-WC-Ui-C&i'MKyr-"" riinmirrii.. j .-,. fP ' q ffyzgt MTi. jk .,.. -" "-i i.rwimiir,inTTnrnimrrTiHi iwiTTWciiNwwrviw Timca-pBrald MIK I.AIUIKBl' OlllUULATlUN UC NliWBrAPIU IN THIB COUNTY. rill(l)AY.FKIIItUAUYll), III, Local News. :o job printing -right kind MUSH SALK AT I. WAUT7S. KKAD AD. canned corn $3.25 n cuho an Mcrcantilo Co. (lour (guarnnteo) $8. CO Iarrimnn Mcrcantilo Co. JohiiRon was among our visitors during tho week. cWcnger payfl tho highest t price for hides nnd furs, suit made by uh wo ab ruarantoo. Sciiknk &. (LMAMH. (SSpi JobiiHon wan among our Sn from Iiwon during the m ySaliotild inspect tho lino ns Sawil of Wall Paper at Lun.i qQpallon & Co'h. Ijjy. McIIoflo linn fine pota- atacd on dry land. See him JSjjBjr Bupply. SwMiuel Clark nnd family arc .Tjvom tno Mann imko ranch it to relatives and friends. ivnto boarding Iiouho in can accommodate a Tew narderH. Inquire at this Hurton. nnd old time res- nTJjif Portland, is in tho city cjtn templates locating here mmentiy ami going into mm a 5TJF TOWN TAXPAYERS flwhlarney County National Hlcwill be pleased to attend Jm payment of your tnxes iWWccipt of your instructions. JaMi'datcs will find a supply of ittfSs for nomination at tho rlilwrimnries at Tho Tinios- nui! office. They aro pre edfor both county and (lis- ftjSlficeH. )wJk to tho fact that a new other alterations must banking room of jffftt National Hank in thin JUjeir offices will bo located lporarily. after Monday. Feb. JWB the corner offices of The M&IIcrald Building. STORHY WEATHER During tho winter bouhoii when tho woiithor in ofton Htormy, utid tho rowta uro fro(iionLly bad, our BANKING BY MAIL Horvicu will l)g found of Hpecinl convon ionco lo tlioHO living lit 11 diHtimco from Burns. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK BURNS, OREGON Capital and Surplus -$85,000.00 United States Depositary Accounts Invited Ira Mahon was in the city tluro ing the week. J Cleaning and Pressing neatly i done by Schenk & Williams. It. L. Hass was up from Nar rows Thursday. SURPRISE SALE AT I.' SCHWARTZ'S. READAI). Clevenger pays the highest market price for hides and furs. Winona wagons aro tho best. For snle by Ilarriman Mercantile Co. Five hundred score cards and pencils at The Times-IIcrald office. Vulcanizing at Gemberling's. Archie McGowan arrived home the first of this week from a visit lo outside points. Rough and dressed lumber of all kinds now on hand at the Williams Bros. Saw" Mill. Rough lumber $lft per thousand. G. W. Clevenger returned home the first of the week from u business trip to Drewsey and other points. Money to loan on Harney Coun ty Improved Real Estate. Call on, or write C. 0. Thomas, Box 12 Vale, Oregon. 3tl tmrfe in the VMjIIanlcy nnd wife arrived 5$jhe first of the week from Jd. Bill will remain at feat.' Umfc, visit the various ittlS nnd take a look around KHRno folks. Ho expects la uno Portland to nttedd the fMfcn congress called for tho t3trt of the month. 1wlro bovB gnvo n delightful if party and luncheon at wtyitna Tuesday night there jjrXmiething over 100 invited fijpresent. Carl Welkcr lTls. Spraguc composed tho iwtfitce having the nffairs in rftand thoy did the thing ijtThosc i resent were pro frahofr praise and expressed jfjBRinks to the fircmun for n WMli evening. Specinl Coat Sale. All Ladies' A. Dunn will deliver good. , and Childrens' Coats IKli per cent wild hay at your barn for $10.00 .ofT. Sweater coats 25 percent Ior ton. ' ' olf and a reduction on all Winter II. C. Albritton, of Lnwcn, coming. -a. k. iulhaiuum, was registered at the trench W. R Dawson was in town hotel Wednesday. jim :.,.! i.na ore head ir iiiivivj ti 1 1 v. iiviu Thursday. Bill's like a bear with his wife has been gone several weeks on a visit to outside points and Bill has had to batch. Eggs from leading varieties standard bred poultry, express prepaid, $2.00. Write for circu lar. Simpson's Pheasant Farm, Corvallis, Oregon. .1. M. Iloffcditz and wife were up from their Valley -View home Thursday on land business. They Roy Van tho first week in company with Archie McGowan. He will take eharge of tho abstract business for Mr. McGowan. Tho Harney Saw Mill, It. L. Bunvnrd proprietor, now has on hnnd n largo amount of rough and dressed lumber nnd can fill orders on short notice. A good road to tho mill. Hurry orders ninv he 'nlioned in. were accompanied homo by their beverai noignnors speninn en- daughter, Miss Florence, who has joyablo evening at the borneof1,, attending high school but is Mr. and Mrs. A- K. Richardson i COmiiellcd to cease her studies Wednesday. It was in the nature , on accounl of ii0r cyos. of a leap year party- the ladies were pitted against the gentle- C. C. Connor