The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, November 11, 1911, Image 1

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    I 15
5rfl 'iEhiieo-Hci'nia
he OIlclnl rnpcr ot Ilnrnoy County
fl rnt Stnrnu Cotitilru
Covers an aroA of 0,428,800 ncrot ol
Innd, 4,C34,0&1 acrca yet vacant etil)cct
to entry under tho public land lawn ol
the United Statei.
kM IWIiirgtial citciilntlon nnil In onoot
be wt mlvorUnlnu muritums In Kualorn
NO 52.
fl 'J9
romuQregon Gets But Little
FromrKeclamation Fund
RS -IN $13,332,066 TO FUND
dim Fund Swelled by Snlc of Public Lands in
fhitJSpcnt Elsewhere Money for Projects'
Jlrietmijiricmcd Necessary Just Share Desired.
or Wwfc fs'gottintf busy Sherman and Gillinm counticn
) twin to ret some re- storied Bomethinfr that promises
10 ue oi Rreat permanent oencnt
to this stato whon it set on foot
a movement for an agricultural
expert for each county.
Extension of tho work of the
Oregon Agricultural College to a
greater degrco throughout the
state is desired and a reso
lution was passed favoring the
appointment of an agriculturrl
commission in each county, com
posed of tho County Judge and
two practical farmera. It is pro
posed that this board appoint a
county agriculturist who shall
visit the farmors, study their
problems and help them in every
f $14,918,760; total net""UBa,u,.u "" . 1U" U1 "'Vf
liuunu in iw uu uui 111; uy tuu sum:
and tho remainder by the coun
ties themselves. A committee
headed by President Duke of the
League, was named to work out
the details and frame a suitable
bill to bo presented to tho next
The newly formed Tri-County
League will meet thrco times n
year and a committee was named
to arrange for the timo and place
of holding the fair showing the
products of the threo counties.
benfit from Oregon's
onto thj national re
fund. A recent press
from Salem, says:
. secured byj Governor
n the Commissioner of
ral Land .'Office show
tats of Oren has fur-
the reclamation fund
HTSala of public lands
lCteraH oxpensoH
undeducted, Including
WatogiVen to the res
atea from tho not pro
he sala of public lauds
Utea. This in Oregon
to $701,687, being 6
uter expenses 01 sales,
he law this portion of
ds la turned over to
to be uacd for roads,
r as the, Legislature
time to timo direct,
wernor secured these
a reault of his confer
President, when he was
everal weeks ago. At
Governer West urged
ident Taft take up the
the completion of irri-
jectsin Oregon, dcclar-
Preaident that Oregon
I An interesting program has
the largest contributor been arranged for the annual ex
hibit of tho Oregon Horticultural
Society, November 15-17, which
will bo held in the Yeon Building
Portland. Discussion of the
many phases of fruit growing by
experts in their various lines will
uo nig leaturca of tho coming
meeting, each day having strong
at tractions. Not only will theory
in theso talks but
scientific practice
will be shown in tho fine exhibits
of apples to bo on display.
The best goat show ever held
in the state is promised for Jan
ary 3, 4 and 5 at Dallas, when
the Northwest Angora Goat
Association will hold its annual
meet. Breeders from all over
tho west expect to have prize
animals on display. A feature
of the convention will bo an An
gora venison banquet, when
tarnation fund through
' public lands and had
le smallest benefit from
' such lands, ;
res showing that Ore-:ontributed-fnore
) toward 4h reclnma
were secured to bear
itements of tho Gover-
this line. Tho major he developed
this monev has boon 1 the result of
recent years,
r West recently wrote
.ident again calling his
to the promise rela
ying attention to the
project and the pro
answered, saying that
' matter under consid
1 will give it his earl
!e attention,
Veet Umatilla project,
hich has not started,
ited expense will be
Upton that rich, deep, even tone
so much admired.
In n recent interview with Mr.
