The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, July 15, 1911, Image 2

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4r If
25 per cent off Men's and Boy's Summer Suits
15 per cent off on Boy's Wash Suits
15 per cent off on ail Straw and Panama Hats
Schenk Brothers
Merchant Tailors and Outfitters
Burns, Oregon. Odd Fellows Bldg
teiiaivc improvements til onco
nnd lntor give n (lay service in
ordor to furnish power to those
who desire it. This 1h a tnovo in
the Hslit direction nnd ono Hint
will meet the npprovnl of nil who
pntronfzo the concern.
Tho work of remodling tho hi
llissner InilldiiiK is proKressin
most satisfactorily. It will not
ho mi extensive as at first contem
plated owinjr to . restrictions
placed by tho city council in ex
uding certain requirement in
tho buildinK. Mr. Hissner has
countermanded his lumber order J. 15." Johnson hns his promis
at the mills and will only re- iiitf Hiring of hnrness horses in
model tho first lhor for tho pre- good sbnpo now nnd has promised
sent. In Sunday afternoon mntinco on
Tho excavation work for the July 2.'! at tho fair grounds with
big two story brick Times-Herald good exhibitions,
building is about, completed There will be two harness races
and tho brick work will in tho nfternoon and ono saddlo
soon begin. A deep well has , horse race. This is u move to
been sunk on the premises this
week by Smith & Swain and tho
surface water cased olf. It Isj
intended to run tho pump by
power and furnish an ample
water system for tho entire
building oventunlly.
stimulate interest in tho fair
week performances and local
people should go out. Tho bar
ness events will bo tho best ever
seen on the local track as Mr.
Johnson has colts that go in
faster timo than has ever been
$lic tjjwcjtcvaul
HATllIttiAY. Jln I . 1411
Ono Year . . i
Six Month I 'M
Three Munllii. . . , 1
JULIAN I! Villi - - -
Up to this time stock has been
practically all that brings in out
side money. Conditions have
made this business rather unprofi
table of late years and many old
slock men have disposed of their
herds. They have great bodies
of land which with n market for
products in reach will bring in
adequate revenue nnd thus bring
the owners a retui u even though
their stock is gone.
J. It. Gould will soon begin tolnimlo in rnces.
remodel his dwelling on tho lots The vnquorosaronsked to come
adjoining the Itaptist church, in will) their saddle horses as a
He has also had a now well drill-(inirso will bo hung for them to
ed this week. 'compote for.
C. C. Lundy Is having a nice' ' - ,
cottage built on his three aero1 A HOTTER KOAD TO SILVIES
, tract recently platted near the '
river in Knst Hums. I The Times-Herald has been
C.M.Salhshury haslet tho con-.informed bv parties who have
tract, for a dwelling on his resi
dent tract recently purchased
from Mr. Lundy in the same
investigated the route that a
better road can bo had between
Hums and Silvies Valley at a
Very reasonable cost that will
The Times-Herald is not per
mitted to give its source of in
formation but it is stated on good
authority that the contract for
29 mi'es of Harriman railroad
west of Vale has been let and
oincial announcement will be si..( .mntlim- hit- imnoii nf t.
made in a short time. It is un- t0 to t,e road for shipment.
derstood actual construction r . . , ,
work will began about August1 Lf 'ek s fst ecn,s l
lst I reached all over the northwest
This is certainly good news' but "ot ,nuch tIamnR0 1,I,S
.? ...:n i.: ir ! ......i resulted.
.iiiu win uniiK wuriv mm kuuu
W. Y. IvJmr nnd Inn limtlinrlnvniil Min nlii'ilnl flltnli twor Mm
" ." ... have another attractive little' mountcin at Cold Springs. Tho
iJarnes is visiting cot jge( micr roof for Fredi new route would go to the west
Kacine in the sanie block with of tho present road and come up
tho residence recently completed from Silvies on an easy grade
for him. from the Metschan place and
It is hoped to have plans for through a natural pass down
the new" $10,000 public school I near the river to Hums.
1 Mrs. J. T
her daughter, Mrs. L. N. Stallaid
on Otis Cieck.
i Miss Enid Cawlfield has gone
over to Otis creek to visit her
sister, Mrs. Kd. Stallard.
l G. Smith is getting ready to i mi'I(n'"tf .'" readiness for bids in' This route would be more di-
' I nl.nul l.i.. I . a II. . . a if
a short time,
J. It. Wheeler of the Hums
Electric Light & Power Co. has
cheer to Ihe many waiting poo- frank Welcome and family returned irom rortlaiul wliese lie
pie of this interior country who (are preparing to leave for a va-1 purchased two more 2J0 horse
have waited long and patiently cation trip in the mountains to power turbines and other inn
for some relief. With many , spend the hot period. chinerv necossarv to inerejwo lln
After nearly three years' Kcnorating capacity of the plant.
woik the first two miles of Ihe u m nuenucu to errect an ad
Celilo canal have been completed ditionnl plant at the Sweek dam
by the contracting firm having and also install steam power,
the contract. This includes the thus beingable to look after their
upper end. of the. canal and , natrons at all times and furnish
lights regardless of mishaps.
thousand acres capable of pro
ducing crops, irrigation projects
to cover thousands of acres
awaiting closer connection with
transportation in order to place
them upon paying basas it means
a transportation and that the
Big Harney County is soon to
come into its own.
