o i3 H.2X ;Tira&5& Z?' RQK8T CIRCULATION OK TsrAricn intiuscounty. IROAV 8K'TKM1IKK.3 1911 s ocnl News. iroolcns in Scotch Tweeds Ink Bros. Reynolds nnd Davo Miller from their Wnrm Springs i week. d see the late arrivals igoods, shoes, ties, furn- tetc. at Hagey & Kich- M ftr Mace Has returned icvisit to tho state fair, l and the Round-up at and dressed uimuer 01 now on hand at tho I Bros. Saw Mill. Rough .5 per thousand. rench Hotel under the lent of L. B. Culp has id reputation for real ind good service. cheap one brand new Typewriter No 5. lonstration and instruc- necessary. Inquire 01 1 Fisk. ile Smith was a caller ice Tuesday and stated ihed about 3000 bushels on the Fcnwick farm y have rented. lavis was a business ur city the first of the is going to got his id to take first prize displays at the fair. 'mens mill is the near- Bums where all kinds both rough and dress- had. Near Canyon ill him by 'phone for irs. fton Bros, are installing big turbine wheels at dam to be used for rnoses. These were ed of at the time they glit plant. ( of hay for sale at $5 nil is Liken. This in- feture and privilege of i the grounds. House, corrals. Inquire at fMr. Wheeler or Mr. Eve been in town this bfore The Times-Her-i i been able to ascertain 5 authoritative source i to have electric lights big meeting and fair, lamed that the mill willing to furnish the that week therefore it ertain we shall have i that has real merit Ime become popular. i the case with Cham- ugh Remedy has been many dealers. Here im. H. V. Hendrick- Falls. Ind., writes: kin's Cough Remedy coughs, colds and i my best seller. For lealers. "OREGON." "BURNS. The First National Bank of this city, with $25,000.00 capital, now carries $55,000.00 surplus, making it one of the strongest little banks tn the whole country. This is a deposit guarantee worth talking about. " , Tho foregoing is an exneb copy of a strong eonunondatory notice given , our hiBtitulton by tho Pacific Btuikor, tho loading financial journal of tho Northwest, in its isauo of Sopt. 1 (Jth, 1 1)1 1 . This indorsomont is worthy of consideration by tho banking public. Aro you availing yourself of this strong doposit guarauteo? If not, wo in vite you to bocomo a depositor with us. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK BURNS, OREGON - Capital, - 825,000.00 Surplus, - $55,000.00 United States Depositary Accounts Invited Alteration freeatSchenk Bros. Call on A. W. Gowan for land B. V. Campbell is down from I0"1' his Emigrant Creek home Winona wagons are tho best. For sale by Harriman Mercantile Co. r 1 T3. untiiHnml flita ifrtrtlr ueu. rry iuiuiiwu ua n.v.i from a visit to Baker and other outside points. Fon Sale-Almost now 3J inch Winona wagon. Call and see it at this office. B. F. Cloer was up from Har riman this week. He reports his district is building anew school house. John Oard was up from Lawen this week. Clean seed rye at Boyer Bros. & Co., Ontario, Oregon. Cleaning and pressing for ladies and gentlemen at Schenk Bros. Fred Haines was over from Harney looking after business interests Wednesday. Fresh supply of groceries in cluding lard, bacon hams etc. at Hagey & Richardson's. Mr. Seaweard has been over Carter and son have opened a, from Malheur county this week fruit stand in' the Hissncr build ing and will keep a supply of all kinds of fruit on hand. See us for'your winter's fruit. C. A. Korten. the Chicago wholesaler, who owns a valuable section of land east of this city, is here looking after his interests Mr. Korten expects to remain until after the Development League meeting. Fon Sale 125 tons hay and 810 acres pasture. 