The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, February 10, 1912, Image 1

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I!!!i!!?!iUWwh im-ii i ' ' ' t MmftMMilMfcnh'Hit'inllW'
Vlte lmc-Jlcrnl6
Tlio Olllclai 1'apur of Ilnrnoy County
Inn tlio lurnoil clrciilntlou nml In onn u(
liu bout lulvorllolng imihIIiiiiih In Knatorti
&le (Steal 3Hnructj Co till I ru
Covura an unit ol U,l'J8,H0O ncict ol
land, 4,0:14, (llil hi rod yet vnciint auhjvct
to entry under lliu public land Intra ol
tlio Uniti-d Htalua.
NO 13.
W& jWwtf&tfuih
farney County Children Participate
in State Wide Movement
:hool Superintendent Hamilton AddrcBHCB nn Open
Letter to Pnronts, TcnchcrH and Children Gutlin
iiiK Plans and Enumerating; Competitive Exhibits.
parents, teachers nnd children:
The fooyB and girls of Hnrncy
rimty arc learning many vnlua-
tliinga 'it hcIiooI. Thero aro
io many valuable lessons they
wy learn at home, to una enti,
in planning for thiH county a
ihtpsl in gardening, chicken
nil pig raising, and home work.
Kansas the children liave
rtibled the wealth of tho stale.
JTe can do tho Bamo in Oregon
Ain't we?
in doing these things the cliild-
fntn will learn to respect labor, to
Vm their hands as well as their
Ijfiuuls. to mako practical npplica
sr. .i. it.: ..... I..-......A
Mil oi mo iuhik" iiiujt h-uiuki
fern their books, to see nature
ESfold, and to become successful
men and women.
in order to encourage thorn in
Mr work at homo and in order
Blbring their home and school
MSOr IUKUIIIU-i, nun iw ....... v
'em appreciate country life, bc-
rvinitnsl do that the country
fifthc best place in the world for
R&oy or a girl to grow up, wo
j5vo planned for a fair to bo held
ffiffconnection with the county
ir. At this fair the children
Tlfey exhibit tno nest oi wnm.
tUfty have raised or made.
.believe that gardening ami
Ine work in cooperation with
Patents will help to solve ine
Sbblem of rinding proiiinmo
ri.i, r..y ilw. inuni nnd trirls
l3Rwc.ll as tho country children.
KThc garden and animal compe
Ppon is open to both boys and
j0a. Each is to do tho planting
ml cultivating of tho produce he
SSTshe exhibit. Prizes will be
"i 1 ! -t.. l.,.,.lr,f ll,n lYvllmu.
Mic red air mc ncnmi mu .v.......
;: field corn, sweet corn, ,Kp
n, muskmelons, water melons,
BSnuitnkM. snuaahes. potatoes,
Mbbage, grain selections, bread,"
Sinned fruit, jelly, mending,
ning, aprons, dresses, astors.
ict peas, chickens, ducks and
Ii skill n sowing is to ho
!3L., i.v iiviilhiinof niirons.cach
tp-on being made for and by the
Wl exhibiting It, The aprons
Mty bo white or colored, plain or
SZai.i 1.....1 m. mnpliiiio made.
RiiU-U, IIUIIU - --
&irl may exhibit two aprons,
one a white tho oilier a prini.
flffnnpa!t and taste rather than
Elaboration will bo tho standard.
iWo extra credit will bo given
gtho use ot lace, emoroiuury,
Expensive materials. In cook-
each girl may oxhihit one
IfiSf of bread, one pint or quart
8r of fruit, and one glass of
L K Kit All
ly, or any or all oi inese. ah
irk exhibited must bo done iy
girl without help.
. . A ll. r. Ml a I ll kin
or this coiucsi wu cimmuii
ill bo divided into two classes,
)So twelve years or older and
ihu under twelve years.
wIhIi to sav that tho l-air
tsociation is cooperating with
in this work.
hopo to bo able to announce
prizes within a few weeks.
Yours very truly,
County School Superintendent
For Oregon.s sake wo'vo got
recognize that every time a
rmer falls tho slalo looses,"
id Wm. Hnnloy, "sago of Har-
' county," addressing tho Pro-
L'ssivo Business Men's club at
Hotel Portland yostorday
f'Kor this reason vo should
iko our groat agriculural col-
ro with its great head tho
longest institution in tho state.
ought to have a land toucher
every farmer that is seen to
going wrong. Wo ought to
Ivo a support for 'uhowhow-to-
-it' plan of tho college that will
prevent any failure or mistakes.
