TiicSfiJKerald T-AftT i. lAmht wjkwkwion or ITWAM lH TI8 COUNTY. -ocnl Nt.ws, izing1 at' Gemberling's. L'urinatton wTdown from ' W ..r-oB it your PUumyotea every ay, Cimdtoi nt'tho! Burns from ant StortT '1 Murphy wnSIln ivUutvi WtiUftwLttvl in CkiMEftdics at SaUsfMtciywofo. -Saturday, 'Nw 11, to Mrs. FrtnklEattcrsoti i, a babywrot Icarn- d tm th,MirriviilH (oods, hojjfftigB,- furn- SIC. BE ilRRtt; Well- tttr, oniafjtlwjldtimo of the Silver' creek vaaiR the eifcyfyester- A FEW OpJffllOSE I LADIESCOATS, P THE BUSY, CORNKR E. Hibbardsand little ellen ar hopefrrom an trip to tli$uthcrn IB county. iged man, with wifo and , would like position in on ranch, willing and any kind of work, wife k for three or four men. . Sisemore is pleased to to the publicHliat Bho entative of tlieWJctor ailoring Co.,formcrly Stevens. Call and sec ine of samples before ig elsewhere. :ber and wife will move ly kitchw intcftho Mr?. ildinK where "op. Me nd aseoeiates Havo had Mr. MeConnell moves jite of effieec in tho new raid building! . eather man .has given moisture thie week and kinder te urfin some than othrJ$Iocalitics d more favorable. Some f suffered frajniWero id cold weithtnvl There a placee than Harney tomorrow attufe Pros Jhurch. Sunday-school dock A. M.vfMorning at 11 A. M.'Christinn atG:80P.M:.withMrs.i ott leader, thir-is the ting of the- season nil ple are urged to attend. preaching services at . Theme for merning: looeed, lifted." Even ct: "The Yellow Peril, i and Cure." Special our large fchoir at both You are cordially in ttend these services. ). C. Babbidge'D. D., Pastor. $5,000.00 of additional depositors' securi ty was added by the directors of THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK BURNS, OREGON at the regular meeting on October 4th, 1011, at which time the Surplm Fund of the Bank was increased from $5G,000.00 to $60,000.00. EVERY $ of the capital of this bank la now rc-lnforced by $2.40 of earned Surplus thus affording our depositors an unusual degree of safety Capital : : $25,000.00 Surplus : : $60,000.00 United States Depositary Oregon State Depositary Accounts Invited Vulcanizing nt Gcmbcrling'B. Alva Springer was in the city Thursday. Foil Sale A Jersey bull calf. H. M. Horton. Fred Nickle was in the city yesterdny. Latest in Cloaks for Ladies at Brown's Satisfactory Store. Reed Bros give 100 piano votes extra for every prescription. New fresh groceries just re ceived at Hagoy & Richardson's. Boun Wednesday, Nov. 15, to Mrs. H. R. Miller a 12 lb boy, Winonn wagons For sale by Harriman Mercantile Co. Ted Hayes was up from his homo near Lawen tho first of this week. Now carpets, wall paper and rugs at Brown's Satisfactory Store. Vulcanizing at Gemberling's. Call on A. W. Gowan for land Scrip. Barred Rock cockerels for sale Chas. Wilson. V tN -Monday. Nov. 13 Mrs. Clarence Mace, a Elmer Jones and wife now havo charge of the Overland Hotel. Five hundred score cards and pencils at The Times-Herald UlliCC. vl James Paul and wife and Miss Haarstrich wore in the city last Saturday. Pure bred Bronzo turkeys for sale. Mrs. L. R. Wilfong.Lawen, Oregon. BoitN Mr and Ron. New carpets, wall paper and rugs at Brown's Satisfactory Store. Cleaning and pressing for ladies and gentlemen at Schcnk Bros. Mrs. F. L. Mace and children havo moved into the Ncal rcsi- are tnc ucst. , , .. . . '.ucncu iur uiu winiur. Reed Bros, give 10 votes for every cent purchased at their store in jewelry. Mrs. E. C. Bulkley is down from her home in Silyies Valley to consult her physician. Fresh supply of groceries in cluding lard, bacon hams etc. at Hagey & Richardson's, C. A. Bedell and bride havethis weok- IIe has somo Parti J. J. Patterson and family are late arrivals in our city and have rooms on tho second floor over ThoTimes-Hernld's present quar ters. Mr. Patterson is recently from Alaska and had intended locating in Seattle but found things rather quiet there. Ho camo to Portland and later visited Mcdford but found tho latter place much over boomed. He is favorably impressed with this section and has decided to re main hero permanently. gone to housekeeping in the cot tage cast of the Hissner building. Tho