100 acres timothy meadow balance bunch grass. Enquire of Brennan Stubblefield. Box -SS Prairie City, Ore. Nick Eichner was in the city Thursday. He has leased his ?..... in "Wo ITnYiiHrtn md nv. -I- ... i....' : n i,,.f Hn,n fm..' The Harney Saw Mill. R. I rwon citv where he has a ten Bunvard proprietor, now has on He is accompanied by his wife. Wanted at Onci: Mnn and wife for Hotel. Good salary and permanent position. Address The Times-Herald. Lost A dark green hunting jacket with a numbcrof 1G gauge shot gun shells in pockets. Please leave at this office. Grandma Winters has rented the Drinkwator property and is prepared to again take up her old occupation of nursing. Workmen will bo placed at the fair grounds the coming week to build additional stalls for stock and arrange necessary display tables, etc in tho new portion of the pavilion. acre tract in fruit. Herzog, the Tailor, is now ready for business in the Miller building two doors north of the French hotel. He wishes to have tho people of this section call and talk clothes with him. He is an experienced cutter and tailor and guarantees fair treatment. hand a large amount of rough and dressed lumber and can fill orders on short notice. A good road to the mill. Hurry orders maybe 'phoned in. Automobiles to all parts of the country day or night. Regular auto stage to Prairie City. Phono Bums Garage. AnciilK McGoWAN, Prop. " LADIES We have accepted the exclusive agency for The American Ladies Tailoring- Co., of Chicago, who are well known, throughout the Unit ed States, as the leaders in their line. Every garment is made to measure by men tailors, who im part to each garment, that distinc tive touch, that individuality, and that personality that all well dressed women desire. , , Fall and Winter Samples are now here. Our Sales ladies will be ;' glad to show them to you. BUSY CORNER STORE Ichwartz PROPRIETOR icjxz ax"M-- 1. Schwartz J PROPRIETOR. this week. Hadn't wo bettor clean up a little before fair? Beat Hour (guarantee) $8. GO bbl. Harriman Mcrcantilo Co. A. C. Welcome and wifo have been ovor at Drewsey for tho week, returning homo yesterday. Mesdames II. M. Hortou and Leo Caldwell have returned from John Day whoro they went to put no fruit. t II II !1l 1 111.. uuawuii Minimum ;iuu mi Paulino Locher wore passengers out last Sunday on tho auto en route to Portland. Reatos for sale, nil sizes and lengths, price 20 cents per foot. Any ono desiring Reatos address W. A. Ford of J. 0. Alberson, . Alberson, Oregon. Allen Biggs' spirited driving animal ran away this morning throwing Allen and Ora Hill out at tho turn on lower main streol. Neither were seriously hurt but more or less bruised. The Times-Herald is pleasod to nolo tho interest taken in its an nouncement of a daily issuo dur ing fair week. Tho number who have asked that it bo placed in their homes is gratifying. L. J Bcaiiliou is hero in tho tho interest of Hie Woodmen of tho World and awakening intcaest in tho local camp. A meeting of a social nature is to be held tonight at the Maconic hall followed by a banquet. 'John Hippsmnn is back from an extended visit to California points. lie disposed of his laud here last fall and went out to find a new location but so far has not found any place thatsuits him as well as Harney county. I. Schwartz, Sam Mothorsliead, Postmaster Loggan and J. M. Dalton went to the mountains Sunday. They told people when they started they were going after deer, but on their return one of the part stated thoy mere ly went out for exercise -at least that's all they got. C. F. McKinneyand wife have returned from Pendleton Monday whore they had been to attend tho Round-Up and visiting their son Will. They were accompan ied in by Frank Gowan and Miss Margaret Lowcl, daughter of Judge S. A. Lowell, who will visit with her uncle. E. 10. Pur ington, for a time. Geo. Shaw arrived hero from Halsey the fore part of this week to look after some business affairs. Ho formerly owned a largo amount of land in this sec tion, including the Korten farm of oncBeetion. He still has large property interests in this vicinity and is hero looking after such. He has some farms and city pro perty in Linn county and expects to return there in a short time. Pkeshytkkian Ciiuiicii-Sun-day, Sept. 2-1. 