SI e Let us take your measure for a TAILOR MADE SUIT Then arc cheaper of you consider quality, wearing and style Come in and inspect our season able line of fabvics Iherjlhing (o Wmr for People Who Care. SCHENK & WILLIAM Only High Class Tailoring Burns, Oregon, Odd Fellows Bldg- CLEANING AND PRESSING much chcancr. With electric (trucks in the cities ami traction engines in the country for Blowing- and harvesting I do not see anything that will have a tenden cy to bring the price up in the near future. Now, these few lines are not intended to deceive you and get your stock under price, but so you may bo posted and know when you are ofTcr- d a fair mar ket price and not miss a sale. ours very respectfully, W. M. HAKVIIV. man school mti:s. IltC &MCS-5CKNIM jui,ian hvhii Miur, SATDKDAT. NOVEMDKK i, 1MI. suitecjurrioN ratks- Odb Year Six Montbi..., Three Month It. 1.00 . .75 at the present time, which so far as I can learn, and I have taken considerable pains to post my self, are from twent-five to thirty par cent lower than a year ago, or even last spring. i I have not been able to dis pose of but very few of the lior- ses I purchased in Harney and 1 Grant Counties hist sDrinir. and expect to have to winter them The Literary Society of the Harney County high school met Friday, Nov. 3, at the high school I building. After tho roll call the 'following program was rendered: Essay -Reading Solo - -Biography Reading - 'Song by School. Debate: Resolved. 1 A petition for the appointment of D. A. Urakemnn justice of peace in Waverly precinct was disallowed. Resignation of John M. Taylor as a constable in Andrews pre cinct was accepted. Mrs. Rowe accepted as a coun ty charge. The office of fruit inspector was abolished. Report of Road Master Hill of district No. -1 approved. Report of Road Master Duns more of district No. 1 approved. LOCAL AMI ITKSONU- JjWrwW'""MW-'JL'"1' " V mH, Would you like tho Piano? Always ready for job work. Sylvester Smith was in town this week. u,. ?rt, Fresh Candies at the Burns - - Lois Sweek Department Store. Ethel Thompson ' For Salk A Jersey bull calf. Cti-over Hudspeth I A. M. Horton. Donald Hotchkiss r.KTKnm..n 11:1,i. nn,i Qi,nvi I men wanted at the Forks of the 1110 1 Rlilzen River. That World Owes More to Naviga tion than Commerce. Affirmative Negative Juliet King Percy Davis Harry Williams Fred Smith Roberta The judges, Eloise Hibbard, SU M , , . ..hli.Iron -. . ... I J. R. Wheeler was down from 'the Emigrant creek power site Hin first: nf this viik- ITn is ci.rii mi'iu .... ...u ii - Ella Johnson superintending the work which jerta Hibbard is P"gressinff quite satisfactorily Rye Smyth, Florence Hoffeditz decided in favor of the affirma tive. left the fore part of the week for Seattle, Washington where j they will visit relatives fora time, With the establishment of reg-jand try to dispose of them on the Omental Solo.Nettie Stirling" LS U cexptt 7c ? to oX ular tram service to Bend and early spring market. To winter Current Events . Ruby Daltonjfon where Mr Lewis will join the excellent auto road between and move these horses will cost1 Vocal Solo - - OwenC-iwlfield H that point and Burns renewed 'me at least from $20.00 to $25.00 Ifv,.!,' nt!c L,i,r,i "' effort to secure more direct mart; each, even at the present low j jj; School Notes 1 The reception to Rev service irom me west snouia oe price ior nay, m wnicn event 1 ! Piclnrd Vusnnis nrnsArtltpH RunVi n rriiifn irraiH Will npvci" frat nvon nn tlio nnr. be a great improvement over the chase of the stock considering present routing of our mail and the liberal prices I paid in Har put the Harney country in much ne' and Grant Counties, closer touch with outside jobbers I am having these few lines and business connections in gen- published in your county papers eral Comical Reading, George Baker Song by School. Miss