The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, October 14, 1911, Image 1

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Wt (Svtnl Unrticy Country
Coven an nrcn of 0, -128,800 nciet ol
lanili 4,031,001 ncrcB yet vacant Biibi-ct
lo entry under tlio public land laws ol
tlio United States.
l (Mftelnl I'll nor of llnrnov Cuunlv
hTj6Wgo8t clrctilntlon and lnonuol
fcSjiSriSvprtliliiit iiioilliimn In Knnlorn
NO 48.
XllXJSJttllf Slip
Makes Definite Promise
SctRailroadWill Come
fW . - .
WifJiwt Loner Enough to Complete Plans
CfMriruction of Line to Harney County
llMrIntiniation of Invading California.
eS3flth cheers
ef central
J. Hillnnd
ffigjflpre3idt'n t
fttwiiisthiB tnorn
ttlSpto "driven (o
icwilroad for
kblinrko(l the
?3Smjrvvait Tor
Unrtjis to oi)cn
whlchlit is ca pa-
way?" was asked
"Thero aro several possible
ways," Mr. Hill answered eva
sively, "but wo built the OrcRon
Trunk into central Oregon for the
development of central Oregon.
We built the best possible track
and the best possiblo roadbed be
cause wo believe central Oregon
development merits the best.
"I will illustrate our faith in
Oregon. The Great Northern
lfSrKnisea wore I "d Northern Pacific havo spent
WoSSppokonby.?85i0O0,000 getting to Oregon,
lmffjfftho people - Wo havo never earned a dollar
Soujjhini, nearly! n the investment Butwcknow
$firwn from all . wo aro going to. We know that
'ibyltBb vital im-' the opening of Oregon opens mil
n afcrftllrond ship-
. lions and millions of acres to
'NoW&ro adect-1 ,lomes and! farmers that is
2KiiiL! ii whom Mm nrnfir will ln Nnw
,va.v I... HU ...
iaiinul limn WlierC ttlO
r-mt rnisiMivu
dwg&Ktontf with we aro sending out our men to
ftwwreompeting ' 'onrn w',at nrc l"c problems and
alyfwKcn the city iH'Hcultiea of thialcountry so that
Swtipircot cars, Hiey can help the pcoplo to be
Sbawltubs for a I successful working the land. We
MMjwjMt it means are going ahead of the rest, will
tTwfrjiUo of the i i"g to do everything possible at
&rB, before . no matter what expense, because
Awrtf we believe in Oregon and because
ffgNM McMur-,we believe in central Oregon,
arrfman officials, ' "One of the things wo will be
Mkbration. most interested in doing will be
try this m holding land values down to a
fftB he ar-ifalr valuation. Nothing could
rwrary station at hurt the country more than the
njffggigulling oir I land boomers who dine and Blip
o!orho bared on their neighbors. Wo must ap-
viwt( the ma- P'y the principle that what is best
Ttbi wishing riv- for everyone is best for the in
MtliSlforcst of i dividual. Excess land values
. .. ...:n ..i rr it.- J.. -r --!
WTRy 10 lilts i ' I'ul uii uiu uiiy uj. central
InlWoxclusivo Oregon's maximum development
Another thing wo will bo in
terested in doing will bo to en
courage subdivision of land. Tho
man who has 1000 acres and sells
500 of it will find his land re
maining worth much moro than
all that lie had in tho first place.
Let tho people produce in this
country what the country is adapt
ed best to; let land values be
kept reasonable; let tho big tracts
bo divided, and we will do our
Mr? Hill has share in railroad building and dc-
to Cen-iVclopment"
One of the most affecting in
cidents of tho day was when Hill
tho elder greeted Colonel William
Hanley. The Hill special and
party had gotten in earlier than
was expected. Hanley heard the
engine whistle and hurried with
C. C. Chapman to tho train.
Bill, " said a voico from a pass-
IBend for,
Wc shall
We have
Send only
hvhat di-i
TfcifJournai ho
tlwrtap of tho
fftMMjt, to seo
MMjnt and suc-
Tandithoso in. I
elgHwent. To
h'arajltlic sur
ISSmty where
bten touch-
Kslin 10,000
nSfonly 5000
than one
mgcar. Hanley turned. It was
Hill. Tho two men's faces lit up
as they shook hands. "I've been
waiting a long whilo for this
day,"8aid Mr. Hanloy. "And I
havo been planning for it a long
while, Bill," said the empire
builder to the big man of Harney
Tho morning was spent in sce-
tte Harney iing tho country and witnessing
that it was contests on tho river and in
(tlio possi-1 broncho busting. William Han-
nty that ley helped dcivo tho golden spike.
