it jr HHJB - iasaaslassisjsJaaM a,..,., tl M w H U 13 .J MEN I HAVE SKETCHED. at first he seemed to feci that ho had discovered in me (to his lior- (oepnUht. ltH. Homer Drcnpott siniici ror) n queerer animal than ho During the lonjr experience of had Cvcr found in Africa Major J. B. Pond as the most famous of all men who ever di rected international lecture tours, it was quite natural that his friendships and acquaintances were very extensive, as the Major himself was in m.iny re spects more interesting by quite a largo margin than any man he gave letters of introduction to people in any part of the world it was dollars to doughnuts that Lord Salisbury looked like a composite picture of all the Lords. He was ponderous and heavy as to face, particularly on the upper eyelids, and when ho spoke every thing ho said sounded final and true. There was only one thing we had in common in our social intercourse, and that was that everything ho seemed interested in regarding America I had never heard of or had heard almost no thing about, and everything that these letters would do you more good and make you feel more at ease on your trips abroad than those of almost any other man. I asked him about regarding England seemed, strangely enough, to have been neglected in his school days. But I was doubly fortunate, as' Lord balisoury naa one neciuea Major Pond's letters were 0t vantage over many of the all that I carried on my trip to ". . , , but you will bo sure to get a halter. The wise man does not let his wife hear him boast that he is a good manager; she knows better. "It is a pleasure to toll you that Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy is the best cough medicine I have ever used," writes Mrs. Hugh Campbell, of Lnvonin, Ga. "I have used it wuli all my child ren and the results have been highly satisfactory, by all dealers. For sale Always ready for job printing. England in 1S96. I had besides many letters of introduction from the sessions and you could never tell whether he was awake or I .1 . . 1 ! I .-... nHnll.l 1st It anoUier man, famous in the liter- fp u u .m - . . ary and political history of our ' Ho was like the late Judge Cu country, Murat Halsted. I be- -Jeraon, of Texas i, m that respect, lieve, therefore, what luck I had He even rca,thed asJie"7 awnke in meeting distinguished people m he did asleep. But there was in England durinc that winter I one thing that never left him Wnnnr sri.n.M hick-, hut on th I dozinjr or wide awake, and that contrary was due to the influence I was Iiis resemblance to what you of the letters that 1 carried from ' thought the typical big land-own- ing ijora wouia iook uku. cjvuii his little cat-naps, that were evi dently taken deliberately to avoid these two eminent Americans. Both Major Pond and Murat Halsted had given mo letters to I r-..