jilBJMLBlaJWiUWi'iiuii'i-U' . i OREOON WILL EXHIBIT. Concluded from page 1 NOTICD OP APPOINTMDNTOP UMJCUTOKS. tho atato oxhibit on reaHon ftblo tonus, but ifc is tho lo eiro of tho longuo oHlccrs for tins Btivtc that tlio uosr pos siblo oxhibit bo inailo in tho name of tho statu that ns it is from mich an exhibit that results aro to bo ob taiuen. Tho eovon Htatos which nro to bo thus ropresontcd are Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, North and South Dakota and Minnesota. No other statos will have exhi bits and Canadian exhibits will bo barred, tho whole idea of tho show being "an expo sition by the eovon states for tho benoflt of the sovou sta tes alone." Oregon ollleers of tho Lon guo aro C. C. Chapman of Portland aud William Hun ley of Burns. Inquiries a bout tho Oregon exhibit bo address to diem while in formation about tho show and spaco therein should bo addressed to Will A Camp boll, St. Paul, Minn. Buy it now. Now is the time to buy a bottle of Chaniberlinii's Colic, Cholera and Diarroea Rem edy. It is almost certain to be needed belore tho summer is over. This remedy hns on sup erior. For sale by nil good Dealers. In tlioOouuty Court of tlio Hlnltitif On- rod fur I! At noy Comity. In tlio mutter of the lut will anil U'Mii- inuntnml ccUto of William Altnow, ilocciminl. Nollro Is ln-ruby given lliat tlio 1M will and tcHtninont of U'lllliun Altnow, ik-consoil, linri boon tl til y mliultti-il to protmto by tho uliovo onlUlotl court, mid tlio utidorliivd nitim-d In priM will us uxocutora Imrti boon duly npnolntod iih stioli, im will nppcnr frnni Iho n-conlH of -mid court; All portona hnvliiK rlnlnin PKiUiist euM I'stnlo nro hcrrby rt (ill rod to proKont thorn, ivlth tlio pioprr vouchors, within nix montliHof'tho ditto of thin nntk-o. ! tho undorHlKiicdoxt'ctilorM, or olllior ono of them, nl tliolr plnco of rcaliloiit-o lu-nr DrowBoy, Oregon, or nt tho olllco of 11. A. Hombold, tholr nttoniy, nt llnriin. Ori'Kon. Diitod nt HiiriiH, Oregon, thlH llli tiny of Aiigiintl8ll. At.llKIIT AliTNOW WlU.IN.t. AliTNOW Kxi-nilorn. Clay Clemens mill is tho near oat ono to IJurns whero all kinds oT lumber both rough and drens cd can ho had. Near Canyon road. Call him by 'phono for quick orders. siiHim-i-'ssAi.i-:. NOTICE FOR I'UHMCATION. I'amii Stith Land Oh ilk. Hum, Urrgou, August , l'JIl Natter ! lierebr livcu that I'hlllp U. Smith, on and heir at law o( Eraattis 1'. tonlili, di erased, of Hums, Oregon, who on ScMvmbvr 4, 1900. made Insert Land KnUT No. Mr.'. Ht-riai No.u7,(or K)n '4 and V, USKJf, M-c. Ji.Town shlp'-M, south, Kannii 2-J Kast., tolllamtiiu Mit tdlan, haa filed notice o( intention to make Final I'rool. to establish olalm to tlm laud above described, beforo Ilia ttCKinter and He. reiver at Uurns, Oregon, on the utith dr ot September 1911. Claimant names ai witnesses Beth S. Smith. Win CI. Ilardwell. llussell K. Srattli. all ot llurns, Oregon Harry Uohlen, ot Narrowt. Oreaon. Wv. Kaksk. Itexlttor, lly ordor of nn iittiu-him-iit uxvrtitiou mid ordor of nolo duly Ihciii-iI by tho Ulork of tho County Court of tho County of Unrnoy. Stnlo of Orogon, dated tho 27lli day of July, 1011, In a cortnin (lo tion in iho County Court of wild