"tt'h ipi'wu iwipwpiM afcgyr1 rn mif li Kf tf tft THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK BURNS, OREGON CAPITAL 1 SURPLUS 85.000.OO United States Depositary Oregon State Depositary Accounts Invited Supt. Gilerest is in tlitcity. The latest Full Coats for ladies' at Brown's Satisfactory Store. Alva Springer ami wife are in the city from their home at the lakes. OUR NEW FALL STOCK OF DRY GOODS IS HERE. THE BUSY CORNER STORE. M. S.'Davies, one of - our ener getic sheepmen and land owners, is in the city. He has just re turned from the John Day sec tion in company with I. C. Large ! of whom he purchased some bucks. Airs. Millar has a fine lot of fall and wintor millinery on dis play which the ladies should call and sec at once. A. O.IFaulknor and his brother ' Charles, who is here from Lake j view with his family, have gone over to the V ranch on a fishing (tour. Airs. Faulkner and lier mother, Mrs. Snelling are guests 1 nt the home of the Faulkners in 'this city. ' j CLOTHING SALE AT THE,' BUSY CORNER STORE. Ted Hayes and family went J 'home today after visiting the j fair. Mrs. Hayes sjwnt a por- ' ! tion of the time with her sister- : Our successful experience, with n thorough epuipinent, and also the fact tlmt this institution is under United States Government supervision, nil affords assurance thnt you will re ceive efficient service. WE invite your patronage, whether of large or small volume -UNIFORM SERVICE TO ALL. Resourcos over S400,000.00 HARNEY COUNTY NATIONAL BANK Or BURNS : .Mr .'f.'n&iVivsiZ'smstf LOCAL AND PERSONAL in-law. Mrs. Scott Haves, who to I underwent an operation yester- J? 7? ? J? J?. J1 fir .Q1A7 iJhv Tho Inrtv tc ilnfmr wnll " - AWAiJIA jil KJ S X T Here with the goods, BURNS Thia .-- iho ..... ...,. ,,.. nnn 4 nmitTivim nrnrvnno " " . ri .... . ucrAiuMCisiaiuKto! 'can't find it any whore else m John Carey is in the city. A T Raycraft was among the Fresh Candies at the Burns Grangers to participate in the Department Store. fair program yesterday. E. T. Haley is among our vis- W. H. Robins, the Crow Camp itors from the Lake district. J. H. Hussers is up from his Narrows home. I The Only Strictly Grocery Slorc and Stock in Burns h cant find it any where else in R -.. ..-., n.,.u., . ... ,,.1. f i . 1 1 1 I? town, go to the Bums Depart- "il") ,l complete .stork of tin btMt brands tuid ment Stori. they carry every- a can take can of any 'u- oruVr. I'rinn are riirht. g thing under the sun and seldom just out" g SPECIAL W5SSS Wheat, Rolled Barley and Oats gjnes-and big ones too. Miss Helene Swain closed her Brown's Satisfactory Store. f"! T HnrrliaK" nn1 wifn linvn fanner and fruit raiser, is here been spending the week here vis taking in the fair. king old friends. They former- rw,f tn t r, w rp c-tu My lived in this section but now Don t fail to see W. T. Smith, ' ;,, :n r ni.:n. rru , about those little farm pump en- some time at Narrows and other parts of the county and go from here to Malheur county whoro The dry farm exhibits come in school at Lawen for the week VuJrTLZuZ vC n, " for particular praise fiom all. It and has been one of the fair yard, is a revelation to many who did visitors. Vt .L- not realize what could be accom- r , f f , . . ' f NDew cl?th'n .f'f men a,,ul ' plished with proper cultivation. ' "At the fair grounds or at Brown s Satisfactory Star... on the way to the city, a lady's ,, . . L ..,, LosT-Gentleman's small size gold watch, hunting case, Wal- UnLwear "U -Ln sdlS gold watch, open face, monogram tham make. Finder please re-'your underwear- few stores out. on back C. B. M. Return to this turn to this office or to "Mrs. Thos. .side of tho large city stores office. Suitable reward. iSprague. .carry "Cooper's underwear" but , ' l you can find it at Brown's Satis- SALE OF LADIES DRESSES. SALE OF LADIES DRESSES, ' factory Store SKIRTS AND WAISTS AT THE SKIRTS AND WAISTS AT THE m, VFW r, u , Tnrr nr BUSY CORNER STORE. BUSY CORNER STORE. Du Y GOODS IS 1 1 FRE THE l BUSY corner' store! ATTENTION TO FA IE WEEK PATRONS 8 l&SSGZStA&KW vjsv5sj.$SCSSS Buy Your Hardware and Farming Imple ments for Develop ment Purposes from GEER& CUMMINS TO-NIGHT UGO TUB , NO PLACE LIKL 110)11: iSelig) NINE OF DIAMONDS 1 Vilagrapb 1 A utirn Scoiiij Ili-t Vutnlevillo Yet 1 LEECHAPIN In , The Trouble nf a Suffragette . 'Ticket office open at : : 7:(X) Show starts : : : : 7:15 Prices : : : 10 and 25 cents! Buy Her That Ring Today If nu unit until tomorrow uiu limy put it off n ucfk, itii-nnuhili' tin- girl i InMiiy; tlrt t of n lot of plfiiMiiv. BUY IT TODAY awd kln t you think of her or some other fellow will beat you to it. You etui itify her to a 'lueen'B tant by making a selootion at SALISBURY His5ner Building. Look fur the VNntchSign THE STAR FEED BARN South Main Street Stock given best of care Baled Hay and Gram for Sale I'olronnjje Solicited. EAKL ELLIOTT, Prop. THE SILVER DOLLAR Wholesale anil Itcliill c,nXl- hD:L LIQUOR and WINE HOUSE irrigation, Wator supply I imported and Domestic WINES, WMSKYS, BRANDIES, filN.BEER, Etc. C. A- BEDELL, Burns, Oregon It 1. Cnorin U V Iioi.i AUO. M iK.'Xit ' I iWO H ill tit I r ScweraKO, Wator Power. 8nrvey, .Majn, Ktlniaton, 6up.trvIion BURNS. OREGON ..