5 lit .. u 'J- ' PJ 11' - L4 l BAKER STOCK SHIPPERS COMPLAIN, attracted to tho movement At Corvallis, on March 7, delegates Our local stock buyers are very much worked up over the pre sent cattle market at the Portland Stock Yards. On February 12th there were thirteenth loads of from tho commercial clubs of the state took part in a rousing meet ing that was called for this pur pose. One of the suggestions made was that communities should assist each other by a re cattle on tho market from this S'?' PlPrf the ,ocaI pro . ,i , , ,i r . I uuuis iijiiuuuiciuieu part ui inu suuu; uiuru wuru iw offerings of fancy feeding (hat would bring from $5.90 to $f JW, while in South Omaha they w pro paying $7.70 for tho best, and lowest prices for the day was bel ter than our host, says a UaKei vo siinllu i, nn hour lnte trot. correspondent to the Rural Spir-Ljng llomo to supper." ' "I know, but I asked him how Uur cattle men say they will i10 ...as feeijnir. and ho insisted WHY HE WAS LATE. What made you so late?" I met Smithson." "Well, that is no reason who on telling me about his stomach trouble." "Did you tell him to take Cham berlain's Tablets?" Sure, that is what he needs." bo compelled to ship all their best stuff to Missouri river points, if this continues. These men should sell at Portland and want to do so. It is there pride and ambi tion to see a big business built up , gold bv all Dealers at the Union Stock Yards, but i- they cannot do it at the expense of their custemers: They are. SUMMONS willing the packers, in casei of heavy runs, Should take 'n the Circuit Court of tlieStnte of Ore Off enough to pay for feed and Son, (or Harney County, yardage until the surplus can be cl-CI. M worked off, but they cannot stand Wii(rl Kacino, iviWant. tO nave trem pound the market To Wilfred Kacino, Defendant: NOTtCK KOI PUBLICATION. VNITK11 STATUS UND OFKIOK. I Hums, Oregon, February 27, (SIS I XotlrcIslicrcbrftlvcnlriatKilwaril t Vnaits Inn. of ilnrna.Orriitin.vvlittcii AirH7,l',mftiu lltimrstrail rntry No tMVShrrlal .No. 04V2. for K'(K"KrellonJt.liwtihlnS,Hni!oSI Kaa, Mfllamrtt, MerMlan haa fllc-il notice of Inleii lion to malo Filial Hroer inif, In cstafo. llslt t lalm to the laml above tlesrrlticil, beforo the lieKlMemnil Uecelror at Until), OriKnu. en I ho 41 It liny of rll, 19IJ t lalmant name as vrttiH'tscs: rreil Hamm, Uaj v llarrnn, Alex llarron, Nathaniel tlt'iiiivy, nil of Hunts, Oregon. vt. Kahkk. Iluaister NOTK'K VOl PUIU.ICArlON. Unit n t , I iMiinm k Hum, OreRim, Kcbrtiar) 7, ISU. NotlfolN lurch! tilven that Itav V. llarmt. t of liurm, Orexun. who, on IHvuntber at, I90, maJolloineleil entry No. ?S7.Ser!al So mil;. lor an .. m-ciioii w,ToTniiiii w-'ouin, lungr It Kast. Willamette Meridian has llle.l nolbcof tntrmloii to tunic Final File Year Proof, to establish claim to tho land aliovu ileserlbv.1, before tho Reenter ami lleeelrer. at Hums, Oregon, on tho -It li ilar of Airll. 1111. Claimant names aa v tine. sis: Fre.t Harnui. vle ilarrnn.Nathati et llcnner, FJnantl'. titjtlenlon, allot llitrna, Orr-gun. Wm Fabric, Register. Notke of final Settlement. like they have, just because they have the advantage and can. If these men once turn to the east ern market it will be hard to get them back soon. The Portland buyers will find their good stuff all gone and then they will have to pay dearly to get it back. All these men want is fair treatment and a steady market; it is these radical changes that are ruining business. Why can not the packers and the shippers get together and come to a stable basis? The success of