- f flin -rrtrt1irter rroVrt Mtm Henry M. Stanley, and it seemed I au"iC U1 l "" "T " ""','"" -u oi . ...a more thoughtful expression. lZZf? ? help along hi. i-w- , ; vL ,. ., fnnnA ' Lordship's air of gout and d.gni- letters than on the day he found Livingston. Before he stopped rushing me about and settled into a dignified calm, he had present ed me to most all of the distin guished Lords and members of dot " ("( ty. He told me he had never been much of a traveler because it was a horrible waste of time to be always traveling. Mr. Stanley got rattled for a moment at this and, as if fearing that my object would be discovered, he frankly told Lord Salisbury that I made caricatures. Whereupon the lat- 'ter criticised those that I had drawn of him, but praised those I had made of Joseph Chamber lain Harcourt and others. This (attitude of men who are carica tured is not confined to the Eng lish, is I have found during my experience in drawing celebrities of almost every country. An ex agerated picture of the other fel low is always funny, but one of the person who is most concerned is usually bad art. Salisbury was not alone in his failure to see the joke. Homer Davenport Out of the Ginger Jar Parliament that it was possible to meet in a half day spent in the Houses of the British Parlia ment I feel guilty now and find my self blushing when I remember the expression that I frequently I table than corn on the foot caused to come over air. aianiey s , Thpr no :mnPOnrietv in us- Most rat holes will bear look ing into. Isn't the lover who braves the storm a rain-beau? It doesn't require an axe to cut an acquaintance. Corn on the cob is more accep- face, after the introductions and the hand-shakes, when he saw me deliberately draw from my pocket a pad and pencil and be gin sketching aristocracy as it ing a spring wagon in the fall It isn't very long before the "good fellow" is a poor fellow. Women are vain, but men are ambled here and there over the much more so and with far less hard floors of the House. Many reason. of their strides and pace were, Many a man is in great fear far from natural, owing to the that he wil, t a1 that js com effect of many plum puddings jng to h;m ana otner nxings wnicn consti tuted their diet, so that when I made what seemed now a decid edly raw remark to the effect that many of his friends seemed NOTItK FOK PUBLICATION. I'MlliDSTATK LANHOKFH:K, llurns, lUvgoii.OclAlwr U. MU.I Nolle Is hereby ln tbat Kudora V AmUr fon.ot litevKli Oregon, who, on lfcjcwmber 1, IWft. mnile IVsert lau.l Kntrr No. T17, StUl No. MX lot . S SKVi, S0. II a0 Ntt'j NKVi ctloii H, Townahlp ll.. Ran .JH Kst. Willamette Meridian. ha HltHl 1101V0 ol intention to rkie rinl Prool. to eHnhl sh claim to In In ml atv. tttwctibwl, before the Kefftotar unit Kecelvvr, at Hums, Or egon, on the JOIh dajr ot S .nam Mr 1911 Claimant names a nltnM llc oion, r retl Robertson, Uecur New), . II HaVer, nil ol l.rewser, Oreiroti. M. (xkrk, keKltter NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. ISOLUKUTRVCl -l'l'llUf I.XNliSM.X UMtst,-T4Ti'I.!nOriri!. Burns. Orvmni, OcioUr a, ml. I V..llrw i h.rnhv elren. that A tlirtfCtcd br the ConmlMloner of theOenentl IjiuI ODIee, nnder the pro laioui ol the act of t onren p uroteil June .T, !