The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, August 26, 1911, Image 3

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, imes- Jlerald.
niK i.ahokst cniauLATioN or
Local News.
ito woolens in Scotch Tweeds
chenk Bros.
Bu will near tno woou saw
itle September the 1st.
B. Hoffoditz was in the first
e week on land business.
Bv fresh groceries just rc
pd nt Hagey & Richardson's.
Mm Back was down from his
farm yesterday with Jersey
rcsh supply of groceries m-
Jng lard, bacon hams etc.
lagcy & Kicnaruson's.
F. McKinnoy has been con
to his home for several days
li a lame uacK. lie is nil
iring slowly.
nil and see the late arrivals
press goods, shoes, ties, furn-
igs etc. at Hagoy & Rich-
Iiil Smith loft this week with
300 head of cattle for the
road which howiil ship to the
tland market.
lough and dressed lumber of
Ekinds now on hand at the
liams Bros. Saw Mill. Hough
lber$15 per thousand.
lisses' Drusa Dodson and Mar-
Cummins are home from a
enjoyable visit to Mr. and
Geo. A. Smyth nt Diamond.
py may Have caugnt some nsir
. this shack has no knowledge
rou will never again be quite
. ..
you are today mentally or
'sically. Perhaps not ever
in will you be able to get so
iung" a photograph that
(s like you -as today. Visit
i Sayer Studio.
there will be preaching ser
es at the Presbyterian Church
iiday at 11 o'clock a. in. and
p. m. Morning theme: "A
loldant Duty" Subject for
evening: "20 Century Good
latarian." Special music by
Mrs. T. S. Wells and daughter
bs Vcrda arrived here from
rtland on Friday of last week
are guests at the home of
and Mrs. John Robinson.
Wells is an aunt to Mrs.
Vinson. Tncy will remain an
Ic finite time. v
Che Smith & Swain well drill-
machine has been at work on
rth main street sinking deeper
well to secure more water
fire protection in the city
item. They go from there to
i site for the new school house
tare a well will bo drilled.
Mrs. Fred Haines has returned
Sme after an absence of two
pnths spent in Portland and
n r rancitco. bne was accom
Inied home by Mrs. Ada Cloav-
' of Baker who has accepted a
Isition in the Haines mercantile
ablishent at Harney and ex-
fects to spend the winter there.
of additional depositors' securi
ty was added by the Directors of
at their regular meeting on July 22ml
1911, at which time tha Surplus Fund
of the Hank was Increased from
$50,000.00 to $55,000.00.
of the capital of this
bank is now reinforced by
of earned Surplus thus affording our
depositors an unusual degree of safety
CAPITAL : : : : $25,000.00
SURPLUS : : : : $55,000.00
United States Depositary
Oregon State Depositary
Accounts Invited
Alteration free at Schcnk Bros. ' Call on A. W. Gowan for laud
Z. H. Stroud is over from Har-J Scri!'
ney. P. II. Gray was in the city
CORNER STORE. ! Best canned corn ?;(.2T) a caso
Winona wagons are tho best, j "nrrimnn Mercantile Co.
For sale by Harriman Mercantile1 Clean seed rye at Boyer Bros.
Co. nt Co., Ontario, Oregon.
G. W. Richardson was up from ' Miss Lenore Sizemore arrived
Lawen Tuesday making proof on homo this week from nn extend-
his homestead. cd visit to her undo at Warm
School suits, tho kind that,S,'rinB8
wear, at Schenk Bros. Come! 'J. K. Jenkins has been over
and see them before school opens, j from his ranch for several days
,,.-. , ,,, visiting friends and looking after
The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. j,;8 ext(jnsjvo business interests.
Walter Struck is very sick with! .,.., . .
summer complaint at the Paring-' Gn tl' !)cct l0 ov?r
ton saw mill. ? IJcar W this afternoon in
I the car to bring Mrs. Marsden
Carter and son have opened a home He will be accompanied
fruit stand in the Hissner build- y Elmer McMamis.
mg anu win Keep a supply oi an
kinds of fruit on hand.
For summer diarrhoea in child
ren always give Chamberlain's
Herzog, the Tailor, is now! Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
ready for business in the Miller I Remedy and a speedy cure is
building two doors north of tire! certain. For sale by all good
French hotel. He wishes to Dealers.
Frank Cawlfloldnnd futm'y aro
up from NarrowH.
Best flour (guarantee) $8.fi0
bbl. Harriman Mercantile Co.