to build up Carl R. Gray, president of tho
antral Ore-
raryaooi). We
Isaawn country.
Ittlwiould bo
tho greatest developer tho coun
try could have.
"Go to work and build up the
country, for tho cities would
Btaryo to death if it were not for
tho country," said Mr. Hill at the
spike driving. "Nations that
havo neglected tho cultivation of
tho soil have faded from the face
of tho earth. Thero is no reason
why Central Oregon should not
produce enormous wealth. We
have a good deal of faith in it.
Wo believe if this soil is properly
cared for, if it is properly under
stood and fair justice done to it,
it will make a happy home for
thousands and millions of people.
I wish you all Godspeed and every
particle of luck and prosperity
that can come to you."
Portland will raise money to
aid in tho operation of two dem
onstration farms in Central Ore
gon. The railroads have pledged
$5,000, Portland business men
will give $2,000 and Crook county
will raise by taxation $3,000.
One farm will bo established in
dry farming country and the
other in an irrigated district. A
local committee has been named
to secure the funds and a dinner
will bo held at the Commercial
Club October 18, when plans will
bo made. On the train relum
ing from the golden spike driving
at Bend during the past week, a
considerable sum was subscribed
by Portland excursionists.
Harrisburg women have turned
their attention to practical things
and will hold a potato carnival
October 18 and 19. This, it is
promised, will be "An exhibition
of painstaking potato culture por
traying all the progressive meth
ods of planting, peeling and pre
paring the ever palatable potato. "
Women are ofiicials of the show.
Agricultural possibilities of
Oregon arc shown by an inter
esting comparison just made by
President Howard Elliott of the
Northern Pacific Railway of tho
area of this state with that of
Denmark, Holland, Belgium, Al-
aace-Loraine, Luxemburg, Switz
erland and tho state of Maine.
Combined, they havo 05,022
square miles, while Oregon has
9G.030. On the other hand, the
combined population of these
countries is 21,59 1,089, while Ore
gon nas out wz,ii)'o. me con
clusion is that this state has as
great agricultural resources as
tho above group and may very
likely equal it in population when
its lands arc properly tilled.
A herd of elk from Yellowstone
Park may be brought to Oregon
and liberated in the forest re
serves of Wallowa county. Ar
rangements are now being made
by Stato Game Warden Finely
with the Government authorities.
Steps will be taken to protect the
nnimals in their now home.
Homer Davenport Tells His Experi
ence With Big Financier
Describes His Features, Dress and Impressions of the
Great Financier Personal Contact Makes One
Realize The Power of His Influence on Finance.
(e,'ii.t, uii, iiomer uVcn,.u.t8,.iiciu) carcd much hut I noticed his fin
My first good look at Mr. Mor gCrs fumbled a little nervously
gan came about at the time he for a moment though that might
was bidding for the bonds during not i,ave bcen duG to the skctch
the second Cleveland administra- nor lo a desire lo buy it
tion. The affair was under the Mr. Morgan's collar even his
Gage of Rye Grass Grange recit
ed "The New Church .Oregon,"
which was icceived with great
Mr. Hoffman of the State legis
lative committee of the State
Grange made a splendid and for
cible address on "Legislation."
He spoke of the great need of
representation of farmers in the
legislature. The young genera
ation will revolutionize this great
country of ours and it is up to
us lo help l!,"m out on education
al lines. Mr. Hoffman made a
splendid talk and those who were
not present missed a great treat.
