The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, September 30, 1911, Image 5

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    f JP.V
rArxn in this county.
ocal News.
the weather man
blens in Scotch Tweeds
Saturday, to Mr
r, a son.
t see the late arrivals
oods, shoes, ties, furn
.c at Hagey & Rich-
drinn camo over from
icar Denio the first of
and will remain until
nd dressed lumber of
now on hand at the
Iros. Saw Mill. Hough
per thousand.
Temple of Morion,
lephew of A. W. Hurl
ro on a visit.
vinners at the Fair
A Scotty
B Bill
C 7"
nch Hotel under the
ntofL. B. Culp lias
d reputation for real
ill ctiwI enrviif
n ESI. ..,! CaiiIIiN
lllld. liUttaill kJUUHI-
i little son have been
their Bear valley home
visiting at the home
week and family.
amens mill is the near
Bums where-all kinds
both rough and dress
e had. Near Canyon
ill him by 'phone for
TH. vi
ayes was operated on
(arsden & GrillUh last
fternoon for appendici
8 at the Hill home in
and recovering very
of hay for sale at $5
all is taken. This in
sture and privilege of
i the grounds. House,
d corrals. Inquire at
tractors on The Times
ck building have at
ved lime and a big
en are now at work on
r laying brick, carpen
iand wiring it. They
lave the building ready
lincy in a short time,
hall and opera house
ftdy for Thanksgiving.
Monday afternoon
(rns hotel Harry P.
Miss Mabel Savage,
' Holloman performing
ny. The bride is an
young lady who en-
ep regard and friend
1 her acquaintances,
laughter of Mr. and
Savage of Sage Hen.
r has resided in that
Ed for the past few
he has secured large
raluable farm lands.
amy Known to a wiue
ople in this neighbor.
he has been found a
tegrity. They will
home on his farm
arental home. The
Id wishes them a
rosperous life.
"BURNS.Tha First National Rank of this
citu, with $25,000.00 capital, now carries
$55,000.00 surplus, making it one of the
strongest little banks in the icholc countri.
Tftis is a deposit guarantee worth talking
Tho foregoing is tin oxiiob copy of it Htrong
commondatory notico givon our inaiilnUon by
tho L'uuifle Banker, tho lending financial journal
of tho Northwest, in its issuo of Sopt.lGth, 15)1 1.
This indorooment is worthy of coiiBtdi-mtion by
tho bunking public. Aro you availing yourself
of this strong doposit guarantoo? If not, wo in
vito you to beconio a dopositor with us.
Capital, - S25,000.00
Surplus, - $55,000.00
United States Depositary
Accounts Invited
E. F. Ilnnkins was in from
Silvies this weok.
Best (lour (guarantee) $8.50
bbl. Hnrriman Mercantile Co.
K Fay Comegys is (iiiilu sick at
the home of his mother in this
Mrs. Millar has a fine lot of
fall and winter millinery on "dis
play which tho ladies should call
and see at once. I
Now lino of ladles' kid gloves,
all shades Lunaburg, Dalton &.
Save trouble and inconvenience
lv taking Sunday dinner at the
French Hotel.
"Prize winners at tho Fair
Fxhibit A Scotty
Exhibit 11 Hill
Exhibit C V"
: F. S. Hillinirton. an experienc-
THE NEW COMPLETE STOCK jod machinist, arrived hero Tliurs-
nw pai.i. m?v nnnra iam nay u uiko cnarge oi me
Y A. .1. Johnson and .1. 1). Daly
will bo hero next week to attend
a mooting of tho Directors of tho
First. National Bank and take in
the fair and booster meeting.
Rcatos for sale, all sizes and
lengths, price 20 cents per foot.
... i Die v;ir i.t unu i,ix wi
Any one desiring Uealos address berlain's Tablets to improve her
W. A. Ford of J. 0. Albcrson, . digestion and regulate her bow
mechanical work in .Jnmes Lamp
shire's new garage. Mr. Lamp
shire expects to have his place
in readiness for business by the
20th of October.
