3 i . -.n MMaUBBVWMMWWl a FAIR WEEK IS OYER " But not our Special Sales -Here are some new arrivals Overcoats, Mack-naws, Hats, Win ter Caps Hunting Coats, Trousers. focr) thing lo m for People 'l Care. SCBENK & WILLIAM Merchant Tailors and Outfitters Burns, Oregon, Odd Fellows 8ldg CLEANING AND VjVBaMMWKMMMiili BBilMNI PRESSING . J PCRCHEUOM Stallion Scttlemyro first. G. Thompson second. JACKS Alex Ilanloy first Mnro and mule colt, W. M. Stewart, first; C. T. Albritlon, second. SllORTHOUN. M. L. Lewis, first on cow and yearling bull. KKl) l'OI.LKD. H. Dixon, 1st on bull. Dan Varien, first yearling. H. Dixon, first cow. Win. Ilanloy bad a herd of Hcrofords, the only ones on ex hibit and Dr. L. E. Hibbard's henl of J. rseys had no competi tion. Ed. Goodman had a pen of merino sheep. Dr. Hibbard's Yorkshire and Wm.Hanley's Jersey Reds wore the only hogs. Tim noultrv nens consist or A. Ban-on, second. Hromes Henry JenniiiRS, first. Red top J. H. Anderson, first. Specials-Hullcss barley, 11. Dixon, first. Field peas L. E. Hibbard, first; Gail Barnes sec. DRY 1'AKM. Winter wheat sheaves 0. E. Thompson, first; .1. J. Heinz, sec. SprinK wheat shenves-J. V. Million, first; Mrs. U. E. Colo, second. Barley sheaves Thos. Hill, first; J. J. Heiiw, second. Sheaf oats John Marshall first Robt. Drinkwater second. Sheaf ryes- RobU Drinkwnlor first, Thos. Hiso second. Threshed rye Mrs. Win. Gnu first. Threshed barley -Mrs. Win. Gray first. Threshed wheat-Mrs. Wm. Gray first. Alfalfa first crop-Percy Davis first, Henry Jennings second. Second crop -Robt, Scttlcm.u? She imcs-S&crafd JULIAN ttVKU - ., SATUBHAY, OrTOIWR 7. U. SDBM'RtlTION RATBB One Ver Six Month Three Months 1.00 FAIR PRIZES Pair mares or Keldinirs -Thos. MoCormick. first, Wm. Stewart, second. Mare or gelding two years Wm. Stewart, first DRAFT Hyde Stallion -Robt. Settle myre first ' Shire w illion Robt. Settle myre first Hackney Stallion Robt Set tlemyre first. ROAbSTBHS Team-Win. Stewart first, C. S. Johnson second. Stallion Thos. Baker first. Mare or gelding two years old Wilson first,. 1J. Albritton The exhibits were all judged yesterday. The judges of the stock were r n Hnffmnn find A. Esrii. In u n,.;iinn P C, riompns. Lerov or overChaa. Breithaupt and H. F. Huntley. 6. Smith second. Thpre wore some very close Yearling colt -T. C. competitors in the live stock and first , several times Supt. Wilson had Yearling mare H. Dixon first to be called upon to settle the P. G. Smith second. awards. The stock exhibit is not .gtallion two year old -P. G. so large as usual, but there are Smith first C. A. Brittingham several fine animals. The awards second. were: STANDARD BRED Stallion-Geo. Hogey first Mare-P. G. Smith first COACH HORSES Stallion-0 i. j i"" -- I - , r Uo.wo.o mm nun nf ' i-st. sam xci irow sucuim. onu iiuii " niii.iitio, '" - ,. ,. ... Plymouth Rocks, one of Black Natural grass-lobt. Settle Minorca one of Rhode Island myre first, Sam Tethrow second. Reds, two of turkeys and one of, Natural grass-Robt. Seltlo ducks .my re first ,b1uiut, ,,. ..oncers , "-7jS:SteL The following awards were, q .ade on the first division of tatil "i.0 string wheat- . Crabs-R,J. McKlnnon b.t. ICias. Wilson, fii.t; Lewis &Vul- " T Venato, lnSStbarley-S-Whit-iO-test vari ars-R J ling, first; Chas Wilson, second. McKmnon first, C. S. Johnson Three sheaves oats -Chas.WH- second. son. first; Geo. Young, second, Single vanety pen. OS. Three sheaves rye -J. II. An- ''"'." "-"" l ,1L r.naf T P llihhird Greatest variety plums C. S. derson first. L. E. IIlbbaid- Johnson first j. L. SiUs(..Cond. seiml , , ..,. I Sinirlc variety plums W. T. ihro-ncu rye-, u , u.u,... - (," ,. first c. S. johson nrst; ij. & niuuaiu, .xuuu, Threshed barley-S. Whiting first; J. II. Anderson, second. Threshed oats-Geo. Young, first; J. H. Anderson, second. Threshed wheat J. II. Ander- I n. i!nl- .? .nrtnilfl . T.W ID 1 ' SUII. HUt iUIU OtLUUU. Single anvers, jumu. n.M". Best varietv sceds elc.-J. L. flirt: Alex Hanley, second. uihhard GRADE DRAFT ' second. Stallion -Wm. Stewart fust. - Alfalfa, first crop-L. E. Hib-st-nllinn and three of sret Wm. ' bard, first; C. S. Johnson, second. L. Shingledecker Stewart first i Alfalfa, second crop-L. E. see- first Robt. Settlemyre, second Stallion and three of his get 0. E. Shingledecker, first. HORSES OF ALL WORK Stallion S. S. Smith first. Stallion Two-year old. Prioi Barnes, first . - Mare 8 vear old -Stewart first, i Hibbard. first; Jas. Varien, Thos. McCormick second. ond. Brood mare and colt-F. J. Timothy - Henry Jennings, Conrad -first. Cal Clemens sec- . first; Jas. Varien, second. onj. Natural grass Jas. Varien, Pair mare-, or gelding T. C. first; Ralph Hibbard, second. All-ritton first. Stewart second. Hops-Jas. Varien, first; Mrs. Vanderveer first, second. Greatest variety prunes J. L. Sitz first, W. T. Vanderveer second. Single Prunes-Mrs. Ilankins first, W. T. Vanderveer second. GARDEN IRRIGATED Onions best and greatest var iety Jas. Varien first, Ralph Hibbard second. Onions single variety Jas. Varien first, J. L. Sitz second. Turnips- Jas. Varien first. Ralph Hibbard second. Beets-II Dixon first, Ralph Hibbard second. Sugar beets- Jas. Varien, first II. Dixon second. Potatoes -Ralph Hibbard first. W""fe. -urn ! KU WE "FT 4 1TTO i I Uk w in i IT HE Everything that our long expriencc has found needed by people of THE HARNEY VALLEY COUNTRY Build Up Your Own Town and Community by trading with your home merchants BURG DALTON & CO. have established and will maintain an up to date department store. A few of the thousands of articles carried in stock enumerated below Dry Goods Wares of all kind Entertainment LU " T A A Complete Line of Staple and Fancy DRY GOODS including Ladies Cloaks, Waists, Skirts, Sweat ers, Shawls, Hand Bags, Beds and Bedding, Undermuslins, Dress Goods, Hosiery, Corsets and Corset Covers. Gent's Supplies The Most Complete and Up-lo-Date Gents' Furnishing Den't Men and Boys Suits and Overcoats; Socks, Neckties, Collars and Cuffs, Cuff Buttons and Links, New Stock of Working and Dress