The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, September 16, 1911, Image 5

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    M 2tf
rjUDAY, BEl'TKMUKIl 111, lit
iLocal News.
f woolens in Scotch Tweeds
ink Bros.
Poujado is down from his
i-eek home.
iSALE-Puro bred Jersey
Joe years old. Inquire at
ERKlcston, the OrcRon
in, has been in the city
r: .
I. uomejrys is nsseiiiumi..
terial to build an addition
sity residence,
and see the late arrivals
e goods, shoes, ties, furn-
i etc. at HaRcy & liich-
th and dressed lumber of
ds now on hand at the
tis Bros. Saw Mill. RourIi
;$15 per thousand.
French Hotel under the
ementofL. B. Culp has
Bired reputation for real
tand Reed service.
Bale cheap one brand new
ivood Typewriter No 5.
emonstration and inslruc
f necessary. Inquire of
V llnndricks and Chas.
n are up from Lawen tb
their dauphters Misses
and Mary Hendricks, and
ihnson who are attending
Clemens mill is the near
! to Burns where all kinds
)er both rough and drcss
j be had. Near Canyon
' Call him by 'phone for
tons of hay for sale at $5
t if all is taken. This in-
! pasture and privilege of
er on the grounds. House,
feed corrals. Inquire at
alios having furnished
!to snare should notify the
iry of the Commercial Club
IS EOinR 10 uu an uvuruuw
in Burns during the De
cent League meeting and
fair and it is hoped all
)le rooms may be had.
i Nellie Collins of Dallas
en selected as the primary
r in the public schools of
y upon recommendation of
Supt. Alderman. The
telegraphed her yesterday
le is expected to arrive next
and at once relieve Miss
, who has been holding
lition temporarily.
article that has real merit
in time become popular.
bch is the case with Cham
i's Cough Remedy has been
id by many dealers. Here
)f them. II. W. Hendrick
)hio Falls, Ind., writes:
oberlain's Cough Remedy
best for coughs, colds and
and is my best seller. Ior
w all dealers.
IP YOU WANT gafoty for your luuda;
To do biiBhicHB with a bank
which is observing strictly tho
National Hanking I'Mwh and
which is conducting its affairH
along Hato and coeorvativo
Fair, impartial trcatmont,
coupled with tho asHiiranco
that you will rccoivo ovory
courtesy and borondcrod ovory
Borvieo consistent with priulont
THEN WE WANT Your Uauking businoBH and
solicit it on a banking basis.
Capital and Surplus $80,000.00
United States Depositary
Oregon State Depositary
Accounts Invited
Lcn Vickers is in tho city.
Alteration free atSchenk Bros, i
Nick Young is hero from South-
em Oregon on a short visit. j
Winona watrons aro tho best.
For sale by Harriman Mercantile
Jack Drewitt was among our
visitors from the Drewsey sec
tion this week.
' Call on A. W. Gowan for
T. F. Arnold is over from On
tario on business.
Clean ccd rye nt Boyer Bros.
& Co., Ontario, Oregon.
Cleaning and pressing for
ladies and gentlemen at Schenk
W. T. VanderVcer was in the
city from his Pine Creek homo
For Salk-Almost new 3i inch
Winona wagon. Call and see it
at this office.
Harold Johansen was in tho
' homo from n camping trip in the
Carter and son Have opened a.stccns Mountain section.
Fresh supply of groceries in
cluding lard, bacon hams etc.
at Hagoy & Richardson's.
fruit stand in the Hissner build
ing and will keep a supply of all
kinds of fruit on hand.
For Sale 125 tons hay and
8-10 acres pasture. 100 acres
timothy meadow balance bunch
grass. Enquire of Brennan
Stubbleficld. Box 88 Prairie
City, Ore.
C. M. Huffman and family left
this week for Western Oregon
points. They have no particular
place in view to locate but will
look around. Mr. Huffman djd
not dispose of his property here.
Zoeth Houscr. ex-U. S. Mar
shall of thi3 state was here yes
terday on his way home. He
nurchased 500 head of steers on
tho head of Crooked river which j
are being driven to his Umatilla
Benson, the John Day fruit
man, will be hero about the 25th
with 7000 lbs of pears.
tho Drinkwater property and is
prepared to again take up her
old occupation of nursing.
The Harney Saw Mill, R. h.
Bunvard proprietor, now has on
hand a large amount of rough
and dressed lumber and can fill
orders on short notice. A good
road to the mill. Hurry orders
maybe 'phoned in
Herzog, the Tailor, is now
ready for business in tho Miller
building two doors north of the
auto stage to Prairie City.