Alrant Reynolds and DavoMiller
aro over from Warm Springs.
Full line of Lownoy 's fancy box
chocolates at E. B. Reed & Sons,
Cleaning and pressing for
ladies and gentlemen at Schenk
Everything for every body nt
tho Lunahurg, Dallon &. Co.
Department Store.
Automobiles to all parts of the
country day or night. Regular
auto stage to Prairio City. Phono
Burns Garago.
AitciiiK McGowan, Prop.
Mrs. Martlm Baker and daugh
ter Miss Nina nro homo form
Van where thoy spent tho vaca
tion period with Mr. and Mrs.
Joo Williams.
ground grain. W. A. Goodman
will steam roll or grind your grain
at your granary. See him for
Tho new addition to tho pavil
ion at tho fair grounds is com
pleted and Contractor King is
placing backs on the seats in the
grand stand.
Glenn Ireland is greeting old
friends in this city. He came in
yesterday accompanied -ny his
parents and brother Clarence.
l hoy aro louring tins section in
an aute:
''China Ben has returned after
nn absence of several years. He
loft here with the intention of
going to China but found ho
could not return if he went so
has been in Sacramento.
Special attention given families
nnd tourists at tho French Hotel.
Don't over look the big Clear
ance Sale now on at Schenk
Sylvester Smith was a buni-i
ness visitor in our city during (lie
ft II m ....
ii. i'j. oizemorccamc over irom
his ranch yesterday.
Butterick Patterns at Luna
burg, Dalton & Co.
Save trouble and inconvenience,' .,,
French Hotel
Mrs. Ed Gibson nnd children
wcro down from homo near Har
ney yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Kelsny
left Monday enrouto to California
where they will make their
Tho Blue Ml. Eaglo reports
that both prisoners who broko
jail over at Canyon City recently
havo been captured.
KMi'ss Georgia Ellis left the first
of this week for Bcllingham,
Washington to again tnko up
hor school work.
Foil Sai.k CllKAl' Ono gray
roan horse' thrce-years-old, brok brek
en: one black yearling filly. In
iiuiro at Second Hatul Store.
Mrs. Jennie Bussart has re
Uirned from Ohio where she has
been for some time. She is a
guest at tho homo of G. W. Clc-veneer.
r Mrs. M. V. Dodire will start a
small class in violin Sept. 1.
Arrangements can bo mado now
as to hours. Instruments furn
ished on application.
John Caldwell has purchased
the J. W. and Claud Brown farm
up Siivies river, the consideration
being $5,300. This is one of the
best farms in tho neighborhood.
The new Times-Herald build
ing will contain some very de
sirable office rooms and one fine
largo store room which aro for
rent. Some of the office rooms
are already spoken for. See the
manager about rentals.
have tho people of this section
call and talk clothes with him.
He is an experienced cutter and
tailor and guarantees fair treatment.
The Harney Saw Mill, R. L.
Bunvnrd proprietor, now has on
hand a large amount of rough
and dressed lumber and can fill
orders on short notice. A good
Ludwig Johnson of the Harney road to the mill. Hurry ordors
County National Bank left here
Wednesday for his former home
in Wisconsin in response to a tel
egram anouncing tho death of
his father. Deceased had been
may be 'phoned in.
Frank Metschan left for Grants
Pass Tuesday. His daughter
Miss Marie will visit at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Cattanach this
in poor health for several months 1 8Ummer, Mr. Metschan will on
and his son spent several weeks in thc jlotei business having
with him in June. . purchased the Josephine hotel at
MAlUMED-Tuesday, Aug. oo Grants Ptm-BlueMt. Eagle,
at the Presbyterian manse in this r A. W. Hurlburt and daughters
city, Lee Wilson and Miss Effie ! Misses Millie and Alice were in
C. Miller, Rev. C. C. Babbidgej the city yesterday, The young
performing the ceremony. Both ladies left this morning for Mon
are homesteaders in the Sunset! mouth where they will attend tho
section where they both have
many friends who join in ex
tending congratulations.
normal this year. They wero
accompanied by their grand
mother Mrs. P. M. Bardwcll.
Men's Shirts, Values up to $2
For Two Weeks Only85C each
This Is a special lot of Golf and Negligee Shirts that was placed on the count
ers and is becoming dusty. We don't want 'em spoiled;' hence this exception
ally low price. See Show Window and Center Tables.
