s a "Jy,iTBw8HfcllMI iiHu.,i. ihii w it ' "T hi I '! 1 1,1 ' k Wt Ul A I f BONA FIDE MID-SUMMER SALE 25 per cent off Men's and Boy's Summer Suits 15 per cent off on Boy's Wash Suits 15 per cent off on all Straw and Panama Hats FALL AND WINTER SAMPLES RECEIVED CLEANING AND PKESSXNG Schenk Brothers Merchant Tailors and Outfitters Bums, Oregon. Odd Fellows Bldg Jf Site imcs-Sgctaftl. nravlly nml from wclla for mimtv ling, incnsuro tlio discharge of such springs as nro contemplated within reach and estimate tho cost of construction for city water works. They aro also to survey out tho most practical and fcasiblo sow erngo system both gravity and dump and soptic tankshow main lines of mains for be th Hystcms and gather such ot'iur informa tion as is necessary for a com plete system with cost to tho city. Theso two civil engineers have been with C. B. McConncll for somotimo in his preliminary work on tho Silver creek and Silvies Valley irrigation projects nnd aro capablo men. Whilo they aro young both have had practical experiences in tho lino of workj for which tlioy have been em ployed by tho city and no doubt will make a complete and satis factory report. Tho city authorities have had to move these exhibits from place to placo and have sufllcient to re plenish tho permanent exhibit at various places whore they aro maintained. It is also desired to liavo tho namo of the grower, his location and the conditions under which tho productfl woro grown. Products for exhibition at tho county fair cannot bo so labelled and compote for prizes but this information can bo given tho superintendent of tho pavilion and after tho fair can bo attached to ull Bpcciinons, as was tho caso last year, and forwarded. It Ih expected that every rail road system of tho Northwest will bo represented hero during tho Lenguo meeting and fair, therefore it is important that wo secure tho best possible display for them to view. Tho Great Northern will again give out prize ribbons nnd also a silver cup as they did Inst year. Tho Fair Association 1ms in- RATtUUlAY, AlMUdT . HtllWOItllTION IIATKH Una Year dll Moulin Throe Montha i 110 liw .'a IllI.IAN III Ull - Min.KT NEEDS LOOKINO AFTEK. do anything to reliovo the appar ent holdup as it seems theSumpt er Valley company is still work ing from Austin under the con struction management nnd no contract can bo entered into un der such conditions. Mr. Kellogg has gono to Port land for tho mirpose of securing tho necessary equipment to bring tho mail in from Austin by team and unless matters can bo ad justed before tho end of the fis-l this in mind for some timo and creased tho premiums and made were ready to take tho matter un some additions that aro also at at any timo conditions would , tractive Tho copy for tho pre wnrrnntundcoimiolcnt men could mium list was sent tho Btato bo secured at reasonable cost to printer long ago but they havo do tho preliminary work. Burns ' not yet been received. The de is ready for both water and sow- lay is regretted hut cannot bo er systems and'overy thing should I helped. Farmers nro asked to bo in readiness next spring for, save Borne oi their uest prociucw a bettor Irrigation system for a number of ranches on Otis creek nnd tho Malheur but tho work was novor complotcd. Tho P. L. S. Co., S. S. Wil liams, J. L. SIU and 1. M. Davis are some of tho parties interested and tho purposo is to cover more satisfactorily lands owned by tho stockholders In the new corpora tion. UKY FARM IIUILDINOS. f XV 'i. their installation. In the mean time tho now charter with such provisions as are necessary should A matter that is of consider- for these exhibits and ns soon as tho lisw are received they will be mailed out. Iinni-niinroil rm nn imnpnnasiirv ' AS BOOH US nuSHlblQ II10II Will delay may bo encountered. ; be put in the Hold to assist in 'gathering these oxhibitH but it IMtei'AKINd I'OR MEI2TIN0. i will bo Impossible to cover tho .entire county. Tho Asfocintion ical year, Sept. SO, he will