IMtOKlCSSlONAT, i ! l )! f . "DRY LAND PARMINO" (Continued from page 1.) Dry Arcaa. Rotation in Dry Areas. Maintains Fertility and Humus in Dry Areas. Live Stock in Dry Areas. The Water Supply in Dry Areas. The book is handsomely bound and beautifully illuslraded, and is sold at the low price of $200. It is published by the author who lives at 2153 Knapp street, St Paul, Minnesota. Prof. Shaw's book represents BO years of agricultural work and experience in the Northwest It is one of the most valuable books ever published and every farmer and business man should have a copy. Commercial Clubs should interest the leading far mers of their community in this book. "Dry land" is defined as any section where the rainfall is less than 25 inches per annum. Prof. Shaw's book will be read -with more interest than the most thrilling of the "six best sellers" by the farmers in the "dryland" areas and by thousands of East erners who are planning to come to the Northwest It is the opinion of Prof. Shaw and other ""agricultural experts that a modi fied sort of "dry farming" will eventually be used on all lands not artifically watered or irri gated where the rainfall is less than 30 inches per annum. Even where there is a heavy rainfall there occur dry periods in the late summer when if the soil moisture was conserved the failure of crops would be almos unknown. In the Northwest the "dry land" area extends from a point west of the Missouri river to the Cascade mountains, which are barely 100 miles from the Pacific Ocean. The "dry land" area extends from the heart of Canada south to the interior of Mexico and from the Cascade and Sierra Nevada Mountains east almost to the Mississippi river. Prof. Shaw's book is the first comprehensive book ever written on "dry farming, " and is writ ten in a plain and simple man ner, readily understood by any one. The publication of this 0 work will be of special interest to farmers along the line of the Great Northern Railway who for years have read Prof. Shaw's articles on "dry farming, "which . have been published in the local newspapers. This work, carried on by the Great Northern Rail way with the co-operation of newspapers, has resulted in mil lions of dollars of agricultural wealth being added to the Great Northwest. A larg4 etock of wall paper nt Lunaburj?, Dalton & Co's. bOmmons - In response to several hundred invitations to the Irrigation Con vention to be held in Portland February 19-21, a large number of acceptances have been receiv ed. The interest in this conven tion centers particularly in two things, judging from the letters 'received at the headquarters of the Oregon Development League: There is a unanimous sentiment 'for registering Oregon's demand for a more just share of the re clamation appropriation according to Oregon's contributions. There is also a strong desire for a spirit of cooperation among those chief ly interested in the principal irri gation projects of the state and for a better understanding of the (problems common to them all. It is believed that united action 'in this respect will mean much for the development of the state. Among those who have promised to be present are members of the Legislature, state officials, mem bers of the Desert Land Board, presidents of water-users associ ations and water supervisors. Judge Morton D. Clifford, of Baker, ex-circuit judge of this district, is expected to enter the 'race for the nomination for cir cuit judge of Baker county at the democratic primaries. Judge