County and State, u heroin It. It. 1'oit iih plain till, rvroiorwl Jit 'g'nuiit iigiiiiift tho Unrnoy Vidloy Oil and flan Company, a oorporatlon, for tho Hum of Thrco linn drod Nliioty-sovon nud IKMOO ttf'JMHK Dollars, and costs nml dlnlnirpeiia-iitH tnxod HtTon,(tlO,00) Dcllaraon tho 111 li day of Juno, Mill, and coiiininiuliug mo to roll lotH 1'lvu (6), Sir (t),Houn (7), mid Klglit (S), In Dlnok Ono (1) In tlio town of Nnrrona, Unrnoy Countvi Oro- 11011 NOTI0I-: IS linUKItY 01 VKN that I ill on tho Slid day of Soptombor, Hill, at 1! o'clock In tho alloc noon of n-iltl ilay, hi-ll at public auction to Iho liljjlu-nt hiddur for mull all of tho abovo ilivcrili cl real properly, raid property bolnj; tho property nt'aclioil In tlio Haiti action, or no much thereof uh may Iki uecciary to ratiefy Bidd judgment lo fnxor of II, It. l'ost and itgnitisl tlio Harney Valley Oil and (Jiih Company, a corporation, together uitb IntereslH nml iosIh and nil a ecru I nt; coils thereon . A. K. Hi('ilAiii)oN, Slieriff. I'atod at IturtiK, HiIh 'JSlh day of July 1011. MOTE'S CANDY STOKE Ilfii! just received n fri.-li lot of CANUlliS, CIGARS, TOBACCO Now and Iumdsoniu Post CardH, Slationery, Ink, Pens, Pencils, Novelties. A SPECIALTY OP IIOX CANDY EX NA Fine assort nient or everything II. . MOTE, Hums, Oregon Juit ronovod Wntorproof ntraw-hats in tho latent Hluipes and styles at Scljenk Hros. Cuts and ImiUc.s may ho lienl otl in about ono-lhird tho tlmo required by tho usual treatment by npplyinjr Chaiuberlaiirs Lini ment. It is an anlisoptic and causes such injurius to heal with out maturation. This liniment also relievos soreness of tho mus cles and rhoumalic pains. For salo by all wood Dealers. NI:V auimiNti PROPOSITION Wo have arratiKod to offer in connection with this paper, tho now monthly farm mairazino just J started at Lincoln, Nebraska, by I Prof. II. orKlcMMHllKOTonY aTAIK- tllUOON li H Hrimtora Jonathan llolirim Jr. I loo, '.. t hninlxrlaln (W ItKllln I t W llawloy A. M.Crawfonl . ()M,iM, en K W lioniuii T.ll.Kav . l, it. Aliluriaan V H liiinlwar It.ibl Kakln T. A. Uallrlito 'Jooii liuriiult It. H, Mean. '.,. Moore MINfJf JIHUlIlAI, lllHriltOT. cenM-ii!ii Allornoy (Icnoral . . iinturiiiT -i. grt'ronry "I Hlalo Hiipt. riil'l.'n jnHnirttoii Biiito rdnter tHipminli Jliilnca. ,. . IHnlritlAtljiriior- . Daltoii 'Km J W ' llct'illoih , V u iiiiiiatil ct,ur jnt Aty Clroult ('unit woU Ihu lint tlomlay. In Ai-rll nn-1 'Irtt tlonilay In October. Joint Ritnalor J(llMl-IU-rll-NlllVO . (I W l-.nlil, . V II liriioke UOUNTr HAIirtKVI W. Campbell and dovot- ti it; i i ii ,j i ,ed to tho subject of how to farm The Washington Rcsfaurant;,,, tho(lry country nn(, howlo All TOY, I'roprlclor Fry brick liuilJin-, Post Office block Tho bill of faro includes every thing the market alfords. Short orders a specialty, llread for sale. Give him a call. A get best results from soil tillage under normal conditions. Thiu Paper is Campbell's Scientific Farmer and wo offor it clubbed with Tho Timofi-Tornld both for $2.r0per year cash. Prof. Camp ! bells' now paper is a monthly, chock full ot good things, the only paper of itu kind in the world, and it embodies tho re- Cmiitty.tiilKn It-r rmauri-r iifVtfinr Hliurlil. Ann'Mor, .. ... Hchiiel 8iinlitonili!iit ('iiriinyr . tm UllI'MMnr thiuiiiilmliinoia. . (Iratit 'Ihoiniiiioii U, II. wileri Hliiimi l,(i wli K. i. Blinfer A. K. Itlrharilami .'