begin! sis mniwifpM. Tim tnnllnj wna able importance to people of this brought befoM t)0 Commercial section is the threatened change club and tho secretary has coin- in the manner of bringing tho numicated with tho Postollico ... " . . and theso substantial prizes will mnil nvm- tlm Pnnvon-Prairic ' Department to ascertain what. i"-""'""" -i'a """ """ l"i compensate for the trouble of route. It seems the mail con- can be done. It is an imposition 'prepare for tho big Development, .,al)erjnK mo nt.COWft,.y displays At a meeting of the cial Club last Tuesday evening Commer- s olfering some special premiums li l..jl miI t. ..II nirnH tlin im.iittf VU UIOM H.IO UI UtVI kllU V.UMIIIJ tract wad awarded to Mr. Kellogg that should be remedied without from Austin to Burns, the Sump- delay. If tho railroad people arc ter Valley extension from Austin charging an unreasonable rate to to Prairio being under construe- carry the mail a short distance tion at the time tho contract was there should bo some way to let. However, the stage coaches mako them como to time. Our have only gone ns far as Prairie mail is on the road long enough Mr. Kellogg having arranged now and instead of being longer, wun me oumpior vauuy pcopiu wincli it would bo by severa League meeting to be held hero fair week. President Miller was author ized to appoint a general arrange ments committee for this purpose , tributed to cover the details and appoint, jjet busy sub-committees to look after tho in tho various districts. Thero aro seven of those districts cov ering the entire county and there are four special prizes to be d'n- thcreforo they should hours, we should mako an effort to shorten the time. CITV WATER AND SDVERAfiE. to bring the mail over that far. He claims the railroad manage ment are charging him all the contract pays for the delivery of the mail from Austin to Canyon and unless he can get it reduced k in, u of the he will have to put teams on and ' .,,..,, . carry the mail from Austin. He col,nci1 Inst mhi Engineers has appealed to the Poslolliee Cooper & Dodge woro employed Department at Washington but to make a preliminary survey of thero has been no disposition to all feasible water supply both comfort of the guests. Ho will also appoint a committee to gath er Harney county products for use in advertising our LOCAL IRRIGATION COMPANY. Judge Grant Thompson has been in tho city for soveral days awaiting tho arrival of plans for tho experiment farm buildings. Prof Scuddcr wroto under date of Aug. 20, that tho plans had been delayed In tho hands of the architect but wouldoo forwarded in a day or two and asked Judge Thompson to get them into the hands of carpenters at once in order to havo bids within ten days after their receipt. It is in tended to havo concrete founda tions to tho buildings therefore hasto must bo made In order to get material in from tho railroad during tho freighting season nnd tho work undor way. Prof Scudder is expected in at tho timo the bids aro submitted nnd will be accompanied by the man who will havo charge of tho station. I. M. Sweek has announced his intention of opening a new store in Canyon City. Stock has been ordered and as soon as it arrives and tho necessary arrangements made the new business enterprise will bo launched. Mr. Sweek formerly lived in BuniH and for the lust year has been employed in the general merchandise store of Johnson & Knox of John Day. He has had a great deal of expe rience in merchandising and friends freely predict success for his venture. Blue Mt. Eagle. Brown's Satisfactory Store LOWER PRICES We are in a position to make you a lowe price than any quotation submitted to yo; bv anv Harnev County merchant, BriiJ us the list. We will sell under it. This offej includes STUbEBAKER WAGONS, BUGGI$ ? BHMBHHBHHBHM0HH9flHflSVBHBMIHHBNHB0HHHHHHHH j mVllU0 vJ i ii 'iHMMmn an iiJii iwwumi urn mw www m am iawn; iiimi nin in urn .iwamiiiifiwUMWiiH irniiniiTinin'-- tui r ' BURNS. OREGON. mm "I suffered