Hu, ut Nnrnivvt, Iiiikhu, who, on Ap'll .'s, ivoa. made Heiil I ami Knlry Nu ll.'l, Herlal No ir."i.J, for M.svvi,, iti tlnu Jl. luwuthlpvs H, II 8.1 K, Wlllalmlto Mlllillall, hat llle.1 liutlroof lulilitlou I,, make llnal I nhiI loet abllth elalm In llin laud abovo deterll ed, I e lure the lit itlnK r mil Iteee vtr, at Ilurnt, (re (.on on the IDIh day ol Villi t I ( IhiiiiiiiiI namia aa wllutntt t , i;,,:;, , V,I V,.,' V Itim,,); , I Mlllir. Jiwepli Ifilor allor iiuriit.uri uu liorvuMei laieu VMinam mm lareu i nariet NO'I It K '0 . PUBLICA 1'ION. t'MTKIltTtTta I.ANIltlrlll S llurii". ilteson Manhll l Null I-, It herel.v (.Iveii lliat trlliur rllfey, of I a ti it. On koii e tun u NuvMiiltr t Mti, madelluiiiiK.ead l.uin Nu JHo i, rial so triiua, tor MSr-', Hie iaud W'kNW',. Htellnn 11, liiwll'blpjl h. ItetiKe rj K .VV lll.ilm Hi Melt dlan, linhi noilient luliiilKuitumaki full Hteiar I'lunf, oea'iibll'h elalintn the Ian, l almve ilmelllxd 1 1 fuio tho lliirlilir and Itettlitr nt Hunt Oiiriio nu llm tuth day uf Mai Ui; I litliuatit naieet ta wtllttet Imtpev itlllfulil Hariellut II llavn, I'allty ll)l Hlnlt lla)lt.all of I awetl Ole iun V M H'AHMa, Ilex, iter $1500 Reward! Iho OriK"ii l tforilUaltil Si VmU I iti'.-it.H k I "t.c tlttii AkiHi ti ll ( w hit It Um un l.r nUnwl In tnvtttt vr. ili imf I1 "J row ri i r i Ti lt we tlt'lllltf lu ti t trl him) con i (In t ofuny 4r If fir 'ft(lr Hrt lutc huriii. mutt r iinilm MluutliiK Itmtir t( Hi luviii Li fd In I lllhittyfo lint nUitc, ilir un If i-tljTinl iitlt tn lhnA.uG riiinlllloii )(ti for nit hnrit ItrHtuIitt Imrrc hIhhI liitr un tx.lli u rllhrr Jwt Iirmxl rtcorili! In (Uhl fuiiuUm IUiikc I Urury, lako mot (rook rountlm Mutmi vcnlril Mrhun mi! None Imt icruwn hotro iuM itxt only lb htko tiinicltfn, IIIIOWN. HItOrcicon m wm -WebsterS New International Dictionary THE MERRIAM WEBSTER? Bt ate it la a NEW CnHA TION. ooverinr ererr field of the world's thought, action and culture The only new unabridged dictionary In many years. , Because " aUnei over 400,000 Wonlx; mora than erer beforo appeared between two 1 Covert. A70U J'ugca. 6000 11' luatrutlona. Became 'l hi tbaoniy dictionary - with tho new divided paa. A "titroko ot Otnlut." Became ,l ' Q enoyolopodlt in 1 tinglo Tolume, Became 4 '" RPted by the Courtt, Uohoola and Irea aa tho ouo uupreme au thority. Became no who knowt lfina Huccmn. Let ut tall I you aooui UiU now work. 1 HU1J warn it tpMisM n. mu4 tf. C CHIIIIAM CO, raUUkm,SvliwA.u I HaiaitttllHK.ManrUltirioMluH SP0KANIC - - - 9:-ir P. M. TACOMA - - - 10:00 P. M. - 11:15 P. M. ,jflw I OREGONTRU K K RY. CENTRAL 0REGDH LINE B0CIKT1K8. IIAHNKV 1.OU0IC, NO. TJ, I. O 0 r, Mreli tvtry Hluiday lu Odd Kjllow Hall itTtasiiin. Ir. W "aary, T, H. Hpraut, Btcrtiary. N.l. DearM work ai fuMowil Flral Halurday Inl- ii....... ...imi.t