MCN I HAVE SKETCHED. Jfllhl, Itll, Homer Davenport rnaiCHc) ma before I came to New rk In 1893 1 had heard much Pilchard Crocker and had seen ny of tho cartoons of him, es- bially one by TI103. Nast, DUgh it was after Nnst's great fa yet 1b cartoon of Crokcr's i as a type was n powerful cc of "work. Thus I was very tious to see Mr. Crokcr and to ! out if it was really true that features furnished such strik- Lopportunities. Ic evening in the Hoffman Esc I saw him, instantly rec zed him for his is a face rare- ycr to bo mistaken for any leise. xno way tne stripes 01 i showed through the black lis beard made it most fas ting face to draw. He was culiar man in a general way. fceemed to be pondering over ethingatall times. During mayoralty campaign the year I Henry George made his last 1 1 drew a very vicious car of Mr. Croker taken from celebrated Salon statue by lict of the gorilla carrying ae woman. The only change lie was tnat i inoeiieu tne "Democracy" and put broker's features, and espe-l-his striped beard on the He was a huge and hor- Booking thing in the cartoon. Med tho rock that the gor- fcld in his left hand "Boss- i Croker had long been an of the cartoon, but this one to increase his venom is that particular class of very close friend told it it had a very peculiar on the Tammany boss. He rays claimed that cartoons bothered him, "But I can Bu one thing," said his "I firmly believe that ace your gorilla cartoon of has always kept a light in his room at night." rithtanding this cartoon Iker afterwards sent for pome to see him at the itic Club. For what pur- Inever knew. He had me to his private apart- iuietly as he said it was for us to talk there be seen together by the Intent upon getting back some of the money they lost during the recent pressure and downfall of cattle prices shippers are holding back their supplies and arc giv ing tho butchers a taste of their own strong medicine. While cattle could scarcely be given away a short time ago, they arc so scarce at this time that killers are compelled to bow every time they sec a shipper. Tho firmness in the situation hero is however, but a reflection of what is expected to happen all over the country in the immedi ate future. Already an im proved tone is beginning to show at some of the eastern centers and this causes shippers to hold aloft more than ever. It is the custom for shippers to hold back cattle when they are wanted and ship whenever the wants of kil lers were fully supplied. Thurs day's Journal. When you want n reliable midi cine for a cough or cold take Chamberlain's Cough ' Remedy. It can always be depended upon and is pleasant and safe to take. For sale by all dealers. NOTICE KOK I'UHLICATION. (ltolate.1 Tract 1 runuci.vNUSMK. Umtkd 8ttp- 1 m OiFire llurin, Utrcii iK'icmbcr 1, 1911. 1 Notice I hereby trlvfti tliat, ai illreoteil Iiy the CoinmlaalotiiTtil the llf neral 1-Alul Ottlco, mulct the rul9lnii iif the At tot ('micro pprouil June 27, I'M! 34 Stat , ,t Iiluniant in the ai'iilleatlon ( ChnrlrK H rt-terian, uf Venator. Oregon, mortal o UMM. we vlll oiler at miblle tle to the hlalieit hhMrr, at lOo'eloeVa m , nn the l.Mli ilur nl Januarv, 191.1, next, the lolloMtiK tract of 'ami Sr'.Mi4, !c . 