The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, August 19, 1911, Image 2

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"in, nv- u.'s - ,---rT--T--r- ! i ., '
Uj ! SB
1 XT if
il ,;
Ml i '
25 per cent off Men's and Boy's Summer Suits
15 per cent off on Boy's Wash Suits
15 per cent off on all Straw and Panama Hats
Schenk Brothers
Merchant Tailors and Outfitters
Burns. Oregon, Odd Fellows Bide
Ihc iims-jfCfaC4
Ouo Year
Six Moiithn .
Thro Moiitlu
IU1.IAN lt Hl -
J. ou
One of the best speeches mudo
nt the recent meeting of the De
velopment Lengue in Astoria wns
made by Bill Hanloy according
to the advices received through
the Portland papers. The follow -ing
are paragraphs from a re
port published in the Jeurnal:
Enthusiasts for the develop
ment of Oregon who listened to
newcomers and old residents by
moans of "soil schools." branches
of the Agricultural college. Ho
advocated the use of western re
sources by westerners, saying
that if easterners wnnt the bene
fit of western resources they
should come here and live. Col
onel Hanley said:
"When that wise old Dutch-
- man, .John Jacob Aster, founded
this town ho was looking for
skins in competition with the
Hudson Bay company. Ho was
dealing in the products of the
wilderness, furs. What has made
the difference between that day
and this? Population! What
supports all your steamship lines
and railways? Population! What
makes all your cities? Popula
tion. And what supports the
cities themselves? The country
population back of them.
"You can see that everyono of
thp address of William Ilanlev.
the "cattle king from Burns.'" ui ought to do what we can to
vesterdav evenintr. declared it increase the population. Now, 1
one of the richest things they
had heard. With constantly out
cropping mother wit that com
am a country man; I am from
the center of the state what
they call the desert but I want
nnllml rnnriniinns ntmlniisn. ITnn. to tell VOU to forget it. That
ley told of the eastern Oregon name-forgot it. It is the rich-
est soil on earth, the water is
'We've got the richest land in ' there to irrigate it. If it isn't in
the world," exclaimed Hanley,
who is not only vice president of
the Oregon Development league,
but president of the Central Ore
gon Development league.
Hanley pleaded for training of
the streams from the mountains,
or from the heavens, to be con
served by scientific cultivation, it
is underneath, either in artesian
or to be pumped.
"There is no limit to the de
velopment of that country in ul-
jfnlfn, clover, wheat, barley,
sugar bcota, meats, and nil tho
leading staples. It is ready to
support millions of population,
but whoro is tho population?
Well, tho population is rondy, too,
Back cast, in the middle west,
and in Gevmnny, France, Sweden
and Norwny, and tho best parts
of Euiopc. Wo can double tho
population of Ore on and then
double it again, in a very few
years, if wo all pull together.
"What is needed? Uuilwnya,
to bring in tho population and
carry out tho products; irrigation
by gravity or otherwise; good
roads lo feed tho railways, as
good roads aro just as necessary
as a railroad.
"The cities, and especially
Portland, should furnish money
or flnnnco legitimate, good, busi
ness like irrigation plans. They
should insist on railroads, and if
my good friend hero Mr. Gray,
won't build them. I say woshould
build them ourselves. I never
could see much difl'erenco be
tween a county road, irrigation
district or rnilroad, except cost.
All of them aro highways for the
people. There is a dilferenco in
operation, of course, but opera
tion is not, and never has been
hitched up with ownership. Lots
of railroads aro operated by peo
ple who do not own them.