Burns Garage.
AltCllirc McGoWAN. Prop.
v n W I, MniHiilfin arrived
homo Wednesday evening from
his vacation trip in California
where he visited his mother and
saw his son George again started
Carrol Cecil was iiiitown yes
terday. Best flour (guarantee) $8.50
hbl. Harriman Mercantile Co.
Full lino of Lowney's fancy box
Save trouble and inconvenience
Everything for every body at V taking Sunday dinner at the
i Lunnburg, Dalton & Co. onch Hotel.
chocolates nt'I'l. B. Reed & Sons
fin... i ...Mn A..:i:..m. . ,.wini anco Sale
niuumian iuiaiimij
at the city hall next Monday moR
Department Store
LBokn-To Mr. and Mrs. Char
les Dunton, near Drewsey, on
Sept. 1, a daughter.
Have your winter's wood up
so tho wood saw man can grind
and saw both at ono trip.
J. W. Davis and son G. L. and
Frank Roat and son Louis, of St.
Johns, were here thisjwook tak
ing up land.
Pasture -Seven miles from
Burns. Both horses and cattle.
$2 per month. Mrs. E. E. Ows
lion. C. W. Parrish is over
from Canyon City on a visit to
lis daughter, Mrs. Win Gowan,
and many friends.
Mr. and Mrs. C. F. McKinney
left the first of this week for
Pendleton whero they go to at
tend the Round-up nnd visit their
son Will and wife.
The Lunaburg, Dalton & Co.,
mercantile establishment has
been given a new dressing of
paint which adds to the attrac
tiveness of the front.
The prize ribbons furnished by
tho Great Northern for the Har
ney county lnir nave ncen re
ceived by tho secretary. The
silver cup ia en route.
For Sam-: -Two good milk
cows, tresli. A ;it onuuier
Relmol uuits. the kind that
wm. nl schnn t Hrofl. i;nmo
and seo them before school opens.
U'Plin rinvnlnnd and wife were
over from their homo near Van
tho first of this week on a visit
to relatives and friends.
wagon. A good bargain iorsomo
one. Call on u r. uawson in
Sunsetor address him, Burns, Oro
C. A. Schaper camo over from
his Diamond home Tuesday bring
ing his daughters Misses Minnie
and Bertha who had been out at
tho homestead on a visit
Reatos for sale, all sizes and
lengths, price 20 cents per foot.
Any one desiring Reatos address
V. A-. Ford of J. 0. Alberson,
Alberson. Oretron.
Grandma Winters has rented 1 ,, ,
..,i :- "!
Johnson returned last
Sunday from Wisconsin where ho
had been called on account of tho
death of his father. Mr. John
son has many warm friends here
who sympathize with him in his
Ralph Beery was up from Sun
set Tuesday making proof on his
homestead. Ho was assisted by
N. Heiinoy and Henry Black.
... l.n ii i r ii. Wo understand All'. Beery and
AUIUIIIU1JIII' l" .111 jmna ui im- -" -- - .
country day or night. Regular wife contemplate spending the
Phone winter in Scnttle
' 1 A Pnlinflnnn nnd wifft WPrft
guests at the homo of Air. and
Mrs. II. E. Thompson the foro
nart of this week. Airs. Robert
son is returning to her home in
French hotel. He wishes to 1 in his studies at uorKciey. ui.
have the people of this. section Marsden made ino recoui trip
call and talk clothes with him.
He is an experienced cutter nnd
tailor and guarantees fair treatment.
frnm California'. leavinK San
Francisco Alonday at noon, stop
ping four hours in Baker arriv
ing home Wednesday night.
Portland after several
visit with Johnny and relatives
KA. Dunn, W. Y. King, 0. I,.
Shinirledeckcr and Tom Gibson
have gone to the mountains after
deer. They will bo absent some
ten davs and upon their roturn
Tho Times-Herald man will live
on venison for tho rest of tho
We have accepted the exclusive
agency for The American Ladies
Tailoring Co., of Chicago, who are
well known, throughout the Unit
ed States, as the leaders in their
line. Every garment is made to
measure by men tailors, who im
part to each garment, that distinc
tive touch, that individuality, and
that personality that all well-dressed
women desire.
Fall and Winter Samples are now
hrp Our Sales ladies will be
glad to show them to you.
I Schwartz I. Schwartz
another placo quite as good, there
foro ho has returned satisfied
Frank Dibble is over from Sil
ver crock.