- (J !tat SIT). Mirtnant io the amplication ot Jame l FelloHi, of HiiriK oreiion, Serial No. IMll, e Mill otler at public sale to the hlihest bMi'er. at 10 o clock a m , on the inh day ol lecec tier, lll, lie it the fol lonlnic tract of land. WSK'o amlSK'-4',xec 1ST ., I! !J F..W N. An an.l all turnout cialmlnK artvrel the abore-leerlll lautli are ml v I sett to lie their elatms or objection! on or before the lime le ilftmtevl fur iale. Wm. KaRKk, Keaiiter Kmsklmn. lieceher NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. l"MTKD STATBd IIND OrrilB- llurnn, Ori'icoti September Jf, 1 it: Notice ii hereby Rlteti thai OUnali Kan ninften, of lluchanau, Orexon, who, on Jantt aryj?., U10, made llomenead K-ry No mm. lor NX1,, vrctlou 34 township i . Range i I... ilamette Meridian, hats tiled notkeof intention to u ake Kioal t'omniutatlon 1 roof to establish aim to the land abote deaerilfil, before the Keiiiater and tlaoelter, at Hum, Oregon, on tnc 7th di) of Noremtier 1911 Claintant names tn ultneenei. L. 11 McPhall, Harold u. Johaimen, SUkkI' Hilton, allot Buchanan, Oregon Wllliani II Hobinr, of jien, Oregon. W Faaaa. Reirliter NOTItK K(K I'UULICATION. I Nil Kl sTATBS L.VXD iiFHi-E, i liii'ii. Oniton, Ociotx-r 17, 1911 i Notice i lunhy Kiin that i h" x hir mann of Ntrrowv, treK'n. rho tu March IS Win, made Houieticad Knti No oUll, for NB'4 of sectiou 17. Tonhlp ae . Itanire 30 Kaf VMlUmette Meridian ban flle.1 nolke of lnien lion to make Final i ommntatlou pntof.toeetab llfh claim to the land above ilrn rill, before the Kegiiter and Keceleer at linrnt. uregou on the JOIh day of November, lull. Claimant nanus as witottftts O I'ruton, H leate If. B Marke. J It Merlcle allot Narrow., Oregon W m t ukr Ketfuter NOTICK FOH 1'UIH.ICATION. l mtd TTr 1 axi Orrlrg liiuns, orck-on, Notcmbcr i, mil. N'ollicliilieretii glMti that Itpiirr Ilolsl.of ol Narnnta, Oieiron who, on Pccunbor J7, IWJ, male Homestead entry No ouvsn, lor Ki9 and UitsHandl,mHtlon!'l,ToriihlpV9Mul)i, It. s h , lllainetle Meridian has filed notlceof inlenllon Io make Final t oniin malum 1'rmif, to establish claim to the land above described, 1. ton- the lieeuier ami HeceUer, at Hums. tirenn, on the Tih day ol Uecetnber, 1911. Olalmaut nnmea as nltnesrs: W Scott Haley, Charles Snj.ler, It U llsis, William K loUlns.allot Narrows, Oregon, W'M.KAMHr, licglslcr. NOTICE FOR lU ..LIGATION I'SlTKIiBTMIWIANnoKFICK, lltirna, Oregon, aeptembcr , 191 N'otltv It heteh glu'ti that Mice 8. Hay tnotid, of Uuchanail. Oregon who, on Juno I. 110 made Homestead Knlr , No. UWVt, for H i -ectlou Al.tonushlpjaB , flange !t K Wlllam elle Merluian, baa filed notice of lutcnllonto make Final Cominittatlon Proof, In establish claim to the land ahotc tlcsirltied, before the Register ami Deceiver, at Hums, Oregon, on the Tth dayof November, lull Claimant natreaas witnesses Mllo Raymond, Harold O. Johansctt both of llnehanan, Oregon. William II Koblns, ot I swan, Oregon t'o Hhaer,ot llmna.Orcgon Wm, FAhiiR, lirglsler. NOTICH, FOU PUHI.IGATION l'sitKtiHrvr I.ASnOrrit llnrns, Oregon, iplomlr la, lull. Notice Is honb) ghon that Prank. Stopleray, ol Ilroweee, Oregon, who, on Vttgiist at, IHM, made Hometed hntry NotMVv for W)j SJWJJ. Range K K, Wtllametle Meridian, baa tiled uotleeot dual Hveear PrtHif, toestabllih claim Io the land aboo descrllie.1, K'forolhe Register and Receler, al llurua, Oregon, on the ISth dav of Notember, Wll Claimant names as wltneaece Thomas Keune, Isaac