'm7mfi!l i .....j. i IT T"R wSv$MI News. "I& at Getnberllnli ww In tllfgltY Pknovotea every . ka' for Ld1st; i ;vam.; ;rd nd with;wi( knyon CltyAvteit- lmoatnew84j . Call RndJ 3-n was In tKoTcity week hvinjuflt atsido. poinCs. ' ' d were making homesteads Tucs- - A the lute arrivals show, ties, furn- Haey ft Rich- . .;2 is erectingrsomo dings on hlsresi Hn Brown's-'Axl- $5,000.00 uOOK ATM-HE OTHER lUATE iADIES' COXTS USY CORNER :.$ r uiB. new hciwoi tag delivered on rimes-Herald Hhas therany workipn vill begin thisifall lay maro weight on right Bhoulder stiflo and bar P L ft stifle. Notify iy, Burns, Oregon a Dr. Grifllth .inn er, whose serious m to tire family county,- bettor, g to improvet ho m for homo -the v ' more is pleased to ie public tnaFsho ve of thej'Victor ig u., lormony 3ns. Call arid seo f sample before where. ' f iden has been, for v from his studies n account of- his bump on the head go while scuffling ty house witlfael striklng hi1 head r'g knee which nf- He went to San treatment but so 1 very little relief, intempkte having 'ortland for trcat 3. Dixon!& Cogh ped the injury is arid that he may to resume his of additional deponitora' securi ty was added by the directors of THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK BURNS, OREGON at the regular mcclinf on October 4th, 1911, at which lime the Surplus Fund of the Bank waa incrcancd from $55,000.00 to $60,000.00. EVERY $ of the capital of this bank is now rc-inforccd by $2.40 of earned Surplus thus affording our depoiitors an unusual degree of sufcl Capital : : $25,000.00 Surplus : : $60,000.00 United States Depositary Oregon Stale Depositary Accounts Invited Vulcanizing nt Gombcriing's. Tom Allen was in from the P Ranch this woek. Latest in Cloaks for Ladios nt Brown's Satisfactory Store. We have had a touch of real winter weather this week. Reed Bros give 100 piano votes extra for every prescription. New fresh Groceries just ro- ceived. at Hagoy & Richardson'B. Winona wagons are the best. For sale by Harriman Mercantile Co. Lloyd Johnson and little daugh ter camo up from Lawen yester day. Now carpctn, wall paper and rugs nt Brown's Satisfactory Store. Five hundred score cards and pencils at The Times-Herald oflkc. Pure bred Bronze turkeys for sale. Mrs. L. R. Wilfong.Lawcn, Oregon. A. Esrli and wife came over from the farm home at Wagon- tiro Thursday. Mrs. Millar has a fino lot of fall and winter millinery on dis play which the ladies should call and see at once. Dikd Tuesday night, Nov. 7, the ninc-months-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Slocum from Vulcanizing at Gemberling's. Call on A. W. Gowan for land Scrip. Barred Rock cockerels for sale Chas. Wilson. W. M. Harvey, the Lakcvicw horse buyer is in this vicinity. Cleaning and pressing for ladies and gentlemen at Schenk Bros. 'Carrol Cecil and son Homer were in the first of the week. Call at Carter & Son's for veg etables and fruit. Hissner build ing. Reed Bros, give 10 votes for every cent purchased at their store in jewelry. Fmah sunnlv of irroceries in- eluding lard, bacon hams etc. at Hagey & Richardson's. The Harney Saw Mill, R. L. Bunvard proprietor, now has on hand a large amount of rough and dressed lumber and can fill orders on short notice. A good Lroad to the mill. Hurry orders may be 'phoned in. J. C. Bowen and wife and little daughter arc here from Baker county on a visit to Mrs. Bowcn's parents, Mr. 