The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, August 19, 1911, Image 1

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"Ue tmB-3Hern!&
Tlio Olllclnl l'npor of llnrnoj County
Iiaa tlio largost circulation nil li oub ol
Ito best advertising mediums In Kaitern
Clic &rcnt Stanley ftoumrg
Covers an nrra of 0,428,000 afrro ol
land, 4,03,U51 acres yet vacant mbuct
to ontry under tlio public, larid lawe ol
tlio United Blutcs.
NO 40.
(3 vJv wJtiiJ
itruction on Oregon-Eastern to
Begin Before October
ikee Righl-oMVny Agent in the Malheur Pass
idicates Hill System Still Has ''Designs" on This
writory and Perhaps n Better Route Through it.
tVnle Enterprise deals in
ather extravagant railroad
this week which is of
less interest to this see-
fhe Enterprise insists that
unman system will Hold
smtage in the Malhcurcan-
will not permit its right-
Recentlywlien the merger of
the Great Northern, tho North
ern Pacific, the Chicago & North
western and the Chicago, Burl
ington & Quincy railroads placed
tho controling interest in the
hands of tho Hill people, the
move was considered of upmost
importance to the Northwest and
to lapse, therefore work indicated that James J. Hill pro-
gin beioro uctouer, tne posou to proceed, tnrougu tno
the expiration of such
je witnoui restrictions.
iterprise says:
Bing as an on man, ana
telling many other old
that he could place the
Bed Malheur irrigation pro
nto hands of capitalists, W.
idy, well known to many
was in town Sunday and
ay getting information and
ing for a trip in tho West-
art of the county. Keady
interested in the first oil
Bition in the Vale field, and
Fmuch time in Dry Gulch
he and the Hope Bros,
prospecting for oil some
fears ago. lie is wen ac
ted with the country.
coming to town Sunday,
immediately asked old
Is about the oil situation to
he ask about the irriga-
Irojects, and while in the
Bor's office looked up all the
pertaining to railroad
3f-way matters. He seem-
know every foot of the Boise
stern and also that of the
Eastern. In particular
inted to know about the
issue of $600.000,000 bonds, with
the construction of tho prospec
tive northwestern lines, includ
ing the Pittsburg & Gilmore, and
the possible connection of the
Northwestern with the Armstead
terminal via Dillon. Tho merger
included a total of 17,000 miles
of line and the deal has since
been viewed oa the most import
ant in years. The presenco of
Keady in this section is another
indication that Hill is now pre
paring to break through this
"bottled up" section.
That the Harriman people are
working on right-of-way matters
in this section for the immedi
ate construction of their Oregon
& Eastern railroad from Vale on
west is an assured fact. The
news lias just reached this office
and although the work has been
delayed to some extent it is cer
tain that actual construction
work will be started from this
city before the expiration of the
right-of-way franchise over the
government Innds through tho
Malheur canyon.
Tho right-of-way proposition
through this canyon is a most
ira. no asK wnetner one
.travel through the canyon
old road as he went to
the scenery. He was great-
erested in sections where
y between the Harper and -important matter and the fact
that the Harriman directors
voted an appropriation some
weeks ago for the first section
of the Oregon Eastern out of
Vale, goes to show that they
jarriman people had not yi't'yalue tho importance of keeping
d a right-of-way. in Kood standing along right-of-
dy was formerly connected wav n,tters through the much
the mysterous Milwaukee, S0Ught pass, and that they will
but although he now main-,not let the right-of-way pass out
-that he resigned a year ago I of Itheir hands.
till thought he is here to, -All reports of proposed rail-
p matters for the Milwau- way activity are again strcngth
r the equally mysterious I ea this week byy. the news that
urg & Gilmore. As the i the appropriation asked for, for
man ngnt-oi-way expires i the construct on work, was made
much larger thanjthat asked for
by the construction engineer,
fin October, it is said that
Harriman people have not
eded with construction
that tho mysterious rail-
rs will hop onto the impor-right-of-way
through the
eur pass.
known that the Milwau-
leople have a survey up the
; Creek, passing through the!
livide in township 18 range
id jumping into the Malheur
fon, in township z0, range
rhere an outlet is feasible
the upper waters of the
eur, West of that is where
ly was headed for.