Clifford, well known here, served for fourteen years on the circuit bench when this county and Baker were in the same district and for four years was district attorney. Vale Enterprise. Lost Between the skating rmk and the I. b. deer residence by way of the corner occupied by James Smith, a lady's small gold watch. Liberal reward. Leave at this office. In Hits Circuit Court of tlio Slnte of Oro- Ron, for Hnrney County. Clny Clcmons, I'lalntlir VR. Wllfml Hnrino, Dufctiilntit. To Wilfiwl Kacino, trciendaiit: In I lie. iiniiiuof tlio Slato of Orepin, you are hereby required to appear ntul nneuortlie complaint filed BRnlnstjou in tlio nliovo entitled suit within Six Weeks from tlio dale of the first publi cation of this summon., to-ttit: Sntnr day February 10, 101!!, and If you fall lo to appear and Biiswcr, for want thereof, plaintift will toko judgement agaliut you for Iho sum prayed for In plaintiff's complaint lo-witt For the sum of $133 00 wllli interest thereon from the first day of July, 1911, at (ho rato of 0 per cent per annum, and Mh cots and disbursements of this ac tion. This Summons is publiehed in The rimes-Herald once each week for six consecutive weeks, ending with the pub lication of March 23rd, 1012, by order of tho Hon. Grant Thompson, Judge of the County Court of tliejatate of Oregon, for Harney County. Geo S Suemohg, ' Attorney for Plaintiff. NOTICE OF CONTEST. Umted Statfs Limi Omci Burns, Oregon, January SO, 1911 I To Molriua Snook or Kariovt, Conteitte You are hereby notified thut Chester Keewn wbo gives Narrows.Orpgon,as his postofllce ad dress. l lil on Januarj SOtn. Mil, Die In thli office hla dut) corroborated application to eon lest and secure the cancellation of your Home stead .Entry No.8513 Serial No.OVo9 made April 12, IMS. lor NSYij and lots a A 4 Section i Townshtp26 S.. R SI E..W. Meridian, North ol l-ake and as erounda for his contest he allciies tbat said Melvlna bnook has never es tabllahed residence on said land, or In any way Improved or cultivated the same, thataue hasneer resided thereon, and haa left and abandoned the same on or about the day of May 1'ios, and haa been absent therefrom every since You are, therefore, further notified that the stld aliesallons will be taken by tnls otlice as having been confessed by )on, and your entry ullt be canceled thereunder without your fur titer right to be heard therein, either bifoii this office or on appeal, If you la'l to tile iu this olhce within twenty days alter the FiiUKTH publication of this notice, as shown below our answer under oth, specifically meeting ami responding to these allegations of contest or if you fall within that time to file in this otHeo due proof that you have served a cop) ol our answer on the said contestant eithet In person or by registered mall. If this sen Ice Is made by the delivery of a copy of your answer tn the eontes'ant in person, proof of such sr vice either the said contestant's written acknowledgment of his receipt of the copv showing the date of Its receipt, or the affidavit of the person by whom the dellveiy ws made tatlng when and where Ihe'copy was deliver ed If made by leglstered mall, proof of such service must consist of the afildav It of the per ?in tywhomthe copy was mailed, and this affidavit mu6t be accompanied by the post master's receldt for the letter. You should state tn our answer the name of the post office to which you desire fn ure no ices to be sentto you. Wit Farri, Register Date of first publication lebruary 10, 191?. Date of second publication February 17, 1912. lute of third publication Februar) s, 1912 Hale of fourth publication March 2, 1913. