A now bank is to bo started in Let us take your measure for a TAILOR MADE SUIT They arc cheaper of you consider quality, wearing and style I colors rind irold. and all the issues' mfm-tlirtvniiininiiHr weeks in 1011 Ontario at once. It will bo a Come in and inspect our season able line of fabrics fterjlhing lo Vear for People Who Care. SCHENK & WILLIAM Only High Class Tailoring Burns, Oregon, Odd Fellows Bldg free from the time the subserin-' state bank with tion is received. Onlv $1.75 now, baton January 1, 1912, the pi ice will be advaced to $2.00. Tun Youth's Companion, 14 1 Berkeley St., Boston, Mass. New Subscriptions Received at this Office. CLEANING AND PRESSING i ,waWMMWMWmWiW!W.l't WWI MWWMi l111 ghc (Timcs-Cutnftl 1 III. IAN 111 1111 Mam.cpi SATDKUW. OCTOBtR II, 1911 StTlWCKllTtON RATK8 Ono Ycr . Six Month Three Month .IOC VALLEY VIEW. The Bujinj; Power of SI 75 A little money sometimes buys a good deal. For instance, take the subscription price of The Youth's Companion for a year , SI. 75. If all the good reading in j the 52 weekly issues of the paper J were published in book form, ac- j cording to its kind, it would j .make about thirty volumes of, fiction, science, essays by famous nKOL'OHT HACK 10 OLD HOME. Billy Hudspeath and his nephew, Roy Hindman, arrived here Wednesday with the body of the former's father, Greene Hudspeath, for burial. iMr. Hudsper. '1 was one of the re spected pioneers of this section. He and his estimable wife left here last year to make their home , with Billy at Sumpter where he died. It was his request that he be brought to Burns for final in terment and the body was ex humed last week and the son and grandson brought it over in a steel casket and placed it in the family lot in the Burns cemetery. The family have many friends Frank $2T.,000 capital. This beautiful fall weather is certainly to the liking of all and is one of the attractions of this section. Adrian and wifo loft for home the first of this week after a visit with relatives and friends in this city. .. i ' Ed Stallard and wifo have been hero the past week guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Cawlfield. Mrs. Stallard was over to attend institute. Mw. Rose Hembree McGrath of Trenton Mo., has been visit ing her parents over in Prineville. She did not get in here to visit her manv friends on account of limited time in which she had to tcturn to her home. S. C. Garrett came in Thurs day from his home in Washinton and has been kept busy greeting old time friends. Ras has been m tne siock business and lias a fine alfalfa farm. Ho may buy I enmii potfl.i iIiim Jwir among the pioneer people of." this section who express satis- Mrs. Lloyd Johnson underwent faction that the body of their old a serious operation at the hands friend has been placed at rest of Drs. Marsden & Grillith yes near his former home. ,terday afternoon. She was le- moved from the operating tablo L0CL ND PERSON L. i aiigiiiiiwinnrr" I Jtt jiW- rr on a visit to his sister Miss their Silver to the home of Mrs. Win. Cum mins where she is reported today Wanted -Five pick and shovel' as doing very well. writers, household management j men wanted at the Forks of the j jiar,.y Smith, J. E. Johnson nnA pcnnnmips. snorts find nns- BlitZOll River. n,l ru,! M.n .,....:. .,1 i,. Thursday afternoon, Octobers, ti fb tu , hjstor.. I T ,,,.. , ,, . .,. ''tw',. .m, ijsii ' u.,i,. n,i mr tifH t.l. i -r ' u lit iiviuu ir? til Hi n uv; nvii a uvmuj nivu iui iiitiuv nt .tills " i -vuw AtiAiifiArAc htimnt air I hn ,. nucvuuiw, "uuivii fcv ... , the first of the week. era! volumes. Among these is the The L. N. Society will meet on an(j at the home of at the usual hour. of the society desires every mem oer io oe present at mat ume. Raiph P.dne's great story of as it will be the first meeting Boxer Rebellion in China. ' after the summer vacation. Cmss and the Dragpn I he president :i ..:, i .m h ,- .. , -.. sriim oiau.co aiu.ii; huuju iiii