l 1. f ! : 4 :! ' .? ': S ; ( i i. I, ii A H I4 . :.'l ? n 4 H i i'i1 i ' j a- 1 J s f' -a r ; 5 SCBSuin iiaijJMa'auiiiiiiuMiMiaiiiaiwiiawMBiBMMiaiii &&& f V Schenk Brothers Merchant Tailors and Outfitters Burns, Oregon. Odd Fellows Bldg. NEW SPRING GOODS Now on Display, Including Suits, Hats, Shoes, Underwear, Shirts, Collars, Cuffs, Ties Newest Styles in Straw Hats Panamas, Crush Dicers, etc CLEANING AND PRESSING PRICES ARE RIGHT--THE PLACE TO BUY We carry the I J. -V. 1). Under wear in Union and Two Piece Suits. Tlio muln entrance lo this sec ond flaor will bo from Main street with easy Btnirway nnd there will ttlso Lo oxits nt tho baelt lendfnjr. down two ways. VAI.LHY VIMV CULGDRATES Thti 4th of July celebration hold On tho beautiful grounds of tho Scott Hayes placo under tho ruiBplcoa 6f Valley View Grango No. wv turned out lo bo ono of ''TUX'' KI2AUB DKOWNL'I). William 10. Heado, one of tho most popular and highly esteem ed young men of thin section, lost hla lifo by drowning irj, Sll vies Iiivor near the. Isliyui ranch of tho P. L. S. Co. tab Sunday aftornoon. fQ ovo a party down to tlio vhiiqU from Burns Sunday just after noon to spend a few hours. Mr. Gilcrcst, tho ,, . -... . vaviuiiuu iiunii.y UI1U MIB8 V(!m ho most successful events ovwj Hendricks wovo of tho party nnd linlil in llnviinv nnnnlv Tim" ... .. . ... ' ""' , -- mi worn oni lo tlio river to fish day was ideal and tho peoplo.Mr. lleado discovered uomo young turned mt in largo numbers over KQM0 umj told Mr. Holland ho 200 being present. Tho varioua would trnt Home. 1I WM .. v. committees of tho Grange work port swimmer nnd tho rest of ginion but had spent a portion of hm lifo In Tc7:as, Inter going toNcw York, than to this section. Ho was 27 years old arid an or phan. Mr. Rcado had been elected to membership nnd re ceived ono degreo in the local Masonic, lodge. ed hard and deserve great credit for tho preparation mndo, Tlio tho party wont up tho stronm loaving him to have hla fun. Mr. program or tlio uay was earned : Holland returned, to tho placo a out to tho letter and enjoyed by , ahort time later where ho found all. Tho literary program start ed nt 10:30 a. in. and consisted of tho follewing: Introductory Remarks, - - - - Chairman A. Thos. Kaycraft Instrumental Solo - - - - Mr. Kendi'u clothing but nothing of tho young man. Ho called to him but received no response. Ho at onco called tho others of thu party took tho auto nnd hnstoned lo the ranch houso for Iltc tmosx-prtard. 8A1URDAY, JUI. !. 1311 ttiiiiM;itirrtoN uatkh This will bo ono of the largest and most substantial building in 1 Hums. The first floor is practi cally all spoken for and will bo occupied by offices with a lino plate glass front store building extending tho entire depth on the north side. There will be i four attractive, well lighted ' oflico rooms on the front of tho i building, on tho second floor, two of which have already been , spoken for. The rest of tho floor Additional ground has boon will be devoted to a purchased this week adjoining and opera house with a floor spneo the original site for The Times- 01 over auuu loot with a large Una Year Six Month! . Thtte Mouth,. 