are;; , r, aa 1. TTf-J.WHl'tlHWrt'"Mtt",'"t1"J " '' 1"' flifctttdMgMWaatefiiiO mktAZ ttnsJrjaasaMasfliw T,qJrv Times-Jlerald ilAMVIHK IiAHOKBT OIHUUI.ATION OK (NY NKWBrAl'EU IN T1IIH COUNTY, '35 fcSHHK ilB rATUIU)AY. JANUAIIY U, UU, Local News, Mujcnnizing nt Ocmborling's. Om Hamilton cnmo in from jRnBrpriHo Wednesday. jjBm canned corn $.'5.25 a case 'Hanrtnwti Morcnntilo Co. MClcvengcr lnys llio highest market price for hiilca and furH. Ohftrlcs Hooks was down from hiaTfiirm on Cow crock this week. lkt Hour (guarantee) bblSlIarriman Morcnntilo Co. IjflM. Cheney is liomc form an extewiu'd trip 10 ouistuo poini. jRfiMit received a nice lot of Fall nmflWintcr Ready-Mndo Suits Suiiewk & Williams. &TJ3. IIowHor and wife were dow. from Harney this week on Rjstt to relatives. pSlIOPS, HRAN AND HAILED ItSft AT THK 11USY CORNKR STORK. kWKooping cough is causing Home! children to stay out of Rcliowl. tCuJl and nee the late arrivals orf"Sjrtfl8 Roods, shoes, ties, furn iomiijs tc at Hngcy & Rich-nrtliwi. STORHY WEATHER During the winlor boiihuii whon l.lni woiitlior h often ntormy, iiiul tbo i'oiuIh uro fnxpionUy bud, our BANKING BY MAIL Horvico will lig fotiiul of Hpeuiul conven ience to tlioHo living at a diHtancu from lilll'UH. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK BURNS, OREGON Capital and Surplus - $85,000.00 United Slates Depoailari Accounts Invited Piatt Randall was elected school clerk last Saturday to fill thjjwicnncy resulting from V. EJfflUBton resigning. YoShr'h Mont Market and Sroowy is the place for bargains illcsjtlays. Everything in the torq&t actual cost. RoUcrt, the little son of F. S. jroffjjhns been suiroring from nusculur rheumatism, hut is im-irovlng. Iiadies of Hums are invited to afiJftS'tho home of Mrs. II. M. Iortou and see samples of the fpireWa Corsets. 'Wejaro informed that .1. II. oitKn will be taken to Portland or medical treatment as soon as ho,ib"lockado is opened. lUough and dressed lumber of lljldnds now on hand at the frlliams Bros. Saw Mill. Hough fmbar $ir per thousand. Money to loan on Harney Coun- nmproml Heal Kstatc. Call I itgorjwrito C. 0. Thomas, Rex '12 Vale. Oregon JjanTRosonllld, the well known nvnwig representative of Trist jCtflof San Francisco, has been lllitisr on the trade here this 1 IMtSh. J. McKinnon Jr. left SunHay for Clarkston, Wash., jrawonso to a telegram that (rjnfcther was very ill. She ilTwabsent an iiidefinite time. Cleaning and Pressing neatly done by Schenk & Williams. Clevenger pays the highest market price for hides and furs. lames Gilbert was over from his home near Harney this week. New fresh groceries just re ceived at Hageyft Hichardson's. Winona wagons are the best. For sale by Harriman Mercantile Co. The Woodmen of the World and Circle will hold joint instal lation ceremonies on the 19th. Miss Hazel Coznd came in Wed-, nesday and is a guest at the home of her sister, Mrs. Curtis Smith. SALE OF LAMES' ANI) MEN'S WOOI, UNDERWEAR AT THE HUSY CORNER STORE. The Woodman Circle gave a. very enjoyable leap year dance at Tonawama last night winch was largely attended. It was a Rubbers and Overshoes we have them- Schenk & Williams. You should inspect the fine as sortment of Wall Paper at Luna- burg, Dalton & Co's. Fresh supply of groceries ' in chiding lard, bacon hams etc. at Hagey & Richardson's. Dr. .1. W. Cieary has been rather on "the lift" the past few days with a case of lumbago. A private boarding house in Hums can accommodate a few more boarders. Inquire at this office. Mrs. .1. W. Buchanan has been over from the station this week a guest at the home of her son Roc. A. R. Murphy and wife were in the city a few days this week, having just returned from a trip to Seattle. Harry Spry and Will Foren held the lucky numbers that won lecided success in every partial-! JJerlwo b'K dolls iven nwny by I&your children are subject to faclw of croup, watch for the stTjfhiptom, hoarseness. Give iSmtibrlain's Cough Remedy as InJSJ the child becomes hoarse dHSS attack may be warded flFpr Ha'c "' nil dealers. dec lar. At the term of court closed this week the petition of 0. S. Pres ton and others for a county road in the Glenlock neighlwrhood was acted upon favorably and order ed viewed. N. Brown & Sons. A temjKirary singe will be con structed at the picture show for the sparring match to be held there Wednesday evening. I The Harney Saw Mill, R. L. I Hunvard proprietor, now has on Fifteen eggs, express