"Now, I suppose I am a cattle
man if I'm anything, but I wnnt
to tell you, rich lands for farms
' and homes were never meant to
(raise cattle on. It is poor econ
lomy to take wide acres to graze
'a few cattle on when in the same
j business, even by highly cultivat
i ed products they could support
'many limes as many cattlo to
higher perfection of both people
and cattle. A range country can
nevor be a populous country, and
I have told you all our cities, all
of our prosperity, depends upon
people, people, people! But you
cannot get the pcoplo unless you
give them a chance. It is no
use to boom and advertise, and
not be ready for them when they
come. They want a homo and a
chance lo bo happy and comfor
table. "To get this population which
we must have, which is the bas-
I is of all growth and piospority,
j we must not be bottled up on
our natural lecourscs, I do not
(believe in waste nor do I believe
in the mere speculator who holds
out lands ngnlnst settlement and
'use, but I do beliovo in every
'locality and its population having
tho closest right to its own re
sources. "Tho cast has had (to resourc
es, it has used them and built up
on them. My idea is Hint tho
east has no right to Ray lo us,
'Wo will bottle up your recourses
for future generations.' Woof
this coast want to ubo our re
courses now, as use is conserva
tion nnd economy, and wo wnnt
the right just as tho cast had tho
uso of its recources. Wo do not
beliovo in the principlo that tho
natural recources belong to all
the peoplo when all tho natural
resources aro in tho west nnd all
tho pcoplo in tho east, but wo do
beliovo that all our natural re
sources belong to all the pcoplo
if they must como west to col
lect their interest in them.
"Togivoyoun bettor under
standing of my ideas of organi
zation. Tho soil that is unused,
or is not properly used, to tho
very highest stato of develop
ment, is a loss to all, and not so
serious to tho individual owner,
as it makes no difference to soci
ety in general what tho owner
ship of tho soil is if it docs not
produce anything.
"Hvery reservoir, canal and
irrigation system should bo fin
anced by a largo credit on sound
basis. All power should bo de
veloped to make country life as
attrntivo as city life, so that
cities would not bo so much in
advance of their creator, as thero
must be a limit of lime when
they will bo called upon for their
false inventories of values based
on their slime of the country's
product that is not being pio-duced."
I Save trouble and inconvenience
by taking Sunday dinner at lh'
French Hotel.
1 Lost On tho streets a plain
I gold bracelet. Suitable reward
if finder will return totlusofhce.
President Crooks of the Alba
ny College arrived hero last Sat
urday remaining over Sunday.
He was out in tho interest of the
school and looks forward to an
i exceptionally good school year.
jMr. Crooks spoke at the Baptist
, church Sunday evening, there
.being no service in the Presby
terian church, and left for Crook
county Monday morning.
jr . """ 7
A largo party of invited guests
onjoyed a delightful dnncing
party at Locher's hall last Tues
day evening glvon by Judge and
Mrs. II. C. Lovcns and Mr. and
Mrs. Isaac Schwartz, Miss Alma
Gunning nnd tho Misses Avis
and Ethel Sheridan being tho
guests of honor.
Tho hostesses were assisted by
a number of young ladles in re
ceiving and some of them also
presided nt tho punch bowl dur
ing tho evening. Tho programs
provided twenty-four numbers
which were most thoroughly en
joyed to musio furnished by
Wolker'B four picco orchestra.
Tho hall was very tastefully
decorated for tho occasion, pink
nnd whito being tho predominat
ing colors. Every comfort was
provided for tho guests who
wero profuso in thoir apprecia
tion. It was n most delightful mid
summer affair nnd n social func
tion which tho ho8tc8fies may
feel proud of. There wero over
one hundred couples present.
Fruit punch was served throu
ghout tho evening and the hosts
seemed to be everywhere in the
hall at once to anticipate the
pleasure of their guests.
The Drewsey Reclamation Co.
is the name under which a new
corporation is formed and which
filed papers with the county
clerk this week. Will R. King,
F. M. Saxton and L. M. King
aro named as tho incorporators
and the capital is $20,000. Ac
cording to tho articles the new
company will engage in reclaim
ing lands in Harney and Malheur
counties in the vicinity of Drow
soy. Tho Times-Herald has not
learned whether the company
has a private irrigation project
or whether it will be a Carey
act proposition.
Everything that our long experience has found needed by people of
Build Up Your Own Town and Community
by trading with your home merchants
have established and will maintain an up to date department store.
A few of the thousands of articles carried in stock enumerated below
Dry Goods Wares of all kind
A Complete Line of Staple and
Fancy DRY GOODS including
Ladies Cloaks, Waists, Skirts, Sweat
ers, Shawls, Hand Rags, Reds and
Bedding, Undermuslins, Dress Goods,
Hosiery, Corsets and Corset Covers.
Gent's Supplies
The Most Complete and Up-to-Date
Gents' Furnishing Dcp't.