one de dends on the other. If such an understanding could be had. the packers, averaging up the entire year, would get their supply just as cheaply, while shippers and feeders could work on a smaller margin and still be assured of a profit In tho nnmeof tlio State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint 8led against you in the aliove entitled suit within Six WeCkBfrom tho date of the first publi cation of this summons, to-wit: Satur day February 10, 1912; and if you fall to so appear and answer, for want thereof, platntill will take judgement against you for the sum prayed for in plaintiff's complaint to-wit: Tor the sum of flSS.OO with interest hereon from the first day of July, 1911, at the rate of O.per cent per annum, and Ins cots and disbursements of lliii ac tion. This Summons is published In The Times-Herald once each week fur six consecutive weeks, ending with the pub lication of March 23rd, 1912, by order o the Hon. Grant Thompson, Judge of the County Court of the'Stnte of Oregon, for Harney County. Geo S Sizeiiore, Attorney for Plaintiff. For rheumatism you will find nothing better than Chamber lain's Liniment Try it and see how quickly it gives relief. For sale by all dealers. PETITION FOR LIQUOR LICENSE. We, the undersigned legal voters and actual residents of Alberson I'reciiicl, Harney County, Mate of Oregon, to grant a license to II. I.. Hnrt to sell SpiritouB Malt and Vinous Liquors in less quantities than one gallon in Alber on Precinct Harney County, State of OregOD, for the period of six months, a in duty bound no will ever pray, and we further say that we have actually re sided In said precinct at least 30 dajs immediately preceding the date of sign ing and filing this petition. Names Names S. 8. I. Schenk, M D. Geo. M. Watson Executor's Notice of Sale of Real Proper!). Sam Midwinter Sam Elliott S. Albertou Fred Clark E. K Lewis James Havdei Walter Brooknhiro Mike Fuller A. Glfford l'aniel J. Ryan John Ileliien Emery Hill It. A. Smith M. Bernard M. It. Alberson O W. Wood J. O. Alberton Thos. Ileevvy And notice is hereby given that the said II. L. Hart will apply to the above entitled court lor uch license on the first day of May 1912. Dated this 15th day of March, 1912. Date of first publication, March 23, 1912. II. L. IIAIiT. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that pursuant to an order of the Count) Court of the State of Oregon, for Mal heur County, duly made and entered on ihe 2Ut diy of September, 190$, author izing, licensing and empowering me so to do, I will on and after the 15th day of April, 1912, duly sell at private sale to the highest bidder for cash in hand, all the right, title and interest of Estato ol Jenkin D. Jenkins, Deceased, in and to the following described real propertv vitiated and being Ilarnej County .State of Oregon, to-wit: Lots Four (I) and Five (5) of BlocK six (6) Browns' Addition to the town of Burns, Oregon, according to the official maps and plats of said town of record n the office of tho County Clerk of said Harney County, Oregon. All applications to purchase said above described real property should be addressed to Jobn Wood, Executor, Ontario Oregon. Dated this the lGth day of March, 1912. Last publication April, 13, 1912. JOHN WOOD, Execu tor of the Estate Jenkin D.Jeiikin, Deceased. In the County Court of tho Statu of Ore gon for Harney Comity. In the matter of Jason Bennett, De i'iMird. To all persons Intereslod take notiru that the undersigned Executor of the last Will and Tentninent and IMntoof Jason Bennett, deceased, hni