10 o'clock a. m. Bible School. 11 o'clock a. m. Communion, ordination of two elders, reception of members. 7:30 o'clock p. m. Servicoof song, followed by a sermon on the sub ject of "A Happy Man." Spe cial music by tho choir and old fashioned congregational sing ing, Come and enjoy a pleasant profitable hour. W. F. Hissncr expects his new pool tables and other supplies in by fair week for his new pool rooms in the Hissner building. He has ono of tho neatest rooms in Burns completed on tho cor ner and will conduct an ideal place for patrons to whilo away their timo while not otherwise occupied. Tho furniture is all to bo old mission stylo and ho will keep tho beat brands of cigars, smokers' supplies, dainty con fections, etc. Fred Williams has purchased the half interest of Geo. Schonk in tho Merchant Tailors estab lishment and took possession this weok. Fred is a Ilnrnoy county boy who has been in Portland for tho past few years since com pleting his schooling and has had considerable oxperienco in such business. Associated with M. Schenk the business should pros per as both are popular and do serving young men. Thoy will keep a first class tailor and in tend to mako some improvements in tho lines carried. Tho Times Herald is pleased to recommend this now firm nnd predicts success. ,jwiliin 'i IwtUew' "tHrt'ffWHWfi1 nil shades Lunnburg, Dalton & Co. The Misses Ooninan nnd Tal bot me in tho city from Harri man. '11. J. Williams has been spend ing several days hero this weok with his family. Save trouble and inconvenience by taking Sunday dinner at tho French Hotel. Tho weather man should treat us good now until after thresh ing season and fair are over. , K Vic Gibson and family nrrived hero Tuesday from Portland whero thoy went two years ngo. Thoy expect to remain and will occupy tho houso across tho street from this office. I. II. Holland nrrived homo Thursday from tho railroad whoro ho went to tnkc his daugh ter Gladys who returned to school in Portland. Mrs, Lelah Millar returned with him. The various committees in charge of tho arrangements for the reception and care of tho out side delegates at tho league meet ing hero Oct. 2-!l aro doing good work and plans aro progressing finite satisfactorily. 'Geo. Hagey arrived home Mon day from a visitto Portland, Salem and Pendleton where he took in tho faii-s ami race meets. He did not enjoy his visit as ho had formerly on account of bad wea ther, the races being slow and not largely attended. Running up and down stairs, sweeping and bending over mak ing beds will not make a woman healthy or beautiful. She must get out of doors, walk a mile or two every day and take Cham berlain's Tablets to improve her digestion and regulate her how els. For sale by all dealers, Kstkaykd on Stolen From the Buchanan range one bay filly branded NE connected on left shoulder; ono brown filly all four white feet and white face also big white spot on side, same brand blotted; one Jenny dark with mealy points same brand and quarter circle C on left stifle. Suitable reward for information leading to the recovery of these animals or notify J. W. Buchan an, Buchanan postofiice. Judge