'? -,.3?" V. !G& Times-ftcrald I.AIKIKBf CUMULATION OK KWMI'AI'KH INTIIIHCOUVIY (r2i v WaIEs 1EES ' widBR i, ,jT TTT; vvmT A 'S5 1 U1!fifir MTM : iff I . Sfc'ta J C TDIIDAY, MAHUII 111, MM. Local News. eondH urn improvinK. untied corn $!I.2Ij n chhc ii Mcrcuntilo Co. Midwinter and wife wore fivtKeTSty diiritur tho week. en!iiK and 1'rcHHinfr neatly (lonOikfcSCIIKNIC &. WII.I.IAMH. iHeSfflour (Kunrnntoo) .$8.r0 hblrlMnrriinan Mercantile Co. ClovcnRcr pnyn tlio IiIkIichI nittrltRfprico for hides and furs. ;(JkW& Shown wan over from iihrneylthc first of this week on businees. Hfjft Molloao Iiiih fine pota tocarKcd on dry land. See him fjnyour muiply. HlwiRodt'r and Henry Hlack ffyergffl(nK our Sunset visitor! Hrhurfaday. ,jJcok Haley waa in the oily durinffSthi' week attendiiur to HorneiMisincsH. voumliould inupccL tlio fine as-j sqrtinwit of Wall Paper at Luna-1 1 burgftjDnlton & Co'ii. i A' u A,vyealor aim wile are in the !; city from their Crane Cieek ;'jli6me.f NEW SHOES FOR MEN. WO- MENglNI) CHILDREN JUST AlUUVKD. I. SCHWARTZ. .A J" Jl Saac I-'oHtur and Carrol Cecil 'and'son Homer were over from JSilver'creek the fore pari of this $C?f; Lundy, your Home Hnt tcr.Cleaniinr, Blocking and TrimminK. Old Hat.s made new for JlTOO and up. AmrKe company of invited KUjgaparticipated in a dance at f(yn''ly the ladies' Auxiliary of Uiojro department. JjUTpF TOWN TAXPAYERS 2'tThellIarney County National lHkwill be pleased to at (end ')Uh payment of your taxes ,sj uiMin receipt of your iiiHtructioiiH. KJfflHoliwtoiiaiiil Tom Allen t'WavelGeen in from the Sod Iloiihc aJMIlttneh this week :ih wit- irHfl8Sjliti the case iiKiiinst the , StuCnglcrs accused of horse steal- Gwidid ites will find a supply titioiiH for nomination at the primaries at The Times- office. They are pre fer both county and dis- offices. STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION OF THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK BURNS, OREGON at the clone of business February 20th, 1012 RESOURCES Loans and Discounts $2ri9,G24.1G U. S. IIoihIh 1)0,000.00 Honds and Securities 81,8&3.rj5 Premium on U. S. Honda 2,000.00 Real Estate, Furniture and Fixtures G.GK25 Five per cent Redemption Fund 1,2(30.00 CASH 110,511.05 $10-1,8511.00 LIABILITIES Capital $ 25,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profit . . G8,!MM.G9 Circulation 25,000,00 DEPOSITS :M5,!)28.:n ? 101,853.00 Capital and Surplus -590,000.00 United Slates Depositary Ovefion Slate Depositary Accounts Invited ! I 1 mm ,)mm i 17-ns.""1 inetnw ,iw tUlrier memm 'SFJohn uw;nMTMM ;G. South, one of the pio- wwiyyears was one of the trust Qllmiployes of the late Peter tVegck came in last Sunday and Bptfljfcevcral days Kroctiiitfold frend8. IFrank A. Cole has announced "atgfcndidnte for the office of ' sheriff.' Mr. Cole has been a re- .wdenft'of this city for several yJgf!gbeinK the owner of the Qverktid hotel. Ho has been line IllMTWKcr for the KcIIokk hUiro illnSsfor some time and is well 1:nwn to the voters. KRli:i In thiscilvon March . Holm and Miss Eleanor n, Justice Randall ner- fortnintr the ceremony. Mr Holm fsaMincctcd with the Hurns-Iiend ConStlldatcd Auto Co. and has bSnjiioro sinco last fall. The Jri4!ja a recent arrrival from h?tknd, her father beinjr in thltTfeity. Few tons of alfalfa hay for VulcaniziiiR at GemberlinK's. sale. Miss Lkna Haukby. A. E. Murphy is in from Iron Price Cochran wns over from, Molntain. Diamond Wednesday. Suits to your measure $11.50 and up. Scuhnk & Williams. Clovenjier pays the highest market price for hides and furs. John Oardwasamontfour husi ness visitors from Lawen during tho week. Dry slab and pine wood $0.50 and $7.00 per cord, cash only at Lumber yard. Winona wagons are the best. For sale by Harriman Mercantile Co. Hayles & McDonald, Koneral contractors and builders, have an ad in this issue. Five hundred