'and Mrs. Frank Davey. Mr. Bowen brought in some fruit and fine tomatoes from his Eagle farm. Automobiles to all parts of the Buttcrick Patterns at Luna burg. Dnlton & Co. Fay Comegys was in the city Tuesday on business. Foil Rent Furnished rooms Mrs. Will Cummins. Wanted-Horses to pasture Department Store. and winter. Chas. Wilson "Wheat, Rolled Barley and Oats fallen during this week helps but flir. auU Mrs. I.. O. oiutum num , . , , r..' pneumonb. The family live Ini d ' "lv "jg. i. wicmnn uW The, auto stage to Prairie City. I ho ihn WiReman residence. The father was away from home at the time of the littlo one's death being enrouto from the railroad with freight. Ho was summoned and arrived for the funeral which was hold Thursday afternoon services being conducted by Rev. C. C. Babbidge. The bereaved parents have the sympathy of this community. Burns Garage. Ahchii: McGowan. ,ar hone Prop. John Marshall was down from Harney yesterday bringing a little pig down to Hansen's shop that dressed 253 pounds. That's some pig at tho prices that pre vail these days and brought John about as much money as a good sized beef steer. .. Ll F TIL ..t" -,,',,, ,.... tNy C?4-,l -d-'t -m-4- T -A 4t -p 4 - rffc II Otup tliat winning i wafhn underwear; it increases bodily corn id saves doctor bills. SCHWARTZ ?8 ome broken lots of hearty fleece lined mens underwear i cotton, mixed goods and all wool. They are jvst what m need for the winter. lar prices are from $1.50 to $2.50 W.bile ithey last they are yours for 05c. per garment WINDOW AND BARGAIN COUNTER : SBMSHOW MENS HATS Le mens hats; only one or two of a Imong them are Stetsons, Conquerors SrQfd's in classy snappy shapes. All go at reduction. ; BUSY chwartz FMormtxTon &.ta CORNER STORE i. Schwartz J PROPRIETOR. Brown's Satisfactory Store. The latest Fall Coats for ladies' at Brown's Satisfactory Store. A. W. Hurlburt was a business visitor to our city on Tuesday. New carpets, wall paper and rugs at Brown's Satisfactory Store. Burns flour, wheat, rolled bar ley, oats and bran at Brown's Satisfactory Store. Wntch for the bulletin at Reed Bros, every Friday and see stand- of Piano Contestants. Harold Johansen and L. H. McPhail were in from Buchanan Tuesday assisting neighbors in making-proof on land. Go to tho White Restaurant for Chicken Supper Wednesday and Sunday evenings. J. E. Stoy, Prop. C. A. Schapcr was over from Diamond a few days this week. He was accompanied home by his daughters Anna and Minnie. John Benson expects to be here again about tlie zum wun zuu sacks of apples. Weather con ditions may delay him but he is corning. THE NEW LADIES' COATS JUST RECEIVED AT THE BUSY CORNER STORE, ARE THE NICEST EVER SHOWN IN BURNS. Progressive Fakmes Feed ground grain. W. A. Goodman will steam roll or grind your grain at your granary. See him for prices. The press committee of the Ladies' Afternoon Club is invit ed to send contributions of inter est to us as often as it desires. We would gladly give publicity to its work were we given the opportunity. Telephone for help or situations wanted to the free employment bureau, installed by the proprie tors Pastime Peel Hall The popular meeting place for all. The best brand of cigars and to bacco only. New Billiard and Peel tables. J. R. Jenkins, the Steens mountain sheepman, came in the first of this week on business. Mr. Jenkins has been suffering from rheumatismbut is improv ing some. We advised him to take a rest but he says he hasn't time. His energy has counted in his success and he wishes to remain active in his duties. There is disappointment ex pressed over the announcement that Dr. W. S. Holt will not be able to reach here to participate in the installation ceremonies at Presbyterian church tomorrow. Dr. Holt had been in Nevada and returned to Portland by way of San Francisco. A delayed train caused him to miss connections in Portland in time to reach here. A telegram makes this announce ment to Rev Dr. Babbidge. The auto trucks are expected at any time from Bend with freight A press dispatch of tho first of the week says: The auto truck companies have arrived and will take out their first loads this week to Burns, Bill Hanley, the millionaire ranchman of Har ney County, has a large shipment of freight thnt will go out on tho first truck. A line will also be oiwrated from Bend to Silver Lake and other Lake County towns. Mr. Fellows infornies Tho Times-Herald that he and Mr. Wheeler formally took over the Horton light plant last Monday and