au- ti - i 0. S. Preston was in tne city Sidney Wilkes, the harness horses which had been participating in the outside fairs. The boys are ii,ff ,u ...1. --i.,ii. i quite wen satisfied wit l tneir The . , , . , , .,'.. i .trin and sav thev have some ,, t'i:Litiii im iiiu?.iiL'ii lui tannin iiu - Anotner irace horses that will be heard State Organizer W. R. Gekeler is by J. W. Schultz, who was ' " attended the grange meeting here adopted by Blackfeet when a October 14. .v- It is called "The Quest for , ,',. ...... the Fish-Dog Skin." Another is Valley View Grange will hold a dorious piris' story by C. A. an all day session Nov. 11 so Stephens caHed "juia Syives. come prepared to spend tne day. er It is a story of a "Mercer" ' E. R. Potter is hauling lumber Sl in the pioneer days of Ore for the new school building. son and Washington -and that is only part of the serials. Florence Hoffeditz who is at- lt will cost you nothing to send tending high school at Burns, for the beautiful announcement spent the first of the week with of The Companion for 1912, and her parents. we wjj sencj wjth jt sample copies Mrs. Luper attended teachers" of the paper. institute at Burns this v,eek ? nuot frget, the new subscriber for 1912 receives a from next season handling. with proper Deputy Postmaster Will Gould has returned from John Day where he spent last week visit-! A reception to Rev. C. C. Bab ing relatives and attending the I bidge and wife will be given by Always ready for job work. Frank Caltorson is a business visitor from Law on. ti,.m Am c.-.me in iroiu mv 1 much today wife and son. Woodio Best and Fthcl aie in from Crook home today. Supt. Hamilton left Thursday for Prineville taking Prof. How 1.... nmt Pmf. flnrv out in his it-, ,... - . auto. K. J. McKinnon is disposing of his fruit crop and vegetables and expects to take a trip to out side points where ho will spend the w inter. L. M. Brown and wifo, aocom ixinied by Miss Leila, Marie and Elworlh Egli, went to the Egh home at Wagontire Friday, re turning Tuesday. W. W. Smith and son have ar rived from Prosser. Wash., on their way to Wagontire whom they each have 320 acre bonie st, ads. They came prepared to begin farming and expect to seed big acreages for next year's crop fir filn Hehrondt. the well known optician, who has boon making regular trips here for several years, is at the Bums and will remain until Oct. 2i Dr. Behrendt may decide to locate pcimanently in this sec tion as she desires to get some of Harney Valley's good land. The Presbyterian Ladies' Aid window sale next Fridav will be held in the building now occu pied by C. B. McConnell as an office. The sale will open at -1 o'clock and the ladies will have pumpkin pie. brown bread, baked beans, cottage cheese, dough nuts, cake, cookies, rolls, salads and meats. miMiai 1X11 5& Brown's Satisfactory Storol LOWER PRICE A V arc in price than a position lo make you a ( fi any quotation submitted i()Jf by any Harney County merchant, us the list. We will sell under it. I hjs ,( includes STUDEBKER WAONS, BUGGte"? tnumvmaummxcx7iS!a3massxaBmsn a ' BURNS. OREOOjJ! u'MiiiM'wiii'ii"''a,M',''l',''l'''p'M'w'''''"''""'''M''''''1"' ".' ' ""wfc.Q,'i SriiimiwMrmniii ' '" ' hhmmihw " ' "' ml mJUT Jtf. ppolnlniciil ol Jtnlnlilrlor -J ci 1 H V lltirc Onctu'd OIUcch in lln v. m -- nu t,, H. F. Huntly made a business trip to Harney last week fair. Mesdames H. C. Levens and A. C. Welcome arrived home Sunday from their visit to Boise where they were the guests of relatives and attended the state fair. The ice wagon is now open for dra work and makes its stand at the Histner corner When it i not there leave your orders on tne rresoytenan Lames Aiu on Nov. 10th at S o'clock p m. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gault. Dr. Holt of Portland, field secre tary for the Pacific coast district, and one of the foremost Presby terians in the northwest, who was for twenty years a mission ery 111 China, will be one of the .J. N. Terwilliger has made a trade of his property near liar- j ney for land in the Yakima Val-1 ley. Wash. The trade was made ( through W. T. Lester and invol ves a consideration of $S,000. 