Miller President of tho Commercial club, hnsappointed the following delegates to repre sent the local club at the big De velopment league meeting to be held in this city fair week: Hon. I. S. Geer, Hon. Frank Davey, J. J. Donegan, C. II. Leonard, Dr. L. E. Hibbard, Sam Mothershcad, J. L. Gault, L. M. Brown, II. M. Horton, Judge II. C. Levens, J. E. Loggan, Julian Byrd. By virtue of his office Judge Miller is a member. burg, Dnllon & Co. T. C. Albritton is up from his laud holdings. Best canned corn .fJ1.2T a case Harriman Mercantile Co. I. S. Tyler was a biminetss visi tor from Suusel during the week. Wantud A woman or girl to help in general house work. Mrs. Ray Smith. Siwn Rvn Good, clean seed for sale, price 2) per lb. J. N. Terwilliger, three miles west of Ilnrnoy. Commit walks are being put down in front of the Hissner building and the new Timcs Ilcrnld building. HWHHMwmmwn NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United Btatli Ijmii Order, lltirui, Orciivn, Annus! 16, tun Nollre It hereby given Hint Joua Miller hauion. nf Ijtttuu. Oregon, who, oil April If, 1V1U, mtilo lifflncilo.il entry No, OHa. lor KlKW Meellon as. TuMiuliln a) 8. Kami) SI Kan, UllUmetto MerMan, hat flluil notice n( Intention to iniko Final commutation I'ruol, tn utablltli claim to tliu lauil k1ko don rrlL'oJ, Ik; fore tho Kexluter and Uuolvci, nt iiurna, urrKun.on tun i uayoi reiumiir lull. I lalinant nami-a at wlturaxa Jiianpli I' lUelor, i, ilurtia, Urrgoii. I. II Mi'HihII, Itnclianaii, Orocmi tWIIIain II Kolilna and A, ri Hivalii.UiUi ol I.aui'ii, Orr-Kmi H r'AHtit, lit'itltivr NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. I)klTKIHTiTH I.AJW 01 KICK, ( llunia, uri'Kon, Aii(Ul II, I'JIl. I Nutlet! la litfrrtiV alviMi that (Jronra A 'llmr luw, wlioau iHHt-ufnru adilrrta la liurni. tiro ron, illd, on till' .Mil ilar ol Mmrli. 1VII, lllu In thla olDi'eHwiirii Htatamunt and Ailkantion. Ny.K.X'W. tuiiurrliaaotlio ll,1l1,i'ti lion I and hl'.J.iKi;, noitlon J.lmunlilh X, Haunt) W K.. llllainelti Mt'ilillan. unit t la. tlinlwr thereon, under ttiutrovllon of the art o( June it. In)", mnl ana utnuudator). known tho "timber ami Miuno law, at alien tamo na might lie Hied hy ainralaQmcut, arid that, tuiuanl to aurh application, the land at,d Imtier ttirrtoii havu been antiraUcd. the tint bcrealltnatctl lcnM. board let I at II ..n per M, and the land 1I.1J UU. thataald atmllranl will oiler final proofln aunportol Ida application and morn aiatenient on the 30th day of Oito ber, lull, before the lli'slMer and lie titer, at llitnia. OrtKiMi. Any neraon la at lltrtr to nrutii ilila 1 ur chaae before entry, or lull late a eotiliat at am lime before patent Imui abi llllnira tnrrolora Jed alTldawi In thla ollUe, aliening hula whli h will defeat the entry W'm. riliKi:. Itci.li.tcr Salisbury the Jeweler has moved his Jewelry Store ovor in the Hissner Building, for merly known as tho Red Front Barn. Look for the watch sign. NOTICE TO HUNTERS. Having leased tho hunting pri vileges, All hunters are hereby notified not to trespass on my land which is known as tho "George Place." and borders on tho north lino of Mnlheur Lake, and which is seven miles south west of Lawen. Adam Gi?oitat:. FOR SALE BY OWNER. 1 section, (!10 acres, level un improved sage brush land in Harney Valley, can bo subirrignt ed. 1G0 aero tract, fenced, good house deep well and otherwise improved. 