The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, September 16, 1911, Image 1

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    o 10 .?
; -
Klie 05rcnt fJnritcy Country
Covers an nroa of 0,428,00 at-'rot of
land, 4,034,061 acres yet vacant nbiect
to entry under tho public land lawn ol
tho United States.
Tho Olllcinl I'npor o( llanioy County
has tho largest circulation Mil la ono ot
ho beet mlvortleltiR nieilluma In Knstem
(Wil'liJr wJi
NO 44.
iram so Arranged as Not to Con-
Mict With Development Meet
Management Docs Best it .Can With Available
tnds Program for Tuesday Afternoon Left Out
itil Development League Officers arc Consulted.
contly purchased from tho Ore
gon & Western Colonization Com
pany. Five miles of new switches
will bo put down in tho yards.
Tho building of bunk-houses is
also to start within a week or so.
According to D. II. Asliton, con
struction engineer, tho bunk
houso will bo erected six miles
south of Vale, on tho Stacey
ranch, a silo convenient to every
part of tho valley and especially
to tho mouth of tho Malheur can
yon, a narrow pass, which will
require somo difllcull construc
tion work.
KFatr Association has tie-i In addition to this there will be
announcing a speed and some public speaking by promi
nent program for fair
order not to interfere
ao arrangements oi tlio
Imient league meetings.
kv late and still the matter
, come to such an undcr-
as to make a definite
-that is, have it come
advertised. Then, too. it
psire of the association to
entertainment it consid-
; most interest to those
from outside points dur-
opening days of the fair
lese gentlemen will be
nent grange werkers: also the
Association has set aside a sum
of money to go for prizes in con
tests which the grange will sug
gest. This sum will bo dovoted
to some amusement for tho far
mers, no doubt.
ogram has yet been ar-
tfor Tuesday as it is not
irhetherthe Leaguers de
er attraction for that day r;,i,in iw i,nv
S.. 1 . . 11 . I -' J '
uera ueiorc me tieiegai-
It uiawMiyn. """-i
there be occasion for a
at the fair grounds for
ernoon one will ue pro-
Half mile dash for Harney
county saddle horses, purse $25.
One mile trot 2 in 3 heats for
Harney county two-year-olds,
purse $150.
One mile Indian horso race,
purse $10.
Exhibition harness race to be
arranged later.
Three-eighths mile dash for
I ponies not over 14 1 hands high,
a under 15 years,
purse $15.
natter of having all ex-
Including livestock on the
i and in position Tuesday
Running race for winning saddle
horses, distance to be named by
the judges, purse $25.
Mile trot 3 minute class 2 in 3
heats, purso $150.
Half mile dash free for ull
strictly followed out, as I $125.
in the judging of live-1 The usual conditions govern
the races. No entrance fees are
charged in the saddle horse races.
They are to be strictly cow horso
races with buckaroo saddles and
bridles rode by buckaroos the
winning horse is barred from
following i aces and a special
race for these winners on the last
day of the fair. Pony race is
for boys and there will be no
entrance fee.
The grange has been granted
a concession to run a restaurant
on the grounds during the week
and owing to the large crowd ex
pected to be in Burns during the
week for the fair, Development
League and court, the Fair Asso
ciation has decided to grant camp
ing grounds free. This will per
mit those who desiro to bring
their tents and beddingand spend
the week on the grounds. Pre
program with the' cautions must be taken with camp
such other amuse-1 fires.
The Times-Herald believes this
to bo of particular intcrcrt to the
people in the country who can
bring their camp equipment as
it is possible the hotels and pri
vate homes will havo all they
can accommodate.
jst begin on that day in
'have the stock parade
lesday afternoon. This
for the benefit of distin
visifbrs from a distance
II desire particularly to
livestock. There may be
livestock parade later in
for the benefit of the
children who may not
J to see the Wednesday
parade this is not
Bsociation made i propo-
local base ball fans to
vo other Harney county
compete with Burns in
ics for a purse of $200.
rSagersof the local team
i matter up but without
;the necessary teams
; be secured. It therefore
upon the association to
lis at their disposal. It
remembered that the
lagement is under con-
expense and all this
tmet and the amusement
purses paid out of the
eipts and a few conces-
stands. With the at
limitcd it is no small
rrange lor this. There
improvements at the
ends this season an ad-
( the pavilion and contem-
lore stalls for livestock
st be taken care of as
A full report of tho viewers on
tho S. S. Williams road, same
was continued until next term.
