The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, December 02, 1911, Image 1

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Tfie rent Unniejj Cf,ntuiliy
Covers an nrra of 0,428,800 urns ol
land, 4,031, PG1 nrrca yet vacant mlm'cl
to entry nnder llm public land Iftwe of
the United Htatvu.
I'upor u( llarntTjr County
clrciilntloii Mini it ouw-ol
sing inmlluiaa lnKlefii
NO 3.
B ' '
H wn nam
uld firing Road into Harney Valley '.' Auto Trucks Here
1 The Mothers' Club bazaar will A Des Moines man had an al-
1 ' l. U,.1,l r o .i n it-; . i- t.. i . r
t: iiuiu ici;. o unu y una year in tacK ol muscular rneumausm in
the big north store room of The his shoulder. A friend advised
Times-Herald building provided i him to go to Hot Springs. That
it is not occupied by a permanent meant an expense of $150 or
tenant on those dates. The 'more. He sought for a quicker
ladies will have six booths this ' and cheaper way to cure it and
i -
; -
into the Harney Val
-MmtiComethw Way
faNtlfrUi Hurrahs on Their Arrival in Burns
Wt Harrison and Munatrcr McDade Meet
Citizens Seven Tons of Freight.
rTsia aa?c
WHintry M
nd iaiked
s u
rmwbrg -havo been
H Mtd fart! this week
t'ff ttMwi jwove truo
bo the
i H&Northwcst
msct fim months.
nfilt w8f also nt
wfik thmny other
prt here that the
t fr $ construc-
f tho Oregon
West frotn
wM Wimr the road
VUir at about Hnr
atWwik sap. While
'jAMfcton' by some,
wtM confident it is
4 tkicmnH will be
t fctMprMtt Harney
Shmh 4ted on good
Ijjwportnnt and
i ueiore
Mry Mt to its lies-
jfagrlboae who are
hwtthjtJw Hill road
HatwrtMM the road
DwMHtea early in
r-rWfsrd Harney
fWiriRlniowliHlKo of
mikh certain that
ij,i , ...
(jipij-,m wont win
'wMplcUon with the
Mttnuuis buildintr
(MiSty nnd good
fOtird wo may
Mux of home-
WHWtoljto take ad
0epportuniticu pHmt' enterprises
tfitpnward the dc
fHfney county
djtaf'ftboynnce or
Aiatiya certain ex
tfayytnnt railroad
itelOwTt are forth
jilUwMland wo may
wiMhcrH noon to
Icrald accompanied him in n car
out to moot the trucks and es
coit them in. Some new soft
dirt grades wero encountered
near Warm Springs which were
certainly a teat to tho efficiency
of the trucka and their ability to
deliver tho goods. The manner
in which they came over that
pieco of road at a spued of be
tween nino and ten miles an hour
was convincing. Tho machines
can operato successfully in two
feet of snow, but thoy will sel
dom, if over, encounter that
dept on the road between Burns
and Bend.
A nice spread in honor of the
truck men and drivers waa en
joyed at tho Burns hotel on Wed
nesday evening where u number
of our local business men gath
ered and discussed tho freight
problem. Loyal support was
pledged to tho Central Oregon
Auto Truck Co. on condition that
thoy glvo quick service and rea
sonable rates. Mr. McDado did
not commit himself on the matter
of rates further than to say they
wanted only a legitimate profit
upon their investment.
Mr. Harrison was confident of
the success of the venture and
the demonstration mado by the
machines on tho initial trip was
all that ho could expect Tho
road will improve with a few
tripa as tho rear wheels are wid
er than tho ordinary auto making
it necessary to break a road.
The machines wero loaded for
Wm. Hanloy coming in and took
out a load of hides Thursday
morning. They have full loads
awaiting them at Bend and will
return bore at once making tlic
round trip in five days.
beforo him nil tho while.