Men and Roys Suits and Overcoats;
Socks, Neckties, Collars and Cuffs,
Cuff Buttons and Links, New Stock
of Working and Dress Shirts, Hats,
Caps, Gloves, Underwear Suspenders,
Levi Strouss and "Ross of the Road"
Overalls, Jumpers, Linen Dusters.
Rubber foot wear, Rubber clothing.
Drugs, Oils, Etc.
We mention here a few of the very
things carried in this department.
Perfumery, Faco Powder, Creams and
Solutions, Toilet Articles, Rluo Vitrol,
Formaldchido, Chloride Lime, Turpen
tine, Gasoline, Kerosene, Lubricating
Oils, Stock and Poultry Foods, Insect
Powders and all Household Remedies.
Pure California Wines, Grapo Juico
and Liquors for household purposes.
Pure, denatured and wood alcohol.
Sal soda. Paints and oils.
Prices Reasonable.
Are so rcprcsentnthc in character
that it is possible to furnish your home.
WOODENWARE Brooms, Brushes,
Willow Ware, Water Bags, Barrels
and Kegs and chopping bowls, etc.
QUEENSWARE Fine China. Cut
Glass, Silver Deposit Ware, Mirrors,
Cooking Utensils, Pottery, Lamps.
HARDWARE-Nails, Gaiden Tools,
Rope, Cuttlcry -Full lino of Tinware
Barb wire, staples, roofing.
JEWELRY-Clocks, Watches, Stick
Pins, Relt Ruckles, Chains, Fobs.
Headquarters Sport
ing Goods, Guns, Am
munition Fishing and
Camping Outfits.
Tents, Tarpaulians &
Wagon Covers.
Boots and Shoes
We are proud of this department and
can give satisfaction to ail -Men,
Women nnd Children. We carry the
celebrated Buckingham & Ilecht line.
All Honorable Competition Met.
For family, friends nnd yourself if
you purchase a PHONOGRAPH with
RECORDS. We have them in stock.
Children's Dep't
Our Children's Department is so
complete that wo can furnish your
little ones from top to toe. Wo havo
not overlooked the Dolls and Toys.
Of all kinds - Flour, Racon, Lard,
Ilonoy, Grain, Grass Seed, and Feeds,
all kind of Fnrm Produce, Fresh Fruit
and Vegetables, Evaporated Fruits.
Special Articles
Umbrellas, Parasols, Trunks, Valises,
Suit Cases, and Httttcrick Patterns.
Grain and Wool Rags, Sack and
Binder Twine
Your Business Solicited.
August 27 to September 1, 191 1.
Church of the Holy Family.
Sunday night -Tho Soul's Sal
vation. Monday night- -Sin the Enemy
of God nnd Man.
Tuesday night Man's Last
Wednesday night Come yo
Blessed or Depart yo Wicked.
Thursday night Our Adver
sary, like a roaring lion Goeth
Fridav night The Home and
what it should le.
Special exorcises for the child
ren. Confessions hoard at any hour
between G a. m. and 9 p. m.
Friday night renovation of
vows for tho whole congregation.
All Catholics and especially non
Catholics aro invited and urged
to make uso of the Question Box
by submitting questions on reli
gion, morals, and Jesus Christ
Theso questions will be answer
ed every evening before tho mis
sion sermon.
Ri:v. Thomas J. Rhady,
Diocesan Missionary.
Pasturu -Seven miles from
Rums. Roth horses and cattle.
?2 per month.-- Mrs. E. E. Owsley.
Brown's Satisfactory Store
We are in a position to make you a lower
price than any quotation submitted to you
bv anv Harney County merchant, .Bring
us the list. We will sell under it. This offer
AY mw JmmP ifb A Wr Br Ja
Mmmmr JbbbbW mmmr bbS JF m Vbbbf . dmmr mmwW" JfimW ll
minwn mumnm i iii iimiiinnwmiiini imunnmaaMW a "f j
--jr-T- m,
J S MtMrtlVfl
A. Wasgatt of tho Oregon
1 tlf....J ...I Iull.. i
mm western i,uiuiii.;iuun vu. ,
has moved his office into the j
Gowan building. J
Enjov an outing at the Sea
shoi e. Stopover at Portland and
Astoria. Take advantage of the
very low round trip rate of,
$12.r0, children half faiu, on the-!
special train operated by tlie-
0 WR&N Co. leaving Raker for ,
tho Seashoru on Wednesday,
Auirust 23 at (i:15p.m.. Tickets:
are limited to fifteen days and
there will be ample accomoda
tions for all passengers in the
chair cars and sleeping cars.