Same action on report of W. S.
Lay tho road.
Report of former Road Master
Btfckley accepted.
Geo. W. Johnson road ordered
Road petitioned for by S. A.
Albcrson and others ordered
The petitions asking for a
bounty on rabbits were denied.
School Supt Hamilton was
granted permission to purchase
a typewriter for his office.
C. W. Culton & Co granted
a liquor license.
Justice Coleman .of , Virginia
precinct furnished a ''copy of
Lord's Oregon Laws.
Harris & Fitzgerald granted a
liquor license.
A. G. Shnfcr road ordered
John Farr given $50 to pay
transportation to Soldiers Home.
Reports of road masters Geo.
Dunsmore, Joe Clark, Lee Wilson
and Emory Hill accepted.
Supervisor ordered to view un-
Ifinished portion of Burns-Bend
road, estimate the cost and let
contract for its completion.
Report of Road Master Rouble
continued until next term.
C. R. Peterson road was re
ported upon unfavorable by view
ers. Viewers report on Urban-Williams
road accepted.
Supervisor ordered to move
fenco at J. E. Loggnn farm and
put road in condition for travel.
Contract mado with Drs. Mars-
den & Griflith for medical treat
ment of county poor.
Clerk ordered to advertise for
bids to keej) the county poor.
The following sums were placed
to tho credit of road districts for
werk: No 1, $1200; No. 3, $500;
No. 4, $300; No. 5, $300.
$500 set aside for tho work with
rock crusher under the supervi
sion of Wra. Weber.
Feed League Delegates on Hameg
County Products. Suggested
Tables Could be Supplied, Fit for Kings Without Going
Outside the Borders of Big Harney Country The
Daily Journal Says Hig Delegation from Portlnnd.
Wm. Hnnley left Thursday
afternoon for' Portland and just
before leaving called The-Times-Herald
by 'phone and said he
had letters from prominent out
side people who are coining to
the Development meeting and
fair who expressed the hope that
Burns could accomodate and feed
the multitude that was coming.
It was suggested that the local
hotels and homes where these
delegates are to be entertained
should give them strictly Harney,
county products on the menus.
This is one of the most unique
suggestions yet advanced to ad
vertise our products and we could
thus demonstrate the possibilities
of our section in a manner that
would impress our visitors. Har
ney county (lour for bread, vege
tables, fruits, meats, eggs, fish,
etc., could be supplied- oven
local liquid if desired.
The Portland Journal of recent
date has an article on trade ex
cursion programs of Portland
business men and in this article
speaks thus of the Burns meet
ing: The theme of tho excursion to
Burns, leaving Portland Septem
ber 30, for attendance upon tb
convention of tho Eastern Ore
gon Development league, October
2-3, will be different from all tho
journeys before mentioned. It is
not believed that Portland will
everloso'tho business of central
Oregon, but it is a conviction in
meeting tho development pro
gram for the next five years is to
be announced and the forces to
carry it out enlisted. It is also
said that it will he the occasion
foi ono of tho most important
gatherings of railroad men ever
held in the state, mid that mat
lei's of great transportation and
development importance will bo
definitely decided upon.
A. C. Callan presided over the
meeting yesterday, and there
were present, Carl It. Gray', Phil
S. Bates, Dwight Edwards, C.
H. Williams, A. F. Freeman, J.
L. Starrctt, .lames J. Sayer, W.
E. Coman, L. F. Weaver, D. O.
Lively, Marshall N. Dana," A. C.
Martin, Archibald Gray, W. P.
Jones D. O. Lively was appoint
ed to arrange for transportation;
W. E. Coman, sleeping accom
modations, Archibald Gray to see
that there shall be plenty to eat
enroute; Phil S. Bates to arrange
for printing and badges and C.