"Tho purpose of tho experi
ment is to cause horse owners to
obscrtfo more closely tho advant
ages of feeding less hay. If two
or more teams are maintained
upon tho farm, food ono team as
suggested and the other tho
usual way and note carofuly tho
result. In making the tc-3t, how
ever, teams should bo divided
ns to size, ago and individuality
us nearly equal ns possible.
Whenever practicable, weigh
rather than guess tho amount
of hay fed."
MirMnve-ton auto
fjjtlia shippers be-
MdlBend arrived
ay forenoon
trip in nine-
hours iHinning
s of freight.
mm most grati-
trtil Oregon
nger AlcUnuo
rrison of llio
pressing entire
o results and
tho success of
i big machinca
of Hovon and
hour nnd Mr.
dent ho can
io future at an
miles an hour
No serious dif-
wero encount
in and as tho
lally built for
Mio character of
thoy aro to bo
do is anticipated
ea wero met n
itown by u dele-
men and ladles
Bums whoro
sd with hearty
McDado camo
aforo and made
of many of tho
IfAt his invitation
"Farm horses as a gonoral rule
aro fed ontiroly too much hay,"
says tho Oregon Agricultural Ex
periment League's latest bulletin
to tho 100 members who are to
test tho efficiency of a system of
feeding suggested by tho depart
ment of animal husbandtry.
"This is a positlvo injury to
the nnimal, and ofton lessens to
it considerable degree his work
ing efficiency. It should bo rem
embered that every timo n horse
inflates his lungs tho stomach is
displaced, and if this organ is
kopt constantly full of bulk food,
it imposes extra work upon tho
respiratory ays'tom. Heaves, so
common among farm horses, is
almost wholly duo to feeding too
largo quantities of hay. Colic
and other orms of indigestion
nro often duo to feeding too largo
amounts of bulky food. Aside
from its physical injury to tho
horse, tho feeding of oxcessivo
amounts of hay is a waste that
should be conserved,
"Ahorso weighing 1,000 lbs.
will do more work and keep in
bettor health on 15 lbs. of hay
per day than ho will on 20 lbs.
per day. In fact, IB lba of hay
per day is sufficient bulky food
for a horso of that size. A
horso woighing 1,600 to 1,800 lbs
docs not need moro than 20 )bs.
of hay. Tho balanco of his nu
trients should bo in tho form of
"Feed tho 1,000 lbs horso 10
lbs of good hay at night and G
lbs. in tho morning and ho will
porform moro labor witlCgreater
(Portland Correspondent)
Oregon and the Pacific North
west will fare well when Con
gress makes appropriations for
river and harbor improvements
at the coming session, provided
tho recommendations of the Chief
of Army Engineers is followed.
His budget calls for appropria
tions amounting to not less than
$.'j,.lG2,2r0 for tho betterment of
water ways in this section of the
Among tho projects for which
money is expected to bo forth
coming is $1,000,000 for tho Col
umbia River jetty, while between
Portland and the sea channel
improvements are estimated to
need ? 175,000. The Celilo Cnnnl
is listed for $000,000 and improve
ments above Celilo call for $30,-
000 more.
Other recommendations includ
ed in the report are: Columbia,
Bridgeport to Kettle Falls, $25,-
000; Willamette, above Portland,
$20,000; Siuslaw River. $120,000;
Snake River, $25,000; Coos River
$.',000; Tillamook Bay, $5,000;
ClaUskanie River, $1,000.
Although Governor West has
no use for hemp, this state can
grow it .successfully, says N. S.
Merrill, of Merrill, Or. He mado
experiments on a small tract of
ground and grew hemp plants 14
feet high. Tho seed germinated
freely and evenly and Mr. Merrill
says the fibre is of great tensile
Nez Perce. Idaho; lays claim to
a model citizen in the person of a
Chinaman. Lately that town
has raised a publicity fund to ex
ploit its resources and tho China
man subscribed $120. His name
is Fong Way. Incidentally, Nez
Pierce, with a population of 1500,
is raising a promotion fund of
$10,000, to carry on a two years'
The semi-annual meeting of tho
Wesern Forestry & Conservation
Congress, which is scheduled for
Portland, December 1 and 5, will
bo ft forest fire conferenco and
government and state officials, as
well as private holders of timber,
will be represented. Delegntes
will attend from throughout tho
West, from Montana to Califor
nia. Ways and means to check
tho annual loss to tho forests
through destructive fires will bo
the chief topics presented.