'l NK'e.NW1 See 85, T 'Jt S It. K . M In) anil all ier.on ctaltnltifC aihersely the atioveeileaerlhexl lamia areadtlaiM to flle their claim or ' ictlniis ou or before (ho tlim ilcMguiiUi! In a.le. Wm. Kauiik, Register Frank Ihtm, Keielver SURVEYORS AT LAMONTA. pwn stairs. He talked tame cocks and horses, told me of an idea he fa cartoon concerning and his acceptance of Presidential nomination lit was a gruesome idea. suggest that I should Pcartoon as of course no would publish it, but to me that it was just know that sometimes, ! often, a citizen really in his mind greater ban the cartoonist. Crokor's face always to me one great char- besides the coloring of the droop to the cor- Imouth and that was a efinable kind of power, Eat seemed to compel come unsolicited and he wished him to 3R Danenport. JTAQE NOW IA1PENDINQ. it of tho firmness in luation is easily shown killers are beating supplies. Butchers full of cattle a short It they cried for re- came until they be- rely cut prices, are ig loudest for ofTer- i only small supplies oday, a total of 170 I received compared it head last Thurs- of one load was weighed off the really means ?G on Bamo price as yes- kvero produced by S. but were immedi- thc Union Meat r.25. This really unco of ten cents Hi point of yester- (m entirely new ro- rcsent Eeason, The four "mysterious" railroad surveyors that have been work ing out of Madras, Metolius and Culver recenly are now encamp ed at Lamonta. Lines have been run from each of the above towns to the gap. As these men are not advertising their business the public is left to make as many guessess as it sees fit The surveyors pitched their tent last Saturday at Lamonta. according to J. W. Boone who came over from Metolius to spend Christmas at his home in Prine ville. He says that each of the towns mentioned feels certain that it will be selected as the junction point for a Prineville road, Speed the work. Prine ville Journal. The above is believed to be the Hill line from the Deschutes into Burns. By coming up to Prine ville it will bring thevroad north of the Oregon & Eastern road the entire distance, thus giving the line patronage that will not conflict as would be the case if the lines paralleled as was done in the Deschutes canyon. Should this be as anticipated and the Harriman system build from the east to meet the Hill system at Burns the north part of the valley will be well served. The north lines will have an ad vantage of a vast amount of tim ber the entire distance to the west The Times-Herald does not give this as authentic but such is the general impression and the facts will be forthcoming in a short time. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. t'OI.ATKD TKACT-rUUl.U' LANiVSAI.E 1'SI1FI1STATKSI.VNI0KF1CK Uiirna Oregon December 1 1S11 I Notice l hereby elver that aa directed bj tlieConiinlasIoncrof the dcucral IjiihI office under the pro Liana ol the Act of I'onirn a ai provel June S7, 1'HJii S4 Mates. M7 imr niatit to the application of Charles U 1'iterson, Venator Oregon Serial So. OMK we will offer oiler at puNte sale to the highest bidder at 10 o'clock a m u the 15th day of Januarv, 1912, next, the following tract of laud Iota I. J .li.n.U, Sec. M, T.25!., R 85 K. M. Anv and all oersotia claiming adversely the alot e desert ted lands are advised to file their clalinaorotiieeiionsiin or before thq lime deslg nated for sale Wv Frrk Kcclster r'RVNk l vhv, Keeeler i NOTION KOK I'UULICATION. ISO .ATKliTKACT-runi.lC I.ANDSALK l'wninTTr ? afnOrrti. I but lis. Oregon, December IV, 1911. ( Notice Is hereby olvcn thai, as directed b) the Commlsloner ol tho General I.anil Office-, tinder hc provisions of Act of Congress ap proved June 27, !' SlStala., SI7, pntinant to the application of Da id 9, UraMi, of Ijiaren, Oregon, serial No. UVil.V we will offer at public sale to the highest bidder, at 10 o'clock A, M. on the :vth day of Januarv, nent, at this office, the following tract of land: H SW i, Fee. 27 and Lot 4, 8ec 85, T. 8 , K K .., W. M Any persons claiming adversely the abote dcscrlbcd land are advised to fllo their