II. Williams to arrange for pub
licity. Portland Journal.
l-l .x-
JT The big combine harvester
unit has been operating at the
ilanley barley farm is one of the
interesting sights of the harvest
season in this vicinity. Four
men and 20 horses and mules
take the grain ns it stands in the
field and turn the threshed pro
the minds of far sighted citizens' (,uct ollt ' n manner that shows
that central Oregon must bo made
toproduco in accordance with the
soil strength through scientific
cultivation mingled with common
sense, with population added.
At tho Burns meeting ono of tho
most notable groups of railroad
men that ever assembled in Ore
the economy of such farm ma
chinery. Of courso such a piece
of mnchinery is not practical for
tho small grower, but with large
fields ripening evenly this ma
chine is a money saver.
Tho yield of barley on the farm
just mentioned has been very
ifollowing program has
ltlined for Wednesday,
Friday and Saturday.
bject to change to suit
keighths mile dash for
county saddle horses,
die trot or pace 2 in 3
ice for all, purse $175.
aping contest purso $50.
170 per cent first and 30
die Indian horso race,
Moro encouraging railroad news
has been received this week
and the work at Vale indicates
work in reality. Tho construc
tion now being prosecuted at Vale
is preliminary to tho start for
Harney valley, therefore it can
be only a short time until we
know whether construction is to
continue. A recent press dis-
s that may arise and a patch from Vale published in tho
muy be added for Tues-i Portland Telegram says:
thus make changes-m ' Railroad men invaded the Vale
gements of certain fea- territory the past week and overy
detail preliminary to starting
grading work on tho Oregon
Eastern out of this city into the
interior, is being completed. Tho
latest information received hero
yesterday from a construction
engineer of tho Oregon Short
Line, is that work is to begin at
once in tho local yurds on tho
erection of a $3000 two-story
building to be used as tho head
quarters and offices for the en
gineers of the construction crew
which is to build tho Oregon
Eastern railroad.
Work of filling tho local rail
road yards, laying 90-pound rails,
and extending the switching
facilities, is being rushed us fast
as possible. A special railroad
work train and largo gangs of
men arrived today. Another
gang of laborers is clearing the
right-of-way, west of town, ro-
mile dash for
saddle horses,
die 2 in 3 heats trot or
stallions, purso $100.
eighths milo dash free
burse $100.
g contest purse $40 to be
ro and 30 per cent.
J. L. D. Morrison, connected
with tho St. Paul office of the
Oregon-Western Colonization Co.,
arrived hero the foro part of this
week in company with Peter
Baumann, John Seedolf and Rev.
F. Mathias of Now Salem, N.
Dak. Tho gentlemen are look
ing for n location for a largo col
ony of thrifty German farmers.
Mr. Sccdoff is a (lour mill man
and is much interested in the
wheat grown hero which ho finds
of a superior quality. They aro
quite favorably impressed with
the Harney country and no doubt
will mako a favorablo report to
the people they ropresent. This
section needs just such men to
bring it to a higher state of de
velopment. North Dakota peo
ple havo had similar conditions
to contend with nnd havo an ad
vantage in that respect. Wo
should encourage and assist in
interesting them in our valley.
tron will ,1!rph ,i,,vnlnnm,.ni nf I satisfactory but not big. This
central Oreiron transnortation. 8CC,ns lo bo ll' cas ' many
Agricultural experts, shippers
and buyers will talk about cut
ting up tho great tracts of land
nnd placing thereon the small
home owner, who shall ho shown
how lo succeed right on his own
place by the exports of the Agri
cultural college. To tho Burns
meeting will go all tho way from
50 to 100 of Portland's leading
business men and dcvelopcment
cnthuscasts, and it promises to
be one of tho most significant
gatherings in the history of tho
Tho brick masons aro again
compelled to lay off on Tho Times-
Herald building for lack of lime.