Now line of ladies' kid gloves.
all shades -Lunaburg, Dalloti &
Don't over look tho big Clear-
now on nt Schenk
It wouldn't be a bad idea to
havo rrgcncrnl cleanup day in tho
near future. It would help ap
pearances during tho Develop
ment meeting and fair.
New items are added at inter
vals to tho list of goods carried
at the Lunaburg, Dalton' & Co.
department store advertisement.
Belter read it over each week.
A. B. Alacpherson, who hns
been touring this section in tho
interest of the hospital being es
tablished at Ontario by the Catho-
ic church, brought this office a
couple of lino specimen of cucum
bers raised at tho Alann Lake
ranch by Emanuel Clark.
K Sheriff Richardson arrived
home Thursday from a trip into
the Owyhee country, extending
liis visit to Idaho points on the
track of horse thieves. Ho is
confident ho knows who are in
the rustling and thinks it is only
a question of a short time before
ho captures them.
Running up and down stairs,
sweeping and bending over mak
ing beds will not make a woman
healthy or beautiful. She must
got out of doors, walk a mile or
two every day and take Cham
berlain's Tablets to improve her
digestion and regulate her bow
els. For sale by all dealers,
Bert Dunton nnd his youngest
brother were over f rom,the Drew
sey section the first of tins week.
They came over on buisness nnd
took back a piano. Bert informs
us that Dunton Bros, recently
disposed of 12f head of three
year old steers at $50 per head
and not an animal was cut out as
not coining up to the require
ments of the contract. This is n
ecord. They also sold 10 head
of dry cows for $115 per head.
Salisbury tho Jeweler has
moved his Jewelry Store over
in tho Hissner Building, for
merly known as tho Red Front
Barn. Look for the watch
1 section, (MO acres, level un
improved sage brush land in
Harney Valley, can bo subirrigat-
ed. 100 acre tract, fenced, good
l)mc,1 house deep well and otherwise
weeks . . , ,..A ' .. .. .
impiUVUU. 1UU ilUIUrt UUtl, Ullllll-
tirnwul. Prices made to suit in
tending settlers. No speculators
need apply. Inquire at this omce.
Butlcrick Patterns at Luna
burg, Dalton & Co.
Rough lumber $15.00 per M. at
Mill. IUIUN.S AllM.lNG Co.
Lost - A black silk parasol,
hemstitched around the edge
and has ebony handle. Finder
please return lo Airs. Pearl Fisk.
I Frank Colo's "Harold Wel
come" took second money in tho
2:25 pace at Salem this week.
Tho track was very muddy and
tho time made was slow.
J. M. HnfTcditss camo in from
Valle'V View Tuesday for some
medicine, his wife having receiv
ed injuries by falling from a
vehicle. It was not serious but
Uhitcu HrTwi IJNiiOmcK,
lluinn, Oigpiii, HqitemliorB, lull I
Ill III! II. O'l'KUII Will) oil Oct. 10, IW, Hll'l
.j... . 1 I.. II.I..I , If l Vn .IMtU
-"'.i 4i'i 1VIV. iiiiiiiii .riiKHiu. Ji " .... '".
Hrtl " or 71, nli'l lluiml llomi uti'iiil Kntry
No 0.OTH. fur I'.Ik M V . JO, KWJ mill WW
Hi: Bettlon VI, liiwiifhlii'X'i H.i Umiko 81 I; ,
WllUinctto ilerlillmi, linn flli'il iiotlc-u nl Inten
tion lo iiinko Kliml five yenr I'rnnf. to citahlluli
rlnlni to tlio Innil nhoru iHncrlbuil, kcloro tho
tla.ilalna Ktiil 1 1 j.jiit t If A lit lllirtlB iri.UJIl! flit
thu mij lUy of 0 loW-r lull.
I'lAllimCl UOtnCNHR WlllllMCB
II... If. ..Ins '1-l.nlnmi II lllif t ffltin Itiutrliir
JitM Itintvi) onion ii iv( iiv'i'ii(
(iruruu Yi . JfcMJdur, nil of litirnn, On-K'm,
V m. r A tin,
(liolnliil Trnrt I
JlMma, Oregon. Jlr Mil. I
Nntliulii hiTcliy plitn (lint, in illrcctcil hy
tin' Uotninlinlntirr nl tlm (Icnornl IjiihI Ollltf,
muter Ilia friivUloim of thu Act nl I'otmron
irro)i'i Juno '.7, 1901) (.It Clnli , R17.I iiunimnt
to 1111 MiiuirHiiuii oi Aiirmn t uit'innii, in
I'HtilliiM. (Jri.irim. Hrll Ko. (IVJAI. Vft vlll
ofli'r nl tiiiollo ntlo lo tho lilliit lilidlor, nt
luo'rtoi k ii, in., nit inu jhiii our " rvpicmniT,
1911, licit, tliu followliiKtmrt of Un.l.