intensely after eat ing and no medicine or treat ment I tried seemed to do any good," writes' II. M. Youngpet ers, Editor of Tho Sun, Lake View, Ohio. "The first few doses of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets gave mo sur prising relief and the second bot tle seemed to give inc :i now stomach and perfectly good health." For sale by all good Dealers. ,11 , HHHHM "DIGNIFYING THE INDUSTRIES" -i MISSION AT BURNS. Judge Will R. King informs resources. MilnTim,,u.,il,r,,i,i .i1Il( ii1( .,... atthebiglamlshow oL.o..eUUn .0 T, D Ue tho east. Transportation com- , , ,., ,,., panics are anxious to secure these ctomntlon Co.. articles of which exhibits and will take caro of i were filed with tho county clerk them as soon ns they have been last week, was a strictly local assembled. It seems they desire concern composed of water users particularly grain in the straw in tho Drewsey Bection. It seems and root crops that will keep for ' a ditch was started several years an indefinite- time as they desire ago for tho purpose of perfecting WE HAVE IT HERE Everything' that our long experience has found needed by people of THE HARNEY VALLEY COUNTRY Build Up Your Own Town and Community by trading with your home merchants LUNABURG, DALTON & CO. have established and will maintain an up to date department store. A few of the thousands of articles carried in stock enumerated below Dry Goods Wares of all kind A Complete Line of Staple and Fancy DRY GOODS including Ladies Cloaks, Waists, Skirts, Sweat ers, Shawls, Hand Bags, Beds and Bedding, Undermuslins, Dress Goods, Hosiery, Corsets and Corset Covers. Gent's Supplies The Most Complete and Up-to-Date Gents' Furnishing Dep't. Men and Boys Suits and Overcoats; Socks, Neckties, Collars and Cuffs, Cuff Buttons and Links, New Stock of Working and Dress Shirts, Hats, Caps, Gloves, Underwear Suspenders, Levi StrousB and "Bo.ss of the Road" Overalls, Jumpers, Linen Dusters. Rubber foot wear, Rubber clothing. Drugs, Oils, Etc. We mention here a few of the very things carried in this department. Perfumery, Face Powder, Creams and Solutions, Toilet Articles, Blue Vitro, Formaldehide, Chloride Lime, Turpen tine, Gasoline, Kerosene. Lubricating Oils, Stock and Poultry Foods, Insect Powders and all Household Remedies. Pure California Wines, Grapo Juice and Liquors for household purposes. Pure, denatured and wood alcohol. Sal soda. Paints and oils. Prices Reasonable. Arc so representative in character that it is possible to furnish your home. WOODENWARE- Brooms, Brushes, Willow Ware, Water Bags, Barrels and Kegs and chopping bowls, etc. QUEENSWARE Fine China. Cut Glass, Silver Deposit Ware, Mirrors, Cooking Utensils, Pottery, Lamps. HARDWARE-Nails. Gardfen Tools, Rope, Cuttlery Full lino of Tinware Barb wire, staples, roofing. JEWELRY-Clocks, Watches, Stick Pins, Belt Buckles, Chains, Fobs. Headquarters Sport ing Goods, Guns, Am munition Fishing and Camping Outits, Tents, Tarpaulians & Wagon Covers. Boots and Shoes We are proud of this department and can give satisfaction to all Men, Women and Children. Wo carry the celebrated Buckingham & Hccht line. CORD WOOD All Honorable Competition Met. Entertainment For family, friends and yourself if you purchase n PHONOGRAPH with . RECORDS. Wo have them in stock. Children's Dep't Our Children's Department is so complete that wo can furnish your little ones from top to too. Wo havo not overlooked tho Dolls and Toys. Groceries Of all kinds Flour, Bncon, Lard, Honoy, Grain, Grass Seed, and Feeds, all kind of Farm Produce, Fresh Fruit and Vegetables, Evaporated Fruits. Special Articles Umbrellas, Parasols, Trunks, Valises, Suit Cases, and Uuttcrlclt Patterns. STATIONARY, SCHOOL SUPPLIES TOBACCO AND CIGARS NOTIONS - CONFCCTIONARIES Grain and Wool Dags, Sack and Binder Twine Your Business Solicited. THE BUIiNS DEPARTMENT STORE August27 to September 1. 