Reed regarding this decided in
novation in advertising, Mr. Reed
stated: "Wo have been enjoying
tho patronage and confidenco of
tho buyers of this community for
some timo now and by always
trying to keep our stockH com
plete tho saying that 'You can
get it at Reed Bros.' has become
a household expression. In giv
ing away this piano we are ac
tuated by a double purpose, to
Bhow our appreciation of tho pat
ronage of our friends during the
past, also to encourage new trade
and to bring the many splendid
values wo nro now showing in
all. lines to tho attention of every
buyer in this territory. Tho plan
we are using in giving away this
piano is equitable and fair to all,
simply this, every person buying
one dollar's worth of anything
in our store will receive u coupon
good for 100 votes. The person
returning to us on July 4 the lar
gest number of votes will bo giv
en the piano absolutely free of
all cost No favors will be shown.
Our reputation for 'square deal
ing' assures our customers of
that fact."
This four hundred dollar Upton
rarior urami piano is surely a
present worth having and we
predict a very "merry race" for
coupon votes during tho next few
Reed Bros, are surely to be
congratulated upon their broad
minded methods and "Trade
Getter" advertising system.
Interesting Ceremoney to be Held at
The Presbyterian Church
Rev. C. C. Babbidge D. D. Becomes Regular Pastor of
First Presbyterian Church of Burns Reception to
Pastor and Wife at Gault Home Monday Evening.
ing a portion of tile land for is heaped twice, then you can
seeding next spring. The con- proudly resolve to live a better
sideration was $50 an acre and life.
besides the land near this city a j "But when somebody says its
tract of timber in the mountains , Hallowe'en, and you feel mushy,
northwest of here was included. ; and haven't got a red in your
This is one of the very bestPcket, and you know you are
ranches in .lie country and has I KinE to be licked next day say,
always been used as a wild hay what s therc n t for a redhead
meadow. Mr. Clemens realizes ed boy who wants the world to
Tomorrow will be installation of welcome to the newly installed
Sunday, when Rev. C. C. Bab- pastor by Dr. Hibbard from the
bidgcD. D. will be installed as session; Ilarry McHose from the
pastor of the local Presbyterian
roasted kids will bo Bcrvcd. It
The Umatilla pro- ia thought this will be the first
e is about 82 per cent1 feast of this kind over held in
$1,888,000, approxi- tho Northwest
wpk been .expended
ording to figures avail
e office of the Stato
Bankers of tho state arc taking
a part in tho back-to-the-soil
movement and nt a recent meet
ing of officers and directors of
the state association, a committee
I was named to doviso wayB and
i means to make country life moro
attractivo. Literature will bo
issued and stops taken to educate
tho young to tho attractions of
farm life.
as shown' by the re
ie reclamation service,
lamath project, about
has been ; expended,
per oent-bfjtho work
jn completed; barring
r unites. r
ernor believes that a
) of "the money which
at of dretfetftfrom tho
nubile landsjshould bo
k into tW state for the
of the grtffon pro-. That Burns is fast becoming
bareeitHfndcrway metropolitan in tho methods of
ich plana-vhavo been advertising used by oijr mer
i a the We?Umatilla j c)mnt8 to call tho buying public'n
$?t I attention to tho many splendid
.ted out thatOrogoii'a, vaiucs wi,jcj, they are offering,
far -along tho linos jog that tho wide awake firm of
tent vmImmUoii have uCed Bros, nro keeping up with
f'CInIied:kSr tho fact ,nnd iimfc n Httln nhnnd of tlio
reclamation projects
omnsed te.somo that
mat Has already pro
i work- upim to com
id it is asserted that
i entitled lo.tho com
those.pwdeejs already
at least, owing to the
of may,whlcli tho
Wired iasftho rccla
ds. tbrourVf(e wholo
1 ol ity imttlc lands.
' " f
JtTtUAl. MtfrK.
td Cwj sap undent)
fl.ssltlliKton tho
times in an advertising respect
is again practically demonstrated
by what is perhaps tho most
elaborate system of advertising
over attempted by any business
houso in this section, namely: tho
giving away of tho beautiful Up
ton Parlor Grand piano which is
now upon exhibition at their
This piano retails nt $400.00
each, guaranteed for ten years.