filed his final acciinnt, and that by order of tl o County Court uf r-nld Harney County, Oregon, duly nuulo and entered, Mon day the 8th dny of April at 1 o'clock p. m. at the Court House in Hum, Ore gon, has been appointed as the lime and place for the hearingof objections to e.iid tiual account and for tho settlement thereof; all (K-rsuns interested must tilt, their objections, if any, on or before said appointed da). D.ted March -Itli, 1912. I. L Poujadk, Executor NOTICE VOW PUBLICATION UNITED STATUS I.V.XP OFFICE, i Uurna, Oresoii. March C, IU-' I Koike la herein given that Morris J Nash of Ilurui, Ori'n.m. who, on June .' i, fix; ihh.Ii lloinealea.l ctrry No '.Til, s-rlat No tf.lM for VVijNKi, anil K',NVV', section .'I, Townniin ib ., Ratine St h Willamette Meridian hu nlcJ nutltenf Intention to male final Fl Year l'roof.to utablifh elalln to Ihe lam! above lecriteJ, before the Register inn! r.ci elver at niun. Oregon, on the IMInlny of irll !'u Claimant uamea a uitneres Altxrt r.irter, Irani. Maimer Kilwanli Fgglet-ton.l harlei V Rieil.allof lltlrni.Oreguu I FlUKE, Itcgi'ltr NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. IIMTKII PTiT1 I VNI UIFICh I Hum. Oregon, fibrua ."J vJli I Notfrels hereby ilien l hi I.' i n K t n!ef of Riley, Oreron. . Iio on April raj?, maile hoinieteail intry v.. .MR -ettal S.. ixrj!.1, Ir .-F.'i !-ectJ,m .', T.iiihii .1 S lunge -F.ast, Willamette Me'iiUn. ttan Mini mine ol liilenilnn to in 1. 1 1- Final llv0ar It . ,r to tKtabth (.laini to IIk I tml mImiv , tjei il,,i before the ltegit,t.r ai.o lt..i- (i urli Oregon, on the lull i!av ,. l,nl I i l lalinanl uame-t aa u ltn -r K R Lrtiler. LtfelrrWi IIhui. 11 J VVllitMtii O L llembree, all of Riley. Orecoii m FjiKKr. Reenter NOTIPK KOK I'UBLtOATION. (1NITKD s TVTK8 LAND OFFICE, I Rurna Oreron, MawU i, WIS i Notice la herein given thai Thorn) 11. Reek, linrtia, Oresoii. who, on June. 13, iwn, sent 1', in to, made llontcieail Knlry No.iUJI, serial ftilT.v, Aihtlllmiai lliiineneail Hiitrv No .!, reaectUel. (or W,NK', hUNWjf ml W' NWU.ee ,lonlil S , Range ill K , VV II lametle Meridian, haa llle.1 notkuot tiilentlou to make Hnal Five Year I'nnif, In eitabllali claim to the laml alsivo deaerlbeJ. before tlie RegUler am! Re. elver, al lliirn), Oregon on the lain ! of irtl. ItH Clatmani na a a wltncaaeai Henry l. Ulai k. M i Naah, licit Roder, I s Ijler, nil cf llnina Oregon. Wm. FAmit, Register NOTICK KOU PUBLICATION. I'MTkU STATga t.ANIl OrrlCK lliiiu, Origim, March 4, 191.' Notice ta hereto glvcnthat Ohrlatoner F W Itaiien, ot Natron a Oregon, who, on October I'JIO, minle llomealuul Kntry No.tVtfiJ , forNK", aettlonl toMiahii.'! , Rangcat K. Wlllamelie Merlillan, North Malt our Ijtke.haa nie.1 nolli of intent Ion ton ake final Commutation I rool tne'.lahllHli caim to the laml ntxivoiteai'rilieil. tiefore tho RegUler nml Rwelver, Kt Rurna Oregon, on me i.'tn ia) ni ,rn, IV1J. Claimant name as ullneaaeat CharliK llei'khana. Sat llenney, l.eo Alitor Frank llrouu, nil ol Niirrona, Oregon. W M. FAKitK, Register "OCIKTIKS. It.VRNKY I.OD0K, NO. 77, I. O O F. Meela every flurday III 0;M Fellow Mall ,17 JO in. Dr. 1 W. Ileal) Arltmr Morton, Secretary. , N. u I "g ee work as Wlewi: First Valnnlar I til llaloty. seeoiol Satntilav, Hist p.gueilhlr.l "atut.lay. Hecon.1 Degree! loutlh faliihla) fhtrJ Degree. lit RN.S I.ODOK NO. 17, A F, A M., Meets every llrst am! Ililnl ralnula) linaeli uu.nlh J. M. Dallon, W M am Moihershea.l, Cecretar) , M UIMIN VVOOIlMKNOFAMKttlOA Meets erery seeonJ and fourth Friday even lute al I. 0.0 F. Mall! all uclghbota Invited New amilleatila will receive courteous treat men'.. M.A lllggs, V t V T I ester. Clerk. $1500 Reward! eon ifornlaaud Nevada Ute.