prepaid, I Jliiml il larKe amount of rough ' aim uresscu lumuer and can nil SU.OO - OrniiiL'tons. Wvnndottes. Leghorns. Bantams, etc., also ' or,It-,rrt '('rl "otico. ducks, ireese and turkevs. Write. r0:i(1 lo tho '"'" Hurry for circular. --Simpson's I'iiba sant Faum, Corvallis, Oregon. The cut of the new public school building on the first page is a dissapointmenl. It was made from a photo taken from the architect's perspective and is not clear. In fact the cut is too fine for ordinary newspaper work. It should have been a courser serene. good orders may be 'phoned in t 1.00 Buchanan called on us dur ing the week and reported a very successful rabbit drive in ihe biylon Point neighborhood 1100 rabbits were put out of commission. 200 tons of hay for sale at $T nor ton. 1(50 acres of pastures included, house and good water. Inquire here. Vulcanizing at Gemberling's. Clevenger pays the highest market price for hides and furs. II. W. McIIoso has fine pota toes raised on dry land. Sec him for your BUppiy. Go to the Whito Restaurant for Chicken Supper Wednesday and Sunday evenings. ' .7. E. Stoy, Prop. For Sam: Black Perchcron Stallion, 5 years old in spring. Good paper's. Claude McGec. Mrs. Maggie Hilton wbb in the city Thursday from her home near Buchanan. Schenk & Williams have just received a fine lot of Overcoats and Mackinaws, A new school district. No. 45, lias been created in the southern part of the county, cutoff No. 39. Watch Burns Grow. Ben Newman was up from the Island ranch yesterday and says they have more snow down there than in Burns. Ed Egli has the scarlet fever out at the ranch and his mother went out today in company with Thos. 1 1 niton to take some medi cine. Don't fail to see the sparring Match between Spider Kelley and Jack Belmont at the Orpheum Wednesday evening. This will be a fast bout of five rounds. A good clean exhibition for ladies as well as gentlemen. Curt Lundy arrived home Thursday from Portland where he had spent several weeks. He will remain here now until spring, in fact may decide to stay at home, as he has not yet decided what he will do this year. Portland's "silver thaw" out in this section would be called a darned hard freeze and by the time news would reach the Port land papers it would be a "terri ble blizzard" or something worse It's all owing to the location. Estiiayed A brown gelding weight between 1200 and 1300 lbs., branded diamond S, dia mond above, on left stifle. Black gelding branded JB con nected on left shoulder, weight about 1100 lbs. Suitable reward for information leading to their recovery. Star Buckland, Harney, Oregon The P. L. S. Co. has started suit in the Federal court against C. A. Sweek. J. M. Dalton, G. W. Young. G. Hudspeth, H Luig and Dr. J. W. Geary. The suit involves water rights that are covered by an old decree, We understand the complaint claims neglect and damages. STRAYKD-From Oakerman Lake For your winter suit sec Schenk & Williams. Grover Goodiow and wife were in the city the first of this week. Miss Lena Harkey was ill yes terday and her room in the pub lic school was dismissed. Don't forget the sparring match Wednesday evening, Jan. 17. Adults 25c Children 15c. It is reported that the Sumpter Valley train is again snow bound and we will be without mail again for a time. Money to loan on Harney Coun ty Improved Real Estate. Call on, or write C. 0. Thomas. Box 42 Vale, Oregon. Ted Hayes was up from Lawen yesterday after medicine for his brother Bailey's children who' are having a siege of whopping cough S Vulcanizing at Gemberling's. Joe Clark is over from Harney. Well, we're having some mois ture any way. Who wants those swan feather at ClevengersV I. N. Hughet was in the city during the week. A large stock of wall paper at Lunaburg, Dalton & Co's. Dalla Turner and Chas. Van Buren were over from Diamond this week. They brought in a lot of scalps and furs. The first mail to reach us for three days was received here Thursday night. The stages seem to make very good time but the railroads are tied up from deep snow. Dr. Minnie Hand was in the city this week from Lawen. Dr. Hand will practice in this county C. B McConnell left Wednes-j and has alrea.iy had ronsidera ble work in Lawen and vicinity. She reports the birth of a son to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Otley Jr. recently. day morning on a business trip which will take him to Boise and Salt Lake. He may visit Chicago before