The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, October 21, 1911, Image 3

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rbClTOMSUSli mil
i H -ifWKi
Jloaksjfor Ladies nt
factory Store.
Coleman was up
aH-Wlgfcrs 1ms pur
tecandy tuid notion
Aimwnow 1!J inch
mSSTll nnd sco it
patrons will llnd
'alircad on sale at
rV (Moto'n.)
k was in the city
reports that ho
fannim? all season.
e thedato arrivals
$BKoes, tics, fnrn
atHaBoy & Kieh-
Cleary, nn Ostoo
rlenslreccntly from
lasSecfdcd to locate
forjpremhnns at
r.islrcady for llioso
izeflHSETCall on tin
DiCooper arrived
ayfafternoon from
shoVhad been visit
months. dressed lumber of
vvon hand at the
i:'Saw,Mill. ICoiiKh
er thousand
tho successful dry
i the city this week.
6ver,,606 bushels of
jytoii $s place tins
United States Depositary
Oregon State Depositary
AccoTPits Invited
Rand has been here
several days this
1 business. He was
hotakinfr of testi
iterauit pending in
id 'boosters who at
ecentdcvelopment g hero will lei 1 their
tHiB-'dvcniiiK tit a
' at tho Portland
3lul rooms.
liri'thas been in this
al days having come
Kite Horse as a wit
er caso in the fed
stimony of which is
n this city.
hardson left Tncs-
1, havirijr in custody
and'Orby Cooley.
a arrested last week
holding up a saloon
He entered a plea
I was sentenced to
in years in the peni-
fudge Biggs just be-
idjourncd Monday.
oii was accompanied
on Bert and C. II.
) latter being on a
i to various outside
i ...,( i nii,u Cm- T..w1ii. m Call on A. W. Gowan for
Hrown's Satisfactory Store. Scrip.
J. J. Heinz was up lrom ins
home this week.
Cleaning and pressing for
ladies and gentlemen at Schenk
.1. E. Sizemoro is over from
his home near tho lake.
New fresh groceries just re
ceived at Ilagey &. Richardson's.
Winona wagons are tho best.
I'or sale by Harriman Mercantile
Tho Optimist reports Mrs. J.
A. Wcatherly of Drcwsey in
Ontario last week.
New carpets, wall paper and
rugs at Hrown's Satisfactory
Kivj hundred scoro cards and
:it The Times-Herald The Harney haw Aim, u. u.
H. W. Hamilton &, Sons have
purchased a drug store over in
Fresh Bupply of groceries in
cluding lard, bacon hams etc.
at Hagey & Richardson's.
The carpenters have completed
the Lampshirc garage and it will
1 soon be in readiness for business.
A. W. Howser was over from
his Harney home during the week
a guest at the home of Post Mas
ter Loggan.
Mrs. Millar has a fine lot of
fall and winter millinery on dis
play which tho ladies should call
and sco at once.
W. Y. and Scott King are now
building an addition and making
other improvements at the C. T.
Miller home in this city.
Carter and son have opened a
fruit stand in the Hissner build
ing and will keep a supply of all
kinds of fruit on hand. See us
for your winter's fruit.
Rev. C. C. Habbidge of the
First Presbyterian Church of this I came in last spring and spent a
Uunvard proprietor, now has on
hand a large amount of rough
and dressed lumber and can fill y
orders on short notice. A good
road to the mill. Hurry orders
may be 'phoned in.
The secretary of the fair asso
ciation has some fancy work and
also some products belonging to
exhibitors. They are invited to
call.and get them.
Automobiles to all parts of the
country day or night. Regular
auto stage to Prairie City. Phone
Burns Garage.
Akchiu McGowan. Prop.
John Wood, a big land owner
af Nevada, was here this week
on business. He was accompa
nied by his wife. Mr. Wood
city has received tho degree of
I). I), from the Oriental Univer
sity of Washington 1). C.
Ed. Eraser, the Ontario mer
chant was here this week on one
of his occasional visits. Mr.
Eraser is pleased to see the mod
ern improvements being made in
Hums and complimented The
Times-Herald on its new office
few weeks in this section.
''The report that W. II. Howard
has secured 4000 pounds of fine
alfalfa seed from I acres on his
Stinking Water ranch is certainly
encouraging. We need more al
falfa and with home grown, ac
climated seed seed we may ex
pect better stands and consequen
tly a much larger acreage devot
ed to tnis excellent forago plant.