Shirts, Hats, Caps, Gloves, Underwear Suspenders, Levi Strousis and "Boss of the Road" Overalls. Jumpers, Linen Dusters. Rubber foot wear, Rubber clothing, Drugs, Oils, Etc. We mention here a few of tlie reiy things carried in thiu department Pfrfumery. Face Powder, Creams and Solutions, Toilet Articles, Blue Vitrei, Formaldehide, Chloride Lime, Turpen tine, Gasoline, Kerosene, Lubricating Oils, Stock and Poultry Foods, InBect Powders and all Household Remedies. Pure California Wines, Grape Juice and Liquors for household purposes. Pure, denatured and wood alcohol. Sal soda. Paints and oils. Prices Reasonable. Are so representative in character that it is possible to furnish your home. WOODENWARE-Brooms, Brushes, Willow Ware. Water Bags, Barrels and Kegs and chopping bowls, etc. QUEENSWARE Fine China, Cut Glass, Silver Deposit Ware, Mirrors, Cooking Utensils, Pottery, Lamps. HARDWARE-Nails, Garden Tools, Rope, Cuttlery - Full line of Tinware Barb wire, staples, roofing, fruit jars, caps and rubbers; steel traps; Cold Blast and dashboard lanterns. JEWELRY Clocks, Watches, Slick Pin.s, Belt Buckles, Chains, Fobs. Headquarters Sport ing Goods Guns, Am munition Fishing and Camping Outfits, Tents, T arpaulians & Wagon Covers. BOOTS AND SHOES We are proud of this department and can give satisfaction to all Men, Women und Children. We carry the celebrated Buckingham & Hechl line. CORD WOOD All Honorable Competition Met. For familv. friends and yourself if you purchase a PHONOGRAPH with RECORDS. We have them in stock. Children's Dep't Our Children's Department is so complete that we can furnish your little ones from top to toe. We ltave not overlooked the Dolls and Toys. Groceries Of all kinds Flour, Bacon, Lard, Honey, Grain, Grass Seed, and Feeds, all kind of Farm Produce, Fresh Fruit and Vegetables, Evaporated 1 ruits. Special Articles Umbrellas, Parasols, Trunks, Valises, Suit Cases, und Hnlterick Patterns. STATIONARY, SCHOOL SUPPLIES Banquet candles, Notions, Confectionaries, Gasoline mantles and globes, Cobblers outfits, half-soles and tacks, Tobacco and cigars. Grain and Wool Bags, Sack and Binder Twine Your Business Solicited. Jns. Varien second TomntwH Mi A. H.ions first, Fred 1. CiroW f!"1' ,v Cabbage three UcmH II Uiv on llrsl. Fr.in'' .ung, w cowl Cnbbnuo largest head II. 1n on nrat, Paul Loohor second. Pumpkins- J. L. SIU first, H" Hnrkey. second. Corn Bunion llwa. . Itnlph Hibbard, second. Kuhlrabi, etc. -James .Vanen first. Itnlph Hiblmrd. second. Parsnips Jas. Vnrien first, .1. L. Sitz. second. AfilaklllnlflllS J. L. Sll III SI, Hnlnh liibbnnl second. Watermelon J. L. Sitr. first, Knlph Hibtwrd second. ,wv c. E. liimmru mm,, liidphllibbnul second." Snunah J. I Sitz nrsi, wauei George, second. Popcorn C, S. Johnson nrsi. fiieiimbors J. L. Sit?, first, Kalph Hibbard second. Cauliflower Paul Locher nrsi. Kale Jas. Vnrien first. Uutnbairas Jn. Varien first, Mrs. M. Hilton, second. UAUDKN DUY Turnips, A. ('. Vallmer first, 15. N. Grevcro second. Sugar beeU, Ualph Hibbard t.t u a rtmiitft. second. Potatoes. Nick