returning. ' W. .B. Parker and son Bert are over from Paisley attending to some business and will take their bunch of horses back with them on their return. Dr. W. L. Marsdcn is confined to his bed as the result of an op eration on last Wednesday. He is recovering rapidly and expects to be out again next week. H. J. Jokisch, a homesteader near Waverly, has been employ ed in the high school during Prin cipal Yoder's illness. He has made a good impression with the work. This arrangement was made after The Times-Herald went to press last issue. Miss McKenzie is still in the public school and Miss Lena Harkey is teaching in Miss Ellis' room, tlie A masquerade ball will be giv-i latter not having recovered suf en at Tonawama on Feb. 14. ficiently from her recent illness There will be suitable prizes to take her place. awarded lor the best sustained '"I EVIDENCE The best evidence that this bank is giving sat isfactory service to its clients; is the un precedented number of new clients who have recently opened accounts here. Many of these new accounts were opened at the recommendation of our old pations who desired their friends to share in the conscientious service we are giving. We have accommodations for many more, and our officers will be pleased to interview those who desire efficient co-operation. HAHNCY COUNTY NATIONAL BANK of Burns, Oregon United States Depositary for Postal Saving Funds characters and also finest cos tumes. Mrs. Carl Welker is go ing to order costumes from Salt Lake for rental and those desir ing costumes should see her be fore she sends in the order. Married During the Christ mas holidays, Miss Millie Hurl burt was married in Dallas to Ivan Jackson. They will make their home in Lebanon. The bride was a student at the Mon mouth Normal and her marriage was a surprise to her many friends here. Even her parents knew nothing of it until notified after the ceremony. Her father is in the city and will go out as soon as he can get away with the in tention of bringing his other daughter Alice home from Mon mouth school. where she was also in Faking room for new stock EVERYTHING REDUCED EXCEPT pcenes, Overalls, Patterns, nuwf Bhread and Holeproof Hosiery J753T URNSHNG GOODS NCY GOODS HATS DRY GOODS SHOES BOOTS CAPS SLOTHING REDUCED 20 tr cent. SEE OUR BARGAIN COUNTERS Por Special Prices on Omuls too Numerous to Mention in tliis spnce Sale Begins Jan. 15 Sale Ends Feb. 11 Pour Weeks of the best bargains offered in Burns. J. SCHWARTZ sc J near Riley, about November 15; one red yearling heifer with white face; one roan yearling heifer; both animals branded 0 extended T on left side; mark crop and split in left ear and under bit in right. Reward for information leading to their re covery. C. A. Ivy. Riley, Oregon. Clay Clemens mill is the near est one to Hums where all kinds of lumber both rough and dress ed can be had. Near Canyon road. Call him by 'phone for quick orders. Homer Reed and family and Mrs. Chas. Johnson and daugh ter, Miss Toiloy, arrived Thurs day night from Portland. They were blockaded in the snow for a time, at first trying to get in by way of Bend and finally going back to the main line and com ing by Haker. Homer and fam ily are well. Mrs. Johnson and Miss 1 otley will remain here for some time. A. 0. Faulkner received a tel egram Wednesday morning an nouncing that his father Was dangerously ill in Indiana and urging him to come. His brother Charles had reached Lakeview with his family enroute to Burns where they intend to reside, when he also received a like mes sage, and started for the family homo from that point. Mr. Faulkner started at noon Wed nesday going out by way of Prairie. His father had not been sick at the time of his last letter and it was a surprise to learn of it. Stuays -Two cows have been at my ranch for several years and tbo owners may have same by proving property and paying all charges against them includ ing tins notice. Descriptien: Red cow about 12 years old branded either a T or J on loft hip DD on left thigh; ear mark crop and half under crop in each ear, duelap cut out below. The other a red cow about 14 years old; brands have been defaced so that they cannot be mado eut: she has a brand on each bin; mark crop oil' each ear and right ear slit; wattle on left neck and right jaw. J. A. Williams, Van, Oregon. One of the big auto trucks came in Monday with a full load of freight and has since been held here awaiting the