. 1. Kuni-Kaii I. SI llainlltun J Wdoury Juhti Ituliljiarui l. I', iylveaier Ml. A Hinrlli t.-ittltijrt!oiiti mnli (hi, (tint Wtilmtifar III antiarjr, Alatrli. Mny, July, Ht-i.tntnbor ami N,iv'njr. HAiiNitr , ". i.anii iirriem iti-uiiilor Kifelrr Win Kami Wan- liarcy (ITH.-llURKa- Matiir. tiiiriior, tl. TriMi'iiM 'Htllini, 00 YEAnO EXPcnicNcn NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. l'MTaD .STATES I.AM, orncR, ( llurnt, Orrgon, August H, I'll. I Kotlrela hereby ien that (Iftirirt A Tlnir low, whoae poit-offlro adilrpsa U lluroa, r ion, did, on thosothday ot Match, mil, Die in inil oince bvora stturaoot aud Aiiiillollon, ,'4, occi 2JH, I tho tl actor own ai -h vah might be llxcd by appralieuvrnt, and that. ho.OM, topurchatothe 8W)-Wi, Section t ana fcEJiSEJi. taction t, Townihln n H , It, nee 29 .. UllUmcttc Meridian, and tho timber thereon, under tho provision of the act or Juno 3,1878, and acta amendatory, known a the luiucr anu mono hit, at ancn vaitie aa pennant to auch application, tho laml and timber thereon harobeen ippralted, the Urn- oareiiimaiea icoii. boara jeol at ii.ii"nr m, and the land JlMOuj ihatul.l applicant will ouvruuai pruuj in support or ma application and aworn statement on the 30th day of Octn bar, ltll, before Iho ItegUter and llccflver, at tmrns. wregon. Any person Is at liberty to protest this pur chase before entry, or Initiate a contest atany lime before patent Issues by nilnic a corrolora ted affidaTlt In this office, allrglnc facts which will defeat the entry. U'M. Fakkk, KeitlBtcr. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of tlm State of Ore gon for tho County of Hurnty. E. E. Miller, Plaintiff, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Umtko tfrAtr Lanii orncr, I Hums, Om-ko'i, Aiijuit ta, 1911 I Notice Is herrtiv i.,v,-li I hat Joim LIOIup l.awion.ol (jtweii, On-gun. win-, on Vnril if. IU10, made homcstrail entry No mtJtl, for r.'ir.'i Motion Hi, Tuwnsiilli a H, Itanire Kast, Willamette Mvrldau, has ltk-1 nntlie f Intt-ntlon to mskc Klnat t'liminiilailoii proof t olatillsh claim to tho laml alHirv dea crlteil, before the llcirlster anil Itocelvar, at lliiriis.Uri-Kon.on the VUh day of epti-inlT i lalmant nainiia as wltnrsaea Joseph I' UiKMor, of Hums, Oiecuii. I. If Mcl-hall, lluchanau, (Ireirou William II llnhlns and A, S Hwalii.lnitli of tjiwen, (rrt,'n Wh Kahnk. Ileglater NOTICK VOW I'UUI.IOATION. (Iiolati-d Tract 1 'UIIMCI.A.VIiHAI.K. tlMTII. SrTW I.ANI, (iitui; I Hums, tlregon, July . l'JIl. I Notice la hcrehv L-tven thai .ItrM i.v the t ommlsiloncr ut the (,eni-ral Land Ofllce, under the provisions cf tho Art of t'onurc-ii spprovol June ,IVOi tl flats ,M7, pursuant In the application ot Adrian T. t'oivmaii, of Paulina, Ort-goii, Serial So. or.IM, we -till oiR-rat public sain to the highest bidder, at 10 o i-loolt a. in., on the IMh day of HeptemU-r, 1911, next, tho followiiiK tract of land. WJiNWJJ. NK'i NWI4, and NW tNi:j4. (Ve M, T Id ri U, aK ,V. i! . AnyandalliKirsoii clalinlnK adrly