Running up and down stairs,
sweeping and bending over mak
ing beds will not mnko a woman
healthy or beautiful. She must
get out of doors, walk a mile or
two every day and tako unam
Albcrson, Oregon.
r Tho teachers' annual institute
will bo hold in Burns on Oct. 10,
17 and 18 according to word from
els. For sale by all dealers,
tho Buchanan rango one bay (illy
branded NE connected on left
Sunt. Hamilton. Ho expects slioulilar; one brown (Illy all four
New fresh groceries just re
ceived nt Hagey & Richardson's.
Winona wagons nre the best.
For sale by Harriman Mercantile Thursday.
to. Clcaninir
Call on A. W. Cowan for land
Carrol Cecil was in the city
Fred Oakerman
our Silver creek
was among
visitors this
Fon Sale Almost new 31 inch
Winona wagon. Call and see it
at this ollice
and pressing for
ladies and gentlemen at Schenk
Fresh supply of groceries in
cluding lard, bacon hams etc.
nt Hagey & Richardson's.
. .. , aii Ntiie new complete stock
A. B. Whitney and son Albert i." , T T ,, -,,-.5 mac
.,.,,1 rlmrlna P.vnrnft r-nmn imiUl' rAL.U Dill UUUIW lino
from Valley View Thursday. ARRIVED AT THE BUSY COR
Carter nnd son have ouened a NEU STOUE.
frnJf ctnmi in tho Watnov hnilil. Grandma Winters has rented
.-nrr n.,,1 wiii w.n n nunnlv of nil , t"o Driiikwator .property and is
... "." ..w..,. ...,, p..., --
kinds of fruit on hand. See
i-.. .- ...:-...... c..:i
xur your wimui a iiuiu
uobt. seiuemyro nas returned
from Portland bringing a hand
some Emrlish Hackney stallion.
Mr. Sttttlemyro has asked for live'
nlnlln I ill". fltlH flM t Mill tllllllwtl
Times-Herald office before that! of gtnHi0ns which he will show
tliat week.
nriwnriwl to iiirulll lake 111) hoi'
US old occupation of nursing.
John Benson, the John Day
fruit man, will be in Burns about
Oct 10 with a load of prunes
and plums. Leave orders at The
time if you desire any fruit
Herzog, the Tailor, is now
ready for business in the Miller
building two doors north of the
French hotel. He wishes to
have tho people of this section
call and talk clothes with him.
He is an experienced cutter and
tailor and guarantees fair treat
ment The contractors on The Times
Herald brick building have at
last received lime and a big force
of men are now at work on the
building laying brick, carpenter
ing and wiring. It is the inten
tion to have the building ready
The Harney Saw Mill, R. L.
Bunvnrd proprietor, now has on
hand a large amount of rough
and dressed lumber and can (ill
orders on short notice. A good
road to the mill. Hurry orders
may bo 'phoned in.
'' TnUn nintlmitltirr llili t rf 4 V
tJUUIl UV.I111JWI IlllM 'twill- ww;i t
Prairie City the first of the week,
taking Vanzandt out and will
drive the car back himself. This
is his first trip out of Harney
county since coming here 11
years ago.
Automobiles to all parts of the
for occupancy shortly. Thelpnnntrv ilnv or nitrlit Heirular
dance hall and opera, houso will , . to prairie ci. v. pi10no
be ready for Thanksgiving day.
An article that has real merit
should in time become nonuinr.
That such is tho case with Cham- Geo. S. Sizomore has returned
berlain's Cough Remedy has been ' from Ontario where he went to
attested by many dealers. Here I be present at the opening of bids
is one of them. H. W. Hendnck- for the new school building in
Burns Garage.
Auciiii-: McGowan. Prop.
son, Ohio Falls, Ind., writes:
"Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
is the best for coughs, colds nnd
croup, and is my best seller. For
sale by all dealers.
this city. Ho reports considera
ble competition in the bids. The
board has not yet let a contract
awaiting the result of tho bond
sale which has not been closed.
