The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, September 02, 1911, Image 5

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    a n;
. Sr'I'TKMIlMl J,lll
inl News.
Ins In Scotch Tweeds
Rhcnr tlic wood saw
ember the 1st.
yes was up irom
at of this week.
Pure bred Jersey
:irs old. Inquiro at
BnbbidRC of the
church will preach
pee tne late arrivals
ids, shoes, ties, furn-
at HuRoy & ttich-
Harris is in from
take up his duties
of the public school
dressed lumber of
aw on nana ai tne
ps. saw Aim. Hough
per thousand.
l?fpil rntilrni(l vnaN
tan extended visit to
br, Mrs. Clias. .lohn-
ch Hotel under the
of Li. B. Culp has
reputation for real
Kood service.
piith and wifo are
their acation trip to
Springs. 'They ro-
the Times-Herald man
if huckleberries.
liens mill is the ttoar-
kums where all kinds
loth roiiijh and dress-
had. Near Canyon
him by 'phone for
of additional depositors' securi
ty was added by the Directors of
at their regular meeting on July 22ml
1911, at which time tho Surplus Fund
of the Bank was increased from
$50,000.00 to $55,000.00.
of the capital of this
bank is now reinforced by
of earned Surplus thus affording our
depositors an unusual degree of safety
CAPITAL : : : : $25,000.00
SURPLUS : : : : $55,000.00
United States Depositary
Oreyon State Depositary
Accounts Invited
Alteration f reo at Schonk Bros. ' Call on A. W. Gownn for laud
Wm. Catterson is in the city. ScrV-
cntDTCAif at tup niiQV Best canned corn .$;.2f
Of AH MJ"" .-. w
ce Adrian and utile
are up from their
6c south end ot uie
icy are guests at the
er parents. Mr. and
Hamilton and will
El after fair week.
Her and wife are again
lity visiting relatives
after a few weeks
Mt Vernon Springs.
;t to leave next week
trn laluornia points
into old Mexico to
ey and wile came up
pn last Monday and left
iorning for a visit to
ind friends in Iowa.
er the Northern Pacific
py of Spokane and will
krtion of the trip by
to Dubuque. Thoy
tent two months.
lie that has real merit
time become popular.
f is the case With Cham-
Bough Remedy has been
Iv many dealers. Here
iem. II. W. Hendrick-
Falls, Ind., writes:
rlain's Cough Remedy
for coughs, colds and
is my best seller. I1 or
Roy Bunyard was down from
the mill this week on business.
Winona wagons are tho best.
For sale by Hnrriman Mercantile
V. II. Hamilton is over from
Diamond hobnobbing with old
time friends.
School suits, the kind that
wear, at Schcnk Bros. Come
and sec them before school opens
i case
Hnrriman Mercantile Co. .
NounTo Mr. and Mrs. B. M.
Kelsay, Aug 111, a daughter.
Clean seed ryu at Boyer Bros.
& Co., Ontario, Oregon.
J. T. Garrett has moved his
family down from the mountain
ranch for the winter.
Cleaning and pressing for
ladies and gentlemen at Schonk
The Harney Saw Mill, R. L.
M Carter and son have opened a ' BHiivnru proprietor, now has on
fruit stand in the Hissner build- lmml a largo amount o rough
ing and will keep a supply of all ; ami drcflsccl lumber and can fill
kinds of fruit on hand. orders on short notice. A good
'road to the mill. Hurry orders
Mrs. W. L. Marsden is back Inay i,c 'phoned in.
-All 1. S-. 1
irom rusucaung at me rancii in, ... u ,, Rwnj,, Eminul
....kWV.' .".i-utv -. .-.., -- .
nnni vnllnv Fir HriiTirli lirirurinrr
iVlinfnvnpin tlin pnr Inst SlinilflV.
Miss Edith Witzell arrived here
last Wednesday to bo in readi
ness for the opening of high
school, she being one of the as
sistants. Bishop O'Reilloy and Rev.
Father Brady of Baker were hero
nt .. . ..... . ...
this week holding services in the
Catholic church. Thoy left for
Baker yesterday morning.