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Umted States Lad Office, i Burns, Oregon, January 17, 1912. ( Notice la hereby given that Robert II Brown, of Iliamonri. fjountv of Harnev. State of Ore gon, nas filed In this office his anplica'lon lo enter under tne provisions ot seciiou rami n s V S. the following descrlben land, viz- Southwest Quarter of Southwest Quarter of section Flfteen13J,Townsnipus , E.. .m SERIAL No. 057M Any and all persons claiming adversely the lands described, or desiring t object because of the mineral character of the land, or for an) other reason, to the disposal to applicant, should file their afficavits of protest In this office, on or before the 2nd day of March, IslJ IVa Fibre, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION United States LandOftice, Burns, Oregon, January 17,1912 1 Xntlre Is herehrelven that Robert H. Brown. of Diamond, County of Harney, State of Ore gon has filed in this oSce his application to enter under the provisions of Section 23C6of the It S U.s,lbelollowlngde8i.rlbediauu,viz Lot Numbered two (2), Section It, Towushlp SOB., K34 t W M. SKKIAL No. 057A9 Any and all persons claiming adversely the lands described, or desiring to object because of the mineral cbaracterof thelaud, or for an) other reason, tn the disposal to applicant, should file their affidavits of protest In this office, on or before the 2nd day of March, 1912. "x Farre, Register NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States land Office, ( Burnt, Oregon, January 17, 1912 I Notice Is berebr given that Robert II Hrowu, of Dlamond.Countyof Harney.Mate of Oregon, has filed la this otlice his application to enter under the provisions of Section 2 i of the It S V S. tbe following described land, viz lot Numbered four it), Section seven (7), Towushlp JO, B It, 34 E W. M. SFRIALNO 067S7 Anyandall persons claiming adverselythe lands discsibed, ur desiring to object because of the mineral cbaracterof the land, or for an other reason, to the disposal to appllcaut should file their affidavits of protest In this office, on or before the 2nd day of March. 1912 vVw. Farre, KeglsTer NOTICE FOK I'lJIlMCATION. I'MTEU Statu I.ANn Office Burns, Oregon, January 91, 1912 Notice It berebr given that Napoleou r ......I. ... I 1 - b.I ... u . ni..! uilnl nn lllll.i II Riddle, of llarrliunu, oregou, whu on June 11, 1M, made llorai stead l'utii No 2701, Serial No. 020U, forSV'4l bcillone. TowtisblnJsB., flange OS n Mlii.lUMm juenuiii, i. nivu mv lc of Inleatiou tn make final llv e year l'roof, to establish claim to tbe laud abovoilrscrl bed, be fore the Hcsltler aud Receiver, at Ilurkt, Oregou. on tie 13IU day of March, IVI2 Claimant names at witnesses J.J lltlns, K V lletnt W 11 Koblnt, Jerry Dillon, all oMlarrluiau, Oregon Wm.Fakke Register NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION UNITFr)8TATE3!.ANI)0I'FICF, j Burns, Oregou, January 5,1912.1 Notice Is hereby given that Lester ( Rhodea, ot Drew tey, On gon, who ou April 21, 1910, made Homestead Entry, No.wr.'i. for Lois J and t and K'j-iVVJisic 5, township Jl 8 , Range So E. W II lainette Meridian, hat filed notice of Intention to maze llual Commuiatlon Proof, totstabllib. claim to the land above described, before the Register and Receiver, at Burnt, Oregou on the 13th dayof February. 