Kaiurdar. Kim III mMI third Halurday, Hocoud Denrfel fourth Halurday, Third Hcaret. mlUNHUimlK NO, 7, A.K, A M, Metlinvory Aral and third Halurday luiaeh in.inlh . . Wiu. Miller, M Ham Mothrthcad,Rrutar? MnU'llN VVOODMKNOK MMtllA Melaary aeemid and foiirtli Klldayeviiu Iiik at I.O.O, K. Ilalliall nelihbora liiTltid New apiiHranta will receive toiirtroua mat. ineut. . M.A lli.m, V (I VV T. Utter, Clark. IIIIUNh (JIIAITKH NO 0, 0. K. H, Meelt erery teeoml an tannic Hall, Kran t-IUBwiek, Herrelary, Ueelterery teeoml and fouilli Uumlant. I Matonlo Hall, Kranklo Welcome, . Id rfYI.VIA KKUKKAII DKllltlCK No.tl, Kcolierery litaudBJ Wednetday, lly nlln lialloii, N. II. Madge I eoliarJ, Hoo Heo'r. Ttll.K L'lltOI K No. Its, W. of W. Mteltevary fourth liietday. "" Maud llurlun, CI. il. ltetter Ouoduiau, Clerk, OrKICIAI, DIIIKt'TOHV tTATI OMtuunl I) M Heualura Jiiuatlian lluiirne Jr (Itxi K. Chamberlain iW ItFllla I J Wllawley A.M Crawford (Itwalil Weal K W lleuaull 1.11 Kay I, It Alderman VV Hlluiilway Uoudttiuiau Atturney tltutral tlOTcruur iieetatary ol Htata Ireaturer riupt. fubllo lutlruetlon .title l'rlitlur Itubi Kaklu T. A Ui llrlde Ueoll Ilurnt It li H. Mean r. A. Moore Hupreina Judiea NINTH JtlllMIIAI. 1IIHTUKT. llltlrlel Judge . Hlalrlct Atturuay I'tputy llltl Ally lialtou sat J W Met I llm ll ., 0 II I, on ml Circuit I'uurt meets Hit nrit Muuday In April aud tlrtl Itondajr u Oclolr Jultit Kenalor tl W I'ariltli folul Iteprcaeulatlvt II llruoke DOUMTT lUIINH County Judge tlraul ll,oiiiituu elleik K II Water. Ireaturer . Hlnioli Mtwla survevur frank I'.tlowaii Hlierllf A k. Itlcharilioti Attettor , J J. Hutuiiaii rtehoolbUitrlBltudtut LSI Hamilton Coroner J VV tleary Stock InaiitcUir .John Itubltitou L'oinnittiloutrt tK. r, Hylvetler IU A Huiylli Couuly Coart tneclt the Oral Medueaday In January, March, May, July, September and November. UARHtr u, t, i. so urriet: Kegitler Receiver Wm fir re I mil liavey ctTr.-aiiKHi' Utyor, tl W LleteliKer Itet order, . A M Ilyrd treaaurer .. J.t VVeltuuivJr Manual, ..It I . Ilalnra fit J. Iltii.ii A. ( Heltome Kraut Havey tit J Hi Minion Hevtluga uf the t'uuutll every Hettuid aud Kuurth Wcduttday. Sumpter Valley Railway Co. 'lIMlt TAIII.K NO. I) IN JUNK 14, 1U0S. ICI KlIC'l Weal Hound. No 1 l'ait- 9 0 I.v 9:5 " 9 68 ' 10 Ot " 10 07 " Katt Hound. No. '.' I'ass p. in Dakar Oily Ar r. 0 I.v 5. '.'5 ' 6 00 " 4 6ft ' 4 W " I If. " 1-4(1 " 4 1' " i an " I 10 " 4 ft'. " -ftO II lift " (X) " '-'.lO South llaker Halitburyl I-ockhartt 'Thompson) 10-17 " 'Stotldard Junction) 10 '! " 10 'J " 10 'I " l Kt " 11 It) ' II Ifi " 11 40 " NOON l'J.00 " r. m. I 'J .05 " rjtio 1-10 Ar Water TnnM 'Dean'aHluut McKhi'iiI JONC'MONt KuinpUr JIJNtniONt fiiuimllt O I. Campt Whitney! TIP TON I Aottln " 'J:I0 Stop on rlylialr unl) (No uiitil. Tiiknta Itnuiil only (or stations wlmrti trains aro adirdulud to inaku regular stops, I'asaciiKvrs must purtihiiir Ih k its wluirn auoiits oiial iMiforu imtvrluK trains or "5 rents In Kildltiuu lo tho ro tiular faru will ho iharttvl. JOHKl'H A. Wi:sr, Hupt. (lltANT.