M luv Is, Pains r U llenle, Stephen Miller all of llreiMo), Wm Pakmsi, Regiabr. NOTICH FOU PUHI.IGATION. t'MTKKSTVTMB t.NI OFUCh, Hums Otgoti, Hep'embei 'a, 1911 I Notice la hereb) given that M Y Carter, ot l.nwen, Oregon, who, on October . "V$. mada llninestead Eutry No MT. for UK , ee. l, TownshlpWS. Range 4 K,. Wlllai cite Ver Idlan. has flle.1 notice ill tutoutlon In make Final Commutation Proof, to eatabllsli claim to the land above ilewrlbeil, before the Keat-trr and liecelver, at Horns Oregon, ou tl ' )th day of November, 1011. t lalmant names as wltnevaee Francis M Martin. Ilenrv r. Itnniu. John Hottendlti Chas. Ingitaut all or lawen, Oregon Ww ra, hivister $1500 Reward! I ho itrgon Csl n ruiaaiid Nevada LI' -t, k I'rotar tu . ft,,nof whlcb Hi, it . signe.1 Is intthiU. , will give I',i'J 00 rtwam lor evi deuce leading to the arrest and con viction of niiy par ly nr parties Heat ing horses, eattl. or mute belonging to any of lis mem bers In addition to the ahotc, the undersigned offers the same condition 1.4)0.00 for all horse bratnle.1 horse liod bar on both er either ). Hrand recimlit in eight counties Rang Harney, Lake Mid l rook counties Horses ventcU w bee sold None but grown horeea sold a' i only In arge bunches W W I K11WN HI, 'iri-gon K00IKTIKS. 'r,!5a;r I'funv, Itatiin llilM .miiMJI.onilK.NO.M. A.K. V M.i Vrelsctefyflt-UiidlMMUyo. '"Sani'Molhcrshead, 8creiary ch M MiFKN WOORMKNOPAMKNIOA Veelserery-sewml and Imitth rtlday oB in.T 1. 00 p, 8,,lL1lJri!SglJl. Niwappltcanls will Meel jffiVJf T tester, clerk UPHNHPHUTKR NO 10, O. R, ?. Medsetery secoml and '". !,,;.n'f' " Matoule Hall. ol Wlmo, W . M. b'llaSwi'ck.s'irelary, SVI.V1A RK1IKK VII It Ml It KH S. . MeetsetcryUtandM ,'j",',M' ,. Mr King, J. tl. Nina W Iscmatt. Ree Hco'v. 1PI K CIROI.K Mi. 1W. Meets ct cry ttiuHIt Till Heeler UtkMmati, t'htrk, .,.., . .. .....Kit. r.(Alrtv. MceisviVij h'ui.m . .itc'w. .. ft v ,.iami iimnm, u, .v. omoiAi. lURKtrniRV aTATK oiirsmd' V 8 "cnaliits I Ootigrissmcn JonsUian IKMtrboJr (leo. K. Olulwbcflatn iW R atlll jjw Han ley A. M. Crawford Oswald vat r W Koaeou T.H.Kay I. R, Alderman W tlhrtiwsy iRobl UU . T A. Mettrtdc Oeo H rturnMI K S Bean IF A Monro NINTH JUHH.I.V1. IHtrTRICT AHorncy Ueueral Governor ceerctaty ol Wale lieasurer . . gupt. Publlo Instturllon. Stato Printer Supreme Juitges Ulstrlrt Judge District Attorney Deputy Hist Ally Halton g J W Met 1 lloeh CHk ouald Circuit Court meets lb tlret Monday In April and first Monday In Otlober Jolut Scuator lolut'RcprtseulatUc ( Parrlsb W II Brooke 'fWfi) Go To The White Front Livery Stable NEW RIGS AND TEAMS 'Phone to Me for Your Doctor Calls. R. J. AlcKINNON, Jr., Proprietor. We notice that most people who are consumed by curiosity t still survive. If our mistakes teach us no- 480 1.1000 Gallons Per Hour b Plenty of Water Vhenever and Wherever You Vant It W ! No trouble! No work! No pumping in the freezing coldl The Farm Pump Engine will provide nil the water you need for the house, dairy, barn, feed lot, pasture anywhere you want it. Works right outdoors in zero weather. Provides water at the right temperature no ice-packed tanks or bothersome tank heaters. Costs less than a good