hopo to have it in operation by tho 15th of this month. Pa trons have been patiently wait ing for service again and it is hoped the system on Emigrant may be completed and in readi ness before low water next sum mer will prevent securing power at tho grist mill. Tho peoplo want and should have continuous service. Joo Hunter and a bunch of other Bend boys were hero tho first of tho week on route to tho lakes for some shooting. Local neonlo who accompanied them say tho Bend boys enjoyed it but the shooting has not been equal to tho usual sport this fall. Tho migratory birds did not come in so great numbers or havo not yot arrived. Tho Times-Herald man has it "in for the Bend bunch" for thoy never let him oven seo them, let alono invito him to go shooting. Ho'll havo liis gun ready for different gamo if thoy over try such a trick again. For good seed rye go to Dr. L. E. Hibbard. Ask for Piano Certificates at Reed Bros. Best canned corn $3.25 a case, Estuayi:!) oh Stolen -From Harriman Mercantile Co. I the Buchanan rnnuo one bay filly Everything for every body at i b"nd1 NE connected on left .. . .. - -. aVwilllrlit.' trn lwiun ffllv rill fnltr tho Uinnnurg, Dalton (Jo. '"""".-"" -'' -" wniiu ieei aim wniie i.icu ;ubu big while spot on Hide, same brand blotted; one Jenny dark with mealy points same brand and oimrter circle C on left stifle. Suitable reward for information leadincr li the recovery of those animals or notify J. W. Buchan an, Buchanan postofiice. The little moisture that has we need more. Have your winter's wood up bo the wood saw man can grind and saw both at one trip. Burns flour, wheat, rolled bj.r ley, oats and bran at Brown's Satisfactory Store. RflMR HAnrJAWS IM MRM'K i "Tomorrow," HEAVY UNDERWEAR ATTIIE' man' BUSY CORNER STORE. I T hav:e ,fo mu l gucss: 1 1 know it is the safest plan, FRESH WALNUTS, AL- To 8ave ,ny children from dis- MnMn 1?ATTM riTPP ANT ' ... CITRON, LEMON & ORANGE jAn(1 whcn thc morrow came PEEL AT THE BUSY CORNER , nrnIlnf, STORE. Tomorrow said the languid Remember the animal Thanks giving ball by the Mothers' Club in tho new hall in Thc Times Herald building on Friday, Dec 1. Help the play ground fund. The Mothers' Club bazaar will be held Dec. 8 and 9 this year in the big north store room of The Times-Herald building provided it is not occupied by a permanent tenant on those dates. The ladies will have six booths this year and are ambitious to make I around. They placd him gently in a box; At break of morning he was found As dead as Julius Ceasar's px. His widow now is scrubbing, floors, and washing shirts, And splitting wood, and doing fifty other chores. That she may rear her wailing brood. "Tomorrow," said the careless jay, "I'll take an hour, and make my will; purchased a strip of land adjoin ing the play grounds that must be paid for. The Mothers' Club- will give the usual annual ball on Friday night, Dec. 1. This is thc Thanksgiving ball but the club always gives it Friday instead of Thursday. The ladies will give their ball in the new hall in The Times-Herald building which will be completed by that time. It is possible the opera chairs will not reach here by that date but other wise the hall will be ready for the big party. The ladies will use one of the stage dressing rooms for a kitchen and will serve supper on the big stage, tho scenery being taken out of the way. The proceeds from this dance and supper go to the childrens' play grounds. exceptional sales as they have I And then if I should pass away, ! - . - . .... iTn .i.ifr, nm Irwla will knnu' nn The wife and kids will know no ill." The morrow came, serene and nice. The weather mild, with signs of rain: Thc earless jay was placed on ice, Embalming fluid in his brain. Alas, alas, poor careless jay! Thc lawyers got his pile of cash; His wife is toiling night and day, To keep the kids in clothes and hash. Tomorrow is the ambushed walk Avoided by the circumspect, Tomorrow is the fatal rock On which a million ships are wrecked. Enough said. SeeEGGLESTON, The Orenon Life man. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. I'siTrn hT.Tiw Ijm Office lluruft. Ortguii, .Stnembvr 3. I'll Notlre in hereby given tliat Kay ComcRjn, ol NarroWB. Oregon, who on April 3, l'HW, and March .H. 1910. made Home lead Kntry No. 'Jill, serial 01171, arid llomeiicad Entry Serial No nuifl. fiirtluv Inr V.MK. BWNEli and Nskii yeition :, Township '25 ti., UanceSO E , Willamette Morldlan, ha filed notice ot lnten lluu to male Muil Ave ear I'roof. toeataMlsli rlalm to the land aboe deacrlbcd, before thc KeKlBter and lie elver, at Hurni, Oregon, on tho l?th d of lieceratx r 1911 Claimant nainea as wilnefKPK William '1 IlardHcll and rhlllp (1. Smith hoth o! Ilip-ni tircKn A. W Hurlburt and Alciamler Mikcntte Uith ol Narrows, Oregon. Wu. Kabhk, IlCEitter. Miss Stirling Public Stenographer Room 7, Masonic Building. C. E. LEMAY Paintiug, Paper Hanging, Sign V ritmg Estimates given on all classes of such work. AfiF.ST IIFNRY ROSCIl WALL PAPER Hoadnuarters at French Hotel FEATURES OF THIS INSTITUTION This bank is conveniently locat ed; it has a record of continuous success and honorable dealings-since its establishment, and is well known in Harney County and vicinity for its painstaking attention which it extends impartially to all patrons. Accounts, whether large or small are always welcomed. HARNEY COUNTY NATIONAL BANK of Burns RESOURCES over 3400,000 OREGON STATE DEPOSITORY POSTAL SAVINGS DEPOSITARY Buy Your Hardware and Farming Imple ments for Develop ment Purposes from UefcR &CUMM NS WELLINGT ON E. B. REED & SON Carry a full line of FANCY AND STAPLE GROCERIES Some late arrivals are 8 TEA GARDEN MINCE MEAT IN BULK BULK OLIVES. BULK SWEET PICKLES. BULK DILL PICKLES, SWEET CIDER. SALT MACKEREL. SALT SALMON. FUEL CREAM CHEESE Prices The Lowest For High Grade Goods Gii-e us a call Ask for trading stamps icith your purchase The WELCOME Pharmacy The Place to buy CANDY The Place to. buy CIGARS 1 he Place to buy PERFUMES The Place to Get What You Pay For The Place to Pay For What You Get The Place you Can't Afford to Overlook J. C. WELCOME, Jr. Proprietor IS j - iilQAvT"' 111 ! -jf - J !"1T1'- t, i r " S I v ,: I in i o tr-x i i ; r r TH Kii I Fafct. )L ! mil ii ! '1 .rT r"n- r--l j ) : s-Twr. Lu x''; a- 'S?i-5y DISHES AT COST In order to get more room for my stock of furniture I have decided to close out my entire line of S" China. E y Glassware. Graniteware Positively at Cost I l.nvr. nun nf ilm finest and most COiniilctO HllCS Of tlllS clllSS of ware ill tho city. INDUCEMENTS FOR QUICK SALES G. W. CLEVENGER, E FURNITURE BV1AN THO HUB CITY OF CENTRAL OREGON IT WILL BE THE RAILROAD CENTER Logical point for railroad shops The next few years will show wonderful development in this section the future "breadbasket of the Northwest" A PEUTINENT POINT The largo amount of Capital that will la invc iid bv tin Wellington Trust Company, in tin Cit ot Wellington, aud the sur rounding ttrrit)r,, will bo of itvuieudous advuntagc in tin grow th and trade of Bums an will. Thty may well 1). named the SISTER CITIES. Note the Splendid Prop sed Improvements in Well Well ingeon: A $50,CC0 liUlLUlNOb FOR QtNtL' L MESOUAKUISE. A $21,860 BANK BUILDING. $2MH JIOBEfiN HOTEL. A STOAR BL'Er FACTORY A CKUG STORb. All business strwtu 100 ft. wide-residonce streets 80 ft. wide-20 ft. !i ys. All lot SO x 120 ft. A railroad from liurns t Wellington is contemplated and the extension of the Hill lhui from Bend will nnss through Wellington, while the proposed Harriman lino from Klumath Falls to Ontario will eros tlu Hill lines at Wellington. WELLINUTON LOTS BOUGHT NOW WILL PROVE A SAFU AND SPLENDID INVESTMENT. Write to Wellington Trut Co., Suite. lIO-tat6 Ym BWb., 1'ortlainl, Ore. NOTE-Tlie Wellington Trust Company has now in ifreBB a beautiful 23 page folder on Central Oregon, which will be of interest to all residents of this section. Job Printing. ?$it