Fou Sale 125 tons hay and
8-10 acres pasture. 100 acres
timothy meadow balance bunch
Johnson, Lenore Sizemoro and
Nina Wiseman all expect to leave
tomorrow morning for school.
The three former to Mommouth,
Miss Wiseman will attend the
university at Eugene.
Automobiles to all parts of the
country day or night. Regular
auto stage to Prairie City. Phone
Burns Garage.
AitciliK McGowan, Prop.
C. II. Voegtly came homo yes
tcrdnv. He went out to join the
family last week to kike in the
circus at Baker. They all inten-
weck but
1 a 1 J
,noa pnm,; nf nmnnnn.ded returning IUSI
'"" u,"l"uv ' " "-""", . ., , , .., ,.
Box 88 Prairie oroKo ineir amo uuwu unu u-
family will await its repair
City, Ore.
Herog, the Tailor, is now
ready for business, in the Miller
building two doors north of the
C. A. Brittingham and family
are home from an extended visit
to Willamette Valley where they
French hotel. He wishes to i were accompanied by his mother,
hnvn the neonle of this section1 Mrs. A. Dunn. Mr. Brittingham
call and talk clothes with him.
He is an experienced cutter and
tailor and guarantees fair treatment.
has recovered his health and has
taken a position in the Hngey &
Richardson mercantilo storo dur
ing Mr. Hagey's absence.
en's Shirts, Values up to $2
Two Weeks Only85C CECll
is u special lot of Golf and Negligee Shirts that was placed on the count-
ind is becoming dusty. We don't want 'em spoiled; hence tins exception
low price. See Show Window and Center Tables.
luceel 20 Per Cent During the next Two Weeks
,Ie Begins Monday August 28
Schwartz-!. Schwartz
James Brandon and family are
over from Pine creek,
Best Hour (guarantee) $8.fi0
bbl. Ilarriman Mercantile Co.
Kemp Ilardisty was down from
Trout creek during the week.
Full lino of Lowncy'H fancy box
chocolates at E. B. Reed & Sons.
Win. Stewart and wife of On
tario were visiting friends in this
city this wcolc
J. J. Donegan and family ar
rived homo tho first of this week
from Portland.
Everything for every -body nt
the Lunaburg, Dalton & Co.
J)cparlmont Store.
J. L. Gault nnd wifo arrived
homo last night from a vacation
trip to outsido points.
Have your winter's wood up
so tho wood saw man can grind
and saw both at ono trip.
Alma Davis and wifo have
moved into ono of tho Fred Ra
cine cottages for the winter.
PAHTiuti: -Seven miles from
Burns. Both horses nnd cattle.
$2 per month. Mrs. E. E. Ows
ley. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Egli arrived
homo Monday evening from
Portland, coming in by way of
Miss Susie Smith rirrived in tho
Kelsay auto last night from Eu
gene to be in readiness for the
opening of school next Monday.
Reatos for sale, all and
lengths, price 20 cents per foot.
Any one desiring Ri)'uto3 address
V. A. Ford of J. O. Alberson,
Alberson. Oregon.
Geo. Hngoy and Frank Colev
left Tlnyseay by private convey
ance for the railroad onrouto to
Salem to attend the state fair
and otherracc meets. Mr. Cole's
pacer "Harold Welcome" is en
tered in some of the big stakes.
O. S. Preston of Cllcnlock come
in Thursday evening to bring
Miss McKenzio who is employed
to tench in our public school.
She has rented the residence
properly recently vacated by A.
M. Keisay and her sister will
keep houso with her.
J. W. McGowan and Frank
Swain have returned from their
short Vacation trip to Crane
creek and will resume work on
The Times-Herald building next
week, tho brick having been
burned and there will now be no
more delay in rushing it to com
Mrs. B. R. Porter arrived her
ist Saturday for a short visit
wiih her daughter, Mrs. Emmott
Reed. Tho family now reside at
Corvallis where their son is at
tenditur the Agricultural College.