"The time has come when this
great country will not bo govern
ed any more by congress. Wo
don't want laws. We want cry
stallized sentiment nnd men.
Wo want recognition of the fact
that it is a state's right to use its
resources for tho benefit of its
"If we don't get the use of
our own resources there' is no
need of any state lines any
Mr Ilanley was greeted with
cheers when he rose to speak.
He told humourously of Hi tour
of tho governors' special, saving
that Oregon had gotten more ad
vertising than any of the other
states, and that much of the
credit was due to Governor West
He added that when the Oregon
system was challenged, particu
larly by a bunch of southern gov
ernors, that "our little governor
was backed into a corner so that
he had to bile his way out. And
our governor did bite his way
out, and he did those little south
ern governors a heap of good."
To the Editor In regard to
the new court house that is being
disscusscd so frcelv I would ask
if Harney county has ever been
better prepared to build than
now? At present f2 per cent of
our taxes are paid by outside
corporations, leaving 1)8 per cent
to be paid by the smaller tax
payers, besides a great number
of new people who constitute the
smaller figures have not yet se
cured patent to their land, there
fore pay on a small nmount of
personal property only. A short
time hence this would bo differ
ent so far as ho is concerned.
A court house is for entire
county alTairs and not for tho
town in which it is located.
When tho lnrge holdings are cut
ti) and disposed of in small tracts
it will no doubt be done on the
installment payment plnn which
will induce many who have little
means other than tho first pay
ment to start with and these in
dividuals will have obligations
that will bo all they can meet
with convenience. Under these
circumstance I think it better to
build now as it is quite evident a
new court house is needed and
it should meet with the approval
of every citizen in Harney county.
A firo trap like tho present
court house is a disgrace to a
prosperous county like Harney.
A Countky Citizen.
(lnu'rnor l.nnhea Critics ol (loud Honda.
Governor Oswald West talked
"good roads" and "hot air land
conipanies"today beforotho larg
est attended meeting of the realty
board in the history of the orgn
nizulion. Tho governor declared
that the "back to tho farm" cry
is a huge joke in tho light of tho
roads throughout tho state says
tho Journal
"You mny shout your; head off
about 'back to tho farm,' but the
peoplo won't go back until they
liuvo roads to go over," continu
ed he. "Wo have frnmed up
sonio bills to submit to tho voters,
which wo believo will give us
good roads If certain interests
which aro opposed to me will
only turn their guns on mo and
let tho road bills alone.
"Tho attack on theao proposed
laws Is wholly unfair and unjust,
tho plainest provisions of tho
bills aro being distorted in order
to injuro them with tho voters."
Ho said that ho was not afraid
to build roads for owners or auto
mobiles to uso, becauso tho farm
ers will haul their wheat to town
over tho rouda just tho samo.
"It has been charged, "continu
ed tho governor, ''That wo pro
pose to issue $20,000,000 bonds,
entailing an interest charge of
$1,000,000 a year, while the pro
posed laws plainly provide that
notmorothnn $2,000,000 in bonds
shall bo issued in any one year.
Our enemies also say that the
money will be wasted, Now I
believe that such safeguards have
been thrown around tho expendi
ture of that money that it can't
bo wasted. If I did not believe
that, I never would advocato their
adoption by the people. More
than $11,000,000 has been wasted
by tho county courts in this state
during tho past five years in so
calleu'foad building. I want to
help stop this waste of the peo
ple's money, and I behove tho
bills that we are advocating will
Tho governor declared that he
intended to establish rock crush
ers at quarries in difTerent'partH
of the state, operate them with
convicts and furnish crushed
rock for road making to the
cou lies and farmers at cost
He spoke of such an institution
being operated under his super
visions at Salem, which is crush
ed rock at a cost not exceeding
25 cents a cubic yard.
Governor West went on record
as favoring a law that will place
all land selling companies direct
ly under the control of the cor
poration department of the sec
retary of state's ollice. While
deploring the immense financial
loss occasioned by tho operations
of the Columbia River Orchard
company, he predicted that good
will come out of it, for the rea
son that it will force the passage
of a law to properly regulate
these companies.
Wool Men Meet March 4.
Judge Grant Thompson was in
tho city for a few days tpis week
attending to business affairs. He
is president of the Harney Coun
ty Wool Growers Association nnd
made the announcement that he
would call a meeting of tho as
sociation in this city for March -1
to discuss matters of interest to
the shceamen and hopes to see
the meeting largely attended.