Celilo Lock. It is expected
t lit. I iwr nnnhinf t h wwi rrt to
Urn nnnnl will bo mmn to nnvifn-1 We understand it is Ihe inten
tion. Hon of the company to make ox-
rcct and be a convenience to the
big travel in that direction. It
should be further investigated
and if found feasible the propel
application should be mndo to
the court to have it viewed out
and established.
Tho trout market took a tum
ble this week when Dr. J. W.
Ash ford and son I'hil and V. G.
Cozad and son Hoduoy left for
Upper Canyon creek for a few
days fishing. Ponding their return
trout have been quoted in local
markets for one dollar a ton.
They took enough canned salmon,
herring, sardines, smoked stru
geon to last for a fl vo days trip.
Blue ML Ragle.
Mrs. Mary Knyoraft entertain
ed tho L. N. Society at her homo
Thursdny afternoon.
Lota Richardson, who has been
on the sick list is able to bo out
Viola Cobb has accepted a po
sition with Mrs. Sam Graves for
the summer.
Henry Goodlow and family are
spending tho summer months on
llieir fnrm.
Arthur Whitney spent Ralur
day and Sunday in Burns visit-
injrlila parents, (and others.)
C. E. LeMay nnd family who
have been spending a fow days
in tho mountains retcrned to
their homo on Saturday of last
Mr. Hayes and family spent
Sunday nftentoon visiting with
friends here.
Mrs. Hinton of Hillsborn is
visiting at the homo of Mrs. G.
M. Cobb.
II. I,f. Hunlly came down from
UuniB on Monday accompnnled
by Donald Jockisch of Harriman.
A. T. Haycraft is expected
homo from Junturn the beginning
of tho week.
Wo welcome Arthur Saunders
in our community who has come
to live on his homestead.
Brown's Satisfactory Store
Ileautifiil and attractive line of While Lawn and Linen Waists
will be offered at a ureal reduction durinf this sale
100 $1.25 Waists, - - 73o. ,150 $1.75 Waists, - - $l,OQ
200 $2.25 and $2.50 Waists, $51-5 O
Our waists are the latest for Summer wear and
as we buy direct from New York you are buy.j
ing the most stylish waists worn,
Mr. Van Sant and his son Tom
nro haying with Mr. Clemments.
Work horses for sale weighing
from 1200 to 1500 lbs. four to six
years old.- I. M. Davis, Drewsey
A. S. Whitney is just recover-, ,m Ki:ntTIio Jorgensen
ingfrom tho-lthof Juiycelebra-latore building on Main Street.
Inquire at Win. Miller s ollice in
the Mnsonic building.
ill :
Build Up Your Own Town and Community
Keeping up with the times and the growing demands of the great
for all classes of merchandise under one roof
have established and will maintain an up to date department store.
A few of the thousands of articles carried in stock enumerated below
tion having indulged to freely
the sporti of the tiny.
Our worthy school clerk J. M.
Hoffeditz has just returned from
his trip to Huntington. He is
very much in love with tho
sheep business but was very glad
to get back to Valley View.
Jack Kaiiiut.
Tho Home Hotel is the comfor
tablo placo to board.
Ueatos for sale, all sizes and
lengths, price 20 cenla per fool.
Any one desiring Kudos address
W. A. Ford of J. O. Allicrhon,
Alberson, Oregon.
Blue prints of any township in
Burns Iuind District, showing
name of entryman, date and kind
of entry, topography, etc., $1.00.
each. Piatt T. Handall. Burns,
Never leave home on n journey
without a bottle of Chamberlain
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy. It is almost certain to
bo needed and cannot bo obtained
when on board the cars or steam
ships." For sale by all good
Nnlipo is bori'bv trivnn Mint
there arc sufficient funds in tiie Strnteht grade flour bbl
county treasury to redeem all 'ancy patent flour bbl fi.70
Harney county warrants register- l rcs!'l r,cc lrU11 suar Per
ed prior to May 1st, 1911. In-
To those who contemplate going out for thei
we wish to submit for consideration our
100 lbs
I at nil alfctA l.AnBm
lerest ceases on nil such warrants ,,er 100 lbs G CO
from July 8, 191 1. Bayoand pink beans, 100 lbs. a00
hiMON U:vts, J No. 1 Japan rice ". " G.50
1 reasurer of Harney County. Flno (iftiry rait f0 lb mck qq
Slock salt in 50 lb. sack per
' 100 lbs 1.35
,, . . ,..".".", .. , Canned table fruits: peaches
In re Itotittxof M.illMu IiiIhh ltd Inn, ' iwirs iihltim HiricotH '
.1-.. i. . . . : .v -.--.