Tho principal points of superiori
ty of tho celebrated Upton piano
over any other claas of instru
ments lie in tho thrco strings in
unison with over strung bass, tho
splondidly pitched scalo and truo
sounding bonrd which give tho
There seems to be nothing now
in the way of railroad work this
week, so far as new announce
ments are concerned other than
Ceief Engineer Stradley is cred
ited by the Vale Enterprise as
saying that large crews would be
kept at work all winter. That
paper says further:
As tho local construction engi
neers have been stating that they
would be through with their grad
ing work in the local yards be
fore Thanksgiving, there is every
reason to believe that these rail
road officials will be given more
instructions after the completion
of their present work. As far
as can be learned seven miles of
tract will be laid this winter in
the Vale yards although those in
structions have not yet been
given Engineer Grimes, in charge
of the work here. It is also
learned upon good information
that grading will be commenced
on the main line of the Oregon
& Eastern after the improve
ments of tho local yards, and that
the first appropriation provides
for 8G miles of track.
That grading work will be done
this winter is learned through a
number of contracts the railroad
company has made with some
property owners for right-of-way
It is belieyed that the work re
ferred to by Chief Stradley is to
bo done west outside of the fact
that crews would be kept busy in
this section through all the good
winter weather.
M. J. O'Connor has notified
the sheriff's office that a French
basbuo named Geo. Dufurrenna,
a sheepman of the Denio section
has been found murdered near
tho Nevada line. He could not
givo much particulars concerning
tho killing other than that one of
the herders working for him was
missing and that it was possible
this man had dono the killing,
no further information has been
received by the sheriff's office.
Clay Clemens mill is the near
est ono to Burns where all kinds
of lumber both rough and dress
ed can bo hnd. Near Canyon
road. Call him by 'phono for
quick orders.
"Thero could bo no better med
icino than Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy. My children were nil
sick with whooping cough. Ono
of them was in bed, had a high
fever and was coughing up blood
Our doctor gavo them Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy and tho
first doso eased them, and threo
bottles cured them," said Mrs.
R. A. Donaldson, of Lexington,
Miss. For salo by all dealers.
Alteration freo nt Schenk Bros.
The installation service will be
in charge of Rev. W. S. Holt D.
D., Superintendent of the Board
of home missions, Pacific Coast
District, assisted by Rev. J. V.
Millgan D. D., Synodical Super
intendent Board of Sabbath
School Missions, and Rev. Geo.
W. Arms, Pastor Evangelist for
Eastern Oregon.
The music will be under the
leadership of Mrs. Ilarry Mc
Hose, and consists a double
quintette, composed of the fol
lowing well known musicians:
Soprane: Mrs. J. L. Gault,
Mrs. Sim Frieman, Miss Louel
Alte: Mrs. W. Y. King, Mrs.
Harry McHose, Miss Myra King.
Tenor, Mr. Julian Byrd, Mr.
Ludwig Johnson.
Bass: Mr. Chas. Byrd, Mr.
Piatt Randall.
The quintet will be ably assist
ed by a chorous of young people.
Organ Prelude, Mr. J. D. Fellows
Invocation - Rev. G. W. Arms
Hymn No. 533-"How Finn
a Foundation", Chorous Choir
Responsive Reading (Selection
17) Psalms47and48.
Installation Prayer
Rev. J. V. Milligan D. D.
Announcements and Offertory
Anthem "We Praise Thee oh,
God." - - Double Quintette
Installation Sermon,
Rev. W. H. Holt D. D. '
Installation Hymn No. G78,
Chorous Choir
Charge to the Pastor,
Rev. Geo. V. Arms
Charge to the People,
Rev. J. V. Milligan D. D.
Hymn 509: "A Charge to Keep
I Have." - - Chorous Choir
Song Service, Congregation led
by Quintette and chorous.