It was found tho first of this
month that the local lime kiln
would bo shut down temporarily
to enlargo it and tho contractors
had tho promise by 'phono from
Rickcr-Glcen at Vnlo that thoy
would start GO barrels on Sept. 2.
Tho contractors considered it un
necessary to mako further in
quiry as that would bo sufficient
until other lime could bo secured
but Wednesday they called up
tho Vale houso to learn why tho
material had been delayed and
found it had never been started,
Always ready for job work, '
A train load of Portland busi
ness men will attend tho Central
Oregon Development leaguo con
vention in Burns, October 2 and
3. At a special committee meet
ing held in tho Commercial club
yesterday afternoon it was decid
ed that the party shall leavo
Portland tho morning of Satur
day, Septembor 30, going by
way of Redmond, Prineville and
Bend by rail, holding meetings
in each town, then proceeding by
auto to Burns. Returning tho
Portlanders will como out of
Central Oregon by way of Prairio
It is expected that the Burns
gathering will bo tho most im-
other fields. The crops are not
large but are an average and
snfiieiont to be handled with a
good profit.
Tho Times-Herald has not yet
been able to got tho yield of
many fields, therefore cannot
givo an estimate of the average
yield over this territory. In some
cases tho crops have turned out
better than expected, but in more
it has been disappointing falling
below what was expected, yet
sufficient to givo tho farmer a
good profit.
J. C. Foley's wheat has yielded
well, perhaps hotter than 50
bushels to the acre. A bushel of
wheat taken from the machine
weighed G4 lbs which shows the
superior quality of tho grain and
that it is a remnrkablo yield.
solution of winter strength for
spraying, which is (5-0-G0, or in
other words G lbs of lime, 0 lbs
of crudo sulphur and 50 gallons
water, well boiled nnd thoroughly
agitated. Strain and apply vurm.
Again spray with abovo as buds
begin to swell in spring, and by
these two sprayings all scale.
aphis, and other insect eggs with
which tho spray comt's in contact
will be practically destroyed for
the season.
The above spray hus been ap
proved by tho commissioner of
tho state board of Horticulture of
Oregon. But must bo properly
prepared. And applied at pro
per time to be effectual.
Having inquiries every week
as to what will destroy cabbage
lice, willsav: The cabbage louso
or aphis may be held in check or
destroyed by following sprays.
Dust with finely pulverized ocean
salt, or spray with pyrothrum in
the proportion of 1 oz lo'2 gal of
water covering all infected plants
with spray as often as aphis ap
pears. Adam George.
P. II. Browning, a promoter,
has been hero for several days
investigating tho oil prospects
nnd is favorably impressed with
what he has seen, lie is accom
panied by E. A. Cloves and they
feel quite certain of being able
to start operations in the imme
diate future should they find
sufficient encouragement from a
local source.
It would be a good thing to in
terest sufficient outside or other
cnpital to really prospect the pos
sibilities of oil and gas in the
vicinity of tho lakes. It has been
known for a long time that we
have gass there and with it de
veloped and put in such shape as
to be of service would do much
toward assisting the forward
movement of the Harney coun
try. '
Best canned corn $3.25 a case
Harriman Mercantile Co.
Burns, Oregon.
Hardware and Crockery
Guns and Ammunition
of all kinds
Get our prices before buying
Progressive Farmes - Feed
ground grain. W. A. Goodman
will stenm roll or grind your grain
at your granary. See him for
Four well equipped lines. Excellent facilities
for transportation of mail, express, passengers
Prairie City to Burns. Vale to Burns
Burns to Diamond Burns to Venator
E. B. WATERS, Agent.
-SS-5!LiJ -dfc-
j tmmmtnmmamjtntKujm.-itjnitmnc mnamrnttaBntttxtizaantuinuamati
Aiiuius fliuuwAW, President and Manager
Harney County Abstract Company
Modern and Complete Set of Indexes
An Abstract Copy of Ever' Instrument on Record in
Harney County.
i)l Or
All parties having ornamental,
shade or fruit trees on their pre
mises, or on places thoy may
havo rented, or havo charge of
will bo required within 1-1 days
of tho fall of thefoliago to prune,
or trim all trees requiring such
treatment and to burn all limbs,
brances and twigs so removed.