The meeting closed with the
singing of tho Grange, song
"Work for the Night is Coming. "
Central Oregon Not Overlooked by
Nature But by Man
Visitors See and Learn That Country has Room for
Thousands of Prosperous Homes Excursionists
Meet with a Warm Welcome all Along the Way.
management of Secretary Carlyle
and Mr. Morgan was there to bid
personally for what he wanted to
fore-in-hand tie would have been
wholly out of place on anybody
excepting J. Pierpont Morgan.
buy. He didn't look like tho pol-1 Yet on him it seemed to be mild
itician but looked the very part of and in perfect harmony with his
the financier, only on a bigger
scale than the man that buys up
tho wheat and corn. His very
lion. W. II. Brooke Wcd.s In The Dalles.
of time,
at that,
WgHroad into
wfrcatcst re-
ion with
kept mo
d attend-
tmSr develop-
tho in-
oded tho
Ja Oregon
to Sai
say that
ition in
tho Ore-
bo foolish
gest and
at and
Hill lines in Oregon, laid the cor
ncrstono of the new Bend depot.
Chief Engineer Budd and Super
inlcndcnt J. P. Rogers wero con
gratulatcd by Hill on tho wonder-
ful record made in laying the last
28 miles of track in 13 days.
Agent J. H. Corbett was installed
in charge of tho passenger and
freight business.
(Portland Correspondent.)
James J. Hill helped mako Ore
gon history tho paBt week whon
hodrovo tho goldon apiko mark
ing tho completion of tho Oregon
Trunk Railway to Bend. That it
will be tho final terminus of tho
lino is not expected, but tho event
was notable because it celebrated
tho coming of a now era in tho
interior, and tho railroad will bo
The big surpriso event of the
season was the marriage of Will
iam H. Brooko of Ontario, Ore.,
and Miss Emilie Crossen of this
city, tho ceremony being solemn
ized at tho homo of the bride's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Cross-
en, 1210 West Tlnnl Street, The
Dalles, Thursday Sept. 23, nt 9
o'clock by the Rev. D. V. Poling
of tho Congrecatibnal church.
Only relatives. and a very few
immediate friends wero present
at the wedding, after which sup
per was served, covers being laid
for tho newly-weds, Mr. and Mrs.
J. B. Crossen, Rev. Poling, Mr.
snd Mrs. William Crossen of
Portland, Mrs. Amanda Thorn-
bury, godmother of tho bride, and
Miss Lena Zimmerman. Tho din
ing room was charmingly decor
ated with dahlias and asters.
while tho center pieco of (lowers,
outlined by tiny electric lights of
many colors, was stationed in a
mass of beautiful greenery. Mr,
and Mrs. Brooko loft last night
for Spoknno whero they will
spend their honeymoon, after
which they will go to Ontario,
their futuro homo. Mr. Brooko
is a prospsrous young attorney
and is tho representative of Mal
heur and Harney counties In tho
state legislature. His brido js a
cultured and charming young
lady who has lived in Tho Dalles
all her life. Mr. Brooko has tak
en away ono of tho most popular
girls of this city, and hor largo
host of friends hero extends to
Mr, nnd Mrs. Brooko all of the
good wishes and congratulations.
-Tho Dalles Daily Chronicle
walk suggests stupendous power,
a power more than brawn. On
this particular day it was winter
and he was dressed for cold
vunnfrlint Almiif nil rf Viio Mnftino
' Innrn WHO tlin oomfi cllrrrrnciin P
wealth, without being over-dressed
or gaudy, and every article of
his wearing apparel seemed to be
the richest, tho best woven that!
the market afforded and what
market it was no one knew. At
a glance I was impressed that tho
tailor that made Morgan's clothes
had not made mine.
His eyes are like 'brands, in so
far that they are piercing, but
they differ greatly as one of them
seems to be tilted a little up and
to ono side, suggesting possibly
a strain from trying to look to the
top of the pile.
To discuss Mr. Morgan's fea
tures without mentioning his
nose would be like Bill Sterritt's
review of one of Shakespeare's
plays that Edwin Booth put on in
tho early days of Texas. Ster
ritt wrote two nowspaper pages
about the play and never men
tioned Booth's name from begin
ning to end. But Mr. Morgan's
features all suggest pay-dirt.