The Times-Herald is informed
that it has been arranged for re
presentatives of the railroads to
be present as well as warehouse
men from Jailroad points.
Matters of vital importance to
the wool industry of this section
will bo discussed and it is to the
Interest of the sheepmen to be
present. They have heretofore
been at the mercy of other people
in many respects nnd now that
competition has developed they
have an opportunity by coopera
tion to make a decided move to
their individual benefit. They
should embrace this opportunity
and be present at the meeting
called for March 1.
Reports from all over the state
indicate that Governor West's
proclamation setting asido this
week especially for the considera
tion of the subject of good roads
is being acted upon with great
enthusiasm. His message was
an ap'peal to the citizens of Ore
gon to get ready for tho opening
of the Panama Cannl and thus
provide the'ensiest possible ac
cess to the interior country. Un
der tho auspices of the Oregon
Association for Highway Im
provement, copies of tho eight
bills that have been prepared
wore sent to tho commercial
clubs anil to the newspapers.
The secretary of tho Oregon
Development League sent out a
message that as this question
was not a political issue, lu urg
ed that special meetings of the
commercial bodies affiliated with
tho Leaguo bo held to discuss
good roads and to make their
Rentos for ale, all sizes and
enuths. price 20 cents per foot.
Ally UUU llfHIIlliK uunn.-n
W. A. Ford of .1. O. Alberson,
Mhorson, Oregon,
A .... .,.... .. I m i ulfe m Dint 1 nn t ll MCI 11 I
Do you know that more real
danger lurks in a common cold
than in any othor of tho minor,
ailments? Tho safe way is to (
take Chamberlain's Cough Rome-
dy, a thoroughly reliable prepara-1
Hon, and rid yourself of tho cold
as quickly as possible. This
remedy is for salo by all dealers.
Indications That
Than Ever
Capital Punishment Bill,
Suffrage;, U'ften's Usual
Now Under Way Will
With the statement of Gover
nor West that there will be at
least seven or sight road meas
ures to go on the ballot, with it
being noiBed around that a plan
is on foot among the members of
tho G. A. R. to initiate a bill to
make February, , 'l, Lincoln's
birthday a public Holiday, with
eleven measures already on file
in the ofllce of the secretary of
stata, and with the other meas
ures now being circulated through
petitions, or in Jhe course of 1, article IX, of the Oregon con
preparation, there are at least, stitution, providing fora uniform
thirty-four measures which are
actually in sight to be voted on
by tho electors at the next gen
eral election, with a possibility of
the number going to forty or
over, says an exchange.
In 1910 the voters were called
uiwn to pass on the merits or de
merits of thirty-two bills. That
number was far in excess of any
voted on before through the ini
tiative and referendum, but this
year there seems to be a possibil
ity of perhaps ten or possibly fif
teen more in sight with the elec
tion about nine months away.
Governor West's capital pun
ishment bill will be in circulation
before long. He Baid recently
that it is in the course of prepa
ration and he hopes to have it
completed soon. The bill aiming
to place the state printer on aflat
salary has been circulated for
several weeks and about half the
requisite number of signers have
now been secured.
The Prohibitionists have an
nounced they will have a meas
ure to vote Oregon dry in 1912,
if possible, and this will be cir
culated soon, it is. understood.
W. S. U'Ren saya there will be
two bills from his hands. One to pay for the benefit of deposi
will be the bill providing, for pro-1 tors an amount equal to the par
lwrtional representation and it value therefor,
will include his plan of a cabinet An act appropriating $175,000
form of state government and 'for building and equipping an
numerous other provisions pract
ically changingthe entire, legis
lative system. His other -measure-
will be tho single tax plan.
This will bo practically the same
as a statewide- measerc, ho says
owing to tho fact that it will be
put on the ballot in every county.
There probably" will La seven
measures from the commission
on taxation and.nt least two from
the commission to revise the ju
dicial system. Perhaps there will
bo more from the. latter commis
sion. Just what these two. commis
sioners will do is not exactly de
finite, but there will be a number
of measures coming from their
hands, at least, and tho estimate
given is not a radical ono.
Of tho eleven bills now on file
there are three,, at least, tho Uni
versity of Oregon referendum
petitions, and tho Monmouth
Normal referendum, which may
possibly neyer go. tq the voters.