Locher acted as critic. C0U.NTY COUPr PROCEEDINGS. A LETTER TO NORSEMEN. Petition of M. B. Hayes and retition ot M. ii. Hayes anul'"" '"- "---i'"" l " "-" others for a countvroad was act-' at the home of Mr- aml Mrs eu upon iavoraoiy ami the pro-1"""- posed road ordered viewed. Report of viewers on the J. R and survey so you may have a chance to nost yourselves in regard to the pre sent market prices and be in f shape to know when I may make ! you an offer for your stock you : iKeview, ure.. Uct. 21. ( will not think that! am not mak- Clark road approved To The Times-Herald, ing you a fair offer and in order ordered Burns, Oregon, that you may not be governed by. Report of the viewers on the I will be in Harney and Grant j the high market in the past. Geo. W. Johnson road continued Counties from about the first un- You may ask what is causing! for the term, til the middle of November or j the market to decline. I will I Joe Baltzor granted a license later for the purpose of buying say and be candid about it, that' to sell liquor in Denio precinct, horses and mules. I want to . horses and mules have been so Mrs. Etta Cummins awarded say through your paper to those ; high in the past that steam and I the contract to care for county who have horses and mules for electric power have taken the j charges. saietnat you should post your- place of thousands of horses in : A. G. Ankeny accepted as a should aeivea m resaru to marnet prices) every large city and are tound county charge. 'once Dr. C. C. Babbidgc and his wife has been postponed from Friday. Nov. 10. to Monday, Nov. 13. This change lis made because of the inability of Dr. Holt and two other minis ters who accompany him to reach Burns before next Saturday even- lncr rI hn rnptinfinn ia trt - U Vf' Best flour (guarantee) $8.50 bbl. Harrinmn Mercantile Co. i.Wd Johnson was up from Iiwen during thfl week. New carpets, wall paper and rugs at Brown's Satisfactory Store. Pure bred Rhode Island Red Cockerels for sale. S1.B0 each. Inquire at this ollice. Rye, Oats, Wheat and Barlov for sale. Ciias. H. Dams, Harney, Oregon. i..., nini-micmi ntnl fiimilv ar- lU) uivimiiiv .:v..l Imro this week from South- ...... rimmiM. M' on' uiiw iv been residing for some time. His parents went to California to spend the winter. ' Mneilnnuw Alt'Y HlltllCY. Alldl Jones and .1. C Welcome Jr. ar rived homo the first of the week v, .1 visit in f!nliforni:i points. The ladies went by team as far as Winnemucca aim repori a vii. pleasant trip. The boy's appetite is often the source of amazement. If u would have such an appetite take Chamberlain's Tablet". Tlu-i not only create a healthy npjK Mt but stremrhten the stomach and enablo it to do its work nat-1 urallv. For sale by all dealers. About six months ago a bay filly came here and we ha e been unable to get her away since that time. The description is as fol fel fol eows: Bay filled about 2 years old with white star in forehead and small white strip on nose fat LOWER PRICEsl YWaivin a position to make youaifi pv'icv than any quotation submitted t0I by any Harney County merchant, J I ! It 1 , L- us the list, vve win &en uncier it. Tlij;,! includes STUDEBKEE WA0NS, BUGGI taUitTl-Wn'"'-JWggHigsIJ EmHMMnaMK. ov femmvtnwM't'-mm,. mtMmi-. m u m mi iiumiim iiiimmnim ' 1 1 -rYg Who wants thuse swan feather, at Clevengers? Don't wnate your money buy ing strengthening p las tern. llll HUM' " " " ,. ... - branded with It on left stille, Chamberlain s I jniinenl is clump ..,!i. .!.., nun ia o'ji n...,w,r'er and better. Damwn n piece can have same' bvproviiur owner- if il?l with it and bind it over ship and paying our charges J. W. Lkr&Co., Alberson, Orogon the affected parts and it will re lieve the pain and sorenesx. l'or salo by all dealer folliHi of Wmleklrilor. Mrs. McHoso announces that she will organize a sight-singing class Tuesday evening, Nov. M, an 7:30 o'clock at the Presbyter ian church, Twenty lessons, one lesson per week, for two dollars. Fee payable at first les son. A number have already en rolled. All those who can sing and would like to learn to read readily are cordially invited to join. Those desiring to do so notify Mrs. McIIose at FOR SALE BY OWNER. 