1912 f lalrnarjt narrea at witnesses W if. Iiunlap. i, YV dates, T L. Jackson, J E. Rbodet, all of Drewtiy, Oregon War Farre, Register. SUMMONS. In tlio Circuit Court of tho Stale of Oro con, for Harney County. Canie Hanks' I'lff, ve Ah!ilt Hanks, Deft, To Aehur Hanks, Defendant In the name of the Statu of Oregon, jou aro hereby reijulred to appear and unsner the complaint died againutjou in Hie above entitled stilt, on or before the 2nd. day of March 1012; said date being the expiration of six weeks from the first publication of this summons aud if you fail to so appear or answer said complaint, lor want thereof the plaintiff will apply to tho Court for the relief prayed for In the complaint, to will For a decree of tho Court dissolving the bonds of matrimony now exlallnj; between plaintiff and defendant, aud for the custody of the two minor ihildreu, the issue of said marriage. This summons fs published by order of Dalton lllggs, Judge of said Court, made and enteied January 4th., 1012, and the time prescribed for tho publica tion (hereof is six weeks, beginning with thelssuu of Saturday, January 13th, 1012 and continuing each week there fore to and Including the issue of March the 2nd, 1912. C, A, Bvvekk, Atty. for Plaintiff Hoi'c is ft iiiusanfto of hopo find good cheer from Mrs. C. J. Mar tin, Boono Mill, Vn., who is the mother of eighteen children. Mrs. Martin was cured of stom ach trouble and constipation by Chamberlains Tablets after five years of sulTci-inK, and now rec ommends these tablets to the public. Sold by all dealers. Always ready for job printing. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. t'MTFn tite IjisnOrncK, 1 Hums Ongnn, Januar) 17, 1912 I Nollcolsherelirglven that libber! II, Brown, of Diamond. County of llntney. State ot Ore Mti, has filed In Ihla olllcc hla application to enter unilir Iho provisions of Sections stun, of tha K M I' s the following iKscrlbcd land, Mi Ihc Northwest quarter ot the Northwest Quarter of section IS, Townthlp.toS , R .Till., V. M . h K It I I. N o or.7 M An) and all persona claiming adversely the lands di scribed, or desiring to object bet ause ol the mineral character"! tho land, or lor any other tho disposal to appllcaut, should file Ihelraflldav Its ol protest In thla oRlce.on or tieforo the '2nd Oay of Marrh, 1912. V. Farrk, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. UMtVll STATES I.ANI1 OFrICK Burns Oregon, Januar) 17, 1912 Notice Is herehv given that Robert II Brown, ol Diamond, louutyol llarne). State of Ore gon, has filed In this ofllce his application to enter under Iho pravlalona ol Pectlou J'Vool the It S II S tho following described laud.vlx !.ot Numbered one (1), Section 18, Township MS, It SI K., W.M SF.IUAI, No UiTtA An) aud alt persons claiming adversely the lauds described, or iletUliur lnb).t because, ol tbe mineral character ot the land, or for all) other reason, to the disposal lo applicant, should file their orlldavltsuf protest in this ofllce,onirlforothe second da) of March, 1912 x Farrs., Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION UMTKO'TATKS I.ASHOFHCE, I Hums, Origon.Jannar) 17, 11121 Notice Is hertbv given that Robert!!. Brown, of Diamond Count) of Harney, Stale if Ore gon, has filed lu this office his application to enter under tho provisions of tttlon 2wi ot the R S I' S tbe lollowlugiUscrllH'd land, vis Southwtst iiuarter of Southeast iurli r of Section O, Tovnhlp ) f, , It 3.1 K M S.FIIIU. No 05712 uy slid all persona claiming adverse!) the Ullds dcs rlbeil, or desiring tu object I icau-e ot the mineral character of the land, or for kui other reason, to the dlspo-al toapplii ant, should tile their allldavllsof protect iu this office, nn or tnJorelhe 2nd da) of March. 