was in the city men in playing Five Hundred, during the week on land business. Mr. nnd Mrs. I fcehwartz each" Mr. Connor is a largo land holder were awarded tho favors for! and farmer in Umatilla county hiirhest scores, tho consolation and has acquired land here. He prizes going to Mrs. Julian Byrd is a progressive man and believes nd A. C. Welcome. Refresh- Vulcanizing" at Gemberling's. Walter Riddle la over from tho Stcens mountain country. SURIIKISE SALE AT I. SCHWARTZ'S. KEADAD. Some Bargains in Fall nnd Winter goods, MAMS. M. II. Brcnton and wife ar rived home Saturday from a vis it to outsido points. S. T, Hutton and son Thomas were in from their Wagontirc home during tho week. Attention is called to tho ad of E. B. Reed & Son in this issue. A special Bale that is worth while is on. Lost On the Htrect a solid gold chatelino pin set with three pearls. Reward. Return to this office. Mrs. Simon Freiman took her departure Sunday morning for Los Angehs where she will visit for an indefinite time. Go to the White Restaurant for Chicken Supper Wednesday. and Sunday evenings. J. E. Stoy, Prop. Watch Burns Grow. Walter Sullivan who has been "K employed in the C. A. Haines mercantile store at Narrows, is in the city hobnobbing with old time friends. He has resigned his position down Ihere. Wantkd A good homestead location, not loo far from timber for fuel. Would take a good re linquishmcntif the price is right. Give full particulars and price. Address A. VanHoiin, Ryan, Washington. The Harney County National Bank will be pleased to attend to the payment of your taxes upon receipt of your instructions. There was a prize fight at the skating rink Thursday night the principals being Jack Belmont nnd Herman Theis, the latter be ing victorious in the second round. There was a large attendance. Chan. Johnson' Was tin frdffi ILawen Thursday SURPRISE SALE At I. SCHWARTZ'S. HEAD AD. Three room cottage and barn for rent. Inouire at thin office. Schenk & Wil-Ka. a. Swain. R. It. Sitz. Fred Otley and Bailey Hayes came up from Lawcn yesterday. Foil Sam:-Black Pcrcheron Stallion, f years old in spring. Good papers. Claude McGee. It. .1. Williams is over from Silver creek on a visit to his family and nttending to some business. Ladies of Burns are invited to call at the home of Mrs. H. M. Horton and see samples of the Spirella Corsets. Money to loan on Harney Coun ty Improved Iteal Estate. Call on, or write C. 0. Thomas. Unv AO Vol. n.r,nr. Get a safety Incubator of W. T. Smith he simply guarantees them and is here on the ground to make them good. No oil, no 'explosion, and hatch as many of the eggs as any machine on earth. John Carey and wife were in from their Crane Creek home during the week guests at the home of his mother. BILL IIANLGY AT CHURCH. V i M ments woro served following the hands. in making land work, therefore wo mav expect to see his hold ings in this county developed. SURPRISE SALE We are waiting for the trucks to bring in our new Spring Goods. IN THE MEANTIME We are going to dispose o( our present stock by means oi a Surprise Sale. LOW PRICES ' Thet goods will be changed at irequent intervals, and the prices. will be plainly marked on tags. Before the sale is over every line in the store will have been re presented. So it will PAY YOU to come in every day and Jook around. On one or more visits, you will surely see something you need; something you can not afford to miss. SALE BEGINS MONDAY, FEBRUARY 13. Schwartz PROPRIETOR I. Schwartz J PROPRIETOR We are having considerable rain this week and the moisture is penetrating the ground. This is certainly to the advantage of the dry land farmer and gives excellent prospects for a bounti ful crop season. The Saturday Afternoon Read ing Club, the ladies who started and arc the main support of the public library of Burns, are pre paring an entertainment which will be given at Tonawama dur ing the first week in March as a library 'benefit. Details are not complete and it will be given ex tended mention later. We have decided to discontinue our line of alcohols and liquors and have some sweeping re ductions in price. Now is the time to lay in a supply before the stock is exhausted. It will not last long at the price we are mak ing. We will sell you a good article at $3.50 per gallon. Bukns Department Store. The Burns Commercial Club has arranged for the printing of 10,000 pamphlets descriptive of the resources of Harney county which will soon be ready for dis tribution. In this work as in all other undertakings of the club all parts of thn county are given consideration and the pamphlets will be of great benefit to the en tire country. Dr. W, H. Kiddand his son