Mr. Porter purchased tho Sol
King plnce there and has taken
The school board has had some
trouble in securing suitable teach
ers on account of resignations.
They have employed Miss Mali
McGoe in tho primary grades for
a short time nwaiting the ilrrival
of an experienced teacher whom
they have asked State Supt. Al
derman to send.
Few, if any, medicines, hnve
Jerry Dillon was in town yes
terday. Don't over look the big Clear
ance Hale now on at Schcnk
r T. J, Shields was over from
his Silver creek homo during the
Savo trouble and inconvenience
by taking Sunday dinner nt .tho
French Hotel.
Tho Bluo Mt. Eaulo renorts
that both prisoners who broke
jail over at Canyon City recently
have been captured.
lion. Frank Dnvov and wifo
arrived homo Wednesday from a
vacation visit spent with their
daughter in Baker county.
Foil Salk Ciikai' Ono gray
roan horso thrco-yenrs-old, brok
en; one black yearling filly. In
(ltiiro at Second Hand Store.
Tho last matinee races before
fair week will bo held tomorrow
nfternoon. Two harness races,
a Baddlo race nnd a match race
on tho program.
Mrs. M. V. Dodge will start a
small class in violin Sept. 1.
Arrangements can be made now
as to hours. Instruments furn
ished on application.
C W. Lewis and family aro
homo from thoir vacation trip to
Chowaucan and c-ther points and
Mr. Lewis has rcsiimcd bis posi
tion in the Fred Haines mercan
tile establishment.
Butlenck Patterns at Luna
burg, Dalton & Co.
Rough lumber $15.00 per M. at
Mill. RmiNH Co.
"I Jinnil f , H ami Will, mi 1
iiihiIii !! it HtwH.t Hilly No i
II Oill.fildN.V'l "I'lI'Mlll, IllMIII
at 10 , W IImiuiio Mil I'lluii, linn
Salisbury the Jeweler has
moved his Jewelry Store over
in the H issuer Building, for.
merly known as the Red Front
Barn. Look for the wntch
liiirna. (no , Juh tf, nil )
Nlfllll'lN lefidivuLcrilliul lulluniiu ll....bfll
ill llarnir. OiiKfiii whu. nil ntikl jg. KM,'
Jinn HcrUI Nu M II II I. K.I
llllail )iftlt n.if
Illli'lttlOll Id MiHklt lllirtl lUit frfr I f it. i'Uiiii ii. Hie IimiiI nlx.Ti'iliicilUil, li
foru tlio Ni'KKti'f mi. I It elver, i Hurl a
)rci(iin, mi the -I tli ily nl '.iuiii I,t 11)11.
CUIinmit imuii'i h wlliiri.n
NhiHhii r. HI. I. Hi., 1,1 lUrrlmmi, iirrxon.
oiililo Vlrlwift, ill 1 1 Hrni'y, iirt.ii, Ji'iri
I) I linn, nf llnriliimii. Ilipi,,ti ll.l.,,,i m It.,.. ..p
nl lUriii'f. Oii'gnii.
Um I'aiuik. llrgiHir.
IJNiiriihTiTr.nI.Amion'KK, (
liunm. Ori'Kini, Jul) 17, imo.l
Ni.tlcn Hl.urt'liy k! veil, that nn illrudld ,y
IlinCnininliitliiiior i( llmUniicrnl I.imil (Hlliu,
unilor Ilia ,riivlilaii nl tlio i t nf ('uimri'ti nil
lro'jo.t Juno 117, IV 1 (HI Hint., 617). immuiiiil In
llm mpilcollon ol l.niithoil H. Joiict, nl KkM.
Mri'Kim, Kerlnl Nn mm, wu will uller at i.nMlo
) In tho hlithi'H liliVcr. nt IDn'rluck t, in.,
iiiiihc lliliilnyol Hi',oir twr, lull, noitllio I..I
Iniilnu iincl nl Imi.l:
til!', HI-1 i Hit V7,'l .MH , It. -i K ,V. M,
Aiij kii.i ull ,fi.,ii ('inlnilim lulvvnalr the
alHiiii-ilinitlliiiil i ,i.k Hru hiIvu,i i nl tt,i.
clsllnn oruhji'i'llotniiii or brMru Iho llmuilo.
iKimtril lui lo
WM KAHlilt, Itcitlitcr.