Appolnlmcnl ul AJinlnlilmlor.
I.IHTH c 7 unit n i
il..i i ' . .! :."."' ' "'"r wren
lint ib UnJmlr.frllH'.l Uloir, ciuLracliiK J
rrr(. wlllOii lh M.llivur N'.llon.l t'nu.
Ulrfiiti, will Up (ukjirl lu kuluiiu n, vllr)
lhUiilnlVutciuiUliiirln( JuiH' II. lw"
l Ilium. l)reon,ou JuljrA mil. AUr wilier
wIiowm rliullr nj In kooJ fnitl, rlnlmliiK
nr of ..1,1 Undi for nrlculliir.l .uri..i.
wfor lo Jinn.r; 1. 1 mm, dJ II. uoi i,.i!,Iuii
ml Kkiua, liu k prfffrrnc rllil in mk
... w .,.. ,.,.,.,,.,, lkti (ir inula h
liiiiiiflil ynlrr forllia laiuli .clu.llr writ
.led. Hul.l Imiil. Mam llitcil uixiii I ho ni.pllra
lllltlM tl ftiu a.a.a....- at...., a a . "
N'otk'u Im lirri'liy Ivuii Hi it llm iimli r
hIkmuI linn U-oii ilul) iiiiolnliil lint ail-
mliiliitralur ul llm iiIkiu cxluln dy llir
CoiiiiI) t'oiirl of llnrni'v Coiiuh, Orc
ein, nliuri-lu audi rxlnlti la ikmhIIih;,,
wlili'li iiiK)iiiliiicnt niM'r 1 1) iinli'r
duly iniiile ami unliTuil.timl Img iiinlill.
ihI, All praoiia limiiiK claim iiuiiinct .
aaltl I'.taln nro riiiln-il lo prt tfotit them
ultli iroicr M)iicliirri witlilu U imiiitliii
from ilnto of tlila nutleo, ami ah liy Inu
reiitilntl, i-tliii iiiiili'mlu'iiiil mlmliiic
Iralur nl liln plmT u( liutlnuaH lit lltirnr,
Ott'Kou, or ul tin' (illiio ol ti A. Itrni
liolil, lltlriis, OrcK'on, liln iiMnriif)
D.itf.1 Mny Itllli, 11)11.
I'icht imlillrulloii Mny. 20th. lilll.
PlattT. Uanimi.i,,
pineapples, blackberries.
grapes, 20c. a can, 2 1 cans
to case, per case
$5.70 Sweet corn, 2-1 cans to case,
per case
lomaloes 2-1 cans, to case,
per case
Swift's bacon well stieakedj
with lean, per lb
10 lb. pails Silver Leaf lard,
per pail a
Mocha and Java blend coffee !
3 lbs
Other blends at 25c. and SOci
W . a a .
aaa uasior macnine on in i
Ion cans, per can, GOc
: - " " i't.ii. lucuiiiiucii uaiow. wiio
. . PMiaraiica ililit lul.lcri la llm nrlur
I'plltatil lanulial to titako tiouiuaivail enlr
1.'!!' ,U'? l'.'"'"1.". rl,,, ' oimcUwI prior In
J III I 'JA.IuIl.flllwMMi ,t.l.. tl... I....1. U.III . 1....
Jul lo cltlcinant aihl eiilrr Ur anr .jnallrie.l
IWrillll Tttal lal.,1. . . l ..: . '-( ...
AttirSfHKUn NWI?,.V.V,i','""?K..t l'?. ,"
"I Wi.7 "li .' Hki'i uf sw J 'i" v," r.r, .
.. 13 LI f urii ..all..'" ' " Ml "V
Dry Goods I Wares of all kind
A Complete Line of Staple and
Fancy DRY GOODS' including
Ladies Cloaks, Waists, Skirts, Sweat
ers, Shawls, Hand Bags, Beds and
Bedding, Undermuslins, Dress Goods,
Hosiery, Corsets and Corset Covers.
Gent's Supplies
The Most Complete and Up-to-Date
Gents' Furnishing Dep't.