Hymn No. 226, "Praise Him
Chorous Choir
Scripture Reading
Announcements and Offertory
Anthem, "Hark.Hark, my Soul.1
With soprano obligato by Mrs. J
L. Gault and a con
Sunday Schoel: Mrs. Blott from
the Christian Endeavor; Mrs. A.
S. Swain, President of the Aid
Society. Also by Rev. Holloman
from the sister Church and by
t the visiting ministers. The mu
sical program follews:
' Ladies Quartette
i "Annie Laurie" - - - Buck
Mesdames Gault, Randall, Gowan
and McHose.
Piano Solo
Miss Helen Purington
Vocal Solo
"Beauty's Eyes" - - - Tosti
i Mrs. Gault, with violin obligato
by Mrs. Dodge. Mrs. Rembold
at the piano.
Piano Duet
Misses Stirling
Vocal Solo
"In the Dark in the Dew"Coombes
Miss Louel Smith.
Piano Duet
"Les Sylphes" - - Bachman
Roberta Hibbard, Mrs: Rembold
Reports through the papers
show the cattle market improv
ing with an indication of prices
going even higher. Over at Pen
dleton recently $30 per head for
yearlings was refused.
The local, stock men have sold
rather close during this season
and last and therefore Harney
county will not receive as much
benefit from such a raise as in
the past. Our stockmen still
have stuff that will be beef in
the spring but owing to lack of
transportation can not reach the
early spring market that would
give them a good profit.
When we get transportation
the small stock raiser will be
greatly benefited in this respect.
that $50 an acre land is too valu
able to devote to wild hay so will
farm it.
mThe boy's appetite is often the
source of amazement. If you
would have such an appetite take
Chamberlain's Tablets. They
not only create a healthy appe
tite, but strenghten the stomach
and enable it to do its work nat
urally. For sale by all dealers.
It is very well to talk about
early Christmas shopping, but
nine out of ten of us have not
the early Christmas, shopping
wherewithal. What with shoes
for Johnnie, and a coat for Susan,
and gentle reminders from the
coalman and other trusting ones,
most of us come bump up against
the week before Christmas be
fore we can spare
Christmas doings.
turn over four times a day?"
Real Estate and Insurance
Fair Dealing
Post Office Building, Burns, Ore.
Drawing Contest
now running weekly in The. Times-Herald in
connection witb Mr. Davenport's great series
This week the subject of the sketch is E. H. Harriman
Neu Independent Telephone Line.
A meeting of the farmers of
the Ochoco valley was held at
the LaFolletle school house Sun
day afternoon for the purpose of
organizing an independent tele
phone company. A temporary
organization was effected and it
was decided to build a good sub
stantial line from Prineville up
tho Ochoco and Mill Creek
Another meeting will be held
nf flirt linmn nf J T? Tlnnnlin vl
traltosolo Monday Nov. G, at 1:30 p.m.,
by Mrs. Harry McHose.
Sermon By Rev. Arms or Dr.
Hymn No. 504, "God bo with You"
Installation service promptly
at 11 A. M. evening at 7:30. A
cordial invitation is extended to
you to attend.
Tho program arranged for tho
reception to be given Dr. and
Mrs. Babbidge, Monday evening
Nov. 13, at tho homo of Mr. and
Mrs. Gault promises to bo full of
Tliero will be short addresses
for the purpose of completing
tho organization. At present
there will be about 25 miles of
new line. It will extend up the
Ochoco to George Russell's place,
and up Mill Creek to Barney's
null. All persons interested
are requested to be present.
J. F. Blanchard was in Prine
villo Tuesday requesting bids
from local dealers for telephone
supplies. Prineville Journal.
J. C. Clemens has purchased
tho McMennmy farm near this
city, tho deal having been con
sumated last month when a set
tlement was made with the heirs
and Mr. Clemens is now prepar-
question is, What The stores
are jammed, there are heaps of
foolish notions to catch the be
lated shopper.
And yet how easy it is to get
the right thing at a modest cost,
namely, a year's subscription to
"The Youth's Companion!"