191 m Farri., Rtgisler There is no better medicine made for colds than Chamber lains Cough Remedy. It acts on nature's plan, relieves the lungs, opens the secretions, aids expec toration; and restores tho system to a healthy condition! For sale by all dealers. This is tho season of tho year when mothers feel very much concerned over the frequent colds contracted by their children, and have abundant reason for it as every cold weakens tho lungs, lowers the vitality and paves the way for the more serious disease that so often follow. Chamber lain's Cough Remedy is famous for its cures, and is pleasant and safe to take. For sale by all dealers. BOClKTIKS. I1ARNKY LOIKIK, NO. 77. I 0 l r". .. ii.ii M.e,y8,u,d.r.noi.ore,, i riaiutdar $1500 Reward! lfornlftAiiu NtHiiln I tfolurk 1'roui tlou AmoclMI!ii'f whirl, the umlit ftlmiotl Is'r, vttll Rle fl,A) w row to or ovi lionet lemJlne lo tho nrreitMit, con vlrUcmo! ttuy r tv or iviirtlii atcftt Ink' hnriu. rutlli nr miilrtt liclonituiir Inany uf H nu'in- Wtft lu h hlltloii to tlio Hlt)e, tlio uuiltfrhlKUisl oITcin IhosrtinV toiulltlmi f.-"Otn) for nil lmrc limtnltHl horn nuu Imr ou Ik(Ii oithfr Jw. llrniul rtconl"-! Iu c 1 lit romitlm Uhuko llHrnt. 1 Ale au I ('tool (otitilftt llorfi eulcil whon utiUl Ntiitc tnit unmti lunnt'n mM mil mil) tu nrt! bunrhfti A II t ) ' Fi'tf Tenon iflfv NOTICK lnl I'UIU.KWriON tlNlThhfeTA-irSI.XMlOFUfK. HurtiR, Oniiitu Jniiuur IT, V) N tire It lit? re by kIvi ii ttiHt t tiberi II Hraw n, of IiUtitumt. Cnu' ly uf Harn nti of tire ruti tlMf HltHlilitl in nllltt- i.ln .lU ullon to nttr iuir the p uiuitv uf sn t un i.xt hih) W7 of the HeUfaiO iHtulim uf I In- I nUe.l Mates, the f UovviiiKil k rilM il Utnl z The Eolith Hast (naitir f the "tiulhueul (JnarterofbLilltiti -t, IiiHiihic . U t M faEKIAI. No 06753 ujHm1 all Kf-ons rlrilmtiiK 1 e' the laiiila ilesLflUtl nr tltlrln i uhjett t atiie of the tiiliifral rhararter of Hit- Ud1 or for an jo her raon t the itlBfful lo hii ! nut. shotiM file their allliinvll of jr. .'-! in thU otlice on or before the ul ila of March, lJl- m 1-arkk Hrg inter. NOTICK FOR PUBIJCATION U.MTrlaTATSMOrll- t Hums (iretfoti, Jauitur 17 1 l I Vit t- in hereby Riven tht Hubert II Htom n of Olauioml Countvof Harnevtateof OrtK u han filul in this office his aiplIcatfon t.i tii'cr under the pro i-ion t of ectioiiH ..u.ainl J: 07 of tho K. t U. &. the follow (DftJetprlbed laud viz Southufftt (juarttr of Southuet Quarter of section 'jaTownihlp.O-Joulh.ItanKeaat M hFKIALNo. ftVsl An) aud all ircrson" tUiming adrcrseiy the landiidescriled, or deidrlu? to object lrtTue uf the mi rural character of the ihui, or for anjr other reaiou. to the disposal to atlltant. ihotlld file their affidavits of protest In thf office, on or before the 2nd day of March, lyii n t-APHE, K?Kieter WHTOVIN -WebsterS New International Dictionary THE MERR1AM WEBSTER? Because lt Ia ft NEW CKEA" oe cause TI0Ni COT8rmK overy field of tho world's thought, action and culture. The only new unabridged dictionary in many years. IWniMx it deflnca over 400,000 "c"""! Woritit more than ever before appeared between two covers. 