Is now a certainty that the
raukee people are going to
a break through this scc-
sf the great coast country.
immediate developments
the air and it would not
irprising that the Pittsburg
ilmore was extended from
jn down the Payette river
bn through Vale across inter
feron to the coast. There
lumcrous surveys through
ection and if the mysterious
i can connect in any way at
It is reasonablo to believe
Ceady is their representa-
secure data and right-of-
i through this section. In
fit was learned on good au-
fcy, that Keady was hero to
right-of-way for tho Mil-
ee road, their surveys being
'the Bully Creek as far as
ivide, taking the proposed
along tho Malheur River.
Keady went out into tho
last Monday and at this
i making a thorough inves-
on of conditions. He went
red to stay several days,
The Stage Comp'any has pur
chased a barn from Win. Blott
and T. B. Blackmier and is
I moving it to the Raymand place.
Several new comers from Taco-
ma, Wash., passed through here
on their way to Burns to file on
land in Catlow Valley. Their
were four in the party and they
were well enough pleased with
the country to take two sections
of land.
Van B. Embree and E. A.
Shafer passed through Sunset
Sunday on their way to Nurrows
from Drcwsey.
The Hodder boys have taken
land in Catlow valloy.
James Stewart was up to the
Settlemyre place to visit his bro
ther who recently arrived here
from Kansas.
I. S. Tyler is clearing a large
tract of land to seed this fall.
C. V. Reed and his brother
James are putting up hay on their
farm near tho Narrows.
There are several nice water
melon patches in Sunset Valley
and if Jack Frost don't make u
raid this month thoro will be n
good crop,
Clyde and Van B. EmbreoJ
were visitors to Burna Tuesday
on business.
Tho rabbits are attracting a
great deal of attention at this
time but a bounty on rabbits
by Hnrnoy County alone will not
destroy tho pest ns they have to
much territory to migrate from.
If this country was the only
place where rabbits were n pest
it would bo alright to go it alono
in tho bounty business but when
wo take tho territory of Harney,
Lake, Crook and Malheur coun
ties besides some others that
are being taken by rabbits it be
comes tho placo of tho state to
take tho matter in hnnd. When
Harney and urant wero one
county Grant county went into
the scalp business and it como
very near bankrupting tho coun
ty and Harney would land in tho
same placo. A bounty of less
than five cents would not pay
lor the ammunition and it is
nothing but right that a sufll
cient bounty be given so tho rub
bit hunter can make money nut
of the deal as it was in the case
with tho coyote when the sheep
men worked tne legislature to
pass n law giving n $l.r0 bounty
on coyote scalps.
About tho time you read this
it will be time to spray foi fungi,
they may, as for insect pests, bo
placed in two groups or classes:
internal and external. The first
includes fungi of which tho germ
enters the skin of -leaf or fruit,
brunch and roots and tho myce
lium grows and develops entirely
under cover so that after they
enter no spray can reach them.
Spraying for this class must bo
before they enter and as a pre
ventative. The following are
a few of the most potent of in
ternal fungi:
Smuts and rusts, downey mil
dews, apple scale, brown rot,
and apple anthracnose. For this
class spray before they enter,
after they get under cover there
is no cure, but can be prevented,
and now is -the time to use as a
spray: Copper sulphate 1 pound,
quick lime 1 pound, water III
gallons. Dissolve sulphate in
water hot or cold. Slack lime
with suflicient water only don't
let it dry. After lime is all slak
ed, add water till a creamy sub
stance is obtained. The best re
sults arc obtained by adding half
of the 13 gallons of water to
sulphate and half to milk of lime.