windmill. Does ten times as much work. Saves two men's wages every day it runs and never i grumoies bdeu: long noars or ' loafs" on tne job Attaches to Any Pump In 5 Minutes 31 V) a little pavement sore owing to I thing it were hardly worth the the gout, I think he was worried. ' while to make them. He seemed especially uneasy A horse ig not of any use until after we finished a brief inter- it is broken but it is different view with Lord Salisbury, who wjtb a pjow even showed gout in his attitude, either sitting or standing, let I inoun we m" nKVU,r "vu alone when he took the hurdles, L08 a"'' osti us are looking lor money just tne same. of hurrying from one part of the enclosure to the other, But later when the distin guished African explorer discov- tvaA fVinf rruirn whq n nmv lfin1 1 ,n.nnn.n.M.nn.'nrrln Amgrin. IIerC 'S a K00d Question for ,m AomanAA Bnh nr.iiii. b'coums to discus this winter A hen will spend a whole day getting up an egg that a hungry man can eat in a minute. ties, being a philosopher as well I "How much is enough?" as a traveler, he seemed to be ' When you buy a balky horse reconciled to me. But for a time you may not pay for any harness, Oregon Trunk Railway Service To 2?oztlari.cL, St. IF'au.l, HDorrvez, .K!a,nsa,s CIt3r and Spolrane, Cliicagro, St. XjO"ClIs DAILY TRAINS Leave Bend al 6:30 aim, Redmond 7:21 a m, Opal City 8 a m, Culver 8:13 a m, Alctolius 8:30 a in, and Madras 8:3J a in, arriving Porlland 6 p m. Direct connection at FallbridKe for Spokane and points east. Ar rive Spokane 9:15 p m. 'Ilirough tickets sold to Eastern points, Puget Sound and other Western points. Deposits for west-bound tickets to be furnished persons in the Hast. Details will be fur nished on request. Ample Power fcr Small Machinery Has pulley (or rurmn; any hand or f xt lower matiiiccry Htlf3 the wumen f 3 by turning tHe cream srarat)r acJ c' rn, the washing machine and wring' r.tti.. Rj 3 the corn sheiler, fanning mill, feed r i I, grindstone. Does most all the drud," ry chores in half usual tim. All ready for hotIc no extras to bor. Comes on its own 1) e. No foundations or platforms need) d Four small bolts fasten It to any pump. No belts, shafts, arm s.walknjr beams or anch' ''prnts. Easily moved any here it a vlv cl j irryw. See tlie Engine at Work . We have a Farm Pump Kn r e on exbll-1-tion In oi r show rooms. It is at work div' all d..y d i y t':e kind of smk tliat ii i irc'i'inie ' th fjrm'.r Ilrini; in t rn lu ..jwyju ..ji t' kut:, I'uin,.i;i ,, .,. i (J jyuur hardest winter wor nt stn-n'i. si I - m la lfl - - IVi ' GJ Wl '. 3S- sOV' II I est F7m mzm. i ItKTH-ti sili' T i. i COUHTk ll1(T t (Irani Tbonipaou H.B. Waters Hmun 1 n-ii . Miafer A. K. Htcliarilaun J.J. iHmitian LMIIaMlliou J deary .J aha KuMuhui Ife. I. tmvtai.r I tl A Hmyth OoUHty Court m!i Ui lit oddela) In January, Matili. Mar. July. SsjpUwntwr an I NueuiU'r. Coiiuly Jmlitr Clerk treasurer surveior lierlll Assessor :?chuol tiuierliittHlHt l oroner Stuck InsiHHtur touimissluners iiahmky V. a. I vx orrus- Kecister Rerelvtr Mayor, Keeoruer, rrisurtfr Marshal, 111 Ism Frank lh.1.1 cur. ntmi' Cluhbii flic Times-Herald is allniiw most imrium'u to Kates to its Milmcribvrs