Tho ballot titles for SQhiqof those
bills now on fi)o areas, follews:
Equal suffrage amendment, ex-
tending the rights of suffrage to
For constitutional amendment
oT section 8, article V, for the
purpose of creating tho oilice of
Lieutenant Governor, who shall
net as Governor in case of tho in-1
IMlnble C.ttxeni
ol lUvnty County
Tho Inland
Wu rvircnt tlmt wlilrli in rtHtnl timl rulluMo. Wu luuulln ull
kiiuU u( Itral KaUtu innttem Willi) your liiml filiiiK mor or
tilliur lit!Ul ltuul aurararroclly mid (illicitly., VK WANT YOUIl
KIHK INSl'UANOH ltDBINKKH; wo roiuont two of ilia ttrougont
ecmiunlts In Amorlcn-THK AKTNA A HAinTOKD CO'8
I.Utyour property with u, lor alo or Irmle. IN VK8TIUATK OUK
lrnt)on. Ak our Client. t'll ami eo in.
Ballot be Larger
This Fall
The Prohibitionists, Equal i
Grist and Other Measures
Make Total About Forty.
ability of the Governor to per
form his duties and also act as
President of the Senate, and pro
viding for the President pro tern,
of the Senate to act as Governor
in case of tho inability of both
the Governor and Lieutenant
Governor, and in case of the in
ability of the Governor, Lieuten
ant Governor and President pro
tern, of the Senate, the Speaker
of the House to act as Governor.
For an amendment of section
rule of taxation, except on prop-1
nM,.. ,nvnl i it 1 .1 . r. tr
Cl LJ OtJlZ.lll-tlllJ lUACU, IJ1V.1TIUI11&
for the levy and collection of
taxes for sUite purposes and for
county and other municipal pur
poses upon different classes of
property, and for the ascertain
ment, determination and applica
tion of an average rate of levy
and taxation on property taxed
for state purposes, and for ap
portioning state taxes among the
several counties as county obli
gations by reasonable and equi
table rules.
For an amendment of section
32, article I, Oregon constitution,
I for the purpose of permitting
J taxes to be levied upon different
classes of property at different
rates but providing that taxation
must be uniform upon each sep
arate class within the territorial
limits of the authority levying
'the tav, and shall be levied and
'collected for public purposes only
and the power of taxation must
never be surrendered, suspended
or contracted away.
For constitutional amendment
of section 3, article XI, of the
constitution, making stockhold-
I era in banking corporations liable
administration building and ex
tending heating plants to the
same, for University of Oregon,
and also approprieting the fur
ther sum of $153,258.92 for the
purchase of additional land.equip
ment and apparatus; making re
pairs, additions and improve
ments to buildings and grounds; j
paying salaries to instructors
and employers; paying street
assessments and for additional
maintenance of the correspon
dence study department of Uni
versity of Oregon.
An act appropriating $172,000
for the construction, equipment
and furnishing a modern fire
- proof library and museum build-
ing aim ine extension oi ine
heating plant to the same, for the
uso of the Univeisity of Oregon.
An act vesting tho Railroal
Commission with power and juris
diction to supervise and regulate
every public service corporation
utility in the State of Oregon, as
to i ho adequacy of tho service
rendered and facilities provided,
the fairness of rates, tolls and
charges to be collected from the
public therefor, and also as to in
terchange of business between
such public service corporations
and utilities, tho punrose of the
'bill being to give the commission
supervisory control over all such
Homestead Locations
Empire Realty Company
W. T. 1 KSTKlt, Manager
corporations and utilities as far
as their business has to do with
tho general public.
An act appropriating $50,000
for building, furnishing and eq
uipping a dormitory at the Ore
gon Normal School at Monmouth.
To determine the adaptability
of Milo maize as a forage crop
and grain for raising undet East
ern Oregon dry farming condi
tions, the Oregon Agricultural
Experiment League is testing it
on the farms of members. They
are planning to find out the
methods of seeding and culture
best suited to the production of
the crop, and its usefulness in
promoting grain and forage, as
well as to improve its quality and
adaptability by seed selection.
The members first select an
acre of clean summer fallowed
land that is uniform throughout
and diyied into four quarter
acre plots. These are disced and
worked into a good seed bed, if
necessary plowed and followed
immediately with a subsurface
packer before harrowing.
About May 1 plots of the land
are sown with the Milo maize,
three pounds of seed to the acre,
and two weeks later the other
two plot3 are similarly sown,
using a grain drill for seeding;
and stopping up the .holes in the
seed box so the maize will be
sown in rows one yard apart
Care is taken not to sow the
maize when the ground is celd.