10' 7t --- - Morcnco Ilolloditx.holp. They begnn to search with National Anthem "America" ;poles and a raft to find tho body Sung by all but at dnrk had not been hucccss- Invocntlon - - O. 1). Howard 'fui. Monday morning some Vocal Trio grappling hooks were put in uso - Misses Cobb and IIo(Tcdilznn(l about 8 o'clock the body was Oration of Tho Day ..... foun,i entangled in weeds about H. R Huntley G feet from tho shore on the op- Song by Grange "Plow, Spnde posito sido of tho stream from and Hoe" whoro hu had gone in. Tho body Recitation "Tlio old Settlor" - 'was in such position as would in- Mrs. Berda Wertjdicaten hard struggle to cxtri- Kccitntion - - Miss Hazel Cobb' cato himself from the entangling Valley View Limericks - - - "weeds. Tho remains were lirou- A. S. Whitney, ght to Hums and prepared for btnr bpangled Uanner", by All) burial, tho funeral service being Immediately following the lit- held at the Holland HomuTues- erary exercised the call for din- day afternoon by Key. C. W. tier was announced. Tho tables illollomnn, a (juurtet consisting woro spread under tho willow' of Mrs. J. L. GaulL Mr. Hnrrv lULIAN IIYKft - Hitn.rx THG TIMES-UEPALI) 1IUILDIN0. grove and wero fairly loaded with all the delicacies of the season. McIIose, C. B. Smith nnd P. T, Randall furnishing the music, Interment va made in the Mas- Aizuup. m. mo Hem sports onic cemotary. The funeral w a; were run ofr consisting of vnr- largely attended and the proces ious races, tug of war and basoision to the cemetery was made ball game. The tug of war. hm eotirelv of Automobile with public hair married men vs. single men was won by tho former. The base ball game Valley View vs. Law Herald building. Phil G. Smith bought the 25x100 strip belong ing to J. T. Barnes and with The Times-Herald man will cover the entire space of 50x100 feet with n two-story brick building. McGowan & Swain, who hail the first contract, building and have in. readiness. tht exception of the hearse. Deceased who w.is familiarly Vnown as "Tex" had been here stage, dressing rooms, lockers, en was tho most exciting event I for several years. He was, form- check rooms, etc. It is the in- of tho day, the score bemj tention of the owners to make 10 in favor of the Lawcn team, ley ns chauffeur and private sec thisoneof the most attractive The nigger baby stand ltrnvml i retnrv. hmvim,- him v,tr nn.l play houses in this part of the great success and wan well pat-1 later being employed by Supt. stnto with necessary scenery, ronizod. Ice cream. lemonade, Gilcrcst of tho P. US. Co. to comfortable scats, ventilation, cigars nnu cnuutes. were served A II U'nnl hrmm h.i.u.i A. DNB ENTERTAINMENT. ThoBong recitnlby Mrs. Harry McIIoso. assisted by Mrs. M. V. Dodge, violinist, and Miss Urusit DodBon, render, last Monday ovoning was highly appreciated by a largo tnidlonco. The work of tho ladies; was high class in ovcry particular and much ad mired by their many friends. All were Bhowercd. with congratula tions following the entertainment Such entertainments are a credit to tho city and will bo most wel- como in tho future. A very neat and satisfactory Hum was added to lho Presby terian church building fund nnd all couccrned are pleased. lJJSliJiJl'JWWi'iiiiiiiiinmM" ' ' " ' ' j , I, i ..wiiiii; iV."'i''i -"'"' if 'MIS MODEL WIFE" JULY 22. Miss Drusa Dodson and Miss ATnrion Cummins arc preparing i a two-part entertainment which will bo rendered at Lochor's hall I on July 22. These young Indies ore pleasing entertainers, the former a reader, the latter pos sessing u very swectund pleasing high soprano voice. Tho first tKirt of tho enterUiin ment will consist of readings and vocal solos and tho second -wr-HCXTE! WAIST SALE Brown's Satisfactory Store COMMENCING MONDA Y, JUNE IkmUilul and attractive line of White Lawn ami Linen Waul, will be offered at a prcai njwuw ""! - - WM1.25 WulBln, - - 730. 