The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, February 10, 1912, Image 2

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iiWmnViirt'ni lllillll rill i iTiilrtuWwia
nWwi'iTa--i.ll,ii liiilMiilli
Big Reduction
-IN Al I.
Fall and Winter Goods
How about that New Sprmjr and Summer Suit that you
will soon be needing? Now is the time to order while
our RendyMadc, and till other lines, arc complete.
Tailor Made Suits
We can give you anything in a Tailor Made
Suit. REMEMBER cvvvy suit made by us we
absolutely GUARANTEE If you are not sat
isfied your money promptly refunded.
Cleaning' Pressing and Repairing
Burns, Oregon, Odd Fellows Bldg-
1! -4
General Booslcr Meeting and Banquet
Arranged For Tuesday Night.
Site (Bttwjs-glcrnfd.
S..TURDAY. FEI1KU UtY 10. 1912.
portant feature is to eliminate
selfishness and the tendency to
disparage the possibilities of ter
ritory adjacent to our own.
Preach and practice a broad far
reaching Central Oregon spirit.
If our own community can not
supply what the immigrant de
sires, let us advise the investi
gation of other Central Oregon
pouts for with our diversity of
Mr. Otley is conscientious in both lands and conditions he will
One .Year
81z Monlh....
Three Month"
his objections to the erection of
a new court house from an eco
nomical standpoint He is an
economical man. For instance
he had to borrow a copy of The
Times-Herald to get the infor
mation he needed to write his
communication, but that is of
little consequence. He is the
kind of man who doesn't believe
in paying out a cent that can be
avoided ; anything that can be got
ten along with as a make shift will
do rather than pay for something
that would really be a benefit.
He is the character of citizen
who objects to the local news
paper advocating the settlement
and cultivation of this big coun
try; the promotion of irrigation
systems, or any such develop
ment He is of the kind who
doesn't believe this country is
suited to agriculture.
The Times-Herald sees no par
ticular reason for congratulating
the Burns Commercial Club any
more than every other citizen of
Harney county over the action of
the court in determining to build
a court house. Mr. Otley thinks
the present court house is good
enough and he is honest, but he
doesn't know. He doesn't take
into consideration the importance
of a safe place for the records
and The Times-Herald is confi
dent he is not familiar with the
condition of the present building.
Mr. Otley seems to question the
wisdom of buying modern road
machinery which shows he is not
abreast of the times. He also
seems to have the impression that
the experiment station was es
tablished for the benefit of Burns
rather than the farmers of Har
ney county.
It is foolishness to suggest that
men of the character who com
pose the county court could be
influenced by selfish motives.
They are men of mature judg
ment who have carefully consid
ered the matter and who know
that the building of a court house
is the proper step that is to the
best interests of the county
otherwise the step would not
have been taken.
likely find what he wants before
leaving Oregon. The success of
any given territory in just ratio
necessarily reflects its prosperity
on every adjacent one and our
problem today is a realization of
that theory and the establish
ment of ways and means to ob
tain a practical application of it
Owing to the intense immigra
tion rivalry existing in all unde
veloped portions of the United
States, community building is
not a theory but a well defined
business principle in which every
dollar expended will return ten
fold if ordinary business judg
ment is exercised in the expend
itures. Development of any re
sources means increased business
along nearly every line and we
can "go forward or backward in
direct ratio to the amount of en
ergy expended. We have come
to the point where we must go
forward in rapid strides and a
sane campaign along immigra
tion and industrial lines will pro
duce great results but we can ex
pect nothing except permanently
beneficial through cooperation.
Lakeview Herald.
A tlld lUBL!d tALk ffeSV AND FEED, and all Will be uccoini!16(lated If
. room can bo made. This is not
to be n "stag" dinner. The
ladies are to be invited and will
take part in the.nllair.