Strain lime solution, pour both
together, agitate and apply to
trees in a fine mist spray. For
peach trees in foliage add one
fourth more water. This inter
nal fudgi is doing much damage
tho majority of us cannot appre
ciate tho damage they do as wo
cannot! see them. It is just tho
same with the spring and fall
kanker worms. Wo believe we
have none. We see tho foliage
striped from tho new growth of
our trees, put the blame on aphis
because wo don't see tho worms
at work, as they work while wo
sleep, and hide away under any
cover they can find during tho
daytime. Spread a piece of cloth
close to affected tree at night,
pick it up after sun up in tho
morning and you will be aston
ished to see the amount of night
prowlers you have beneath it
They are easily exterminated if
we will only spray with proper
spray at proper season. This
about worms which are increas
ing fast in whole northern end of
tho county being only nn illustra
tion that we do not appreciate
the damage dono by unseen ene
mies, I will proceed with fungi.
Of class two or external fungi
wo havo but few, still what wo
have does great damage. AH of
us know well what the powdery
mildows of rose, grape and goose
berry is, and its doslructiveness
to all its' horts. Both of these
pests can be successfully dealt
with by using tho nbovo spray
tho first prevented and second
cured; use during fall while
spoVes or fungi need aro tossed
around by wind, and carried from
place to place by birds and insectB.
Adam GEanau,
Fruit Inspector
Architect Elliot returned this
morning from Burns whoro ho
secured tho contract for tho plans
of their now grade school build
ing to cost about thirty thousand
dollars. Notice, of plans being
ready for tho contractors will bo
announced in tho Argus as soon
as ready. Mr. Elliott stated that
tho Harney country certainly
looks good and tho crops ore all
fine. Argus.
In Race for Prosperity and Develop
ment are Pointed Out
Summary of Address by James J. Hill Read at Con
vention of Oregon Development League at Astoria
August M, 15, 1(5 Great Agricultural Possibilities.
The slate of Oregon has a big
advantage in the raco for pros
perity and development which is
rellected in tho dual character
of this occasion. It marks the
centennial of the founding of this
nourishing and enterprising city.
It marks the culmination of or
ganized effort for tho develop
ment of the whole of your mag
nificent state that has been stirr
ed to fresh and larger activity by
the labors of this Development
Your natural inheritance
princely. Ranking 7th in the
Union in size, Oregon is a giant
even among the great communi
ties of the West. Her area is as
large as all New England with
South Carolina added. It is one
half as largo again as tho Turk
ish Empire in Europe. If it were
as thickly settled ns Now Jersey
is today, it would support five
million more people than aro now
living in all tho states of the
Union west of the Mississippi
The eastern portion of your
state is now, for the first time,
Doing put into ran communica
tion with the markets of tho
country. !?30,000,000 werespentl
last year for railroad construc
tion in Oregon. Underneath and
back of all this are great agri
cultural possibilities which even
Deputy Sheriff Ben Brown on
Saturday evening returned from
Westfnll with Francis F. Griffin,
nn insane person. Griffin lives
over at tho NarrowB, where ho
has a brother, E. R. Griffin. His
mother lives in Spokane. While
stopping for a few days in West
fall, residents of that town notic
ed that something wus wrong
with Griffin and tho Sheriffs
office was notified. Griflin'B mind
wanders on all subjects. He has
18 written several books, his latest
being, "Tho tiulh about Har
ney county and the way to more
truth." The text is in hand
writing illustrated with half
tones, and Griffin states that it
soon will bo published and class
ed among the best books of the
day. While in jail Griffin has
been running back nnd forth in
the corridor and barking like a
coyote. However, he is now
violent. Word was sent to his
brother and Griffin will be kept
here for a few days. Vale Enterprise.
John D. Ilibbard, president of
the North American Securities
Co., recently talked of irrigation
projects in Boise, Idaho, and is
quoted in tho Statesman ns say
ifiM I a twit tt i t ttttnMiiiii i f (ltniii
.,.i ..!,. n .' r. .... ,.,..,. nf.mK t,ml "io Western projects
tVIU Vtlll, VIIIJ lVt VV-tlk k
the area of the state is now im-i
proved; only about ar0,000 peo
ple arc engaged in its cultivation.
Yet, in addition to tho fruit in
dustry, whose products are fa
mous in all tho markets of the
world. Oregon raises more than
10,000,000 bushels of wheat each
year. Dairying nnd the livestock
industry are capable of almost
indefinite extension and all forms
of agricultural industry aro sure
of an abundant reward.