4700 I'jie4. Cooo XI lustrations. Rrrnntn it ia tho only dictionary " tn c with tho new divided p&go. A "Stroko of Genius." Became " '" aa encyclopedia In (S Became " '" ftcepted by the 1 Courts, Bohools and Press as riio one uuprctae au thority. Because wrjo knows Winn PUCCCflSi X.OS US (Oil ilatorj seionu raiinuaj. ri- ", feeoiid I'eitreel fourlli Hum neKree. llt'UNS 1.01)0 K NO. 7, A V. A M , Meets eery flrat and third Salnrdaylu eaeh ni.iulh. J. M. Dalton, M vam Mottierihead, Secretary. M 1DKRX W0OIIMKN0K AMKItlOA Mrels every teeond and lourtli Friday even liiK at K. Ilallial! iiilKlilxus linlli'd stw aridleaiitt will reielM- niiirleous . Irt mill'. M.A IHtitt, V H. W T U-sler, Clerk. Ill UN3 till All Kit NO 40.O. K. S. Meilt oerjr teeuud aud (niirlh Masonlo Hall. Veil Widoome. W. M HlaBweek.Hecretar). tVI VIA HKHKKAII DKllltFK Nti.s", Micltovery 1st and Sd Uiilurtdar. MhhKIiik.X.U Mn H Iteuiau, Kuo Hec'y, TI'l.K C1KUI.K ho. 1S, W. ul W. Mtelt every fourth luisday. Maud llortun, (I. M llrilerdoodiuau, Clerk. OKKIUIALDIUKCTOnY STAT OHEUOMI l 8 fetiatora t'oUKresameu UloriU') (loueral ilnveruor Secretary ol rotate lnasuror :uit I'uLllo luslructluu Hlate 1'rlnter iutireme Judgaa Ijonatliau llnurne Jr. Ili to. K. t'liauilierlaln iW UHlls I J II aw ley A. M. Crawl. ir. I Oswald 1 st K iiensnii 'I II Ka) 1 It. Alderman V 8 Dunlw r It, .1.1 Kk In r A Mi'llrlde .! II lllltllil I K H. llpan IK. A Moore NlNin judicial nitnttrr. Dlslrlet Judto District Atturucy Denuty Dlsl Atty Daltou kks J Mil 1 IIihIi ., Otis ,oiiaid I m you about this new work. VXJTE for sjMdaua of av Strifes pats C.t CMZKRIAM CO, raUUcrt.StnatfliU.lfua. KcaUaa tus ppr.rcdTrxsj a ! Jfmktl ( ADMIMSTKATRIV NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the , undersigned has been duly ap-j nointcd administratrix of the es tate of Charles Williams, deceas ed. All persons having claims, against said estate are hereby required to present the same to me, properly verified at Riley, Oregon, within six months from the date thereof. Dated this 23rd day oJ December, 1911. EUZAIiKTH TlIOItN, Aministratrix. BO YEARS' PERIEMCE PBttHfe- ijflnis Trade Marks Designs Copyrights Ac. Anymitnniilnif askHrti and tCcrttt kn mar qQ.cklr ascertain our (ipinUm frvo whfthrr ui In Tent, Ion It probnblf pteiitabl. lomniuitlra tlo.ntrlctIrv.nHdeiaiAU HandUvrkon Vmlentt ent free. OMt Htiunrr for aecurmlt iieiitf I'attnta takeu thzmah Alunn A tv. ncrlTe tpteiat nottte, wltlwtut churgft. In the Scientific American. A banlimelr HlmtrattM wiklf. Jjitatml rir rulatlort of any M-ietitiflt Journal, leruif, 13 part foar mon'bji, fL tiolal bj all newd ira iflUNN & Co.3e,B'-d-"New York IlroniU a. Ob K Ht Waabluiluu. D. i . OregontrunkRy. Trains Run Through Between CENTRAL OREGON POINTS AND PORTLAND nrn liiyj CENTRAL OREGON LINE Daily train leaves Bend (J. 20 a. m., Hidmond 7:21 a. m Me tolius 8:30 a. m.t Madras 8:40 a. m., arriving at Portland 5:.'!0 p. m. Direct connection at Fallbridge with through train for Spo kane, St. Paul and Chicago, arriving at Spokane at 9:15 same evening. Direct connection at Vancouver, Washinglon, allows, arrival same evening at.Tacoma and Seattle. Leaving Portland 9:55 a. m., daily train anives all Central Oregon points early same evening. Tickets will be bold through to points in the East, Northwest and California. Details will be furnished on request. W. E. COMAN, General F'r't. and Pass. Agt. Portland, Oregon. J. II. CORBETT, Act., Bi:nd, Oregon. ill. BAUKOI, Act., I KiJiJMONJ), Oregon. MMlMfflij DIGNimNG INDUSTRIES" This lt tha title of a beautiful Ci.nage hook, wblcb will show any boy or zlrl how to BUCCLEO jjrop a postal In tbe mall