W. L. arrived here last Saturday and have been out at the A. E. Murphy holdings near Iron Mountain. Both nre fnvorably impressed with the opportunities of this big coun'ry and expect to be closer identified with it in the near future. They are returning to Seattle today to so arrange their affairs as to return here to riimnin normnnnnllv. N Peter Clemens and wife and son Glenn arrived home Tuesday evening from an extended visit to southern California and Old Mexico. They had a delightful time, spending several weeks in visiting various places of interest, being with tho Wilsons and Millers (Chas. and Frank) a por tion of tho time. Mr. Clemens had mnny interesting experiences during the trip, especially in Mexico. Tho first formal announcement for tho coming primary election is mnde today by E. C. Egglcs ton who seeks tho democratic nomination for clerk. Mr. Eggle ston is ono of our progressive farmers of Sunset precinct nnd has been dovoting considerable of his timo of late to soliciting nnd writing life insurance. Ho is qualified for tho position he seeks and has an extended acquaint ance. His friends confidently beliovo that should .ho get tho nomination ho will bo elected. At the rnvitation of the Bible class and pastor, Biil Hanley gave a talk at the Presbyterian church last Tuesday evening, on his trip through the East with the Governor's Special which was arranged by Louis W Hill, of the Great Northern Railway, for the purpose of giving the people of the East an opportun ity of getting first hand authen tic information respecting the wonderful resources of the West awaiting development Mr. Hanley was with the special during almost the entire tour ' and made many observa tions. Mr. Hanley was greeted by an overflowing house and a very enjoyable time was spent. Dr. L. E. Hibbard presided and Mr. Fellows opened the program with a finely rendered organ solo followed by an invocation by the Rev. JDr. Babbidge. The ladies' quartet, composed of Mrs. Gault, Mrs. Farre, Mrs. Gowan and Mrs. McHoae. sang "Annie Lau rie" which brought forth admir ing praise. Charles and Roland Gowan sang a patriotic duet Dr. C. C. Babbidge introduced Mr. Hanley who then gave a half hour talk of the trip in an en tertaining manner, expressing his belief that the result of the tour was of great benefit to the West and that satisfactory re sults would certainly follow. His observations convinced him of the necessity of the develop ment of this vast territory for the benefit of mankind and that this will be accomplished in the immediate future. His talk was punctuated with humorous incidents of the trip that made it very entertaining. Some of his friends suggested that even though Bill had been brevited "Colonel" it might be well to also extend the handle and add D. D since it didn't seem at all embarassing to him to occupy the pulpit at the church SUNDW SCHOOL EIEC1S OFFICERS. The annual election of Sunday School ofiicers for the onsuing year was held at the Presbyter ian church last Sunday. Superintendent Harry W. McIIoso; Assistant Superintend entA. M. Byrd;Supprindent of Primary Department and Cradle Roll-Wrs. Will King; Superin tendent of Home Department Mrs. C. C. Babbidge; Secretary Miss Agnes Miller; Treasurer -Mrs. C. C. Babbidge; Librarian Miss Helen Purrington; Choris ter Mrs. Will King; Organists Misses Roberta Hibbard and Chespn King. The teachers selected were Messrs. W. L. Blott and A. B. Whitney. Mesdames Blott.Geary, Loggan and Babbidge. Misess Ellis, Hodder and Egli. PKEPAMI) TO CARE POP TRAITld, While absent Aichie MeGowniV perfected the organization of the Burns Consolidated Auto Co. which will look after transporta tion between this city and Bend. Besides Mr. McGown, Frank Dibble, John Collins, Jay Saltz- man and J. H, Wenandy arc in terested in the new company and Uiey-nrn equipping the line with high claHsautos of sufficient num ber to handle the business with out delay. A regular schedule will be maintaiued as soon as the affairs arc gotten under" way and the traveling public may lie assured of every comfort and convenience possible. There will be node- lays as they will have sufficient equipment to take care of the business and so arrange as to ac comodate the public. Round trip tickets will be furnished and the autos will make connections with trains so there will be no delay. Mr. McGowan found business prospects very bright during his visit to Portland and other points and 8,'iys Harney county is being well advertised and discussed. He doesn't anticipate any parti cular rush here during the early spring but thinks there will be large numbers coming in all dur ing the season and that it will increase rather than