Soon after seeding the plots
are harrowed and again ten days
later, with a third harrowing
after the plants are up. There
after a knife cultivator or a
shovel cultivatoy so set that the
shovel will not run more than
three inches deep. One each of
the early and late sown plots
should be cultivated every week,
and the other two every fort
night Well matured plants in the field
having larse, compact, erect
heads, uniform in height and
time of maturing are selected,
since it is essential that a type be
secured that can be harvested by
machinery. By erect heads are
meant those borne on straight or
only slightly bent shanks. It
should be harvested when the
plants have matured well and
the seeds are getting dry. It
may be cut and chopped like corn
and the heads later removed by
chopping them off in bunches on
a block with an ax, or they may
be cut off the stocks with a head
erora knife, and spread out in
a thin layer and dried. The exper
imenters will note the effect of
early and late planting, fre
quency of cultivation and adapt
ability to the soil and climate.
Yields of both grain and fodder
will be secured, and three weeks
before harvest a progress report
will be mailed to the agronomy
department of the college.
Calvin S. Thomason, who has
been employed by tho Oregon
Bankers Association and the
Oregon Agricultural College to
carry out plans for the encour
agement of agriculture among
the school children of the state,
started his work this week by
visiting Tillamook, Lincoln, Yam
hill and Benton counties. Pre
parations were made for his re
ception by the county superinten
dents and meetings of the com
mercial organizations held at the
points at which he topped gave
him an opportunity to explain
his mission. He announces that
prizes will be offered for displays
by school children in agriculture,
wood-working, sowing, cooking,
poultry and hog raising.
Clay Clemens mill is the near
est one to Burns where all kinds
of lumber both rough and dress
ed can be had. Near Canyon
road. Call him by 'phone.
FUU TltAim luucriutol flu iur a ml ymv timl.or
over .'.Ono.WO loot, creoli nn.t giHul roaj lUruuch Uml
lu Ilia great Northern IiUho IliuUr trll Will liailr
(or 1C0 acrei ollevel Harney S'alle Uu.l have Oil
Subject of Book Just Published by
Professor Thomas Shaw
In His Book Prof. Shaw Has Given Detailed Descrip
tion of Most Successful Way of Farming in Eacfi
Particular Section A Synopsis of The Chapters.
Prof. Thomas Shaw, who visit
ed this section a year ago last
summer, has written a book on
dry farming. Prof. Shaw is a
National figure who is widely
quoted on dry farming subjects
and is an experienced man. The
following is from a St Paul
" 'Dry Land Farming' " is the
subject of the latest publication
by Professor Thomas Shaw, who
was formerly connected with the
Agricultural College of the Uni
versity of Minnesota. It was
placed on the market yesterday,
says the St. Paul Pioneer Press.
What is termed 'the dry land
area' embracing five hundred
million acres in the United States
and Canada, all of which may be
successfully tilled, comes in for
consideration by Prof. Shaw. A
detailed description of the most
successful way of farming each
particular section is given."
In nineteen chapters, covering
40 pages, it discusses the fol
What is meant by Dry Land
The Origin and History of Dry
The Domain for Dry Farming.
Soils in Dry Areas.
Soil Moisture and Dry Farm
ing. Burns Flour
Makers of
in ' il
'Famous Burns Flour'
Always for the development
of Central Oregon and Har
ney County.
r ""
Four well equipped lines. Excellent facilities
for transportation of mail, express, passengers
Prairie City to Burns. Vale to Burns
Burns to Diamond Burns to Venator
E. B. WATERS, Aent.
. i::xjj::sij:::;::;..H.;::.;:i:JJ!:::i::j:t)mama:nnnnn::aani
1 . .. ...... r ti
ii ARCHIE M'GOWAN, I'resiueiu ana jminuB:r
1 Harney County AbslractCqmpany
Modern and Compete Set of Indexes
p An Abstract Copy of Kvery
j) Harney
" m::::::n:::r.t:::::::iin:n:ri
U. A. DIBBLE, Proot.
Courteous treatment, rates reason
ableGive me a ca'l
A First Class Bar in Connection
Plant Growth in Dry Areas.
Plowing in Dry Areas.
Cultivation in Dry Areas.
Sowing and Planting in Dry
Crops That May Be Grown in
Dry Areas.
Growing Grain Crops in Dry
Growing Cultivated Crops in
Dry Areas.
Growing Legume -. J
Growing Hay and Pasture
Crops in Dry Areas.
Growing Trees and Fruits in
(Continued on page 4.)
Milling Co.
.sa -
Instrument on Record in
i:mn::n:mna:nimn:tr.::::t:n:;... ruj
. flB .Bfc Hi.
11 14