alattna, or objections, on or lefore the time ileslguatcd for sale Wm. Fairk, Uealster. Frams 1vy, Kerehfi. $1500 Reward! Tho Oregon, t'al Ifornlaaud Nevada l.lvo toek l'rotee Hon Association of which the under signed is memtier. will glo li.UKl (U reward or el deuce leading to tne arrest and con viction of mi) par IT or parties steal tug horses, cattl or mules tieiougtng to any of lis mem bers In addition to the alie, tho undersigned offera the same condition VW0 for all horses branded horse shod bar on both or either Jaw. llrand recorded In eight countira Hauge llamc), Lake mid Orook ctiuntlca. Horses vented when sold None but grown horses sold ami only lu arge bunches, W IIKOWN. Fife. Oregon. SOCIKTIKS. IIAKNEY LODOK, NO. 77, 1. O O F. Mccti every 8turilay In Odil Fellow Hall ,t7.50pm. , 1'r.J." "ear, Arthur llorton, Secretary. N. O. IVgrco work as fo'lowat First Saturday lnl tlalory second Saturday, First .Hgrcel third s-ainrday, fecoiul Degree! fourth Saturday, Third Degree. Bl'RSSLOlXIK NO. 7, A. F, A. M., Mcete every first aud third SatnMay In each month, J. M. Dallou, M "am Molherihead, Secretary. M1HKHN WOOllMKNOFAMKUlCA Meets every second and fourth Friday even ing at l.O. () F. Halls all lu Ighhors Invited, New applicants will reecho courteous treat inen'. M.A IllgkS, V (!. v T Lester. Clerk. USIC Private instructions in VOICE and PIANO Sight singing and Health Culture in classes MRS. McIIOSE Studio over The Times-Herald MIT OWN -WEBSTERfS New International Dictionary THE HERRIAH WEBSTER? Became " NEW CREA' TION, coveruiK every field of tho world's thought, action and culture. The only new tmabridgod dictionary In many years. Ill USS CIIAITKU NO. 0, O. K. S. Mivta every second and fourth Moudava, lu Masonic Hall. Vella M elcome, W . M 1 lla bweek. Secretary. HYI.VI K KKHKKAII DKUUKK No.sS. Meetaever) IstauJSd Wednesday, M) ra King, N. II. Mua Wiseman, Kec Sec'i. Tl' l.K Cl UCLK No. 1M, V. of . Meeta every fourth Tncaday, Maud llorton, U. M. HeUr (.KHidinaii, Clerk. OFFICIAL DIIIKCTORY BTAT OHkllONl U Senators Congresamell ltoriie) (leucral .... iioveruor secretary ol Mate Trtasiircr mi pi Public Instruction. Mate Printer I Jonathan bourne Jr kleo. K. Chamberlain iW KHllla I J W llawlej . A. M, Crawford Oswald est F v Itenson T. 11. Kaj I- K. M.kTlnaii V S Duulwa) rliobl hakln II. A. Mcllrlde 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE mki& .Teg ifcir Trade Marks Designs Copyrights Ac. AnTonoendln(i mkptrh and ( t?nptlon mtty QH.ciIf atfTtritn our orinum fr whether an larenti n 1'.Jrl y i riienlaMa. tommunlo. tiom strict ly mOdeutlaL HniilbKt ou I'atenU writ t ree. iMet ireicy forte urmtr patent. Patent tkcn thnuch Munn a Co. reeelte tptcUU notice, without cbwrce, lu ttio Scientific Jftticrican, A handsomely !t'ntrate-i weekly. Jjirrest elr tulation vt any Kientii.c Jiurual. Terms, H a "ear; four monbs, L fcold by all newsdealer. iflUNN & Co.3B,Bfd"'- New York Brunch . CS F St Wuhnulun. I). L. Became " defines over 400,000 ll'orifs; more than ever before appeared between two covers. J700 i"acs. 6000 Jf. lustrations. Became " the on t dictionary T with the new divided page. A "Btroko of Genius." Became " ' &n encyclopedia In . a ningle Tolume. Because " '" ac"0Pted by the Courts, Schools and Press as tho one supreme ain IhoriO-. Because 8 wno knows Wlna ' Success. Let us tell you about this new work. 1 Mipreme Judgea NINTH JUDICIAL IHHI'KH r t Uv.hi liuriietl I I! . Ilcau U. Moore, District J u.lKf IMalrlct ltornry Depllt) Dlat Ally Dallou KS J VV c. 1 lliMh L' II , .onaiil Rates ( Ircult 1 olllt meeta Ihu llr'l Mnuday In April and neat Mumla) In (Iiu.Irt lotut eiiator lolul