. .
Trousers : One - Thrd
Dresses : One - Fourth
Skirts ' : One - Fourth
Waists :
Two Weeks
One Fourth : Off
Beginning Mondav Oct. 2
fchwartz -i. Schwartz
Prof. Ressler or tho U. A. U. as
one of tho instructors. Particu
lars will be given later.
Stock Inspector Robinson is in
the city. Ho lias been quite busy
in the southern part of tho coun
ty nnd Stecns Mountain looking
after migratory sheep. He has
found and assessed over (l),U(H)
Malheur county sheep on the
ranges of Harney county.
Burns is going to be filled to
overflowing during the Develop
ment congress and our citizens
will bo compelled to open their
homes to many outsido people.
It would bo n serious mistake to
charge these peoplo excessive
prices for accommodation. They
expect and are ready to pay but
it is hoped none will go away
saying they have been
white feet and white face also
big win to snot on side, same
brand blotted; one Jenny dnrk
with mealy points same brand
and quarter circle C on left stille.
Suitable reward for information
leading to the recovery of these
animals or notify J. W. Buchan
an, Buchanan postoflicc.
Salisbury the Jeweler has
moved his Jewelry Store over
in the 11 issuer Building, for.
merly known as tho Red Front
Barn. Look for tho watch
Tho local Masonic lodge is pre
paring for an official visit from
Grand Master T. M. Baldwin of
Prineville, Mr. Baldwin first
announced he would bo hero this
evening but later it was learned
that he could not reach" hero he
fore Monday. It is understood'
the official visit will be on Wed
nesday evening. There will bo
work in the third degree this
evening, however.
If there aro any spare rooms
in the homes of our people that
have not yet been reported to tho
committee they should "ho re
ported to Iko Schwartz. Re
member we are going to have
big crowds who must bo treated
right as the guests of our city
and wo should do our best to give
them a good impression of our
town and country.
Dr. J. N.Coghlan, the eminent,
eye. throat and ear specialist
of Portland, was a guest at tho
Wm. Hnnley ranch the lirstoi
this week. Dr. Coghlnn and a
friend, Mr. Welker, came in with
Mr. Hnnley last week. Tho
Doctor very kindly consented to
look after the wanU of many of
his patients while hero and yes
terday he was kept very busy
There will bo German preach
ing services at tho Presbyterian
church next Sunday afternoon,
over- "Oct 1, at 2 o'clock in tho inter-
'est of the German Evangelical
Lutheran Church by tho Rev. 0.
II. Schulze. In connection with
this service Holy Communion
will bo celebrated.
Pastor Schulzes' visit to this
country is the first in tho inter
est of his church, nnd he has
found a number who have been
identified with this denomina
tion. He extends a cordial in
vitation to all Germans to bo
r M.Miim'li - Rnnilnv nvmiinir nt
the Presbyterian manse, Mr.
Frank 0. Jnckson and Miss Viola
Johnson. Rev. C. C. Babbidge
performing the ceremony in the
presence of a few friends. Both
aro well known in this section,
the bride being the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Johnson,
whohavo been residing on a farm
in tho Dcnstedt district for tho
past two or three years. Mr.
Jackson has been hero sinco tho
pioneer days and is a young man
highly esteemed by a wide ac
quaintance. By hard work and
honorable dealings he has accu
mulated large property interests
in this section. They expect to
make their home on one of his
farms near Burns. Tho Times
Herald joins mnny friends in ex
tending bc3t wishes and hopes
for overy happiness.
Having leased the hunting pri
vileges, All hunters are hereby
notified not to trespass on my
land which is known as the
"George Place," and borders on
the north lino of Malheur Like,
and which is seven miles south
west of Lawen.
Adam Gkouak.
1 section, (110 acres, level un
improved sage brush land in
Hnrney Valley, can he subirrigat
ed. 1(!0 aero tract, fenced, good
house deep well and otherwise
For good seed rye go to Dr. L.
E. Hlbbard.
Best canned corn $l).2Tt a case
Harriman Mercantile Co.