Kiunk Invxv, ltcrlrer.
met with tho uniform success that
hasattonded the use of Chamber
lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrh
oca Remedy. The rcmarkablo
cures of colic and diarrhoea which
it has effected in almost every
neighborhood have given it a wido
reputation. For sale by all dealers.
Telephone messages from Pra
irie indicate thcie is some classy
ball playing going on over there.
The Burns team played IPrairio
Thursday and tho tally stood 3 to
4 in favor of Prairie. Our boys
held them to "gooso eggs" up to
the eighth inning. Yesterday
Prairie and Sumpter played nine
innings with but ono score in the
last for Sumpter. Burns plays
Sumpter this afternoon.
W. C. Byrd suffered a slight
Btroko ot paralysis yesterday
morning allecting his tongue.
It is not belivcd to be serious nnd
his physician is confident it will
wear oir in a short timo. His
vocal organs aro not affected but
ho isn't ablo to control his ton
gue to form words. '"Daddy"
says the only kick he has is that
Bill Jones, Henry Hamilton and
other "old croines" can now do
ull the talking and ho can't talk
Tho implicit confidenco that
many people have in Chamber
lain's Colic, Cholora and Diarrli
qca Remedy is founded on their
oxporienco in tho uso of that
remedy and their knowledge of
tho many rcmarkablo cures of
colic, diarrhoea and dysentery
that it has effected. For salo by
all dealers.
Tho undersigned will receive
bids up to 1 o'clock on Monday,
Sept. 11, 1911, for the clearingof
sago brush from GO acres on the
southwest quarter of section 23,
township 32 (Experiment Farm.)
Submit bids for clearing alone
also for clearing and plowing.
Burns, Oregon.
1 section, 0 10 acres, love un
improved sage brush lain! in
Harney Valley, can be subirrigat
od. WO acre tract, fenced, good
houso deep well and otherwise
improved. 100 acres tract unim
proved. Prices made to suit in
tending settlers. No speculators
need apply. Inquiro nt this ofllce.
If broad-minded business men
of wealth realize that life insur
ance is a sane and safe way to
make provision for the future,
if they recognize the fact that
other forms of wealth may be in
accessible at tho very moment
when they are most in need, it
behooves the rest of us to look to
our duty in this regard. Oregon
Life offer you the best contracts
of life and investment insurance.
You can hnvo no more than two
excuses for refusing to take in
surance. You haven't health or
you do not love your family.
Miss Stirling
Public Stenographer
Room 7, Masonic Building.
In tlio Circuit Court of tliu btfttu of Ore
gon, fur I lio County of Hariioy.
KuliuJ. Winter, I'lHliiliir, )
Iniiuc Wlnlerii, iiIhiiiiH other
purnouaor piutUm unknown
clittniliit; any riulit, title, en
Into, lion, or Intercut in tlio
rral ettlate ileiicrlbctl In tlio
coimilnlnt heroin, ilufontl-
BIltH, J
To Inane Winters, nlso ullotlior perrons
or imrtlcn unknown dulmlng any rlslit
title, estate, linn, or Interest In tlio
roM ontuto iloKcrllHKl In tlio complaint
liaroln, Defendants:
In tlio iinniu of tlio Stuto of Oregon,
you u nil ouch of jou lire horaliy required
to appear ami Himwerlliti complaint filed
ngaiimt you III tlio tliovo entitled t tilt on
or ticfuro the Inst duy of tliu time pre-
ncrtluil In tlio order of publication of
tliln miminoinr, tow It : On or before tka
Blxleentli tiny of October, 1011, enld ditto
bcliiK tlio expiration of nix weeku fiom
tlio flret publication of thin eiitnmone,
nnd If you fail no to appear nnd limner,
Kir want thereof, pluiullff will npply to
the court for the relief tlci.niulod In the
complaint, lowlt for decree ilUon-lng
her aluolulelv Tout the ilcfoudmit uuo
Wlntore, nnd the care , cuttody, and
control ol tho minor child of tho mur
rlae,o; mid for a decree naalnst nil of you
defendant)) doteriulnliii! all clnlniH of
yotiramUorto to tho plaintiff In mid to
thueo certain proinlncH dencrlbed at
I.otH 6 ami (I In block -1 In Morrinon'a
Addition to tho Town (now City) of
lluruo, Harney County, Oregon, nnd
Hint it bo declared mid uiljud;cd that
you defendants have no onlntu or in
toroat whatever In or lo the laid pro-
mine, nntl thai tho title of tho plaintiff
In kooiI mid iill(l, and that you nil bo
furevur onjolned and debarred from nn
evrtliiK niiy claim whatever In or to Bald
piomlMu, aiheruu to tho plaintiff, mid
for hiicIi other relief nn to tho court
shall xoeni ineotnnd auroeahU to equity,
Thin numinous publlnhod by order
of Hon, Grant Thompson, Juduo ol'tbo
County Court of Harney County, Ore.