You need set no narrow bounds
to your future development if it
is carried out along modern,
practical and scientific lines.
Your harbors, your ports, your
railroads, your commercial or
ganizations, all depend naturally J
upon the wealth you take out ol
tho ground. Your particular
advantage lies in the possession
of all tho machinery and exper
ience of an old community to
gether with tho spirit nnd nmbi-
tion of tho now, nnd with an im
mesoarea of tho most productive
land, almost untouched, enst of
the mountains.
If the men of a hundred years
ago could not dream of this.
modern and progressive city
whero they seta trading post for
furs in the wilderness of an un
inhabited coast, neither can we
of today foretell the development
that the next century is to bring,
but wo do know that it should bo
the greatest whero there is tho
largest store of natural resources
and whero these are open tho
most freely to tho enterprise of
man. You can holp win tho
prize by hewing to tho lino mark
ed out by this Development
League, and tho promiso of tho
futuro that cheers und stimulates
you to new effort today will bo
abundantly fulfilled.
can get all the capital necessary
under right conditions. Idaho
has many well developed projects
completed and under construction
and has the advantage of Oregon
in that sentiment is with these
projects. The entire state is
awake to this importanco while
in Oregon only the Enstem por
tion realizes particularly the nec
essity of irrigation or rather
what can be accomplished by it.
According to Mr. Ilibbard capi
tal must be assured of a square
deal and this applies to this sec
tion. Ho says in part:
"Idaho will get all tho capital
she can use to advantage from
the investors of the east as long
as sho treats them right. There
has been mistakes made by the
investors; thoro has been mis
takes made by the settler. There
has been a feeling that the east
ern syndicates were fair prey
for any sort of bluckmailing
scheme. There must be fair
dealing on all sides. Your offi
cials, your land board, your leg
islature must realize that capital
will not enter your state unless
it is assured of a squaro deal.
If tlio right attitude is maintain
ed there need be no fear of a
lack of capital. Good settlers
aro needed just as much as mon
ey and ovcry inducement should
bo held out to tho right kind of
settlors. "
Portland Corespondent
Oregon may yery likely bo giv
en first choioo in locating its state
building on tho grounds of tho
Panama-Pacific Exposition nt
Sun Francisco. Due to tho good
feeling that prevails between the
two Pacific coast states and tho
help given Sun Francisco by
Oregon in being made tho Pana
ma Exposition city, a sentiment
i fuvorablo to letting Oregon place
i its state building anywhere it
' wishes on tho entire exposition
tract bus developed and will pro
bably develop into a definite pro
mise. Oregon commissioners expect
to score a big hit at the coming
exposition and assert it will bo
as much an Oregon affair as an
exploitation of California. Ex
hibits to be shown from this
Btate are expected to equal fully,
if not actually outshine, the
showing made by California
Pendleton's Round-Up, the uni
que annual feature of the city
that shows the disappearing wild
west, will be bigger and better
than ever this year, with more
attractions and bigger crowds.
The dates are September 14-16.
Tho management is making ar
rangements for additional fea
tures never before shown in
HarriBburg will have an inter
esting exhibit during tho last
week in August, when a potato
show will be put on by the wo
men of the Improvement Club.
That section of the state produces
splendid potatoes and the crop
this year is excellent. Consider
ing the high prices of potatoes,
this exhibit should nttract much
Frcewater and the surround
ing country will hold its annual
peach dav festival on August 2-1.
On that date there promises to
be a great showing of lucious
peaches, for which that district
is so noted.
Mosier will hold a big banquet
on September 4, when its com
mercial club will get together the
business interests of the Mosier
Valley and outline the work in
tended to bo accomplished dur
ing the coining year. Portland
interests will be represented.
Port Orford promises some
thing unusual for August 23, 21
and 25, nnd announces nn agate
carnival which is expected to de
velop into an annual affair.
There will be a happy blending
of tho old times and the new,
with clambakes, pioneer reunions,
prizes for the biggest fish caught
and the finest agates picked up
from the beaches, and the historic
conflite of Battle Rock will be
fought over again between a
tribe of make believe Indians
and the whites.