-itiuk t'roti. lion a lallono! which tho under alguett la member, will give 11,010 tvi rowanl forv evl denee leading to the arrest and con viction of any par ty or parlies steal ing horses, ealtli or mutes tn longing Inanrol Us mem teis In addition in the nbme. Hie nndiislgned olleis tliennu .iiidltloii J.4H1UI for al horse) branded horse shod, baron both or either Jaw. Uraud reeorli In ,dght comities Range llaruey. Lake am! Crook conntt, Morse) vent.sl when sold. None but grown horses sold and on!) In argebunehes W W RROWV. Fife, nregon VS? ill'KSf) I'llAM FR NO tO, O. K. t. Meets every sectiud and foiitlti Monda)s, In Masonic Mall. Veil Welcome, W. M MlaHwtek.Meenlar). SY1 VIA KKIIKKAII DKIIRKK No.lJ. Meelaevery Island Sd Wednesday, M)ra King, N. tl. Mtia Wiseman, Rec Sec'i. rut K I'IRCI.K No. IU, VV, of W. Miela every fourth Tuesday. Maud Morion, (I. M HiMerUooduiau, Clerk. OFFICIAL DIitKCTOIlY )TATI OHtOOM Cougfessmeu Wtortiey Ueneral Oovernor -Seretary ol stale Ireasurer Supt. I'ubllc Instruction Mtate t'rlnler WHTOVN -Webster's New International Dictionary THE MERRIAM WEBSTER? Because " new crea. TION, covorinit every field of tho world' thouaht, action and culture. Tiie only new unabridced dictionary In many years. Because " deflne over 400,000 rruc.ia,- monj iiiLa ever Jonathan Itonruo Ir ICivw K ChamU'Tlain iV It Fills I J W llawlry A M Crawford Oswald est r VV lleusoii r II ha) I. It Alderman VV S Dnlililsy I Itobt kakln Kates (T A Mellrlde iwll lliirmit I. s llean F A Moore riupreuie Judges NINTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT District Judge . Dallon gga District Attorney J VV Vln ih Deputy Dlat Ally Clli.uuai,! Circuit Court meela tho Hist Muuday In Vprll and Out Monday In OiioUr Joint Senator ... . 1 I'.rrlsh Jolut Reprtaeutatlre vv II litooke OOUIITY HAKrltt ! County Judge lerk treasurer stirrevor NOTICE KOK PUBLICATION CNlTEDSTVTK-i UMIOFFK F.. 1 Burns. Ore, rebruary ."J IdJ t Notlie isheieb) gllenlhat K u.si It 1 rMler of Riley, Oregon, who, on April 1 , piuT, ma. a Home lead euir) No tftta -erial No ij-.... for tlit1, sutlon 10, Township .'IS. Range A i VV fllarneltu Morl.llan, haa lilet notice on luten tion to make Final JMveear Proof, tu es tab lib claim to Ihe land above deacribeil, be fore the Reglste and Receiver, al Burns, Ore gon on the nth -lav uf April, 1912 'Claimant names as witueshea Ft. K Crvdcr.LtsterWIUIaina . R J Uliliam, O. L, Hern l.ree. all of Riley, Oregon, W. FinnE. Register before appeared between two coven, j -00 l'uges. 6000 II- jusiratioiin. Became " the only dictionary - with tho now divided page. A "Stroko of Oenlu." Because " ' an encyclopedia la a single volume. Because ii ,8 "oopled by the Court), School and Preiia aa tho ono supremo u fiorO". Because ho wh knows Wla Success. Let ua tell you bout thia new work. Oram 1 l.mopaon h II Waters Simon leuls 1. V SUalrr A. K. Rlrhardsoii J J Dulugan I VI llalulllon J W tieary John liulluiou If.. I' Svlvi-sler JU A smylh County Court metis the first VViduelay In January, March, May, July, Sepi.inber ami November riherld Assiaaor School suerliiteudeul Coroner dtoek Inspector.... Commissioner HABNIY V. ). LA Nil orrtl Kegister Keielver The Times-Herald is offirinii'iiuMl athwlivr Clubbing to it Hiilmcrib m nt pri'set! THE TIMES-HERALD One !i'(tr with the Portland Weekly Orejronian $2.50 Portland Semi-Weekly Journal $2.50 S. F. Weekly Examiner . $2.65 