(jon, iiiado nnd entered on the 2nd day of
September, 1011, and tho date of tho
flret publication liorcof Is Boptomber
2ud, 1UU.
ClIAH, W. 1CU.1H,
Attornoy for Plaintiff.
lltirni, Orritun, Auniitta, 1911.
Notice In hereby given llmt ('. iU-orr.
nl lltirni, (In-xiiii, Him, dm Iit'iomlivr 80, Iviu
inmle llomculiinl miry No, Uioiil, lor NKli
fi-ttlon w, 'loifiiihli if, H , lUntiu SI K., Wll
Inmuttii HfllilUn, hnl IIIimI iiuIicx of Inletitlnii
to nmkn Klnnl ('iiinmiilntl.ili 1'riMiI, to n
UMIli rlnlm lo tliu Unit nliovo ileirrlfwil, lio
Inru llm lli'slitrr mi.l Itccelrvr. nt lliinia, Uie
nun, on tin. isiti ilny ol Ho.ti'ml,cr, lull
Claimant liaiiu-a wltnraacn-
Nailianldl llmmy.ol I.iinia, (Hriioii. llt'iiry
1)., i:li, V. Ulc.l, llru Itiiilt-r, nil of
liiirna, Urcciili.
Wm. Kaiikk. Itfslatcr.
(tiolntuil Tract 1
rUlll,10 1,ANP8Al,i:.
lintm, nrcKon, Juijras, ivii.I
Notice la licrt'by kIvcii Hint, na dlri-ctdl lijr
tlio Coiiiralliloijcr ui tltn (Jvncrnl I.nJ Olllco,
uiuler I ho pruvlilona of ttinAitof (,'ongrcia
npi'nua.l June 27, l'.HM 134 HUH , A7, .uiiimtit
to Hie apiillcntlon ol Adrian T, Coleman, nt
l'aullna. Ort'ion. HerUI Nn. Kii. w 'till
ofTorat l.nullr sale to the hlirhcit bidder, al
10 o'clock in., on tlio 1Mb day of September,
ivit, licit, the rollOHliiK tract of land
W'iNWl,. Nr.'NV,W,ndNV,liNKK. fen 17,
Till II. SK.V.if '
Any and all (.erauii claiming; a.hi-rxjly tlio
bovco dcacrlbcil landa are a.lun-l to flic tlielr
elulnn n r iibjerlloua on or lfore tliu tliu'
deilirnated tor aile
Uu. Paiiiih. Itrmtter
Fkank luvrv, Itcrelter
tlMITKD STATIji I.Atl OW1 r, (
Ilutna, Orciton, Annul 10, lull I
Notice la hereby nhen that Jmin Miller
Ijiuraon. of Inwrii, (licton, nho.on ,ril2,
lull), inado lioiui-ati-ad entry No 01141, tnt
Mil-:), Kx-ttuii .11, Toniithlii a a, Itante
8 Kni, WlllaniFlie Merl.laii liaa filed notice
of Inli-iillon to make ( oininiiinilmi
I'rixil, .ittnblili claim lnlli,- Un.l Uiti-Ic-etlbvd,
before Ihe lleiilatur 'id Krielvei, hi
liuiua.ureKoii on the i.lli day 01 hrtiivinlii-r
( lalmaut nnmea ni wllnfatea
Jai',h I' Iti-eiur, of Huron, Oreiion I. II
Mcl'hnll, llnctiannn. Oreiiuii WI1IU.11 II