Ji AlIlVm DAIM i
f Ml.jL Jm. A. ML JL Jt JL r -A T Jm.
for our new stock of
o rl J clo
nMhurry ami in order to make room quickly, we will inaugurate a
Mammoth Sale of Ladies Shoes
.p.75 Liulii'8 Shoi'H for $3 10
d.oo " " " 3.30
l.2."i " " " 3. 50
))Imdios SIioch for $2.05
Wh" " " 2.35
)EL " " 2.45
jBO " " 2,90 5.00 " iy -1.15
Jvrytliin; is reduced, Lace and Button, Slippers and Ties
hm m i i wmmmm m
VWnttvc some broken lots of "Sclz" and Jiarton Bros, shoes
thick will be placed on the bargain counter al specially low
Vt 'Hi
-- . Schwartz
Uuttcrick Patterns at Luna
burg, Dal ton & Co.
ForRiint Furnished rooms -
Mrs. Will Cummins.
Mrs. L. M. Hamilton is visit
ing relatives hero this week.
Wheat, Rolled Rarley and Oats
Hrown's Satisfactory Store.
The latest Fall Coats for ladies'
at Hrown's Satisfactory Store.
J. F. Conrad and wife are up
from their Sunset homestead
Miss Zoo Patterson is over
from Canyon on a visit to friends
in this city.
The Presbyterian Ladies' Aid
will hold a window sale on Friday
evening, Uct. zt.
New carpets, wall paper and
rugs at Hrown's Satisfactory
Hunting parties are numerous
these days and the shooting is
reported good.
Hums flour, wheat, rolled bar
ley, oats and bran at Hrown's
Satisfactory Store.
The addition to the I. S. Geer
homo recently completed makes
it very convenient and one of the
very attractive homes of our city.
Stkayi:i Large bay gelding
branded OO with bar over on
left stifle last seen near Bunyard's
saw mm. buiiawe rewaru lor
information leading to recovery
of same. II. Dknman,
Harriman, Ore.
John Worlow was circulating
unong old time friends in this
city during the week. He says
he is going to make a trip out in
a short time and will likely spend
the winter at some outsids point.
Fou Sam: oh Trade 10 acre
tract O. V. L. Co's. land Si NE1
SWJ section 13, township 37 S.,
range 3G E.. W. M., in Harney
county, for sale or trade for
Oklahoma property, (5. M. Mal
vern, Sterling, Okla.
Hums Hour, wheat, rolled bar
ley, oats and bran at Brown's
Satisfactory Store.
The Commercial Club has ship
ped a nice lot of Harney county
products which were exhibited
at the county fair out to be used
by the Great Northern in the
land shows and exhibition cars
to attract people to this section.
The county rock crusher has
been at work for some time on
the bluff at the north approach
of this place. The crushed ma
terial is being placed on the grade
east of Burns and the big roller
will be used to pack it. This ex
periment in modern road build
ing will be watched with interest.
The dry conditition of the road
is not best for the work as there
is difficulty in making the crush
ed rock pack.
Froth Candies at the Burns
Department Store.
Thos. Haiti is down from his
home near Harney.
HohI flour (guarantee) $8.60
bbl. Harriman Mercantile Co.
Forest Ranger Robt. Bennett
iB in the city.
S UUM MntA.l.ilf HMiltit. If! t
Mr. and Mrs. James Kribs, a son.
New carpets, wall paper nnd
rugs at Brown's Satisfactory
Pure bred Rhode Island Red
Cockerels for sale, $1.50 each.
Inquire at this office.
Rye, Oats, Wheat and Barley
for sale. CilAS. II. Davis,
Harney, Oregon.
Mrs. I. L. Poujade and little
daughter were over from their
Cow Creek home Wednesday.
For good seed rye go to Dr. L.
E. Ilibbard.
Best canned corn $.'!.2.'5 a case
Harriman Mercantile Co.
Full line of Invnoy's fancy box
chocolates at E. B. Red & Sons.
Everything for ovm-v body at
the Lunaburg, Dalion & Co.
Irartm( nt Slorr.
Have your winter's wood up
so tho wood saw man can grind
j and saw both at one trip.
