A.V -J i. "7AWC LAMMT OIUCWrariQN "f WMPArm W THirgOUNT V h. ii JMAYt NVKMBHk5$1I II tf Loonl trfgR ynonvv lizing at Gmberling's. flroa. givt'aiEtmw.nwny In Ck'fpjfiFdlos nt SttofarrjgKoro. Supt, Bawjlxwvas in this wk (MRcinl but)- .M vlb AlmosOJ incli waKon. CHllnU boo it fTice. C. Smith kijp the urphy lrKljywjjitig8 at wtain wherielMus build- orvoir. ' ; id tm thJaphrrivals pjoods, lH fmn etc. at HafpySfc Kich- V Oi1,- j .WSt TI,,nlrN QLCJJIIQnB, J.JB. !.. Foren iurJMCkLfrom an n the SUwiafMountnin and drMdlurnber of now miiuhwiie yie Broe. Sw Mjfilf ' Roujrh ! 1R .. Altfvtvajafitl ' '1U lCl II1V1HI1U. Forkin, onejofltho sub new settlers ofjtnb Silver untry, is insjtKe city on '35 $5,000.00 of additional depositors' securi ty was added by the directors of THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK BURNS, OREGON at the regular mcctino on October 4th, 1911, at which time the Surplun Fund of the Bank was increased from $55,000.00 to $60,000.00. EVERY $ of the capital of this bank is now rc-inforccd bi $2.40 of earned Surplus thwt affording our depositors an unusual degree of safety Capital : : $25,000.00 Surplus : : $60,000.00 United States Depositary Oregon State Depositary AccoTints Invited A LOOK i AT TUB ' AND OTHER LATE , OF LADIES'! COATS IE BUSY ,COKNEU White ld to .quit work Timas-Hmldibuilding !c to go out andjpook nf- n tract on the experiment Idings. ' 5" ved Bay mare weight id 4 B on righTfBhoulder right stifle and bar P L d on left stiftj Notify athaway, Burns, Oregon af,it, a piano given away. Jlemens mHlsjJho noar o Burns whefemll kinds r both rough and dri be had. Ne' Canyon Jail him by Jphono fel lers. ?3S&. ff.u!Al. nllniFinll.iH t9illll.ll BllvWU . 1UIUUII.I cattle to tlterailrond tlii.s tome wHrbejhippcd to it once butjlwyill feed unch near Baker for tho tarket jJff J. Sizwnoce;jpIenr,e(l to 3 to tlie pufilii? that she tentative offho Victor Pailoring Coformerly Stevens. Call and see line of samples before ng elsewhwe. lt, Dr. Milligan of Porl 1 Rev. Armswill bo in Nov. 12 for ilie purpose ling Rev. Dr. C. C. Bab tho regular jiastor of the 'reebvterian Church of Both Dr. Holt and Dr, have visited1 this section nd have many friends, 'icee on that; day at the ill be interesting. Vulcanizing at Gemberling's. Reed Bros give a Piano nway. F. Crowley was in tho city this week. "The Fall of Troy" tonight at the Ugo. Latest in Cloaks for Ladies at Brown's Satisfactory Store. P. II. Gray was in tho city from Lawen this morning. New fresh groceries just re ceived at Hagey & Richardson's. Fred Oakcrnian and wife came over from Riley on a visit today. Winona wagons are the best, Vulcanizing at Gemberling'H. Call on A. W. Gowan for land Scrip. Cleaning and pressing for ladies and gentlemen at Schenk Bros. Call at Carter & Son's for veg etables and fruit. Hissner build ing. Dr. II. M. Horton and wife went over to Diamond on a visit this week. Fresh supply of groceries in cluding lard, bacon hams etc. at Hagey & Richardson's. James Lampshire and wife and For salo by Harriman Mercantile jMigg Jessie Linton wont out to Co, Another barber shop has been opened in the Star saloon build ing. New carpets, wall paper and rugs at Brown's Satisfactory Store. Five hundred score cards and pencils at The Times-Herald olllce. M. H. Brenton is carrying one hand in a sling, tho result of run ning a nail in it. Pure bred Bronze turkeys for sale. Mrs. L. R. Wilfong, Lawen, Oregon. Scott Hayes and wife are up from Lawen. Mrs. Hayes has fully recovered from a recent operation. Mrs. Millar has a fine lot of fall and winter millinery on dis play which the ladies should call and sec at once. Adam George was a business Prairie City in company with Roy Mullen returning the first of the week in the auto. The Harney Saw Mill, R. L. Bunvard proprietor, now has on hand a large amount of rough and dressed lumber and can fill orders on short notice. A good road to the mill. Hurry orders may be 'phoned in. Mrs. Gerald Griffin has return ed from