1 section, (10 acrof, level un- .... , iiii- ' t tli matter of th KtUUnf lUrry H improved sage brush land in Mc01l thmmi Harney Valley canbesub.rr.gnt- u ed. 160 acre tract, fenced, good !(f lhrCoaut, of l0 VMr, nfr. house deep well and otherwise KO r, ii.raoy.Uuuhiy, Jolr mdr,0J improved. rriCOS IIUUIO lOSUIl 111- nterml on th ltwiidny of Ockibvr, ltl ' Wv Haw Opened Office in the Xni lluildiny in Hums, and arc Wt Tfi ,::lIrnis,, Ac"nite, " and Complete Abstral Title to all Lands in HnJ Miion tending settlers. Nospoculators need apply. Inquire at this office NOTICE TO HUNTERS. w !&. JK. AVE ym HERE Everything that our long exprience has found needed by peopJe of THE HARNEY VALLEY COUNTRY Build Up Your Own Town and Community by trading with your home merchants LUNABURG, DAITON & CO. have established and will maintain an up to date department store. A few of the thousands of articles carried in stock enumerated below the nrtrrliil Wne ilol ipioinfi-t ml mlntetrmtur of the KtUtc of Hurrr II. MiClurr, lwael. All fwrnon Imvlog oUiw alnx lb lv nliuu liorr by nollfltol to prnt Hi ram, vprlflwl tI . , , ., , . . by U r,imnl. i.i tin tinlrtKiirr Having leased the hunting tin-1 ... f .i-.- n. ,.J -- m itiniiii, ixirK'tl n mhiii mi niT'UWI vileges, All hunters are hereby fr-m n... ,ut.. iiww.r ai,i n n,- nouneu not to trespass on my land which is known as the "George Place," and borders on the north line of Malheur Lake, and which is seven miles south west of Inwen. Adam Gkouor. tiRtcl III" J I Hi lliy of Oi l..!., lot I t,i.tii luii V liiittiWtraUir. ra WARRANT CALL. Notice is hereby given that! there are sufficient funds in the county treasury to redeem all. Harney county warrants register-' ed prior to August 1, 1911. In- j terest ceases on all such warrants' Nov. 1. 1911. ' , Simon Li:wis, Treasurer of Harney County. ( PASTIHE POOL HALL llissner Building New Hruaswick-lIaUt I'nel Tables CIGARS, rOBiCCO, PIPES, Clc. K rr Kniioyini'nt llnr.-mi II ),,u 4iit ti)iii mil i ,, ,,.,ii,.f H yu nt lt.) ,iill i , .., it, '(iliiiiii' IM-sh A JnllN (IS ),, ,, " ' - ' '' ii in J A Buy and Sell Real l:stj 1 " Large and Small Tract$ Write Fire Insurance j Strongest Old Line Coir 8,000 acre tract irrigated la be-1 in Central Oregon- class colonization projec. All llusiness Intrusted To V H7H p Prompt and Careful AUcnlio. f MOTHERSHEAD & DOffl Rooms -I nnd 5 Mtufonic Iltiildinr L1 -r 1 NOTICK VOli I'UIILICATIUN S3C Private instructions in VOICE and P1AKO Dry Goods ; Wares of all kind Entertainment t NITKlTA1KJU,A)OFM V, t . Ilurm. Orruu. (HtoUjr au. lvn i NdtlfAla hurat.v nlvui 1I..1 lt.,u. t, t , HointHeid eiHry No 27U, hr So 9AU. tot iKuKIfJ ttlW:tf?J.,l''S!rfUr iSiuhtwiiKinKand Health Culture Kon, on ItiejMi, ,lr ot KuV.i. JU", I jfl I " CUMSC LUIintnt niuui nltnr,ia Clrdeluwlii.K E. Owilejr,(j,crivriirtr. I MIIS MrllOm' Ii Vvilluni, all or llun.i, (ItMrou "'" Iul'",'a'' - r...iu,ww ,stui,0 oyer The Timt,.HcniI(1 NOTICK FOR I'UHMCATIOK Stoy's Restaurant A Complete Line of Staple and Fancy DRY GOODS including Ladies Cloaks, Waists, Skirts, Sweat ers, Shawls, Hand Bags, Beds and Bedding, Undermuslins, Dress Goods, Hosiery, Corsets and Corset Covers. Gent's Supplies The Most Complete and Up-to-Date Gents' Furnishing Dep't. Men and Boys Suits and Overcoats; Socks, Neckties, Collars and Cufrs, Cuff Buttons and Links, New Stock of Working and Dress Shirts, Hats, Caps, Gloves, Underwear Suspenders, Levi Strouss and "Boss of the Road" Overalls. Jumpers, Linen