Organization for Farmers Would be
Beneficial to Country Life
Co-Operation and Exchange of Ideas and Experiences
Among Farmers of Harney County Would Prove
Boon' to -Those Working Under Adverse Conditions.
C. D. Howard was in from the
Kortcn place early this week and
called atTho-Times-Herald office.
Mr. Howard has recently been
appointed Grange organizer for
Harney county and is anxious to
would such an organization bene
fit a cummunity, but it has edu
cational and social features that
will broaden the minds and ex
ert great influence in breaking
the monotony and isolation gen-
-11.. ! : r i: n. 1 t
htrt!nr?eswhenSe, of'Sdr
XtZTT .-He Keneral discussion that will cer-
would like to see an organization ton, be advantage0U3 to all
in every school d.stnctin Harney wh '...w-
ZnS nr dfent SUCli Mr- Howard invites correspon-
organza ions will prove a great dence from the varioug commPun.
benefit to the farmers of this ;ties interested and will go to
section where every crop is more I any district where an organiza-
or less an experiment and where ! tion is desired: Mail addressed
closer co-operation and exchange
of ideas, methods and discussion
of conditions among farmers
would result in the saving of
much loss of time and energy.
The writer docs't know much
about the grando work not hav
ing lived in the cummunity
where their influence has been
felt, but from general informa
tion we are impressed with the
good accomplished by the grange
throughout the farming district
of the West. That it would be
a great benefit to countries
where new and untried condi
tions exist seems patent.
Not only in the raising of crops
him at Burns will reach him.
Rough and dressed lumber of
all kinds now on hand at the
Williams Bros. Saw Mill. Rough
lumber $15 per thousand.
Real Estate and Insurance
Fair Dealing
Post Office Building, Burns, Ore.
Special Train
Io Seashore,
The Oregon, Washington Rail
road & Navigation Company will
operate a special train consisting
of freo reclining chair cars, tour
ist and standard sleeping cars to
Portland in connection with
Steamer T. J. Potter to the re
sorts on Long Bench and Astorio.
Specinl will leavo Baker at G:15
p.m., Wednesday August 23rd,
arriving Portland following
morning at 7:15 a. m. Passen
gers may have choice of steam
ers leaving Portland nt 8:30a.m.,
or at 8:00p.m., either the day of
Urrival or tho day following. A
rate of $12.50, children half fare,
will be made from Baker and the
tickets will be good for fifteen
days, permitting stopover privil
eges at Portland and Astoria on
the return. Reduced rates will
bo mado on tho Sumpter Valley
Ry. Mako sleeping car reserva
tions through the Agent of tho
O WR&N Co. at Baker.
Buy it now. Now is tho time
to buy a bottle of Clmmbcrlian's
Colic, Cholera and Dinrroea Rem
edy. It is almost certain to bo
needed beforo tho summer is
ovei. This remedy has on sup
erior. For snlo by all good Dealers,
Burns, Oregon.
Hardware and Crockery
Guns and Ammunition
of all kinds
Get our prices before buying:
Always ready for job printing.
Four well equipped lines. Excellent facilities
for transportation of mail, express, passengers
Prairie City to Burns. Vale to Burns
Burns to Diamond Burns to Venator
E. B. WATERS, Agent.
ARCHIE M'GOWAN, President nnd Manager
Harney County Abstract Company
Modern and Complete Set of Indexes
An Abstract Copy of Every Instrument on Record in
Harney County.
Homestead Locations
Secretary and Notary
w. i. i.ns-iuK,
AluunKcr und Sajemntin,
ltuirnnuiilTliat Which UTntwil und llctlnblu, ami Uandlo BuccuHslully nil BnrU o( itoul Kstatu Unalnoss. Wo aro
Af.oiUB I'ur tlio Reliable
Wo Know Our llnel-
Talk Your Hon! Katiile Mattore Ovur With Ub. Your HiiBlnoaa Will Us Strictly Oonlldontlal.
jicsb, Attend To Our llutlnoaa and Want Your lUisInoBH,
N. A. DIBBLE, Propt.
Courteous treatment, rates reason
ableGive me a caM
A First Claws Bar in Cpnnection