Washington where she has been teaching to look after her property interests near Nar rows. She was accompanied home by her youngest son. Automobiles to all parts of the country day or night. Regular auto stage to Prairie City. Phone Burns Garage. Ancmi: McGowan, Prop. Emory Cole came Thursday afternoon after a week's delay on tho road between here and Vale, caused by breaking his auto. Yesterday in company visitor Thursday and Friday. HojWithC. B. McConnell and Engi will quit looking after fruit bugs' ncers Cooper and Dodge, he star ted for Silvics in his machine and had a breakdown at Cold Springs. Ho has wired to Portland for repairs. for tho winter, tho county court deciding a fruit inspector unnec essary for that season of the year. 3fe MV'.W.II.. "N stop that sniffing 4. (,d3SS t onvvjarm underwear; it increases bodily com : and sfaves doctor bills. Schwartz hu Mine broken lots of heany fleece lined mens underwear in cotton, mixed goods and all wool. They are jvst what you need for Ihe winter. gular prices are from $1.50 to $2.50 oh-"While ithey last they are yours for .tjJjfiSc. per garment S$8B? SHOW WINDOW AND BARGAIN COUNTER iMicrikio UA"rc a ' SfllLlvO WmSF"k 6JP ' fogpma mens "ats; onv one or two ol a terhJmens: them are Stetsons, Conquerors 1 .Hatolds in classy snappy shapes. All go at ig reduction. Hi I BUSY CORNER STORE Schwartz I. Schwartz PROPRIETOR. S etor Would you like the Piano7 Isaac Foster is in tho city. Butterick Patterns at Luna burg, Dalton & Co. Mrs. A. C. Welcome is suffer ing from tonsilitis. FouRi:nt -Furnished rooms Mrs. Will Cummins. Wantku Horses to pasture and Winter. Chas. Wilson. T. C. Albritton spent a few days in our city this week. Wheat, Rolled Barley and Oats Brown's Satisfactory Store. L. R. Wilfong and wife are up from their home near Lawen. Tho latest Fall Coats for ladies' at Brown's Satisfactory Store. Al Cote and familywere visi tors to our city during ihe week. New carpets, wall paper and rugs at Brown's "Satisfactory Store. A nice porch and other im provements are being made on the G. A. Smyth residence. Burns flour, wheat, rolled bar ley, oats and bran at Brown's Satisfactory Store. The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Vanderpool is in the city receiving medical treatment. Go to the White Restaurant for Chicken Supper Wednesday and Sunday evenings. J. E. Stoy, Prop. Dr. W. L. Marsden operated on Miss Dora Edwards Wednes day, removing the appendix. The patient is recovering nicely. THE NEW LADIES' COATS JUST RECEIVED AT THE BUSY CORNER STORE, ARE THE NICEST EVER SHOWN IN BURNS. LFred Riddle was over from Diamond yesterday making proof on his desert claim. He was assisted by Clifford Grousbeck and Charles Wells. Puegkessivi: Fahmes Feed ground grain. W. A. Goodman will steam roll or grind your grain at your granary. See him for prices. Think of it, a Piano given away. , , ,. . ..,. James ivampsnu u is uiuuk a new garage in shape for good work. He is installing some of the very best machinery and has competent workmen to take care of the auto business. 'Mrs. I. II. Holland, assisted by Mrs. Sam Mothershead and Mrs. Julian Byrd, gave a very plea sant card party at the home of the former Wednesday afternoon A large company of lady friends were present. The high scores were made by Mrs. Davey, Mrs. Schwartz and Mrs. McConnell. J. W. McGowan and The Times Herald man went to the latter's mountain ranch last Sunday afternoon after some deer Harry McHose had staked out for them but they had broken tho rope and vanished into tall timber so the hunters had to be content with smaller game. We are in clined to think "Mac" is a "hoo doo" and his talk in his sleep was overheard by the deer. Sheriff Richardson and son Bert went over to the Huffman place Saturday and on Monday returned with Jesse Marshall who was indicted jointly with Orby Cooley.for holding up the bartender in the saloon at An drews. At the time of Cooley's arrest Marshall got away but Lon didn't intend this to