150 $1.75 Waists, - - X. 200 $2.25 and $2.50 Waists, Sl-30 rv,,- uicrc orp thp bitpct or bummer weai ar as we buy direct from New York you are by ino- the most stylish waists worn, "Ti iiHjLimi i ii ii mi i iiiiifcMimiiMiiiwift"te i lp mi ii bum t -f -" w mm ww Work horses for sale weighing from 1200 to 1500 lbs. four to six years old.- I. M. Davis, Drewsey Oregon. Foit UBNT-The Jorgensen ruilllm n vnw liiiitrhnlilu comedv store building on Main htreer. "His Model Wife." There nroi ten characters in the cast and the young ladies will be assisted in ila production by local friends. Tho comedy is ono act and re quires about an hour and twenty nunutcs. Saturday has been selected as the data as a convenience to those out in tho hay fields who may wish to attend. Inquire at Wm. Miller's oflico in the Masonic building. WARRANT CALL. I To those who contemplate going out fi tor HARVEST ORDEfi i we wish to submit for consideration os PRICES m I i drive his ttWlMttnn ITim ittno n Will erect the heat, toilets and everything ncc-,0".1"? """ " J 2 .' very nirrecablo vounir man who tho plans all essary to the enjoyment of Us better for having boon there. ' was Particularly liked by all his patrons. 1 jACK Raiihit!, acquaintances. lie was a Vir- TRADE AT HOME! Buiid Up Your Own Town and Community Keeping up with the times and the growing demands of the great HARNEY VALLEY COUNTRY for all classes of merchandise under one roof LUNABURG DALTON & CO. have established and will maintain an up to date department store. A few of the. thousand articles carried in stock are enumerated below Dry Goods Wares of all kind Entertainment Rcatos for sale, all sizes and lengths, price 20 cents per foot Any one desiring Rcatos address W. A. Ford of J. O. Alberson, Albcrson. Oregon. Wuo printa of any township in Hums Land name of cntryman, date and kind of entry, topography, etc., $1.00 each. Piatt T. Randall, Burns, Ore. Never leavo homo on a journey without a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It is almost certain to bo needed and cannot be obtained when on board the cars or steam ships. For sale by nil good Dealers, Wol.ce is noreny jrivuii ..,.. gt . hfc de flour bb, there are sufficient funds in the bM county treasury, to redeem an rescnicefruitsUBarper Harney county warrants register- ioo lbs C.75 ed prior to May 1st, 1911. In- j Trff0 or 8tnan white beans tercet ceases on all such warrants from July 8, 1911. Simon Lr.wis, Troaauror of Harney County. Appointment ol AdmlnlMralor. A Complete Line of Staple and Fancy DRY GOODS including Ladies Cloaks, Waists, Skirts, Sweat ers, Shawls, Hand Bags, Beds and Bedding, Undcrmuslins, Dress Goods, Hosiery, Corsets and Corset Covers. Gent's Supplies The Most Complete and Up-lo-Date Gents' Furnishing Dep't. Men and Boys Suits and Overceats: Socks, Neckties, Collars and Cuffs, Cuff Buttons and Links, New Stock of Working and Dress Shirts, Hals, Caps, Gloves, Underwear Suspenders, Levi Strouss and "Boss of the