score cards and pencils at The Times-Herald office. Dr. Harry Iine of Portland has announced his candidacy for U. S. Senator. Suits mnde to your measure $11.50 and up. Sciiknk & Williams Roy Hunynrd has established a lumber yard in Harney and is prepared to fill orders there es pecially for rotifdi lumber. Fou Sam: -A well drill, three-vear-old mare, five-vear-old mare. both broken, !5$ Mitchell wagon. Hr.NitV Black. Hums. Oregon. &S3MA mm IGmwo 4 i sMRSbSE MIHBIlii".. lflHH Neil Dawson and Miss Claud ine Raker, of Drewsey, were among the out of town young people who attended the dance at Tonawama Thursday evening. The chorus choir of the Pres byterian church had a delightful social at tho home of Mr. and Mrs. 1. S. GecrTuesday evening. An organization was perfected with Waldo Geer president and Miss Roberta Hibbard secretary treasurer. A pleasant evening was spent and light refresh ments were served. Robl. S. Grant Jr. has his an nouncement in this issue for the olllco of asbessor. Mr. Grant re sides in Waverly precinct mid has quite an extended acquaintance throughout the county, having traveled over it more or less since coming here to reside a few years ago. A large stock of wall paper at Lunaburg, Dallon & Co's. Rag carpets woven -IlKNUY ElCMNi:u, Harney. Oregon. .'J00 assorted magazines for sale !$ for ton cents. Inquire here. Easter is not far oir. How about that new suit? See Sciiknk &. Williams. Scott Catterson eaine in from his home in the Steens Mountain section Wednesday. NEW SHOES FOR MEN. WO MEN AND CHILDREN JUST ARRIVED. I. SCHWARTZ. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Smyth are in the city fiom their home in Happy Valley. Rough and dressed lumber of all kinds now on hand at the Williams Hros. Saw Mill. Rough lumber $15 per thousand. Archie McGowan the Land Man wants a little confidential chat with you about anything you have to sell. A. Dunn will deliver good, wild hay at your barn for $10.00 per ton. She springstock is in HOES tlTTON SHOES fl SHOES I Schwartz L A T IC S T S T V L E S SHOES DAINTY pumps L A It a E V A R I U T Y, TIES, SUPPERS SHOES MASONIC BUILDING - Special Coat Sale. All Ladies' and Childrens' Coats ' percent oil. Sweater coats 25 per cent off and a reduction on all Winter Clothing. A. K. RicilAitDSON. Fred II. Peters is a candidate for County Commissioner and bis announcement appears in this is sue. He is one of the energetic young farmers of this county and has many friends and ad mirers among his acquaintances. J. F. Million came in from his Anderson Valley home Thursday and reports the roads much bet ter in the northern part of the valley. They have had some severe storms over in his section which caused considerable mud. ' He reports stock doing well. N. P. Riddle was in Wednes day making proof on his home stead. Ho was assisted by ,'. J, Heinz, Jerry Dillon and W. II. Robins. Mr Riddle says they have been plowing for the past month in his neighborhood and a considerable acreage will be seeded. Mrs.rj. W. Craig, of Portland, arrived here this week, and is so favorably impressed with the country that nhe has written back for her husband to come out and look it over. Mrs. Craig mot the Wilsons during their winter vacation trip and was at tracted to Harney County by Chnrley'a enthusiastic talk. r i , ri -v... ii i. in. wiiiiuii, lieu, flukey, Robt. Hudspeath and Engineer Reery loft for Portltand Tuesday to attend court the ease being a water suit in tho federal court instituted by the P. L. S. Co. againstsevcral. Others go down later among them being Dr. Geary, John Gilcrest, R. D. Cooper mid C. F. McKinnev. NEW 1012 SPRING GOODS. Just received bv stage at Rrown's Satisfactory Store first showing of New Spring Silks. These goods are exclusive in de sign. This beautiful lino of Silks consists of Foulards, Voiles, Silk Ginghams, Chiffon