SCHOOLSHO ES fa boys and girls
Reduced 20 Per Cent During the next Two Weeks
Sale Begins Monday August 28
I. Schwartz L Schwartz
Wo aro informed by Or. Geary,
chairman of the school board,
thnt Miss Alma McKenzio has
decided to take a position in the
school to fill tho vacancy mnde
by Mrs. I.ampshiro's resignation,
this will meet with tho hearty
approval of all who know Miss
The school board has contract
ed with parties to burn and de
liver the necessary brick for the
new public school building. The
men have leased land from J. W.
Biggs and are now preparing the
yard. The brick are to be burn
ed at once and delivered on tho
site for the new building without
"'Charles Walker, late of Illinois,
has purchased tho land holdings
and personal property of Mrs. A.
A. Cowing. The real estate con
sists of 800 acres part on Prather
creok and part up Siivies river.
Both places aro under irrigation.
The deal was made through
Archie McGowan, the considera
tion being $25,000. This is one
of tho largest real estate trans
fers this season in this vicinity.
('. R. Peterson, Henry Messner
Ira Venator nnd A. Ventor and
wife came over from Crane creek
the first of tho week in the for
mer's auto. Phone reports his
grain crops exceptionally good
this season but his fruit is an en
tiro failure tho first time sinco
tho orchard como in bearing.
Mr. Peterson states the roads
nro not bo bad but suggests that
the road masters run over them
nnd tako out tho high centers for
tho benefit of tho automobiles.
Roprescnla.ivcs of the Phila
delphia Townsite Co. wore in tho
city last week and conditionally
contracted for a tract of tho M.
L. Lewis placo west of town
which thoy will purchaso and
plat to town lots provided L. M.
Brown will plat tho ground own
ed by him between. This would
indicate a feeling of permanency
in our city by outside cnpital and
should bo an incentivo to local
property owners to improve
rather than wait for future do-velopmonts.
A largo amount of freight wns
recoived this week by contract
ors McGowan & Swain for tho
Times-Herald building. It con
sisted of doors, windows, pinto
glass, cement ect. Work has
been stopped on tho building on
account of lack of brick which
will not be out of the kilm until
Sept. 1. Tho delay ig regrotted
as tho contractors wero anxious
to got it enclosed nnd tho plas
tering dono beforo cold weather
interfered. Tho outsldo walls
for tho first story aro complotcd
but thero was not sufficient brick
available to build tho center wall
and permit tho laying of tho soc
ond floor joist.
Blue prints of any township in
Burns I .and District, showing
name of entrymnn, date and kind
of entry, topography, etc., $1.00
each. Piatt T. Randall, Burns,
C. M. Salisbury has moved in
to his new location in tho Hiss
ner building. Mr. Carter has
also leased the necessary space
in the building for his fruit busi
ness. Austin Culi, a brother of L.
B. Gulp, camo in yesterday from
Madras where he is in business.
He will reinnin for a few days
visiting relatives and old time
If you wish to avoid the warm
weather go to tho Mt. Vernon
Hot Mineral Springs, where you
can get a clean cool bath in the
pool, the shade is delightful and
the Hot Mineral baths will cure
your ills if you havo nny.
'W. C. Cecil and wife came over
from Silver creek yesterday and
went to the Island ranch this
morning accompanied by Mr.
and Mrs. C. V. McKinnoy where
Mr. Cecil delivers cattle today.
An ordinary case of diarrhoea
can, as a rule, bo cured by a sin
glo dose of Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and diarrhoea Remedy.
This remedy has no superior for
bowel complaints. For sale by
all good Dealers.
The Oregonian reports tho ar
rest of J. E. Rounseville of Denio,
who was indicted by tho federal
grand jury on the charge of using
tho mails for fraud. His bond
was fixed at $3000 which ho could
not furnish and ho is in the
Multnomah county jail.
MAnuii;i)--In Portland on Aug.
17, J. J. Lampshire and Graco
B. Lampshire. A letter to Mr.
and Mrs. S. Lampshiro received
last Saturday gavo tho news of
this happy event and it was
somethimg of a surprise to tho
many friends in Burns. Both
hnyo long resided in this section
whero they have many friends
and admirers. The brido had
signed a contract to teach in tho
public school of this city for tho
coming year but has tendered
her resignation. Mr. and Mrs.