Attractive prizes aro offered
for poultry exhibited at tho an
nual show of tho Oregon Poultry
& Pet stock Association, which
will be held in Portland Decem
ber 4 to !). Premiums will bo
given to children whohnvo taken
up poultry raising, ns well as to
fanciers generally. Multnomah
County Iuih voted a special prize
of $50 to go to juyenilo poultry
Tho poultry department of tho
Oregon Agricultural Collego has
two hens that have tied for tho
egg-laying championship of the
United States, having Inid 259
eggs each during tho Inst 12
months. Until now tho record
was held by n Maine hen, which
had 251 eggs to its credit in a
Tho contract has been let by
tho Southern Pacific for the
first 23 miles of tho new railroad
projected from Eugene to Coos
Bay. Between $0,000,000 mid
$7,000,000 will Iip spent in tho
construction of this pew lino to
(CojiyrlHht, Ull. Homer litvmort Byndlcte)
I have read many versions of
my first interview with Mark
Hannn. Frequently I have read
what purported to be the story of
iiow I came to put him in dollar
mark clothes. All of. them havo
shown good imagination on the
part of their authors, but are a
long way from the truth.
I drew my first pictures of Mr.
Hannn from a description of the
man given me by Alfred Henry
Lewis, who had just come from
o few day's visit with him in
Ohio. It would be unfair to Mr.
Lewis to attribute my conception
io tno ucscnpiion no gave me.
But Mark Hanna's portrait as I
first used it was not so much a
reproduction of his features as
they really were, but as we want
ed to show them for political
purposes. Lewis told me that
when he met him Ilnnna wore a
business man's checked suit, and
my first picture showed him
dressed in this manner. I put
dollar marks on his cuff buttons,
which, was as stupid a thing as
any cartoonist could have done.
Then a few days later, in the
early part of 1890, I drew a car
toon of him in which I wished to
convey theideaof "boodle," and
put the dollar marks in the open
checks of his clothes. The night
editor "killed" the cartoon on
account of those dollar marks,
explaining that he did not see
that it added anything to the
picture. When Mr. Hearst ar
rived at the office about midnight
ho saw the cartoon and ordered
it run as I had drawn it, the dollar
marks being emphasized.
A few weeks thereafter I was
much surprised .when I saw, but
did not meet, Mark Ilanna. that
there was plenty of foundation
in his features, with the proper
amount of exaggeration, to pro
duce a face like the one I had
been drawing. I was sitting in
Senate reception room one day
on the still hunt for feature pic
tures, with one knee folded high
over the other to shield my
sketch book. Big game gathered
nil about me so closely that I
couldn't draw. So I tried to im
personate a country constituent,
who might be waiting for a reply
to a card which he had sent in to
his senator. While I was affect
ing this disguise an interesting
looking old colored man sent in
his card to Senator Hannn. Han
nn did not know tne by sight and
In answering the colored man's
card he came into the very corner
where I was located. Here, after
exchanging warm greetings, tho
Senator said: "Well, Dr. Brown
of Georgia, you got my last let
ter?" "Yes, replied the vener
able darky. "Well, Doctor, we
have exchanged many letters,
but I night hnve gone to Georgia
and had hard work finding you.