v)(Nwj4. Ni'.'iNwji. '"i nUNk;j. Been?,
T in H II. A'.K.V. (
An)' mill nil .itron vUlmlni; oiliTolr tlio
nl.ovre ileicrlhoil Ituilmirs mlvUnl 10 fllvtlii-lr
cIrIihi or objection on or beforo llio tlmt
ik.lsnnttil fur ill).
Wm. Pinur Ili-nUter
Khamk Iiavkv, Kcctlior.
UKlTrti IrrATia Land Orricn,
liurm, OreKoii, Anitnit in, lull I
Nutlet! I licrcbx kIvcii tlmt Jona Miller
l.awion.of Ikmi'Ii, OrrKon, wn, on A pill !,
1810, inada lioiiiMtcml cntrr No. OUW. for
KUl:Ji Hcctlon '.i, TiihiiiIiIP 23 8, Itoliuti
,1 Km, WllUinctto Ui-rlilMi. Ima dlcil imllcti
of Intention to Mnal cninmutailon
I'riMif, to (ataUllali claim lotlio laml aliovodea
I'rlbcil, U'fote thu llciclitcr am) Iterelfei. at
llurin.Oiegoii.ou tho aitli ilay of bepVember
Olalmalil naineH ui wltneatca
Jnnviili I' llN'tor, of lllltni. OrCKon. I. If
Mrl'liitll. Iliirlianan, Oreiton Wllllnni II
Koliliiaaml A. H Haln,lwlli of l.nnrn, OreKn
U'M Kaiiiik. Itek'liter
UMTKIlbTATM I.ANI1 Ofrilt. (
IturllB. Urrlion, AUKUatll, lull. I
Nollrr la lictcl,)' null that Connie A Thnr
low, huu I'ct-iilllic aililrr la Huron. Ore
' .. I .1... u..... ....- ... ........ .. .11.. Ill
roll. 11 in. oil ill 11 ir'lll 111.7 ui imiuii. itfii. iiiw ...
tllla iifllloHwillll btatament mill Aiillralinu,
No.uraw, to inirihaae tho HWJ.hW'.Heellon I
ami hK.'.xh'j.M'Ulcm 2, lurtii.hhu.: , Kancv
T) K.. tlllainettt McriJImi. ittul Hi IlinUir
theroiiu. umter tlm i rovi'lnu of tin' aet of Juno
it. 1;h. iiihI acta uiuemialory. known aa thu
iliuoer ami .iionc, ai aueu inmo .
nilnlit Imi II i el hy aporaluK nent, ami that
Jiiliaunii, in auto niiiiiiimi, in.-' .in.t w
Imi.... llin.umi Ii.vii t.i.H .tn.rnl.iNl. ItiH I llii
l.creailuute.1 lui JI. boanl ln-X at II M .er M,
anil the lan.llljuw, thatrahl aillraut mil .....1 -.1. ...... ..I I.I. .IIiIIa.H.III
1IIJUI llu.l itnr ,i, .ui'i'ini ... iii , ,.... ......
ami aworn ataleiuetit on tho 30th day nl into
ber. lall, tielorv thu Keitliler ami Itci
llurna. OreKon.
Any neraou la at llhcilr to rrutt.t ihlntnr
chaae Ixifore entry, or lulllate a clinical al am
lime hefore iialentUauiab) llllnu a rurrolorn
Uil altMaWt In I Ilia i.tlltc, allciillit; ImIk
whli h will ilefeat thu entry.
Wm. Kariik, lleiilaler
ifi Xf ft
THE UP-BUILDING of this bank Is
due to the fact that we have ample
capital and that we have adhered to
a policy which lias been conserva
tive yet along progressive lines....
We offer to our customers modern facil
ities for the prompt and proper transac
tion of their financial affairs; ample vault
and safe room for slrong and safeguard
ing of their money, notes, insurance
poiicies and other valuable papers and
such liberality of treatment as is consis
tent with prudent banking.
Your account is cordially solicited.