Hnrth first, I'M Egli second. Kahlrabi, etc. A. C. Ullmer fi'-81- ., ., . Cauliflower, A. C. Vullnu-r I rat. Specials, Salsify. Ralph Hib bard; sunflowers. Ralph Hibbard firet. .Mrs. A. Itarron, second. Hest individual exhibit Itnlph Hibbanl first, Jas. Varien second. MKKni.nwonK Nina liaker, second on embroi- ilm.u1 linirli cloth. Mrs. M. J. Hnkor, secoiut on ombroiderwl center piece. Mrs. W. E. Huston, first aim second on drnwnwork conioi piece; second on embroidered shirt waist. Mrs. I. L. Poujade. first on drawnwork tray cloth, first on embroidered shirt waist; second on eyelet embroidered apron. Josephine Locher. first on sofa pillow, first on three pieces fronch embroidery. i vivinn (Grnv. second on embroidery. Mrs. John Hack, first embroi dered center piece, first on em broidered lunch cloth, second on hnrdenRer. Ann.i Uack, first on liardentfer embroidery, child 12 years old. Mrs Maggie Hilton, first on iwint lace, first on battenberK lunch cloth, first on goblin center piece, second on bnttenborg side board scarf. Mrs Chas. Itohn. first on ejelet lunch cloth, first on cross .stitch pillow top, first on UttintJ. .second on Fi-ench embroidery, second on burnt work. Helen Thompson, first on oil uuiniing on velvet. Mrs. Vivian Gray, first on Ma mie painting in oil, first on land scape painting on canvass. Mrs. Al Wcathurly, second on Irish crochet collar. Mrs. Mary Howe, first on elev en pieces of Irish crochet. Mrs. W. A. Gowan, lint on embroidered lunch cloth. Grace Carey, first on burnt wood. Mrs. Wm. Miller, firat on can ned fruit; first on preserves. Mrs. Chas. Higgs, second on jellies; second on proscrvos. Mrs. Vivian Gray, second on canned fruit; fint on jollies. Mrs. Mary Smith, first on salt riain? brend: first on soda bis cuits. Mrs. W. T. Lester, fint yeast bread. Mrs. Eflie LeMay, fint bread without yeast or potatoos. Mrs. Vivian Gray, fint on pic kles. I'OT PLANT Mn. Mary Smith fint on lar gest display pot plants,. Mrs. Huston firtun nslors. UAIIIY Mrs. II. Dixon fint on packed butter; second on fresh butter. Mrs. L. U. Wilfong, first fresh butter. Brown a ga"ivWij IOr LOWER PRICES! m& a position to make youaS than any quotation submitted J Wc arc in nricc by any Harney County merchant, , . t ...mi ..ii .,i,v u ,.. a n ihe St. VYC Win ben u.iuu 11, lh. includes STUDEBKER WAONB, JBUGtfl n IMIB1IIIMI IWH'I I IBS H II 'MlRSJBJIBJBSBSak. PHI B aaa5JSHws3SiaM"-- wsa H I J&KEW .lL Mr JBBBI r 7 JHBT J? kssssv itsssV 'l5 C U itiflksssssssss a mV IklsssssW' visssssbsV V l K ill 1WlipPi bURNS, OR(M Vky ,, jni ii , n mi mm in mi innimn,m tgrir Z " "" '"?q " "! Mm VCB Ski tkC miiui ! VK'MIKS OKllVM.! A meeting was held nt Ixwher's Hall Inst night for the purHc of organising a Harney County Furmere Co-operative Associa tion. Mr Hmlliamit. Snnterinten- dent of the Rxjierimentnl Station catlwi the meeting to order, no jsaid In part: '"Phis meeting is calletl to bring the rnrmen oi Mhihi.v Counlv and the hxperi- mental SUtion in closer touch with each other. 