Thrice-a-Week N. Y. World $2.50 Semi-JFeekly St. Louis Republic $2.35 Farm Progress VllViK ( every paid in ndvnncc Rulisoriher (Jet one or more of these good papers in connec tion with The Times-Herald for the lonjf win ter evenings. Call and got Clubhinir Trices JOB PRINTING Tlic Tiiiifi.llcrnltl Prrimrrtl In tin Ihr rry Ileal nml .Most SntNfnrliiry Work In tltU line. t two nil llic LATEST TYPE FACES ami :t very I'oinplclr Line FIRST-CLASS STATIONERY PltOKICaSIONAI. TARik, Wm. MILIEU .TTOUNICYAT,a' lliiril, ()nK, ii.... t ....1 ,. i".H,in 11 nioi ,11,1 , j, u C. A. REMB01 Attorimy-nl Line, Uurns, Orejion, Ullllwl I IU 1 aiuiM. 11. AtTOHNKV-AT I My Oivrtiful itHtinlloii (-Ivcii i0 11011H nun itcai KHtntr u, I'lro Itimiriin., Notitry Pill,!,,. IhlliNM. o,,k(l(lx CllrtRhOS W. PI.LIS LAWYER iiunm, - . ( SI ... I I.. .1 ... . 1 1 in-1 1 rm 111 inn niitiii 1 ,i(t inn tint K.H. IjiikI (III,,, A. W. GOWAN A'lTOIlNKV-AT-Ul .Stuto ( otirlH niiil lritit,.,j Uiiitl Olllfo rr.uiic, 'HIIVO (KM)ITiSulllll 1'ftkl llnnii'y County Nutmiinii HiiniH, Oivvn. Dr. Minnie llanj' Physician and Surj La won. Ore. Win Karri Km 11k Iimi CUT. UUHKS' W. W. DRI6MKWATER Mayur, Kvcurucr, lreiurer .rr,l.l, I I""" to scliua a ur H1IU4 pa. CIC HUMAM CO. rakttrs. Sprlatn.U. H.-. littoatUtp,r,nunrux a xl JfUrt am. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. UMTKl) hliTEJJ UNOOrUCE, I liuniB, Ortg'ju, March 19, 1912 I Notice I) hereby clven thai C)renu W Kel lore.' ol lUrrltnun Ortgon.ulio un March if, 1907,cisdollomtitead tiari No :&, Serial .So OM98 tor SWBt. Siit i-ec. J. tJi'.i-tU, Section S, Township 2S s, Kange 33 E, Willamette Meridian, haa filed notiio ol luten tion to make Final live year I'roof. to eslahllsh claim to the laud above described, before the Register and Kecelver, al Hums, Oregon, on the 22nd day of April 1D1J Claimant names as vt itucssea Npo!en P Illddle, John J Heinz. Unbert C uelnz. all of llarrluian, Oregon, Andrew K. Jackson, of Hums, Oregon Wm Kakiik. ReElster In the County Court of llio Statu of Ore gon for Hurney County. In the matter of thu est.itu of I'rank Dickcueon, deceased. NOTICE OF JICAKINO OF FINAL ACCOUNT Notice is hereby given to nil tg whom it may concern that the undersigned having filed his ilnal acoonnt In the above entitled estate as administrator thereof praying for 1111 order bottling the same and distributing the same. Tho Court has appointed Mondaj the 6tb day of April 1912 at ten o'clock a tn. lor the hearing of objection!) to such final account and at the Court House in Burn, Oregon, us tho place for such hearing and settlement. Dated atriums, Oregon on thu 12 da) of March, 1011'. J. M. DAITON, Administrator SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the Slate of Ore gon for Harney County. C. II. Leonard, Plaintiff, vs. A. E. Young, Defendant. To A. L. Young, Defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are required to appear and answer the complaint in the above entitled suit within six (0) weeks from the dnte of urst publnation of this summons, and If you fail so to answer, for want thereof the Plaintiff will apply to the Court for ute renci prajefl lor in Ills complaint, to-wit: For judgment against you for the sum of f231. -10 with 8 per cent Interest there on from April 29, 1910, less the sum of 175.00 paid July 10, 1910, and 30.00 at torney e fee; For the further sum of 1522.50 with 8 percent intecest thereon from May 22, 1909, less the sum of $140.00 paid on May 30, 1910, and $118.20 paid on December24, 1010,and the lum of $50.00 attorney's fee thereon; For the further sum of 23600.00 with 10 percent interest theron from the 25th (lay ot April, 1910, and $130.00 attor ney's fee; For the further sum of 84000. 