I The Times-Herald hopes to ecc
"Transportation, Irrigation, QVcryl)0tly cntcrinto the spirit of
Cultivation, Perspiration and this proposcdj'booster talk fest"
Realization." That's the Key- as it is lor tlio purpose ot ex
note to what is in the nir nt.chanBinfr ideas and furthering
present and it appears Hint every ,tno development of the country.
public spirited individual in Har- Irrigation is an important factor
ney county is permeated with it. J"st at present, as it is sure to bo
Some aggressive spirits have Riven attention now that trans-
conceived the idea and have portation is assured. It is of
planned for a public meeting to such vital importance that there
be held in this citv Tuesday even- should be unity of action on the
ing to give vent to their feelings. ' part of the entire country in or-
It seems Harney county is on tho der to get the big projects now
man and hi.: things are slated for under consideration under way.
the immediate future which will It will be tho factor in bringing
greatly advance the development about great beneficial changes,
and prosperity of this big count- In fact it has always been the
ry and this meeting will likely bo ' main factor but lack of transpor
followed by others of a like.tation has made it difficult to
character. finance on account of distance
It is not under the auspices of 'from the railroads and the great
any organization but rather a expense of bringing in such ma
spontaneous outburst of enthus-' terial as is necessary for the big
iasm felt by all who have kept in reservoirs,
touch with the trend of events i
and seethe bright prospects of'
the near future for the Big Har-!
ney Country. I
The meeting is open to the ' To Tim Editor of Tub Times
public. It is not confined to Herald:
it Id n Hsiihl tliliiir Id under" est!
male the cost of buildings, es
pecially county buildings. J?
We have new laws by wnicn aj
officials who do wrong or do not $
carry out tho wishes of the people W
ed and now olllcors
"iiMiAAMtf? MN
Burns or any community but it, is , Dear Sir I don't know wheth
hoped people all over the country er this will be published or not
will be present There will be a as your sympathies are naturally
pleasing program of music and in favor of n new court house,
talks at Tonawama Theatre which will help boom Burns,
largely under the management. But will give it a trial anyhow;
of the ladles. It is intended to ' here goes.
have the ladies talk on various I fully agree with Dr. Denman
suojects, particularly Her part 'and Clyde Embrec in regard to
in the upbuilding of a new count- bjilding a new court house at this
ry or old one either, so far as time.
that is concerned. The ladies j The one we have is in good
have an important and distinc- condition and there is ample room
February 14th,
On community cooperation
more than all else rests the suc
cessful colonization and develop
ment of this vast Central Oregon
empire. A spirit of unity, sup
plemented by a firm belief in the
country's possibilities and per
sonal effort if prudently exer
cised will people our outlying
agricultural districts, build man
facturing plants and in every
known way enhance valuations
and develop territory whether it
be municipal or rural. An object
lesson of striking significance
may be found in tying a bundle
of sticks together. To break
them while united would require
a giants strength, but when sep-
eratcd they could be broken
without effort and cast aside.
The various communities of
Central Oregon may be charact
erized as the bundle of slicks.
Bound together by bands of de
termination, aggressivness and
unselfishness these can makelands
that are now unpeople, and there
fore unproductive and valuless,
produce tremendous tonnage.
This result can only bo obtained
through tho channels of care
fully selected immigration.
To produce genuine commun
ity development, the moat im-
Hon. I. S. Geer, who in com
pany with his wife and son,
Waldo, left here about three
weeks ago for a trip to Portland
and Western Oregon points, ar
rived home Thursday morning
after a very strenuous trip in on
the auto from Bend. '
Mr. Geer carried a message
from the business men of Burns
to Carl Gray, president of the
Hill railroad lines of the North
west, and reports he was most
graciously received by the rail
road man, who expressed his
pleasure at receiving the assur
ance of good will and support of
the citizens of this section.
Mr. Gray did not give Mr. Geer
any definite information as to
when the Hill system would ex
tend into Harney Valley but as
sured him that this was in their
plans and when it was ready to
extend the work would be prose
cuted with least possible delay.