TODAY aud It will be tint FBEJE. Tbe aim of tho College It to dignity and popularise the Induttrtet, and to serve ALL tbe people Itoflert courses In Agriculture, Civil Ent-lneerlng, llectrlcal engineering, Mechanical inginesnu j, niuinr. tnctn eerlDC, Foreatry, DomestlrvBcltnie and Art, Com tnefe Pharmacy snd Mil Ic Boptri r-d Cll 0"K Ireo tc ' i m 1 III., COLLI ' C i . us 0iktua The Collets opens I ". I TU3AL THE TIMES-HIPRALD Job Pr"-' Circuit Court meeti tho flrtt Mou.lay In April aud nrt Mouilaj lu DcIoImt lolut 8t-n a tor . . . Jolut Hrt rttvutatlv V W 1'arrlfli W 11 Hr.u.ko OOUHTY IMHNl. ! uiimy Ju.Iku Lltrlv Irtaaurtr aurvejor n her in rithtjol tiuerluluiieu( Contiivr it4 k luineclur L'uiumiaafouera Drant lliomtn K II WHtLfl sinttiii lfnls h Miafir A K. Uiiliarilttiu I, M llanillluii J deary Joliti lUiMlt(iii (h r yltiitr iu a inyui Cuuuty Court uictta the flml Wttliudaj lit January, Ma rib, May, Jul), y plt-mUr anl MnfUUr HAUtHiY u.s. t.M urrur .tt Kiau r Mayor. UtHuriier, Irtaitirer Manlial, Wm 1-arro (-auk Inc) CITlf. BUHNa' (1 W I IrieiiKt-r ,V r KauiUIl J.(; UHtmneJr ..It I.llalhia f. O Wlillo J . C il(ttnt j rratik I,hi) (tfu tiunie MtUliiKi uf thu LVuurll t?iT) Hfrmjil ami Kourth VtiJitntay I'dlKK lllllttll Sumpter Valley Railway Co. TIMU TAHLi: NO. ti IN Kl IKC'I JUNKU, 1DUS. Went lijiiiul. Kant Hull ml. Nn. 1 I'asa a. in. Nu. L Puna p, in U:0 Lv Maker Oily Ar 6 0 j:5 " Sontli llaker l.v b '.'5 9:58 ' Salisbury, " 6 0(1 10-01 " Ickliartt " I M 10 07 " Tliompeotit I 5. 10-17 " StolilardJutictioiit " I 15 10 22 " 'Water Tniikt " 4 111 10 ' " Ptiaii'sSimrl " I 2 II) J " MoKtttnt " I 'J.r 1" fi5 " J UNCTION t " 4 l II 10 " .SiiuipU-r " -I 0.' It 15 " 'JUNCTloNt " 50 11:40 " yiniitnllt " NOON 12:00 " 0 I. Campt " 05 I'. M. 12 05 " Whiliiuyt " 00 12:40 " TUMONt " 2 10 1.10 Ar Austin " 2:10 Sin p on tipnuli only. tNo aKunt. Tnkiita issued only lor slatiuiiH wlirri) trains are Bcliwlultxl to tnaku regular n i..u... ........ .......i...... .i.i. BKJio. i BnacijuiD II1UDS JH I v uiir C lllft- ota wliurt) agents exist liefore cnti'rinj; trains or 25 cents In adilitiuti to tlio ru- uiui iuiu win uv bjaiKuu JOSEI'H A. WKST, Hupt. GIIANT.GKDDDI, Asst. Hopt. Stoy's Restaurant and Bakery llilrd doorouth aide llls.iiier HtilldliiK J. IJ. .STOV,l'roprlctor Lunches, short order, pies, bread, cakes, etc. etc. PAMII.V E. TRADE 1 SOLICITED. tssssssssstO' 'nils isvfor rifle in limit SPlllrrl rllarlt. Where irood rnnrn nnH Liti:.. power are desired, with safety to the neighborhood. The fftmU .25.20 1, a light, quick handling, finely-balanced repeater, with tho solid top, elosed-in Lreech "J1 l'l ejection features which make ZBartlM guns safe and agreeable to uie and certain In action. It It madt la use tht powerful new liluh smoktlst, IO.S. "iu, i ,.i, ,3 "'.""1 ' ,h wtll known "lack powder and low rr.s.ur. cart, ildgtt, and Is the fatal rlflt fur tars.i wor", w Tvwucimcst, iretsr, nawkl, font etc. up Tills rine'and arnmu tilllon, and all itllt, AtarZar repeaters, art fully described In cur 136-Dara r.l.lm u... for 3 stamps pottavt. 