0U and $100 00 attorney's fee thereon; Ami aiso loraoecree foreclosing that NOTICfi TO f ItliDITOUS. Notice is hereby given that the un-! dertigned has Utn duly appointed administrator of the estate of Ada U Miller, deceased! by tho County Court ! of the Stateof Oregon, for Harney Ooun I ty All persons having claims against said esljle are liereby notified to present ' them, duly verified as by law required, I . (1. VV . t'lrveiiKt'i .1'. 1. ILu.LII J.C Wt.Uttiiiu.lr ..It I.. Ilaln. s I VV, (J While i A. f. VW-lloim I l-raiia ii-y t.eu tuiiiK Meeting ol Ihe Council even Mrnmil anil Fourth Wedura.tar t'uuiiclliueu Sumpter Valley Railway Co. TIM 12 TAUI.K NO. tl IN JUNK 14, mw. KIKKC'I West Hound. No 1 Pass a. m. No. 0 0 I.v ISaker Oitv SO YEARS' EXPERIENCE to Charles T. Miller, adminiatrator.at his rei-ident in Hums, Harney County, Ore. gon, oral theoifico of J. S. Cook, his attorney, in ISurn, Oregon, within six mouths from the dale of this notice. Dated thh 9th dny of .March 1912. Ciivni.tsT. Milllr, Admiilirtrntorof the list.ite of Ada f. Miller, deceased. J. S. Cooh, Attorney. 1 iiSBiE. Trade Marks Designs Copyrights Ac. Anyone t.pndtn(: asketrh and 4Mcr1tUon mar qn.cftlr nJMTtalri rutrojinlon fruewfiHhcr aa id vent it in l nr. ihr tiMijnisit,ia inmn.iu.ia.. tUj.!iatndlrrnnndtMiUaJ. IIuiiltKtnkba l'atnU ent it. ciMpi tpenrj fur nf-cunm wueni... i'Atfnu ukr-n ihT'.Quh Mann A to. rt.Vj? fyttial natter, without chfinre, in tho Scientific Hmcricati A haniisomdr 111-i.trale.l weeklr. lreeat elr culatloii of any lentldc Journal. I enus, 13 a "Y.!.'.'Vr n","',i', " Bo'lJ ''Tall newsdealers. iHUNN & ro.38'B'. New York llranrh l" aa V Ht.. Washluuton. U.7 9 5 " a 59 10 04 " 10 07 " 10 17 " 10 L.' " 10 'J " 10 ') ' 10 Ki " I II 10 " I II 15 " 11 IU " NOON 12 00 " r. ii. 12 05 " I'.' 10 " 1 10 Ar LOW FARI-S WfiST SPRING COLONIST PERIOD DAILY MARCH 1 TO APRIL 15 TO ALL CENTRAL OREGON POINTS South llaker rJalisbur)t l,ockliurtt Thouipsont StoihUrd Junctioul Water Tanki "Dean's StJtirl .McEwtiif iUNCTIONf aujpU't VUNCTlONt tjiinuniit O L Campt Whitney TITONt Austin Kast Hound. .' l'ass p. in Ar 5 0 l.v fi:L'5 " 5.0(1 " 1:65 " !:& " 1:1.1 " 4:10 " I: " I:: " 4:10 " l:a-i " :M " : 0 " lift ' 00 " '. 10 " '.'.10 Main St., lllncksmidt'uir ;uu Horscslioiiig Wagon Work COOLLY AUTO MATICBRAKES Burns, Orceron, U. UJ. GEARY I'liynll'lltll ami !. UtTtii', - - - (irsftj Olliis' III new hiilMlng ..! fJ ImIiiim nlitip, ii., st 'I'hotio Main Mi DECIMAN fi lirNMAIL1 I'liy., cl.nns nml ' uc(j jt'nll rtii.-i-n-l pnoi.ilv i ihsl ...... , i i muni iiiiiriiiian. Harrlmnn, Orfgon MRRSPEM & GRIFF.!! 2 riiv-ainlitiii" nil. I hii,,.nw. IUIIINH, nrM. b. G. Hllltini;!) 3DE3 3TTIS:i , ilillc.i Ins! diMir lift i'i llitrna. OrrK'in Stop on signalr only. INu agent. Ticket Issued only fur stations where trains are itched tiled ,t make regular stops. I'assengera must purchase tit k ets when agentH exist liefore entering trains or S4 rent In addition to, thu re gular fare will be chargedA JOSEI'U A. WKST. jui4. (UANT.aKDUKS. Asst. Supt. BURNS EVElLLiNC CO. HORTON 6l SAYER, Propts. Rough and! Dressed Lumber,)! Rustic, Flooring, Moulding, Finishing Lumber. I cooper & douce WAiwct .Qmiumlli o. ..,. r-,j o i -vn .ma riyar.itiiic I'm Lumber Yard in Burns. W. C. ISU()vi XDDE3 3sra:xs: llt'UH, (llUS,"-. Oflitii r.Mima H mid i ,Ma. , ... w It i i asr ! g w w ta'aa i. ..,,, ,lt Go To The White Front Livery Stable NEW RIGS AND TEAMS 'Phone to Me for Your Ooctoi Calls. R. .1. AU-KINNOM, Jr., PropricU.r. iiTHfaiinii, vnitr mw Si-wt'ntKc, Water IWj -iirvr). Mp, l'lnimtrii tM 1 IHM'NS, Oi'K(.