liipHnnUlUe (' v I' (V It llriKike OOUNTV IIAUNkV 1 siirvevt berltl Wam lor src1aa tl in BrlM pvn C CMIRUAM CO. r.k&atrs.Strlwfi.U.Ilt SbaUca tLlj paptf, ncvi rui a aM r SMkjt haps BESSIE SEAWEARD DEAD. The death of Miss Bessie Sea weard is reported in the Ontario Optimist Miss Seaweard spent last winter in this city at the home of Mrs. Tom Allen and had quite a large acquaintance in Burns. The Optimist says: Sunday morning at the Baptist church occurred the funeral of Bessie Seaweard, who died here Thursday of last week, following a serious illness of several weeks. The cause of her illness was found to be cancer, and though only 17 years of age, the young lady suffered greatly for many weeks, and two difficult opera tions were performed with the hope of saving her life. Her death occured at the home of her uncle, J. H. Seaweard, where she was taken after the first oper ation. She was visiting her sis ter, Mrs. Anderson, when taken ill. Her father, L. L. Seaweard of Cord, is a prosperous ranch man of the interior, and is post master at the Cord postoffice. Miss Bessie was born in Cana dian county, Oklahoma, June 17. 1894. She came to Oregon with her parents while still a little girl, and she had many acquain tances and friends throughout the county, where her family is well known. She became a member of the Baptist church several weeks ago, and Rev. L. A. Meyers of that church had charge of the funeral services. Go To The White Front Livery Stable NEW RIGS AND TEAMS 'Phone to Me for Your Doctor Calls. R. J. McKINNON, Jr., Proprietor. Our neighboring city of Lake- view are certainly to be congratu lated in their having the hust ling little city connected with the outside world with a railroad. Regular train service is sched uled to begin Sunday, January 7, It is proposed to make this a red letter day in Lake county's capital by a proper celebration of tho event The new line con nects them with Reno coming up through Alturas. To the enter prise of the Lakeview Commer cial Club and her progressive citizens this has been made pos sible. Their papers have al ready commenced building more railroads connecting them with the east and west line through the Harney country. We do job printin-right kind. Columbia River Bridge AT CELILO - - - OPENED JANUARY 7th From January 7th, 1912, the wonderful bridge of the OREGON TRUNK RAILWAY., across the Columbia river at Celilo Falls will be in service and Trains Run Through via OREGON TRUNK RAILWAY WMSm WUVl CENTRAL OREGON AND PORTLAND Paster Txtti o Train leaving Bend G:30 a. m Redmond 7:21 a. m.. will arrive at Portland 5:30 p. m., instead of 6:00 p. m. -direct connection at 1-alibndge with through train for Spokane, St. Paul and Chicago. Leaving Portland 9:55 a. m., train will arrive Redmond 7:25 p. m., instead of 7M5; Bend 8:15 p, m., instead of 8:35 p. m. Tickets will be sold through to points in the East, Northwest and California. Details will be furnished on request. W. E. COMAN, j. H. CORBETT, Agt., n f c u j d a . Benu- Oregon. General Frt. and Pass. Agt. BAUK0J An, PoitTLAND, Oregon. Redmond, Oregon. miiilj JuiIkc (Irani Itoiiip'tin Ifrt h. It Winer. Iiraanrrr . . Miuuli lni. "irvevor . K. A. Miafir A. K Ktiliardaou J. J. iHilit'tian I, M llaiiilliun J VV (ii-arj .John KotiftiMiii If.. I' .-huii't Ml .V Mil) in nillil) l unrt mttla Hie tlr.t Urdni'-.U) In January. Jlaii'li. Majr, Jill) , s plt'lnU'r and Ni.t?ilUr Aaai'aaur i Sllpeiintoudtut. ( oruncr Mm k InaprUur iiiiiiniaalnucra The Times-Herald is oflcrinp'most atlmctive Clubbing to its subscribers al present THE TIMES-S4 One near with the Portland Weekly Orejronian $2.50 Portland Semi-Weekly Journal $2.50 S. F. Weekly Examiner $2.65 Thriee-a-Week N. Y. World $2.50 Semi-JFeekly St. Louis Republic $2.35 Farm Progress FREE to every paid in advance Sulisorilier (Jet one ox more or these good papers, in connec tion with The Times-Herald for (he lonjr win ter evenings.