Dusters. Rubber foot wear, Rubber clothing. Drugs, Oils, Etc. We mention here a few of the very things carried in this department Perfumery, Face Powder, Creams and Solutions, Toilet Articles, Blue Vitrol, Formaldehide, Chloride Lime, Turpen tine, Gasoline, Kerosene, Lubricating Oils, Stock and Poultry Foods, Insect Powders and all Household Remedies. Pure California Wines, Grape Juice and Liquors for household purposes. Pure, denatured and wood alcohol. Sal soda. Paints and oils. Prices Reasonable. THE BU INS Are so representative in character that it is possible to furnish your home. WOODENWARE -Brooms, Brushes, Willow Ware, Water Bags, Barrels and Kegs and chopping bowls, etc. QUEENSWARE-Fine China. Cut Glass, Silver Deposit Ware, Mirrors, Cooking Utensils, Pottery, Lamps. HARDWARE-Nails, Garden Tools, Rope, Cuttlery -Full line of Tinware Barb wire, staples, roofing, fruit jars, caps and rubbers; steel traps; Cold Blast and dashboard lanterns. JEWELRY-Clocks, Watches, Stick Pins, Belt Buckles, Chains, Fobs. Headquarters Sport ing Goods, Guns, Am munition Fishing and Camping Outfits, T.ents, Tarpaulians & Wagon Covers. BOOTS AND SHOES We are proud of this department and can give satisfaction to all Men, Women und Children. We carry the celebrated Buckingham & Hechl line. CORD WOOD All Honorable Competition Met. DEPARTMENT For family, friends and yourself if you a PHONOGRAPH with RECORDS. We have them in stock. Children's Dep't Our Children's Department is so complete that we can furnish your little ones from top to toe. We have not overlooked the Dolls and Toys. Groceries Of all kinds -Flour, Bacon, Lard, Honey, Grain, Grass Seed, and Feeds, all kind of Farm Produce, Fresh Fruit and Vegetables, Evaporated Fruit,. Special Articles Umbrellas, Parasols, Trunks, Valises, Suit Cases, and Hutlerick Patterns. STATIONARY, SCHOOL SUPPLIES Banquet candles, Notions, Confeclionaries, Gasoline mantles and globes, Cobblers onlfils, lialf-soles and tacks, Tobacco and cigars. Grain and Wool Bags, Sack and Binder Twine Your Business Solicited. Hurill. Utnili.OlliLir I'. 1'illi Nutlfe ll horativ irlv !.. l llll- is...... in...,. ,.,.-: ...'."'v:,"v,,..M'"." " ZIH.Kmwwk iitrMnhflA ! II Cl DclKCl V ITvb' S.'J ..'.i". '".. lA .'' M.lrd .lw.rwH.tli .1.1. lli ,...,... . ceierijt Burni, Oron, un th SHh .JM of1 , , KOII, ' . wHr....iMMr,. k. etc. olc. . I'VMII.V HMDIJ soi.iciii:i. 'Young's Meat Market A H 5 Has a full line of -, BINDER TWINi and ! GENERAL HARVESTll SUPPLIES ; i fief our Prices on Groceries, HarilMS CASH WILL GET BARGAINS VMS.. " "" Short and Direct Route to Portland and Other Western Oregon Points From Bend, Redmond and Central (Won via (lie Deschutes Branch of (he OregoiMVashiiigion Railroad S Navigation Co. ThmuKl, Car Service b,lwrn Hd ,! ,.ortImi(1. IAI, v hc in: it ii in STORE I ''"N""1 11:10 A. ll. ''" Kwimuii'l 7.jjj A, k, ' "H Oltv .UA.l! I.V JlctollllH .M A M ,,v- !tU,ira U.po,. .M Ar. I)fNclaiten J j ,jB ), j. Ar. 'Jliu Dulles 1 :6fi 1' M Ar ''"fHl r.:ISI'.M. ,1'V I'arltauiJ I i iUA u l".lmUumia 1-no '-- r:r.S!; ; T'ftUUt U;aoi, 4, tT' 7:I'."i: iWIMI , .,, Burns Meat Marlffi II. J. HANSEN, Proprietor Beef, Pork, Veal, Mutt Sausage, Bologna, Lin Headcheese, Wienerwuij mill uwi-'tliiii- in u IIi-hL eliiHH Moat Mnr 'i'Or fiititiLil.v. J" Wholesale and Retail Prompt and Satisfactory Sen! During Pair Week. i s KaaaHaHHBHHHHKHesaBNHnaBsnBBj WM, MvMURUA Y OI M UAI. J'AsBI NCil It ACj Sj HJIWI.AM), OltU,. s THE SILVER DO Wholesale hiuI Itelnil J LIQUOR and WINE HOi Imported and Domestic WINDS, WHISK YS, BRANDIES, GIN, 0 C A- BEDELL, Burns, OweJ - ' 1.. ItfutoH for Halo, nil hZOh and I Sick licnilarlio j" J, JfiiKlliM, iirico i0 centa pur foot. w V , ",K Konloa U(l(1,'0Ha W. A. I-onlofJ, O. AlborBon, AlhiirHon, Oroiron, .11 I ,i ui.,mitcb. uiHortii'ivii "" ,tf) bcrlulii8TrtbU'J3J Forwilohynll'11