(N JOHN ROBirJiOl Sloe. Inspector, Harney Cm llixiiK AihlirsH 1-niM I'. I' l)IU!lll 1 r iimiir ,i. Knitliirvr l'i I' m ,.rai.iliu Hrt A. tl Km r in in- min' i " M rsi Hi NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. I MTXn STATES UMi Oifke Hums, UriKuu. UariliS, 1D12 Notice I) hereby given that Harry II Gouldln. ol harrows. Orcfuu, vrho, nn April 2s, Jsfl, wade Uesort-Lanil Entr N'j lljl, s-erlal N. WSM. lorfaUaW',.. P-,ilnn-At iu,,.ki.. 8 . R, S3 K W'lllainetie Mcrlitlun, lias fu,d vuiit-et'i iiiivniiuu tn iiiaae nual i'roul to ta aujisn r uim to me jauu abuie (li-arrlbeil, be fore tliu Kegister and Ubw ver, al Hums, I 're (on, on Hie itllb day ol April, Uu. (llairuant names ea u Ituessea qeorne Mculareu. William HiClareu.Cl.arUs Wilier, Joaepb Hector, all of Hums, urK"n. NOTIUK FOR l'UIJLICATION. DDilellaliitatea for UNUt., Bc Kauil tt'.SWlf, i?eetlnu aa. Tn...Li..il u i,.n..u t v , ill.?:- ... ..r iun.ui.i s , , .nn fv I. , IlllinilllfllO lefl- dlan, has filed nollr-t) of Intenliori to make Una! rive-Year 1'ioof, loi-.lal.IUIi claim tu the laud bove ilMrrllwcl, tK-foru I lip llealster aud Ktoelvrr, al lluma, Ori'itou. nn I lie lutudsy o( 111)-, ll. Claimant uauics as witnesses IJorser V vvllllatiir, Harcellus II Hates Bailey lla)ea, Ucott 1 1 a) is, all ol ljmeu Ore on, Wm, fiKic ltcjiiattr certain mortgage made and executed bj j-ou to iininiui on April ."J, JU1U, upon the R. 35 feet of the W. G5 feet of I.nr h in Block 5, and the 13. 35 feet of the W 00 feet of Lot 7 in Hlock 5, in the City of Ilurn, Harney, County, Oregon; Ahoforeclosinf; that certain mortgage made and executed byyou on the 22 day of May. 1909, toone Joseph Sturteram, uu 3ijicu tu j-juinuu on x.,ois i, i Si 8 in Iliock 14, in the City of Uurns. Harney County, Oregon; nitu lurrciusing inai certain mortgage made and executed by you on the 25th uay oi ,,pni, 1910, to J. C. liyrd and T A Cole and assigned to Plaintiff upon the Nli'i of Sec, 30, Tvvp. 23 S , Itange 31. li. V. M.j Lots 1, 2. 7 cc 8 in Hlock 1 1 in the Citv of Hums, Harney County, Ori'gon j and that certain band of horses belonging to you and consisting of uliout GO head, consisting of marra geitinigi, coirs anu Horses, brand ed V on left hind leg, Also foreclosing that certain mortgage made and executed bv vou to Mitchell. l.evis ic Staver Co. on the 0th day of .'ti,iciiujii iziiv, iinu assigneu 10 i'jain till, upon the Ulili of Sec. 30., Twp. 23 S., Range 31 B, W. M.j Lots 1 , 2, 7 & 8 in Hlock 14: the B. 35 ft. of thr V. its ft in Lot 8 iliock 5, and the IJ 35 ft of me vv . iaj it. in Lot 7 Jilock 0. in the (My of Hums, Harney County, Oregonj and also upon all of the tjersounl property mortgaged and described therein; And for his costs and disbursements tn this auit, anil for such other and further relief ns to equity may pertain. j ins summons is puuiijlita in The MJKEEE li'J'Vj OregonTrunkRy. CENTRAL OREGON LINE FROM Chicago Cincinnati. Milwaukee St. Louis. New York Detroit $33 00 37 90 31 50 . . 32 00 . . . 50 00 38 00 $25 00 25 00 . 