.,7 r'-ft.V"--''"' iBBfPpEpjjS "tfniwr lUtoft.., r"l'.-j r.rr- - -''-'' .-" ' " I I, ' i If . . J r :tu -- '!- ?!. lifgiUfafysi PHIL S. BATES, Publisher Pacific Northwest The Good Roads Boost r and Loyal Oregon inn HOUR NEW FALL STOCK OF Dr. T. L. Harrison and Henry DRY GOODS IS HERE. THE Welcome arc among those from BUSY CORNER STORE. Drewsey taking in the sights. the whole- magnificent specimens of horse a flesh and are a credit to Harney , county. Mr. Robert Scitlemeier has a siring of studs that is worthy of special mention, this string con sists of five imported prize win-, norland stand the owner $15,000. They consist of an English Shire, ' weight 2100, this horse has just, taken a first and second and grand championship at the Portland horse show. His beautiful Eng lish Hackney is a fine all around horse, he shows speed and body and is a suitable horse for all purposes. The Belgian 3 year old weighing 2000 lbs is one of the finest Belgian horses ever brought" into Oregon. A French Coach and a grey Percheron com pose the remainder of this fine lot of horses, our citizens ought to feel proud to be honored with the presence of such a bunch of thoroughbreds. Mr. Settlemeier 1 is also the proud possessor of a solid silver and gold mounted saddle and bridle which are the b'-t on the Pacific slope. (Continued tomorrow. ) - Stoy's Restaurant and Bakery I Mini door out i IJe lilssner I'.uIIJIiik J. II. SIOV, Proprietor Lunches hliort order, pies, bread, cakes, etc. etc. I-AAULY TRADE SOLICITED. L. Allen Lewis of sale firm of Allen & Lewis made his first trip to this territory with the Portland bunch. Mr. Lewis) expresses his delight at the inag nificience of this country. His firm do a tremendous business throughout this territory. OUR NEW FALL STOCK OF DRY GOODS IS HERE. THE BUSY CORNER STORE. A.MON0 THE STOCK. A number of Ha'rney county's most lleeted horses are absent from the county in attendance at' the track meets hold in Ontario and other places but some very promising colts are to be seen af the fair grounds. While these colls are not fully developed, un der the careful training of those in charge they are expected to fi! , AT PRI7F f flNTFST shop i speed of more than or- uk A 1 1 wlu uin i w 1 (,nni somo of thcm ,mvo mmo Minor I'rizi'S given eacn tiny. Grand prize for the largest score during the week EasuEoomu Mmmonoense Shoes IbrWide or,tender teefc THIS IMPORTED JAI'ANLD HANDICRAFT Cut out and keep the following blnnk as it will entitle you to a free membership in the GREAT PRIZE CONTEST. Mb. Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday. SCOTTY & BILL fine records in private even now, Chas. Brittitmham has a 2 year old that judging from build and movement ought to be heard from later on. The stallion exhibit is excep tionally fine. Smith and Hagey's trotting stud is the sire of many fine colts somo of them have made their mark on the track, they al so have two fine pacing colts, which are being trained to be come world beaters. Among tho draft horses aro found somo very fine Percherons, one of which is tho property of County Judgo Thompson, another Mr. P. G. Smith. They are both is the ideal hoe 1 or soua comlort ana spienaia wear. It's honestly made i the choicest materials. J It's the sSttclcjSomee' DHAND Tho beat shoe at tho price, posMiblu to make. It liM plenty of too room with n common sense heel. GIlclio Gmuee shoes nro HcienUticnlly made. They lit all oer. Tho instep la cut iu&t liKlit and tho urcli of tho foot Is comfortably support ed Tho uppers, lininga, insoles, counters, heels, and soles aro tho licet that money will buy, 'nndthey'reraadoascurcfullyHnd throughly as money und brains cnn.dovic.t' Ciitrlie Cmmce ehoei hao n etylo lor oery uso mm u shape lor every 1001. Burns Flour Milling Co. Makers of the 'Famous Burns Flour' -aud it CREffiO" BREAKFAST FOOD Always for the development of Central Oregon and Har ney County. rBE3ISI3EESEa3332E S3K3Za2!33irKXSB s H. J. HANSEN, Proprietor Beef, Pork, Veal, Mutton, Sausage, Bologna, Liver, Headcheese, Wienerwurst, und everything in a first class Meat Markiet in any quantity. Wholesale and Retail! Prompt and Satisfactory Service During Fair Week. 2 Fair Week Specials 2 Three Kinds The Very Best Guarantee to Save You Money BLANKETS The Most Complete Assort ment Ever Broun lit to The City G. W. CLEVEMCER, The Fur iture Man JAMES SMITH J, I The Shoo Man jj J. I WANT, YOU WANT, THEY WANT Possessive case WE HAVE IT When you want n thing you want it. Listen: We have studied the wants of the people for more than thirty years; our long experience has qualified us to the extent that we know what the people want, and keep it on hand when they want it. If you want any more come to the x BURNS DEPARTHENT STORE jxxcL g -wlxeut you want C. WELCOME & SON Manufacturer .aid dealers in Harness and Saddlery Latest Designs in Indian Robes Silver Inlnid BITS and SPURS ROPES, WHIPS m3tt;nmniKKnmjtmiMwtatffli mtnnnnnmnn: 2S21n$ t;f!?trtii Tlie 'WELCOME Pharmacy The Place to buy CANDY The Place to buy CIGARS The Place to buy PERFUMES The Place to Get What You Pay For The Place to Pay For Wiat You Get The Place you Can 't Afford to Overlook J. C. WELCOME, Jr. Proprietor i;