Mako your reservations through
tfie agent of the 0 WR&N Co.
at Raker. Do it NOW.
In tliu Comity Court of tint Stnte uf Orv
Km for tliu Counlv of llariiuy.
In tlio mntlir of tlio swtntn of Jnum
llunni It, ilcci'usi'tl
Notice Is licroby itiu'ii Hint lJ oriler
of lint County Court of tlio r-'tnto of Oro-
L'Oii for llnrnnv County, iluly iiindn niul
I'Htoted on tlio If t ilny uf Juno, lllll,
thu uiHlorrlKnuU a mil) Hppointrd
lixrriitor of tho ItiKt Will anil Tontntiiriit
of Jnson Hcnmitl.ilcccum'd. All i'rnon
huvlni; olnlinH naliirl tl ntiowt oelftlo
aro huroby notltk'tl tu pronml tlio ann',
crlfltl ns liv law rolulrtil. to tho un-
(lurnlciittl Kxcciitor uitliiu hIx tiiontha j
from tint iltito hurcof, nml this iiotlcn i!
ilutfil tho mil ilny of Aiign'l It'll :
I. I. I'OlUAm:,
Txt'iMltiir ( tlio Insi ill ntiil'IVKtiiiiiriit
of Jacoil Itclt lit tt, ili'tuml.
I 3 ti III BF r1 ivIHIIHIlBLV1! B H I c Le 9
K r
TbU li th UUt of beautiful C4-pace t&ctr.jkM
j.t.L...M..H. .iri h.wtnitnrnrrn tWo
Will IIWW UJ BWf v. . - "T.." K
Dottal in mU TODAT and It will te list rtl
Tb ala of lb Colltf tt to disntly ana tny!izl
tb ln4uUlet, and to lint ALL the peopli luj
eOUTMf in ArTICUllUr. WITH Uliuiniuti
. r.Hn..rln. fe?ln1..t
trUf, rortitrr. Domtlo-8clnc and Art, I
rorc, rnannasx ana uit. .uuvu..,,.,
..,imhr lid. Cataloc fret.
noi.u.QE. conrauu. urcioa. 13
Private instructions in
Sight singing and Health Culture
in classes
Studio over Tlio Times-Herald
We Have Opened Offices in the New JaaoJ
Building in Burns, and are Prepared
-TA Furnish Accurate, ReliarJ
' " and Complete Abstracts
Title to all Lands in Harney
TA Buy and SeJJ ea Estale
" Large and Small Tracts.
-TA Write Fire Insurance in th
" Strongest Old Line Comp'ie
8,000 acre tract irrigated land-
best in Central OregonFirs
class colonization projec . If Ml
Jill Business Intrusted To Us Will Mrril
Prompt and Careful Attention.
Rooms 4 and 5 Masonic Building.
via the
OregoflhWaslrington Railroad & Navigation Co.
Wednesday, August 23, 1S11 -
CoiiH.Hting of Pullman St audavd and Tour
ist .Sloopiiifr Cai-H and Stjol CoupIioh, leaving
Bukor at (1:1 o p, m., liU drando 8:00 p. in.
Baker - $12.50
Tickotn good for roturn up to and including
Sopt. 7, porniitt. ing Htop-ovor at Portnind
and AHtoria giv ing aii opportunity to viHit
tho AHtoria (Am ton nail
;Mng's Meat Market & Grd
i Has a full line of
wet our Prices on Groceries, Hardware,
PaBBongorH amy take the lOxcurmon Steamer "T. J. Pot
tor" loaving Ash Street Dock at 8:00 u.iu,uii Aug. LMth
or 2Rth and onjoy a delightful daylight rido on tho Colum
bia JUvor. or tho wtoaiu orH "Harvest Ouoon" or 'lliiHHuln"
leaving at 8:00 p. m. aamo datcB.
For further particular call on anv O-AV. 11. X W C,n.
Agont or writo to
Wm. MqMiirry, General Passenger Agent,
Job Printing-
Prompt Attention Given