Road" Overalls, Jumpers, Linen Dusters. Drugs, Oils, Etc. We mention here n few of the very things carried in this department. Pfrf umery, Face Powder, Creams and Solutions, Toilot Articles, Bluo Vitrol, Formaldehide, Chlorido Lime, Turpen tine, Gasoline, Kerosene, Lubricating Oils, Stock and Poultry Foods, Insect Powders and all Household Remedies. Pure California Wines, Grnpo Juice and Liquors for household purposes, Prices Reasonable. Are, so representative in character that it is possible to furnish.your home. WOODEN WARE- Brooms. Brushes, Willow Ware, Water Bags, Barrels and Kegs and chopping bowls, etc QUEENSWARE -Fine China, Cut Glass, Silver Deposit Ware, Mirrors, Cooking Utensils Pottery, Lamps.. HARDWARE-Nails, Garden Tdolfr. Rope, Cuttlery Full lino of Tinware JEWELRY-Clocks, Watches. Stick Pins, Belt Buckles, Chains, Fobs. Headquarters Sport ing Goods, Guns, Am munition Fishing and Camping Outfits. Tents, Tarpolians and Wagon Covers. Boots and Shoes We arc proud of this department and can give satisfaction to all -Men, Women nnd Children. Wo carry tho celebrated Buckingham & Hecht line. CORD WOOD All Honorable Competition Met. "For family, friends and yourself if you purchnso a PHONOGRAPH with RECORDS. Wo have them In stock. Children's Dep't Our Children's Department is so complete that wo can furnish your littlo ones from top to too. Wo have not overlooked tho Dolls and Toys. Groceries Of all kinds Flour, Bacon, Lard,, Honey, Grain, Grass Seed, and Feeds?,' all kind of Farm Produce, Fresh Fruit nd Vegetables, Evaporated Fruits. Special Articles Umbrellas, Pnrasols, Trunks, Valises, .Suit Cases, nnd liuttcrick Patterns. STATIONARY, SCHOOL SUPPLIES TOBACCO AND CIGARS NOTIONS -- C0NFECT10NARIES Grain and Wool Sacks and Bags Binder Twine Your Business Solicited. In tc Kfttntc iI MtitlMii 1-oulsu It a Inc. lcceaMil : Nottcu In hereby k1(n thai tlio under rIkikmI linn Iwon duly iiijhiIiiIciI tlio ad District Showing I mlnUlrntor of th nbou ivtuttt by tin ... ,, County Court of Ilaniwy County, Oro- gun, wliurdn Kild cotati) Is IkhhIIiih, wJiicli iiiipoiiitmcnl flipoaTH b) order doly uiiulo nnd ontcrud, and line qunllll wl. All perrons ImviiiR clnlmn i;n1iint nalil rutnlo oro riulriil to prenont tboin with prox;r Ynucherti within tx month from latu of thin notlco, and ns by law required, to tho umlornli'ili'd adiniiiU trator nt bin place of biieinen at JJiirnn, Oregon, or at tlio oflico of (i, A. Horn bold, Hums, Oregon, IiIk iittornex. Dated .May 101b, 1011. Kirhl publicntioii May. l!0th, ltU. 1'i.attT. 11 as hall, Adinlnietrator. ner 100 lbs 6.G0 Bayoand pink beans, 100 lbs. 9.00 No. Uapan rice " ." G.50 Fine.dairy salt 50 lb. sack .90 Stock salt in B0 lb. sack per 100 lbs , L35 Canned table fruits: peaches "" pears, plums, apricots, pineapples, blackberries, grapes. 20c a can, 2-1 cans to cose, per case '1.80 We are well stocked with DRY $5.70 , Sweet corn, 2-1 c4 ns t 0.