(ll'.III)KH, Asrt. Hupt. Stoy's Restaurant and Bakery Ihlrd doorsouth slilc.lllssiter Itulldhin J. I!. SIOY, Proprietor Lunches, short order, pics, lircml, cakes, etc, etc. I'AMII.Y TIMDH SOLICITED. Ksy- V Vnodel 1894 Qepeatlnglgfte This riflo is built settled districts. where good range and killing power are desired, with safety to the neighborhood. Tho KmO .25-20 ! a light, quick-handling-, flnaly-baltnced repeater, with tho tolld top, cloaed-ln breech and aid ejection features which make JKhnOt guns safe and agreeable to usa and certain In action. It la midt to utt tht powaiful n.w Woh VtlMllr tmok.lt,. lotdt with lacktlld bull.lt tl wall at tht will known black powdir and lew nrttaurt amotalcta cart, rldfta, and It tat Id.tt rlflt for laiii.t woik, wr wvuukiiucbi, vrtlt, htwlit, foatt, ito , up It at y if da. Thla rlflt tnd tmniu. nhlon, tnd til othtr Immum rtpuurt, in fully dtttrlbtd In our lM-paga (111101. Prtt foe I ttampa poittiic. fill Matltt firearms Cx, U WllltwtUitt'' NEW HAVEN. CONN. w The Times-Herald ih oflcrinpjnoHl attractive Clubbing to Uh Hulmcrih r at prvxrvt THE TIWllES-HiiRALD One year with the Portland Weekly Orctfonian $2.50 Portland Semi-Weekly Journal $2.50 S. F. Weekly Examiner $2.65 Thrice-a-Week N. Y. World $2.50 Semi-Weekly St. Louis Republic $2.35 Farm Progress FREE lo every paid in advance Subscriber Get one or more of these Kwd papers in connec tion with The Times-Herald for the loiiff win ter evenings. Call and get Clubbing Prices JOB PRINTING Die Tlnira-Ilrrnld In Prepared to do the Very lUal and Moat Hnllafiictnry Work in llila line. Wv 'wto nil the LATEST TYPE FACES and a ory Complete Line FIRST-CLASS STATIONERY W. W. DRINKWATER Main St.. BURNS IVIILLINC CO. HORTON 6l SAYER, Propts. Rough and Dressed Lumber, Rustic. Flooring, Moulding, Finishing Lumber. Nearest SawmUl to Burns. Jftood Road. Lumber Yard in Burns. Go To The White Front Livery Stabile NEW RIGS AND TEAMS '1-hone to Me for Your Doctoi Cadi's. U. .1. A.cKINNON, Jr., Proprietor. HAKNIiY VaLLIiV HkKWhK" ' u OON JENKINS & KAISER, ProprJptcrs WINES, LIQUORS AND CUGARS Best and most popular brand't LOCAL BEER OM TAP Courteous and obliging bur tenders Burns, - Oregon " C iM.u. ....ti. -Syf a WRITE FOR SPECIAL ' THE A.H.AVERI -r-1 UPs 5TifSV mfSBkomiSF aata.aaBaaHaaaBaBHmaaMaHaiBaaai SPOKANE, WASH.-PORTLAND, 0Rr 5AM JOSE CAL, -",rfV.,Mat;lC?XaJrfVT.W E. A. SHAFER Civil L'njjinecr Jun. Mom, Orcion Society ol l'u(lnccrt I). S. Mineral Surveyor fur tl'e Dbtriit of Oregon Townsile Surveying a SPECIALTY Narrows. Oregon iwm t Rates Blacksmiiliing and Horseslioing Wagon Work COOLEY AUTO MATIC BRAKES Burns, Oreeor, ttit. 