How is it thnt the minute I came
into the room you immediately
picked mo out?" Tho old color
ed man'a features lit up with
fifty heretofore unseen wrinkles
of expression. He respended:
"Senator Hannn, I knew you by
your pictures." Whereat there
was hearty prolonged laughter,
tinged with a slightly grim note
on the part of tho Senator. Stop
ping the embarrassed darky,
Hanna took him by the coat lapel
and resumed in a whispering
tene: "I hopo it was not through
certain malicious nnd vicious pic
tures thnt you have recognized
me." Tho old colored man's
wrinkles reverted nnd his face
(Continued on pago !)
year and aro ambitious to make
exceptional sales as they have
: purchased a strip of land adjoin
' mg the play grounds that must
be paid for.
found it in Chamborlain's Lini
ment. Three days after the first
application of this liniment ho
was well. For sale by all dealers.
An Automatic Self-Recording Reg
' $ ister Being Ipstalled.
L Crundall, of U. S. Geological Survey, Here to Super
intend'the Setting up of the Machine A New De
vice, the Wonder of Engineering Gauge Testing
Drawing Contest
now ruuning weekly in The Times-He rail m
connection with Mr. Davenport's grcif mhi h
men i have :i:
This week the subject of the sketch i.s Hanna
L. Crandall of the U. S. Geo-: clock has a very fine and strong
logical Survey arrived in Burns
the first of this week for the
purpose of installing a Gurley
water stage register in Silvies
River. C. B. McConnell and
associates who are promoting ir
rigation projects in this section
desire an accurate record of the
flow of the stream and have tak
en the mntter up with the gov
ernment with the result that a
device has been installed this
week that will record the flow of
the stream automatically every
15 minutes for a year without
requiring a reading or any atten
tion whatever. The clockwork
escapement and full jeweled
bearings, and is especially con
structed to endure change of
temperature without variation
in its regular operation.
The water measuring type
wheels are actuated by a float
with couter-weight; and sup
ported by a metal band perforat
ed at intervals to fit over the pins
in the periphery of the pulley
over which it runs.
A cushioned hammer, actuated
every 15 minutes by the electro
magnet, strikes against the pa-
The contest is open to all readers of The Tiiiics-Hi-rald
below the age of twenty-one years excepting' tenelwH ol
drawing and professional artists.
Cut out of the columns of The Times-Horakl i-aeli wk
Mr. Davenport'B cartoon and make a free hand copt of it
on clean white letter or drawing paper either with pen or
Then mail the clipping and your copy together with
your name, age and address to MANACER, THE TIMES
Each week a committee will pass upon the drawings
and make the awards.
To the person submitting the best drawing w ill be gi -en
a handsome artist's proof of Mr. Davenport ski tch
per strip, which with its carbon
backing strip is unwound from printed on Japan paper and personally autographed
lift Dnnnlo nnii tMinpnn mrnn flm 1 I . ia
mM,n?m nf f ho P.nrlw wnfpp' . "T" '" "." l''" - Lllf greus artlBXi.
"."". . ; lace ot tne type wneeis to the
register with electric attachments j recojvinfr sp0ols
is something wonderful and its 0n tho base"of the frame is
accuracy has been tested in a m0Untwl nnplMtrii. motor, flriwn
by a dry cell battery, and having
ion pnpfi nnrl of its shrift n ninlon 'mutit. fr f.lio at-iiHv r( ni-f ami turrlofii liict.M't
ftlCOOn-. mesliinir into n ppnr tlif mnrh- L.,.r.4-:..,4-.,,i
nell's engineers, Cooper & Dodge, ' ;sm bein so nrranctcd ,w
when eitheror both of the weights j
actuating the clock or paper'
spools fall within a certain dis-
manner that makes it absolutely
certain that the record is correct.
In company with Mr.
These autographed artists proofs are not for .sale at
any price and will be highly treasured by tlio.-e who are
ho fortunate as to receive them.
The educational value of-this contest as an encouuige-
eannot be
Mr. Crandall has arranged for
the installation of the machine
up a few miles above the E. P.
Sylvester place. It requires con
siderable careful work to install
properly in order that the ele
ments will have no effect on the
working parts of the machine.