1 am "ore w help you and in return 1 want you to help me. "SuivBtations will bo locatwl and this organisation will Itsve some influence in securing these stations." Following these remarks nomi nations were made for president and secretary. Dr. L. IS. Hib banl was unanimously elected president and Mr. Kobt Harm, secretary. Forty farmers of Harney coun ty were enrolled at this meeting. SALE OFI-APIES DHKSSISS. SKIRTS AND WAISTS AT THK BUSYCOUNERSTOHE. NOTICE FOR 1'URLICATION. I mf mi i i)ri Hum., irr(m kiiriab. i lII kl U Klah llxn thai lrlll KM Buk.... iir.ftft.li. tt h.i .an Jana ... u Wo. ntaate ll.imMlrs'l Kuiiir h (MM T" . .T?.. ""...: -. . ..... ..j lit, NKU. MNSIHin . """".'P p K W.I lUMlHi uiuihM 1 B.a u. .hlUh rmlm baton IM " .-.ww, v . " r .. i waul mm U II MHfcti. fUruM Jiiha..... Mitii Hltlu. HrJ Mrli. "'" WllllkMtt Kbltu. uf Imu. ortrw HV I law Opened Ollicin in the UailtUna in Ihirnn, andnrt qpA Furnish Accurate, mH " and Complete Absi&T Title to all Lands in Haiiife aiaiui Buy and Sell Real G: Large and Small Tt Write Fire Insurana? 'Strongest Old Linefckg 8,000 acre tract irrigate.)! dinars beat in Central OregtfJ class colonization proj(Top 1 Ilusiiu'HH In tainted To Vt ilg Prompt and Carvltd AU(&my$ MOTHERSHEADfili Kooius ! and ft Masonic Bcigg! jeand -Mi fa TO TO, jhsi" mim Young's Meat Markets TlkilsT4NTl' lll I i M Has a full line Cvfi KUTIL'K FOR I'll HUCVriUN i'KiTiKrTKtASitirrt . Bnrim. nr"". kimIwi . 111 i u ...... 1 I Lm l. !.. 1 tlMd. I. I.A. MrtkMl3D,lonitll.H ,HitUI.. VlllUin rtl MwlHn, Iim flint u..ll.fol Inuallon Mk llHt t omimtiiitlon lrMl. lo iil'ltl( eUlm In thr li 'I ..! i drwlllwi, Iwlwc tl thi .IhiUfnt s. -, I'll i itimKiit i.ir, i, wiiii MIM K;mon. II. i. .1.1 1 Jol...t, lrfli ..( hUl'hllB.K, Otrifc.i, WIlM.ln II liubtii, "I la, Or.i i KkctMir of luml,niiu W H, lUfUl, I USJC I'rivaU1 instructions in VOICE and PIANO Sight hinging and Hcilth Ciiltun in I'liuiiU'x MRS. McilOSH Studio ovi-r The Timi'H-HcraM ruuh rkifc irst Ni id thb a.v vsnr.i BINDER and GENERAL HARVb supplies m Oct our Prices on Groceries, CASH WILL GOT tm Sto)''s Restaurant and Bakery I lti rtl Jiinr Koiitli nidi; HlMiiior lliilMInc J. 1 . SI (IV, I'roptlutor l.tmclivh, sliort tinier, pics, hrciul, CllkCh, cti. etc. 1-AAtlLY IKADi: SOIJCITI-I). PASTIHE POOL HALL IIISSNKKISUILDINU imw iik-m Willi ii full tm; nf CIGARS, TOBACCO, PIPES Ni Lijiiipimnt uf Brunswiok-Balke Peel Tables THE BU INS DEPARTMENT STORE kh2 THE SILVER DOLLAR w non-Kali' ami Kolail L5QUOR and WINE HOUSE Imported and Domestic WINES, WHISKYS, BRANDIES, GIN, BEOR.Elc. C. A- BEDELL, Burns, Oregon Burns Ntea II. .1. HANSI.N Beef, Pork, Veal, sausage, isoiogu Headcheese. Wien "1 fe2 : mm unil (ivory thing any iiuuititvv. in u Wholesal Prompt and S During Fair We Hi hi ilii)U' i e andl alisfacioHl ek. J N THE WIND iiAiiniTnM & STONKR1 Tonsorial Parlors; , .ii j , m , ... . .., - "- r' Hair Cutting HAU-J OK LADIKS DHKSSI. SKIRTS AND WAISTS AT THK HUSYCOUNEUS'TOKR. Iloro with tho nooite, BURNS DKPAKTMENTSTOKK? Sid diso mWll Lerlftlni and the For