1911. Church of tho Holy Family. Sunday night Tho Soul's Sal vation. Monday night Sin the Enemy of God and Man. Tuesday night-Mnn's Last Act. Wednesday night Come ye Blessed or Depart ye Wicked. Thursday night Our Adver sary, like n roaring lion Gooth about Friday night Tho Home and what it should be. Special exercises for tho child ron. Confessions heard at any hour between 0 a. m. anu 'J p. m. Friday night renovation of vows for tho whole congregation. All Catholics and especially -non-Catholics aro invited nnd urged to mako use of the Question Box by submitting questions on reli gion, morals, and Jesus Christ These questions wilj bo answer ed every evening before tho mis sion sermon. Ri:v. Thomas J. Brady, Diocesan Missionary. Tho French Hotel under the management of L. B. Gulp lias tho desired reputation for real comfort and good service. Pastuiik Soven miles from Bums. Both horses nnd "cattle. $2 per month.- Mrs. E. E. Owsley. t hit li th tltlt of ft btautirul 4-eim Ui-fi 4t - vUl haw but kar or rlrl how to BDCCtn ' v . $X poUl In ta mall TODAY and It will te Jjfj turn 1M U1 bOtAVgl. M UlfcUU 1GIM TtMjxjxji .....utu . .a ATT ti ..(. i "W "Jl" IUT MUUH.M. .U.I V W H ,u VTVtitf ? CM counts u AfTiealtitr, Clru torlnter)ti.t EasiBruf.KcnamcaiEnfuitriEr Kaj erUff, rorrtrr, Domtitlo-Bcl.nc uni mere, rnirmiry asa aunc. m c f iptmbor aid. Caujog ftf t. A&tntt: UaKTKAK, OREGON ACITJ O0UIQE, OorreUU, Ortfon. f4(tuiiim)iit -a KXMOUIOIl'H NOTICB. In tlio County Court of the filntw 01 Ore- Kon for tlio GoimtJ ut Ilnrncy. In tlio tnntlvr of tlio untato of Juson Itonnrtt, di'ivrtfcd I Notlco Ik liureliy hi'ii that byonlor' of tlio County Court of tlio Htnto of Oro- Kon for Iifirifoy County, duly iiiikIq am) ' vntorvi) on tlio Int 'lay of Jutiu, Kill,! tlio muliirrlKin.il urn duly appointed i Hxrcutor of tint lat Will and Tectnmcnt ' of Javori l)cuiiott,drr'anrd. All portion ImvlliK olalum iiKaltirt tho uliovo vnUtti aro lioroliy tintltloil to proiont tlio name, crl0d a by law rculit-d, to tlio un- dfralKtird I'xcctltor nilliln nix inontln from tlio dato liorcof, and tlita notice W dated tlio l'-'tli dnyof AuKtit, 1(111. I I. l'OUJADK, Kxocutorof tlio Itikt Will and Tviitnmtnt of Jnnon llciiuvtt, doc'aiHd. Second Hand Store and Loan Office m We loan buy, sell, oxclinuo mid money on everything. A. TRAQOTT & CO. Jurtcnucn llullJInj. Main Street, Hum, Ore- USIC Private instructions in VOICE and PIANO Sight singing and Health Culture in classes MRS. McIIOSE Studio over Tho Times-Herald We Have Opened Offices in the New ik Building in Burns, and are Prepared TA Furnish Accurate, Relia v and Complete Abstracts Title to all Lands in Harney fA Buy and Sell Real Estate;! " Large and Small Tracts. r i Wm w write rire insurance ml Strongest Old Line Comp 8,000 acre tract irrigated Ian best in Central OregonFii class colonization projec. TO, it All Business Intrusted To Us Will Prompt and Careful Attention. MOTHERSHEAD & DONEG Rooms '1 and 5 Masonic Building K ?.t: SEASHORE EXCURSION via the Oregon-Washington Railroad & Navigation Co. Wednesday, August 23? 1911 SPECIAL TRAIN Uoneiflting of Pullman Standard and Tour itit Sleeping Cars and Sleol CoacliOH, leaving Unkor at (5:1 f p. in., La Grando 8:00 p. in. ROUND TRIP PARE Baker $12.50 Tickotn good for return up to and including Sept. 7, permitting stop-ovor at Portland and AHtoria giving an opportunity to visit tlio AHtoria Contonnail CHOICE OF STEAMERS PuBSongors may tnko tho IOxcuiwon Sleanior "T. . I. Pot tor" loaving AbIi Stroot Dock at 8:00 a. in. on Aug. 2-lth or 35th and enjoy a delightful daylight rido on tlio Colum bia ltivor, or tho Htoamoro "Harvest Quoon" or "Ha.sBalo" leaving at 8:00 p. m. same dateH. For furthor partioulars call on any QAV. H. N Co Agont or writo to Wm. McAlurray, acnernl Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon Young's Meat Market & Gi. Has a full line of BINDER TWI and neriirDAi UAioiro-rii d SUPPLIES Get our Prices on Groceries, Hardwat CASH WILL GET BARGAINS HEE s Urn -- THE TIMES-HE Job Printing. Prompt Attention CM r BtMWMMMaaaittMBUdaafcai ifarAAAaUIMH