"MionN-To Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Simmons, Sept Hi, a daughter.
IJnve your winter's wood up
so the wood saw man can grind
anil paw both at ouo trip.
SlIKD Kyi:-Good, clean seed
for sale, price 2 per lb. - J. N.
Terwilliger, three miles west of
f Wo learned yestetdny after
noon that there will not be suffi
cient water for power to light
tho entire city next weok, hut it
has been arranged to secure an
engine nnd run the street lights
and the hall whore tho largo
evening meetings nnd banquet
nre to bo held.
About six months ago a bay
filly camo here and wo have been
unable to get her away sinco that
time. Tho description is as fol fel fol
eows: Bay filled about 2 years
old with white star in forehead
and small white strip on nose
branded with It on left slide,
weight about 900 to 950. Owner
can hnvosamo by proving owner
ship and paying our charges.
J. W. LI3B &. Co.,
Albcrson, Oregon.
kludge Dalton Biggs arrived
the first of this week and has
since been busy with circuit court
matters in preparation for the
regular term which convenes
next week. Tho grand jury has
been in session sinco tho first of
the week but up to yesterday had
brought in one indictment that
against C. W. Fitzgerald for sell
ing liquor to minors at Narrows.
They returned one not true bill
against Young, who had been
bound over by Justice O'Connor
chnrged with" 'horse stealing.
Judge Wm. Smith of Baker will
be hero Monday, to! try some
cases in which JudgelHiggs was
interested before going on the
bench. Judge Smith will be
hero forjsoveral days.
tho cntiro day at the offices off improved. 1G0 acres tract unim
Drs. Marsdon and Griffith. proved. Prices made to suit in
tending settlors
need apply.
No speculators
Inquire nt this ollice.
"Count That Day"
"Count that day lost, who's low
descending sun
Finds no worthy action done."
There is no more worthy action,
that you could do today, than pro
tect your family with a good life
insurance policy. You aro grow
ing older, ypu can never buy in
surance so cheap again. You
may not be insurable next week.
Write or ask mo about those
children's endowments of Oregon
Life that aro becoming so popu
lar all over the state.
13. C. HgKlcston, Agent,
Dr. P. A. Simmons
Will be at the BURNS HOTEL for three days only
, September 30, October 1 and 2
If, you havo any doubt as to tho condition of your
oyoH, or tho (It of your old jrJaHHOH, don't miHH thiH
opportunity of eonmiltiiig a Hpeeialint,
Consultation and Examination Fjee
All old pationts now under tho Doctor'n caro aro
roquuHtod to call at this t imo for ru-oxaminatiou.
Uoiiioinbor wo givo a contract for ono year's atten
tion Kit KF with FITTING.
Wholesale and Retail
Imported and Domestic
C. A- BEDELL, Bums, Oregon
t'NlTKhhTATHi !.! Omi'E, I
llurlll, UrcKOii, Annual II, lull. I
Niilln'ln lit lilo Kivtiitlmt lrum A TlHir
low. vrliONO lol-lfll u mlilrvM In lltlrim. Ilru
rau, tllil. tin Ih.lli .tnjf nl .Mauli, 111' I, Ilk' In
ililn ninrc Hmiiiii Hummi'iii mi'l A.illrtion.
i.u.u.MK', hi iiurt iiiuu iiiu nil '41.11 ,, FMt nun
ml hK'.Mi:' ' o,. Hon " Towtinlilii ..: x.. limit
: Y... tWIIniucttn SliTldlmi, iiml Hi.
llivrron. iimlcr llio 1 nnl'l'iu of lli trim June
u, I&7H. hiiiI Aitit HiiiouiWioM. known ihu
"iiiurar ini Meno I.w, ' m mien miuu
IlllKlil Ik' IUi'1 l.y npiirsUeuiont. mi. I Hint
I'llltUIIIll U llllll .'ll' muni, Iliu IhihI mil
Umber tlitri'Oii Imvu Ucii njiral"l. Uiv tint
!.. ...I III. U I Mil 111. II I..IM..I I.. I .1 (I ...all
ux.pii"".". iw m IW.I" I-l.(ft - 'VI l .
llllll lllu lAUil IIJUOM. HiHt kalil nl'till ntit ulll
oirer flnul vrool In Minimrl nl M i'.H. nlluu
llilmvofli uliitclniMit 011 I tic anlli ilirol mlo
.r, lull. U-lori' I lie IIikI.Ut an.l KurvliiT, Hi
lliirni, Oriiiitn.