(0, per case TomaUtj; 21 can-- toe per case bwut s uacon wcu stt with lean, per lb 10 lb. pails Silver Ledl per pail Mocha and Java blendi 3 lbs Other blends at L5c i pound. XXX Castor machined Ion cans, per u n. 1.1HTH 'JOT mil HVI. KKsinu tion ti pntkv ok i.aniwin NATIONAL KliltKHT-MulIro Ii littir nlven tlmt Ilinttnil.lfiirrllO liclow. tfnilimcliiic rrn. wlililn Itin iUlliour .Nxloiul Knrl. ot e". "Ill tx titjcel lu ttlamunt ruiI onlry uuilrrMia iirurlilom of lti Immi'ilml Itviiol ma umi.i1 Hllei uil um ci o Juno II, nni (34 8Ut. SO), at the Unltol Ptitc, Uuil iifllre I tiurni, Ur(on, ou Juljr'A nil, Aur Miller wnowwi trituiiy im in goou mult in kiir i Mm imitu mr usiicuiiurnl whowu trttully kiid In gooil IkIiIi prior In Jtnnirj I, IWM, ml liu not almmloii llnlciB Mlv.i, eil m-.iic, Iim a udernco rlutil In inkc liomiliil ontrjr for tlio Unili artually orn lilri). Halit UmU woro lUtvtt Umii tlin ir lloDi of tliu tmifoni incutlimcil I it low, win. H.i.. 1'ivi.i.iii. iirii. .ui'jvi.. lu met ltriltr rlgtitolaiiraucaiiUtar,iruviilttiiiicliielliiror o nrali'Miito rleht li xp,iiUril n July '.u.llHI.unwlilrhiUtutluilaiiOi will lw in I. aviillrant la'iuallllcilto makehonifialaail tinir. um inapraicrouia rigru i Bxcrrincii nrlor Id )ello ellltmaul ami entry by any i)iiallilit Jiaraoil. Tha lamia ar a follona TlioW.nf HI j ofHKh "1 NW U.llio V14 of NWU of riVi. V'v Ilia BKW ol S of NW'. th nroi "i ""! "i nni. ino r', oi bwjc oi w., Ilig hki, ol NV K BWfl Ol BWJC OI W., Ilig HKI, of NW. of hV)t of NV4. Ilia WU nf 1, of NKJ ofBWU, tha Wt.of Wtf nf HKJiot H' Ihi KU ol HWliof flVi, ami tlio Vj.of P. U HWiof HWf(, Hue I. anil lho ) of Wjluf NWIof NWlf. lho Eljof NWJ.iil V.-W', ami tha KU of W). of XWliot NUti.H.w iv.t -ji liof Wl.'of SWKi H.T. 81 K.. . M , l.M aorM. aillcalioii nf i.uuran ,1 .iiiiirhii, lilirui, wrrKOU j l.llLDJt7 The 8'of BWJ.' of H J, Sao. 1; lh HU nf HU of HKlj, rfao. i Ilig NK'i ol NW L ami tlio Nil nf NljnlNK!.. Roc 10, ami lho SU of NH!of N WW. Heo II, T. W H , U. ! K., 1(6 acrra, appll cation ol JOirpli T (larruli, llurna, Ortxuii, l.lilDUi h, V. I'ruinlni, Aaiialani Cnmmla lunar nf tliaUeiicral Uml oniro. Arpnrd Uay A, 1011, Frank I'lcrcr, I Irat Atalatant Hac rotary of Ilia Inllrlor, C. E. LEMAY I'aintinR, I'aper llanj;iiig, Sinu Wriliug Estimates given on nil classes of such work. AGIiNT IIENRV BOSCH WALL I'Al'liR Headtpiarters at French Hotel Calamity Sawmill 1IOWI3& IIANKINS, Props. In Crane Flat on Calamity Creek. All kinds of Lum ber on hand at reasonable prices. GOOfl Men's Boys' and Youths' Clotll Hats and all kinds of furnishings. Ak! Ladies' Misses' and Child , r .,:,: !. wearing apparei 01 every uu&ciijiiuu ,s Our prices in all departments compare with the prices in our Grocery Depars COHPARE PRICES RAILROAD PO .j ,a T and remember you will have 70 mik in vour favor if voti come this wava G. BOYCE IRA WHOLESALE and RETAIL MERCIP Jolin Say, Oregon i Now's the Time to Get Ready (o Put i THE BU .NS DEPARTIVIENT STORE We Have Opened Offices in the New Masonic Building in Burns, and arc Prepared TA Furnish Accurate, Rliable " and Complete Abstracts of Title to all Lands in Harney Co. npA Buy and Sell Real Estate in ' " Large and Small Tracts. TA re ire Insurance in the ' Strongest Old Line Comp'ies 8.000 acre tract irrigated land best in Central Oregon- First class colonization project. TERMS All Business Intrusted To Us Will Receive Prompt and Careful Attention. MOT HERSHEAD & DONEGAN Rooms i and 5 Masonic Building. WEHAVB Plows, Harrows, Seeders, Wind Pumps, Hose, Scrapers Wagons, H Buggies and Carts. ALL KINDS OF HORSE HIICI The Famous Rotary Hi T.n TT.nr.n rn Fsiu.tfiiui 4 K Gang Plows GARDEN TOOLS, i Come In and See Us Before k Young's Meat Market & d THE TIMES-HERI ' ji t & -Mr'- Job Printini