Mr. Geer states the mild wea
ther and rains have made the
roads very soft and therefore
'.difficult for travel, especially
oyer the new portion of the road
between here and Bend. The
old road bed was found still quite
They visited his father and
mother in Douglas county and
found them enjoying good health
in their comfortable home there,
Handsome Safety Shaving Set at City Drug Store
Beautiful Mesh Bag at Salisbury's Jewekry Store
Ebonoid Military Set and Oxidized Silver Cloth and
Hat Brushes at the Welcome Pharmacy
Best costumed lady and gentleman have choice of prize
ADMISSION, Gentlemen Maskers $1.00, Ladg Masker Free
Spectators, both ladies and gentlemen, 25 cents. Additional
50 cents for dancing privilege from gentlemen.
mnv bo recalled
put in their places, and if the
county officials insist in foisting
n new court house on the people
against their wishes, it would bo
a good opportunity to try these
laws. If the people of Burns
want a court house so bad let
them go down in their pockets
and build one themselves, in
stead of trying to tax the rest of
the people in the county, who
are well satisfied with the pres
ent one. for that purpose.
It seems that instead of being
an economical administration, as
was promised by the new county
court officers before election,
that this has been a very expen
sive one. Several thousand dol
lars worth of road building ma
chinery, to start in with; then,
an Experiment Station, near
Burns, and of course most of the
supplies will be bought "there;
now a new court house for Bums,
aiid, I suppose the next thing
will be a new high school build
ing for Burns, and all within two
This is a good thing for Burns
but rather hard on the rest of
the county tax payers.
Surely a3 Dr. Denman says,
The burns Commercial Llub is
indeed to be congratulated."
You have my full permission to
look up my tax record, as you
did Mr. Embree's, ns it makes no
difference whether a man pays
one dollar or a million in taxes;
the voter who pays the dollar
has the same right to his opinion
and to be respected in it, and to
say just as much about county
affairs as the man who pays the
million. Yours for an economi
cal county administration.
Fred Otley, Jr.
Results Count'.
-or the liberal pntroiKitfe
have received tlurhijr yenr,
The past year's business far
exceeds any previous year in
our business history.
Nodlstluetlon made All treat
ed alike- UestRoodsobtalnable
We have something to offer
after slock taking nl want
you to call early after JnnVy I
$ During January February Double Trading Stamps e
i V
tive part in all work of develop
ment and she is going to play
even a more important pact in
the future.
Prominent local speakers will
be heard during the evening.
Mr. Ilauley, who has just return
ed, Hon. I. S. Geer. who has been
out os a special representative of
the people on missionary work
in Portland, C. B. McConnell,
who carried a message from the
citizens to Salt Lake and consult-
in it to transact al necessary
business, and in my opinion we
will not need a new court house
or an addition to the old one for
years to come.
I also agree with Dr. Denman
that ninety per cent, of voters
of Harney county, outside of
Burns, are opposed to building a
new court house, as they are in
this vicinity. It would be a good
thing if mass meetings were held
in every precinct anu remon-
ed with the traffic department of jstrances signed and sent to the
the Harnman railroad system I county court so. that they may
will be among the speakers. Mr. j know the will of the people as
McConnell is still absent but is I there is not room for nvprvtwlv
expected home by Tuesday even
Subjects of a general charac
ter will be discussed, there being
to write in the papers, even if
they had the time and inclination
to do so, and knew the papers
would publish their letters. An
no particular object other than a i injunction should also be placed
regular "Dooster talk fest."
The program at Tonawama is
to be followed by a "feed" at the
Burns hotel. This is also open
to all who desire to attend. It
will be a $1 dinner, each indivi
dual paying and is limited only
to the
on the county court if it has not
already been dono, restraining
them from building a new court
house or building an addition to
the present one.