Owned and controlled by home people
RESOURCES over - - '$400,000.00
CLEAN UP TIAIE is here. We have a good stock
of diHlnfectants for water sinks, cesspools, etc.,
the proper use of which will safeguard against
disease. Don't forget Ammonia when you clean house
ts . . , . . i i.
for removing grease anu stains irom woou worn. g
w . ...... Nm
Azoa will kill your mice and rats, and al) of their tq
The Welcome Pharmacy
I shall pass through this world
but once. Any good, therefore,
that I can do or any kindness
that 1 can show to any humnn
lininir lnl mn tin it. tinw. I.nt inn
Fred Randall has returned from not defer or neglect it, for I
Canada where ho went last Hhall not pass this wny again.
MnrMt TcVml lin.n linill ton lnntr A in rii-nrrnii T.ifn will no.
...... w... .w ........ 11 j'UIIWJ II. .X.J,w.. .-. -
in the big Harney Country to find cemplish: Great good for your
self in old age, or
Great good for
your family
to remain and tako chances on should you fail to reach old age.
the fortunes of the future
W. II. Howard was over from
his ranch near Drcwsoy yester
day on bus'ness. Ho received
injuries from a horse in July that
lui3 caused him somo troublo
over sinco but he is gradually im
nrovinc. Air. Howard may again
engage in the Bhoep business if
prices aro not too high this fall.
Somo thoughtless young men
took a mnchino from tho Archie
AlcGowan garago last Sunday
niirhtand went for a "joy rido"
and unfortunately ditched it in
the Hatiloy lano damaging tho
machino considerable. It has
been repaired and tho parties
owning it woro ablo to run it out
to tho railroad. It has been
rumored that thero were women
in tho "joy rido" party but it is
positively known this is not tho
case. Thero were only three
Don't defer or neglect it.
Do it now.
R. C. ngKlcston, Agent.
tSciiloil irouimila will liu rocolvtnl !y
tli.. Itnnril nl Kilni'iitlnn. iif HnriM. Oru.
KOti nt tho l'lmt Niitiunul Hunk of Until.
rlo, Oro., niitl at tho ollll-o of tlio Hcliool
clerk In lluriiH, Oronon, up until I p. in.
gupt 2!ltil, 11)11, for tlinraiiHlruutioii of
hii vlKHi roi rcnooi umiiiiiit; mo
utnricH iiml biiBuiniint.
I'Iiiiin mul HpcclllciillunH will lui on
llln ellh W U lliiulnii. tlnrlc nf llouril
of Kiliiunlioii, IluniH, Ori'Kiin, or mny lia
oiiimnuii iruin ino uiciiiivci, jiriiim
lilllolt, Ontiirlo, Orogoii, on tt dopaail of
J1D.00 to iimtito tlm ri'tiirnot plmiK A
cortllloil I'liet-k ol 00.00 nuiHt iicrouipn-
i iv uacli bid. rliooiict'o8til bMilur nuiHt
Klvu n bonil for (liu full mngiltit of tlio
contract prico In tlio National Hnroly
lit'iuini;, voiuiiminc mm piuminiiK
IiIiIh will lio HtMiuruto.
A cortlllinl cl
k cf MU0.00 intintnc
Will KiVO lOIIt BH
Hiu'cohnIiiI biililur
Tlm rlitlit Ih ri'oruil to mject miy anil
ull biiln.
Mailuil bills will bo uililrohHOtl to
Arthur Mlllott, A 'flit ,i'ro l'imt Nation
al Hunk, Ontiirlo, Oro,, or W. 15, lhuton,
clnrk lioiirilo(i'Mticutlon,lliirni,Orogon,
In tlio Circuit Court of tint Stnto of Oro
(jon, for llui County of Iliirncy.
KalloJ Winterr. rinlntlll, )
Innac Wlntvri), iiIhouU oilier
pcrKoimor purtioH nnkiioun
clulttiini; any rli;lil, title, i--tuto,
Hun, or inloroiit in tlio
rt'itl I'Minto .h'hcriln'il in tlio
conipliiint lii'rein, ilcd'inl-
aiitn, I
To Ibhuc WintorH, nleo nil otbor pcroons
or unrtli'n unknown clniin'nn any rutlit.