Several high school students
took advantage of the vacation
caused by the institute to visit
their homes in various parts of
the county.
R. W. Eckhardt, special court
reporter, who came here to take
care of circuit court work in the
absence of Stenographer Walker,
is still in town.
If you have young children you
have perhaps noticed that dis
orders of tiio ..'.omach are their
auto, most .common Jiilmrmt. To cor
rect this you' will find Chamber
lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets
excellent. They are easy and
Mrs. Poujade drove tho
Progressive Farmes Feed
ttround irrain. W. A. Goodman
will steam roll or grind your grain I pleasant to take, and mild and
at your granary. See him for 'gentle in effect. For sale by all
prices. ' dealers.
The plasterers are ready to be- Estrayed or Stolen From
gin work on The Times-Herald the Buchanan range one bay filly
building. The toof is now on Dranueu xsr. connects on icit
and the concrete walks havel. .. , ', ,, . if f ' ,
been put down including that in I bifcr whjte spot on gifo. same
brand blotted; one Jenny dark
with mealy points same brand
and quarter circle C on left stifle.
Suitable reward for information
leading to the recovery of these
animals or notify J. W. Buchan
an, Buchanan postoffice.
the arcaded ally way in the rear.
It is expected to have the struc
ture completed next month.
Here is a woman who speaks
from personal knowledge and
ong experience, viz., Mrs. P. H.
Brogan, of Wilson, Pa., who sas,
"I know from experience that
J. W. Copeland, of Dayton,
Ohio, purchased a bottle of
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is for his boy who had a coidi and
far superior to any other, For
croup there is nothing that excels
it." For sale by all dealers.
before the bottle was all used the
boy's cold was gone. Is that not
better than to pay a five dollar
flnptnr's hill? PYir snlf hv nil
The officers and members ofdeaiers.
Burns Chapter No 40, O. E. S.
were completely surprised last
Saturday evening by a visit from
the Grand Worthy Matron, Mrs.
Pauline Riley, of Baker. She
had written the Matron, Mrs. A.
C. Welcome, of her contemplated
visit but the latter was away,
from home and the notification ,
remained sealed in an envelope.
Several of the members werei
gotten together on the short'
notice and a very pleasant and
profitable special session was
held. Mrs. Riley is a pleasant
lady and her visit proved a great
help to the local chapter. It was
disappointing to the members,
Having leased the hunting pri
vileges, All hunters are hereby
notified not to trespass on my
land which is known as the
"George Place," and borders on
the north line of Malheur Lake,
and which is seven miles south
west of Lawen.
Adam George.
1 section, C40 acres, level un
improved sage brush land in
Harney Valley, can be subirrigat
ed. 1G0 acre tract, fenced, good
however, as they always prepare 1 house deep well and otherwise
for such a visit quite elaborately. improved. 1G0 acres tract unim
proved. Prices made to suit in
tending settlers. No speculators
need apply. Inquire at this office.
"Count That Day"
The institute held here the first
of this week was a very success
ful one and attended by prac
tically every teacher in the coun
ty. Prof. E. D. Ressler of tho
O. A. C. nnd Supt. Gary of Ore
gon City were the outside in
structors. Evening sessions were
held in the Presbyterian church.
A very pleasant reception was
tendered tho visiting teachers by
the teachers of the Burns schools
at the home of Mr and Mrs. I. S.
Geer on Monday evening.
You are invited to worship at
the Presbyterian church next
Sunday. Bible school at 10 a. m.
Preaching at 11 a. m. Theme:
"The High Mountain Christian."
Evening popular service at 7:30
p. m. Subject: "Tho Broad
mindedness of Christianity."
Special music at both services,
the evening service to bo pieced-
ed by an old fashioned song ser
vice gf familiar hymns, led by
the choir but the congregation
taking part in the good old fash
ioned way.
Died At the family homo on
Prather creek, Monday morning,
October 1G, James L. Varien,
aged -1 1 years. Ho had been suf
fering from heart disease for
some timo and his death was not
unexpected. Deceased was born
in Ohio but camo to this county
25 years ago where he had since
resided. He spent last winter in
California for tho benefit of his
health, ic turning in the spring
improved but his condition grew
worse and for several weeks had
been serious. Mr. Varien ' was
highly esteemed by a wido circle
of friends among whom ho had
so long resided. Ho leaves a
wife and child, his mother and
ono brother hero to mourn him.