Harney Saw Mill, R. h. Bunvard proprietor, now has on hand a large amount of rough and dressed lumber and can fill orders on short notice. A good road to the mill. Hurry orders may bo 'phoned in. ....... N rreu Williams, oi uicmercnaiu tailoring establishment of Schenk & Williams, returned Thursday from a business trip to Baker where ho went to meet a travel ing salesman. Automobiles to all parts of the country dny or night. Regular auto stage to Prairie City. Phone Burns Garage. Akciiie McGowan, Prop. KJ V f OOD COOKING isiihcluded in the Fine Arts BURNS its fulllmiota oi culinary artists; but the best of n require good materials to obtain good results. iy hotjaaeal where you can get the best? We e juslflfceived a lull line of fancy and staple GROCERIES ferredftock, and A. & L. Canned Goods am, JJinfburger and Imported Swiss Cheese -d, Harris and Bacon Fresh Walnuts and Al ids, RUsins, Currants and Dried Fruits, Citron, non aQOrange Peel. Teas, Coffee, Spices Extracts. 1$ IE BUSY CORNER STORE I. Schwartz - Schwartz mr mr I ,! IT S U PXOMUXTOIi JM PROPRIETOR. 'isSs Fon Rent - Furnished rooms Mrs. Will Cummins. 'O. E. Thompson was in tho city a few days this week. Wanted -Horses to pasture and winter. Chas. Wilson. Wheat, Rolled Barley and Oats Brown's Satisfactory Store. Tho latest Fall Coats for ladies' at Brown's Satisfactory Store. New carpets, wall paper and rugs at Brown's Satisfactory Store. Bokn Wednesday, Nov. 15, to Mr. and Mrs. Roy C. Beckley, u son. Burns flour, wheat, rolled bar ley, oats and bran at Brown's Satisfactory Store. r -Walter Cross was down from Traut creek the first of this week visiting the family. F. M. Landing and John and Billy Gcarhart were among our business visitors this week. Go to tho While Restaurant for Chicken Supper Wednesday and Sunday evenings. J. E. Stoy, Prop. John Benson expects to be here again about the 20th with 200 sacks of apples. Weather con ditions may delay him but he is coining. Piiogressivb Fakmes Feed ground grain. W. A. Goodman will steam roll or grind your grain at your granary. Sec him for prices. Supt. Gilcrest of the P. L, Co., Mrs. I. II. Holland and Miss Margaret Thebe left Tuesday morning by auto for Malheur county. FRESH WALNUTS, ALMONS. RAISINS. CURRANTS, CITRON LEMON PEEL AND ORANGE PEEL AT THE BUSY CORNER STORE. J. C. Bowcn and wife left Mon day for their home in Baker county after a short visit with the hitter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Davey. "Grandma" Winters suffered an attack ot heart disease the first of this week but we are glad 1r Inn rn ia imnrnvinrr W V.l M IIIIJ1U1 llll I I Claude McGee returned the first of this week from Prairie City where he had taken his sister Lelah and .brother Garland, who were en route to Portland. G. W. Cleyenger has a new ad Best canned corn $3.25 a case' Ask for Piano Certificates at Harriman Mercantile Co. I Reed Bros. I'hos Vickers was in this week r O. J. Dnrst is down from tho with a load of freight for our I Trout Creek Mountain mines, merchants. .! H T.'Si.XI. cular attractions in his line that should appeal to buyers. Some late things are Circassian Walnut furniture, brass beds, moth proof chests and bed clothing. Telephone for help or situations wanted to the free employment bureau, installed by the proprie tors Pastime Peel Hall -The popular meeting place for all. The best brand of cigars and to bacco only. New Billiard and Peel tables. George Marsden will be com pelled to take a rest from his studies at Berkeley on account of his eyes. Dr. Marsden has wired him to come to Portland to bo treated by specialists and should he be forced to remain out of school for a considerable time he will come home to rest. Oeo. Whiting met with n very serious and painful accident Thursday when he cut his foot with an axe, sovoring the bones and tendons of three of his toes. He was cutting wood with a double bitted axe when it glanced with the nbove result He was brought to Burns immediately for treatment by a physician. C. A. Demaris was a caller at this oflice Thursday. He is one of the successful dry farmers, his farm being located between Harney and Buchanan. His yield of