tlio akoreo dcacrltxid lands are advised to lllu their claims or objections on or before the llmr designated for sale. W. Kakiik. ltRlsler Kkank IiAVitr, Uecelver. suits of tho editor's many years E-crv woman .nnyi.Jtbo hand- ('1 ims aKinjr mves ugauon 01 ioitic, but ovtry woman eliotid Iho oil tillage proposition. kep with care llto good poind rrrr: ' -' -' turo !m uiven hor. No wonif ,t need have tMtllow slctn, dull ey , bloKhy coiuplrxion, wh pn nropct' attention to her hcnllb. blood imptirittec nntl other irrpipilnritioa exist, good complex 'on, bright oyoa and ipriglitly itK.venieiiUcrnir.ot exi.l. inlernnl r-iac.ijciiwn's rL-.nl tliem'.Wa aoor r Inliir on tlm liiiifnec. Ilcudnclir, ilai ' in, 3 nrm i.il (lie cyot, aallcw akin, a t 4.ini tirail frcllnsj -iitenn that tho liv intl tlijrativn atajsma are netHl:nff Imi'l, t -orr.-nion. Clif.r. iierUtn'a Slomncli wiNvr Tnblrl- i,- tliia ieess.irjr b'', nay ,1. i , ,t-tu 's r-ti v,ay, 1 hay do , .ntrtvl- 1' ' tMHvlat i Iimhi wp lh llr atensa, k r.itlltl tHci, m i--r fttnclH. I'-SEm ''ipp' W.(!l.-vt.iii(cr ,r. I, liamiaii J.C Wi-lioine Jr, ..It. I.. Ilalm-e W, t; while A, (;, Welcome iJ-mitB IIRTFy lleo, Voung Mci-inim of tho t'oiindl ctcry Kecoiid and Kniitili Wfilnisdny. 'olIIHllllltOH Sum pier Valley Railway Co. I'IMi: TAIH.I-: NO. Ill) IN junk ii, mm. KI'KHOT TnxDC MAnrta DttiaNS CopvniQHTti Ac. Anroua sonctlng a sVM li and ,trrrlptl;il mr nu ,-fclf at orthln oof oplnlitn free whelher all lllTaiulim is ppitial-lr It -IciilaMo. olitmunlra, tliiMtairirtlyoinilitauiial llandbtiflliiMi PtMls rnl Ir,o ill,1 at a, n, 1 1 iraeiiirtwr patents. 1-nliitils i(kon Oir uvtt MlHin A to. fL-crlro lrl.Mn.(l.', without tltarve. III the scientific iimencan. : i r stM1 (SnJ(. ft, ihsHV fcal ttlsftt sfjsja LuflHv t fl 'lmt itn y trnvf Itiwn pillrliw. I iiomb-r)Ai t I Allf 1 CH IM' riJ UftO 14 N-tlr UM f)ultt(HMt 'tlpllwO Ultsl tl.l inrvlu , t iimtapn.anMl lll I'n. t 4 tcinti. A littmlionjelf II' (ulrilM wrrVlf. jftt fir mUtlon i( mif fltitiOft KiriittL 1irm. 11 a -nrt ftrnff TttJ.Mi. IL HulJ limit ttt1sMitrr. iflUNNno."'"r';.NBW1Yc:!f 8Mi', liraiwli ' a- me V Ft. Waahliwiun. I. u Haunky Vai.lky Hkevvkry -Saloon JENKINS & KAISER, Proprietors WINES, LIftUOES AND CIGAKS Best and most popular brands LOCAIi BEER ON TAP Courteous and obliging bar tenders CH AS. KAISER, IVatifr- - Burns, Oregon Nt-M I to u tot V 1 !'.- l 3U I.v ::to " "fix ' 0:t) " 10 o; " 1017 " 10-88 " I0.J " iu:3u " io tor, " tl:10" 11:15" 11:10" NOON 12:00 ' 1'. M. MM IStlU " 1 :lt) Ar u, in. Nu. ' linker Oil) Simth I'.iikir' rfiillnliurjf lM'klinrll Tlioiiin'iiiit HtoiMnriUtiiintloiil 'WntorTiiiiUt 'IVHti'oHiuirt MoliiM-nl JUNOTIONt Httttiptcr JUNCTION I b'llllllllllt O I. Cninpt V,t(iiey TIWONt Auntln Kutt'lloiiiiil. ' I'lIM l. in. Ar fi:3l) I.v ri::'5 " 1:55 ' l:tiJ ' 1:1ft 4:li) 1:32 -l:V5 4:10 -1 :05 .1:oU .1 :!i(l a :0ft The Times-Herald in offcritif nwnl attractive Clubbing Rates to Uh subscribers at present THE TIMES-HERALD One car with the Portland Weekly Oregonian $2-50 Portland Semi-Weekly Journal $2.50 S. F. Weekly Examiner $2.65 Thrice-a-Week N. Y. World $2-50 Semi-Weekly St. Louis Republic $2.35 Farm Progress FREE toevery paid in advance