Talietas, Grcpo Chnrmense, Crepo Me teors, Crepe do Chine and Nai sonns, You will find n stock of goods in these items that have tho Style, Ueauty and Quality, N. HROWN& SONS. Vulcanizing at Gcmberling's. Three room cottage and barn for rent. Inquire at this office. J. T. Garrett and wife came down from their mountain home Thursday. We guarantee every suit to fit prices are right. Sciienk & Williams. J. A. Williams is over from Ontario to close up the sale of his land over on Calamity to the Western Farm & Cattle Co. Go to the White Restaurant for Chicken Supper Wednesday and Sunday evenings. J. E. Stoy, Prop. Thoroughbred white leghorn eggs for Bale, $2.50 per setting of fifteen. Milton Gi:kii Biiown. Hetter see W. T. Smith about that Farm Pumping Engine so as to have it ready for work when the time comes. Mrs. Geo. Sizcmore, agent, for Victor Ladies' Tailoring Co., in vites the ladies of (Jurns to call and see new spring samples. .' r Cim Vrv iu linmo frnm !i Vfip.'i- tion visit to outside points. He spent several weeks in Seattle and reports having had a very pleasant vacation. Clay Clemens mill is the near est one to Burns where all kinds of lumber both rough and dress ed can be had. Near Canyon road. Call him by 'phone. Watch Burns Grow. Jackson Hros., hide and fur house, Baker Oregon, are in the market for hides, furs and pelts and will pay the highest market price. Address us at Burns and we will call on you We, won't buy any beavers. ' Tnm Rfitrnra nrrivwl hnmo Tuesday from Portland where he spent the winter. He is looking well and has gained some flesh. Tom says he will go out on the homestead in the near future. Customers and otb'jrs desiring us to settle their taxeswillplca.se bend us sheriff's statement of the amount due together ith Instruc tions Tor payment or same. FIRST NATIONAL BANK of BURNS. OREGON. The Times-Herald is informed that Mrs. Hughs has resigned her position in the public school and will go to the homestead. Miss Enid Cawlfield will fill her place for the rest of the school year. We have decided to discontinue our line ot alcohols and liquors and have some sweeping re ductions in price. Now is the time to lny in a supply before the stock is exhausted. It will not last long at the price we are mak ing. We will sell you a good article at $3.50 per gallon. BlIKNS Dni'AUTMENT STORE. Vulcanizing at Gemberling's. See Archie McGowan the Land man about it. Alfalfa and other grass seeds at the Burns Department Store. STUDEBAKERWAGONS 2i inch Studebaker Wagon, $75.00; sells for $95.00. 2J inch Studebaker Wagon, $80 00; sells for $100.00. Studebaker Buck board, $105.00; sells for $125.00. Studebaker Single Buggies, $50.00; sell for $100.00. These goods must be sold at once. N. BROWN & SONS. Agents. missioner of Harnev County, subject to the decision of the re' publican voters at tho primary election to be held April 19, 1912. FltCI) II. PfiTKKS. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of sheriff of Harney County, subject to the decision of the republican voters at the primary election to be held April If), 1912. F. A. Com:. FOR COUNTY ASSESSOR. I hfreby announce mysely as a candidate for Assessor of Har ney County subject to the deci sion of the republican voters at the primaries on April 10. If nominated and elected I shall give my personal attention to the office and conduct it in the waj my conscience tells me is right. I am under no obligations to o political boss or ring of any kind Rout. S. Gkant, Jit , Waverly, Oregon. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Sur veyor of Harney County, subject to the decision of the democratic volqrs at the primary election to be held April 19, 1912. C. E. Beery. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of School Superintendent of Harney coun ty, subject to the decision of the republican voters at the primary election to be held April 19, 1912. L. M. Hamilton. To the voters of Harney, Grant and Malheur ceunties: I am asking for the nomination for District Attorney at the April primary election. I promise if nominated and elected to devote my entire time and energy to the work of this office, and will stand for "Exact justice in all cases, good government, effici ency and economy." I will ap preciate your support and will do my best to justify your confi dence in me. Roiiekt M. Duncan. FOR COUNTY ASSESSOR. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of County Assessor subject to the decision of the democratic voters at the primary election on April 19, 1912. En J. Catlow Political Announcements. 1 hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Coro ner of Harney County, subject to the decision of the republican voteis at the primary election to beheld April 19. 1912. G. W. Cl.EVENOEH. The Progressive Republican Can didate (or Congress. JOHN P. (Jerry) RUSK. "Por Uoosewlt and ProjrrfMslve Pol. IcIch hkhIiihI Tuft and Standpatiiim," AIwih n true friend uf the Oregon S)'hU'iu, Thi'unly candidate for Con. Krt'MH who durvH unpoiie the Taft ad. minUtratiun and the old time political machine. I hereby announce myself n candidate for tho office of Com- I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Sur veyor of Harney County, subject to the decision of the republican voters at the primary election to be held April 19, 1912. Frank R. Gowan. Narrows, Ore. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of clerk of Harney county subject to the decision of the republican voters at the primary election to be held April 19, 1912. E. B. Waters. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of assessor of Harney county, subject to the decision of the republican voters at the primary election to be held April 19. 1912. J. J. DONEGAN. I hereby, announce myself a candidate for the office of trea surer of Harney county, subject to the decision of the democratic voters at the primary election to be held April 19, 1912. Simon Lewis. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of trea surer of Harney county, subject to the decision of the republican voters at the primary election to be held April 19, 1912. R. A Miller. In announcing myself as a can didate for nomination on the re publican ticket for the office of State Senator of tho twenty second Senatorial district, com posod of the counties of Grant, Hiirnoy and Malheur; having signed statement No. 1. The only other promise one can made is to do his very best for the State and District. This I do Wm. Miller, Burns, Oregon. Haying been importuned by a largo number of old time friends I have decided to place my name before the voters of Harney county as n candidate for sheriff subject to tho republican voters at the primary election to be held April 19, 1912. Having resided in this vicinity for twenty-soven years tho people know my char acter and may judge my fitness for the position. W. Austin Goodman. 22nd Senatorial District, compos ed of Grant, Harney and Malheur Counties, subject to the decision of the Democratic voters at the primary election on April 19th. James F. Maiicn. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of sheriff of Harney county subject to the decision of the democratic voters at the primary election to be held April 19, 1912. Sidney Comeoys. At the earnest solicitation of a large number of substantial citi zens and friends throughout the county I have consented to allow my name to bo placed upon the , primary ballot for the office of sheriff of Harney county, subject to the decision of the democratic1 voters at the primary election to beheldAprH 19, 1912. People may judge of my fitness for the, position by m past tecord. A. K. Richardson. I hereby announce myself u candidate for the office of county clerk of Harnev county, subject to the decision of the democratic voters at the primary election to be held April 19, 1912. C. E. DlLLMAN. LESLIE J. AKER Announces candidacy for the Democratic nomination for Dis trict Attorney for Harney, Grant and Malheur Counties, subject to the will of the voters at the pri maries. If nominated and elect ed, will during my term of office endeavor to discharge the duties of the position faithfully, fear lessly and impartially; and will give my entire time to the public cause. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of asses sor of Harney county subject to the decision of the democratic voters at the primary election to be held April 19, 1912. C. A. Brittingham. A bank that extends its facilities only to legitimate transactions; That treats its customers with liberality, olwerving strictly the principle of sound banking; That bases its auccess on the success of its customers; That keeps its organization and equip ment in condition to care for the growing interests of the community Such a bank is" this one and it Jinvitcs tho ac counts of those who desire the boat banking service. HARNEY COUNTYNATIOML BANK of Hums, Oregon United States Depositary for Postal Savings Funds ORIiGON STATf: DEPOSITARY RriSdURSES OVER SfOO.OUO.00 s I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of count. clerk of Harney County subject to the decision of the democratic voters at the primary election to be held April 19, 1912. E. C. Eggleston. GET READY SPRING isc PI FOR STATE SENATOR. I, James F. Mahon, of Mule, Harney County, Oregon, hereby announce myself n candidate for tho office of State Senator of the Colonist Fares DAIIA March 1 to April 13, 1912 From Ibu Middle and last, a )or tlotiiof tu lotted staff gun 11 ai a la to all iHiillta In the Northutt ot ! Oregon - Washington Rail road & Navigation Company Garden Seeds Garden Hoes Garden Rakes Walking Plows ulky Plows ows ows ngine Plows asoSine Engines Gaso.ine Traction Engines flamd and Wind Mill Pumps Centrifugal Pumps Irrigation Outfits a Specialty All Kinds of Farm Machinery Hardware, Tools, Sporting Goods Tin and Plumbing' Shop Trent CMICAUO - $33.00 ' ST. LOUIS - - S32.00 " OMAHA - - - $35.00 " KANSAS CITY - $5.00 ST. PAUL - - $iS.OO Proportionately low f.ut" from nil otli r pointy, Direct frertfct from (Miiraun, St. I'anl, Dtnnlin niitl Knifat ( it over C. & N. W.. UNION PACIFIC. ORl:H)N SHORT LINK and l)-V. R. & N. Lines Protected Automatic Mock Signal GEER & vlaee3aejcqip'ia'aiwiiuii f aTT ai i rn i iti n fflimnrv mail m an CUMMINS ! YOU CAN I'RUPAY FAKI-S title the6 rUi hjiI) UeMlHiuml only, fare may U) jirt jmlil t dt)Mftnt aluuf 0 licloi with your local tut in, and mi ort!r will he teUgriphed tohin .Mui.ten 7M lu tdlMutc of our ittt rtottr r am! . luUrfuluji portunldtji for Home HuIUIIuk UluitrteJ nd reliable piinliHliHMter wiU L mailed to anyone to whom ou wUu it tent, by aildre'tUig 533 A1? VW5WS!SS GENERAL PASSENGER Portland, OreM!- .VGT. Burns Sheet Metal Works Tin, Copper, Sheet Irca Work uf all Description. Camp StOKS, Tanls, Jobbing, I'luinb injj In order. Gie lis a Tridl. C. W. SCHUMANN Proprietor. Voi-Rtlj ' Old Stand. ft. With tlw motil optomistic faith in the future of HUIINS and HARNEY COUNTY we enter the New Ytar of 1912 We anticipate for you and ourselves unexcelled pi asperity and hope you will co-operate with us to make this possible. "United we stand, divided we fall." ft v i The Burns Oep'm't. Store r .J.iV Ouhrs will receive prompt attention. ?Ji&2 & VX2$& t$l PLU MBING SUPPLIES PIPE, I TOILET GIT OUR PRICI:S AND SWK AIONI2Y. 9 tTCi Wl: ALSO CARK "v COAll'l-liTE UINH OP LUMBIiR MILL SUPPi IES, FARM AND GRUBBING SUPPLIES OUR I'RICIi- Wll.l ISRINCi OUR ORDERS M. BAROE SONS THE HOUSE: OF A MILLION BARGAINS 240-2 Front St., Corner tVlain Portland, Ot, 5? :i h 1 1 sac ' -1-1'