Lampshiro expect to make their
homo in this city and nro expect
ed to arrive hero early next
r i. ....... ursii i) i.'i i r ii..
uiuiKu triii iv. iviiik iiiiu liiiiuiy
spent tho past week hero leaving
today for Malheur county and
from thero thoy go to Portland
by the way of Pendleton. .Thoy
aro making tho trip in their tour
ing car, wiving motored in from
The Dalles. Judge King has been
busy looking aftor legal matters
hero and will roturn hero for tho
October term of court to look
after somo important cases, later
ho will tako testimony in nn im
portant water suit that is to bo
tried in tho federal court. Judgo
King sees much advancement in
this section sinco his last visit
and says wo havo a wonderful
future. Ho is keenly interested
in tho irrigation project being
investigated in this section and
oxprcsses tho belief that thoy
will bo financed nt no distant
A. Book ley and son were up
front Waverly Tuesday.
Rough lumber $15.00 per M. at
Mill. P.mtNH MlMdW Co.
down from
ng the week.
Have your winter's wood up
so the wood saw man can grind
and saw both at one trip.
Reatos for sale, all sizes and
lengths, pricu 20 cents per foot.
Any one desiring Reatos address
W. A. Ford of J. O. Alberson,
Alberson, Oregon.
rGao. L. Buchanan and wife
came in yesterday accompanied
by Myra and Chespa King who
had been visiting with them and
other friends, Harry Clcndencn
camo over with thorn.
A well known Dos Moines
woman after suffering miserable
for two days from bowel com-
plninl was cured by one dose of
Chamberlain's Colic, Choleraand
Diarrhoea Remedy. For sale by
all good Dealers.
NA TIONAUZED in 1 907. . This
bank has from the beginning op
crated along the most approved
and conservative lines. The wis
dom of this policy is attested by the
splendid growth of the institution and
the public confidence it has enjoyed.
Following the traditions of the past,
wo aim today to guard with the same
care every interest of our depositors,
and to render the best possible service
in every branch of banking.
We courteously welcome your
bunking business.
Resources over $100,000.00
Controlled and
Owned lil
Salisbury the Jeweler has
moved his Jewelry Store over
in the Hissner Building, for
merly known as the Red Front
Barn. Look for the watch
1 section, 010 acres, level un
improved sago brush land in
Harney Valley, can be subirrigat-
ed. 1(50 acre tract, fenced, good
house deep well and otherwise
improved. 1G0 acres tract unim
proved. Prices made to suit in
tending settlers. No speculators
need apply. Inquire nt this office.
If broad-minded business men
of wealth realize that lifo insur
ance is a sane and safe way to
make provision for the future,
if they recognize tho fact that
other forms of wealth may be in
accessible at tho very moment
when they arc most in need, it
behooves tho rest of us to look to
our duty in this regard. Oregon
Life offer you the best contracts
of lifo and investment insurance.
You can have no more than two
excuses for refusing to take in
surance. You haven't health or
you do not love your family.
Notico is hereby given that
there are sufficient funds in the
county treasury to redeem all
Harney county warrants register
ed prior to May 1st, 1011. In
terest ceases on all such warrants
from July 8, 1911.
Simon Lnwis,
Treasurer of Harney County.
'LEAN UP TIME is here. We have a irood stock
of disinfectants for water sinks, cesspools, etc.,
the proper use of which will safecuard airainst
disease. Don't forget Ammonia when you clean house
for removing grease and stains from wood work.
Azoa will kill your mice and rats, and all of their
The Welcome Pharmacy
Wo, tint umliTHlgnuil U' oUts of
l.nki) I'rtH'inct, Harney County, Statu of
Ori'non, roipi'ctfiilly Hlltion I Ito Hon.
County Court of llnrnoy County, Plato
ol Ori'iioii, to grant n I.irunvo to Harris
tl l'ltrRernlil to cull Spirituous, Mult anil
Vinous I.i(iioiH in luta iinanliticK (linn
otio gallon in I.nLo l'rt-clnrt Hiirmy
County, Stulo of Orpgt.n, for ilia otincl
of I inmitlie, an in duty liournl 'h will
cvur pray.