be per manent so went back as soon as ho had time and brought his prisoner in. Ho is now in jail where he will have to remain un til the spring term of court unless he can secure bonds. TO IT.,.,!.... ...wl " TI Inn IV ill. iitiiuujr tuiu j. ii. xi-u- nard arrived home last Saturday afternoon from Portland and other points. Mr. Hanley had been absent for several weeks and Mr. Leonard for a shorter period. They came back by way of Bend and like others who have traveled over tho road, pro nounce it fine. Mr. Leonard saw the big 5-ton auto trucks that are going to be put on tho routo between hero and Bend and states ho feels confident they will deliver tho goods. Tho Times-Herald is pleased to find a good interest taken in tho Homer Davenport drawing contest now running in its col ums. Several of our young peo ple have sent in drawings somo of which aro very creditable. Tho prize for the best drawing of Joseph Chamberlain was awarded to Ormond Ausmus and ho will bo mailed a handsomo artists proof of Mr. Davenport's skotch personally nutographed. Among other drawings of special merit of this sketch aro thoso of Alex Eggleston, ago 15, of Sun set and Miss Cccilo Sturgcs, ago 17. of Riley. Tho Roosevelt prizes will bo announced next Fred Haines is in the city. Ask for Piano Certificates at Reed Bros. For good seed rye go !o Dr. L. E. Ilibbard. W. O. Ikst waB over from Sil ver creek during the week. Best canned corn $3.25 a cac Harriman Mercantile Co. BonK Wednesday, Nov. 1 to. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fawsett, a son. Everything for every body at the Lunaburg, Dalton & Co. Department .Store. ' S. F. Huttonand wife and sons Link and Thomas are in from Wagontire. Have your winter's wood up so the wood saw man can grind and saw both at one trip. L. B. Hayes was a business caller from Lawen during the week. Burns flour, wheal, rolled bar ley, oats and bran at Brown's Satisfactory Store. SOME BARGAINS IN MEN'S HEAVY UNDERWEAR AT THE BUSY CORNER STORE. John Benson, the John Day fruit man. is here with a lot of winter apples. See him at once. Road Master Emory Hill was in town this week attending court. He was accompanied by his wife. Mrs. Wm: Miller and her daughter, Mrs. Edward Egli, gave a delightful whist luncheon at the home of the former yes terday afternoon. An elegant luncheon was served followed by whist. Several tied for highest scores and had to cut the cards. Mrs. Levens and Mrs. Rembold were the successful ones. Dr. Elizabeth Ellis captured the con solation prize. The plasterers expect to com plete their work on The Times Herald new office building today. The finishing and painting will go f orv ard as rapidly as work men can push. The contractors could use more carpenters if they could be had, but skilled labor is in demand in this vicinity at the present. The scenery for the opera house on the second floor will be ready for installation as soon, as that portion of the build ing is prepared to receive, as will also an emergency light plant. The only possible delay it would seem now to the opening of the play house on Thanksgiving is the chairs. These have been or dered through our local furniture dealer, Mr. Clevenger, and may yet be here in time. Ask for Piano Certificates at Reed Bros. Estkaybij ok Stolen From the Buchanan range one bay filly branded NE connected on left shoulder; one brown filly all four white feet and while face also big white spot on side, same brand blotted; one Jenny dark with mealy points same brand and quarter circle C on left stifle Suitable reward for information leading to the lecoveryof these animals or notify J. W. Buchan an, Buchanan postoffice. I Tomorrow. "Tomorrow," said the languid man, j "I'll have my life insured, I guess I know it is tho safest plan, To save my children from distress." And when the morrow came around, They placed him gently in a box; At break of morning he was found As dead as Julius Ceasar's ox. J His widow now is scrubbing, floors, and washing