5T- 70-r- XI 4Wmoi.t,tttr -.MEW MAVEHrctjMsl The Times-Herald Clubbing Rates to its aubHcrihcn ui imscnt THE TIMES-HERALD Oneijcarwilh "'c Portland Weekly Oreponian $2.50 Portland Semi-Weekly Journal $2.50 S. F. Weekly Examiner $2.65 Thrice-a-Week N. Y. World $2.50 Semi-IFeekly SI. Louis Republic $2.35 Farm Progress KRKE to ovory paid in advance .Subscriber Get one or more of these jjood papera in connec tion with The Times-Herald for the loiitf win ter evenings. -Call and jret Clubbinjr I'rices JOB PRINTING The Tlmci-llirnlil la I'ri-pnrril t tin llir trjr lfl "'! .Musi Sntiafiictor) WnrK In Oil lii' W' ' " "' LATEST TYPE FACES ami aerj Cimiplftc Line FIRST-CLASS ST7T1 ON FRY Wm. MILLER, ATTOItNICV ATI y llttriis, OrrKon Itooiim 0 nml 7 Mntniii , C. A. REMBOll Atlornoy-nMiiiw Burns, Orcflon OIlllH. U. U'OllliXl AlTOHNKV-AT-lAW, uuniiiii nuoiHloii Klvcn to C (lotiH nml Kuril Km t ii In lnnt I'irii iiimiriuu'i' Notnry Public HllllNH, Oiu.nv ClnRliES W. EblilS LAWYER HuniH, - - Or I'tiii'lli'i'H lii llm Htnln ( (i iris Al loin llm I'.H IjiihI (lll)i,. A. W. GOWAN A'lTOItNBV-AT I, AW Stnto Coiirln and Unidd f ijuhI Olllco I'riittipi. Three doora South of th. lliirnoy uouiity Naliniml HuniH, Oroirun Dr- Minnie lianH Physician and Sur Lawen, Oro. W. W. DRINKWATER . j t, Hlacksmidnng and J '.;, I " ' llorscshoiiijr W:lX r .- Wiiirnii Wnrk I I UkW II II VI II COOLEY AUTO MATIC BRAKES Burns, Oregon, t ' ss- . . -n f , ,", - - ' '', ? Main St., BURNS MILLING CO. HORTON & SAYER, Propts. Rough and Dressed Lumber, Rustic, Flooring, Moulding, Finishing Lumber. Nearest SawmUl to Burns. Oood Road. Lumber Yard in Burns. j. lu. gbrhy I'lnnli'lnli ami Hiir,M .11 iiuniri, - - - iiriK"il (llllio In niiw liullilliiKMiiit IU, Imnifai mIioi, M mi M'liona .MftliiH.,. denman & nifiMniJ niys cinns ;ind 'urijt 1 alia nii.vtfiiol irMiii)illr . . I.t J Timlin HnrrliiiMii. Ilarrlmnn, Orujon J I'll) Mutant) nml Xm, im IIIIIINH, OIO.iikN U.E. HIIIUnKD I lllii n lrt iliMirciil ptc I (ili llnrtis Onv'i.n W. C. HROWNJ nDiEnsrTis:! Ili'usa, Oituit v Oltiii' riMiina H nml H Ma- iif W It n (i-irtK XI I Go To The White Front Livery Stable NEW RIQS AND TEAMS 'Phone to Me for Your Doctor Calls. R. J. McKINNON, Jr., Proprietor. 4M M 4M.ljr t. AU) K 41 COOPER & DODul Civil and Hydraulic Hng Irn'nation, Walti uH SovloruKi't WitliT I'ow iiucjs, M, IXtiiiatcx iM BUllNS. OUKdON JOHN ROBINS Slock Inspector, Harney Cos HAKNKY VaLLI- Y HuiiWKK' ' ' u OON JENKINS & KAISER, Proprietors WINES, LIQUORS 4ND 01 GARS Best and most popular brands jLOCAL BEER ON TAP Courteous and obliging bar tenders CH AS. KAISER. Mr. Burns, Oregon r ENGINE50 BOILERS iwssnc ';ilCIIORJDl MACHINERY U WRITE FOR SPECIAL CATALOG AND PRICCS THE A.H.AVERILLMACHINERYCO.' SPOKANE, WASH-PORTLAND. ORC- TANJOSEICAU E. A. SHAFER Civil l.'uKinccr Jun. Mom, Orcfon Society ol I'mlnccm U. S. Mineral Surveyor for ll'c District of Oregon Townsile Surveying a SPECIALTY Narrows. Oregon The Lone Slar Restaurant All TOs', Pniprii-lor On ciiriitir uln Si, noxi iluor ll I'H.'M'II I IJllkH1 hlllllllll rvieflus at Ruu Hoards t Bukeny im aonnootion A Specially ifSliorl Orders. Tallin rurnlrij.Hil with v i r y L 1 1 1 i .; llm niirltct an'. iIh Vmir patroii- IW Hlllll'lllill lllilllii AililrH a M I' I' UllLAItll A t I'll liirnirrlir ,i, Kilaliii-rr r 'r1 I'll' H llrflsnialliillHvr Kin "' 1 lllf s M liaslern Oregon Unginc Company CIVII. AND IRRIGATION IAC Uurns, Ortfion The Washinglon Kcslan All TOY, Proprietor Iry brick building, I'osl Offial Tlio hill of fare iuclinli HiiiiK tlio nmrkot ntroid onlci-H a Hpcclnlly. I'rw Halo. fJivo him a call. MOTH'S .CANDY SI Has just recfiied a frei lull CANDIES, CIGARS J OBI Nov and IiiiikIsiiiiu' l'i CnnlH, Statloiu'O, In1! I'ciih, PoiicIIh, Nou'ltl'j A SI'IXIAItXY OP BOX CANDY - l''inu asHtirtinciit if I'Vt'rjtlJ D. R.MOTI!, Buro,0r.W .iohn'(ji;miii:iii.imi .! eK . M - , d WH tluwolup. lrjiiixravoi' l''ine Wulch Uf)iiinii,' m dully.