Subscriber Get one or more of these good papers in connec tion with The Timcs-llerald for the long win ter evenings. -Call and get Clubbing Prices JOB PRINTING Tin- Tirm-H.Hrrnlil l'ri-pnml to tlo Hie Very Itc-nt nml .Moat HntUfnclurjr Work In till lliif. We hnvp nil (lie LATEST TYPE FACES and a very Complete Line FIRST-CLASS STATIONERY PIIOFK88IONAJ j Wm. MILLER, ATTOKNKY AT 1 Uitrti", Ore((oti Kooma li ana 7 Mai-otih J u.oo 'J MO 2:10 w. w. v w m&B IUKXIS0N & ST0.NER 0UI1N8, OPC0ON . , K, mL. J. W. Miller, Defendant, To J. W. Miller, Defendant: In tho Namo of the Statu of Oregon : You aro hereby required to appear anil anawer the complaint in tho above en titled suit on or before the second day of October 1011, nnd if you fall o to answer lor want thereof, tho plaintiff will apply to tho Court for the relief demanded in her complaint to nit: for a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony existing lietwccn the plaintiff and defendant and forever divorcing the plaintiff from the defen. dant for the custody of the minor .:lilM Raymond R. Miller and for cost and disbursements of the suit and for mirli other and further relief as to the court may seem n.eet and equitable. This publication is made for six con eecutlve wcoks by ordor of tlio lion Grant Thompson, County Judgo of Har ney County State of Oregon, duly made and enterod In tho abovo entitled cause August 10, 1011, and tho first publica, tion of this summons is August 10, 1011 Wt, Miller, Attorney for Plaintiff. PETITION FOR UQUOJt UCIiNSIJ. .NOTICK FOR i'UIILIUATION. UMTKtXITAIKtt i.NlMimi'K, I Hums, orcirun, AtixuitU. 1811 I .Nntico Is liorcby given that Italpht'. Hwry, ol llurtis, Orvitan, ulin, on Here in tier la), Iwai mailo llainrsti-ail ontrr o 0H41. (r S'l'.tt lamcttuMorldlaii, has Itlcil nutimiil inlriilliin In maku Final CommliUtloli I'rixil, m i taLltah t-lalm to the laml alrfiva ilwrlt,!, h.v lorotha Kcglster ami Kerelrvr. at Ilnnis.Ure KUii, onlha 1-Jlli -Urol Heptrtntr, lull, claimant natnea as trllnrssrs nathanlol llunnr, ut I.nma, Orrxuii. Ilu.-irr '. (UBLa, hipi. y, J.?VU, IICIl lluill r. fill i fcjpLj 7 H: NIB AVINDSOJt 1i& VT i2tt- t1ttfiii l I'jiiVfuld.ii, Htii i.il f 'nnilr t nly. No nunt. Tit'keta IihuiwI ojily for stutlons uliero nuiia uro nclitMnleil to tnako regular toH. riiNeii4ra iniisl iitiroliiuc tick elaj Wliufri Hjjtillta Jixl. t iHtfortl UIlturillL; IriiiMMirW renin In iiildilloii In tln ri- Ktilartnri w Do charged. JO.SHl'll A. WIIHT, Ktipt OKAN'TOKIiPUH, Ami. Sapt. JOHU ROBINSON Stock lospcdor, Harney County. IIuin Adilroaa lluriia, On1 it : Main St., DRINKWATER Dlacksmiiiiing and Horseshoing Wagon Work COOLEY AUTO MATIC BRAKES Burns. Oregon, G A. REJVsBOl Altornoy-nt-l.aw BciM3, Oregon, OhttH. II. Xx'ona Attoiinky-at-uw Careful nltontion kIvhi t tlotiH and Jtcal Kulnlo mif I'iro Insuranco rVotary Pul.lic DOItNB, OiiKflOl. GEO. 8. 8IZEM0I1E ATTOJINKV, Ol,' i-oiiec:iona, j,nt business, u KUt nutter proiiirllratU-tuJnifi CHflRuES W. ELLIS LAWYER iiurns, - - On Prnrtlces in the Btitto Courts i foru tlm U.S. Land Office. A. W. GOWAN . . i A'lTUKNEY-AT-LA?f State Courta and United LandlOfficc Practice Throe doors South of A Harney County National' BurnK, Oregon. J. LU. CBflRY I'IivkIl-Iuii and tiurKeoa. Iltirnc, - - - Oregr, Olfii-t) In huh ljill(liiiK'i"'iHtiolird liarncH.i shop, Main St. 