1G0 acres tract unim proved. Prices made to suit in tending settlers. No speculators need apply. Inquire at this oflico. "Count That Day" "Count that day lost, who's low descending sun Finds no worthy action done." Thero is no more worthy action, that you could do today, than pro tect your family with a good life insurnnco policy. You aro grow ing older, you can never buy in surance so cheap again. You may not bo insurablo next week. Writo or ask mo about those children's endowments of Oregon Life that aro becoming so popu lar all over tho state. H. C. ngglcstou, A Kent. THE SILVER DOLLAR Wholesale and Retail LIQUOR and WINE HOUSE Imported and Domestic WINES, WHISKYS, BRANDIES, GIN, BEER, Etc. C. A- BEDELL, Bums. Oregon NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. UKITItll HftTK tJNDOmcK, lluum, (iriKon, tCtenibcro, mil Nollcula hereby kI'uii thai limal B Tyler, of JI11 na D'cxuu who 011 Oct. 10, 1VU0, nnd ivpl j), lull) nindn OrlKltinl It K No. tula, hcilIOi;i,aiid vi 1 II01111I Iltitiitatcai! Kntry No turrit, for KH nfc'i, Her. so, HVJanl WW SI'.U Heitlon ill, lowiiihlp'iA H., ILuko 91 K, Willamette. Meridian, haa filed notice, of lutcii- iioutoinaao riuai live year rmoi, iiicaiannii .claim to tho laud nbovv iliarrlbtd, lieloro tlio HoKlator nml Hccclver, at llurna, Drcitou, 011 tho 17th day uf October lull. Clalmaet uaiiira aa wltnraara lieu Under, Thomaa II. Ilctlf, John Hoddcr, (liorfo W. Iloij.lir, all of llurna, Orcsuri. Wtt. I'AitnE, lieitlaler NOTICE KOIl i'UUMOATION (liolaleil Trail I I'UIII.KU.ANIiHALi:. llNITKh HrATM l.ANtlOrMCK lliiriin, Oregon, July aft, 11)11. Notice la hereby elveu that, a directed by thel'DiiiinlMhiner of tliodeiieral .and tjfllce, under tho provlalnna of tho Act of Congrcia ap rowdJiino '.'7, IIUJ SIKtata . f.17.1 imiauant to the applliBllou of Adrian T, I oleinan, ol Paulina. Ori-unu. Hrrlal No (Utl. vie tlll ofler at nubile aale to tho hliilieal bidder, at in o 1 lot a a m., on ine lain nay 01 Kepiemner, lll, neit, tho'ollowltiK tract of land. UlCNnif. SK'NWli. ami NW!iNK!i. 1-ccS'J. T Urt t.Ai:,M.M Any and all pnraon tlalmlnif adteraely the aboveeiliacrlbed lamia areadilted to file their clalina or obectloui on ur before tho Hint ueiiKiiaicu lor atie. ViM. Kill 11 a. llcitliler Fhank DaTKY, ltneler SUMMONS In tlio Circuit Court ol tlio tttnto of Oru Hon, lor lliu County of 1 1 n nicy. K'ulloJ. Winters. I'lnlntill', ) VII. Iannc Winter, iilniiitll oilier perwuiH or lurtlen uuktionii cliiiinltii; any rlulil, tit lo, ea. tuto, lion, or iiiturt'ht in tlio rcul cHlute tloecribcil In tlio coiiinliiliit licruin. ilofoml- atitn, . I Tn Ii".iuc Wiiitom, nlaoiillotliur jtotfoiu or imrtieH unknown olnint'iiK ny rlniil title, i-tilttli, lion, or Interoal in llio runl fi.itulo elt'Hcrilieil in tlio coiupUiut lioruin, Dofonilittitft In tlio immo of tliu HtTlto of Oregon, you ntid t'acli of jon aro lieinuy iiijulrcil to appenr anil iinanirlluiroiiiplftlnl Hied aifniiist )ott in tlio iboyo I'lititltvl 1 niton or heforo tint lint duv of tlio tlnm pre. perilled In tint ordor nf inilillcnlioii of this aiiiutnontt, lit it : On or licfuriilliH gixtoontli day of Ootolier, lllll, xitid dulo l)itii(j tliooxplrntlon of tix week from U10 (lrHt publication of IIiIh eiiinniotn, and If you fail so to appear and annuur, for want tliorcof, pliilntilT wll) apply to tlio court for tlio rollof dci.iindod In tin) complaint, towlt; for 11 ilocror divorcing liur alnolnltdv fiotn tlio dnfnndant lunuo Winlors, ami tlio ctto , custody, and control ol tho minor child of tlio mar rlntfo; mid for a ilccro.i iiittiiat all of ,on dofundnuts dcU-rinllilnj; all clalmfl of yuum ndverro to Ilia plaintiff in and to tlioeo certain promise described Of I.otB C and G in block SI In Morrison's Addition to tho Town (now City) of lliirna, Ilnrnoy County, Oregon, ! that it bo declared and adjudged that you defendant!! huvo no o.ilnto or in. toroat vhatoir In or to tho tald pre iiiIhch, ami that tho title 1 f the plaintiff