His mouth, chin and cheek-bones
all denote a dash and firmness
that must be necessary in some of
his business affairs.
While I was making Mr. Mor
gan's sketch, that is reproduced
here, ho saw mo and instantly
detected what my game was not
withstanding that his attontion
was riveted on tho bidding for tho
Cleveland bouds. But I soon no-
richly made clothes.
One instinctively recalls the
story of Gales, Morgan and the
Steel Board when he looks in
I Morgan's eyes. That sort of a
wild excitable expression of the
eyes, in Morgan s case, makes it
very easy to understand what
happened when Mr. Gates went
to Mr. Morgan's office to protest
because it was he, Morgan, that
kept Gates' name off from the
Steel Board.
Mr. Gates asked him in a miid
l voice if this was true. Mr. Mor
gan rising from his chair said:
"Yes, Mr. Gates, it is true. I
am the man -who is keeping you
Mr. Gates asked why and Mr.
Morgan answered; "On account
of your reputation, Sir."
Gates broke out into sarcastic
laughter asking Mr. Morgan if
lie, Gates, had ever done any
thing worse than Morgan. "On
ly," he added, "you have done
your stunts behind closed doors
and I have done mine in the
As Mr. Morgan took his hat
from the table and walked out of
the room he said: "Mr. Gates,
that is what doors are for to be
kept closed."
So when you see the snap of
Morgan's eyes you realize the
kind of man who would have the
nerve to tell John W. Gates what
doors are for.
Forty years ago the cartoons of
Thomas Nast disrupted the most
powerful and vicious political ma
chine the country has ever known
and sent Boss Tweed lo prison.
No picture ever printed in Amer
ica had such an astounding effect
on a community as the frightful
conception of his powerful pen,
"The Tammany Tiger is Loose,"
and it will probably continue to
stand as the great American car
Marshall N. Dana of the Journ
al gives quite an exhaustive write
up of the trip of the Portland
business men to this city last
week in Sunday's Journal. Fol
lowing are paragraphs from his
This is not so much the story
ol a central Oregon trin as
sistent patience a handful of pio
neers have been toiling to subdue
the land and learn the secret of
its productions. Of the 100 that
have come in to swell their num
ber they have seen 10 stay and
90 go.
They have learned that the soil
the ls su"en an( unresponsive to the
chronicling of an Oregon epoch. I eapianung oi many crops;
Not a man in the wide repre- """. ' "wverea uiamve-
sentation of the Portland business aioCK anu ine grains' masses and
excursion that ended last Friday roots Wlth. which to feed the ani'
Homer Davenport's castigation returned unimpressed with the ma's flou"sh greatly.
(Crowded out last week.)
The Rye Grass and Valley View
Grangers of Harney county held
a public meeting at Locher's hall
Thursday evening. This meet-
. nig was presided over hy Thos.
Raycraft, Grand Master of Valley
View Grage and was called for
the purpose of bringing the far
mers of Harney county in closer
touch with the Grange work.
The Grange song "Plow, Spade
and Hoe," was first on the pro
gram and was enjoyed by all.
State Organizer Gekler, of La
Grande, Ore., gave a fine address
on "Co-operation." He gave a
brief history of organization of
the Grange, The leal foundation
of all Grange work is education,
the great resources of this coun
try nro brought forth by co-opera
tion. Mr. Gekler said he would
like to organize a Grange in
Burns before leaving.