diminish as the construction work on the rail road progresses nearer to our county. "A CHEERFUL LIAR. Tonawama Stock Co. gave an other production last night to a good house. "A Cheerful Liar" has snap and was well received by those present It is a comedy where every part has good lines and the cast last night se med to make good as a whole. The makeups were exceptionally good. Ora Hill demonstrated his popularity with the public when he was applauded upon coming before the footlights and sang two songs that were well receiv ed. The next bill in which the Tonawama Stock Co. will appear is "The Merry Cobbler" in which C. A. Harlan plays the leading roll. It has a large cast thirteen characters, and the addition to the cast tside from the regular members of the company, have been carefully selected. Had "The Merry Cobbler" been written with a special re gard for the requirements of amateur players, it could not have been happier in its results. There is not a poor part in the piece, and it will please patrons by the simplicity of its story and the strong undercurrent of heart interest mingled with comedy low and high, light and broad. It will be produced Friday night, Feb. 23. Political Announcements I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of county clerk of Harney County subject to the decision of the democratic voters at the primary election to be held April 19, 1912. E. C. EOGLESTON. Oregon Life Maintains Its Wonderful Supremacy On the first day of January. 1U12, Oregon Life had $5,217,000 insurance in lorce every dollar of it was Oregon business; no other company did so much busi ness in Oregon last year; Harney county furnished her share in 1911. But we are not batisfied and intend to double the produc tion in 1912. If you are morally, physically, mentally and financi ally able to carry insurance we want your business. E. C. Egcjleston, District Manager. urns Sheet Metal Works Tin, Cupper, Sliett Iron Work of all Description. Camp Slopes, Tauks, Jobbing, Plumb- iuir lo order. Ghe Us a Trial. C. W. SCHUMANN! Proprietor. ViickII ' Old Stand, The Saving Habit forms a constant check on expendi tures, and the small sums saved, though insignificant in themselves, soon create a surplus which may be substantially increased by judicious investment. One witli a little temy money to draw upon enn take adrunlngc of opportunities when thejr offer. ' The best preparation for opportunity i a grow "K taingn account right here at this bank HARNEY COUNTY NATIONAL BANK of Burns, Oregon United States Depositary for Postal Savings Fund iyK&'?fmt!M i 8 Pm fm. f? N I I juL The New Year is here so are we and glad for another opportunity to present to you the largest and most com- 17 plete line of general hard ware in Central Oregon. Toy Wagons Electric En gines, Sleds, Skates, Chairs, Fine China, Cut Class, Crockery; Vases? Brass Goods, Cutlery, In fact anything and everything to suit the fancy as well as tho pocket book. Uueful goods as well as ornamental- Call and look over our stock before 'all the fine selections are cone. Agents Gasoline Plants Repair Work Plumbing & fr Guns and Ammunition i s IGEER & CUMMINS H irdware Merchants i -1 f &K$Vb&$&Mto&Zm) t ! wv ,i i3"5& WaCWiS With the most optomiatic faith in the future of BURNS and HARNEY COUNTY we enter the New Year of KSSS. 1912 SE2"'' We anticipate for !ou and ourselves unexcelled prosperity and hope you will co-operate with us to make this possible. "United we stand, divided we fall. " 5 The Burns Dep'm't. Store a- . Mail Orders will receive prompt attention. V vwxm&i&3:$ We tulsh you a Happy and Prosperous FJeui Year. We want to thank you for your past patronage and hope to be able to serve vou In the, future. We have a complete line of Drugs, Patent Med cine, Toilet Articles, and Fine Confectionery Prescriptions carefully com pounded. Piano votes with every purchase. THE CITY DRUG STORE Reed Bros., Proprietors THE FRENCH HOTEL under new management Jonh R. Walkup, Proprietor Firs(Class Well Appointed House Sample Rooms Commercial Travelers Stkayiui From Uakerman I.ako near Kiley, about November 15; one red yearling heifer with wbito face; ono roan yearling heifer; both animals branded 0 extended T on loft side; mark crop and split in loft ear nnd under bit in right. Howard for information leading to their re covery. C, A, Ivy. Riley, Oregon. Stolkn -From tho John Oard ranch a sorrel gelding between l and f years old; small spot in forehead and weighs between 1200 and MOO lbs.; a good road ster; branded a lazy oil left shoulder. Suitablo reward for information leading to his recov ery. Mns Mauv A. Oakd, Lawen, Oregon. Job printing- TheTimea-Iferald 23 I tl i :-t