wheat this season was 2000 bushels and of the very best vnriety. Ho has disposed of it to Lunaburg, Dalton & Co. of this city and the flour mill, Mr. Demaris will begin delivering tho grain at onco. Miss Lilah Buchanan, aged 11 years, was awarded the prize for tho Lord Salisbury picture in tho Homer Davenport drawing con test. Thero were several good drawings, among them being ono by Alex Eggleston, Albert Swain, and Ormond Ausmus. Tho latter was exceptionally fine but con sidering tho ago of tho contes tants and conditions it was de cided to award tho prize to little Miss Buchanan. This week tho picture is Gladstone. Tho award for tho Harriman caricaturo will bo announced next week. The sight singing class conduc ted by Mrs. McHoso began work with an enrollment of twenty- eight Tuesday evening. Here after tho meetings will be on Saturday evenings to accommo date the students who desire to tako the work. Tho noxt lesson will bo on Saturday tho 25 of Nov. It is hoped that the num bor will bo doubled at thnt time. All basses nnd tenors nro espec ially urged to tako tho work which is not only instructive and helpful but enjoyable. Como and bring your friends. Wo want n rous ing "singing sclnile." Everything for every body at the Lunaburg, Dalton & Co. Department Store. Wanted A girl to wait on tables and wash dishes at the Overland hotel. MValter Struck and family now occupy the B. W. Hamilton resi dence in this city. ROLLED BARLEY AND BALED HAY AT THE BUSY , CORNER STORE. i Have your winter's wood up so the wood saw man can grind and saw both at one trip. Burns flour, wheat, rolled bar ley, oats and bran at Brown's Satisfactory Store. Fon Sale Black Percheron Stallion, 5 years old in spring. Good papers. Claude McGee. Frank Sozpicray, E. L. and Arthur Becdc and Milt Davis were here from Drcwsey Wed nesday on business. Mrs. W. Y. King went ovei to Canyon Monday to attend the district convention of the Rebe kah Degree I. O. O. F. as a dele gate from the local lodge. Remember the animal Thanks giving ball by the Mothers' Club in the new hall in The Times Herald building on Friday, Dec 1. Help the play ground fund. The J. "W. Lee & Co. general I merchandise store at Alberson was completely destroyed by fire recently tho loss being estimated at $15,000 which was a little over one half covered by insurance. The origin of the fire is unknown as it was discovered about 12 o'clock at night Mrs. B. W. Hamilton and son Ora left this week for Enterprise where they join Mr. Hamilton and Roswell. They have purchased a drug store at that place and will possibly make their home there. although they still have their home in Burns and other pro perty interests. Mr. Wheeler of the Electric Light Co. informs us they are go ing to turn on the lights just as soon as there is sufficient water at the flour mill for power. The precipitation of this week will help in that respect The com pany has the machinery ready to start at any moment. The boy's appetite is often the sourefc'-of amazement If you would have such an appetite take Chamberlain's Tablets. They not only create a healthy appe tite, but strenghten the stomach and enable it to do its work nat urally. For sale by all dealers. Best Hour (guarantee) $8.50 bbl. Harriman Mercantile Co. Watch for the bulletin at Reed Bros, every Friday and see stand of Piano Contestants. Rye, Oata, Wheat and Barley for sale. Chas. II. Davis, Harney, Oregon. Bill Christian, one of the old time ranch men of this section, is in the city under tho care of a physician. He is suffering from kidney trouble. For Sale 100 AcitES-The NW i of Section SO, Township 25 S., Range 20, East of W. M. Ad- dress owner, Carl Nelson, 205 Jefferson St., Portland, Oregon. F. O. Jackson is just complet ing a nice five-room cottage on hi.i mountain nlace and now has painters and decorators putting on the finishing touches. He is preparing to put out some small fruits and decorative shrubs. Dr. J. V. Milligan arrived here Saturday afternoon for the pur pose of installing Rev. C. C. Eabbidge, D. D., as regular pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of Burns. Dr. Holt and Rev Arms, who were to