It is said they will build a court
house that costs $50,000, but if
seating capacity of the it is built, the people will find
room. Reservations on out it will cost from Sinn, (inn tn
tickets may be secured in advance $150,000 before it is finished,
The meeting of the Harney
Nalley Rod and Gun Club Wed
nesday evening at The Times
Herald office was well attended
and the organization is meeting
with general success and approv
al. It has surpassed the antici
pation of thoso-wlio were instru
mental in starting the organiza
tion and promises to be the foun
dation and promises to be the
founda for a strong club that
will include in its membership
people all over the country and
be a benoficial factor in the pre
servation of our game as well as
providing sport for its members.
At the last meeting it was de
cided to dispense with the dues
provided for at the first meeting
and charged a membership fee
of $1.00 only. Such expenses as
may be incurred by transporting
new game birds or fish to restock
our streams will be taken care of
by assessments levied upon the
members from time to time as
occasion demands. Later.should
the club grow and feel disposed
to lease game preserves, build a
club house and extend its work
along those lines it may provide
for such by a stock company.
The membership now numbers
over 70 and includes men from
all around. Narrows, Sunset,
Lawen and other sections of the
county are represented in the
membership and the roster is
still open. It is confidently ex
pected the membership will run
into the hundreds as soon as peo
ple are given an opportunity to
sign the roll.
The rabbit hunt scheduled for
Wednesday promises to be good
sport. It has not been postponed
as was suggested by some but
will take place. Another meet
!n I i billed for Tuesday even
ing at The Times-Herald office at
7 o'clock sharp to complete ar
rangements for the competitive
hunt for Valentine's Day. The
meeting is called early as as to
interfere with any other engage
ment for Tuesday evening and
all interested are cordially invited
to be present promptly t 7
o'clock. No business will be tak
en up other than completing ar
rangements for the hunt and the
"rabbit" supper as the Burns to
be paid for by the losing side
Dr. L. E. Hibbard and James
Smith have been chosen captains
for this hunt and they will choose
their men at this meeting and
give final instructions respecting
the territory to be covered and
all details.
Please remember this organi
zation is open to all and itw'
hoped everyone interested will
become members. There is one
lady member of the club so far. i
1 section, G-10 acres, level un
improved sage brush land in
Harney Valley, canbesubirrigat
ed. 1G0 acre tract, fenced, good
house deep well and otherwise
improved. Prices made tosuit in
tending settlers. No speculators
need apply. Inquire at this office. ,
Vulcanizing at Gemberling's.
have you seen such n rare oiler in mndo-liMiieiiMirr
clothes for men.
1 Sl'llS THAT SOLO rORmsBss
SI 8.00 now
22.50 "
Every unit made from
under our gunninty
fahrii'H ami
Conio now,
pure wool
select your fabrics and havt) your suit made up
in the advanced Hlylea now on dinplay for next
Spring and Summer. Two-piece unit proorlion
arely lens.
Nerm: ok final h mi. i:iknt.
In llie County Court nf llie Klutu of Ore.
roii for II nicy Oouniy,
In tlio inntlorot tliu cnlalc nnil luxt n.
anil teMimeiitof William Allium', ilu.
ceaitxl. I
Notice In hereby l'Ivcii llmt tln n tuli-r-
hIkiioiI uxecutorn of tint uIjw, cnlitlc-,1
nutate ami Mill mul k-nlnim-iit liuvc flli-il
tlirlr final Recount, duly vcrilliil and In
f tury n-Mct uh re'julr.-il law, and Hint
tliualiovo untitled court lian iiinli-l
Monday tlio lltli day of March 1UI2. lit
10 o'clock A. M at tho court hoiiwiil
IluriiH, Oregon, an tliu placo und time for
iiearliiKof ol.jectlonB to wild ilnul ui count
uccouiitand tliu Hiittluinwit thiiioof. All
(whom lnloroalfd having ohjcrtioiin
thereto miiHt lllolhii nainu with tliu clcirl.