litlu. I'Slnte. Hen, or Inieru't In tho
ronl ostnto tlcscritiol in the coinpliiitit
heroin, Pefenilnnts:
In tho inimuof tho Slate of Oregon,
you mul ouch of j on oro lirruliy required
to aiinenr ami ivnur llnu-niniilftliit IUmI
RKititiKt you in tlio iliovi) cutitloil ull on
or before the Inst duv of tlio tituo nri -
rcrlbcil Ui tlm order of publlcalloii of
this nuinnioiiH, lewii: fin orbefonitlif
aixleentli tiny of October, lull, mid dule
being tho oxplrutliiu of lx ei'kn from
tho flmt publication of thin eiiininoni',
and If yon fail so to appear and au'wer,
for want tlmrmf, philiiliff will apply to
tho court for tho relief ilei.amlod in the
coinplnint, tewlt: for a decree divorcing
hor iibwlulelv fioin tho ilofondmit Imhc
Wliitum, and the care , cnatmly, and
control ol tho minor child of tho mar.
rUtfe,; mill forn decro.' iiKalunt nil of yon
ilnfonilantd iletenulnlni; all cjuliiiH of
yours adverni to tho plalutlff in and to
(huso oertuin iironilneM deserlbed in.
Lota 6 and n in block 21 In MorrUon'e
Addition to tho Town (now City) of
Hums, lluriivy County, Oreijon, and
tlmt It bu declared and udjndued that
you delendaiitB huvo no tulato or in
toret whntmor in or lo tho mid pre
iiiIsoh, and tlmt tho title i f ihoplnl ilill
la kooiI and vulld, nnd thnl ,ou nil ho
fure or enjoined and debarred from an
m'HIiik mi) claim whatoM'i' in or to xuid
iri'inlMi, ailvero lo the plaintiff, mid
for nodi other relief im to the court
hIiiiII Boetn meet and ncroeublo lo eiiilly.
TIiIb mimnions in publlnhed liy order
of Hon. Grant Thompson, Jtulijo ol'tho
County (Jourt of llurnoy County, Oro
Bon, uitulo mid or lered on thu 2nd day of
September, 11)11, and iho duto of tho
llrt publlculion hereof i Hopleinbei
2nd, 11)11.
ClIAH V. Uu.lrt,
Attorney for I'lolnlilV.
In order to get more room for my
stock of furniture I have decided
to close out my entire line of
China, Earthenware,
Positively at Cost
I have one of tho finest and most complete lines of this class
of ware in the city.
. .- 'ayv
in tf xfftimmm
Wholesale and Retail
Imported and Domestic
O. A- BEDELL, Bums, Oregon
Miss Stirling;
Room 7, Masonic Building.
Painting, Taper Hanging, Sien Writing
Estimates ptivon on nil classes of
such work.
Headquarters at French Hotel
No two people are alike and no two prescriptions .
aro alike That's why every prescription has to be
treated in a separate and distinct manher. You
Ket this individual treatment, moreover, you get
the consideration and carefulness that should al
ways be exercised where medicines are consumed
nnd where health is at stake.
Let us fill iour prescription, you will be served
exactlu right in every way.
The City Drug Store
REED BROS., Proprietors
, Hka,
400to10Q0 aliens Per Hour
riciaiy o filter When ever and Wherever You Want It
No troublcl No workl No pumping in the freezing
coldl Tho Farm Pump Encine will provide all the water
you need for the house, dairy, barn, teed lot, pasture
anywhere you want it. "
Works right outdoors In tero weather. Provides water nt the
rltrlit temperature no lco-imckeil tanks or bothersome tank
heaters. Costs less than n pood windmill. Does ten times as
much work. Saves two men's wage? every day it runs and neve
LTuraulos about long Hours or loalt ' on tno joo.
Attaches to Any Pump in E Minutes
Ample Power for Small Maohlrcry
Has pullry for runnlnp any hand or I xit
power maclilncry. Helps the womrn ( Iks
by turnliiR the cream separator and churn,
tlio wujlilmr machine nnd wringer, i to Kuns
the corn liellcr, nnnlng mill, Iced i"lll,
I'rlmlstone. Does most all tho dru ' iry
tliurei In halt mual time. AH rdy f wotk
-no itrat la buy. Comes on Its own base.
Ki foundations or platforms needid, l'our
nmnll bolls fasten it Uiiinv niinin. No belts.
khnfts, nrms, wnlklnK benma or nnchor lwls.
i:aslly moved anywhere on n vhtcli alrow.
Sco the Enfilno at Work
We have a Farm Pump Engine on exhibi
tion In our show rooms. It Is at work most
nil uny uowir mo iinu oi worn n "u . n"s ,uj.iMviuH
ua show yon tuwtul!. 1'Vrm J'uiiip will do your hardest winter work nt small cost.
W. T. SMITH, Agent
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