It costs $1.75, and how can you
invest $1.75 to a better advant
age if you want to make a gift
that will benefit as well as grati
fy the friend or family to whom
you send it? And if you can
subscribe early, you get just so
much more for the money all
the issues for the remaining
weeks of 1911 free.
Then, too, your present will be
as fresh and pleasing a year from
now as on Christmas morning.
and of how many presents can
that be said?
The one to whom you give the
subscription will receive free
The Companion's Calendar for
1912, lithographed in ten colors
and gold, and you, too, as giver
of the subscription, will receive
a copy of the Calendar.
Only $1.75 now for the 52 issues
but on January 1, 1912, the sub
scription price will be advanced
to $2.00.
The Youth's Companion,
144 Berkeley St., Boston, Mass.
New Subscriptions Received at
this office.
The contest is open to all readers of The Times-Herald
below the age of twenty-one years excepting teachers of
a cent for i drawing and professional artiBts.
ihen the C!iif, nut-, nf .Jin nnlitmno nf 'TVio Ti m on.T-Turn 1 rl pnnh u'Pfllr
Mr. Davenport's cartoon and make a free hand copy of it
on clean white letter or drawing paper either with pen or
Then mail the clipping and your copy together with
your name, age and address to MANAGER, THE TIMES
Each week a committee will pass upon the drawings
and make the awards.
To the person submitting the best drawing will be giv
en a handsome artist's proof of Mr. Davenport's sketch
printed on Japan paper and personally autographed by
the great artist.
These autographed artists proofs are not for sale at
any price aud will be highly treasured by those who are
so fortunate as to receive them.
The educational value of this contest as an encourage
ment to the study of art and modern history cannot bo
Johnny on All Hallowe'en.
- "My dear teacher has asked
me to write a composition on ;
Hallowe'en, and so I must set '
about it and say that it isn't much '
to brag of. You make a bonfire
in the street, and you go around '
ringing doorbells and tipping
over ashcans, but when you've
got home and said your prayers
and gone to bed, you must say
to yourself that there's nothing
in it for you.
"When you know a boy who
owns a coat, and another who
owns a dog, and these boys in
vito you to see a fight between
those animals.then you have fun.
"When Christmas comes, and
you wake up in the morning and
find a gun, a bioncho and a lariat
in your stocking, then you feel
that you live, and you are glad
that the whooping cough missed
you when a baby.
"When it is Fourth of July,
and you go out and lick the son
of an Englishman to show him
how wo did it at Lexington, then
you aro covered with glory. I
"When New Year's comes and ;
tho bells ring and the grocers i
raise tho price of prunes, and,
there is a turkey for dinner, and
dad conies in sober and ma is on '
her best behavior, and your plate '
Burns Flour Milling Co.
-Makers of the-
'Famous Burns Flour'
Always for the development
of Central Oregon and Har
ney County.
j f " , ." I
Four well equipped lines. Excellent facilities
for transportation of mail, express, passengers
Prairie City to Burns. Vale to Burns
Burns to Diamond Burns to Venator
E. B. WATERS, Agent.
ARCHIE M'GOWAN, President and Manager
Harney County Abstract Company
Modern and Compete Set of Indexes
An Abstract Copy of Every Instrument on Record in
Harney County.
Homestead Locations secret-?; iE; .i.c
Manager nrul Snlcsmmi,
Hoireiioiita Thnt Which IhTihUhI ami lttl!nlli, mul Ilnmllo HiuHT.-nlully all Sarin ol Heal Kslato llnslness. Wo aro
AkciiIb For the l!olialil
Talk Your Itoa! Kbtnto Mattors Over Willi Vs. Your ItimlncRa Will Ho Strictly CouiUWiitlal. Wo Know Our Husi-
rnsae, Attend To Our IHislncaa and Want Your llueincss.
N. A. DIBBLE, Propt.
: Courteous treatment, rates reason-
able Give me a call
A First Class Bar in Connection