at present THE TIMES-HERALD One icar with the Portland Weekly Orcgonian $2.50 Portland Semi-Weekly Journal $2.50 S. R Weekly Examiner $2.65 Thrice-a-Week N. Y. World $2.50 Semi-JKeekly Si. Louis Republic $2.35 Farm Progress VW.V.V, to ovoiy paid in advniu'i Subscriber fiet onooriuoreof tlu'M' jrood pnpi'ro in connec tion with Tito Times-Hi-rald for the lonir win ter cu'iiiisKK. Call '' Ki't ClulibiiiK Pricai JOB PRINTING Hip liim- HtraUl U rrrimrrtl Io do llir cry Ileal anil M.wt Siitl.fnrlno Work In tltla line Ix" LATEST TYPE FACES anil a ut C "itiilot t I, me FI RST-CLASS STATION ERY ATTOIl!wfH no, """'si rm UhlU. .. . . attohj,,1: tloi,i na Q a.. b -, Id Cm ful v in.. . Nol... . ?tierj im M; HI t'lrtincllman tl M.rlDir. k f. T. lUi.W J.f Walrolnt. J ,.H. l.llait . I U, O M till. . U Vt,l... 1 rraltt I . Miiiiii:b of Ui t ouucll err hvt I Kuurth UcJun,Ir IW. W. OKI i 1. J(. fff 5 JTT Sumpter Valley Railway Co. TI.MK TA11I.K NO. r. IN JUNK II, UW. i:n i ii Wtvt lloiiiul. Kat Itound No. 1 I'ukh n. in. No. 2 Pui p is U 0 l.v IlakiT Oity r ft u 'J 5 " South llakur l.v S J'. rfultslnir)t "' 6 0t) l.ockliarit " I M Tliotiipeont " I 6i Sloildard Jniictkiiit " 1. 16 Water Tunkt " 4 In Deaii'HStmrt ' I , ? McKnu.t " 4 aft JUNITION1 " I 10 Mimi'tur " I ft'. JUMTlONt 50 'llllllliltt " 0 0 5S 10 01 10 07 10 17 10 21' " 10 .' " 10 I " 10 '.'. ' 11 lu ll V, 11 10 " N'XJ.S 12 00 ' I'. M. 12 0- " 12 IU " 1 10 Ar Rflain St., KWATER Blncksmi.liing and llorseshoinj Wagon Work COOLEY AUTO MATIC BRAKES Burns, Oregon, fit! . lltl.w. irh ColtscUotU. Ij.j r.vmi.,. CHARLES 1 I .,,,.1 Hums, . SSLS ATTORNp r SUito Courts a' .-Wf O I. C0IH.f Whitiifljl TirroNf Austin ' 06 00 2.10 2.10 ll-t W. T. SMITH, Agent Sums, Cr&. Sin i i n .-in hW i nlj tNoa(iit. 'luki'tt item! only for tttatliiuii wlieru trituiH u ic sclKxltilwl to nmke regular Ktopi. l'aHuli;iiri tntial (itirolmse liik oti) wliertt K(!iitM uxist Imfirw i'litsrlilK triilii" nr J.i reins In nilililioii to tin. re gular furu will tin chnrKt'il JOl.l'II Vl S s,,t GUAM t.l.DDl.S, Ast 'nit SLLiiMQ CO. HORTOW 6l SAYER, Propts. Rough and Dressed Lumber, Rustic. Flooring, IVloulding, Finishing Lumber. Nearest Sawmill to Burns. Good Road. Lumber Yard in Burns. imioir6 Hitrncy County AH Hurt,. 'Uontf I,Urt ' tcjSri .1 r.. UwSfl I'liiikUa.jgnom llurni, - . HIliS 0(lll,.hui iS ni ?$ PhycteW .xofmj i'bIi. ans.rir.1 , ieSB 'I'liuna llitdisi itedji Harrlowi) Illltl.Ud. . itSll Ii. E m OlTiot lust Jeor.t W6f(( T0M( Unit 'vi S u. t The Harney ValJey Brewing Co. Mniiul i tun rt of a,rxcl Stjlx-o S3oclsi, Water l-'iiiullj Irntlc Solkitctl I n-c DclUcry T. E. JENKINSManaer ?r -liHlrW. proji w. c. be & Offlw rwtus S aM kiifiii"' 3JU1 flgur itsfc ?iVWl COOPER km& Civil and Hyd j:r Imirntmn 'wh Soiwrw. fti'll 'huttoyt, V-y 1" .'GiSJ It. tl tuna saw. .' Hl'KNS. . )res n1 .m -H i r:' a 1 JOHN ROBVSF. Sleek losprtltf.tojjg, lltrniB ,ll f 2tj- -Ji- ; .::!am::tjt::t:j:ttf::Kti5)ntnt:: :ti::t:t:tttit:nm:mmitru ZS-20a .W Wlodell 1094 "Repeating "Rifle. M t 0ighify1ng the 110USTRIE5 TMs Is tbo title of a buauttlul el -ct, ' oak w -.L, will stow asy fcoy or slrl bow to CbCChLU Vi i a lta. tu iuo uiau 1UUA1 Aha K Will Da Sent I 1 EC The aim of the College Is to dlg-airy anil pjpul .r i tbo Industries, and to ive ALL th pc.pU It. --rs coursas In Agrlculturo OWI1 Cctrln'orl.iff Lin ,cal Lnjlnerlr Utbnlct: Eurlri' '1 i Junius Etjin earlne, rui.stry, Doniei.o. Si. .