l'roil A. Ilnrron Oliffunl Orou-bock
II. Hoist K, Krueo
(loo. J. Hall C. A, Hnlnra
H. T. Wliilson W. K. Sullivan
J. Port; Cioo. XV. Unwlllolil
It. A.H.iiHters II. II. Klliutt
Ili'iHlorooit Iilllutl A. V Mo uutluutl
J. Ii. ((raven 1). S. (Iruvi's
Wnltur Hurrnrr 1'ri'tl Ilatmor
J.'W. llronn William Duncan
J. II. Wltiol K T. Huloy
Frank Smith Krauk it. llrnnn
Walter V.. llriiiKlo (iuo. XV. Simmons
CIiok. Willi! A, Snoutilor
Joint Hosn Win. Wnhl
Win. Dunn XV. K. Collins
Jem Woodcock I'Mvvitril AmlcrMiu
MiiKt'iirlu Siihioy Conu'uya
(i, XV, Cocklln JiimoH ltutliiirfnr.l
,!. II, Driimuirr Martin Tamly
Tom Douglas A KnriiHuii'ili
Claiulo Hi'lmg V.l JiMii'i
U. V. Urul ' llaMou I'lliott
1'iiink Wlillu Tom Dunn
I' II. I.iioili'r A. It. Jones
Itirt Dunning . J. II. Ilnoi-ra
M.J. NixnIi Frank Dunn
VV. II. GmlKlitou K O Dunning
A Peterson S. .1. Mlilwlnter
(loo. Ulro N. Cl.'mirh
V. DuniiJr Will Newton
A UruvpH A. Mnralinli
Jon Corloy ( K. Diiiui
John KobcrUoii .1. Iloiiiturfou
T. Honolulu- II Tonu
Notico In lieroliy given that 1 1 arris
l'llr.Koiillili iillcaulN lor tho nlmwi
Honor lleonpo will iipnly to the above
named court for aueh lieenud on tho llth
day ut Sonlombur lull, ul Cie court
limine, llttriiH, Oregon.
Doled tills Itlnla) of Augimt 1UU.
II. nuns A I''ii(h:iui n,
In order to get more room for my
stock of furniture I have decided
to close out my entire line of
China, Earthenware,
Positively at Cost
I have one of the finest and most complete lines of this class
of ware in tho city.
:iHt15 NIK UU1LK SALbi
.-KKktVV -1i-VO'V"-'C-.'St.'iV"lBl.-.-fc.
No two people are alike and no two prescriptions
are alike That's why every prescription has to be
treated in a separate and distinct manner. You
get this individual treatment, moreover, you get
the consideration and carefulness that should al" ,
ways bo exercised where medicines are consumed i
and where health is at stake.
Let us fdl your prescription, you will be served
exactly right in every way.
The City Drug Store
REED BROS., Proprietors
v.'Vvnfc'V-. w--v---v---v . 1V&V&
''lenty of Water Whenever and Wherever Von Want It
No trouble! No workl No pumping mi the freezing
toldl Tho Farm Pump Engine will provide all the water
you need for tho house, dairy, bnm, feed lot, pasture
anywhere you want it.
Works right outdoors In lero wct ler. Provides water nt tho
light temperature no Ico-nnckcil innks or liolhrrsoiue t nk
heaters. Costa less thnu n pood idmill. Does ten times ns
much work. Saves two men's ,i;i every day it runs and never
t;rumuies nuout ions nours or "ioat. on tno job.
Attaches to Any Pump in L Minutes cr?tt
lit '::
.711 ; ;xj
JM s
1 Mas s
ffc Tfr.JgrJt, i
Painting, Paper Hanging, Sign Writing
Estimates given on nil classes of
such work-.
Headquarters at French Hotel
P9 2!
"mple Power for Small Machir ry
Has pulley (or running any honil or (,.
i wer machinery. Helps the women i iks
tv turning tlio cream separator unit c' rn.
He wafchlng machine and wringer, etc. 1 ius
tliu com clicllor, fanning mill, feed illl,
, rlmlstone. Does most all the ilnn ry
Uicirc in half nuiul time. All re.Jy fur woik
-no tr to buy. Com en on its own base,
no tmmlalions or platform nectt X Knur
email bi.lts (atcu it to any pump. Nobel'",
tl.alls, arms, walking beanii or nnehiH p'is.
Iiaally moved unynlirrv o i a wlml j.irt .
See tliu Enslno at Woth ,
We have a Farm I'urnp Bnglno on exhibi
tion In our show rooms. It in at work most
all (lav ilclnir the kind of work that is most
tlretome to tho farmer, llrlmrlu the fntmlvandlt t
iu show you huw thin l'uri il'uuipKai i .1 w ill da your turuVht winter work ,tt una" cost
rt.iiin (la j.ii,oh
Ai !. I 0kfcl K.I4,
I 1 1 ., ,ib LnH, t 1.
W. T. SMITH, Agent