'I'liotiB.Mnliift.'i. OENMflf. & DENMAN, Phys.clans and SurgecaJ ('Hit answered irjrn tl j- riipbta Tiiono llurrinian, Harrlman, Oregon iaf" ' WflRspEN & Griffith; I'hyiL-ian8 and Sureonu HU1IN8, okkuo.v. I-'. r.. I)ii.i.tiui rnrinerlji mL l.iiKltir.r I'l H.H Itrrlamalion xr Hums, UrcKon. We the legal voters of Donlo precinct Uarney County, Btato of Oregon respect fully ask tho Hon. County court of Har ney CountyOregon to grant a petition to C. W. Culton Co. to sell Bpirltous Mult and Vinous Liquors in lens ritiuntllieB one gallon In Donlo 1'rdcinct, I)oan'n Ranch, Harney County, State of Oregon for the Period of Six Months, iih In duty bound we will ever pray, Names. J. N. Rowley Fred L. Allen R. H. Vickez Geo. L. Mattacb Norman Huffman James A, Goodwin Harrison Grove li. li. Stepporson L. M. Meosham H. J. Martin Mlcbael Harto Robert Doan J. Bulrelno Selastian Anauxin Cyrus Nelson Gutnaclnda Mermudli B. T. Flcal Marlon JIarklo John McLean Notice Is hereby given thaton Weil lies day the (1th day of Soptomoer 1011 tho undersigned will apply to tho Honorable County Court of Harney County, Oregon for the License mentioned In the nbovu petition. 0. W. Cultok& Co, Nami'H. W. G. Glenn M. M. Doan T. Diffoiiderfor Adam Adrian Clins, Huffman I'ete Cgoome Free Grove H, W. McAllister Clyde McCliirn (i.L. fiillam 0. U McKolvoy A. It. Rochlu Miko Momlaza Geo, Denny Ivilw. J, Cntlow Fred II I.drenz M.tiulviu A, It, ICiion v u, riniitii all nt Wm, Kakiik, llvglatar NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. ISQI.AIEIITIIACT- I'UIIMC i.ANII HAI.I! UKiTatiHTaTU t.ANIiOtritr. I Hums. On-Koli, July 17, 1910.1 Nfjtttl) IS llltrnttV lll.II lli.l au ,11.... (n.l I.v tho Commissioner o( ttiaOanoral l,ainl Ullltu, under the provisions ii( tho alt nt Couitros mi prixied Jun iff. IM) OIBtal., M7), pursiiiiiit In mo aiiniaiinii Ul ijtiillivrl 11 Jmii-s, lit I'llll, Oregon, Harlal No. Osaai, w will otlcr at iuMI salu to the Iilplmt bliMi-r. nt loo' i-look a. m , ontliolltliilsyol Hepteicher, lull, licit the fnl lotrlnit tract ol lamli hK! HKJ tie. V, T. 20 H , It. J K , W. M. Any anil all persons L-ialinliiK ailterscly the aliove-ilfscrlheil lamta aru ailvlseit to llle their rlalms or olijectloni oil or In fori) the llinu ilo iKnati-il lor sale Wat Kamir, lincister. I'KANK Iuvkv, Iti-i elver. NOTICE I-'OIt I'UIHJCATION. UNITKI) BTA1KH I.ANH OKI'll K, , Hums, Ore., July a, lull i Go To The White Front Livery Stable NEW RIGS AND TEAMS 'Phone to M'e for Your Doctor Calls. R. .1 McKINNON, Jr., Proprietor. A. O. FaI'lknkii lormi-lly Chlcl ):i Sltiecr ol HoIsh A WiKli-rn It) l:as.crn Oregon Iingineering Company CIVIL AND IKHIQATION ENGINEERS Hums, Oregon BURNS MILLING CO. HORTON & SAYER, Propts. Rough and Dressed Lumber, Rustic, Flooring, Moulding, Finishing Lumber. Nearest Sawmill to 'Burns. Good Road. Lumber Yard in Burns. Nptlcolsjerehyglfi-ntliatjeiri-rson llonvllle, of Harney, Ort-Kou who, nu Annual iH, Nto. maila llomi-steait Kntry No i7M, ferial No III!VMIIametto Meihllan, has llleil notlroiil Intention to innko final live year I'rool, lo