25 00 27 85 33 05 25 00 SI. I'aul Kansas City Omaha Di'M AloineK Indianapolis Dl'llVlT From Other Eastern Points in nr.i.irtinn. JlZl$ ,1"' moving Northern Pacific, Great Nor; "North 1" d S Trunk Hallways. h" iurIZtXTili7LWthh m aml WMl hwM ticket w-' Details will be furnished on reauesl. ))r tR aC9M nNI Gen1era1 ProWit and Pas.senuer Aut. II HAH KCL, AkL, Redmond, Ore.; J. H. COHHK'IT, AbL, Wend. Ore." Haknky Vallky Hki-Avia '.uu.oox FENKINS & KAISER, Propricrrs Sloy's Restaurant WINES LIQJJOES WD CiGARS n-.n.U..L-.n, BeSt alldl mSt PPuIar bran XiOCAI BEER ON TAP Courteous and obliin bar tenders Burns. - Oregon J. R. STOV, I'roprMon Lunches, short order, !.,, Ifreatl, cakes, etc. etc.. F'AAill.Y TRADR SOMCITI-I). liasleni Oregon liiiginwi Company :CHII. AND IRIIIGATION im Hums. DrcRnii IInitkm hri, l.ihi.n..i. . llurus. orca-on, ilarcli n iJia Times-Herald, a wteklr newstiaoer uub- Holler Is herebv Kheti that Arthur ( niray. Iishfd and of eeneral circulation in liar Honorable Grant Ol lvvon. Orciyu. vtbouu N'uviuilKr.iii, l-arn, nev fontv. Oreiron. liv nn nnlsmf H,. ."''l".??.r!f.ry,9i''S. HnnnmluV (Irant Tlln..rK ,,"... JtidKe of Harney County, Oregon, duly made aud catered herein on the 0th day of March. 1012: which said order direct ed that this summons be published for a period of six weeks; the first publication of this summons was made March 0, 1012 J W Dices and 0, H Lboniiui. Attorneys for Plaintiff fDIGNimHB" THE .. .... . r K.. . ' IMiMife rrt- mmv,, mv. ., hn, Ami far s'gia.'auj.? I I Thia 1. tl.. ,11. a. - ....... .. " ... . """ "' uinui i-!jee uooK. which wll show any boy or jjlrl how to BUUOEtD Drop a pons! In th mall TOIMV and It will bo sent F't?E Tb,lm of th) College la toolgnlly and populai,, the Industrie), and to aurve ALL tho peorile H on 'r! eour)) In Aerleultur), Civil Englneurlnif, Electrl a" eerlng roreatry, Doraestlo. Science auj Art. Com taeie Hiir. ncy and M"alc Tb CotleCa open) Boi,ti A COl.1 Jl c 1 ''ai Ir.j: i WI7777M 'Lri,. 'in ii sTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaT.mXJ'aTsT.TljmaMaj M - tsaTal IbTsjTsjTsjTsjTsjTsjTsjTsjTI II las I- i f N JM H H B Jt f Ml 3. xeiMM I a " m4MF r 1 i ,Jsenftntinf5Djm LT Ihis VS ft .uccaemaaai ovsatrsix camu ICi I'Ynginfvi LLI'boii.f.r; rifle in. built SettlpI J.,.i;-. where good range. Mr! vav.J. power are desired, with, -safety to the netehborhnorr . ' '- THE TIIVIES-H!IFP?ALD Job Printing . Tho Btmli .2SJO I,- ii.,, .,,.,. "ncuing, fine!:tlancer ' 1...V l'S iu-c i leattueAv, Wo nod ( in notioa. ",')rnaJa sous lh bow.. wh sr . no" earn- ...wul Hcuoa. r'ulncwlilkl, powd. nJ,lTa n,.-""l:"'n "-"- r.nfl tOTVl,rl,, "2" f" odchuclis, utn.' jrhlsrlfl.-.nd.n. "in. ana mi j!, --r u..i,iu.Q liout "ft-pag eatamr, lfie f I slaoijj.'tKi,i.. yrvarMsCa, ijilfiH'GRADE MALNNF'RY1 WRITE FORSPCCIAL'CATALOO AND PRICES THEArlAVEmLLMACHIHERVOL , SPOKAMC. WA5M.-P0RVLAND.0nE..- .'All J0SC CAC KrmirmiYxssaMx&uaFrru on irkxy lorji MM. E. A. SHAFER Civil liiijjinccr Jun. Mom. (Irtjon Society ol I'n.lmtrii l1-. S. Mineral Surveyor for M'c llbli'icl f Oregon lownsilc Surveying n SPECIALTY NarDW8, Oregon The Lone Star Restaurant AH TOT, I'n.priHor Oiliiiniir S .(, M. mxl,, t'-lilMliM, , J,,hH. I r'i t.i . ... m i lie waslimgion Kcswi All TOY, IVoprielor Iry brick bulldldjj, I'osl Office n Tho lull of fro include thiiiK' I ho uiurkiiL nironl.- ortlcrH a Hiiccinlty. Hi.wl Hale. (!ivt him a call. MOTE'S CANDY STO! I Has Just received a frcsli l.il of jCANDJI:Sf CIGARS JOIW Nrv and liaiidriiiiiic rtw (iirrJH, Hliiiimicry, Ink. IViiK. IViu'IIh, Novell irsi. AsnaaivoFBiw candy -lip Fine nsMirtiniMil of iv,rlM8 1. M. MUTI-. Ilurn,0j5ii juiin ji;miii;immii ir Kllllllll rviBHiis nr Run Houas Bakeny r, eonneotion A Spccialiv if Sliorl Orderj. Tallin riiu.iHi.r,, nlil, i-vvrvlliIiiK Il.i.iirk.t HTr, your tri. i'K')i)iillclluiI, &m cap Itnvolor. Optician Idiitrra vol'. I'lne Watch Kfpuirliij A chilly, nil Si