la kooiI and ulld, nnd that jolt nil bo forever enjnined and debarred from as Mirllni? ntiv claim wlmtiixer In ortomtid imnulMK, advereo to the plaintiff, and for tnicli othur idiot as to tho court hIiiiII 8OCI11 meet and iiKtceablti In equity. Thla HiimmotiH la publlRhcd l)j otdtir of Hon. Ornut Thompson, ,ltnlt;o oi'tbo County Court of Harney County, Oro- Kon, nindo and 01 lored ou the -nd day ol Bopti'iubor, lllll, and tho ditto of tlio llmt publlcallon hereof iH HoptcmU-i '.'ml, lllll. Chan W. Km.id, Attomoj for riulntlll'. Miss Stirling; PublicStenographer Room 7, Masonic Buildintr. C. E. LEMAY l'nliiliiijj, Taper llauglug, Sliru Writing Estimntes Riven on nil classes of such work. AGIiNT HENRY BOSCH WALL PAPER Headquarters nt French Hotel ni!$M: HARNEY COUNTY NATIONAL BANK of Burns, Orcgod "Vow Home Institution" Our patrons,- regardless of the amount of business done, receive every courtesy in all matters of business intrusted to us, and there is nothing in safe banking we cannot accomplish YOUR BUSINESS SOLICITED. 'DRUGS' DISINFECTANTS! c LEAN UP TIME is here V have a ood stock of disinfectants for water Kinks, cesspools, etc., co the proper use ot winch win saieguaru against disease. Don't forget Ammonia when you clean house p- for removing grease and stains from wood work. g Azoa will kill your mice and rats, and all of their c. ... . en neighbors. The Welcome Pharmacy ST A TIVNim Y : DISHES AT COST In order to get more room for my stock of furniture I have decided to close out my entire line of China, Earthenware, Glassware, Gransteware3 Positively at Cost I have one of the finest and m wt complete lines cf this class of ware in the city. INDUCEMENTS FOR QUICK SALES G. W. CIEVENGER, THE FURNITURE MAM. PHARMACY No two people are dike and no ivo prescriptions are alike-That's why every prescription has to be ' treated in a separate and distinct manner. You get this individual treatment, moreover, you get the consideration and carefulness that should al ways bo exercised where medicines are consumed and where health is at stake. Let us fill ioitr prescription, you will Im served exactly right in every way. Tke City Drug Stoi'e REED BROS., Proprietors 'v.',''''a,-v1',"' -,fc'',fc' 'to iaii!ai.$Periiy vicniy of Water WL4HW.-I' u No trouble! No work! N cold The Farm Pump Engine you need for tho house, dnV . nnywhero you want it. Works rlfjlit outdoors In rero 1 rlfilit temnoraturo uo ce-j:.cfc heaters. Costs less tli.m n k d much work. Suves two 1 i-n '. grumbles about lone hoiv-i or ': Attaches to Any Pvuu " . ? WRf ft SU- K4iv ,"' t,WhsriirYouWnntEt rapinL In the freezing . ill 111 ido all the water ! fi. 1 . d ! -t, paattirc- m Ample Power for Small Mruhi lias pulley (or numi i.f . 'iy !i.n 1 1 1 power innchlnery. IK'i'H ne .n.m liy turning tha cronm m ' 11 itoi 1 1 the waatiliiK umclilm- uii'l wi Inijer, (lie cum sUullcr, imm.i: null, Crlndstono, Doci inoM all u cbores In naif usual tinw All r. no aalrat lo buy, C. u. '' M llr Uo liiiiniliitlons or ilit' rmx n ' Ciitnll ImiUs fasten 11 to imy putni ' shn(U,ufnis,vnlkin,; l .un (.1 1. Unslly moved wnywhi ri 1 .1 v 1 Soo the Euclno ot -V Wo Iiavo o l'nrm Tump Kngin. tloo In our show rooms. It Is nt all day ilolufrMlio kind ot ror': 1 tiresome to the (anr r llrl n, m 1 UschowyouliowtlJi I'.if 1 1 i, 1 W. T. m yr re "a a 1 1 tn m rJ s ' terattho ,111 I J o. i ' v : .nine tutik yll ,1 i ' u a tlnic.-j ns mil if cvtiyii. .1 .iud never 2vyj j jef Ml t'l V' , 1 jfiPli ir:jtess o-vw mR I SI ft m mmmci i Aim tTO italiiWirr13) w3s! :tM 'MB Ass 'AlMti SS itv7 'TsfisSSfe) i i rt I ill i n nl SMI Abu IkiHUWkKi vt I1vh-U l t I wiutur work at sniS ci'St Tt1, Agent OBiaariasj, Oro.