of thu nlovu court on or Loforu tliu nfon
said time of hearliiK. Tliii- nottco U
Kiven in Tho TliiKn-IIurnld undur In
direction of hftid court and will In puli
lidhcd for four coimecutlvu wi-eka. patu
of I-'irot puhlicatfou In IVhurary 10, l I
uaivu ni uiiriiH.uri'Koii I oliruary H, llil'i
Ai.iiKiir Ai.tsoiv
Willi is J, Ai.rxoiv,
I'.xi'ciitora of tho hint Mill and limtaimwit
andeiitaluof Win, Altnow, (Ionian d.
Wv Have Opened Ollicvs in the iS'cie Masonic
Building in Burns, and arc Prepared
TO 1
Furnish Accurate, Reliable
nd Complete Abstracts of h
Title to all Lands in Harney Co.
Buy and Sell Real Estate in
Larffe and Small Tracts.
r..:4. ir: i .ii...
vvuu i uc iiimii ciiice in me s
Strongest Old Line Comp'ies
8,000 acre tract irrigated land
best in Central Oregon First i
class colonization project. TERMS
All Business Intrusted To Us Will Receive
Prompt and Careful Attention. tt
Rooms I and 5 Masonic Huildinjr.
Have you thought about that
New Spring and Summer Suit.
See us.-Schenk & Williams.
Better see W. T. Smith about
that Farm Pumping Engine so as
to have it ready for work when
the time comes.
For a sprain you will find
Chamberlain's Liniment excellent
It allys the pain, removes the
soreness, and soon restores the
parts to j healthy condition. 25
and 50 cent bottles for sale by all
A. E. Murphy was in from his
Iron Mountain home this week.
Austin Goodman will give tho
children tho usual annual mas
querade at Tonawama on Mch. 1.
It will be free to children.
The Welcome Pharmacy
is the place to buy your
for cleaning house after having
Scarlet Fever, Whooping Cough and other
Contageous Diseases.
carefully filled by a
Competent Pharmacist
w-v-yy-v-vx -&fLS&S
4- 44H4
Old and netu patrons will find best brands
"Wines, Liquors, and Cigars
Good Service, Courteous Treatment
DROP IN Main Street Burns, Oregon
and Direct Route to Portland and
Other Western Oregon Points
Bend, Redmond
Central Oregon
via (he Branch of llie
Oregon-Washington Railroad & Navigation Co.
Through Car Service between Ilcnd and Portland.
I) A 1 1, v A o II k ) u j, H
iv JKiul ii; Ki A. .1.
I.v. Hbtiiiioml 7 ;t A.M.
I.v. Opal City H:00 A. M.
I.v. MoUjIIiic HiUO A. Al
I.v. Madra H;15 A. M.
Ar. Ueocliulen J , ;o; i ii
Ar. Tlio Dulles j ;G5 j j
Ar. I'ortland , ., r:!lo I', M,
Burns Meat Market
II. .1. IIANSliN, Proprietor
Beef, Pork, Veal, Mutton,
Sausage, Bologna, Liver,
Headcheese, Weinerwurst,
Hmhs MciiI Mnrkii.l, in
nnil ovcrjlliiiif.' in a (Ii-nI
nny (juuntil.
Wholesale and Retail
Any and all the lime.
I'urilHiiil J 7:M)A.,M.
I IU.00A.M.
I.v, riiuDallim U:l()', m,
I.v. Di'Hi'lmtuH Jo j ..'jo . ji"
Ar Mailriw riMGI'.AI.'
Ar, MotolliiK ti.m J(i M
Ar. Opal (JUy '.K, Vf M i
Ar, HtxliiKinil 7;;q j,
Ar' "'l K:ir, !' M
0.11 a any O..W. It. A N. AKnt for Information de.lra-1. or mUnm
A Special Club Offei
Daily and Sunday Oregonianj
ana The Times-Herald