t-atahllsti claim to the In ml above ill soiltmil, lu tein) the Iti-elster nml Receiver, m Hun a, (Iri-ifon, on Iho 4th clay of ccptouibor 1511. Claimant names as witnesses National! I' lllildlo, of llnrrlmin, (iriitoii. l-niinle VlrLera, of llarnoj, (Iri-Kon. Jerry Illllon. of Ifarrlinan. flri,iri,n llf.,l.,,.i u K,,.UAH of Hartley, Un-fon. Wh KltRB. Iti-ifister. MAGAZmE READERS Bums Meat IVIarket Ncw SliopOpposile Hie first Nnlioiial Hank JIniu Si. Pork, Vidian. Kolomna and Jjiver iSiiusiJt's Hoof in iiny Quantity. Your pafronafic soJiciUd. N.J HANSHN, Propt T -r-rs-- $1500 Reward! Tho ()rrot:. t'a IforntaaiiaNavaiU Live (tock l'roieo tlull Association of which His miller alitnol la menil-er, will itivo l,ISUUl reward for evl ilviiro Icailinit in inn arrest ami con viction ntiiiir I'ar ly or ia riles sleal Iiik horses cattla or mule Ulonitliiit lo any nl Its mem Iwis. In AiUHImi in tlm nlnive, the umlnalfiicil Hirers Iho aaii10 riiiiillilou faiO.Wl for all liorics hranflnl tuirto sIh hur on Ixitli or either Jaw. Iiritinl ri'Cnriltst In elijtit rouiillcs Itango Sarnay, I.nVo anil Cniok muiilli-a, llnrari vii ill when i.ol,l. Mona hut Ktoivu horses aohl am) only In ai-Ko litin.-lica, ff V IIUOWN. Kifo, Oiegmi. l'iiV0-' '-SqSssS b. E. HIBBflRD 3DE3nTTZS2l , Olllc-u first door i-nst pli-.to !, llnrns. Ort-Kon W. C. BROWN, 2D12TXXSyl IIuiins, Okkuo.v. Olllco rooms 8 sml l Mn-.-nie EtJ SOCIETIKS. UARNKV LOIHIK. NO. Tl. I U7. ..'."" Try Munlay in it. .1 irlwij a i;av p in. i Arinur it "ton. Secretary. .Decree work as fuiloua Mr t i-.toii tlatorr. acrutiU halnroa). Mix l-rsiwj -i-t . .' rvlwl, I1KIIV, luur'U I Mttii t-lri. The Harney Valley Brewing Co. .Mitiiiiftu'ttimrt) of l:nmily Trade Solicited l-rec'Dcllvcry T. E. JE NKINSManaeer , '( M . UUKN'8LOOaKNO.7. A FA Ueeti every 0rt and third SatuiJsr till Isliintfa aa....' M k.mw .....: '. I "-,. mv.i, ri-vreiary U 3I1ERS MOOIiMKN OK A iit-ni Ini? .. . .!r,'Su,.,.a l""1 'oll"h ft''f vA," 'u' . "all. all iielRbUori hi .!.,,,,llt-," ""I retelveVoiiMeocil men W T. lister. Clerk IVel'tMl'leoCi t ji.a iiiirt,r SDRSET MAOAZINK beautifully illuilrstr d, sood itorin and articles about CaLfsraia and all ll.e Far Wot. CAMKUA CEAFT devoted aach mouth lo the ar. tittle reproductiea ef the belt work of amsteuf aad prolssiiooal photographers. BOAD Ot A THOUSAND WORDUBa a book cl 13 ps, cnntslning 120 colored photogisphs ol picturesque ipj'J ia Califeraia au uiaga. Tftal . . . $3. 25 All for . . . . $1.50 AdJicts all orders to SUNSET MAGAZINE Flood DuuMicg Ssn FrsnclKO Sl.50 a year Si. 00 a yrar SO.75 ASTORIA CENTENNIAL Astoria, Oregon Aitfjusl 10-Sepl. i) The Great Event of the Year It celebrates tho first white settlement in tho old "Orojron uniniry. Army nnd Navy evolutions, band concerts, llrowords, hydro arcoplano iliRhts, historic buildiiiKs and collections, agricultural exhibits, Pncific Coast regatta. CENTRAL OREGON DAY, AUG. J 7th $11.15 ASTORIA AND HBTUItN Special folders riwirdiiif,' tlm Centennial will bo sent on request. miWA UXXJll hm H QepertlnjMyfla KT This rifle Is built y for set tied Railway Dnily oxciirslontlL-kolMto(!liiUtii llefti-lt rt-oorlH iiIIohIhk .tiii.ovurH ut Arlorin In-tiillH will 1)0 ftirnlnlinl