To prevent the ice from interfer
ing a shaft is sunk to the low
water mark on the bank of the
stream and a large pipe is placed
leading from the stream into it.
In this the register is instilled
and a house is built to accomo
date the machinery and it has to
be high enough to allow for the
rise and fall of the river which
varies greatly during a season.
A representative of The Times
Herald was shown this wonder
ful piece of machinery in Mr.
McConnell's office the other eve
ning and it is worth seeing, A
description of it was given by a
member of the reclamation ser
vico at Boise and the Stateman
of last Saturday published this
description. It says in part:
An iron base about 14 inches
square, at either corner of which
is an iron rod approximately 21
inches long, supporting an iron
top, forms a frame for the regis
ter. On the two opposite sides of
the base are erected the standards
which carry the recording mec
hanism and the spools for hold
ing the paper strip on which the
record is made, together with the
carbon ribbon, by which the im
print is made on the paper.
The recording mechanism con
sists of three parallel type wheels
an the faces of which aro raised
figures and divisions, indicating
respectfully the period of time
from ono to 12 hours, at intervals
of 15 minutes; the number of
feet to 30 feet, and the hun
dredths of a foot.
Tho timo type wheel is controll
ed by a self-winding clock. This
tanceof the base, an electric con-
i tact starts the motor and engages j
the groved pulley carrying the
weight, thus through an electric
clutch rewinding the cord and I
raising the weight until it reach
es the proper height, when the
electric clutch is disengaged and
the motor stops.
The phosphor bronze perforat
ed band by which the float is sus
pended is guided by pulleys, so
that it is impossible for it to get
out of place, and it passes
through felt lined slats in the
base, so that when the cover is
placed on the instrument it is
absolutely protected from dirt or
The large diameter of the cop
per float, which is 10 inches, en
ables it to respond immediately
to .my variation in the height of
the water, the slightest change
being recorded. In freezing
weather oil poured into the float
chamber will prevent ice forming
and impending the action of the , I
,! . i I ''
Burns Flour Milling Co.
-Makers of the-
'Famous Burns Flour5
Always for the development
of Central Oregon and Ear
ney County.
i -1
How to improve their market
roads will be shown to the far
mers of Oregon this winter in
the short course at the agricul
tural college. Two good roads
courses will be given by Pi of. E.
F. Ay res of the highway con
stiuction department. That
primarily for farmers will deal
mainly with the cheaper methods
of construction and more common
road prolems which they must
face in the rural districts. Ore
for supervisors of roads will cover
the same ground, but in a more
technical manner.
Four well equipped lines. Excellent facilities
for transportation of mail, express, passengers
Prairie City to Burns. Vale to Hums
Burns t Diamond Burns to Vcimfor
E. B. WATERS, Ajent.
iii::::::::::tmui.;:u;mui:ui!i:nutit::i:::M:::::.".:::::::::::::::::;::::ijj.j ;.
ij ARCHIE M'GOWAN, President and Man.igtr
jj Harney County Abstract Company
inuueiu uuu luiuiuh; oci ui iiiuiwca
An Abstract Copy
Butterick Patterns at Luna
burg, Dalton &'Co.
of Every Instrument on Record in
Harney County.
W. T. tl-SlUR,
AtniiaKer and Salesman,
A. A. IM'.KKY,
.Sccretnry mid Notary Public
Homestead Locations
lUtproauiiln Tlint Which IhTibIihI nml IMIulilo, mill llmullu Sumwufillly all Suite ot Real Kututu lluxiiiusa Wo uro
Aku'iIh l'or tho Rellablu
Talk Your Run! Katalu M attorn Ovur With Us. Your IIubIiidus Will Ho Strictly Cuntlilfiitial. Wo Know Our IIuki-
noes, Attend To Our lUmlnoss and Want Your llnslnoea
N. A. DIBBLE, Proot.
Courteous treatment, rates reason
ableGive me a caM
A First Class Bar in Connection
of Tho Times-
ease than ho would if hay is kept
tho Coast.