And to spray infected trees,
plants, and brush in such manner
as to covor overy portion, their
portnnt development congress I limbs, branches, twigs, and foli
ever held in tho state. At that nKO with lime-sulphur spraying
In tin) Cou n tv Court of tho Slain
eon (or 1 1 hi nt y County,
In tliu iimltor ol the last will am! Ivsln.
nionl nml i-Htuto William Altncnv,
llcCVUHl'll .
Nuticii in liuroliy nivcn Unit tlio lust
will ami U'Rlninciit ol Wililiiin Altiiuw,
ilcri-asoil, Iiah boon ihily nilmittotl to
piohutu by tlio nbovo ontltlt-tl court, anil
tliu umlcrnl;iH'l nnim-il In enlil will nt
uxveutors linvu Imoii ilnlv npoliitol uh
riiiali, na Mil appear from tho rcoonlri ot
null! court j
All pcrHoiii IiiivIhk oImIiiih ngniiiBt naiil
nutate, stio licioby ritulml lo precent
them, Willi tho proper vouchor, nlthin
six inotitliHoI tho iluto ol ilits notice, to
tho iitnlornIniiLil oxi cntorM, or cllhor ono
of them, lit tiiuir place of rc-Mence. i ear
t)rtHHpy, UrPKon, or nt tho ulTlcii of (i,
A. UonilmM, tluilr attorney, nt liuriix.
Dated bt IliiriiH, Oreuon, thin -4 r It tiny
of August 1811.
Wim.ii: J. Alt.nciv
N. A. DIBBLE, Propt.
Courteous treatment, rates reason
ableGive me a ca'l
A First Class Bar in Connection
B. Bashele, Proprietor
of all kinds
always ready
Your Patronage Solicited
$1500 Reward!
Tliiiiiri'Kim. ' 1
K'Tnluiuul NtHitit
1 1 t) slut I I line
llim w-ut lntuuiol
olil'li Uiu iimlor
mutii'ii U member,
IH Kilt) li.imo oo
rmvuril for tivl
ileum li'utliiu; to
tlio itrrt'nl am) can
vlillnitufiiuy par
ty or partly Meat
lug liornoa. rntllt.
or limit I nIoiiKtiiK
In any tl In uiciii
In A'tilltloii lo tho Hlmte, I lie miilt'ittgm'il
uflem tliu tamp I'tiiiilltluii t'lUMi) fur ull liortei
liramlvil luirio elunl tmr on belli orolllivr Jaw.
Ilramt rpcoriliol In elulit rieiiiili'n Unugo
lliirut))', I. nlu hiiiI CrtiV munllt'i. Horn',
iiuiitetl Wliuii i)lil.
Niuiu but Kroivu liumt'i mbl iiiul only lu
argu liunelivi,
W W. ilKOWN.riiMlmioii
i Corner Mp' and B Streets Locher Building
The Harney Va ley; Brewing Co.
Manufacturers o(
Family Trade Solicited -Free'Dellvcry
T. E. JE NKINSMana&er
AlantiKer and Salcantun,
Homestead Locations
A. A. I'liKRY,
Secretary und Notary I'ulillc
Itoprenoiitu Tlint Which la Ti etui! mill lUllalilo, uml llundlu HuccuHadilly ull Hortn ol Ileal Kutato liisluea. Wo aro
AkoiiU Tor tho Itollablo
Tulk Your Koul Kstuto Matters Ovor With Vt, Your lliialnoua Will Ht Strictly Conlliluiitlal, Wo Know Our llnni.
iiosi, Attend To Our llusltieaa nnd Want Your lluslncsa,
Rough and Dressed Lumber,
Rustic, Flooring, Moulding,
Finishing Lumber.
Nearest Sawmill to 'Burns. Good Road.
Lumber Yard in Burns,
Go To The White
Front Livery Stable
'Phone to Me for Your Doctor Calls.
R. J. McKINNON, Jr., Proprietor.