JtoblnaaiidA H Hivaln.botii of l.n.-n, liieuon
W ft I'AliRf, Iteittaier
UMTkliHTATij, I.AMiUrrlrr. 1
llurni, UrvKon, Auguat II, PH. I
Nottrolt hereby ntveu thai Oeortt A Thur
low, whoao Hit(-ufnc ail, I rem la itnrn lire
nii.dld, on thv.tli day of Match. 1 I tlio In
Ihla ofnee Hwom Utatetnenl and .illi'atlnn,
.So.lW(, ti,urcliaolho HW'SW1,, Hcttlou 1
and hK'iSKi, Hectlon t. Towoalilti .. H , limine
Si K.. Willamette Meridlnn, uml Hi. timber
thereon, under llnjrovlliii of tho ar-t nt Juno
a, InTti, uud aria auundntor kuown an iho
"Timber and Stone Law," at audi nluc na
nilliht Ikj ilxed by aMiralimcnt, nod Hint,
tuirauaiit to audi .ll ntlou. tho Innd aid
tttuber thereon have lcen nliprnUed. the llm
bereallmnlcd loo M board fret at II -iO per M,
and the land l.i!u, thutaald applicant will
oiler dual proof lu tupporlof hit appllcatluu
and awurn alatimenton I lie .tuth iln of noto
ur, lull, before Ihe lU-KMer and Iterdrer, at
llurtir, dnxon.
Anypi'riou la at liberty to protcat Ihla tir
chaao before eulry, or lultiale conical at ml
time before patent lam a b II II iik aeorrnlore
Ud atridnvlt In thla otllie, b1I kIiir facts
Mhlrh ullldcfeatthe I'lilr)
Wu. r'AKiit, HctUicr
Wo, the undernlgned legal voters of
l.ako l'reclnct, Harney County, Statu of
Oregon, respectfully petition Iho Hon.
County Court of Harney County, State
of Oregon, to Kraut it l.tfento to Harris
A I'itruorahl to noil Spirituouti, .Mall and
VIiiouh I.lipiorH lu 1ii?b (piantitled than
one K'uhon in l.ako l'reclnct Harney
County, Htatn of Oregon, for the period
of I inoiithf, nn in duty bound m will
oer pray.
To the Women.
We appreciate the patronage of the
Their business with us is already
large and stebdily increasing.
If you are not now one of our custom
ers, please consider this an invitation
to become one.
Youq account, large or small, check
ing or saving, is welcome, and we as
sure you of the very best treatment
over $400,000.00
CLEAN UP TIME is here. We have a good stock
of disinfectants for water sinks, cesspools, etc.,
the proper uso of which will safeguard against
disease. Don't forget Ammonia when you clean house ?
for removing grease and stains from wood work.