shirts, 'And splitting wood, and doing fifty other chores. That she may rear her wailing 1 brood. "Tomorrow," said the careless jay, "I'll take an hour, and make my will; And then if I should pass away, The wife and kids will know no ill." The morrow came, serene and nice, The weather mild, with signs of rain; The earless jay was placed on ice, Embalming fluid in his brain. Alas, alas, poor careless jay! The lawyers got his pile of cash; I His wife is toiling night and day, To keep the kids in clothes and hash. Tomorrow is the ambushed walk Avoided by the circumspect, Tomorrow is the fatal rock On which a million ships are wrecked. Enough said. See Eggleston, The Orcnon Life man. Miss Stirling Public Stenographer Room 7, Masonic Building. C. E. LEMAY Painting, Paper Hanging, Sien fl riling Estimates given on all classes of such work. AGEM HENRY BOSCH WALL PAPER Headquarters at French Hotel E. B. REED & SON Carry a full line of FANCY AND STAPLE GROCERIES Some late arrivals are TEA GARDEN MINCE MEAT IN HULK HULK OLIVES. BULK SWEET PICKLES, BULK DILL PICKLES, SWEET CIDER, SALT MACKEREL. SALT SALMON. FUEL CREAM CHEESE Prices The Lowest For High Grade Goods Give im a call Ask for trading stamps with your purchase The WELCOME Pharmacy The Place to buy CANDY The Place to buy CIGARS The Place to buy PERFUMES The Place to Get What You Pay For The Place to Pay For What You Get The Place you Can't Aford to Overlook J. C. WELCOME, Jr. Proprietor DISHES AT COST In order to get more room for my stock of furniture I have decided to close out my entire line of China, Earthenware, Glassware, Graniteware, Positively at Cost I have one of tho finest and most complete lines of this class of ware in tho city. INDUCEMENTS FOR QUICK SALES G. W. CLEVENGER, THE FURNITURE MAN OUR PLATFORM IS ONE FOR MANY We realize that a bank, in order to conserve the best interests of all of its customers, but not to mistreat any, is to "do unto all alike." We make a study of the needs of our custom ers, and endeavor to meet their requirements as far as it is prudent. A careful study of the history of this bank will show a healthy growth with increasing age. Get ' the benefit of this age and strength and experience and use it by becoming identified with us as a customer. OREGON STATE DEPOSITORY POSTAL SAVINGS DEPOSITARY BARNEY COUNTY NATIONAL BANK of Burns RESOURCES over S400,000 Buy Your Hardware and Farming Imple ments for Develop ment Purposes from GEER & CUMM N WELLINGTON i-urJIi"! r 5 i i V-i- " w i-w pvfir TTryaT&&. -v . i& . s .rni-r -a 7:?.ira' U- jm&L.l H&3r I j iiwrt rzw i i mEh. i .s-tr.vv m m&, ? A i 1 .1 V ' I ajxsssr ?c&-i '1-.-- f ", -. THE iiUB CITY OF CENTRAL OREGON IT WILL BE THE HAILROAD CENTER Logical point for railroad shops The next few years will show wonderful development in this section the future "breadbasket of the Northwest" A PEUTINENT POINT The large umount of Capital that will be invested by tho Wellington Trust Company, in the City of Wellington, and the sur rounding territory, will be of tremendous advantage in the growth and trade of Burns as well. They may well be named the SISTER CITIES. Note Ihe Splendid Proposed Improvements in Well ington: A $50,060 BUILDINGS FOR GENERAL HERDIIAND1SE. A $20,000 BANK BUILDING. $25,000 MODERN HOTEL. A STGAR BEET FACTORY A CRUG STORE AH business streets 100 ft. wide residence streets 80 ft wide-20 ft. alleys. All lots 50 x 120 ft. A railroad from Burns to Wellington is contemplated and the extension of the Hill lines from Bend will pass through Wellington, while the proposed Harriman line from Klamath Falls to Ontario will cross the Hill lines at Wellington. WELLINGTON LOTS BOUQ11T NOW WILL PROVE A SAFE AND SPLENDID INVESTMENT. Write to Wellington Trust Co., Suites 1210-1316 Yeon IJMb., Portland, Ore. NoTE-The Wellington Trust Company has now in press a beautiful 23 pago folder on Central Oregon, which will be of interest to all residents of this section. Job Printing. ll 'II asssBBsaaa SSSSK9C3C 'week.