tin utiplloat Ion, Triilim Ipiivo Ojmi City dally 0:00 u in, Culver II :lfi it in, Mutnllim U:!I0 u m, Mini run il Ifi li in, urrlvlnu I'ortlnnil 7 : 1(1 i in. II. It Nkub, AkoiH, (iilvi-r, (ir- It. I:. Muhaki . AKonl, AUtlin , Oio J II Coiumrr, Afnt, Opitl t'lly, Ori T A. (iiiaiiam, Autnit, Ulutoliim, Oro districts. where Reed range and killing power nro desired, with safety to the neighborhood. The ffkrflll .'43-20 i light, qulck ImndllnfT) tlncly-tialunccil repeater, with tlm Solid top, cloactMn tireccli runt nlilo ejection features which malio urirt i;uns eafo nnd ngrecablo to mo ami certain In action. It Is niiJ to usa His pow.rful nw Mil, vrlorlty kiuolitltsa loads wltli lacVatsJ l-ullils urn wsll aa ths Wtll-known blau powder uiul low prastura smokslcsa cui. rldics,aml Is thf luralrlli for target won,, ur wvwkiiuvii, urvsf, liawaa, foars, ate, uu loWVurds. This tin. and amrmi. ntlon. and all oilur s9Kjn2 rrpaatsrs, nrs lull ucacrlticd In our 136 pant catalog, 1'rcs for 3 .tamps poatuur. fit7hetJr0arru Co., I) Willow Street, NEW HAVEN, CONN. '.' 'ri!:unmututt:iutttntn:ttt:m!n:tnt:tnmr.utt:tut:at::uittnnttuta The HARNY VAIJ RY ftlFAT MARlPT ""-' g B. Iliisliele, Proprietor jyipATC ofa,lklnds iTlLr 1 O always ready Your Patronage Solicited Corner Al' and IJ Streets Locher Building ttJtttnH:nt:Mttjm::n:::jj:jTmK:mttnwnnm:m UUKNs) UI1AITER 0 40, o. f s M.jTnTJ'.ff 4WI,J "J. '".'"" XJJ Kit. Hrt"U " '". ' etYLVIA UEI1EKAII UEQItKK So .3 MMta.TerrlstaudM Ucduiadar NlnaWI o ... .." Kiiitif "..iHinii, ftro fUfy TUI.XCIKULK .No. IfiS, w tt Mmtaevorr Jourtli Tuesday. lia.i.rn. ilua Ito oo..l .. ..v.n.iUltU iirrK avwawf rti iw.; tttatH-Tpn n 'mmirrnMmmai3as!X3cm3czijtX2aa&& ' JOHN aK3IIEKI.lN0, .f a f --? BllSStU ENQINE5o BOILERS i SAW MILLS J1EGH GRADE MACHINERY WRITE FOR SPECIAL CATALOG AND PRICES THA.H.AVERILLMACHINERYCO.' SPOKANE, WASH.-PORTLAND. ORE.- SAN JOSE CAL viHsosr -, -A'jsingas: ..'rt! L :VJ3KX4SJPrK'.'r!; y5A E. A. SHAFER U. S. Mineral Surveyor & Civil L'uglneer Irrigation and Wafer Supply En. gineerlng. Townsile, Land nud Mineral Land Talent Surveys, Uraning, Designing, Blue I'riut ing, lisllnmles, I;lc. Narrows, Oregon The Lone Star Restaurant All TOY, Proprietor On I'uniur .Mitln St. ttoxuloor to llrviitoii ft UlckH' tnluun Menus at nub hours Bokotty lp oonneetJon. A Specialty of Short Orders. Tnlilo furniHluitl with uverytlitiig the market unbrtlR Your pntron. K Bolloltetl, -X--' A Jowolor. Optieinn Etitrntvoi'. Fine Watch Kepnirinj,' i cialty. iaa.. ,.. A HARD H:; Thst'ithruhJesrcrrtif t'-" tht S cvrnl fain. to K. I" .J uilb v, l.ith the bjncl Is ti.tr I 1 1..I it y tc. kiic t I - I'tfl the i u i msLe it tlio mu&t n . J lJ3 t"i-n s.iJ It" I alike. We irijka iSoa Tavntir T1rtl , hut nut a one li sllowi-j i.i 1 , i I'l uf J'ifti h,n unt.I iliitfuLl tn'1 axumt lluulrrt. Wo. tin ft thli tills st r 3 stoic vi anjr tiHiiting aouJi dr-lci "" burs nut aal 1,'we wi.l I ilu-mT on rtcclf-t tf l.'it 1'iurfd c , list l'rlia rtucnsK! aUltla Scout. ).' v 1 1. 1 Stetni-Mjvnai .1 , N. IJ.1 Crick Slut, Nu. i ., Fivurltc. Ho f. Vitibla L.oii.!r( Kri-iitml Klllr, N i. to, Idcil Uillr, Nu, 44, J. STCVrNS. AKmb CC lUUi-VK Chlcopcc 'k",'' X if w M 7M -t iu.