Azoa will kill your mice and rats, and all of their t5
Tiie "Welcome Pharmacy
Kred A. Hurra 11
II. Hoist
(loo. J. Hall
I. T. WhitHon
J. Ileru
It. A. Hunilern
Ileiideraou lilliott
J. Ii. (irnvcti
Walter Hurmcr
J. W. Ilrown
J. II. Wltzol
Frank Smith
Walter K. llrltiKlo
Cho. Wald
John llonn
Win, Dunn
Jem Woodcock
A MoKoniio
O. W. Cockllu
J. II. Drummer
Turn Douglas
Chimin Hi'liui;
O. V. Heed
Fiaiik Whllu
I' II. I.ueilor
irt Diuinlnn
M..I. Nneh
II. CrnlRhttin
A lVtornon
(leo. Hico
W. lluunJr
A, Ciravea
Joo Corloy
John ItoberUon
T, llounhaw
Notice la hereby
Clifford Rrotubeck
I'. Kruee
C. A, llalnes
W. Ii. Sullivan
(leo. W. Oawllleld
II. 11 Klllott
A. V. Mel ntiHland
I). S. (IriiM'a
I'rcd llarnior
Wllllnm Duucati
K T. Haley
Kriink H. llron
Ceo. W. .SimmoiiH
A. Spongier
Wm. Wald
W. K. Collin
Kd ward Anilureon
Hldnry Comouya
Jamoij Ituthcrford
.Martin Tandy
A I'arnHuinili
W. It Joiioh
lliiddon Klllott
Tout I hum
A. Ii, Jones
J. 11, II 11 Bern
I'rnnk Dunn
li. C DunnitiK
S. .1, Midwinter
N. C.'iynch
Will Now ton
A. Mnrehali
('. S. Dunn
.1. Hotidortum
11 Tone
given Hint 11 arris A
In order to get more room for my
stock of furniture I have decided
to close out my entire line of
Chum, Earthenware,
Positively at Cost
I have one of the finest and most complete lines of this class
of ware in the city.
Kittiiornld, nppllcdiitH lor tho nbovo
liquor licence will apply to Ihe nbovo
named court for audi, licuntie on tho llth
day of September lull, ar t'io court
houne, IluriiM, Oregon.
Dated thin Ith day of Aupiat lull.
ll.uiiiin &, Fnziii.iai ii,
rninllng, Paper llaugiag, SJirn Writing
Estimates given on nil classes of
eucli work.
Ilendqunrtera at French Hotel
'VV-k'vVt'V'taV. ,-.',-.-,
No two people are alike nnd no two prescriptions
aro nlike That's why every prescription has to be
treated in n separate nnd distinct manner. You
get this individual treatment, moreover, you get
the consideration and carefulness that should al
ways be exercised where medicines are consumed
and where health is at stake.
Let us fill your prescription, you will be served
exact lu right in every way.
Tiie City Drug Store
REED BROS., Proprietors
4Vfe,-.atV-W'4fc'.Vb'V'V'V'VW'' t WV,-
48Oto10O0iis Per Hour
-lenty of ftaier Whenever and Wherever You Want It
No troublel No work! No pumping in the freezing
coldl The Farm Pump Engine will provide nil the water
you need for the house, dairy, barn, feed lot, pasture
anywnero you want it.
Workt right outdoors lu lero weather. Provides water nt the I
rlfht temperature no Ice-packed tanks or bothersome tank
heaters. Costs less thnn n pood w admlll. Does ten times ns
much work. Saves two men's wajr every day It runs nnd never J
jrru m uics nuout long notirs or toau" on the job.
Attaches to Any Pump In E Minutes
Ample Power for Small Machlrr.ry
llm pulley (or running any hand or toot
power machinery. Helps tlio women dlks
by turning tlio cream separator and c'uirn,
tins washing machine nrn wrinRer, etc. I uus
the cum kliolluf, fannti J mill, feci! mill,
grindstone Does mtut all tlio drudgery
chnrca In half ucual time All teaJy foi woifc
-nn tmti to buy. Cl '110 J 09 ItH own llllSO.
Uo fuiiiiUatlons or plan. Tins nceilul. l'our
small bulls fasten It to any pump. No belt,
shaftn, arum, walklucbcnma or anchor pi bis.
Uaslly nio eil nnywri ro ti n lueloarrow.
Soo the Kiislno at Work
Wo have a Farm Pump Engine on exhibi
tion In our show rooms. It Is at work most
all il.iv tlointr the kind of work that Is most
tiresome totnoiarmer, nriiigln the imiiIIv utul let "
lis luow 5 ou how thla I'urm 1'uicp l.uiuo will do your hardest winter work at small cost
m n
3rT M "O
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Hr m -
IA mu.
P yllmr flslSiu ft Bv
TUta4 tmV . A Jm Ift.'OkV
. W - MWl fU M.,
W. T. SMITH, Agent