Another brother in California
also survives him. Funeral ser
vices were conducted Wednesday
by Rev. C. C. Babbidgo at the
family homo and also at tho
Presbyterian Church. Interment
was mako in tho Burns cemetery.
Tho bereaved relatives havo the
sympathy of this entire section.
A complete line of Monopole
brand canned and glassed goods
just opened at E. B. Reed & Son's
About six months ago a bay
filltr noma lirt nnrl it'rt linn nnnn
Ai' .u u ,,. .:M w ' "Count that day lost, who's low
time. The description is as fol-! v. descending sun
lews: Bay filled about 2 yearSlFindsno worthy actlon done'
old with white star in forehead- There is no more worthy action,
and small white strip on nose that you could do today, than pro
branded with R on left stifle, ' tect your family with a good life
weight about 900 to 950. Owner! insurance policy. You are grow-
can have same by proving owner-,
ship and paying our charges.
J. W. Lee & Co.,
Alberson, Oregon.
Can be had by ambitious young
men and ladies in the field of
"wireless" or railway telegraphy.
Since the H-hour law became ef
fective, and since the wireless
companies are establishing sta
tions throughout the country,
there is a great shortage of tel
egraphers. Positions pay begin
ners from $70 to $30 per month,
with good chance of advance
ment. The National Telegraph
Institute of Portland, Ore., oper
ates under supervision of R. R.
and wireless officials and places
all graduates into positions. It
will pay you to write them for
full details.
ing older, you can never buy in
surance so cheap again. You
may not be insurable next week.
Write or ask me about those
children's endowments of Oregon
Life that are becoming so popu
lar all over the state.
U. C F-KKleston, AReiit.
' " -- mmtm-mmm I i i
WOMEN are appreciating more and
more the value of having a check
account for the convenient and eco
nomical transaction of their house
hold money aff.'irs.
This bank welcomes tl ms
women and extends to them evet
courtesy and consideration.
RESOURCE ov r r 40 O
inn 'Y COUN" Y
' The Only Strictly Grocery More and Stock in
We carry a complete stock of tlin Ije-'t
can take care of any v.i ordiM- Prices arc
r- A-- ' -
Buy Your Hardware
and Farming Imple
ments for Develop
ment Purposes from
The "WELCOME Pharmu-
The lace to buy CANDY
The Place to buy CIGARS
' he Place to buy PERFUMES
The Place to Get II hat You Pay For
The Place to Pay For What You Jret
The Place you Can't Afford to Overlook
1 r
Miss Stirling
Public Stenographer
Room 7, Masonic Building.
I'ainting, I'aper Hanging, Sicn W riting
Estimates given on all classes of
such work.
Headquaiters at French Hotel
flHsasvwd v Tir
iiF Ktf
jtrLw r. t- 1 m h -
B .
The Beauty of
Why Look Older
Than You Are?
DOUBLE-visicm glasses need
not make one look older, or
cause embarrassment by being
conspicuous. Kryptok Lenses
comprise near view and far view lenses in an integral
piece of glass. They have an absolutely smooth
surface, and are entirely free from the seams,
dirt-catching lines, cement and bulky appearance
characteristic of old style pasted double-vision lenses.
O Kryptok Lenses are Reed looking. They the ureat aihaii
taue of perfect ision for both distance ami reading, coupled with
the neat appearance of swiulc-Msion ulasses.. In no way do the
sumjest advancini: years. r
Over 200,000 people nro now wearing Kryptok Lcr.cos
Burns Hotel until October 26 Burns, Oregon
In order to get more room for my
stock of furniture I have decided
to close out my entire line of
Ch3na5 Earthenware,
Positivelv at Cost
I have one of the finest and no-.t complete lines of this class
of ware in the city.
w.--. --.-. "ai- !
. ik.-tkeV'V .. -.
I No two people are ahL' and no two prescriptions
I are alike-T hat's why 1 very prescription has to be
, treated in a separate and distinct manner. You
! Ret this individual tivu'm-i.t. mote" r, you
! the consitleraion a ! c u u
, ways be 1 x re .
! and whero hoalin i t uk.
Let us fill uour pieaairtion, you uili ln e- t
exactly rflir in vveru wuy.
The City -- a ito.
REED BROS., Proprietors
kV1kV1V .fc