assist, failed to reach here and Dr. Milligan was compelled to per form the entire ceremony which he did in an interesting and im pressive manner. He preached at both services on Sunday to large congregations. The music for the services Sunday was a very pleasing feature and it is hoped that the big chorus choir may be kept togeter for the en tire season. Mr. Fellows presid ed at the organ. LEARN ABOUT A GOOD BANK Get in touch with this modern, progressive banking institution and let us show you the Advantage of banking here. If you are a business man or a salaried man open a checking account for what ever amount you wish. If you want a savings account we pay four per cent, interest. If you live out of town, do your banking by mail. We extend a cordial welcome to those seek ing banking service. HARNEY COUNTY NATIONAL BANK of Burns RESOURCES over S400,000 OREGON STATE DEPOSITORY POSTAL SAVINGS DEPOSITARY PURE GOLD Did you know that a 20-year endowment policy with the Ore gon Life is pure gold? Did you know that a 20-year endowment policy with the Oregon Life gives you a safe place to deposit money, pays your wife and babies the amount you carry in event of your death, or if you live pays the amount to you at the end of 20 years? Unless you have the hooks in the "old man" who car ries the scythe, it would be well to look into this matter deeper. Good insurance is the squarest deal on earth. Consult Eggleston, The Orejjon Life Man. Buy Your Hardware and Farming Imple ments for Develop ment Purposes from GEER & CUMMINS Miss Stirling Public Stenographer Room 7, Masonic Building. E. B. REED & SON Carry a full line of FANCY AND STAPLE GROCERIES Some late arrivals are TEA GARDEN MINCE MEAT IN BULK BULK OLIVES, BULK SWEET PICKLES, BULK DILL PICKLES, SWEET CIDER, SALT MACKEREL, SALT SALMON, FUEL CREAM CHEESE Prices The Lowest For High Grade Goods Cire us a call 1A- for trading stamps irilh your purchase SSSSSSS$SS55SSS' WELLINGTON rAv, The WELCOME Pharmacy The Place to buy CANDY The Place to, buy CIGARS The Place to buy PERFUMES The Place to Get What You Pay For The Place to Pay For What You Get The Place you Can't Afford to Overlook J. C. WELCOME, Jr. Proprietor (( rWSVr. X. v -r?5rN.to J vwwaiTi feXctoi w-3 : vu u?"M ' ? - I 'WS.-.J . j? " ! 8 ' V Jv : s, s v & BZ Tfl .-JS5v Ml if s , L I a - :S5Sgfi- lror?SW-ejr Jvsr I s?k NE-i Circassian Walnut in- BED ROOM SUITS and SPECIAL PIECES FURNITURE Blankets and Wall Paper In these Two Articles we certainly have the finest invoice ever brought to this city. CHRISTMAS It is none to early to make your selections for Holiday Gifts. See tho lino of suitablo things wo nro offer ing. Beds-Brass, Iron, etc. Roll Top Desks. Dining Chnirs, Rockers, Mirrors, Tables, Kitchen Cabinets, Moth Proof Chests, Rugs, Lace Curtains, Bed Spreads. G. W. CLEVENGER, THE FURNITURE MAN THE HUB CITY OF CENTRAL OREGON IT WILL BE THE RAILROAD CENTER Logical point for railroad shops The next few years will show wonderful.'development in this section the future "breadbasket of the Northwest" A PEUTINENT POINT The lnrgo amount of Capital that will bo invested by tho Wellington Trust Company, in tho City of Wellington, and Hie sui rounding-territory, will be of tremendous advantn. in the growth and trade of Bums as well. They inav well be named the SISTER CITIES. Note the Splendid Proposed Improvements in Well ingtou: A $50,000 BUILDINGS TOR GENERAL MERDIIANDISE. A $20,000 BANK BUILDING. $25,000 MODERN HOTEL. A STGAR BELT FACTORY A CRUG STORE. AH business streets 100 ft. wide residence streets SO ft. wide-20 ft. alleys. All lots 50 x 120 ft. A railroad from Hums to Wellington is contemplated and the extension of tho Hill lines from Bend will pass through Wellington, whilo the proposed Harriman line from Klamath Falls to Ontario will cross the Hill lines at Wellington. WELLINGTON LOTS BOUGHT NOW WILL PROVE A SAFE AND SPLENDID INVESTMENT. Write to Wellington Trust Co., Suites 1210-1316 Yeon DUg,, Portland, Ore. Note Tho Wellington Trust Company has now in press a beautiful 28 pago folder on Central Oregon, which will bo of interest to all residents of this section. ?gzsgg55ggai Job Printing. "I 'tt