- and Art, tea r."--!"). Pharmacy aa4 Murle Tbe College opaas 1 1 ,iemlier 2J'l CataJoK ir-.a Add-. -i ntaiBTH. OKEO&1I AaitlCULTlliU CJLLLti. ' .rv&llls. Or. gun mSSM liiyju E. XV, TiriBB. AKoi't. Up Oily Hre, B. R, Kejii, Agtfnt Culver, Ore. II. IUckol, A tout, Ilcdmond, oro 'J. A diiAiiAM, Ayent, Mctollus, Ore. J.J HowiAit, Agent, Jlmlras, Ore. J II C wiltt, Agent, Uend, Ore Harnky Vallky Hkevvicky Saloon JENKINS & KAISER, Proprietors WINES, LIQTJOES AND CIGAES Best and most popular brands LOCAL BEER ON TAP Courteous and oblierinp' bar tender? auAo i,rr, .. Main's Tablets. For siilo by nil wno. rvMiocrc, iwiefr- - a ur MS. Urefionldealera. for This rifle is built The HARNEY VALLEY MEAT MARKET II. .Iiislielc, Proprietor of all kinds always ready y Your Patronage Solicited J Corner A.i. .mil U Streets l.t.thvr HiilMIng ii1:i:ninn::!,:l,,ti:i;;1!:m;,;!!,t,t;nttm;;.i,tntnnnnmntn;; -naUm, try.. settled districts where good rariKc and killint' I power arc desired, with safety I io uic iieiunDornooa. The Martin .25-20 la a llf;ht, quli k- iiauuiuiK. ."iciy-uaianceu repr irr with the golld top, closeil-ln l,rrcrh and side election features ulii, I, ... .t. MarttA Runs safe and agreeable to ujm. una ..ciiuin in action. vtlacltjr smoWltss loads vlih laclmtd U .r l"sui iKiini tail rWgss, and ! the rlile I.r tarurt w, , nr woodcliucks, uctsr hawks, lots, etc, uii lojog yards This rills and aininu taurujt rrpttcrs,ais fully dncrllir.t In our l36-toet catalog ',s bbss lur J stamps iiostava 7Ze2ffart firearms Co.. ywmo Slreet,'' NEW HaVCN, CONM :' t fcaasurjiirJcaait ENGINES BOILERS BJfflT i!GH GRADE MACHINERY & SAW MILLS iibl -eft Ih your huHbund ciohh? An irritable, fault finding ilispoHltion is often duo to a diHordercd stomncb. A man with uood di- Kestion !h nearly always uood natured. A reat many liavo been permanently cured of nlom- ach trouble by taking C'linmbcr- WRITE FOR 5PECIAL CATALOG AND PRICES THE AMVERILLMACHIhWCO. PORlUND.OnF.- SAN JOSE CALH E A. SHAFrrR U.S. Mineral SunejorK Cml I njeinrvr IrriKaliun and Water Supply. I'n gluecrioK. Tonnsile, Land and Mineral Land Palenl Sur.eys. UMfliiif,', Ilebiainfr. Blue iVinl lnj, bllnialci, Lit. Narrows, Oregon The Lone Slar Restaurant All TOY, Propriflor iiiiniiii-r Mitln hi. ntnlour l" llr..iiliii ,, IlioliM ,,,1,,, WBAU8 HT flUU HOORtS Bakony In oonneotlon A Specially or Short Orders. 'I'hIiIu ttitli tivory thing U mnrki't nUbrilH Vcmr patron. 'l'""i(iii,ij F. (I. Diuaiim ""j" forrasilf ' T .' " i IhO. H II" s iw i"KX. tlo. "ei Eastern Oregon f CoiDpMjfe CITIL AND WIg BnrnJ. (Ml" IK !00 TheWasliingloa All TOY, PffC6 rrj brick buildhftM Tbo bill of fnrt' iw1? tblntr tlio murKctftffS ordera n ,kWlj 5c mdo. fiielmn -? MOTIi'S CARMS II. ln! r.L,iuJaP CANDIhS, tHJAKi Hi New mill tmnil'jj Cimln, .JllvinrfJ'S pons, IVnriKi A SI'IXIALh 01 l0UW Fincii-worliiu'ii10''! ii ii mill Rcii),(?li V. It. BUM.. " JOIIM JUIHl'"11 -r :t .Twol,r. Ol Fine Wi.Ul. KiT3" clulty. j i-