arrival of the other machine in order to make the run back to Bend to gether. We understand the otlier truck is stalled in the deep snow drifts between here and Silver creek but it is believed they will be able to operate in the snow when the roads are packed and the drifts removed from them. Since the above was put in type the second auto came in with a load of freight, arriving Friday afternoon. Although we're somewhat be hind the times in so far as know ing much about the outside world, the mails all being delayed from the big storms, Harney county people are happy. We've had most any kind of weather that could be handed out during the past week but the great amount of snow and rain has caused every body to smile. We can put up with the inconvenience of delayed mail under the circumstances1 and are all r-ady to welcome more moisture for it means crops the coming season. The stock men are well supplied with for age and can feed for an indefi- j nite period, so let 'er snow. Remember the big show Wed nesday evening, Jan. 17. Every body come. Something doing all I the time. Orpheum. Money to Loan at 5 per cent. If you are needinga little loan, and do not care to pay more than 5 percent. The Oregon Life In surance Co. has money to loan at that rate of interest and it is yours for the asking, provided, you are one of their policy hold ers and have been, for three con tinuous years. This is another i one of the splendid features of! the policies in this great company Most of our brainy, business W 2M? fi, ! VV, mPftPftmA2$l& 1912 I he New Year is here so K are we and srlad for another S opportunity to present to you S the largest and most com- plete line of general hard- ware in Central Oregon. g Toy Wagons Electric En- gines, Sleds, Skates, Chairs, Fine China, Cut f Glass, Crockery, Vases, f Brass Goods, Cutlery, g In fact anything and everything to suit the fancy as y? well as the pocket book. Uueful goods as well as or- 2$ namental- Call and look over our stock before fall the WJ fine selections are gone. "9 Agents Gasoline Plants I 7 p. men, in America and abroad pro ject their own and their families I interests, with an Old Linenolicv. WOOL UNDERWEAR AT Are you one of them? See REDUCED PRICES AT THE' Ecn kstov BUSY CORNER STORE. - The Oren Ufe Jhm. V" ft Repair Work Plumbing and Ammunition 8 Guns GEER & CUMMIN H irdware Merchants 2 i2 w&bvia&&xx , V fc 4 & Si We ujlsh you a Happy Prosperous Hem Year. and We uiant to thank you for your past patronage and hope to be able to serve you in the future. We have a complete line of Drugs, Patent Med cine, Toilet Articles, and Fine Confectionery Prescriptions carefully com pounded. Piano votes with every purchase. THE CITY DRUG STORE Reed Bros., Proprietors ? V.nV3WW& H ? v Willi the most optomistic faith in the future of liURXS and HARNEY COUNTY we enter the New Year of 1 k- sZ2Z 1912 SS2' ft fr. I , We anticipate for uou and ourselves unexcelled prosperity and hope uou will co-operate with us to make this possible. "United we stand, divided we fall." i N Circassian Walnut in- BED ROOM SUITS and SPECIAL PIECES FURNITURE Blankets and Wall Paper In these Two Articles we certainly have the finest invoice ever brought to this city. v w : The Burns Dep'm't. Stored Mail Orders will receive prompt attention. fJ. 1912 THE NEW YEAR 1912 During this year we will maintain our reputution for fair dealing. See the line of suitablo things wo are offer ing. Reds- Hrass, Iron, etc. Roll Top Desks. Dining Chairs, Rockers, Mirrors, Tables, Kitchen Cabinets, Moth Proof Chests, Rugs, Lace Curtains, Red Spreads. G. W. CLEVENGER, THE FURNITURE MAN iJZWM7K?7i THE FRENCH HOTEL under new management Jonh R. Walkup, Proprietor FirstClass Well Appointed House Sample Rooms Commercial Travelers NOTICE. Stomjn From the John Oar The annual meeting of the ranch a sorrel gelding between stockholders of the Hurnej Conn- l and 5 years old; small spot in tv Fair Association will be held forehead and weighs between at tbo ollicoof the secretary in . 1200 and MOO lbs.; a good road Uurns, Oregon on Monday, Jan-' "tor; branded a lazy J on left uary 8, 11)12 for tbo purpose ofiBhouIder. Suitable reward for electing a board of directors for information leading to his recov the ensuing year and the trans- ery Mm MaV a 0ard, action of such other business as r nw,,n rrunn may come bi fore the meeting, ,awtn' Uron- Jt'LlAN Hutu, Secy Job printing The Times-Herald I i bti I