Men and Boys Suits and Overcoats,
Socks, Neckties, Collars and Cufrs,
CufT Buttons and Links, New Stock
of Working and Dress Shirts, Hats,
Caps, Gloves, Underwear Suspenders,
Levi Strouss and "Boss of tho Road"
Overalls, Jumpers, Linen Dusters.
Drugs, Oils, Etc.
We mention here a few of Ihe very
things carried in this department.
Perfumery, Face Powder, Creams and
Solutions, Toilet Articles, Bluo Vilrol,
Formaldehide, Chloride Lime, Turpen
tine, Gasoline, Kerosene, Lubricating
Oils, Stock and Poultry Foods, Insect
Powders nnd all Household Remedies.
Pure California Wines, Grape Juico
and Liquors for household purposes.
Pure, denatured and wood alcohol,
bal soda.
Are so representative in character
that it is possible to furnish your home.
WOODENWAKB Brooms, Brushes,
Willow Ware, Water Bags, Barrels
and Kegs and chopping bowls, etc.
QUEENSWARK Fine China, Cut
Glass, Silver Deposit Ware, Mirrors,
Cooking Utensils, Pottery, Lamps.
HARDWARE-Nails, Garden Tools,
Rope, Cuttlery - Full line of Tinwnro
JEWELRY Clocks, Watches, Stick
Pins, Belt Buckles, Chains, Fobs.
Headquarters Sport
ing Goods, Guns, Am
munition Fishing and
Camping Outfits.
Tents, Tarpaulians &
Wagon Covers.
Boots and Shoes
Prices Reasonable.
We are proud of this department and
can give satisfaction to all Men,
Women mid Children. We carry the
celebrated Buckingham &, IFccht line.
All honorable Competition Met.
For family, friends and yourself if
you purchnse a PHONOGRAPH with
RECORDS. Wo havo them in stock.
Children's Dep't
Our Children's Department is so
complete Hint we can furnish your
little ones from top to toe. Wo have
not overlooked the Dolls and Toys.
Of all kinds -Flour, Bacon, Lard,
Honoy, Grnin, Grass Seed, and Feeds,
all kind of Farm 'Produce, Fresh Fruit
and Vegetables, Evaporated Fruits.
Special Articles
Umbrellas, Parasols, Trunks, Vnllses,
Suit Cases, and llutterick Patterns.
&V.,0,.83Mf''K. ' Urn w uf V,,,,
IJf) . SWA"'0, 'i "q lh0 H"i W'iiit
tTIVT1 nJ,.hw uVi it
Oaorga y Willi. in., Iliirna. Oreuuii! l.iunjitT.
I lie ri t nl HW of Ht (, h,o a T,a HH of HI, u
NtiV.f svi J'"iK' '." W ""' li N Jul
H.?',ufc V.'tS" ,0i''"l Uio N!, of Ntt'of
I'nintiiiK, Taper Haagin, Sisii Wriling
Estimntos given on nil classes of
such work.
Headquarters at French Hotel
.uttKvi h . !,; i' ;:?,""","'
In Crane Flat on Calamity
Creek. All kinds of Lum
ber on hand at reasonable
1.80 j
We are well stocked
Men's Boys' and Youths' Clothing!
Hats and all kinds of furnishings. Also
Ladies' Misses' and Children's
wearing apparel of every description
Our prices in all departments compare favorably
with the prices In our Grocery Department
and remember you will hae 70 miles
in your favor if you come this way.
TYkTnrl Tttcft-VT aTfe-YXia-Mj-fn
krju.u .awc&jr a JL CgVJU.
Now's the Time to Get Ready to Put in Croj
Grain and Wool Bags, Sack and
Binder Twine
Your Business Solicited,
We Have Opened Offices in the New Masonic
liuildina in Hums, and are Prepared
TA Furnish Accurate, Rliable
" and Complete Abstracts of
Title to all Lands in Harney Co.
npA Buy and Sell Real Estate in
" Large and Small Tracts.
Write Fire Insurance in the
Strongest Old Line Comp'ies
8,000 acre tract irrigated land
best in Central OregonFirst
class colonization project. TERMS
All Business Intrusted To Us Will lieccive
Prompt and Careful Attention.
Itooms 4 and 5 Masonic Huildinjr.
W.3 HAVE p,ows Harr0ws
f . . f 4 te m m 4 C
teeners, wmfl vi (
7 .. ... A -..
Pumps, Hose, Scrapers,
Wagons, Hacks
Buggies and Carts.
inv r anions notary Harm
to Attach to Sulky or
Gang Plows
Come In and See Us Be lore Buying
Young's Meat Market & Ml
v - -,- w w - . . ,
Job Printi ny