1 Henry Kenney. who was thei other party of the trade, takes immediate possession here and Mr. Terwilliger leaves next week for Washington. ' In ttn mnltt'r t.f tin. huiful Hurry U Mci'lurn, HvriMMd Noli li hervlir leii llmt by onlur of the County Court of the HU' of Orr 'gtin for llnrno)' Conntv, Uiilv nmlo nnl Blittirtl on the) KHhdtiy of llctolwr, 1911, the miilf rlnel wt duly niMiiiit,l ml nilnli.trtor ..( the KeUto of Harry It. j Mt Clare, deccntd. All wrr.n Imvii'K cllm in rtinet tliebi)eliil,iin) Ihti h nolitli-l to r)'Wil the Dime mtiHwI ii by l required, t the Uhdrf(il(tiiel At Ijiwhii Oregon h ftfiln lx Mnnitln (ri 11) tl' Ute hereof, Kll'l till tiollie in Itlteil Hi' .'Ut 'hi ofO. tol-er, H'll 1,1 m l"MN- in V liiilnUlruli r guests of honor. lie comes toKgupt John Gilcroal of the P. install Mr Babbidge as pastor of , i c. Co, suffered a Colles' irif t of The Companion's calendar on the slate and they for 1912, lithographed in ten tended to. this church on Nov 12th. A will be at-1 cordial invitation to all members and friends of the church. WE AVE HERE Everything" that our long exprience has found needed by peopie of THE HARWEY VALLEY COUNTRY Build Up Your Own Town and Community by trading with your home merchants LUNABURQ, DALTON & CO. have established and will maintain an up to date department store. A few of the thousands of articles carried in stock enumerated below Dry Goods Wares of all kind Entertainment fracture of the right wrist this j morning by being thrown from a cart. He and Chas. Cronin were , driving a spirited team and in alighting to open a gate the( latter caught the lines with hi foot jerking them from Mr. Gil crtst's hands and the team ran away throwing him out. Drs. i Marsden & Griffith reduced the I fracture. , I Mrs Frank Davey and Dr. I.habeth Ellis were join host-r--f-. at a very enjoyable Five Hundred party at the home of t r . furmcr on Tuesday evening. ' irge company of friends were pn nt and all expressed them--i.hi" as having a delightful time Mrs. C. F. McKinney and Mr- A. K. Richardson were awarded first honors among the ladies for the highest scores. John Gemberling and Sam PAST! HE POOL HALL llLssnuT IJuililiiftf .New HrunsttU-IhlU Pwl Tables CIGARS. I01UCC0. 1'lTIS. Lie. Irtv I inplo) Hn lit I'Unii If t'ii Hunt a i .it loll i'aII In ml l" er II ' u ml help mil i r ik.' llie I li"in lllSKIl JilflN-InS, IT...U --'t TO ary ,Th liuildiny in Hums, and arc Pnpt Purnish Accurate, and Complete AbslmR Title to &dl Lands in HanictgJ nrlfl Buy and Sell Real Ifsis Larje and Small Tracu.1 Write -irc Insurance i( Strongest Old Line loitf-' i. j. TV ro MUS5C I'nvate in-.tiuction. in VOICE and PIANO Sight singing and Health Cultu in classed MRS. MrHOSK Studio over The Turn t.tld 8,000 acre tract irrigated la he-t in Central Oregon-'fin class colonization projec, Ba' i i on i ng .1 dcr P6 liusincsH In I rusted To Ta Hi.. M1 Prompt and Careful At Unlit" en'c di, uerc MOTHERSHEAD&DOIi Rooms I niiii rs( f MiiHonir Huildins: rorr mrt -tak S toy's Restaurant and Bakery llilnl iliMir Miiitli sldo lllMiier lliilMlnc J. I . MO, Pruprlctiir Mothershead were awarded first J i.unclics. short onlcr. pies, hreml. prizes for the men. Dainty re-1 enkw, etc. etc fn aliments were served. ipa.milv nAtin sm n-rn.