Any Ikt.ciii In nt lll.vrty lo ruti llila ur
chair ItWorv t'titry.or IntUato a cihiUi.1 at mi
Ittnn livforv imtviit laiti 9 h mint; arorrol ora
Icil Mirl.tMU In tint ntllfi', allt'ishii; (at la
whli h will iIi'IimI Ihu tntr).
Wm, I-amiik, IIcrIHit
In tliu Circuit Court nt tlm Mnto nl Oru
Kon, for llio County (if lliunny.
KutioJ. WliilcrH. I'lnlntiir,
Inaac WlnliTd, nlmiull oilier
peroonnor purtleH unknown
cliilmlni: miy rlnlit, titlo,
Into, lli'ii, or Intercut hi the
reul cBiiitc ilecrilol in tliu
coinnliiint lieroln, defeml-
antH, )
To Inane WiulurH, nlno all oilier (veifonn
nrrnrtlea unknown cliiiiiiiiRiiii)' rlijlit.
title, extnte, linn, or liilcreel In tlio
ronl vxtato ileeriUl In tlio con'iliitnl
herein, Defendants:
In tlm iiivmu of Hut State of Oregon.
you ami i'ocIi of joii Hr lieicby niiuirctl
to niiiar anil niiHuer tlioconiltilnt
ai;uliiHt nu in tliu aUi entitled 1 niton
or before the tail dav of tliu time. in-
rcrliMxl In tlio order of iniulleitllnn of
tlilM ennitiioiiK, to nil On or bedim I he
ixteontli liny of October, lull, wild ilutu
being llio ovpiratl'in of Mx weeks from
tlio fir nt publlnillon of HiIh euniinoni',
and If yon (ml no to appear nnd answer,
for wmit thereof, philnUft will apply to
tlm court for tlio lellof deniinded In tliu
complaint, tewit: for 11 ilecree divorcing
bur ab'iolnlelv fioin tlm dnfi'iulnnl Idihio
Wlntor", nnd the earn , ruatody, nnd
control ot tlio minor child of tlio mar
rlai;o; nnd forn decroo nurtlnxl nil of jon
defeiiilnnlH deletiiiinini; nil elulnm of
your ml verm to tlio plaintiff In nnd lo
tlioeo ovitaln promised described at
Lots fi iiml (I In block "I In MoniHon's
Addition to tlio Town (now City) of
Ilurm, llarnuy Count), Oregon, mid
thnt It bo declared mid niljiulgcd (but
you ilefendnutH linvo no iwiale or lie
turoat vbatecr in or to tlm mid pie
inipeH, nnil that tlio tltlo 1 ( thnplal'ilill'
l yood mid vnlld, 1 ml that iwi nil bo
fnrevor enjoined nnd ileb.irred from an
M'rllnjj ma claim whntover In or to said
pliiiiii'oi, ndvoreo to the plnlulilT, nnd
for mich other lellef iih to tho cenrt
nIiiiII hoc m meet ami iiyreeal'lo to equity,
'I'IiIh Hiimnums Ih publlslied b; order
of Hon. Grant Thompson, .liuljo ol'lhe
County Court of llurtioy I'oiiuly, O10
Hon, 111111I0 mid o lered ii'i the '.'nil day of
I'lid 1I10 ilnto of the
beriof in Hoiteniliiir
WE have the facilities for talcing
care of more business, and offer our
services to those who appreciate the
best in banking.