Mrs. Lo May, of Burns recited
ticed that ho had an advantage a selection entitled, "Archie
over the ordinary man who might Dean," which brought down the
become cmbarassed at being
sketched, and tho advantage was
this, that ho could not show any
embarassment as to turning red
der in his face than its natural
shade. Thero was no outward
sign as to facial features that ho
Mr. Fred Crump, of Rye Grass
Grange gavo a very fine talk on
"Organization." Mr. Huntly,
lecturer of Valley View Grange
gave a very interesting talk on
"Local Grange Work." Miss
of men and measures he believed
to be inimical to the best interests
of the American people have made
him the logical successor of the
great Nast Against fraud, cor
ruption, vice, pretense and every
force that menaces the rights and
morals of the people he has
waged unrelenting war. In his
lighter moods he has made the
nation laugh with his kindly satire
or brush away the tears when his
fine sympathy took the form of
Mr. Davenport today wields
more power for good than any
living artist His work demon
strates how strong the influence
of his particular branch of art
may become.
as tne iNew lorn Times re
marks "His views have influenced
public affairs and politics." No
other living artist or author has
met and portrayed so many emi
nent persons during the past
twenty years, in Europe as well
as America. Consequently his
reminiscences of interviews with
distinguished people he has met
and sketched are a notable con
tribution to modern journalism
In securing the remarkable se
ries Men I Have Sketched, by
Homer Davenport The Times
Herald congratulates itself and
its readers. In connection there
with we will conduct a contest
that is designed to gratify the de
sire of years on the part of Mr.
Davenport. Himself like many
other famous artists, self edu
cated, he realizes that in every
community there is to be found
artistic talent of a superior order
which should be encouraged and
given proper opportunity.
The Times-Herald drawing con
test which is announced in anoth
er column is calculated to offer
this needed spur to the embryo
Nasts and Davenports and we
predict that it will prove of im
mense public interest and benefit.
Here is a woman who speaks
from personal knowledge and
long experience, viz., Mrs. P. H.
Brogan, of Wilson, Pa., who says,
"I know from experience that
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is
far superior to any other. For
croup thero is nothing that excels
it" For sale by all dealers.
There were only two pens of
pigs on exhibition, last' week
there should have been a dozen,
with a fine growing country and '
our natural advantages we should '
supply tho pork for tho whole
Fou Salk-Almost new 3J inch
Winona wagon. Call and see it
at this ofiice.
to store the melted snow of the
peaks and are seeing this water
color the brown sage brush reach
es with the vivid green of great
And, doing all of these things
(Continued on page 4.)
tremendous notcntialifv nf fhJ 1 hey have commenced erecting
30,000,000 broad acres simultan-1 barriers across the canyon mouths
eously penetrated through the
110-mile-long Deschutes canyon
by the nation's two greatest rail
road systems.
Whatever may now be said of
the interior Oregon country these
men know from seeing that it is
better than it is bad, that there
is room for thousands of prosper
ing homes and food-producing
land enough to abundantly sup
ply all the Pacific northwest
An old adage runs: "It's a
long lane that has no turning."
The central Oregon lane is turn
ing into the broad traveled high
way of the world's great pro
gress. With unfaltering faith and per-
Real Estate and Insurance
Fair Dealing
Post Office Building, Burns, Ore.
Bnrns Flour Milling Co.
-Makers of the-
Famous Burns Flour'
Always for the development
of Central Oregon and Har
ney County.
' J
u h
Four well equipped lines. Excellent facilities
for transportation of mail, express, passengers
Prairie City to Burns. Vale to Burns
Burns to Diamond Burns to Venator
E. B. WATERS, Agent.
ARCHIE M'GOWAN, President and Manager
Harney County Abstract Company
Modern and Compete Set of Indexes
An Abstract Copy of Every Instrument on Record in
Harney County.
V. T. U'.Sil-R,
AlMMKer mill Salcsmmi,
Homestead Locations
Secretarj anil Notary Public
Uoirt'8unt8 Thnt Wlilcli laTibttnl ami Hi liable, ami llmullo tiiu'i'i'tjudilly nil Sorts of IVtutu Itiiainus-f. We nro
AkoiiIh For tlio ItellaMo
Talk Your Itoa! Kotute Matters Ovor Willi Us. Your HiiaiiiM3 Will Do Strictly ConlUWutlnl Wo Know Our llusi-
uoaa, Attend To Our lluelnosa nnd Want Your llusliu'ss,
N. A. DIBBLE, Propt.
Courteous treatment, rates reason
ableGive me a caM
A First Class Bar in Connection