-n -'Young's Meat Market & (3 Has a full line of UER TWSfc A Complete Line of Staple and Fancy DRY GOODS including Ladies Cloaks, Waists, Skirts, Sweat ers, Shawls, Hand Bags, Bods and Bedding, Undermuslins, Dres Goods, Hosiery, Corsets and Corset Covers. Gent's Supplies The Most Complete and Up-to-Date Gents' Furnishing Dep't. Men and Boys Suits and Overcoats; Socks, Neckties, Collars and Cuffs, Cuff Buttons and Links, New Stock of Working and Dress ShirK Hats, Caps, Gloves, Underwear Suspenders, Levi Strouss and "Boss of the Road" Overalls, Jumpers, Linen Dusters. Rubber foot wear, Rubber clothing. Drugs, Oils, Etc. We mention here a few of the very tilings carried in this department. Perfumery, Face Powder, Creams and Solutions, Toilet Articles, Blue Vitro, Formaldehide, Chloride Lime, Turpen tine, Gasoline, Kerosene, Lubricating Oils, Stock and Poultry Foods, Insect Powders and all Household Remedies. Pure California Wines, Grape Juice and Liquors for household purposes. rure, uenatureu and wood Sal soda. Paints and oils. Prices Reasonable. alcohol. Are so representative in character that it is possible to furnish jour home. WOODENWARE Brooms, Brushes, Willow Ware. Water Bags, Barrels and Kegs and chopping bowls, etc. QUEENSWARE-Fine China. Cut Glass, Silver Deposit Ware, Mirrors, Cooking Utensils, Pottery, Lamps. HARDWARE-Nails, Garden Tools, Rope, Cuttlery -Full line of Tinware Barb wire, staples, roofing, fruit jars, caps and rubbers; steel traps; Cold Blast and dashboard lanterns. JEWELRY-Clocks, Watches, Stick Pins, Belt Buckles, Chains. Fobs. Headquarters Sport ing Goods, Guns, Am m un ition Fish ing and Camping Outfits. Tents, Tarpaulians & Wagon Covers. BOOTS AND SHOES We are proud of this department and can give satisfaction to all iMen, Women and Children. We carry the celebrated Buckingham & Ilecht line. CORD WOOD All Honorable Competition Met. For family, friends and jourself if you purchase a PHONOGRAPH with RECORDS. We have them in stock. Children's Dep't Our Children's Department is so complete that we can furnish your little ones from top to toe. We have not overlooked the Dolls and Toys. Groceries Of all kindsFlour, Bacon, Lard, Honey, Grain, Grass Seed, and Feeds, all kind of Farm Produce, Fresh Fruit and Vegetables, Evaporated Fruits. Special Articles Umbrellas, Parahols, Trunks, Valises, Suit Cases, and Mutterick Patterns. STATIONARY, SCHOOL SUPPLIES Banquet candles, Nolious, Confeclioaaries, Gasoline mantles and globes, Cobblers oulfifs, lialf-soles and tacks, Tobacco and cigars. Grain and Wool Bags, Sack and Binder Twine Your Business Solicited. 1 vmW Centra' an ry 1 :oui ichi UtLlrtAL MAKVbSltju SUPPLIES Get our Prices on Groceries, llarte CASH WILL GUT BARGAINS 'egon Is Now Reached via Deschutes Branch Oregon-Washington Railroad S Navigation Co. For both I'uHwcnj;(r mid Freight Tniflic to and from M,ul das, .MoLolius, Culver, Opal City, KmIiiioikI, UoihI other Central Oregon point, son n i) u i,K and I.v I'oitland I.v. 'lliu Dullm . I.v. Di'Poliiiti-H .Ic Ar. MadriiH Ar, Metolltw Ar OpiilClty J 7 fiO A.il I II) 00 A.M. I 10 I'. M I 80 I' M. . 5 IR I' M. (I W) I' M ii :to i . m I.v. OjihI Cllv g r, a. I.v MhIoIIiu . . h , I.v Mnilrai . ) 00 Ar. Duncliiitm Jc -, p Ar, 'I Iiii Dalle ;, y Ar. I'ortlHuil r, ij ) Auto and regular Htauo connections at La I'ino, Fort Hock.Silvorhakc -""W "", miimui r.iiio .will oiiiur iniutiii poiiita The Direct, Quick and Natural ante between Port land and All Points in Central Orefon ('.ill on liny O -W It AN Kel for luf-rmiillo., ,l,l(., r ,, ,vm WM. McMUlillA Y (.1 M It V I 1'A H M,l - i,i si 1'OK 1 1 M) OKI.i.i s urns Meat Marl N. J. MAN5UN, I'ropri tor Beef, Pork, Veal, Mu Sausage, Bologna, Vm Headcheese, Wienerwui mid ti Uiiiiii" in ii rifwf ..l.iun Mi'iil W 'fi. iuantit Wholesale and Reta Prompt and Satisfactory Se During Fair Week. IS mh ZJM THE WINDBO' IIAKItlTON & STONRK, l'"i'i"tin THE SILVER DOLLARi-S0J:-!;""SI, ffi WIlolfHIlIt' llllll Kil.il l-J . yr . . . 4 I THE BUINS DEPARTIVIENT STORE VliolcHiili and Retail LIQUOR and WISE HOUSE Imported and Dornrstlc WINES, WHISKYS, BRANDIES, GIN, BOER, Ik C. A. BEDELI,, Burns, Oregon di!iilCirttina- and J ' "" heatoH for hiiIh. nil ui...u ...i oti, i.i.m,I,uIip '' leiiKtliH, iirlco 20 cpiiIh K.r foot. 'diHordcml '"liuh, jr inn- (iohiiimk Itoaiiw iwhIrogH lierluinVl .!' W. A .'on f .1, (). All.errton, and tho lit . i1!1 Albc r i.n, Oregon. I''or Hale l '' u' Si: jfm SJK 1 J&