RESOURCES : OVER : $400,000.00
'LEAN UP TIME is here. We have a Kood atock
of diHiiifcclanlH for wator sinks, cesspools, etc.,
the proper use of which will safeguard aainBt
disease. Don't forget Ammonia when you clean house
for removing grease and stains from woTod work.
Azoa will kill your mice and rats, and all of their
The Welcome Pharmacy
September, 11)11,
llrut piibllcallon
'.'ml, lllll.
Chan. VV. Kixih,
Atlonuii for l'lalnllir,
Miss Stirling
Public Stenographer
Room 7, Masonic IJuildinir.
l'aiuting, Paper llauglng, Siirn Writing
Estimntes given on nil classes of
such work.
Hondnuarlers nt French Hotel
in orcier to gel more room lor my
stock of furniture I have decided
to close out my entire line of
Chisia, Earthenware
PositsveSy at Cost
lines of this class
I have one of the finest and must compK'ti
of ware in the city.
-tw- ".- 'vw-c'-t..-''.'k.-vfc.
No two people are alike and no two prescriptions '
aro alike--That's why overy prescription has to be i
treated in a separate and distinct mnnher. You
get this individual treatment, moreover, you get
the consideration and' carefulness that should al
ways be exercised where medicines are consumed
and where health is at stake.
Let us fill iour prescript ion, iou will be served
exactly right in every wag.
Tlie City Drug Store
REUD BROS., Proprietors
ivM v -a .' fc ". Sk-Tv. -"a.-". . . iu -a.evv
48 tolM Mciis Per 1 fi
Plenty of Water VHbencvar atttl Wherever You Want Et
No trouble! No woiU No pumping iu t!i ficcm$r
coldl Tho Farm Pump Kngiuc will pruvide nil the water
you need tor the house, cm rj , Iiaru, feed lot, pasture
anywhere you want it.
Works rlqlit outdooi-f In ?tro wc jr. Purities water .t the
right tfnitHinture i.u ui'-..icl '.1 nlc oi lioihcrsome
hoiitcrs. Costs losi than a roA Imill. Does lia time ns
lmicli work Save tw ..i-t. .v . oiy U.iy it runs una vu.tM
crumbles nbout louir h uns or "i u i tlio lnh. a..
Attaches to Any Piimp In h Wlnuta cr-;r ;
ii .iii i '
ill I 1 1 ri
7, S-
:flfiif, ' CO
satiJi It
oet-M iv
WTWWWXP. -iiUI YC1 -- 'SiaiLLI)' -
nil f!WcfB
? MkW' jsMrafe
llPKWH . 1 , j'MJif
-. I IK' i III. I -. IIBEIBjCW :'i;j ,5 16.(7, "
m . ml . . mtt'SB VI JP IP $ mflL 4&
iiiiii, iu i ', WSsHa.'iS M f ikss'C vi
!. t . ipm. Mail
i- 'S&i&Sr
i ""- wJSIBk-.
.IM ,." '
Power for Small Machl
iiu' ( i
Has inilley (or ronntri
power macbini.ry. IMi
by turnliiR tlm cr.nn m
tliownslilnBiniir' i, r ant
tho eorn MHlh-r. mil. i
rrrlndstone. Do n inoi ill Hi.- ill
cliores In liall iKtinl lim AllmJ) f.
-no oilrM lo buy. ..n." t-'i il n. II
No Inundations or nl.itf. 'ins neoflv .
mnll bnlts fasten u i .' n t'iii"P- lu
hnf ta, nrinn. wiilklni; Iji m mi .inr..ii p.
Kasily tnovvil mi) In 1 1 ci i' il
Soo the Engine ol Worh
Wo have u I'nrm I'limp Knirino i e'1
tlon In nur fchow roonm. It U lit wurl; n
nil (lay ilolnff tlid kiml at worV. tli .t i n
tiresome to tli (arnirr I'iItiiii I' i Imi iK
u sbow yon Ik w tliu Kuri i : ii . .
U tUr t ui 4to4 f
t wiut.rvuk .a bina 'cat
W. T. SMITH, Agent