'AJt5KJ10fra2u.w 'JSX3fk."R7 ENGINES BOILERS 9 ; HIGH GRAB SAW MILLS 1 MACHINERY CATALOG AUD PRICES LL MACHIMERY CO. r-yrfvxsit? NWffjrw M.&mts.v. 00 YEARS EXPEHIENCE Tmaoc Mamkb UE8IQNS nnttvmnuva An. AliTrtnii tAnilli.it tt kktiai. ... .tA...i. ii llbTJ Ji'.iM L,r"W"' JWIMJIaMt. Iiuiliiuiitra. lu 1 rVCVX VVil"''"'" '" .llanillainlniB falwilt i'ii..T.. '."J"' fpiim .fiiraMurmaMltlila. - -"- "" "wi. unrKU, Hi Scientific America. A litli.l.oniolr tllaitralM wMklr Iwiranat rlr fflUNN&Co""". New York Hraurli Jiti, ii r w., Wa.Ul" tu!i. lU,' " LUL I SZ3EHEI I'llOFKHHIONAIi (JAHI) Wm. MILLER, ATTOItNHV ATI.WV lliirna, Ori'xoii Itooins (I find 7 M.ixiiili I ml li k C A. REMBOLD Attornny-iit-f,nw, Burns, Oregon. OluiH. II. rsoimrcl Attohnkv-at-i,aw, Ouroful nttotitlfin kIv'cii to Colli lioim ntnl Itiwil KHtnlfi iniilUr" I'lru rtistintin i). Notnry I'uhllo liUltNH, OltMION CliIRLES W. ELLIS LAWYER Kurns, - - OrcKon Prin tie s In tlm Btiiln CoiirlH un I ,. loru tho I', H bind Ollao. A. W. GOWAN ATI'ORNKY-AT-LAW Stato Courts and United .Slalt3 I-'iiid 0licti Practice Three doom South of the Hnrney County National Hank HurnH, Orejcon. Dr- Minnie Hand Physician and Surgeon La wen. Ore. d. LU. CEflRY I'll v Hit htti and SurKiaJii IturiiH, - - - Oregon O'liiitln lii' liiillilini; wiulli ii( i !( ii hiiriicsN simp, Miiiu ht. Tlmim MhlnHI. DOrNMflN & DENMAM. i Phys.clans ;ind Surgeons Calls niiawvrtil iruiiiitl i Ij'lit or 'ar 'riiono llnrriniati. Harrlman, Oregon MflRSPEfl & GRIFFITH I'lijsiilaiis ami hnii-oiiH. IIIIUNH, (IUKION b. 0. HIBBRKD DE1TTIST Olllnt fust door laat ihoti tiilli r) Ilurua, Orison VV. C. BROWN, DEUTIST. llUHNS, DuLllllK. Ollii-it r(Miiu H and 11 Masonic ISuildlui; ll II t ial Kit AI.O M til 'oc cr M ImiM.a arto.u tw. k COOPER & DODGE Civil and Hydraulic Engineer Iirinntion, Water Supply Sowerane, Water I'owcr. ptirM-js, Mhh, 1 tlitnuUs, SuhmUo IJURNS, ORICGON JOHN ROBfNiON Slock Inspector, lliiria) Couuly. Iltttiif Aihlium,, Itiirns. Oim r. c. nu i Mm MirniKljr At.L ti klnrcr lull H It.Tl. Illation Krr let, . I). I .U'IKSKII InriiiiT j t hut 1 1 Klni-ir ! llnlat V Wrali rn lit Eastern Oregon Engineering Company CIVIL ANU IKHIGATION LNGINLLKS Hums, Orfj-nu The Washington Restaurant All TOY, Proprietor fry brick building, Post Office block Tlio bill of faro includes ovory tliinjr tlio market affords. Short orders a specialty. Ureud for sale. Givo him a call. Burns Sheet IVIetal Works Tin, Copper, Slice. Iron Wurk of nil Description. Camp SIoks, Tanks, JtiLbinj;, plumb- luff In order, (ihellca I rial. C. W. SGHUiVtANN lrupilulor. iieuili out .Sm. .ioiiN(Ji:Mui:iti,iN(j. v, , ... - v v luwulur. Optician lt'tt ivitfi mn UU'ij f Khu Watch Kt pauiiiu Spc cialty, , A .v