-Call and gel Clubliine; Prices JOB PRINTING The Tinii-N.llt'rnlil in l'ri'iiaml (n do Hie viy H.-.I nml .Most Satlifnclor) Work in tliin line. He nil llto LATEST TYPE FACES nml a very Complete Line FIRST-CLASS STATIONERY I'UOKICSHIONAIi (Mltl)H. Wm. MILLER, ATTOUNKY AT LAV. llttriin, Oregon, I! (Minn 0 nml 7 M.tfiiiiIi' Itlillilli. G. A. REMBOLD Attoriitiy-iit-l.inv, Darns, Oregon, (JhiiH. II. laooimiit, . AnoilNKY-AT-l.AW, dutiful iiltnntlon kIvuii to Colli',. tioiiH nml Itt'iil JiHlntu iiiiitltirn. l'lro ItiKtiriUH'd, Noliiry l'ultllo HtlllNH, OlIKHOV. OKO. H. BISSICMOItK, ATTOUNKY, Hl'llN.1 0llK.1 t'ollccMoiK, I. ami lunlnrna, nml ,( iMinir iiiiiiirr priMii, lir niif iiuril (,, UANtv u. a. i inu urrn r i Kiatfr f elver vtarur, llei urdvr tllaanrfr Vlarahal Win tairt lank liave. CITV. UUHNa i oil in Hulrli 0 w I. . i m-i I' I UatMla i J.l UtliuiiieJ ..II I . Ilaim a 1 It, U UllllK V I VV I'll .Mil, I I tana lllui ,fu V Ullll lftfllua ul Itie Ciiuiiill mfii Kuiirlh Wediitradajr iti.l ai w. w. Sumpter Valley Railway Co. TIMK TAHI.K NO. (I IN Kl FIX"! JUNK 14, 1903. Wtst lluuuil. No. 1 1'aea a. in. No. 'J 0 I.v 9 3 " U-53 " 10 01 " 10 07 " linker City South Ilaker .Saliabur)t iAKklmrtt Thorn psont 10:17 " Stolilara Jnnctiont . II . l 10-10 10-U " ID 5,5 " II 10 ' 11.15 " 11 40 " NOON 1'.' 00 " . !'. M. IJ 05 " I.'. 10 " 1 10 Ar Water Tan kt "Dean's Sourt McEwent JUNCTION! Suinptur JUNCTIONt Sum mil t "O . Camnt Whilneyt TII'TONt Austin Hast l'.uii ml. 'J I'ans p. in Ar 5 0 Lv 5 25 " 5.00 " 4 55 " 4 0'.' " 4:45 " 4:40 " 4 : '. " I '.'5 " 4 10 " .ftj " :50 " : 0 " 05 " 00 " '.'.40 " 'J. 10 Main St., DRIfyKWATER Hiacksmidiiiiir ;iikI Ilorseslioing Wagon Work COOLl-lY AUTO MATIC BRAKES Bu )s, Oregon, BURNS miLLO GO. HORTOIM & SAYER, Propts. Rough and Dressed Lumber, Rustic, Flooring, Moulding, Finishing Lumber. Nearest Sawmill to Burns, rftood Road. Lumber Yard in Burns. CfllKIiES w. ELLIS LAWYER Munis, - - Ori'Kou I'riii'tit'cn in tin) , Statu Cutirta ntnl ti.s lorn tlm U.K. Utnil Olllru. A. W. (JOWAN A'lTOKNIOY-AT-LAW Stato Courts nml United Stntn L'inil Olllco l'rnctico Throo (lmirs South of the Harney County National Hank Hurn.'i, Oregon. d. UU. CeflRY I'll nl.-titii nml SiirifiHin HiiniM, - - - Orison. (Wlll'K III IIIHV llllillllllKlllllll l Vl'l',,, liirin-H' almp, Main Si, Tliomi Maln.Vi. DEf,MflN & DENMifJ, Physicians and nrtjeom I'nlit, nii.i'HN,l .iinniir i.Ik Itt nr ilaj I'liuiH) 1 1 it i r I n i u 1 1 . Harriman, Orttjon MflRSPEfl & GRIFFITH I'lljali lima ililil Siln-is.iia. tteiiNM, oiuuos' li. E. IIIUOAKD ZDZEZN-arxs'T Ollusi lirat iliMir i il plioln k'Jtlit) llitrtia. OrrKmi W. C. BROWN, Ilt'lisn, (Iiimios. Olliii' rooina H nml 11 Mnaoiilf liiilldini l( II CiM.rxii M V NUM. llau, II m,IOi i t tV ,n o M iwru.t. 6C UUDtjfc hlo p on rii.nli tnlj JNo ajjotit. Ticketo issued only (or stations wlirrt; trains are scheduled to inako regular slops, rassengera must purchase lick t'ts where iiguntH exiat Iwtoru entering trains or 25 renlfi in addition to the re gular fare will be charged. JOSKI'H A. WKST. Supt OUANT.GKDDKS, Asst. Sopt. Stoy's Restaurant and Bakery 1 hlrd doorsoutli aide IINsncr lliilldliijc J. IJ. SIOY.ll'roprlctor Lunches, short order, pies, bread, cakes, etc. etc. FAMILY 5 TRADRl SOI.ICI'I HI). The Harney Valley Brewing Co. .MatmfnUuri-rH of siricl JEjjlitg Soda "Water Family Trade Solicited I 'rec Delivery T. E. JENKINS.anaer - -J9- dionifting THE INDUSTRIES" Thli la tba tltla of a beautiful 6.paja book, which will ibovr any boy or girl bow to SUCCEED. Drop a poitil In tne mall TODAY and It will be tent fBEE. Tbe aim of tbo College ti to dtcnMjr and popularlia tbe tnduttrlet, and to ierv ALL tbe peopla. ItoSari couriat In Agriculture, Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mecbanlcal Engineering, Mining En gin. eerlng, Forettry, Dotnestlo-Science and An, Corn merce, Pharmacy and Muilc. The College opani 8eptenK "4 Catrjog fre. Ad H .iiluart ir.i.''.'! A.".ir C"AL OOLLLu .,(,,. ,,u jr oj . Harnky Valllcy Bkewlr-' !ai oon JENKINS & KAISER, Proprietors WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS Best and most popular brancL LOCAL BEER ON TAP Courteous and obliging bar tenders CH AS. KAISER. Mr- Burns, Oregon teLT A THE TIMES-HERALD Job Pn- f,r his rifle is built for settled district where good range and killing power are desired, with safety to the neighborhood. The ZZmr2, .25-20 ! a light, quick handling, fineljr-balanced repeater, with the eo!M top, doeMn hreech m V, eiec,lor' features which make laarfijt guns gate nnd agreeable to use anj certain In action. It le made la uae the powerful newliluh SJi. V T.'" ' ,h well-known Uk powder and low preeaure rldgee, and le the Ideal rifle lor target work, .v. nvwHiud,, uecae. hawka, (oite, etc, up toMOyarda. Thla rllle and ammu nttlon, and all other fmarua rrpeatrra,aie fully deacriked In our 136-page catalog, Hte of 3 atainpe linage. m A Martin rearms Co.. U WIHow Street,' NEW HAVEN, CfjNN t:i!;;ijii,.:::i::m:an:j:::mmm:n::::::'r:::::rt5t:::,j'ttti!:i::::i:u:::::tn 1 Civil and Hydraulic Engineers IrriKatiuii, Wain ,Mtijii SeworaKc, Water I'owt'i. Survi'je, Mapa, I atinmtrri, SiimtvIiob BUKNS, OUtlCJON JOHW ROBINSON Slock laspeclor, Harney Connly. IIiiiiiii AiliIrH Itiiriir, Orr I'. (!. Dili. Aim Formerly Aaat, liiiilnror I'lll.H IlKlamalloii K,r tire. A. O. Kai'ikhim liiriiiirlr l hU'l M gimw il Hui i Wi-atini II, The HARNEY VALLEY MEAT MARKET B. Busliele, Proprietor j MFATofa,,kinds i 11 kLi 1 O always ready j Your Patronage Solicited Corner A1' anil It Streets l.ochvr liuililiin,' ::nn:t:n::::tt::nit::!:::n:::::i:::n::::t:tin:::tn:n::i:tn:::i:mmtt:i:ititiit!ti::ii:tiii Y El Q J li i,r-Ae',im II.P wmmMmmk M4i'mmmmimmmmmmmmmmmam tUi BOILERS m MACHINERY WRITE FOR SPECIAL CATALOG AD PRICES ( THE MAVERILLMACHINERVCO. S POKANE, WASH.- PORTLAND. ORE.- SAN JOSE I WW i mi iiiiiim ii,i.b jffiifrarttiBiTNjiw E. A. SHAFER li. S. Mineral Surveyor & Civil l.'iijjineer Irrigation and Waler Supply l.'ii Kineerifltf. Townsite, Land and Mineral Land Patent Surveys. Drafliog, DesigniDg, lilue I'rint ing, listiiuales, Ltc. Narrows. Oregon The Lone Slar Rcsfauraii! AIFITOV, lririilor On riirtiiir V'lln SI ink iliHir li ISrmilnii IlKitH1 nilnuii MHflLS AT HLU HOUJS Bokaity in connection A Specially ( Short Orders. Tulili" rnrnlHhi wiili nvurylliiiii tlm iwirliH iirti'rtlH Viuir imtnui- "K" Kilidtuil liaslern Oregon linginccring Company CIVIL AND IKHIfiATION LNfilNLLKS Hums, Oregon The Washington Resianranl AN TOY, Proprietor I'ry brick building, Post Office block I Ho lull of faro IiicIikIph ovorj uiintr mo marlfi't allonlH. Short orders a Hppclnlty. Ilrenc for Hale. Give liim a call. MOTE'S CANDY STORE Has just rccehed a fresli lot of CANDIES, CIGARS, TOBACCO New and IuiiuIhoiih' I()st CnnlH, Slationcry, Ink, I'ciih, IViicIIh, Novelties. A SPECIALTY OF BOX CANDY - liXIKA Fine assort men t of everytliinu; l. II. MOIP, Hums, Oregon JOHNUKSIIIKKLINn, -" ""0rN .""'' U ". ,' . 1 .!, t jttyi llll (1 luwolur. Optician Wmrravor. Kinc Wulcli Ut'iLiiiing A Spu clalty. kJ